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A lady is the epitome of womanhood. Shes grand and gorgeous, grabs attention without secret glances, and demands respect without words. Shes the kind of woman other women want to be and other men want to be with. A lady knows just what to do in any circumstance. Shes aware and strong, but yet doesnt make her man feel less like a man when hes around her. [Read: 20 things that turn a guy on sexually when he sees a girl] The traits of a real lady Most people assume a lady has to dress like shes walked out of the Victorian era, and behave like shes a snotty, spoilt princess who loves frowning at other women and looking down at men. But in reality, a lady is nothing like that. A lady is someone who makes everyone around her feel loved and respected no matter where she is. She blends in when she has to, and stands out gracefully when the need arises. But beyond all that, a lady is someone who makes her man swell with pride and want her more every day. [Read: 16 tips to make your boyfriend want you more than ever] How to be a lady If you want to know how to be a lady, dont fret over the behavior of others or fuss over the arrangement of spoons at a dinner party. Just learn to carry yourself gracefully, and talk to people like you would to a dear friend in a quiet place. Dont get it? Well, just use these 10 steps and let them guide you through the passage of transformation from a woman to a real lady. #1 Be elegant and graceful. Learn to carry yourself with elegance when you have company no matter where you are, be it at home or out wi th friends. Dont clumsily crash on tables while walking or plonk yourself on the couch like youve had too much to

drink. A real lady is always graceful and feminine. [Read: How to be graceful and elegant all the time] #2 Make your man feel like a real man. Men love feeling like the protectors in the relationship. They dont care who has control of the relationship as long as they feel like theyre controlling it. Play by the games of evolution. Let your man take the place of the protector while you play your part as a damsel who needs him around. Give your man a lot of attention and always make him feel special. And always remember to ask for his assistance even if youre fully capable of doing it yourself. As long as its a chore that feels manly, hell help you out with a grin on his face. [Read: Why men love a damsel in distress so much] And the more you make your man feel like hes the protector of the relationship, the more hell love you and want to be with you. #3 Be pleasant to the ears. No one likes a loudmouth, be it a guy or a girl. If you want to be a lady, learn to control your decibel level. Speak softly and avoid shrieking unless youre excited by something *ladies always look cute when they shriek excitedly*. Smile a lot and always try to involve the people around you into a pleasant conversation. A lady doesnt brag about herself and her communication skills, she makes everyone else do that involuntarily for her! #4 Bad language and rude gestures. This is a compete no-no. There are so many ways to express yourself without the use of vulgar language or gestures. Of course, on a rare occasion, its completely acceptable to use a cuss word or two. But consciously put in an effort to avoid using bad lan guage, especially when youre in the company of many people. #5 Flirting comes naturally to ladies. Well, flirt with men if you must and if you enjoy it, but never indulge in it when your man is around you. And even if youre sweet talking with another guy when your man steps in, wrap your hands around your own man to let everyone else know that youre already taken. [Read: How to flirt with a guy without really flirting at all] The only men who feel insecure are the ones who feel like their girlfriend or wife is a potential cheater. If you make your man feel confident about your relationship by introducing him to any other man you meet without a worry in the world, your man wont have any worries about the relationship either. #6 Dont wash your laundry in public. A lady never makes an ugly scene in public unless she has no choice. If you have minor differences with your man or if you re upset

with him about something, dont bring that conversation up when youre in the company of others. Itll only make your relationship seem fragile, and at times, it may even emasculate your man. [Read: How to be a happy couple thats envied by other couples] Remember this, a lady stands up for her man in public, even if she questions him in private. #7 Be aware of the world around you. A lady is always aware of the world around her. Shes not just a pretty doll who knows how to dress and look good. This may take a while to master, but spend a good hour reading the newspapers and watching the news every day. Dont be the dumb, pretty lass who needs her man around to add two numbers or tell her about the presidential elections because shes too dimwitted to understand whats going on herself. A real lady is smart, even shrewd when need be, and shes always ready to give advice to her man or anyone else who needs her advice. [Read: How much should a girl dumb it down to impress a guy?] #8 Be a gracious host and a charming guest. A lady is a peoples person. So if you want to be one, you need to learn to speak to people warmly when youre a guest. And when youre a host, you need to make your guests feel right at home around you. Have you ever met a woman or two who make you feel so comfortable and relaxed within a few minutes of meeting them? Well, thats a definite trait of a lady. Shes gracious, fun and knows how to make people feel important and loved. #9 Learn your Ps and Qs. Manners are everything if you want to be a lady. Learn to ask for something you want with a please, and make sure you thank anyone who helps you warmly. When you genuinely mean your ps and qs, the people you speak too will feel special just to talk to you. [Read: What men like in a woman more than anything else] #10 Dont go soft. Just because youre behaving like a lady and your mans ready to help you all the time shouldnt make you soft. Be strong, smart and savvy. Your man may like helping you now and then. But if he feels like you cant do anything by yourself, hell start to get frustrated easily. [Read: 13 clingy girlfriend signs and how to avoid it] Remember, the key to being a lady is to ask a man for help, but always look for subtle ways to let him realize that you could do it yourself. By asking for his help like you need it, youre not just asking him for help, youre making him feel more like a man by making him feel more powerful in the relationship. Things to avoid doing just because youre a lady

Dont get carried away just because you feel like a perfect lady whos all f ull of charisma and grace. Here are three things you need to keep in mind so you dont cross the line from being a lady and turn bitchy. [Read: 15 signs you're turning into a high maintenance woman] #1 Dont ever make your man feel small and irrelevant just because youre completely capable of handling your own life on your own. #2 Dont go correcting everyone else because you think *youre better than them* or smarter than them. If you really do have to point a flaw, be very discreet about it. #3 Dont ever be snotty or mean to women who arent as graceful as you. You may now understand the traits of a fine lady, but that gives you no excuse to treat other lesser women badly.

A happy relationship is a great thing to share. You may share the perfect romance with your man. But sometimes it takes more than just romantic gestures to keep him happy and interested. [Read: 30 sexy ways to keep your guy interested in you] While love is an experience shared between two lovers, your behavior around him can also impact his state of mind and the happiness of the relationship. You may be a great lover. But you also need to be a great companion to enjoy the pleasures of a happy romance.

How to make your man happy

First of all, being selfless and unconditional should never be one sided. If you use these tips to make your man happy but his behavior borders on selfishness or he takes you for granted, you may have to talk to him about it or reevaluate the relationship for the sake of your own happiness. [Read: Signs your boyfriend is subtly controlling you] Just use these 20 tips on how to make your man happy, and youd definitely be playing your part in keeping the relationship happy down to the tee. #1 Praise him in front of others. When the woman in his life shows her appreciation for him in front of others, hell be grateful and glad to have someone who supports him and stands by him. #2 Make him feel secure. While men may have epic egos, theyre also extremely fragile when it comes to the matters of the heart. They feel threatened easily, and go into an insecure shell. Avoid making him feel insecure in the right way and hell love you more. [Read: How to make a jealous partner not so jealous] #3 Take the lead in bed. Experiment. Be willing to try new things with your partner. One of the biggest reasons why couples start getting bored in bed is because of the monotony and boredom of repetition. Keep things sexy and hell always be awed by you. [Read: Top 50 kinky things to do with your man]

#4 Motivate him in his endeavors. You can pick flaws in your man and his ideas, but dont oppose it without rational judgment. Bring out the best in your man and help him *achieve his destiny* by motivating him and complimenting his achievements. #5 Surprise him by buying something he really likes. Did you find something your man will really appreciate when you were out shopping alone? Pick it up for him. Surprise him now and then with little, thoughtful gifts and hell think hes the luckiest guy in the world. #6 Be a great cook. Food truly is the best way to a mans heart. He may say he doesnt care if you dont know to cook, but try cooking him a fabulous dish and hell experience a gastronomical orgasm! #7 Make him feel lucky to have you. Be a charmer and a graceful woman whos the cynosure of everyones attention. Awe others wherever you are, and hell truly thank the one above to be with a woman who can take the air out of any room she walks into! #8 Special gestures out of the blue. If you want to know how to make a man happy, the secret lies in not making special gestures a routine, but by being extra nice now and then. Men have a tendency of taking things for granted, so dont turn your gestures into routine. [Read: 25 sweet romantic gestures for everyday life] #9 Dont forget your inner child. As you grow older, dont forget the inner, happy fun child within you. Most women take on the role of a mother and forget to behave like a child now and then. Instead of feeling jealous or annoyed when your man acts like a child, join him and have fun! #10 Make him think you need him. Men are the instinctive protectors. Make him feel like a man by making him believe youre dependent on him. When he truly believes you need him, hell cling to you because it makes him feel good inside. [Read: Why men love a damsel in distress] #11 Give him his space. Men are different from women when it comes to space. Most women are fine with having people around all the time. Men on the other hand, get annoyed when they dont get some alone time by themselves. Give each other space, and youll see that love will blossom better. [Read: How to give space in a relationship] #12 Support him when hes down without criticizing him. An I told you so is ego shattering. When your man is down on the ground, dont kick him in the groin. It may seem like the perfect time to criticize him and his bad decisions, but hold that thought. Youll only make him hate himself and you.

#13 Ask his help now and then. All men think theyre intellectuals with exceptional problem solving abilities. As long as youre listening to his opinion with your eyes wide, hell swell with pride and love. #14 Get helpless in his arms when youre hurt. Feeling down and helpless? Walk up to your man without saying a word and just hold him tight. Your man will be overwhelmed with love and affection, and not to mention, delirious happiness because hes the one that makes you feel better. #15 Look like a million bucks around him. Look sexy when youre with him. Getting naked should still be a treat, not a regular occurrence around the house. Dress well and make sure eyes turn when youre in his arms. [Read: How to look sexy without trying] #16 Compliment him. Men love compliments, they just pretend like they dont. Compliment your man for his physique and his intellect. Hell be happy to know you notice. #17 Dont emasculate your man. Dont shrivel your mans ball bag by making him fell less like a man when hes done something wrong. Dont yell at him in public or put him down when he takes a few decisions. If you keep cutting him down from under, hell just end up looking for an affair to feel more like a man. #18 Dont hit him below the belt unless you really have to. Dont bring up his exes, his mother or his lousy job when youre trying to pick a fight with him or trying to hurt him for hurting you. [Read: The right way to fight fair in a relationship] #19 Stand up for your man. If your man is cornered or helpless, step into the warzone and fight his fight for him. Dont be surprised if you see your mans eyes well up with happy tears for finding a woman as awesome as you. #20 Respect him. All of us need respect. When youre in love, its easy to tal k stupid or put down your man in jest, but be careful where to draw the line. Never ridicule him or put him down in public. Let him know you respect him, even if you pull his leg now and then. [Read: How to think like a man and impress your guy] Happiness in love comes from the inside, and unless both of you chose to be happy, no amount of gestures can make a difference. So if you really want to be happy in the relationship, both of you have to make a conscious effort to fill the relationship with love and happiness. But if you want to play your perfect part in keeping your man happy, these tips are all you need. [Read: How men really think about a relationship]

A great relationship doesnt need expensive shows of affection all the time. What matters more are sweet romantic gestures that can make your lover go awww Sometimes, a sweet gesture can make your partners day, even if its done in the smallest way. It doesnt matter if youre the husband, the wife or even a boyfrien d or girlfriend to use these tips. What matters is that you care enough to create little ways to remind your lover that youre still madly in love with them. Here are 25 sweet romantic gestures and date ideas for everyday life that you can use, and let your mate know that theres still a lot of love floating everywhere. [Read: Traits of a good relationship]

Sweet romantic gestures for everyday life

Love never asks for expensive gifts. You may have heard that before, but its something you must never forget. After all, love is in the air only if its in the details. No one cares about the big picture. Read these romantic gestures and use them when you re with your partner, and love will find a cozy spot to settle in both your hearts. #1 Clasp hands when youre crossing a street or walking through a crowd. Wrap your arms around your lover when youre standing close to each other, and dont keep more than a feets distance between each other unless you have no choice! #2 Write little love notes and slip it into your lovers pocket even if its just a little I love you. These notes dont have to be elaborate. Even a little lipstick mark on a piece of paper will bring the same smile! [Read: What to write in a love note] #3 Record a love message on your partners phone. Set an alarm for a time when youre not around them with a message saying check your recorder app/voice recorder. #4 Surprise your partner by taking her out to a nearby favorite picnic spot late in the night while shes still in her night suit. Spread a blanket on the ground and hav e an impromptu getaway with champagne and strawberries. Or plan a surprise weekend getaway to a nearby place.

#5 Sit on his lap and behave like a mischievous minx when both of you are relaxing at home. Dont let your woman walk around the house for a few h ours. Carry her around the house no matter where she wants to go. [Read: 30 super ways to keep him interested] #6 Help your partner prepare dinner and clean the dishes. Think of something innovative to do while youre at it, like cooking while wearing nothing but aprons or a little food fight. #7 Fill the tub with hot water when your partner returns from a business trip or a long day at work. Get in together and give your partner a backrub and a massage. Get naughty if the mood feels right. #8 Look into your partners eyes and say I love you. Say it like you mean it without trying to be funny or sounding corny. [Read: How to stay happy in a relationship all the time] #9 Spend time with your partner now and then when theyre enjoying their favorite hobby, even if its something that doesnt interest you much. #10 Dedicate a song and sing it out in a karaoke bar for your partner. A few glasses of booze can give you the courage you need. But if youre too shy for that, sing it over the phone. #11 Plan a flash mob dance along with friends on your partners special day. #12 Whisper a message in your partners voicemail and say something naughty in the middle of the day. #13 Give your partner a foot massage when both of you are relaxing on the couch. Hold your partners hand and waltz while humming your lovers favorite tune. Look for little ways to bring a smile on your lovers face. #14 Stop on your way back home and pick up your partners favorite dessert for a late night treat. #15 If your partner isnt enjoying their food at a restaurant, switch plates and give them your better dish. #16 Slip into bed naked and surprise your partner with your impromptu nudity. Tie a little ribbon around your waist or any strategic locations if you want to be their gift for the night. #17 Take a picture of yourself wearing your partners clothes and sext it to the best partner in the world! #18 Give him a shave when hes lazy. Help her brush her hair when shes in a hurry.

#19 Give each other inexpensive well wrapped gifts every now and then. It could be chocolates, flowers, a game CD, or even a potted plant. [Read: Things that perfect couples talk about] #20 On the days that you forget to kiss your wife goodbye, drive back home and give her an intimate kiss and a bear hug *unless youre in a hurry*. Or come back home now and then just to kiss your wife *because you missed her already!* #21 Bring breakfast in bed with your sweethearts favorite breakfast menu. Try your best to prepare them yourself. And dont forget the flowers! #22 Perform an erotic dance. Even better if you have two left feet which leaves your partner in splits. #23 Be your partners maid for a day. Treat your partner like royalty for a day or even a few hours if your partner doesnt allow you to play the maid for an entire day. You can even wear a French maids dress! #24 Watch a romantic movie together once a month and order all the rich takeout food youve been craving for the entire month. Switch off your phones, cuddle up for the evening and dont move out of each others sight. #25 Give each other a happy ending massage! [Read: Happy ending massage confession] Love is less about having sex seven times a week. And love is less about expensive gifts. Love is more about bringing a smile on each oth ers faces for no reason at all. And love is more about letting your partner know youre still in love with little affectionate gestures.

The art of being graceful isnt a trait thats just used to impress a guy or look good at a social gathering. Its the key to a better life. Men love a graceful woman. Women envy a graceful woman. Its easy to be graceful. In fact, all you need to do is follow ten little steps. [Read: How to look sexy without trying]

How to be graceful and elegant

Understanding how to be graceful is filled with self reflecting lessons that need your attention. If the whole idea of spending time in front of the mirror, miming and pretending like youre having a conversation or learning to smile and pout puts you off, well, youre going to have a hard time learning to be graceful. Youre your own critique. And you can learn to be graceful only if youre prepared to look at yourself in the mirror and pick your own flaws. After all, all those perfect celebrities didnt learn to walk with a graceful swanlike gait when they took their first baby step. If you want to be graceful, here are ten steps you need to indulge in. #1 Be aware of your own body Even as you sit, can you feel the different parts of your body? Do you know the exact position of your toes or your back? Can you visualize the positions of your body parts look without really looking at it? To be graceful, you need to be completely aware of your body no matter where you are. Every move you make should be calculated and precise. [Read: Tips to get a guy to like you] #2 Take dancing lessons Learn ballet or any other form of dance like the salsa which emphasizes on graceful and calculated fluid body movement. While being aware of where your body parts are can help you be aware of your body, it takes the understanding of smooth motion to move and carry yourself with grace. For starters, stand in front of the mirror and jog in one place. Do you see your body move about awkwardly or does it make you look like an athlete? You may think youre

moving perfectly while jogging on-spot or running about, but it takes looking into a mirror to see how clumsy unprofessional runners really are. [Read: How men really fall in love with a woman] #3 Flexibility and yoga Learning to be flexible can do wonders for your posture. Take a few yoga lessons and see if you like it. If youre serious about good posture and total body control, yoga can help you get fitter, mentally and physically. Theres nothing in the world that can help you control your body and be completely aware of it better than yoga. #4 Practice a good posture No matter where you are, walk with a straight back that feels comfortable. While many girls prefer to learn to walk straight with a pile of books over their head, you can skip that if you think its over the top. But try it at least once to really understand how it feels. After all, its the best test to find your real posture. Stand in front of the mirror and ask yourself if you like what you see when you stand with a straight back? Do you feel confident and composed? #5 Watch and learn from other people All of us have a few role models that we like for different reasons. Do you admire someone for the way they look or the way they walk? Or perhaps, is it their confidence? People who seem confident and full of energy always have a great posture. There are no exceptions here. [Read: 20 things that sexually attract a guy when he sees a girl] If you really want to improve your posture, look good and feel great, sometimes, it may be easier to watch and learn from someone else. #6 Lose that fat Theres no bias here that obese women are ungraceful. But you have to understand how being graceful works. You can only be graceful if you are completely aware of your body and completely in control of it. You can control your muscles, but you cant control the fat in your body because theyre not really controllable by your mind. So if you have parts you cant really control, youll have to work that much harder to look graceful. Its easier to just shed the fat by participating in yoga or dance classes. Youll have a lot more fun, look better and be graceful, all at the same time. #7 Manners while sitting down Be aware of what your body is doing no matter where you are. Dont ever plonk yourself down heavily on a seat. Take your time to sit down in a calculated fluid motion and move

back gracefully. No matter what you do, your motions have to be smooth like a dance routine. And dont spread your legs after sitting down, instead cross your feet. #8 Sound beautiful and polite Everyone is drawn to a polite speaker who makes the other person feel comfortable. Speak softly and sound gentle. Dont speak too fast, yell or indulge in crude gestures. Watch yourself in the mirror and practice your happy smile. It can definitely melt hearts. [Read: How to talk to a guy and make him like you] #9 Walk like a star Walk purposefully with an erect back. Dont ever drag or stamp your feet and dont be jittery or nervous. Take your time before taking the first step instead of walking about a few times and deciding which way to go. Move with grace, whether youre running or walking. [Read: How to get a guy's attention in any circumstance] #10 Dont be clumsy Clumsy people have no control over their body. They have no idea how wide their butt is or how heaving their bosoms are. Dont be that woman. To test your clumsiness, play a little game of hopscotch and see if you can control your body. Want to get better, play the game on your toes. If you can stand tall even after a round of the game on your toes, youre definitely graceful!

Many girls may assume that guys are fickle and have a low interest span. But in reality, guys are no different from girls when it comes to staying happy in a relationship. Guys, just like girls, love novelty. And they always want to be with a girl whos desirable, and one thats envied by other girls and desired by other guys. Do you want to be that girl? How to keep a guy interested To keep a guy interested in you, you just need to remember a few ways to keep his interest aroused and his desire in you peaked. Here are 30 sexy ways to do just that! Use these tips on how to keep a guy interested in you, and youd see how easy it can be to make him want you all the time. #1 Be spontaneous. Shock him, awe him, make plans for the evening or plan an entire elaborate date by yourself. Surprise him and never be too predictable. #2 Dont change yourself. Stay true to the real person that you are. Dont change yourself constantly assuming he doesnt like your personality. Be creative, but stick to your comfort zone. #3 Take initiatives in bed. Your guy may like taking control in bed, but when you dominate him and show off your confidence, he cant help but be awed by your confidence and sexiness in bed. [Read: Tips to dress for sex] #4 Smell great all the time. Always smell great around him but dont overpower subtle fragrances with sickly sweet perfumes though. Always smell good, and pay special attention to your personal hygiene and body odor. #5 Awe his friends. Men are competitive. As long as he thinks he has the best girl in his social circle, hell always cling to you and want to be with you. Awe his frie nds and make them think youre a great girl, and youve done a great job. #6 Learn to seduce him. Seduction doesnt stop in bed. Be sexy around him and be creative wherever you go. [Read: How to seduce a man] #7 Show interest in his hobbies. A guy would absolutely love a girl who shows interest in his special hobbies, be it playing on his Xbox or climbing a mountain. Men

want to spend their lives with a woman who truly understands them and connects to them. #8 Dont be a drama queen. Its alright to throw a fussy fit now and then if your guy disrespects you. But no matter what, dont exaggerate a situation or blow it out of proportion just to prove a point. Guys can see through the acts of even the best drama queens. #9 Be his shoulder to lean on. Give him your strength and support when hes low on morale. Reassure him and help him confide his problems to you. Be his confidant and his warm pillow when hes in the dumps and hell treat you like a goddess. #10 Be his arm candy. Look good in his arms when both of you are together. Get a new hairstyle now and then, look fashionable and classy and hell never want you to leave his arms. #11 Be financially secure. Be in control of your finances and have a well settled job. Guys love a girl with a steady head on her shoulders. At the same time, they stay a mile away from careless spendthrifts! #12 Have intelligent conversations. A guy may want an arm candy when hes on the streets, but he also wants a lover who can communicate with him and have intelligent conversations at the end of the day. [Read: Things to talk about in a relationship] #13 Win over his family. Guys are attached to their families and a few guys are even loyal mamas boys. Make his family and friends think youre a catch and hell definitely love you more. #14 Help him deal with life. Men may behave like the saviors of the world. But inside, theyre still little boys who need a cuddle and a hug now and then. Help your man deal with the issues life throws at him. #15 Public display of affection. Your man may shy away from a bit of PDA, but he still loves it when you cling to his arms like a damsel in distress. It makes him feel more powerful and sexy! #16 Stroke his ego. If you want to keep your guy interested and happy, learn to stroke his ego. Compliment his achievements and give him a pat on his back when hes proud of something. Make him feel like a man and hell stay your man. #17 Be independent and dependent. Confused? Be dependent when youre with him. Be independent when youre by yourself. Itll make him feel more like a man when youre around without really feeling like youre needy when hes busy doing something else.

#18 Be happy and interesting. Be interesting and creative with your life. See the happy side in everything, even in the most mundane of days. When youre an optimist, your infectious happiness will definitely rub on to him. #19 Dont make him feel insecure. Flirt with others and talk to men, but never at the cost of his insecurity. When hes around, hug him close and hell swell with affection for you. #20 Dont be easily available. Spend time with him, but dont be ready for him at his beck and call. Be there for him, but make him miss you when you arent around. [Read:How to make him miss you] #21 Be smart and sassy. Dont ask stupid questions. Guys may like a dumb bimbette at first, but theyre not looking for a long term relationship with them. #22 Dont be clingy and needy. Guys like a damsel who needs their help. But that stops once the infatuation period is over. Show him that youre self reliant and hell always look for ways to help you and please you. #23 Be sexually innovative. Know your moves in bed and everywhere else. Have sex in different places, role play with him, wear an apron and nothing else while cooking something special, tie his hands to the bedpost You get the drift, dont you? [Read: What really turns a guy on?] #24 Be a good cook. No matter what people say, the adage, the way to a mans heart is through his stomach still holds good. #25 Learn to think like a guy. Guys and girls dont always think along the same lines. Learn to think like him and his eyes will well up with happy tears to have the love of a woman so special. [Read: How to think like a man] #26 Dont ever be a pushover. Dont be the submissive wife. You dont need to sit at his feet to earn his respect and love. Instead, be opinionated and throw him around when he throws his weight around you. #27 Whip him when he cant behave. Treat him like a spoilt child when he doesnt behave. Ignore his childish behavior or scold him when he behaves like a slob. Be unpredictable and rude when he misbehaves, and hell fear you and respect you at the same time. #28 Make him proud of you. Guys may be shallow at first sight, but they still want a girl they can respect and admire. Be an achiever and a girl he can look up to in awe. #29 Respect yourself. Youre not a doormat. Let him know that you have the strength to move on if he does something stupid or treats you badly. Always make it look like

youre the biggest prize hes won. You dont have to call yourself a prize in front of him, but show it to him by ignoring him or pushing him out of the bedroom when he misbehaves. #30 Make him dependent on you. As long as he thinks he cant live without you or if he feels helpless without you, hell always stay interested in you. Pick the traits you can use and youll see how easy it can be to keep a guy interested in you. But never let him use you or treat you like a pushover. And dont think twice about punishing him or putting him in his place when he doesnt treat you right. Earn his respect and love. And let him earn yours. Treat him with love and affection, but only if he deserves it. After all, as long as he fears losing a catch like yourself, hell never put a toe out of line, would he? While the first three steps are the most obvious and the most sexy, you do need to work on a few subtle signs to be a real sex goddess.

Every man wants to be with a sex goddess and every woman wants to be one. But then, who is a sex goddess really, and what makes her so different from the others?

How to be a sex goddess

A sex goddess knows her way around her bedroom, but it doesnt just end there. Really, you cant just sleep with every man to prove that you have what it takes to achieve a sex goddess status. And all women who have been crowned sex goddesses didnt really sleep with all the men. So obviously, it takes more than just bedroom manners to really understand how to be a sex goddess. Here are a few subtle details that you should use to attain a sex goddess status, without always taking a man to bed. Work on your dressing style What you wear plays a big part in being a sexy seductress. Contrary to popular belief, a sex goddess doesnt need a push up bra and three inches of cleavage popping out of her shirt all the time, nor does she have to wear a skirt that rides up every five minutes, well, unless you want to make it obvious that Gabrielle Solis is your role model. To be a real sex goddess in a mysterious way, dont wear revealing clothes all the time. Youd only end up making your girlfriends bitch about you or feel insecure around their own men. And whats worse, by wearing revealing clothes all the time, youre letting the world know that you want to show your assets off in a very obvious manner to just about anyone who has a pair of ogling eyes. [Read: Should you wear revealing clothes in office?] To create an aura of a desirable sex goddess, wear clothes that seem innocent but are intentionally promiscuous. White tight shirts, well fitting jeans that show off your curves and flimsy tees that hug your bosoms can make you look a lot more attractive because it leaves a lot to the imagination without revealing anything. If you want to be a sex goddess, dont ever dress down in baggy overalls, even if youre gardening or cooking. Always look sexy and glamorous no matter what youre doing. Wear snug, pretty clothes that make you look sexy and attractive. A little bit of skin is always exciting though, just as long as it isnt screaming look-at-me! [Read: How to look sexy while sleeping with a man]

Touch and talk to a man The manner in which you talk to a man too has a lot to do with attaining your sex goddess status. The next time you have a conversation with a man, touch him now and then on his arms or back as you talk to him. Dont make it obvious that youre trying hard to touch him. Instead, play it calm and use an excuse to gently graze your palm against his arm while pointing at something. Or if hes reading out a few lines from a book or a piece of paper, walk up to him really clos e and pretend like youre interested in reading it too. And while youre at it, gently place your hand on his back or on his shoulder or graze your breast on his back, by accident, of course! [Read: How to flirt with a guy without making it obvious] No guy can really assume youre hitting on him just because youre accidentally placing your hands on him. But at the same time, that lingering touch would make him crave for many more unintentional touches from you. Compliment a man with your eyes One of the easiest ways to attract a mans attention and become a sex goddess is by learning to compliment a guy the right way. Compliment a guy when you like something about him, but when its just the both of you, compliment him on something thats below his neck, or something that borders on sexual flirting. My thats a sexy butt! can seem funny, but any guy can tell you that itll leave him feeling great about it. By learning to compliment a man with humor and lacing it with sex, youll get any guy to start fantasizing about you and hoping for better things with you. [Read: What guys always notice in a girl] Dont be overly cute If you want to know how to be a sex goddess, you really need to lose the goody two shoes image. Dont pretend to be dumb and dont try to behave in a girlish or childish manner. By appearing to be a lot more fun and chirpy, you may make it easier for guys to approach you. But you have to remember that guys approach girls when they feel confident to talk to them. A happy girl is easy to talk to. But a sex goddess whos desired by all men also makes most men get a heavy lump on their throat when she walks past them. So if you want to be a desirable sex goddess, you need to be sexy, and lose the cute girl tag. Of course, you can act cute though, just as long as you still remember to do it in a sexy manner!

Be calm and composed when youre with a guy, and try to breathe rather deeply and heavily when youre with someone you want to impress. Dont make it obvious though, and try to behave like you normally do. When you take deeper breaths, your curves naturally accentuate your sexy body and make you look a lot sexier and desirable. [Read: How to dress for sex] Be confident in bed Sex goddesses know more about what excites men in bed than the men themselves! So do your homework and be aware of your moves. When you know what to do in bed, it makes you feel a lot more confident when youre spending a night with a man , or having a conversation thatll eventually lead to spending a night with him. Understand a mans erogenous zones, and use your lips or your hands where it matters. To be a seductress, you need to feel sexy and be sexy. And if you want to be all that in bed, you need to do your homework. [Read: How to make out like a sex goddess]

Do you want to know to think like a man, especially in a relationship? Ever heard your man grumble that you just dont understand him? Or did he whine about how women are just so different? Now before you try changing yourself for his sake, you should know that men may whine a lot about women and their behavior. But all said and done, men still want women to behave like women, and leave the manly behavior to the men. There are a few times though, when you behaving like a man can make him exceptionally happy. So if you want to know how to think like a man, and impress your guy, here are a few starting points. How to think like a man Thinking like a man is easy. Girls grow up and become women. Boys get bigger and become men. If you want to think like a man, all you need to do is bring out your inner tomboy child. Try these manly behavior traits when youre with your own man. And big chances are, hell bear hug you in happiness or brag about how his girlfriend is the bestest in the whole world to all his friends!

Men dont beat around the bush If you want to think like a man, start with this one. When youre angry, do you always tell your man straight out about the reason behind your frustration? Most women dont. Theyd rather hold it in and grumble in a corner while the man goes back into a series of flashbacks just to understand what and where he did wrong. And almost always, until he realizes what offended his woman, he pays the price. [Read: Annoying girlfriend habits that men hate] Men dont do that. If your man is angry with you, hed rather just blurt it out to you in a bad way than hold it in and rephrase the crushing annoyance in a manner that would have the maximum impact. If you want to be a man, the next time youre upset with him for something, say it out straight and dont beat around the bush. At least then, he d know what hes apologizing for! Men like their space Ever seen your man sitting by himself and happily building a car scale model or polishing his car? He likes doing that. Men absolutely love their space. He may feel guilty at times and try to spend more time with you to make up for it though. The best way to deal with this is by keeping yourself occupied with your own hobby once in a while. Go out with your friends now and then, or indulge yourself in a few activities that you enjoy around your own place. By doing this, youd lift your mans bag of guilt off his back, and help him appreciate your independence a lot more! [Read: How to give each other space in a relationship] Men like sex a lot more than foreplay All women know this well. Your man may be nice enough to spend a while indulging in foreplay for your satisfaction, so learn to return the favor now and then by excusing him off a few tongue twister moves and cuddles before sex. Take him straight to bed and ask him to get on top as soon as you feel ready down there. Hed probably be surprised, but its going to be a happy one! [Read: How to make out with a guy like a sex goddess] Your man loves his gadgets and games All men love playing on their game consoles or even spending time with their little remote controlled cars. It may seem immature, but for a man, it gives him a bit of time to get away from the world. Now men know their women would never understand this fascination. But if you want to know how to think like a man, let him know that you can enjoy a good game too. The next time your mans out for a while, play with his man toys and try to

enjoy a good game. Theres a good chance that you may understand his fascination after a while too. And when your man does get back home and sees you busy enjoying his game, theres a big chance his eyes will well up with tears of joy! Men love getting wasted Men just love losing control of their senses now and then. Every man has his own reason, all the way from hoping hed get molested in a drunken stupor by a group of sexy girls, to drinking being his way of dealing with the crap life throws at him. Plan a Saturday night for him. Stock up your refrigerator with beer and booze and get wasted together. Just make sure the doors are locked and youre close to the bed and the loo. Remember, the fun starts when both of you start trash talking. The best part is that your man would never forget those happy nights when you both have fun binge drinking together. Dealing with the hangover come Sunday morning, well, thats a small price for a load of happiness, isnt it? Men love porn Ever caught your man in front of his computer late at night with his hands deep inside his pants? Of course, your man will be embarrassed to get caught in a compromising position. You may be pissed off or even insulted to see that he actually had to watch another naked woman to get an erection and have a bit of fun when he already has you. Its natural that youd feel that way, but men dont understand that. For men, porn is porn. And looking at another naked woman or two isnt cheating, its having a good time. Instead of rebuking him or getting upset and throwing a pillow for him to sleep on the couch, join him and watch the movie together if you want to think like a man. Watching erotica together can be a lot of fun and hell feel reli eved too. How many lucky guys get to have sex with their woman while watching a few other women at the same time? And odds are, youll love the hot men in the movie too! [Read: How erotica saved my sexless marriage] Times when he wont enjoy your manly behavior Now that you know how to think like a man, use these tips to impress him and let him know how understanding you can be.

But at the same time, dont overdo it. It would only upset him or make him wonder whats going on. Here are a few great examples of woman showing man behavior gone wrong. # Sex is just sex. Dont fall asleep immediately after sex like a man does, without e ven looking at him. If it happens a few times in a row, hell probably spoon you and cry himself to sleep. # Men look at other women even if theyre in love. Dont do the same. Hed probably pick a fight with the guy youre staring at, or think youre a fl irty cheat-in-the-box. But use this move if he disrespects you by ogling a lot at other women all the time. [Read: Men who stare at women] # Men dont change their favorite frayed pants or tee shirts unless his woman throws it out. If you wear your old, fading clothes and laze on the couch, hell probably think youre starting to look ugly. # Men burp and fart with their friends. But in your endeavor to think like a man, dont ever do that. Hed think hes turning gay or youre turning into a guy. Either ways, its not good news for you.

The art of being a good girlfriend is simple. Make your man feel special and cared for, and he will love you for it. If you want to know how to be a good girlfriend, you need to keep a few traits in mind. You may already be indulging in a few of these traits without realizing it. But if you arent, perhaps its time to be a good girlfriend and make your man fall in love with you, more with each passing day. How to be a good girlfriend Men pursue the woman they love earnestly, but many men give up on their charming antics once theyve snagged the girl. If youre dating a guy whos perfect and makes you feel on top of the world, perhaps its time to return the favor. [Read: Signs of a good boyfriend] Here are ten little things you can do for him that would impress him, awe him and make him desire you more than ever before. Find out how to be a good girlfriend with these ten tips. #1 Make him a better man A good girlfriend doesnt just teach her man how to be romantic or chivalrous. She knows her boyfriend inside out and helps him fix his flaws and improves his perfections. Do you motivate your man to achieve his dreams? Do you talk about his future and his potential? One of the better traits of a good girlfriend is her interest and ability to mould her man to become the best he can ever be. #2 Make your guy feel special Every guy loves to be pampered by his girlfriend, especially in front of others. Your guy may never acknowledge this. In fact, he may seem awkward or even embarrassed when you indulge in a bit of affection in public with him. But deep inside, he wants your attention. In almost all relationships, its the guy who pursues the girl and tries to impress her. Perhaps, you can now return the favor by snuggling up to him when youre with other people. Theres nothing that screams shes my girl in your boyfriends head better than this, is there? [Read: Public display of affection rules] #3 Take initiative in bed On the outside, women always make it seem like making a move to make out or have sex is a mans job. But everyone knows women love sex just as much as men do.

You can be coy in bed for most of the time, but every now and then, take the lead and show him what youve got. A good girlfriend knows how to play coy but every now and then, she shows him a few sexy moves that can pleasantly surprise him. [Read: What men really want in bed] #4 Impress his family and friends If you want to know how to be a good girlfriend, this is a great move to start with. Your boyfriend may be smitten by you, but hes got a significant baggage that needs some impressing too. Every time youre with his friends or family, try to participate in the conversations and be cheerful around them. If he sees that youre bonding well and having a great time with his family and friends, youre probably going to see his eyes tearing up with happiness real soon! #5 Want him but dont be needy Every guy dreams of getting a girl whos independent, but yet dependent. Some girls are rather clingy and need a boyfriends help for everything. On the other hand, we have a few other girls who are way too independent. Guys love the middle path. Every guy likes to be there for his girlfriend in her time of need. It may be his protective instinct or he may just want to impress you or please you. If you dont really need him to help you, but you still want him around when youre doing something because you love his company, any guy would love you for that. Guys may appreciate an overly dependent girl or a completely independent girl who doesnt want her guy to involve in her life at the beginning, but as the relationship grows, hed fall more in love with a girl who doesnt need him, but wants him. [Read: Annoying girlfriend habits that guys hate] #6 Earn his respect Women want to be treated with respect and men understand that. A good girlfriend doesnt just demand respect from her guy, she earns it. When you believe in yourself and your capabilities and have a strong and determined personality, itl l make your boyfriend respect you for the person you are. Learn to show off your capabilities and awe him, and hell begin to listen to you and respect your opinion, not because youre his girlfriend but because youre such a wonderful person. #7 Dress like a million bucks For a guy, theres nothing sexier than a girl who can illuminate a room when she steps in. Be that girl. When the whole room stops and stares at you, itll fill your boyfriends *shallow* heart with happiness and pride. Dress like a million bucks when you go out

with him, and if his jaw drops at first sight and he cant stop glancing sideways at you when you walk with him, you know youve worked your magic! [Read: How to look sexy without trying] #8 Be intelligent and witty A good girlfriend is aware of the world around her. You dont need to be a rocket scientist, but if you can be witty and fun, and mix it up with intelligence when youre having a conversation with him, theres no way he would ever let someone like you slip away from him. And remember, an intelligent person isnt always a walking -talking-encyclopedia, it could even be a person who knows a few things, but knows it well. #9 Look after yourself and your guy Do you take care of yourself, physically and otherwise? Fill your life with happiness and have a positive outlook towards life. Work out, look good and feel good about yourself. And help your boyfriend look good and feel good too. When both of you are cheerful and happy with yourselves and with each other, both of you will feel radiant and full of positivity which can have a positive impact on your lives. [Read: How to be happy in a relationship] #10 You can be a guy when you have to A guy wants his girlfriend to be sweet and caring, but every now and then, especially when theres a game on or when hes spending some guy time with the boys, he would absolutely love it if you could turn your baseball cap around and chew gum like a man! If you want to know how to be a good girlfriend, learn to hang out with him and his friends and have a good time in the boys club now and then.

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When youre falling in love with a guy, you obviously dont care whether hes taken or not. All you know is that you want him and want him bad. You can learn how to steal a guy with this guide, but use it only if you truly love him and think hed be happier with you than he is with his own girlfriend. Its never right to break a relationship up for selfish reasons. And quite frankly, if a guys already in a happy relationship, hes not going to leave his girlfriend anyways. Try these moves and work your magic. With a bit of finesse and charm, youd be well on your way to stealing a guy from right under his girlfriends nose. How to steal a guy from his girlfriend Guys are easy to manipulate because they usually fall hard for appearances and good lookers. After all, more often than not, a guy falls in love more for the physical appearance than emotional security. While its easy to make a guy like you at first sight, it isnt easy to steal a guy away or make him fall in love with you because men pay a lot of attention to emotional needs too. [Read: How men fall in love to understand this] Find a way to get his attention and show him how great you really are, physically and intellectually, and hell have a hard time not falling in love with you. Here are ten little steps that can help you understand how to steal a guy. Use these pointers and youll see the difference in no time. #1 Look your best around him Men are suckers for good looking girls, but that really doesnt mean you need a perfectly symmetrical face or a perfect ten body. Of course, they would help a lot. But its not all that matters. [Read: How to look sexy] Dress well and appear confident, and as long as you believe you look sexy, you WILL look sexy. We dont need to say this all the time, but some of the sexiest women on earth arent really the prettiest. They just ooze sex appeal because theyre so confident and happy with their own physique. Feel good about yourself and look good, especially

when youre around him and hed definitely notice how good you are as a dating potential. [Read: How to make any man fall in love with you] #2 Play the staring game Now that weve got his attention, its time to let him know that somethings brewing in the air. Stare at him now and then, and just as he catches you looking, look away in a cute and coy manner. Do this even if both of you already know each other. Make him curious subtly and make him wonder if you like him. Guys love attention, especially from a great looking girl. He may already have a girlfriend, but that wont stop him from giving you a thought. If you do want to know how to steal a guy, you need to make him wonder and think about you. Once hes caught you staring a few times, start to play cold for a few days. Let him miss your stare, and soon enough, hell try to stare at you and get your attentio n. Look back at him now and then, but look away quickly. Itll drive him mad because hes just not able to get your attention. Yeah, hell do all this even if he does have a girlfriend already. [Read: How to get a guy to like you] #3 Win the attention of his friends Men are competitive and every single guy wants to be the alpha male in the group. Its not possible, but all guys try. Have pleasant, flirty conversations with his friends without really bordering into sleazy, and win their attention. If youve managed to make a great impression on his guy friends, chances are, the next time you wave and walk past them, theyre all going to talk about you and how cute and awesome you are. [Read: How to talk to a guy and make him like you] When the guy you want to steal hears his friends talk about you, it would push him further to impress you and win your attention. See how easy it can get to make him fall for you? #4 Bring out his protective side Guys are protective by instinct. If you want to know how to steal a guy, you need to use this in your favor and make him appreciate you a lot more. The next time youre having a conversation with him or walking down a street, take his help. If youre talking to him, rest your palm on his forearm to adjust your heel straps. If youre walking down a path, pretend like the books in your hand are heavy and wait for him to offer to carry them for you. If youre trying to cross a street, clasp his hand for assistance. And always thank him for being so sweet with a cute-as-a-button smile even

if he didnt realize he was being helpful. Itll make him feel good to be around you, especially when you appreciate his company so much. #5 His girlfriend vs. you This is a big deal. To understand how to steal a guy, you need to understand his girlfriends strengths and weaknesses. Speak to a few friends discreetly or snoop around on her social networking pages and try to find out more about his girlfriend. What kind of a person is she and what kind of differences do they have? Even the best of couples have a few differences. Your covert operation is to find out what those differences are and which of them you can use to your advantage. [Read: Annoying girlfriend habits that guys hate] Once you get to know the little lovers tiffs the guy you like and his girlfriend have, try to win his affection by discreetly bringing up similar issues and let him see how similar both your tastes and opinions are. Compatibility is of paramount importance in a relationship, even if most people dont realize it. Use it to your advantage and youll make him wonder if youre a better girlfriend potential for him than his own girlfriend! If shes shy and timid, show off your bold karaoke videos on youtube. If shes too dominating, allow him to take more decisions when hes with you. If you want to know how to steal a guy, make him feel like a man, and hell fall for you and respect you at the same time.

Its easy to ask a guy out, but you should avoid doing that. Find out why. [Read: Can a girl ask a guy out?] If you like someone and want to ask a guy out, just drop a few hints. And if hes interested in you, hes definitely going to ask you out before you ask him out. But at times, life can be a tad more complicated than we want it to be. And at times like these, a girl has no choice but to make the first move. You may have just broken up with this guys best friend, both of you could be old buddies [Read: Falling for a friend], or there may be some other complicated reason. During times like these, you could drop a few hints, but even if he thinks you like him, he may be apprehensive to ask you out. If you ever find yourself in such a situation, well, you may want to know how to ask a guy out and let him know that you really like him. Use these pointers on how to ask a guy out without really saying I like you. [Read: 20 reasons why a guy may never like you back] Invite him to go out with your friends Do you know the guy well already? If you do, you can skip right to the next pointer, where weve got some bigger ways to warm him up. But if youre still only exchanging smiles and not really friends, then you need to become friendly first. The next time you bump into him or are having a monosyllabic conversation, just ask him if hed be interested to go bowling with your friends this weekend or something like that. Tell him youre one player short and it would be great if he could join you guys. Its friendly, nice and doesnt really make you look desperate. Once both of you are better friends, you could use the next few pointers and really understand how to ask a guy out without really asking him out! [Read: How to get a guy to like you] Let him know youre interested You dont have to tell him outright that you have a crush on him, but drop a few signs. When youre nearing the end of a conversation with him, brush his hair or arm and say something like you are such a sweet guy, stay this way and I might just fall for you! Dont say things like you are such a sweet guy, the girl you go out with will be so lucky. It makes you look like a lost cause. Its like you can never have him, and only dream of him. Be confident and dont be afraid to push the flirty ball into his court now and then. You may put him in a spot, but dont worry about it. You can always say that line, and say

youve got to go and walk away like that statement meant nothing to you. Itll make him smile and wonder if you really like him. Have touchy feely conversations Touch him when youre talking to him, but dont come on too strong. A gi rl who touches a guy a lot is either too comfortable with him, or extremely desperate. Youre neither. Youre a classy girl who knows when to touch and when to stand afar. And dont flirt too much too. Its trashy and can bore any guy. After all, an extrem ely flirty girl can get pretty boring and annoying. Instead, make him want more. Save your flirting for only a few lines in the entire conversation. Never make it too obvious that youre falling for him. [Read: How to flirt by touching] When youre talking to him, avoid touching him. And all of a sudden, when theres no one around, lean forward and whisper something in his ear. It could be gossip or a little flirty comment like I like your shirt. As you do that, clasp his hands, and loosely lock your fingers with his. When you keep your distance from him throughout the conversation and suddenly come close once in a few conversations, youre blowing hot and cold and that would confuse him. It would make him blush, leave him confused and want you closer. [Read: How to talk to a guy and make him want you] And you should do this when its just the both of you because you dont want some friends to tell him youve got the hots for him and stroke his ego. Watch a movie together This is easy-peasy and so simple, its ridiculous. The next time youre with this guy you like, pretend to be a bit miffed and tell him about how badly you wanted to watch this particular movie with your friends, but theyre all too busy to go out this weekend. Tell him youre annoyed and really pissed off. And stop talking. Wait. Yes, unless hes a dumb mule or already has a girlfriend, hes probably going to say, hey, why dont we go together? I could take you there Is there anything easier than that? Smile and laugh and blush, and continue talking about something else. Dont thank him though, remember youre still playing hard to get! Hes not doing you a favor. Youre doing him a favor, you gorgeous thing! [Read:How to play hard to get] After the movie, if he doesnt really say anything nice, you could always say, I had such a nice time we should do this again. And if he says how about next week? tell him youre busy!

Plan something a few days later, and always remember to never appear too easy to get. [Read: How to make him want you] How to ask a guy out Ever been in a situation where youve done everything to let a guy know you like him, and youre on the verge of holding him by the collar and screaming that you like him and want him to do something about it? [Read: Is he in love with you?] Now if youre not dating the guy already, youre probably in this scenario. This is dangerous ground and may work in your favor, or perhaps, it wont. So firstly, remember this. If youve used the earlier pointers on him, thats all you really need to send the message across and make him ask you out. But even if youve made it so vaguely clear and he still doesnt reciprocate or make a move, sorry dearie, he may not be looking at you as anything more than a friend. You could give up and have a happy friendship. Or you could try the last resort, and ask him out. [Read: 9 sneaky ways to get a guy to ask you out first] Dont come on too strong. Sit down with him when its just the both of you, and tell him that youve started to grow very fond of him over the last few weeks. Mention that both of you have been spending so much time together and youve started to see what a wonderful and sweet guy he is. Tell him that you think you like him, and would want to see if a relationship can grow out of this friendship. The balls in his court now. Its no more flirty games. Youve asked the guy out. Whatever may be the answer, youve tried your best without losing your dignity. Youre still a classy girl, in a relationship or otherwise.

Getting to know if a guy likes you can be quite tricky and confusing. So does the guy like you, or are you just misinterpreting the signs? Sometimes, we come across guys and friends who seem to suddenly act different or just behave in a manner that seems like hes got more than just friends on his mind. [Read: 20 circumstances when a guy will never ever like you back]

So how to know if a guy likes you for real?

After reading the first five signs in the introduction, you would have figured out how his eyes can speak to you, and how his behavior can help you know if a guy likes you. [Read: Is he in love with you?] But its always better to be completely sure before you take the next step. Find out how to know if a guy likes you using these five simple steps. How to know if a guy likes you #6 HES TOUCHY FEELY Bought a new pair of earrings? Hes probably going to want to run his fingers innocently by your ears as he checks it out. Any guy who likes a girl gets touchy feely. Its just involuntary. There are more hello hugs or lingering handshakes, and of course, hed try to touch you at any opportunity that he can get. Now this doesnt really mean hes going to be crude or perverted. But youd know a guy is touching you a bit more often than other guys when you experience the touchy feely lingering touches of a guy who likes you. Now whether youll enjoy his clasps and soft touches or not is entirely up to wh ether you like him back or not. [Read: Is he really into you or just being nice?] How to know if a guy likes you #7 HE GIVES YOU A CUTE NAME Cute names and pet names are usually reserved for someone you have a sweet spot for. No one in their right mind wants to go around giving pet names to each and every one they meet. But if you have such a special place in a guys heart, maybe then he would probably have a pet name for you. How to know if a guy likes you? If this guy decides to call you by a cute pet name, youre in a pretty good place in his heart. [Read: How to steal a guy from his girlfriend]

How to know if a guy likes you #8 GIFTS GALORE This is probably the most obvious sign on this list. Does this guy send you flowers? Or does he give you a gift and say that he was shopping and came across something that reminded him of you, and he had to pick it up for you? If a guys been giving you gifts or showering you with special gestures, thats probably because he wants you to know that he thinks about you all the time, even when he shops! This is a very good sign in the big list of signs that a guy likes you. How to know if a guy likes you #9 THE LITTLE THINGS THAT COUNT This is something that comes involuntarily when a guy likes you. Youd be able to notice this more when youre in a group of friends. Does this guy give you special attention or offer to help you more than he helps around others? Any guy who likes you cant help but pay more attention to your needs more than the others. Now he may be a guy who is genuinely nice and helps everyone, but if he does like you, theres a pretty good chance hes giving you just that little bit of extra attention! [Read: How to make any guy fall in love with you] How to know if a guy likes you #10 ALL HIS FRIENDS KNOW YOU Have you met this guy or waved out to him when hes with his own group of friends? Do his friends nudge him or tease him each time you wave, or do you find him grinning wide like hes got the lockjaw? Now that should mean something along the lines of a romantic interest. Have you ever been introduced to his friends and they seem to know a lot about you? That means he thinks youre important enough for hi m to talk about with his own group of friends. On the other hand, this could just mean that they know a few things about you, and are trying to be warm and friendly. But usually, its easy to find out if a guy likes you by the way his friends behave when both of you are together. [Read: How to talk to a guy and make him like you] The final word Does the guy like you? If youre wondering how to know if a guy likes you, just look at these ten signs. If you find one or two pointers here that seem true about this guy, there may be a small chance that he does have a romantic interest in you. But if hes got more than five to seven flags waving out of these ten, then hes surely got a huge crush on you and cant wait to ask you out!

Knowing how to make him miss you or make him call you more is a tricky pursuit. You cant really whine and tell him that you miss him, and wish hed call you more often. But could there be a way to make him miss you more, just like that? [Read: 30 super tips to keep a guy interested in you] How to make him miss you How many times have we sat by the phone wondering what the man in our life is up to, and when is he ever going to call us again! Now Im not saying men dont think about their girlfriends. But I am indeed saying that the novelty of a new relationship wears off faster for a man than for a woman. Why does this happen? Well, its simple, because women give in too easily and reveal all even more easily. Learn how to make him call you more and miss you more by understanding these simple tips. HOW TO MAKE HIM MISS YOU #1 Surprise him Theres no point in being an open book early in a relationship. Keep him interested and into you by mentioning to him the summer you spent in Paris by yourself or your skills on the violin. Go out to a karaoke bar one night and floor him with your singing ability. Never let him know who you really are, let him experience that by being with you. [Read: How to make a guy fall deeply in love with you] #2 Be sincere Make him feel like hes found his soul mate in you. The idea is to be sincere. Genuinely listen to what he has to say. Ask questions, and keep in mind what and who he talks about so that the next time he brings it up, you can show him that you actually do listen. #3 Have no expectations Its a common mistake that every girl makes when she expect that a man is as hooked on you as you are on him, or that he is going to be exactly like your sappy man-child of an ex-boyfriend. Remind yourself why you ditched your ex.

If he doesnt arrive at your doorstep with a dozen red roses every day, it does not mean that he is not into you. [Read: How to think like a man and impress your guy] HOW TO MAKE HIM MISS YOU DIRTY, SNEAKY WAYS! Read on for a few really sneaky ways to make him miss you and make him call you more. #1 Hang up before he does If you end the conversation before he does, itll keep him wanting more. Admit it, it happens to you all the time. Well, maybe in some cases, playing hard to get really does work. #2 Do not accept any last minute dates This is a sneakier variant of the first way to make him miss you more. Never, I repeat, never ever make it seem like youre poised at the edge of your seat waiting for him to make time for you. Not only does this make you look like the ultimate loser, it will make him take you for granted. You should never accept the option of being Plan B. #3 Great perfume Pick the perfect perfume, and remember that the key word here is subtlety. Youll know it has worked when he keeps leaning in. But remember to take it easy and not douse yourself in fragrances. Youd also want a leave a trace of it on him so that he remembers you after he drives you home. [Read: Tips to increase your sex appeal] MAKE HIM CALL YOU MORE: WILL IT WORK? So what do you do if (god forbid) all your hard work doesnt work and he still doesnt call more or miss you more? First of all, dont jum p into conclusions. For all you know, there could have been an emergency. You may call once or leave a message but do not overdo it and fill his inbox with whr r u and y hvnt u cald messages. Secondly do not obsess, immerse yourself in those hobbies you wowed him with. And finally if he calls you a month later without an excuse asking you out on a date, do not accept it. That would be an insult to your womanhood. Are you wondering how to make him want you more? The beginning of a new relationship is arguably the best part. The tingly feelings of butterflies that come with a first meeting can never be replicated. But can you make this last forever? Can you make him love you more with each passing day? How can you make him think about you all the time?

You may catch his eye, but how can you ensure that hes hooked to you? How can you make him want you, and love you for who you are?

How to make him want you

Men are essentially more single-minded than women. Lets just say they dont see things as we do. Every situation does not have the typical million alternatives in a mans life. For him, not calling simply would mean youre busy, and hed never think that youre not interested. So your task is to keep him interested, and make him want you. [Read: How to get a guy to like you] Your weapons? Self confidence and control. Here is your modus operandi to make him love you more, effortlessly. HOW TO MAKE HIM LOVE YOU #1 Be busy Never make it look like youre sitting by the phone waiting for his call, even if you are. Go out, meet people, start a hobby even if its just to get your mind off things. And make sure he knows your busy bee activities, as not only will it keep him intrigued by you, it will make him feel grateful for getting to spend a little time with you. #2 Never show that it bothers you The biggest mistake most women make is to whine but why didnt you call me last night/yesterday/every hour? To clobber him with questions is only going to push him away rather than make him love you more. A wistful but you used to do it before is even worse. Remember, men hate questions about relationships all the time. In the beginning of every relationship, hormones are on overdrive and that would make him want you all the time. And without even realizing it, he would want to spend every waking moment with you. But a relationship, like everything else, is progressive. So it then goes into the stage where youre both comfortable with each other, which means you dont need to call each other every few hours in order to feel loved. #3 Feel good about yourself If youre wondering how to make him want you all the time, wear someth ing you feel desirable in, be it your favorite pair of jeans or a pair of sexy boy shorts. When you feel

sexy, it shows! And hes going to reciprocate the desire. [Read: What to wear to bed with your boyfriend] #4 Pay attention to appearance As shallow as this sounds, you have to make a first impression or a good series of first impressions. It should be a while before you can let him see you with a bed head and no makeup. #5 Take initiative Forget about playing hard to get, take over in the bedroom and otherwise. Just not all the time, unless you want it predictable and yawn-inspiring. If you want to make him want you all the time and make him love you helplessly, you need to keep his interest piqued. So leave him a message commanding him to meet you at your favorite restaurant and plan an evening of fun to follow. #6 Inflate his ego This is an obvious one. Turn him on by complimenting him on what hes wearing and how good he looks, lightly brush against his shoulder as you walk by, and make lots of eye contact and smoldering looks. Knowing that a girl is smoking hot and that she desires him, will only make him want the girl, a.k.a. you, even more. [Read: Tips on turning a guy on] Remember, a guy may say he wants his space or that he needs to have some guy time without thinking about his girl friend, but it isnt always true. You can accept it and move along. Or you can make him want you and be with you without even asking him to do that! Just let him see that true confident girl that you are, and let him know that you dont really need him around all the time too.

Is you boyfriend serious about the relationship or is it just a fling for the time being? He may not say much, but his body language would definitely give away a lot of subtle signs about whether he really is serious about you or not. If youre in a new relationship and find yourself wondering if hes really into you or even serious about you, these signs should help you find the answers. [Read: 30 super sexy ways to keep a guy interested in the relationship] #6 When youre with your friends

He knows your girls mean the world to you, so if he makes an effort to get along with them (and their boyfriends), it shows he wants to be a part of your life. But let the warning bells clang if he gets too close to one of them and asks too many questions about them. Thats a sign to dump him immediately. #7 When youre apart If he rings you a hundred times a day for no apparent reason, you can tell that he wishes he was with you physically right at that moment. The next best alternative being checking in with you, to see what you re up to, every other hour. Now we also have another reason to be grateful to text messaging, to tell what level our guy is at! [Read: How to pick a cute pet name for your guy] If he sends you long mushy messages, hes infatuated and still in that early mush stage, but if he sends you a short and sweet I luv u or a whr r u even after you guys have been seeing each other for a while, youre the one for him. #8 While posing for pictures Why is it that we try to smile radiantly into a camera making sure its on our good side? Because we know that photographs are permanent evidence which cannot be denied. So take out the pictures from your last getaway weekend and examine it closely. [Read: Tips to look sexy while sleeping with your guy] If he has his body angled toward yours and feet pointing toward you then you two are completely in tune. Also notice if he has his arm around you in a possessive gesture. To do this in a photograph is his way of telling you that youre for keeps. If hes not very into you, hell move away or at least keep a bit of safe distance between the both of you. #9 When having an argument Every couple has fights, its how you fight that determines whether youre going to be a passing fad or an enduring trend. If your man is willing to listen to your side of the story and consider your opinion, it shows that hes trying to make it work. Anyone who gives up after a fight is not just a quitter, he doesnt believe that what you have is long term. If he is willing to talk it out instead of just storming out, he needs you just as much as you need him. [Read: The best way to talk about past relationships]

#10 When youre in conversation Does he look deep into your eyes? As corny as it sounds, this is the biggest pointer that actually reveals whether you mean the world to him as it shows he wants to listen to what you have to say. If he can maintain eye contact for only a short while, it doesnt mean hes not trustworthy but simply put, you impress him. But if he has shifty eyes and seems uninterested, then hes not really interested in what you have to say but in other non-verbal activities. If his eyes are dilated, it means that he is, quite frankly, mesmerized by you. Do you think youre seeing the perfect man with whom you want to spend the rest of your life? Is he thinking along the same lines?

He may pamper you with gifts and little nothings, but does he really love you enough to look at you as a long term girlfriend or potential partner for life? Sometimes its not the proclamations of love or the dozen red roses that says I love you. How to tell if hes serious about you Body language is the secret, powerful method of communication through which we communicate more than half of what we actually mean. So is your man truly in love with you, or is it just for the moment? If youre in a new relationship and cant understand if hes really into you, watch out for these oh-so-subtle ways that can help you find out if hes serious about you. [Read: 9 tips to have a perfect new relationship] Does your man really love you enough to look at you as a long-term partner potential. Find out here. #1 While watching TV Understandably, you cant tear your eyes away from McSteamy on your favorite show, but notice all of your mans subtle body cues while youre watching the telly. Is his arm around you in a protective gesture? That means he wants to take care of you. He clasps your hand while interlacing fingers, it shows that he wants to have an intimate connection. [Read: 25 relationship rules for successful love] #2 While youre with his friends If his arm is around your shoulders, hes signaling to his friends and other males around that you belong to him in a gesture that brings out the caveman in him. If its around your waist, he is telling them that you are a keeper. #3 When youre at his place Guys are natural slobs with a few exceptions. Only in movies do bachelor pads have perfectly coordinated furniture and scented candles. In reality, the main attraction at a bachelor pad is the beer can pyramid. So if he makes an effort to clear up the mess in his room, then hes decided youre worth the once-a-year spring cleaning he gives his room. He might stop doing this after a while which only shows hes comfortable enough with you to be himself.

The ultimate sign that he has white picket fences in mind is if he lets you leave your random girlie objects around the house, and no, toothbrush does nt count. That is mostly regarded as an essential part of oral hygiene. But if hes okay with your pink yoga mat in the living room or your mirror cushions on the bed, pat yourself on the back, youre in! [Read: Sweet romanic gestures you could use everyday] #4 When youre at dinner Your filet mignon may be delicious but keep your eyes peeled to check cues that your guy is in it for the long haul. As Joey from Friends may tell you, guys dont like sharing food. Whats on their plate is theirs, so dont you dare even try and flick a fry. But if your man is willing to share his plate with you or offers you a bite, he is opening up his personal space to you and wants to be intimate. Alternately, if he starts moving his plates and glasses around, hes trying to reduce the space between you both and wants to get closer. #5 When its just you and him In the early stages of love, neither partner can keep their hands off the other. But whatever the stage, if he likes to hold you with his arms around you, hands resting on your belly, then hes subconsciously decided that you are the mother of his children. Another show of love when youre together is how he falls asleep. Once hes in a deep slumber, he instinctively either moves toward you or moves away, claiming his space at his end of the bed. It doesnt take a genius to figure this one out. Also, if he reaches for you the minute he gets up, it literally means youre the first thing on his mind when he wakes up! [Read: Things to talk about in a perfect relationship]

Who says you cant have fun alone, or when you have nothing left to do? Find out how to have a great time all by yourself. Tired of giving yourself makeovers and pedicures when plans are cancelled last-minute? Bored to death watching clichd telly shows when youre too lazy to go out? Annoyed when your darling is too busy to talk to you?

What to do when youre bored at home

Here is a huge list of great tips to help you add a bit of creativity to your life, and watch yourself go from bored to buzzed in no time! CURE YOUR BOREDOM WITH COLORS If you want to have a good time when youre alone, try to paint. Bring out the old overalls, Picasso! You dont have to be a genius, or even artistically inclined to try to paint. If materials are what youre worried about, hop to the nearest store and pick up a tiny watercolor kit and a few white sheets, or you could just knock on your neighbors door, anybody with a child is bound to have paints of some sort. You could either copy a picture you really like, or go wild splashing psychedelic patterns onto sheets. Besides being fun, painting can be therapeutic and could really help calm you down, especially if youre still mad at the people who dumped you! Who knows, if all goes well, you might even end up with a picture that you would like to hang around your house! Painting that can help you have a great time Tee shirts If you already know a bit about painting, then you could try painting a slogan or a pattern onto a tee shirt with fabric paints. Although, be warned, it must be a tee youre willing to sacrifice. After all, these are many things to do when youre bored. And ruining a perfectly good tee is not the best option. Glass painting Glass painting is unique and can almost always turn out well. You may not really get the best patterns and styles, but yeah, it usually will look good. The only problem is that you

need special glass paints to work on glass. But if you have the motivation to do it, heck, why not go out there and pick up a few colors and work your magic? Vegetable prints Now this is kids stuff, but if youve got the time, it can be a lot of fun. Cut carrot stubs or any tough vegetables into different patterns and cover the carved part with paint. Now press the same painted carved part of the vegetable onto a cloth or canvas, and voila, you have your own patterns to get creative with. This is actually a lot of fun if you want to have a nice time. If the patterns are cut well, the painting usually turns out fantastic! Canvas Paint on a sheet of paper, or go out there and buy yourself a huge canvas to paint on. Whatever works for you, and whatever you like! You may not feel like painting at first, but when youre on a roll, youll find it very hard to step away. FINE DINING FOR ONE Figuring out what to do when youre bored at home can be a pain. Youre not one whos into paints and pretty pictures? Fret not, there are many more things you can do when youre bored. Bored at home A la carte Try cooking a full meal for yourself if youre bored at home. Most of us arent the greatest chefs. But if youre alone for the whole evening, you could look up a few recipes online and plan a full dinner for yourself. Well, that would just ensure youre busy anyways, because between shopping for the ingredients and getting the pots and pans ready, you wouldnt have much f ree time. Who says that you cant spend quality time alone when youre bored at home? Of course, you would have to look up recipes depending on your level of experience, because you dont want to end up with a really complicated recipe when you hardly know how to make macaroni and cheese without burning the dish. Meanwhile, you could go the whole length, and set the table elaborately and wear something snazzy to your date with yourself. What do you do if the food is not to your liking? Not to worry, you could either order delivery or grab some bread and make yourself some sandwiches or try making something less complicated all over again *a word to the wise, it might be a good idea to

stock up on noodles or pasta*, while chalking the whole experience up as one more thing that youve tried. [Read: 10 love experiences you'll see in your own life] A PERFECT MOVIE EXPERIENCE Have a movie marathon. The stuff that comes on the television isnt always the most fun. Instead, you could rent three movies and have a movie marathon! Its always better to rent movies from the same genre, though. Try these options for starters. # Romance If youre with your significant other and both of you are way too bored to dress up and go out, but still want to do something. # Comedy If youre feeling down about something, and are home alone, comedies can be great company. Romantic comedies are always the most fun. But if youre a big fan of slapstick humour, in which case, something like the good old American Pie series should make you feel better. # Drama Dramatic movies arent the best thing to be stuck with, unless you have company. But if you love quiet movies that pull you into the movie just like a novel, perhaps the drama genre is just for you, especially when youre alone and bored at home. # Horror Do not even attempt to have a horror movie marathon alone unless you have nerves of steel! It would be fun to call a few old friends for a sleepover or, then again, you could just call your dearest over and go crazy at all the scary parts! Most horror movies are trilogies or come in parts anyway, so you have your marathon all made out for you! # Inspirational Bored of your job, or worse, fired from your job? Or is it just the plain old story of you hating your life or bored at home and all alone? Inspirational movies are great motivators, and can help you see the bright side of things even when youre down and out in the dark. After all, someone once did say that it is always darkest before dawn, didnt they? [Read: Find your way when you're lost in life] RECONNECT WITH OLD FRIENDS If youre wondering how to cure boredom, reconnect with an old friend. With busy schedules these days, its hard to keep in touch with all the people you know. Use your free time to reestablish contact with as many old friends or relatives as you can.

All you need is your phone and some good old memories. Of course, you could always send an e-mail or connect on Facebook, but there isnt as much personal warmth in writing as there is in speaking over the phone. [Read: Why do men hate talking over the phone?] You dont even have to be a very social person to do this, because it is only worth getting in touch with someone if you have had good times with them. Also, its interesting to compare lives and goals, and see how far either of you have progressed. You may learn some new information from them about mutual acquaintances and gain new contacts for job opportunities, which most of us can never have enough of. But always make sure you arent disturbing anybody. If you are, apologize, and you could always call them back later while trying somebody elses number in the meantime. If you dont have any old acquaintances that you could think of, theres always your family to fall back on. Grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, siblings, the list is endless. Its always touching to hear from a faraway relative. As with friends, its always fun to compare notes about life, and older people are always happy when they are remembered by their nieces or nephews. You might even learn some useful tips on how to deal with life situations from them. [Read: Signs you should end a friendship] MOVE THOSE FEET Go for a walk. Pull out those iPods, strap on those sports shoes and get out of the house. This can be a great cure for boredom, especially for people who love the great outdoors. Wear comfortable clothes and try to locate the best, most scenic and nature-filled path near your house. It is always safer though, to carry your cell phone and drag along some company, especially if youre stepping out after dusk. Call a friend, and you could actually have a meaningful conversation while going for a brisk walk. Or you could inspect your neighborhood more closely. After all, its never a bad thing to learn more about your locality. To quote from Legally Blonde exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just dont shoot their husbands. Well, happy people just dont shoot other people either, period. The point is, exercise is a great de-stresser. If theres a nice breeze wafting through your street, yo u can be sure that youll be back with a healthy glow and a much happier outlook towards life. On the other hand, if youre an amateur photographer, carry along a camera and you might just find some interesting sights to capture. It doesnt matter if you dont find an excessively scenic route. Just try to find one that is relatively safe to walk on.

SNUGGLE WITH SOMETHING TO READ Read old, forgotten books. Everybody has a book stack that they havent gone through for years. You could rummage through them, and you might just find a book that you havent touched for ages. Its always fun to reread something that you had enjoyed a while ago, and had forgotten about. If you dont have any old books, then head to the nearest book store, and pick a book. You could also stroll down to the nearest used book store, and pick your books at a bargain. [Read: Lovepanky's heartwarmers - A collection of beautiful true love stories] In fact, used book stores might just be more fun to browse through because you may find an old book with hilarious notes in it, which could provide for endless entertainment! And for a boredom cure, these books are really cheap when it comes to buying, so you can pick up a copy of that classic you simply must have without emptying your pocket or feeling guilty about it later. If you arent a reader, you could still browse through old magazines that every respectable second-hand bookstore is bound to have. It should be fun looking at what used to be fashionable a few years ago and what the latest scandals were at that point of time. The ultimate company to kick the boredom though would be a gorgeous guy that you could bump into at the bookstore! [Read: How to meet the one while having fun] ARE YOU BOARD?! Play a board game. This might sound like one of the most juvenile suggestions ever, but if you have company, a board game could just be the answer to your entertainment problems. Misery always loves company and playing an old game like Monopoly or The Game of Life from a now grown-up perspective could be quite entertaining. Throw on some old music in the background, tear open a bag of chips, involve people and you have an instant good time on your hands. You dont need too many people around and could always introduce a few new twists in the game to make it more interesting. And if youve got no company at all, there are tons of gaming portals online where you could find exciting games to play for hours on end. Although it might take a while for your acquaintances to get into the spirit of it, once you finish a few rolls of the dice and start buying property and having children, nearly everyone will begin to see the lighter side of the game and will start enjoying themselves.

AU NATUREL Have a bath. Bathing is one of the greatest natural de-stressers. All you need is a greatsmelling soap and lots of hot water. For all you experienced bathers, you could bring on the bathing salts and aromatherapy candles. Slip into the tub and surround yourself with great smelling fragrances like lavender or lime and feel your worries wash away with the soapy water. But be sure to keep any aromatherapy candles away from you while having a dip. You dont want them to fizzle out, or burn you in the process. A good book can be a great accompaniment when youre luxuriating in the tub. And dont forget to moisturize yourself well once youre d one. A good soak often depletes your skin of its essential oils and in dry weather, forgetting to moisturize is like a death sentence to your skin. [Read: Ways to love yourself] You could also mix a bit of shampoo and water, and pour it into a bottle. Then all you have to do is grab a drinking straw, and head towards a window to blow a few soapy bubbles. Although this might seem like another one of those kiddish things, sometimes its a lot of fun to think of alternate ways to amuse yourself, especially when youre thinking about how to get rid of boredom. Being a kid once in a while can be nostalgic and fun, and hey, when was the last time you let go and did something as innocent, fun and absorbing as blowing soap bubbles? Whatever you might chose to do, always remember that anything you do with a positive attitude turns out to be more fun. You could combine things to do or think of more personal alternatives, but never give in to excessive boredom. Dont waste any time brooding about how you could have been somewhere else, doing something better. Enjoy yourself as much as you can, because spending time with yourself is very important too. Youll understand how much me-time matters when you get busy at work tomorrow!

Knowing your manners in bed may be an advantage, but that doesnt mean you know everything about how to turn a guy on. The turn on for guys, unlike what most girls assume, doesnt start and end in bed. If you really want to know everything about turning a guy on, you need to know how a guys mind works and what really matters to a guy. You could be sexy and great in bed, but unless you knows these tips on turning a guy on, theres every chance that youre missing out on a great opportunity to impress, seduce and turn a guy on at the same time! [Read: Seduce a guy with ten sneaky moves] Tips on turning a guy on If you really want to make a guy fall head over heels for you, and turn him on at the same time, you need to become fanciable by him. If you want to turn on a guy, you need to become more desirable by him. Its a simple fact. If he desires you, he absolutely will get turned on by you. The more he desires you, the more hell get turned on by you. Read these tips on turning a guy on, to change the way your guy looks at you. [Read: 20 sexy questions to ask a guy and turn him on] Make him feel sexy Knowing how to turn on a guy is also about knowing how to stroke his little ego. If he feels sexy around you, hell also be a lot more turned on around you. He has a sexy smile, or great shoulders, or the cutest tight bum? Let him know about it. Reveal your wild side Every guy likes a sweet and cute girlfriend who can have a great time with his family. But to become more desirable, you need to reveal your wild side to him. Theres nothing that can turn on a guy more than knowing that his girlfriend is a little minx on the wild side when shes not trying to make a goody impression. Drink bottoms up and wolf whistle, laugh out like you dont care, smile mischievously as you do something shocking. Welcome him home in your sexy lingerie, or record yourself on your cell phone and show him the clip *though we suggest you delete it after showing it to him*. Let him know that you have a mysterious wild side, and he wont be able to take his hands off you! Flirt with him

Yeah, youve been going out for a while, but that doesnt mean you shouldnt flirt with him. Take his hands and put it round your waist. Play role playing games in public, and talk dirty with him like hes trying to pick you up. Have a conversation at a coffee shop like youre both total strangers and flirt outrageously. Flirt with him and let him know that the love is still young and wild. [Read: What men like in a woman more than anything else] Flirt with other guys Now this might come as a surprise. But its a sure winner. The more other guys fancy you, the more your guy will desire you. So just because youre in a steady relationship doesnt mean you shouldnt flirt with other guys. Flirt like theres no tomorrow, but also remember to selectively play hard to get with them. Flirt with other men, but never cross that invisible barrier. Stick to your rules, you can see but you cant touch. And when your man walks into the room while youre flirting with other men, wrap your arms around him and give him your undivided attention. You wont believe how much it would turn on your guy. [Read: Playing hard to get to understand the rules of flirting with other guys] Show skin Every guy wants his girlfriend to look gorgeous when theyre out on a date. Its shallow, yes, but completely true. But every now and then, wear something rather revealing when you go out. One of the biggest turn on for guys is a bit of skin. If want to know ho to turn a guy on, especially when youre on a vacation, read couples on the beach. Its sexy, desirous and a huge turn on for your boyfriend when both of you are on a vacation. Tips on turning a guy on in bed Now this is a small part of knowing how to turn on a guy, but this is like the grand finale of the tips on turning a guy on. So use them to your advantage. Talk dirty in bed Whisper dirty things in his ear and we can assure you, his mind will explode in ecstasy. Start dirty talking in bed and whisper your wildest thoughts. Call him names and ask him to do things to you, really dirty things. Theres nothing more sexually exciting than talking dirty while making out. [Read: The sexy guide to talking dirty with a guy] Experiment with him Every man wants his girlfriend to be, as Usher puts it, a lady in the street and a freak in the bed. Take the lead in bed and show him your moves. Missionary is cozy and loving, but having other positions and tricks up your sleeve will only turn him on more and

desire you more. And hey, hes going to learn a few moves to please you too. So its win-win in any case. Take control If youre trying to turn a guy on in bed, take control and see how it works. You dont need to do it all the time, but an occasional romp where you play the mistress can work wonders in turning him on. Hold him by his hair and push him down, spank him, and command him to do your bidding. Daddy likes taking control, but he sure does love it when his girlfriend commands him now and then! [Read: What turns a guy on sexually when he sees a girl] Play coy and shy If youre going to take control at times, you also have to go the other extreme. Play coy and shy when youre trying to turn on a guy. Tease him and push him away, but make him come back. Seduce him with blindfolds and feathers, and gently tease him like a shy, cute anime. And hell love you for it. Be the wild stallion If you want to know how to turn on a guy, this is a great one to try. It doesnt matter if its your first kiss or your millionth, because the wild stallion works wonders. Let him take the lead into kissing you and making out with you. Stay still and coy, and every now and then, break free like a wild stallion and return his favor more aggressively than him. This works best with passionate kisses and foreplay. Most girls dont get this right and is an art to learn. But once you learn the trick, youll make him wet his shorts halfway!

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