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The ETS TOEFL Guide Software

For Microsoft Windows

Please note that the ETS TOEFL Guide Software is a single-user-licensed CD ROM ersion and cannot !e freel" distri!uted# Refer to the license agree$ent that co$es with this software for the li$its on distri!ution% use and&or co'"ing rights# Contents S"ste$ Re(uire$ents )nstall% Startu' and *ninstall Directions General Features Fre(uentl" +s,ed -uestions Printers Technical Su''ort .our )n'ut Contact )nfor$ation System Requirements - )/M co$'ati!le 'ersonal co$'uter0 123-!ased $ini$u$4 Pentiu$% or higher reco$$ended - Microsoft 5indows 62 SE% ME% 7888% or 9P - Dis, S'ace0 68 M/ hard dis, s'ace% 'lus : M/ additional te$'orar" dis, s'ace a aila!le during installation - +''lication R+M0 ;< M/ - Monitor% $ini$u$ resolution ca'a!ilit" of 288 = 388 'i=els - Printer >re(uired onl" for 'rinting re'orts? Insta ! Startu" and #ninsta $irections )f an" t"'e of failure occurs during the setu'&installation 'rocess% the setu' 'rogra$ will 'erfor$ a co$'lete uninstall# Therefore% it is er" i$'ortant not to 're$aturel" close an" of the installer windows as installer will close auto$aticall"# 5ithin the setu' and installation 'rocess the reco$$ended folder and director" 'ath to where the software is to !e installed is dis'la"ed and a res'onse is re(uested# +t that ti$e "ou $a" s'ecif" a different folder and director" 'ath# ;# )nstall )nstallation for 5indows 62 and later ersions of 5indows# a# /efore starting the installation% $a,e sure the installing user logged onto the s"ste$ has all ad$inistrati e rights# !# Though it is not a re(uire$ent% te$'oraril" closing anti- irus% 'ersonal firewall and s'"ware software is ad ised# c# +fter starting the co$'uter% insert the ETS TOEFL Guide Software CD for 5indows into a CD&D@D dri e# d# )f the CD has not !een 're iousl" installed on the co$'uter% the Setu'&)nstallation 'rogra$ auto$aticall" !egins shortl" after the CD has !een loaded into the co$'uterAs CD&D@D dri e# )f the Setu'&)nstallation 'rogra$ does not auto$aticall" start% chec, to $a,e sure the software has not alread" !een installed# To $anuall" start the Setu'&)nstallation 'rogra$ and install the software% 'ress the Start !utton and select the Run o'tion fro$ the Start $enu# *se the /rowse !utton to locate the CD&D@D dri e where the CD is inserted# Clic, on the Setu' icon that is dis'la"ed fro$ the CD and 'ress the O'en !utton# Press the OB !utton to start the Setu'&)nstallation 'rogra$# e# The default installation location director" 'ath will !e dis'la"ed# To acce't the default director" 'ath% clic, on the Setu' co$'uter icon# To locate and esta!lish another installation director" 'ath% 'ress the /rowse !utton#


+fter selecting another installation location director" 'ath% 'ress the Setu' co$'uter icon to continue the installation# The Setu'&)nstallation 'rogra$ auto$aticall" installs all files on the s"ste$As local hard dis,% creates a Progra$ grou' that includes a 'rogra$ shortcut% 'lus creates and 'laces a 'rogra$ icon on the Des,to' of the co$'uter#

7# Startu' a# /efore starting the ETS TOEFL Guide Software for 5indows% $a,e sure that the CD is loaded into the CD or CD&D@D dri e fro$ where the installation 'rocess was originall" started and 'erfor$ed# !# Start this software !" selecting the 'rogra$ shortcut located under the Progra$ grou' found within the Progra$ listing of the 5indows Start !utton $enu or !" dou!le clic,ing on the Des,to' icon !uilt during Setu'# c# 5hen first started% the 'rogra$ will re(uire that the userAs na$e !e entered# T"'e in "our na$e% then clic, OB# d# The ETS TOEFL Guide Software title screen will initiall" dis'la"# Ce=t% 'ress an" ,e" on the ,e"!oard or clic, the $ouse on the title screen to ad ance the 'rogra$ to the $ain stud" na igation screen# e# +ll stud" o'tions are selected fro$ the Ca igation Screen# COTE0 .ou should !eco$e fa$iliar with the features e='lained through the Del' !uttons# Re iew the$ when a aila!le during stud"# E# *ninstall a# To uninstall the software% o'en the Control Panel using the M" Co$'uter icon or select the Control Panel o'tion fro$ the Start !utton $enu# Dou!le clic, on the +dd&Re$o e Progra$s icon# Scroll through the !o= of installed 'rogra$s listed in the +dd&Re$o e Progra$s Pro'erties screen% select the s'ecific software to !e re$o ed% then 'ress the +dd&Re$o e !utton and follow the uninstall 'ro$'ts as the" are dis'la"ed# !# Once the uninstall 'rogra$ co$'letes the software re$o al% all files and 'rogra$ listings associated with the installed ETS TOEFL Guide Software will ha e !een re$o ed fro$ the co$'uter# Dowe er% the des,to' icon will re$ain after all the software has !een uninstalled4 therefore right !utton clic, on the icon and delete the icon# Genera Features +n alternati e to using the $ouse is to use the +lt ,e" in co$!ination with an underscored o'tion title letter to select a Ca igation Screen o'tion# +lso% "ou $a" select an o'tion !" using the u' or down arrow ,e"s% the Ta! ,e" and 'ressing Enter to select the highlighted o'tion# Screen Co$$and !uttons are selected !" clic,ing on the$ with the $ouse% !" 'ressing the Enter ,e" while the !utton is highlighted% or !" using Fhot ,e"F 'resses >+lt ,e" with underscored letter?# Co$$and !uttons $a" !e reached !" 'ressing the ta! ,e"# List !o= ite$s $a" !e selected !" dou!le-clic,ing on the list ite$% or highlighting it% then clic,ing on or ta!!ing to the desired Co$$and !utton for the a''ro'riate action to !e ta,en# Te=t !o=es containing (uestions or other iewa!le infor$ation !eco$e scrolla!le whene er a scroll !ar a''ears to the right# .ou $a" scroll the contents of a te=t !o= !" holding the left $ouse !utton down on the scroll !ar !utton and sliding it u' or down the !ar% !" clic,ing the $ouse on the scroll !ar u' or down arrows% or !" clic,ing on either side of the scroll !ar !utton# +lso% "ou $a" ta! into the te=t !o=% o!tain a !lin,ing cursor in the te=t !o=% and then !rowse the te=t using the arrow% Pg*'% PgDn% Do$e% and End ,e"s# Most of the ETS TOEFL Guide Software screens are resiGa!le and $a" !e easil" increased or reduced in siGe !" clic,ing on and dragging the screenAs !order with the $ouse 'ointer# This is es'eciall" hel'ful when using er" high resolution dis'la"s or when it is desired to te$'oraril" Goo$ in or out for iewing infor$ation% or answering (uestions# Conte=t sensiti e Del' !uttons will dis'la" an e='lanation directl" relating to the current screenAs acti it" or features#

Frequent y %s&ed 'uestions ;# )A$ Da ing Pro!le$s )nstalling# This Read$e file has general installation instructions listed earlier in the docu$ent# 7# +fter loading ETS TOEFL CD in $" co$'uterAs CD&D@D dri e to install the software a 5indows Scri't Dost error $essage dis'la"s# Hust loading the CD will not auto$aticall" install the software# 5hat should ) doI The dis'la" of a 5indows Scri't Dost error $essage could occur !ecause "our co$'uter does not contain the latest ersion of Microsoft 5indows Scri't installed or it $ight ha e !eco$e corru'ted# To o!tain the latest ersion of the Microsoft 5indows Scri't go to htt'0&&$sdn#$icrosoft#co$&li!rar"&default#as'IurlJ&downloads&list&we!de #as' to download and install the latest ersion of Microsoft 5indows Scri't# )f "ou continue to e='erience the 5indows Scri't Dost error $essage dis'la"% then contact technical su''ort !" one or $ore of the $ethods listed later in this Read$e file under Technical Su''ort# E# M" ETS TOEFL software is installed and running% !ut e er" ti$e ) load the CD $" +nti-@irus software dis'la"s a warning that it has !loc,ed a scri't fro$ running# 5hat should ) do to sto' this dis'la" when ) load $" CD to run the 'rogra$I One o'tion% if not the onl"% is to disa!le "our +nti-@irusA scri't !loc,ing feature while "ou are using ETS TOEFL software# 1# 5hen ) resiGe and&or $o e a ETS TOEFL 'rogra$ window ) get an error $essage dis'la"ing a RES)KEE7#OC9 'ro!le$# The $essage reco$$ends ) restart $" co$'uter% !ut that does not eli$inate the 'ro!le$# 5hat should ) do to resiGeI *suall" a resiGe error $essage onl" occurs when s'ecific C@)D)+ ideo card $odels and dri ers are co$!ined with certain 5indows o'erating s"ste$s# Chec, for a n@iew icon located in the lower right-hand corner of "our co$'uterAs tas,!ar dis'la"# 5hen a aila!le% the n@iew icon 'ro ides a ser ice that allows the conflicting features to !e disa!led# Disa!ling the conflicting C@)D)+ ideo card features should allow the ETS TOEFL 'rogra$ windows to !e easil" resiGed# <# M" ETS TOEFL Guide Software 5or,s Fine E=ce't for Printing# 5hat $ight !e the 'ro!le$I The $ost co$$on 'ro!le$s are 'rinting 'ro!le$s and the" are fre(uentl" caused !" incorrect or out-of-date 'rinter dri ers% a lac, of 'rinter fonts% or i$'ro'er 'rinter control 'anel settings# + dri er 'ro!le$ is usuall" easil" fi=ed !" o!taining the latest 5indows 'rinter dri er fro$ "our 'rinter $anufacturer# .ou can find the 'rinter $anufacturerAs 'hone nu$!er in the $anual that ca$e with the 'rinter# Change the settings in the Control Panel so a default 'rinter dri er is selected usuall" resol es the 'ro!le$ of no 'rinter attached# + Printers section follows in this Read$e file#

(rinters S"ecific (rinters Canon )*C +,-- - Lists $a" not 'rint 'ro'erl" in the 'rinterLs FPhotogra'hic ModeF# Solution0 *se the 'rinterAs FGra'hics and Te=tF or F+uto$aticF $odes# Canon L)(./I0 - *se the 'rinterLs F!it$a' $odeF for !est results# 1( $es&*et (rinters - )t is reco$$ended "ou use Raster Gra'hics $ode as o''osed to the @ector Gra'hics $ode# 1( Laser*et (rinters - For !est results% it is reco$$ended that "ou use the 'rinter dri erLs TrueT"'e font o'tion to download TrueT"'e fonts as !it$a's >not outlines?# Details for each dri erLs Pro'erties dialog is 'resented !elow0 LaserHet ))) - Fonts ta!% TrueT"'e fonts section0 Select the FDownload TrueT"'e fonts as !it$a' soft fontsF# LaserHet 1 - Fonts ta!% TrueT"'e fonts section0 Select the FDownload TrueT"'e fonts as !it$a' soft fontsF# LaserHet < - Print -ualit" ta!% Te=t Mode section0 Select the FTrueT"'e as /it$a'sF# 1( Laser*et 2M Enhanced (rinter $ri3er - For !est results% it is reco$$ended that "ou use the standard DP LaserHet <M 'rinter dri er% not the enhanced dri er that shi's with the 'rinter . (CL and 4on.(ostScri"t (rintin5 Forms 6 (CL (rinters - So$e for$ o!Mects >fields% !uttons% etc#? that o erla' other ite$s on the 'age $a" not 'rint 'ro'erl" to PCL 'rinters due to la"ering issues#

TrueTy"e 6 (rintin5 - For !est results% it is reco$$ended that "ou use the 'rinter dri erLs TrueT"'e font o'tion to download TrueT"'e fonts as !it$a's >not outlines?# Details for each dri erLs Pro'erties dialog is 'resented !elow0 LaserHet ))) - Fonts ta!% TrueT"'e fonts section0 Select the NDownload TrueT"'e fonts as !it$a' soft fontsF# LaserHet 1 - Fonts ta!% TrueT"'e fonts section0 Select the FDownload TrueT"'e fonts as !it$a' soft fontsF# LaserHet < - Print -ualit" ta!% Te=t Mode section0 Select the FTrueT"'e as /it$a'sF# )f "ou still ha e 'ro!le$s% we reco$$end tr"ing the FPrint TrueT"'e as Gra'hicsF o'tion >if "our dri er has one?# 4on.(ostScri"t (rinters )f "our 'rint out'ut doesnLt loo, right% "ou $a" want to select a different 'rinting $ode% for "our dri er and tr" again# +lternati el" "ou $a" wish to 'rint "our docu$ent to a PostScri't 'rinter if one is a aila!le# To change 'rinting $odes in 5indows 62% clic, on the Start !utton in 5indows 62 and higher% then Settings O Printers# Select a different 'rinting $ode for "our dri er and tr" again# 7-- d"i - )f "ou e='erience 'ro!le$s 'rinting to DP LaserHet 'rinters in the 388-d'i $ode tr" switching !ac, to E88-d'i $ode or if it is e(ui''ed with a PostScri't o'tion% use the PostScri't $ode for 388-d'i 'rinting# (ostScri"t (rintin5 Memory Issues - )f "ou encounter 'ro!le$s% such as a F@Merror%F 'rinting to PostScri't Le el ; or 7 'rinters% it $a" !e !ecause the 'rinter has little a aila!le $e$or" >for e=a$'le% a non-u'graded Laser5riter% Laser5riter Plus% Laser5riter )) CT or CT9?# There are two 'otential solutions to this 'ro!le$0 >;? )n the General Preferences dialog >select fro$ the File O Preferences $enu? "ou $a" choose to use Serif onl" or Sans onl" for font su!stitution# This frees u' additional $e$or" in the 'rinter and chances are "our docu$ent will 'rint successfull"# >7? The other o'tion is to 'urchase $ore $e$or" for "our 'rinter# (ure )inary - Do not use the FPure /inar"F o'tion of "our PostScri't 'rinter dri er4 use the F+SC)) dataF o'tion instead% which is the default setting# )n the 'rinter dri erLs Pro'erties dialog% choose the PostScri't ta!# Clic, the F+d anced###F !utton to dis'la" the +d anced PostScri't O'tions dialog# Choose the F+SC)) dataF o'tion in the Data For$at section# Technica Su""ort The following technical su''ort o'tions are a aila!le for the ETS TOEFL Software0 ;# )nternet0 Custo$ers who ha e 'ro!le$s installing or running a McGraw-Dill CD should consult our online technical su''ort site at htt'0&&!oo,s#$cgraw-hill#co$&techsu''ort or e-$ail DeltaSoftwarePatt#net to o!tain technical hel'# 7# +lso% "ou $a" contact Delta Software Technical Su''ort Monda" through Frida"% !etween 20E8 a#$# to <088 '#$#% Central Ti$e at 187-163-6E11# + fa=ed in(uir" or co$$ent $a" !e trans$itted after office hours to 187-163-6E11# 8our In"ut .our in'ut is i$'ortant to us# )f "ou ha e an" suggestions regarding this software and its Del'% Read$e or *serAs Guide files% 'lease send the$ to us# .ou $a" reach us directl" at 187-163-6E11 or !" e-$ailing us at DeltaSoftwarePatt#net# Contact Information ETS TOEFL Software $e3e o"er Delta Software% )nc# ;7;8: E$$et Street% Suite + O$aha% CE 32;31-1731 @oice Q Fa=0 187-163-6E11 E-$ail0 DeltaSoftwarePatt#net ETS TOEFL Guide Software (u9 isher The McGraw-Dill Co$'anies Professional /oo, Grou' Two Penn PlaGa% ;7th Floor Cew .or,% C. ;8;7;-7762

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