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February 2014


St. Peters Lutheran Church, Lexington SC

News for St. Peters family and friends Dear Members and Friends of the St. Peters Family: We will not hide these truths from our children; we will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the Lord, about his powers and his mighty wonders. Psalm 78:4 But too many of our parents are hiding these truths from their children when they fail to bring them every Sunday to Sunday School. You know, our childrens Sunday School classes at St. Peters should be full and running over every Sunday. Thats how many children we have in this church. Those classes should be so full that we have to appoint a building committee to figure out how to add more space. But they arent full...not nearly as full as they should be. We arent bringing our children to Sunday School as we should so they can learn about the glorious deeds of the Lord. You know, many of us regularly lament the direction our country and our society and culture are headed in. It all seems to become more godless every day. If we want that to change, we have to make sure children know about the glorious deeds of the Lord. We have to make sure they learn the Ten Commandments, that they learn about God and His grace and love, that they learn the Beatitudes and all the teachings of Jesus. The truth is, Christianity is always only one generation away from extinction. We must teach our children and we must teach them well or God will be forgotten in our Land. When we parents brought our children to be Baptized, we promised God that we would provide for their instruction in the Christian faith and that surely includes bringing them to Sunday School., for that is where much of that instruction takes place. Its where they learn the stories of the Bible, about the heros and heroines of our faith, about the teachings of the Bible and the church. Its where they learn about Jesus, about how God wants us to live, about how Jesus wants us to treat one another. So parents and grandparents...lets not hide these truths from our children at St. Peters. Lets bring them every Sunday to Sunday School so they can learn about Jesus and his love. In joyful partnership with you in Christ,

Confirmation Classes for all youth in

grade 7-8 meet Saturday, February 8 at 9:00 AM.

St. Peters Lutheran Church in Lexington, SC has an immediate opening

within their music department for an Accompanist (Piano and Organ). This is a permanent exempt part-time salaried position as follows: Accompanist (Piano and Organ): Shall provide and play for the 8:30am, 11am, the Wednesday evening service at 6:45pm, midweek special services, funerals for church members, weddings and all choir practices. Our Organ is an Allen Digital, Diane Bish series with three manuals. We have a midsize digital Yamaha baby-grand piano in the sanctuary and a full size baby-grand piano in our Parish Life Center. Requirements include a music related degree with specialization in church music or the experience and skill comparable to such a degree. Applicants should also have sufficient keyboard ability to sight read hymns, anthem accompaniments and contemporary music accompaniments . Applicants must have good communication skills and the ability to organize, and be prepared for all services and choir practices. This position will report directly to the Senior Pastor. The full job description can be obtained by calling the church office at 803-359-2470 or emailing a request to To apply: Send a resume to St. Peters Lutheran Church, 1130 St. Peters Road, Lexington, SC 29072 or email a resume to

Newberry College Jazz Band is coming

back to St. Peters on Tuesday, February 4. A spaghetti supper will be served by the Lutheran Men at 6:30 PM in the Parish Life Center. The concert will follow. Invite your family and friends to attend.

Lent Begins March 5Ash

calendar now



WednesdayMark your

Lutheran Men

meet Monday, February 3 at 7:00 PM in the fellowship hall. All men are invited.


ClassPastor Rawl is offering a class for persons interested in membership at St. Peters. The class will begin on Sunday, February 23 and will meet for 5-6 Sundays. We meet at 10:00 AM in the office building conference room (the office building is the stone house next door to the Parish Life Center). To register, email pastor Rawl at or call the office at 359-2470.


We extend heartfelt Christian sympathy to: The family of Wallace Smith. Wallace passed away on December 13. A private graveside service was held on December 15. Ray Carr at the death of his mother, Mary Kingsley Carr on December 21. Allie Roberts at the death of her brother Cort Nordeoff on January 9.

Dear Pastor Rawl Congregation of St. Peters,


Thank you St. Peters for your

generous donations of gently used Sunday School materials to our brothers and sisters in Christ at New Hope Lutheran Church in Ballentine. They are most appreciative of your good stewardship. You can watch a video of Christmas Eve service at New Hope at the following web address: http:// v=ahYmu__RwcQ&

Words cannot express how thankful we are for St. Peters prayers and support. Our gift of $1048.66 is so appreciated. What a wonderful Christmas surprise! Immanuel is enjoying our first pastor, Pastor Gary Blobaum. It has been a pleasure to develop consistent worship practices with him as well as to learn from him during Bible studies. We continue to explore opportunities to reach out to our community and trust that the Lord will lead in the direction He would have us go. The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Philemon 1:25. We pray that the Lord continue to bless St. Peters and that your ministry flourish. In Christian Love, Susan Keefe Council President

Thank You!

Susan and I wish to express our sincere thanks to the congregation for the very generous Christmas gift. You are kind to remember is in such a wonderful way. Pastor Rawl

Dear Friends of LICS,

Dear Friends of St. Peters,

We would like to thank each of you for the prayers, calls cards, visits and food shared with us during Franks illness and passing. Your kindness meant so much to our family. Louise Register & Family

Lexington Interfaith Community Services (LICS) acknowledges with appreciation your generous contribution of $1033.50 to use in providing assistance to individuals and families in crisis situations. We are grateful for your faithful support of this ministry. By honoring this Christian service ministry with your gifts and talents, we are able to continue serving families throughout Lexington County. Thank you generosity. for your dedication and

Sincerely, Robin W. Bowers Executive Director


coordinator of the Lexington High School FIT (Food Improving Thinking), I want to thank our church members for supporting our program with monetary donations as well as food items. The program provides students with a back pack for the weekend which includes six meals, two snacks, fruit, and juice drinks. These students would not otherwise have meals during the weekend as their families do not have enough money to purchase groceries. So, to all of you who have helped us in the past and continue to support our program, I want to thank you by saying, When you care for the least of these, you also care for Me. Clyde Sanders

From Streetside Ministry

Dear Pastor Rawl and Congregation and Paulette,

I wish to express my deepest appreciation for all your thoughts, prayers, calls, visits and delicious food you sent my way after my recent surgery. I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful and caring church family. May God continue to bless each and every one of you. Ann Rowell

On behalf of the homeless community in Columbia, we, at Streetside Ministry, want to thank you for St. Peters generous donation of blankets and shoes. At this time of year, as temperatures drop and shelters fill up, these people face new challenges in addition to diminishing numbers of locations offering warm meals. We visited your Missions Market and in addition to finding some wonderful bargains you provided us with boxes of warm blankets and mens shoes. These were distributed to our friends on the street within the week and were so appreciated. Streetside Ministry is made up of folks from various area churches, schools, businesses and families who come together once a week to minister physically and spiritually to the homeless men and women in Columbia. If anyone at St. Peters would like to accompany us on any Monday evening to share a hot meal, an encouraging word and the love of Jesus Christ to the least of those they would be more than welcome. Please contact me at (803) 604-1111 and we will provide additional information and answer any question they may have. Yours in Christ, Evelyn Yngve, Streetside Minstry

The Worship and Music Committee would like to inform you that
Tina McGready has resigned from her position of Accompanist at St. Peters as of February 23, 2014. We wish Tina the very best and thank her for giving us the opportunity of listening to her beautiful music. Tina, thank you for leading our worship services and giving us music that lifts our spirits.! We will have Coffee Hour on February 23 in honor of Tina, so mark your calendar and come join us!

I am a Princess not because I have a Prince But because my Father is a King

St. Peters is planning a Princess themed mother-daughter-friend tea. What a

great way to honor the special ladies in your life with special entertainment and, of course, food fit for royalty. The tea will be held in the Parish Life Center on Sunday, May 18, 2014 from 3:00-5:00. Mark your calendar now and invite your mothers, daughters and friends. Everyone is welcome. Additional information, including ticket prices, will be available soon.

Faith Formation in Progress

St. Peters High School Sunday School class is studying Christian denominations using a book called One Christ, Many Creeds, published by Concordia House Publishers. Our youth are discovering how Lutherans are similar to other varieties of Christians and how we are different and why these differences even matter at all. They are tackling many difficult issues and are getting quite a spiritual workout looking up, reading, and discussing the biblical foundations for Lutheran doctrine. It is exciting to see the faith of these young men and women grow more vibrant each week. Ask one of them about what they are learning. You may be surprised by what you learn!

The Lands of the Bible Cruise If you have ever dreamed of visiting the Holy Land, 2014
could be your year! Dr. Monte Luker invites you to join him on a 16 day educational excursion through Malta, Naples and Silcily, Italy; Corinth and Athens, Greece; Ephesus, Turkey; and Bethlehem, Jerusalem, and the Galilee, Israel October 17th-31st. The theme for the pilgrimage will be Rediscovering the Bible in the Lands Where It Happened. Dr. Luker is a wonderful teacher, and his tours really bring the Bible to life. If you are interested in learning more about this exciting opportunity, please contact Vicar Paulette. SAVE THE DATE FOR VBS Vacation Bible School 2014 will be Sunday, July 13-Thursday July 17. (Please note the change from the previously announced date.) More details will be coming soon and we hope you will all plan to come and bring your friends. Its always a fun week at St. Peters!

From David E. Davis, your missionary in Brazil

Dear Friends, Thanks so much for one more year of support and prayers for this ministry. Pray I get one or more short-term helpers to spread my workload -- maybe I'll get more correspondence out in English next year! For pictures: Lately here in Ouro Fino it's been like how it must have been in Israel about 2000 years ago: Joseph and Mary running like crazy as their family was about to grow from 2 to 3, the government only making things more challenging, some who would have wanted to be there to help couldn't, but God sent others both rich and humble to give continuity to the ministry, and in the end, God's plan of Salvation was presented and spread. So pray for Hope & Life School as we grow from 2 to 3 foster homes, wrestle with governments that give as many headaches as resources, our foster mom Celia who's been away for surgery together with her daughter (our coordinator) helping her -- leaving me and our director to hold down the office in this busiest time of the year. But lots of people are coming with presents for the kids, food stuffs, more people to see the project, even scheduling day-long parties for the kids. And in all, God's plan of Salvation is presented and spread. Prayer & Praise: Praise God that most of our staff held together despite our first two foster homes being overloaded all year long, and half our staff also had bouts with kidney stones. Pray too for our family court judge and social workers who are also very overloaded. Praise God for Celia's successful surgery -- now pray for a quick and complete recovery. Praise God for a couple who just arrived to start training as foster parents -- maybe we can open home #3 as soon as Celia gets back! Praise God for a continued rise in local donations and volunteers. Pray it continues to fully cover the operation of house #3 and that we get Brazilian social security tax exemption. Pray for two more couples next year: for house #4 and to help cover staff and school vacations. Praise God for the fantastic work group from Cross Central Church of Lexington, SC in September which re-roofed future house #4. And praise God for Denis, a local electrician, who helped me have things ready for them. Praise God for the mutually helpful relationship that has grown between us and a local Christian re -hab ministry this year -- without their labor house #3 would not be finished, nor house #4 roofed! Praise God for the fruit of several weeks of grant writing. So far: use of a used car from the impound yard, funds for one new car, and possibly 2/3 of the funds for a larger central dining room/chapel. Continue praying for another van. Pray for two or more work groups next year from South Carolina. Pray for funds to: -- replace/install solar water heater systems on three homes +/-US$10,000, -- counterpart government funds for a larger dining room/chapel +/- US$5,000, and -- finish construction of house #4 and another apartment +/- US$20,000. -- Let me know if anyone else is interested in an individual, family, or group work project! Praise God for local Bible institute students who helped tutor some of our kids and weekly visited ten families of current and past foster kids. Pray more may be reached with counseling and Bible studies next year! Praise God that several kids who couldn't go back to their biological families were placed for adoption, but pray for many others (mostly 5 -13 years old, sibling groups, and three with special educational needs) that still need new families to call their own. Praise God for better county psychologists and social workers this year, ones that also want to help start a local adoption support group. Praise God for better vocational training prospects for our older teens in 2014. Praise God for Stefanie, a teen mom that has blossomed into a mature and responsible young lady this last semester. Pray for Ana Beatriz our other teen mom whos still having many difficulties. Praise God for six foster kids baptized and several others showing transformed lives. Praise God for more former foster kids coming back to volunteer. Roberto, our very first foster kid, also got married this year. Praise God for everything else He's done in rescuing our current twenty-four foster kids and starting restoration in many of their families. And pray for six kids the family court is already waiting to send us when house #3 opens. Again, thanks so much for your prayers and support, and have a most meaningful Christmas! In Christ's Service, David E. Davis Escola Esperanca e Vida, CP 2203, Ouro Fino MG 37570-000, BRAZIL Skype: davide.davis phone: 55-35-3441-2866 Support can be sent through: Project account 90100 Equip, PO Box 1126, Marion NC 28752-1126, USA phone: (828)738-3891 Or: Project account 90771 Mission to the World, PO Box 116284, Atlanta, GA 30368-6284, USA Phone: (678) 823-0004

General Fund Giving for 2013

56 Giving units gave nothing for the period 40 Giving units gave less than $1 per week 18 Giving units gave between $1 and $2 per week 26 Giving units gave between $2 and $5 per week 36 Giving units gave between $5 and $10 per week 31 Giving units gave between $10 and $20 per week 27 Giving units gave between $20 and $30 per week 16 Giving units gave between $30 and $40 per week 12 Giving units gave between $40 and $50 per week 10 Giving units gave between $50 and $60 per week 8 Giving units gave between $60 and $80 per week 9 Giving units gave between $80 and $100 per week 10 Giving units gave between $100 and $125 per week 6 Giving units gave between $125 and $150 per week 1 Giving unit gave between $150 and $200 per week 7 Giving units gave between $200 and $250 per week 2 Giving units gave $250+ per week 315 Total giving units

18% of units 13% of units 6% of units 8% of units 11% of units 10% of units 9% of units 5% of units 4% of units 3% of units 3% of units 3% of units 3% of units 2% of units 0% of units 2% of units 1% of units

David Ballington Brad Smith Heath Fulmer Courtney Weed Andrew Henry Kyle Weed Justin Roberts

PRAYER LIST Sara Addy (Jo Wessingers mother) Jeanette Auld & Family (Beryl Roberts sister) Erin, Charlie, & Parker Branham (family friends of Ally Shealy) Judy Bruner (co-worker of Marvin Parson Michael Carbaugh (friend of Natalie Carter) Buddy Cashion (father of Hillarie Vaughan) Darren Corley (nephew of JoAnn Harmon) Michael Davis (Adam Davis brother) Daniel Dirkx (son of Connie & Marvin Parson) Sharon Dunn Luann Eidson (friend of Marcus & Julie Smith) Don Eleazer (Julynn Spences dad) Pattie Elkins (friend of Cindy Evans)

Gene Felkel (Reba Sandels brother) JulieAnn Floyd (friend of Kayla Ellingson) Matthew Freeman Carol Furtick (sister of Jim Sanders & Kathy Schreiber) Linda Hamm (friend of Vicar Paulette) Cooper Hardy (Carol Arnolds grandson) George Harmon Family Julie Harmon Lee Heckman Rebekah & BJ Hutto (friends of Jennie Porth) Rose Hyman Don and Cindy Kornahrens (parents of Kim Beckham) Sandra Kittner (friend of Kay &Dwight Amick) Drew Langford (friend of Jerry & Sarah Richey) Jonathan Lavalliere (nephew of Michael Guerette) Beth Long (teacher of Garrett Smith) Barry Martin (step-father of Michael Guerette) Cindy McMahan (friend of Michele Zee) Richard McMillan (father of Keith McMillan) Jim McNiff (Jimmy Beckhams uncle) Madeline Nelson (relative of Christy Rileys co-worker) Gladys Metze (mother of Elizabeth Lindler) Michele Meyer Sherry Moncer (friend of Masseys) Doris Paul Lonna Paul Ronda Porth GaryRay (brother of Buck Ray) Caleb Reynolds (friend of Kayla Ellingson) Jordan Reynolds (step brother of Michael Carter) Beryl Roberts Betty Roof Ann Rowell Molly Scott (friend of Doug Riley family) Arthur Shealy (brother of Carl Shealy and son of Margie) Ann Smith (Larry/Bonnie Longs son-in-laws mother) EJ Sowell (infant son of Evan & Jennifer Dixon Sowell) Bill Stone Barbara Summers (mother of Susan Bailey) Sandy Sinclair Tanner Jonathan Truel (friend of Kayla Ellingson) Clint Wall (husband of Jean Wall) Rick Chief Ward (friend of Hillarie Vaughan) Carol Waring (mother of Linda Guerette) Ann Weathersbee (friend of Rachel McHugh) Caroline Webber (co-worker of Kayla Ellingson) James West Jennifer ONeill Whetstone (daughter of Wayne and Betty Lou ONeill) Bobby Whitehead (friend of Wayne ONeill) Tracy Wright (friend of Wayne ONeill) Joe Young (uncle of Ted Zee)

Let us also remember in our daily prayers our missionaries, Pastor Matthew Riak in South Sudan and David Davis in Brazil. 9

SCHROEDER, Emil & Carol CARTER, JR, Michael & Natalie SPANGLER, Rush & Julie SPENCE, Zack & Julynn PAUL, Tetie & Lonna HOWARD, Frank & Peggy BLACK, Ashley & Allison HARMON, Brent & Shelia HENDRIX, Matt & Allison LINDLER, Marty & Tina WESSINGER, Chad & Toy

02/02 02/03 02/08 02/09 02/12 02/13 02/17 02/18 02/20 02/27 02/27


02/01 02/02 02/02 02/02 02/02 02/02 02/02 02/03 02/03 02/03 02/04 02/04 02/04 02/04 02/05 02/05 02/05 02/05 02/07 02/07 02/07 02/08 02/08 02/09

HARMON, Alton LONG, Bonnie HAMILTON, Grant JOHNSON, Lillian KUEBRICH, Shannon WOMBLE, Kimberly RIDER, Dan TRUETT, Chip PRICE, Rachel LEVER, Joshua AMICK, Erik DAVIS, Caroline HARMON, Brent HUMPHREY, Carla LAVISKY, Erin CHUMLEY, Jodi DIXON, Lee HARMON, Lewis HEIDENSTROM, Billie Miriam PORTH, David POWELL, Barry BEDENBAUGH, Melinda COOPER, Clark SMITH, Vanessa KENDALL, Logan HENRY, Andrew HUGHES, Phil PORTH, Brooke PORTH, Jake PORTH, Travis CHETTINGER, Judy NICHOLS, Hugh POOLE, Reagan WILLIAMS, Jennifer LINDLER, Elizabeth LOVE, Carter SHEIDER, Nathan WEBB, Garrett BALLENTINE, Zachary GOBBI, Erin ISLEY, Trish JOHNSON, Suzette SHEALY, Shawn SMITH, John JUMPER, Jackie KLOTZ, Cathy ROBERTS, Beryl STONEBERG, Karyn

02/09 02/09 02/10 02/10 02/10 02/10 02/11 02/11 02/12 02/13 02/14 02/15 02/15 02/15 02/15 02/16 02/16 02/16 02/16 02/16 02/17 02/18 02/18 02/18 02/19 02/20 02/20 02/20 02/20 02/20 02/21 02/21 02/22 02/22 02/23 02/23 02/23 02/23 02/24 02/25 02/25 02/25 02/25 02/25 02/27 02/27 02/27 02/27

Those Serving in February

Please note any areas where volunteers are needed and call the Church Office if you are available to serve in this capacity.

Communion Assistants
2 16 (8:30 a.m.) Clyde Sanders (11:00 a.m.) Lynn Porth (8:30 a.m.) Lee Ann Crapps, Ann Dixon (11:00 a.m.) Ernie Chaplin, Linda Gable

2 9 16 (8:30 a.m.) Mickey Aull (11:00 a.m.) Kristina Gilbert (8:30 a.m.) Clyde Sanders (11:00 a.m.) Donna Shealy or Carl Shealy (8:30 a.m.) Sheryll Gill (11:00 a.m.) Steve Teer (8:30 a.m.) N/A at printing (11:00 a.m.) Nancy Wylile

Greeters/Popcorn Ministry
2 9 16 23 (8:30 a.m.) Jay Freeman (11:00 a.m.) Gerald & Sarah Richey (8:30 a.m.) Todd & Melinda Bedenabugh (11:00 a.m.) Tommy & Jenny Stone (8:30 a.m.) LeeAnn Crapps (11:00 a.m.) Carl & Donna Shealy (8:30 a.m.) Donna White (11:00 a.m.) Larry & Sharon James


2 (8:30 a.m.) Noah Stoneberg (11:00 a.m.) Grayham Carter 9 (8:30 a.m.) Carson Ray (11:00 a.m.) Molly Hodgkiss 16 (8:30 a.m.) Troy Crapps (11:00 a.m.) Rylee Smith 23 (8:30 p.m.) N/A at printing (11:00 p.m.) Martin Craps

Ushers (8:30 a.m.)

Jeffrey Crapps, Chairperson Stan Whiteside, Chairperson Ean Crapps

Altar Guild
Catherine Porth, Lee Ann Crapps

Ushers (11:00 a.m.)

Jeffrey Crapps, Chairperson Stan Whiteside, Chairperson Brady Porth, Jr., Steve Teer, Gerald Richey, Carl Shealy
The Usher Chairpersons are also the Lock Team members for this month.

Offering Counters
Jeffrey & LeeAnn Crapps

Front Porch Visitor

Susan & Paul Schreiber

Coffee Hour Hosts

2 9 16 23 Philip & Alice Hughes Sharon James, Karen Price, Rachel Price Richeys, Sanders, ONeils, Cutters Worship & Music Committee

Nursery Assistants
2 9 16 (8:30 a.m.) Susan Schreiber (11:00 a.m.) Rylee Smith (8:30 a.m.) Caroline & Erin Bedenbaugh (11:00 a.m.) N/A at printing (8:30 a.m.) N/A at printing (11:00 a.m.) N/A at printing (8:30 a.m.) N/A at printing (11:00 a.m.) N/A at printing

Altar Flowers
2 9 16 23 Margie Shealy Zack & Julynn Spence Mark & Doreen Edmondson N/A at printing



S.P.Y. NEWSFebruary 2014

St. Peters Youth All St. Peters youth and visitors are invited to attend youth events. Travis McLeod, Youth Director 803-603-3152

CLUB 345....Third, Fourth and Fifth Grades

February 9 3:00 PM, CLUB 345

JUNIOR HIGH YOUTH..Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Grades

February 2,9,16,23 February 4,11,18,7 WEEKLY MEETINGS, 5:30PM in the Youth Room PRAYER BREAKFAST, 7:00 AM, at Chic-fil-A, meet at the church at 6:45 AM to ride the bus. DEADLINE to sign up for 7th & 8th grade Winter Retreat Youth serve WOW meal

February 16

February 26

Senior HIGH YOUTH..Ninth thru twelfth grade

February 2,9,16,23 February 4,11,18,25 WEEKLY MEETINGS, 7:00 PM in the Youth Room PRAYER BREAKFAST, 7:00 AM, at Chic-fil-A, meet at the church at 6:45 AM to ride the bus. SC LCY 11th & 12th Grade Winter Retreat. Youth serve WOW meal

February 21-23 February 26


Monday 3
06:00 PM-Cub Scout 309/PLC 06:15 PM-Matins Choir 07:00 PM-Lutheran Men/ FH

Sunday 4 5 6 7 1 8








Sunday after Epiphany (Green)

Singles Retreat 09:00 AM-Confirmation


08:30 AM-Worship/Communion 09:30 AM-Coffee/Fellowship/PLC 09:45 AM-Angel Choir 09:55 AM-Junior Choir 10:00 AM-Sunday School 11:00 AM-Worship/Communion 05:30 PM-Junior Youth 05:30 PM-Handbells 07:00 PM-Senior Youth Meeting

07:00 AM-Jr & Sr Prayer 10:00 AM-Staff Meeting/ CR 06:00 PM-Service Committee/CR 06:30 PM-Newberry Jazz Band/PLC 10:00 AM-Bible Study/ FH 06:00 PM-Dinner before worship 06:30 PM-Worship on Wednesday 07:30 PM-Chancel Choir

Singles Retreat Singles Retreat 09:00 AM-St. Peter's works @ LICS 07:00 PM-Youth Committee/FH 07:00 PM-Educational MInistry/CR

9 5th Sunday after Epiphany (Green) 10

06:15 PM-Matins Choir 06:30 PM-Matins Choir Dinner 10:00 AM-Bible Study/ FH 06:00 PM-Dinner before worship 06:30 PM-Worship on Wednesday 07:30 PM-Chancel Choir 07:00 AM-Jr & Sr Prayer 10:00 AM-Staff Meeting/ CR 03:00 PM-Dorcas Circle 07:00 PM-Worship/Music/ CR





Proclaimer Articles Due

Singles Retreat 08:30 AM-Worship 09:30 AM-Coffee/Fellowship/PLC 09:45 AM-Angel Choir 09:55 AM-Junior Choir 10:00 AM-Sunday School 11:00 AM-Worship 05:00 PM-Evangelism Committee/CR 05:30 PM-Junior Youth 05:30 PM-Handbells 06:00 PM-Council Meeting/CR 07:00 PM-Senior Youth Meeting

16 6th Sunday after Epiphany

06:15 PM-Matins Choir 07:00 AM-Jr & Sr Prayer 10:00 AM-Staff Meeting/ CR 07:00 PM-Heritage/ Celebration Cmte 07:00 PM-Lydia Circle



10:00 AM-Bible Study/ FH 06:00 PM-Dinner before worship 06:30 PM-Worship on Wednesday 07:30 PM-Chancel Choir





08:30 AM-Worship/Holy Communion 09:30 AM-Coffee/Fellowship/PLC 09:45 AM-Angel Choir 09:55 AM-Junior Choir 10:00 AM-Sunday School 10:00 AM-Internship Comm/CR 11:00 AM-Worship/Holy Communion 05:30 PM-Junior Youth 05:30 PM-Handbells 06:00 PM-Buster's Bible Study 07:00 PM-Senior Youth Meeting

23 7th Sunday after Epiphany

06:15 PM-Matins Choir


07:00 AM-Jr & Sr Prayer 09:00 AM-Loving Group/ FH 10:00 AM-Staff Meeting/ CR 07:00 PMStewardship&Finance/CR 07:00 PM-Anna Circle

10:00 AM-Bible Study/ FH 06:00 PM-Dinner before worship 06:30 PM-Worship on Wednesday 07:30 PM-Chancel Choir




08:30 AM-Worship 09:00 AM-Blood Pressure Clinic 09:30 AM-Coffee/Fellowship/PLC 09:45 AM-Angel Choir 09:55 AM-Junior Choir 10:00 AM-Sunday School 10:00 AM-New Member Class/CR 11:00 AM-Worship 12:00 PM-Blood Pressure Clinic/FH 05:30 PM-Junior Youth 05:30 PM-Handbells 07:00 PM-Senior Youth Meeting

St. Peters Staff

The Rev. Dr. Leon A. Rawl Craig Davis Barry Moore Ralph Rocanella Jennifer Howell Tina McGready Travis McLeod

Pastor Matins Choir/Instrumentalist Chancel Choir/Bell Director Childrens Choir Director Angel Choir Director Pianist/Organist Youth Director Vicar Administrative Coordinator Nursery Attendant

How to contact us
1130 St. Peters Road Lexington SC 29072 Telephone ~ 803-359-2470 Fax ~ 803-957-3163 Email ~ Web site ~ Pastor Rawls cell ~ 803-238-8051

Plan ahead!! Put these important dates on your calendar:

February 4 February 8 February 23 March 5 July 13-17

Newberry College Jazz Band Confirmation Classes Newcomers Class Lent Begins Vacation Bible School


Paulette McHugh
Amber Scarborough Allison Black

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