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1)du -a |sort -n -r | more ----> Shows the Dir & files by Highest size 2)dtterm -bg blac -fg white ----> !hange the terminal dis"lay #)rusers -i hostname ----> shows the users logged in remote sys $eg rusers -i %u"iter) &)logins ----> will show all the users created in machine ')logins -( -l oracle ----> shows user e(tended login info)"asswd changed time$aging) *)logins -" -----> shows users who is not ha+ing "asswd ,)iostat --n ------Shows all the de+ices connected to system .) ill -H/0 1D -------2estarts the "rocess 3)4usr4bin4"rodreg ---shows all the installed 0roducts 15)"rtconf -"+ ------shows detailed info$"artnumbers)670 etc) 11)iostat -(n -------Shows the dis stats by controller wise$each dis ) 12)"bind ------------7inds the "rocess 1#) stat ------------shows all the ernel "rocess 1&)ls -l2|sort -nr - '|head -25-------Shows to" 25 files which r using s"ace 1')i"cs -m-----Shows the shared 8emory used by each "rocess 1*)"rtconf -+"|gre" -i 9la---shows only 9la 1,)0S1:root;sfmon<----=his is used to change the "rom"t$in this it change "rom"t to <) 1.)fssna"-----=o ta e online bac u" 1mage 13)mount -"----shows all o"tions associated with filesyetems 25)4usr4"roc4bin4"ma" -( #&'*---#&'* is "rocess 1D>>>=his will show memory usage> 21)dum"adm---------to See which dum" de+ice is configured 22)dum"adm -d 4de+4ds 4c?t?d?s?----=o config dum" de+ices>>> 2#)sa+ecore -@---------=o sa+e @i+e sa+e corre> 2&)cat Atar-filenameB | tar -(+f - try this for corru"ted tar files r-----run 9ueue length b-----bloc s for i4o 2')!hec Document 1DC2121* 2*) ? echo Dtruss -aefD -o tnslsnr>truss -" 2'&3,D >trs>sh

Veritas Volume manager

+("rint -g dg -hrt-------------Ei+es detailed information +(dg list----------------------Shows the dis grou" +(+ol -g dis grou" startall----=o start all +olumes in that dis grou" +(tas -l list-----------------shows tas s running +(assist -g "rodFrawdg ma e "rodF%tf(5* 2g-----=o create +ol "rodF%t( with 2g size +(edit -g "rodFrawdg set user:Dor"brthiD grou":DdbaD "rodF%tf(5*----to change owner & grou" +(edit set failing:off dis #----Sets the flag to 6nline $+(dis if one dis shows offline) +(dis rm c2t1*d251s2-------=o remo+e dis from GG8 +(dctl enable +(dis setu" -i c2t1*d5 +(dg init dgname dis 51:c1t1*d5s-------!reates Hew dis grou" with one dis in that DE +(assist -g "rodFrawdg ma(size-- it will show the free s"ace

*** Disk add from EMC *****

1)Iirst go to -SH control manager$usr4emc4esnmgr>sh) 2)=here are two numbers$*1. -- emc1 ) 2552 - emc2) "lease refer e(cel sheet for which ser+er is connected to which ser+er #)select one *1. it wil show all the dis s)if dis s has white colour$that means this not connected to any hosts) &)select white colour dis and right clic -- add access)before this select host$crm-a) then gi+e add access> ')go to tas s -- selectall -- run -- "ress o Billing de+fsadm symin9 symin9 |gre" -i bf$e(am"le) or c2t1*d'1 "owercf -i -- ty"e $y) "owermt config +(dctl enable +(dis setu" -i c2t1*d'1 +(dg -g !/1Fdg adddis cu2Fdg52:c2t1*d2.1s2-----Jdding S"ecific dis to dis grou" +(assist -g cu1Fdg ma e cu1Fbed &5g dis 51--$creating +olume & assigning "articular dis s to it) +(edit -g cu1Fdg set user:oracle grou":rayudu cu1Fbed +(+ol -g cu1Fdg startall m fs -I +(fs -o largefiles)bsize:.132 4de+4+(4rds 4cu1Fdg4cu1Fbed 8ount -I +(fs 4de+4+(4rds 4cuFdg4cu1Fbed Crm de+fsadm symin9 symin9 |gre" -i bf$e(am"le) or c2t1*d'1 "owercf -i -- ty"e $y) "owermt config +(dctl enable +(dis setu" -i c2t1*d'1 +(dg -g "rod-oradg adddis "rod-ora,:c2t1*d'1 +(assist -g "rod-oradg ma(size -- it shows ma( size a+ailable +(resize -bf( -I ufs -g "rod-oradg "brthiFbac u" K&5g "rod-ora, -- this is for filesystem> +(assist -g rawdg -/ gen ma e +olname$"rodF%tf(22) 2g user:or"brthi grou":dba -- this is for raw +olume

Veritas Netba ku!:

b""s -a---------------shows the netbac u""rocess running netbac u" netbac u" start-------------=o start netbac u" daemons 4usr4o"en+4netbac u"4bin------all netbac u" commands 4usr4o"en+4netbac u"4bin4admincm4getFlicenseF ey------!li to +erify4add all the licenes or to add license t"conf -d ------Dis"lay config information$menu based config) a+ailableFmedia-------shows all the ta"es information sgscan ta"e-----------Shows all de+ices t"autoconf -t---------shows all ta"es

t"autoconf -show-------shows all ta"es +mdare9 -dis"lay-------=his will run on master ser+er =his will dis"lay status of dri+es 4usr4o"en+4netbac u"4bin4%nbSJ-----=o start netbac u" E/1

"""If ur ba ku! is not running # ta!e is not mounting do t$e follo%ing a ti&it'( 0lutoCSer+er %b"SJ & --> to start the restoration window> t"autoconf -t --> to chec all the dri+es are "resent are not> bb"s -a --> to chec all netbac u" deamons b"> illFall --> to ill all netbac u" deamons modinfo | gre" -i ta"e --> to find loaded ta"e modunload -i 1#3 --> to unload ta"e modinfo | gre" -i ta"e --> to cross chec cd 4de+4rmt --> directory for dri+es rm L --> to remo+e all dri+es remFdr+ sg --> to remo+e scsi generic dri+er remFdr+ st --> to remo+e scsi ta"e dri+er addFdr+ st --> to add addFdr+ sg --> to add 4etc4init>d4netbac u" start --> to start neybac u" deamons b""s -a --> to chec netbac u" deamons t"autoconf -t --> to chec all dri+es 8oonC!lient b"> illFall netbac u" start """ )o free*e # unfree*e """""" freeze -- ta"e will not a+ailable for use unfreeze -- ta"e will a+ailable b"media $4usr4o"en+4netbac u"4bin4admincmd4b"media) b"media -freeze -m M mediaid > -h hostname b"media -unfreeze -m M mediaid > -h hostname ?? if media error came then we can freeze ta"e ??

Veritas Cluster:
hagui & hastatus -summary hauser -list hagr" -state hasys -state

hastart hasto" -local -force N to sto" cluster and unmount all filesystems hagr" -online 70 -sys orion hagr" -offline 70 -sys orion tail -f 4+ar4G2=S+cs4log4engineFJ>log gabconfig -a hastatus haconf -ma erw hasys -unfreeze -"ersistent mars N to unfreeze database hasys -unfreeze -"ersistent ne"tune haconf -dum" haconf -dum" -ma ero hasys -dis"lay hagr" -online !/# -sys mars hagr" -online !/1 -sys ne"tune hastatus -summary )o sto! database tem!orarle' o"en +eritas cluster window$hagui) -- > select systemname$!/2) -- > right clic -->select freeze N again select "ersistent$subo"tion) /sername N admin "asswd -- "assword

Sun Cluster
scinstall -"+----shows S! +ersion & " gs installed with +ersion also scsstat ---------Shows the statistics scstat -O--------shows the "ri+ate n4w connecti+ity scdidadm -@----shows the did numbers of de+ices scsetu"PyesPyesPd#$e()PyesPenterPnoPyesPenterP9----adding 9uoram dis scconf -a -9 globalde+: scconf -r -9 globalde+:d#---------2emo+ing 9uoram de+ice scsetu"PonePtwoPyesPd#$e()Pyes-----2emo+ing 9uoram de+ice through scsetu" +(dg -s -------Shows the dis grou"s in both the nodes +(dg list-----------------Shows the dis grou"s +(+ol -g dg startall------Starts all the +olumes in that dis grou" scrgadm -"-------shows resourse grou" & their de"endensies$resoursety"es) scconf -c -D name:dg)sync---=o sync the new IS $this is used in cluster node) """" )O +E,IS)E+ # DE+E,IS)E+ DIS-,+O.P /+OM C0.S)E+ """"""

? scswitch -I -g raca-rg ? scswitch -n -% raca-has-res ? scrgadm -r -% raca-has-res ? scrgadm -r -g raca-rg Deregister the dis grou" from !luster framewor ? scswitch -m -D "rod-racadg ? scconf -r -D name:"rod-racadg +(dis adm -- 1 -- gi+e the dis name>$initialize)

+(assist -g "rod-oradg ma e "brthiFbac u" #12g "rod-ora51 52 5# 5& 5' newfs 4de+4+(4ds 4"rod-oradg4"brthiFbac u" scsetu" --- & -- 1$for register) scsetu" --- & -- 2$for Sync) root;crm-b ? scrgadm -a -g "rod-ora-rg -h crm-b root;crm-b ? scrgadm -a -% "rod-ora-has-res -g "rod-ora-rg -t S/HO>HJStorage0lus root;crm-b ? scswitch -Q -g "rod-ora-rg mount 4de+4+(4ds 4"rod-oradg4"brthiFbac u" 4"brthi4bac u"

8odelC Symmetri( ..#5 =otal Dis s :: 8a( #.& $for each set .dis s$column)L12rows:3*L&sets:#.&) Dis ca"acity::1&*gb =otal Size :: #25L1&*:&*,25=7$without mirror) or ,#gb or 1.1gb or #*gb =otal Si(e :: 2,,&5$with 8irror) Hots"are :: &dis s 8a(imum !ache :: *''#* Hote C 1) /ltra#25 S!S1 dis s only su""ort in Symmetri( and out"ut will come into fibre 2)!larion&!R#55 only fibre dis s will su""ort and out"ut is also come into fibre> #)Ior 1&*gb dis only we can "ut #25 dis ma()for remaing$#*gb)1.1gb),#gb) we can "ut #.&gb 1n 7harti in one -8! bo( both ,# & 1.1gb dis s are using-- full Jnother -8! bo( both ,# & 1&*gb dis are using-- half =otal three ty"es of 7oards u can see on symmetri(C 1)!ache 7oards$8-8) 2)Dis Jda"ters #)!hannel Jda"ters =hree bin files we ha+e to runC 1)+toc 2)hy"er & metacreation #)creating IJ "ort or we can all these three in one bin file and run Jfter !om"leting this Qoning will ha""en 1nstall & !onfigure "ower"ath & fcode =hen we can assign to "articular host> 1)Iirst go to -SH control manager$usr4emc4esnmgr>sh) 2)=here are two numbers$*1. -- emc1 ) 2552 - emc2) "lease refer e(cel sheet for which ser+er is connected to which ser+er #)select one *1. it wil show all the dis s)if dis s has white colour$that means this not connected to any hosts) &)select white colour dis and right clic -- add access)before this select host$crm-a) then gi+e add access> ')go to tas s -- selectall -- run -- "ress o Billing1Ne!tune2

de+fsadm symin9 symin9 |gre" -i bf$e(am"le) or c2t1*d'1 "owercf -i -- ty"e $y) "owermt config +(dctl enable +(dis setu" -i c2t1*d'1 +(dg -g !/1Fdg adddis cu2Fdg52:c2t1*d2.1s2-----Jdding S"ecific dis to dis grou" +(assist -g cu1Fdg ma e cu1Fbed &5g dis 51--$creating +olume & assigning "articular dis s to it) +(edit -g cu1Fdg set user:oracle grou":rayudu cu1Fbed +(+ol -g cu1Fdg startall m fs -I +(fs -o largefiles)bsize:.132 4de+4+(4rds 4cu1Fdg4cu1Fbed 8ount -I +(fs 4de+4+(4rds 4cuFdg4cu1Fbed /seful !ommandsC ?Symin9 > 4tm"4symin9>t(t ?symcfg disco+er "owermt dis"lay "owermt dis"lay de+:all "owermt set mode:standby hba:5----to disable hba adater "owermt dis"lay de+:all-----to confirm wether it is disable or not symcsg -+ -list-------------=o find the 8icrocode +ersion "owermt remo+e emc"ower'a----2emo+e "ower "ath of "articular de+ice symcfg list-------shows model>synn1D)microcode +ersion)cache size symcli------symmertri( command line utility "owermt disco+er "owercf -i BCV symmir -g b"Fdg 9uery -- to chec the sync status for dis grou" symmin9 -- to chec the a+ailable dis s from emc 4usr4emc4scri"ts4cc4dgFsync bc+Fdbshut>shFom bc+Fumount>shFom bc+FallFest>shFom bc+FallFs"lit>shFom bc+Fmount>shFom bc+FdbstartFsan>shFom

Ora le:
sys$change-on-install)--this is default "asswd gi+e by oracle at installation system$manager)------this is default "asswd gi+e by oracle at installation control file$control>dbf)--Oe cannot edit it>6racle will edit it by commands only> 0rameter file$init>ora)---configration file$4orahome4oracle4admin4=-S=4"file$or4orahome*.46raHome14dbs>>)init7H70!J=>ora SS@> SH6O SEJ----$shows system golbal area)

1) Ei+en the access of tn as "er the re9uest of Tose"h u"date csrFacctFseg set acctFsegFid:11& where csrFname:UchnFararunU and acctFsegFid:15#P commitP grant tnFbcd to chnFararunP 2) Jdded the files as "er the re9uest of !SE in 7H6862D alter tables"ace omFordFdata add datafile U4omForderFnew47H6862D468F62DFDJ=J5,>dbfU size '125mP alter tables"ace omFordFdata add datafile U4omForderFnew47H6862D468F62DFDJ=J5.>dbfU size '125m =o shutdown Databse <> oraen+ <s9l"lus 4nolog-------------to sto" oracle 3i SS@>connect 4 as sysdba-------------=o connect to s9l SS@>shutdown immediate-------------to sto" oracle 3i$ startu"----to start database) <lsnrctl status--------to chec listner <lsnrctl sto"----------to sto" listner < " tns =o start DtabaseC <> oraen+ <s9l"lus 4nolog-------------to start oracle .i & 3i SS@>connect 4 as sysdba-------------=o connect to s9l SS@>startu"-------------to start oracle .i or 3i$ startu"----to start database) <lsnrctl status--------to chec listner <lsnrctl sto"----------to sto" listner < " tns ????????=o mo+e orahome to different location ????????????? c" -r" old new change oracles home dir by using admintool m+ >"rofile from old to new su - oracle change oracle home dir in >"rofile sto" lsnrctl & restart lsnrctl cd 4tb"Fora14orahome4oracle4bin$new location) relin all sto" database & start database

???? 6racle entries in >"rofile ????? 62J!@-FH68-:4oracle4oracle46raHome e("ort 62J!@-FH68-

62J!@-FS1D:mdsa" e("ort 62J!@-FS1D @DF@172J2VF0J=H:<62J!@-FH68-4lib e("ort @DF@172J2VF0J=H 0J=H:<62J!@-FH68-4binC4<0J=H e("ort 0J=H -D1=62:+i e("ort -D1=62 0S1:Doracle;stallion>D e("ort 0S1 bash <<<<< Jutomatic start databases & listner on booting time <<<<<< cd 4+ar4o"t4oracle +i oratab and "ut V infront of database name> create scri"t in 4etc4init>d4dbora -- this scri"t is a+ailable in ingC4oracle>t(t and gi+e lin to 4etc4rc2>d come to root and gi+e ?ln -s 4etc4init>d4dbora 4etc4rc2>d4dbora Ior listnerC su - oracle -"wd 4oracle4oracle46raHome +i lsnr>sh ?W4bin4sh lsnrctl start w9W chmod ,55 lsnr>sh cd bin +i dbstart on end of line gi+e su - oracle -c lsnr>sh ???? How to set "mon alias ???? cd 4oracle4oracle46raHome4bin +i " "s -ef|gre" <1|gre" -+ gre" w9W chmod ,55 " ?? how to chec "atch +ersion select L from tabP select L from 026D/!=F!6806H-H=FG-2S16HP

Databse o!' form old lo ation to ne% lo ation Iollowing are the Ste"s C

!hanges in 1nit>6ra @e+el XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX !ontrol Iile $ >ctl ) ::::::::::: !hange the "ath in 1nit>ora to new @ocation @ogFJrchi+eFDest ::::::::::::::: !hange the "ath in 1nit>ora to new @ocation Dum"FDest $ bdum") udum") cdum" ) :::::::::::::: !hange the "ath in 1nit>ora to new @ocation !hanges at Database @e+el XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 1) !ollect the information about the current location of D7I files from Database C select name from +<datafileP select name from +<tem"fileP select member from +<logfileP 2) Shutdown Database #) 0hysical !o"y of the abo+e files to desired @ocation &) !=@ files co"y to desired @ocation ') Startu" 8ount *) alter database rename file Uold "ath filenameU to Unew "ath filenameUP$abo+e files +<datafile)+<tem"file)+<logfile) ,) alter database o"en P 3P ,lan e:
4o"t4"erf4bin4g"m-----to start Elance 4+ar4o"t4"erf------!onf files will be located here$alaramdef)"arm) >4install>"+-------=o install "+ $"erf+iew) >4"+ ---------------to start 0G >4mwa start---------to start 8easureware >4mwa status--------shows status >4mwa restart-------after changing conf files we ha+e to restart >4mwa start ser+er alarm----starts alarms

cd 4usr4lib4osa4bin >4raidutil -c c2t5d5 -7-----------------Shows the age of battery of J1555$rm*) &shows the status of raid >4lad ---------------------------------- Shows the controller number >4healthc -a---------------------------Shows system healthchec >4dri+util -l c2t5d5-------------------Shows the status of controller >4dri+util -i c2t5d5-------------------Shows the status of each dis along with controller >4raidutil -c c2t.d5 -2----------------Jfter changing battery run this >4n+util -+ ------------raid controller HG2J8 chec ing4changing >4fwutil -+ c2t5d5>----------2aid controller firmware chec >4raidutil -c c2t5d5 -i------shows firmware +ersion & other info >4rm* --- to o"en configuration window

CS): sending dataC ? sendadm -J -t com"lete ?4o"t4S/HOcstu4bin4sendadm -J -t ud -----Ior sending Data ?4o"t4S/HOcstu4bin4cstattagt -h billing-"roduction cst----to attch from client ?4+ar4o"t4S/HOcst4a ey------1n this file ey will be there ?cstattach -h billing-"roduction clientname ey----=o attch from ser+er ?+i 4etc4a"ache4htt"d>conf-$ Ser+erHame 132>132>5>,&)---add this line when installing ser+er ? cd 4e("ort4cstFdb-----cst database directory Storage5567C S/H S=62JE- -##1554#'155 family sccli> show logical-dri+es sccli> show dis s sccli> show "artitions sccli> show channels sccli> show lun-ma"s sccli> show host-"arameters sccli> show I2/s sccli> show in9uiry-data )o Add # Delete S%a!: 1)Adding: ? m dir 4files ? m file 2&m 4files4swa"file ? swa" -a 4files4swa"file

? +i 4etc4+fstab $Jn entry is added for the swa" file)C 4files4swa"file swa" - no ? swa" -l swa"file de+ swa"lo bloc s free 4de+4ds 4c5t2d5s1 #2)1, . 25'*2& 132,5& 4files4swa"file . &53'2 &53'2 11)Deleting ? swa" -d 4files4swa"file ? $2emo+e the deleted swa" entry from the 4etc4+fstab file) ? rm 4files4swa"file ? swa" -l swa"file de+ swa"lo bloc s free 4de+4ds 4c5t2d5s1 #2)1, . 25'*2& 132,25

Mirroring # +AID8 b' using SDS:

HoteC Ior 4 metadb -a -f -c# c1t5d5s, c1t1d5s, metadb -i metainit -f d15 1 1 c1t5d5s5---$d15C !oncat4Stri"e is setu") metainit d25 1 1 c1t1d5s5-------$d25C !oncat4Stri"e is setu") metainit d#5 -m d15--------------$d#5C 8irror is setu") metaroot d#5 loc fs -fa init * metattach d#5 d25---------------$d#5C submirror d25 is attached) Ior other "artition ----=his is e(am"le root;to"u" ? metainit -f d&5 1 1 c1t5d5s# d&5C !oncat4Stri"e is setu" root;to"u" ? metainit -f d'5 1 1 c1t1d5s# d'5C !oncat4Stri"e is setu" root;to"u" ? metainit d*5 -m d&5 d*5C 8irror is setu" root;to"u" ? metattach d*5 d'5 d*5C submirror d'5 is attached root;to"u" ? metastat |gre" Y 2esync in "rogressC 1' Y done Jll the 0artitions in both the dis s should be same Ho need to create IS in second dis

2esync in "rogressC 5 Y done Ior this we ha+e to edit manually in 4etc4+fstab the format is 4de+4md4ds 4d#5 4de+4md4rds 4d#5 4 ufs 1 no 4de+4md4ds 4d*5 4de+4md4rds 4d*5 4d1 ufs 2 yes /or reating +aid 8 Jll the file systems should be same in size in all dis s> =his e(am"le is for one file system in & dis s metainit d,5 -r c1t2d5s5 c1t#d5s5 c1t&d5s5 c1t'd5s5 d,5C 2J1D is setu" Jfter this if we ty"e metastat it will show initialising) after com"letion of initialising edit 4etc4+fstab 4de+4md4ds 4d,5 4de+4md4rds 4d,5 4custFdata ufs 2 yes newfs 4de+4md4rds 4d,5 fsc 4de+4md4rds 4d,5

Ss$ installation for Solaris 9

1ntroductionC Secure shell $SSH) is a "rotocol that "ro+ides a secure) remote connection to any de+ice with ssh su""ort> SSH is a substitute to 7er eley r-tools li e telnet) rlogin) rsh and rc" which are not secure> SSH "ro+ides more security to any data that is being trans"orted to the 1nternet by "ro+iding more authentication) encry"tion and authorization "rocedures> =here are currently two +ersions of SSH a+ailable) SSH Gersion 1 and SSH Gersion 2 2e9uired "ac agesC Jll of the re9uired "ac ages of this tutorial is a+ailable from htt"C44www>sunfreeware>com o"enssh o"enssl $SS@) "rngd $0suedo 2andom Eenerator Daemon) zlib $Q library) o"enssh-#>*>1"1-sol.-s"arc-local o"enssl-5>3>,b-sol.-s"arc-local zlib-1>1>&-sol.-s"arc-local "rngd-5>3>2'-sol.-s"arc-local 1nstallationC ?" gadd -d o"enssl-5>3>*c-sol.-s"arc-local =he following "ac ages are a+ailableC 1 S8!osslc o"enssl $s"arc) 5>3>*c Select "ac age$s) you wish to "rocess $or UallU to "rocess all "ac ages)> $defaultC all) AZ)ZZ)9BC ?" gadd -d "rngd-5>3>2#-sol.-s"arc-local

=he following "ac ages are a+ailableC 1 S8!"rngd "rngd $s"arc) 5>3>2# Select "ac age$s) you wish to "rocess $or UallU to "rocess all "ac ages)> $defaultC all) AZ)ZZ)9BC ?" gadd -d zlib-1>1>&-sol.-s"arc-local =he following "ac ages are a+ailableC 1 S8!zlib zlib $s"arc) 1>1>& Select "ac age$s) you wish to "rocess $or UallU to "rocess all "ac ages)> $defaultC all) AZ)ZZ)9BC ?" gadd -d o"enssh-#>1"1-sol.-s"arc-local =he following "ac ages are a+ailableC 1 S8!ossh o"enssh $s"arc) #>1"1 Select "ac age$s) you wish to "rocess $or UallU to "rocess all "ac ages)> $defaultC all) AZ)ZZ)9BC Startu" Scri"tsC !reate a startu" scri"t for the ssh daemon> 4etc4init>d4ssh ?W 4bin4sh ? ? start4sto" the secure shell daemon case D<1D in UstartU) ? Start the ssh daemon if A -f 4usr4local4sbin4sshd BP then echo Dstarting SSHD daemonD 4usr4local4sbin4sshd & fi PP Usto"U) ? Sto" the ssh deamon 01D:[4usr4bin4"s -e -u 5 | 4usr4bin4fgre" sshd | 4usr4bin4aw U\"rint <1]U[ if A W -z D<01DD B P then 4usr4bin4 ill <\01D] >4de+4null 2>&1 fi

PP L) echo DusageC 4etc4init>d4sshd \start|sto"]D PP esac 8a e the scri"t e(ecutable and create a startu" scri"t on run le+el 2> ?chmod K( 4etc4init>d4sshd ?ln -s 4etc4init>d4sshd 4etc4rc2>d4S33sshd !reate a startu" scri"t for the "seudo random generator daemon> 4etc4init>d4"rngd ?W 4bin4sh ? ? start4sto" the "seudo random generator daemon case D<1D in UstartU) ? Start the ssh daemon if A -f 4usr4local4bin4"rngd BP then echo Dstarting 02HE daemonD 4usr4local4bin4"rngd 4+ar4s"ool4"rngd4"ool& fi PP Usto"U) ? Sto" the ssh deamon 01D:[4usr4bin4"s -e -u 5 | 4usr4bin4fgre" "rngd | 4usr4bin4aw U\"rint <1]U[ if A W -z D<01DD B P then 4usr4bin4 ill <\01D] >4de+4null 2>&1 fi PP L) echo DusageC 4etc4init>d4"rngd \start|sto"]D PP esac 8a e the scri"t e(ecutable and create a startu" scri"t on run le+el 2> ?chmod K( 4etc4init>d4"rngd ?ln -s 4etc4init>d4"rngd 4etc4rc2>d4S33"rngd ? 4etc4init>d4"rngd start

starting 02HE daemon 1nfoC 2andom "ool not $yet) seeded !ould not bind soc et to 4+ar4s"ool4"rngd4"oolC Ho such file or directory ? m dir -" 4+ar4s"ool4"rngd ?4etc4init>d4"rngd start starting 02HE daemon ? 1nfoC 2andom "ool not $yet) seeded ? He(t is to start the actual ssh daemon) ? 4etc4init>d4sshd start starting SSHD daemon !ould not load host eyC 4usr4local4etc4sshFhostF ey !ould not load host eyC 4usr4local4etc4sshFhostFrsaF ey !ould not load host eyC 4usr4local4etc4sshFhostFdsaF ey Disabling "rotocol +ersion 1> !ould not load host ey Disabling "rotocol +ersion 2> !ould not load host ey sshdC no host eys a+ailable -- e(iting> ? =he errors abo+e are due to the fact that we didnUt create any ey "airs for our ssh ser+er> !reate a "ublic ey "air to su""ort the new) DSJ-based +ersion 2 "rotocol ? 4usr4local4bin4ssh- eygen -d -f 4usr4local4etc4sshFhostFdsaF ey -H DD Eenerating "ublic4"ri+ate dsa ey "air> Vour identification has been sa+ed in 4usr4local4etc4sshFhostFdsaF ey> Vour "ublic ey has been sa+ed in 4usr4local4etc4sshFhostFdsaF ey>"ub> =he ey finger"rint isC 55C31Cf'C.aC''C,cCacCffCb,C5.C1fCceC2#CaaCf2C,3 root;solaris. !reate a "ublic ey "air to su""ort the old) 2SJ-based +ersion 1 "rotocol ? 4usr4local4bin4ssh- eygen -b 152& -f 4usr4local4etc4sshFhostFrsaF ey -t rsa -H DD Eenerating "ublic4"ri+ate rsa1 ey "air> Vour identification has been sa+ed in 4usr4local4etc4sshFhostFrsaF ey> Vour "ublic ey has been sa+ed in 4usr4local4etc4sshFhostFrsaF ey>"ub> =he ey finger"rint isC .eCb5C1dC.aC22Cf2Cd2C#,C1fC32C3*C52Ce.C,&CcaCea root;solaris. -dit ssh daemon configuration file 4usr4local4etc4sshdFconfig) enable "rotocol 2 and 1 /ncomment the line) that says "rotocol 2)1 ? 4etc4init>d44sshd start starting SSHD daemon ?

+AS Configuration # :eblogi 4(6: ?cd 4cdrom4cdrom54weblogicF"latform.15 ?>4ser+er.15Fsolaris#2>bin ?"ress ne(t>>>>>>$here it will as the "ath %ust mention where we want to install) ?e(it Domain nameCJirtel Ser+er HameC!urrency @isten 0ortC,551 Secure @isten 0ortC,552 usernameCsystem "asswordCsystem12# 8etadbUsC metadb -f -a -c# 4de+4ds 4c1t5d5s, metadb -f -a -c# 4de+4ds 4c1t1d5s, 2ootC4 metainit -f d1 1 1 4de+4ds 4c1t5d5s5 metainit -f d2 1 1 4de+4ds 4c1t1d5s5 metainit d5 -m d1 loc fs -fa metaroot d5 metattach d5 d2 Swa"C metainit -f d# 1 1 4de+4ds 4c1t5d5s1 metainit -f d& 1 1 4de+4ds 4c1t1d5s1 metainit d' -m d# metattach d' d& edit 4etc4+fstab and "ut 4de+4md4ds 4d' instead of 4de+4ds 4c1t5d5s1 4home4oracleC metainit -f d, 1 1 4de+4ds 4c1t2d5s5 metainit -f d. 1 1 4de+4ds 4c1t#d5s5 metainit d* -m d, metattach d* d. 4home4a""licationC metainit -f d15 1 1 4de+4ds 4c1t2d5s1 metainit -f d11 1 1 4de+4ds 4c1t#d5s1 metainit d3 -m d15

metattach d3 d11 Storage##15C Ior storage no raid was configured)all si( dis s in+idual dis s newfs -f &53* 4de+4rds 4c#t5d5s1 -- for ##15 storage

D'nami +e onfiguration
? cfgadm -c disconnect H5>S72 2emo+e the system brd & 1nstall wor ing board &.55-sc5CS!> "oweron 4H54S72---will"oweron the board &.55-sc5CS!> testboard 4H54S72--How board will come to Jssigned & acti+e root;+enus ? cfgadm root;+enus ? cfgadm -c connect H5>S72 root;+enus ? cfgadm -c configure H5>S72 root;+enus ? cfgadm J"F1d =y"e 2ece"tacle 6ccu"ant !ondition H5>17* H5>17. H5>S75 H5>S72 H5>S7& c5 c1 NDD Settings: $e king: ? ndd 4de+4hme ^Z ? ndd -set 4de+4hme instance 5 ? ndd 4de+4hme transcei+erFinuse$5C 2T &' 0ort)1C 8edia 1nde"endent 1nterface $811)) ? ndd 4de+4hme lin Fs"eed$5C 15 8bit4s)1C 155 8bit4s) ? ndd 4de+4hme lin Fmode$5C 15 8bit4s)1C 155 8bit4s) ? ndd 4de+4hme ad+F155=&Fca" ? ndd 4de+4hme ad+F155fd(Fca" ? ndd 4de+4hme ad+F155hd(Fca" ? ndd 4de+4hme ad+F15fd(Fca" ? ndd 4de+4hme ad+F15hd(Fca" ? ndd 4de+4hme ad+FautonegFca" H6=C 8anual setting for s"eed and modi is sometimes necessary) e>g> for hme5 Iast-thernet) if autosensing and autonegotiation is not "ossible> 0!1F146F7oa connected configured o 0!1F146F7oa connected configured o !0/ connected configured o !0/ connected configured o !0/ connected configured o scsi-bus connected configured un nown scsi-bus connected configured un nown

Settings s$ould be like t$is:

? ndd -set 4de+4hme instance ? ndd -set 4de+4hme ad+F155=&Fca" ? ndd -set 4de+4hme ad+F155fd(Fca" ? ndd -set 4de+4hme ad+F155hd(Fca" ? ndd -set 4de+4hme ad+F15fd(Fca" ? ndd -set 4de+4hme ad+F15hd(Fca" ? ndd -set 4de+4hme ad+FautonegFca" Permanent Settings: ? +i 4etc4init>d4S*.interface-settings

----- > ------> ------>

5 ------> ------> 5 ------> ------> 5

5 1 5 5

?W4sbin4sh ? ln -s 4etc4init>d4S*.interface-settings ->4etc4rc2>d4interface-settings 0J=H:4usr4binC4usr4sbin echo D1nterface-settings with nddD ? hme-1nterfaces ? hme5 ndd -set 4de+4hme instance 5 ndd -set 4de+4hme ad+FautonegFca" 5 ndd -set 4de+4hme ad+F155=&Fca" 5 ndd -set 4de+4hme ad+F155fd(Fca" 1 ndd -set 4de+4hme ad+F155hd(Fca" 5 ndd -set 4de+4hme ad+F15fd(Fca" 5 ndd -set 4de+4hme ad+F15hd(Fca" 5 Ior other de+ices li e hme1 $ 4de+4hme instance 1 )) ge5 $ 4de+4ge instance 5 )) 9fe5 $ 4de+49fe instance 5 ) you can wor in the same way as the e(am"le abo+e>

root;sfmon ? more dnsconfigF+125>t(t ? "wd 4+ar4named ? cat 4etc4named>conf ?????????????????????????????????????????????? ??? !reated by Subbarayudu4chiran%ee+i - J!!-@ 1!18 ??? ??? 5.45,4255# ??? ?????????????????????????????????????????????? o"tions \ directory D4+ar4namedDP listen-on \ 132>1*.>251>1.5P ]P "id-file D4+ar4named4bhartidns>"idDP auth-n(domain yesP ]P zone D5>5>12,>in-addr>ar"aD \ ty"e masterP file Dsun>12,>5>5DP ]P zone Dbhartig"rs>comD in \ ty"e masterP file Dsun>bhartidnsDP ]P zone D251>1*.>132>in-addr>ar"aD in \ ty"e masterP file Dsun>132>1*.>251DP ]P ? more 4etc4resol+>conf domain bhartig"rs>com

nameser+er 132>1*.>251>1.5 ? cd 4+ar4named ? ls bhartidns>"id sun>12,>5>5 sun>132>1*.>251 sun>bhartidns ? cat sun>12,>5>5 <==@ .*&55 ; 1H S6J bhartig"rs>com> root>bhartig"rs>com> $ 25525&22 Pserial 15.55 Prefresh #*55 Pretry #*55555 Pe("ire .*&55 ) Pminimum ; 1 1H 0=2 HS bhartig"rs>com>


? ls bhartidns>"id sun>12,>5>5 sun>132>1*.>251 sun>bhartidns ? cat sun>132>1*.>251 <==@ .*&55 ; 1H S6J bhartig"rs>com> root>bhartig"rs>com> $ 25525&22 Pserial 15.55 Prefresh #*55 Pretry #*55555 Pe("ire .*&55 ) Pminimum ; 1H HS bhartig"rs>com>

1.5 1H 0=2 bhartidns>bhartig"rs>com> ? ls bhartidns>"id sun>12,>5>5 sun>132>1*.>251 sun>bhartidns ? cat sun>bhartidns <==@ .*&55 P 1 day ; 1H S6J bhartig"rs>com> root>bhartig"rs>com>$ 25525&22 P serial '55 P refresh $. minutes 25 seconds) 2'5 P retry $&minutes) #*55555 P e("ire $' wee s * days 1* hours) .*&55 P minimum $1 day) ) 1H HS bhartig"rs>com> P P H-O 621E1H I62 1st 0@8H P

<621E1H bhartig"rs>com> bhartidns 1H J 132>1*.>251>1.5 ?bhartidns1 1H J 132>1*.>251>1.1 bhartig"rs>com 1H !HJ8- bhartidns ?

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