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3o .ou5:e got bottom set on a threeFflush board and .our opponent Gust checkFraised .ou allFin. 4hat do .ou doD 4ell! the first thing .ou do is .ou put .our opponent on a hand. 8and reading is simultaneousl. the most important and the most difficult thing that a poker does. 3ome of the best poker pla.ers in the world ignore man. "or allH) of those other IrulesI in poker! ha:e deadl.Faccurate hand reading skills! and make mountains of cash for their troubles. 6ther pla.ers are exJuisitel. good at all the fundamentals but stink at hand reading and therefore struggle to

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consistentl. beat K?(N#. Cnfortunatel.! there is no Imagic formulaI for hand readingL after all! .our opponents work :er. hard to AM6+N letting .ou know the cards in their hands. 8owe:er! while there is a great deal of artistr. in hand reading! the basics are describable. After some thought + came up with these i:e Commandments of 8and Reading "+ had ten! but one of the tablets broke when E,C dropped it FF sorr.! blame the mod) to get .ou started.

4/ 5now t)y n"#bers/ 3o .ou know that .our opponent who Gust limped has a M*+* of =(OL what does =(O reall. ,EAND 4e know it5s loose! but are .ou reall. aware of what I=(O of all hands dealtI actuall. looks likeD 8ere are some probabilities of getting a hand in a particular preflop range$ 3uperFpremiums$ AA! PP! 77! AP. Total probabilit.$ %.'O. *remiums$ AAFTT! AP! A7! P7. Total probabilit.$ ?.BO. An. pocket pair$ AAF%%. Total probabilit.$ ?.BO. An. two broadwa.$ Two cards! both TQ! including pairs. Total probabilit.$ ;>.=O. An. suited ace$ A%sFAPs. Total probabilit.$ =.'O. Cnsuited ace$ A%oFAPo. Total probabilit.$ ;(.BO. I,aximum suited connectorsI$ RTsF?>s. Total probabilit.$ %.;O. An. ace$ A%oQ! A%sQ! AA. Total probabilit.$ ;>.BO. An. two suited$ literall.. Total probabilit.$ %=.?O. An. two connectors$ =%sFAPs! =%oFAPo. Total probabilit.$ ;>.?O. To gi:e .ou a MER/ broad feel for what different percentages translate into! here are some potential example ranges$ ?O S Ipairs @@Q! AP! A7sI or Ipairs

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BBQ! AP! A7.I ;(O S Ipairs ''Q! AP! A7! suited aces! P7s! 7RsI ;?O S Ian. pair! AP! A7! P7! suited connectors ?>Q! an. suited aceI %(O S Ian. pair! an. two broadwa.! an. suited aceI %?O S Ian. pair! an. suited broadwa.! an. ace! an. suited connectors ?>sQ! P7oI =(O S Ian. pair! an. ace! an. suited king! an. suited broadwa.! an. suited connectors ?>sQ! PToQ! 7RoI or Ian. pair! an. ace! an. suited king! an. broadwa.I >(O S Ian. pair! an. ace! an. king! an. two broadwa.! an. suited connectors =%sQI ?(O S Ian. pair! an. two suited cards! an. ace! an. two broadwa.! P?oQI Again! remember to use the rele:ant range$ a who is '?&;( is looser than the ?(O range when he limps but has a rather tight range if he actuall. raises. Also reali-e that some pla.ers who are loose and passi:e will raise with 3EC6NNFbest hands like AAFRR! AR! P7! and ?>sFRTs! but N6T the ultraF premiums like 77Q! AP! and A7 FF those the. will slowpla. to disguise their hands. 4atch these folks at showdown to tr. and figure out how the. pla. their reall. big hands. *ostflop aggression numbers also re:eal much about a 4hen a with an a:erage aggression of A raises preflop and then checks to .ou! suspect a trap$ this is :er. often a strong hand that5s going for a checkFraise. 4hen .ou get that same preflop bet and flop check from a whose a:erage aggression is ;.=! that5s more likel. to be a who missed and is gi:ing up. 4hen that same pla. comes from someone with a postflop aggression of (.>! .ou gain no information from the check FF checking is Gust what this does. ,entall. split pla.ers into three groups FF high aggression!

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medium aggression! and low aggression FF and then adGust accordingl.. Be MER/ afraid when a is out of character$ the passi:e postflop who leads and raises almost alwa.s has a monster! and .ou can fold without a worr.. The ultramaniac who check&calls two streets also has a monster! and is waiting to beat .our brains out. Non5t fall for it. All of this leads us to our second commandment$

2/ 5now t)y ene#y/ A leopard ne:er changes its spots! especiall. at uN# stakes. Together! the 8CN trinit. "M*+*! * R! and a:erage aggression) tell us much about a #oose pla.ers pla. looseL tight pla.ers pla. tight. Aggressi:e pla.ers pla. aggressi:el. and passi:e pla.ers pla. passi:el.. Categori-e .our opponents on three separate measures$ %reflop looseness$ a loose preflop has a M*+* o:er >(O "+ made up the number! but .ou get the general idea). These gu.s ha:e crap preflop! and an. hand .ou5re willing to pla. is beating their range. Beware of these folks postflop! howe:er FF there5s no flop that definitel. missed .our enem.. Be prepared to pla. with caution when .ou don5t ha:e a monster. That5s not to sa. .ou should be checkFcallingL rather! expect to be ahead and bet consistentl. with .our made hands! but keep the bets small and tr. for pot control. Alternati:el.! raise light and raise strong preflop while .our hand dominates .our opponent5s range. 8is mistake is too man. hands FF exploit this mistake b. hammering him preflop while .ou5re wa. ahead. 6n the other hand! a tight preflop has a M*+* under %(O. These folks won5t enter into a hand unless the.5:e got something worth pursuing. The. aren5t reall. making

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a maGor mistake preflop! and the onl. wa. .ou can reall. take ad:antage of this characteristic is b. stealing their blinds remorselessl. "though .ou5ll ha:e to instafold if the. catch .ou stealing and .ou don5t ha:e an honest hand). %reflop aggresssion$ a passi:e preflop has a * R under a Juarter of their M*+*. That means that this is a floating scale$ while ;(O * R is passi:e for a who has a M*+* of ??O! it is aggressi:e for a who has a M*+* of ;?O. Alternati:el.! an aggressi:e preflop will ha:e a * R o:er half of their M*+*. 4hen we5re to decide a pla.er5s preflop holding! we should use their M*+* and their * R to come to a conclusion. 3a. a has a M*+* of >(O and a * R of %(O and the. limp in front of .ou. 4hat sort of holdings do .ou expect them to ha:eD 4ell! we know the is willing to pla. with >(O of his handsL our sample range for this looked something like Ian. pair! an. ace! an. king! an. two broadwa.! an. suited connectors =%sQ.I But we can alread. refine this range some more$ we know that with %(O of those hands! :illain would ha:e raised! and here he didn5t. +f we assume that :illain raises with his top %(O! our sample range for that looks something like Ian. pair! an. two broadwa.! an. suited ace.I 3o take T863E hands out of his current range$ Gust like .ou discount @%o when a nit is in the hand! .ou discount 77 when a maniac limps. A likel. range here is going to be the difference between the two ranges! or Ian. unsuited ace! PBs or worse! PBo or worse! TBs or worse.I That5s a much easier range to pla. against. Be sure to watch this opponent5s showdown hands! howe:er FF .ou5d reall. like to know if .our assumption about him raising the top %(O of his range is correct or not. +f .ou ha:e a trick. opponent who raises his middle %(O and limps the top ;(O and bottom ;(O! .our range will be

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significantl. wrong! and .ou5ll be in a good deal of trouble with .our hand reading. 6ne huge word of warning$ people often look at a pla.er5s M*+* and conclude that the is a loose idiot. Then the. call his raise and are shocked when the. find out at showdown that he had rockets. Remember! if .ou are raised preflop b. a '?&?! he has roughl. the same hand range as when .ou5re raised b. a ;%&?. Non5t mistake his t.pical preflop looseness with a wide range when he raises.... %ostflop aggression$ after the flop! a new game begins. *eople often make the mistake of assuming that a tight preflop is tight postflop! or that an aggressi:e preflop is aggressi:e postflop. This can onl. be disco:ered b. obser:ation. + will tell .ou that e:er. combination of preflop and postflop is possible! and none are terribl. uncommon. The true TA&TA "tightFaggressi:e preflop! tightFaggressi:e postflop) and #*&#* "calling station pre and post) is onl. one form of opponent. Another :er. common is the TA&#A$ alwa.s aggressi:e and solidl. tight preflop! this opponent pla.s hands so infreJuentl. that when he finds something FF AN/T8+NT FF that he5s willing to pla. preflop he cannot bring himself to let it go. 8e turns into a maniac postflop! on folding eJuit. and a better starting hand range to win mone.. Another common is the T*&TA! who goes from nit preflop to aggroF monke. postflop. +f the. miss! the.5re out of the hand! but if the. hit the hand the.5re going to hammer e:er. street and tr. to get allFin b. the showdown. #ess common at uN#! but increasingl. common at higher le:els "and deadl.Fdangerous when the. do it right) is the #*&TA$ this is a total calling station idiot preflop. /ou5ll often see preflop numbers of @?&;; or 'A&' for these folks. Non5t fall for itH +t5s a ruse. These folks are splashing around in as man. pots as

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the. can as cheapl. as the. can! and then postflop the. pla. *6PER. The.5ll be folding a tremendous fraction of the time on the flop! escaping for ; BB! but when the. hit it will be with something sneak.F asFhell and solidFsolidFsolid. The. then go into aggro mode! betting incredibl. hard and on unobser:ant TATs to call them down lighter because Ihe.! this idiot is @%&@! m. T*=P dominates his range.I The. stack more TATs than .ou and + could e:er hope to! because their image gets them mad phat postflop action. 3o the rule is$ postflop is a new gameL expect people to pla. a different st.le postflop from preflop! and tr. to Juickl. figure out B6T8 of these st.les. Now! once we5re on the flop and be.ond we need to use a:erage aggression and postflop tightness to decide what a pla.er5s holdings are! refining our original range based on their preflop pla.. This leads us to the third commandment$

6/ 5now t)y board/ lops ha:e different Itextures!I and those textures can be much more or much less scar.! depending on .our holdings and .our opponent5s range. ,ore importantl.! different people respond in different wa.s to different board textures. 6n a drawFhea:. board! if a loose and aggressi:e is checkFcalling .ou can expect him to ha:e the nearFnuts! but if a loose and passi:e is checkFcalling .ou can expect him to ha:e ... well! an. damn thing. 4hat affects the texture of a boardD 4ell! let5s start with the flop. S"itedness$ flops can come IrainbowI "three different suits)! ItwoFsuitedI "two of one suit and one of another)! or ImonochromeI "all three cards in the same suit). The more IsuitedI a flop is! the

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bigger the hand most opponents will need to call. 8owe:er! note that man. h.peraggressi:e opponents will be more likel. to bet out! checkF raise! or IfloatI "smoothFcall on the flop with the intent of taking the pot on the turn) with either a pure bluff or a semiFbluff "draw) on these t.pes of boards. +f .ou are first to act! .ou can often steal these pots for a reasonabl. small "%&=rdsFpot) betL if .ou are called! beware of the flush drawH 6ne small bit of math$ let5s sa. that the flop comes with three spades and .ou ha:e none in .our hand. The odds that .our single opponent flopped a made flush are =.=O and the odds that he flopped a flush NRA4 are ;?.AO. +f .ou5:e hit a solid hand "sa.! T*TP) N6 N6T *AN+C ANN 3TART CA##+NTH Bet out and protect against the draw that is >.@? times more likel. than the made flush that has .ou killed. Besides! if .our opponent actuall. has a secondFbest hand! he5ll be more likel. to pa. off a bet on a monochrome flop than he will to pa. off a bet when the turn has 6CR spades "assuming he doesn5t ha:e one). Bet while .our hand is best and charge him well to tr. and outdraw .ou. +ncidentall.! if .our board has three spades and .ou ha:e one in .our hand! the odds that .our opponent has two spades drops to %.'O and the odds that he has one spade drops to ;>.>O! so the odds that .our opponent is drawing to a flush are now ?.' times higher than the odds that he flopped the monster. Bet and protectH (onne'tedness$ here we5re talking about how man. cards to a straight the board has. A monochrome flop of RFTFB is ,CC8 more dangerous than a monochrome flop of RF@F%. Alwa.s be aware of straight draws FF the.5re a goldFmine to the sa::. poker because so man. people miss them. 4hen the flop comes AFPF7! the holding RTs Gust stacked the preflop raiser holding AP. 4hen the board is connected! .ou need to beware of

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two separate possibilities$ .our opponent might ha:e two pair and .our opponent might ha:e an openFended straight draw. 6ften! two pair is the scarier e:ent! because .our weakFbutFmade hand is often drawing :er. thin against it. A straight draw can become an almost unbeatable monster! but it has to TET there first. Two pair is alread. there. At small stakes games! man. pla.ers will pla. :er. passi:el. with a draw! check&calling in the hopes of impro:ing! but the. will pla. aggressi:el. with two pair. /our more aggressi:e opponents will bet B6T8 hands strongl.. 4hen someone pla.s back at .ou on a fairl. connected board! .ou need to decide if the.5re likel. drawing or if instead the.5:e flopped some powerhouse hand. Then .ou5ll proceed based on the strength of .our hand in relation to the range .ou think is likel. for .our opponent. ,uch like a suited board! a connected board can often be used as a powerful bluffing or semibluffing tool. 3a. .our =(&;;&= opponent raises preflop from ,* and .ou call in position with ==. 8eadsFup! the flop comes @F'F?. This is a REA##/ good flop for attack aggressi:el.$ considering .our opponent5s stats! the raise makes o:ercards much more likel. than usual! so the odds that this flop has completel. missed .our opponent are higher than usual. A flop raise or a flop float can pro:e extremel. :aluable to .ou. +n this anal.sis +5m completel. ignoring .our inside straight draw FF that5s :irtuall. worthless since it5s highl. unlikel. to happen and also highl. unlikel. to get paid in an. significant wa. b. .our opponent while still being the best hand. No! +5m that this flop is a good one for .ou because it is unlikel. to ha:e impro:ed .our opponent in an. meaningful wa.. *ressing back hard should win .ou this pot Juite often 4+T86CT getting to a showdown. ,ig) (ard 7al"e$ .our opponents

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lo:e high cards. 3ure! .ou5:e outgrown calling raises with PRo and ABo ".ou 8AME outgrown that! rightD) but the. ha:en5t. * these easil.Fdominated hands will pro:e :er. expensi:e for .our inattenti:e opponents! but reali-e this general rule$ a flop that is highFcard hea:. is much more likel. to ha:e connected with .our opposition than a flop that is highFcard light. +f an ace hits the board in a multiFwa. pot and + don5t ha:e AT #EA3T A7! +5m usuall. done with the hand. 6pponents lo:e nothing more than aces! and when those aces hit the board .our opponents will hang on to their aces like the. were made out of solid gold. 4orse .et! a pair of aces with a RForFworse kicker is going to be in oodles of trouble unless that kicker connects! too. Think about this$ sa. .ou ha:e AR on an aceFhigh board. The next highest board card is a T. +f one other has an ace! what are the odds that his hand beats .oursD 4ell! AP and A7 ob:iousl. ha:e .ou outkicked! and the unlikel. AA has .ou decimated. 8owe:er! there are four 6T8ER aces that beat .ou FF the ones that ha:e made two pair. That means .ou5re behind about as often as .ou5re ahead in this situation! and that5s e:en assuming that .our opponent Ionl.I has an aceH /ou throw in the other random twoFpair and set hands and .our hand will win at showdown less than half the time. 4orse .et! most opponents will get the message and fold their aces with weak kickers! but the.5re unlikel. to fold an. hand that beats .ou. The odds are that if .ou somehow create a big pot! .ou5re e:en ,6RE likel. to be behind. +n short! proceed with great caution on aceFhigh boards! e:en if .ou ha:e an ace. Ping high boards are prett. dangerous! too! because the looser opponents will pla. man. kings! especiall. suited ones. 75s and R5s are less scar. as a pla.er5s high card! but MER/

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dangerous as a pla.er5s #64 card. 3omeone willing to pla. PRo preflop is :irtuall. ne:er going to fold that hand on a RFhigh flop. Recogni-e that the odds that .our opponent has missed the board are highest on lowFcard boards! and much lower when the board has high cards. This is especiall. true if the board has more than 6NE high card. 6ne maGor exception to this rule$ if .ou RA+3EN preflop! don5t gi:e up when the flop comes with a high card! especiall. if that high card is an ace. This is a fantastic chance to steal the pot. 3tatisticall. speaking! :irtuall. an. opponent .ou could face has a lessFthanF?(O chance of ha:ing an ace in this situation! but if .ou bet the flop the. will assume .ou N6 ha:e one. A standard continuation bet will win the pot a surprisingl. large fraction of the time. +f the. pla. back! fold and mo:e on to the next hand. %aired Boards$ usuall.! a paired board is a cause for celebration. 4h.D Because with an unpaired board there are nine separate cards in the unseen deck that could gi:e an opponent a pair. 8owe:er! with a *A+REN board! that number falls to onl. +ME cards. +n other words! it5s now almost ?(O less likel. that an opponent has made a hand good enough to want to continue. /ou should use this against them if it is reasonable for .ou to do so. ,ind .ou! if .ou limped preflop and the board is AAP! .ou can usuall. checkFfold! because .our opponent is not going to belie:e that .ou ha:e the goods. 8owe:er! if .ou raised preflop and the board comes AA> a bet in a headsFup pot is :irtuall. ,ANNAT6R/$ .our opponent will reali-e he5s missed! assume .ou ha:e a pocket pair! and fold e:en more often than he would fold to a t.pical continuation bet. *aired

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boards are perfect for continuing preflop aggression. Also! reali-e that most aggressi:e pla.ers know this! so if .ou happen to be in a pot that someone else raised! the flop comes paired and .ou5:e got a sneak. monster! consider a slowpla. like a flop checkFraise or e:en a Icheck&call flop! check&raise turn.I /our aggressi:e targets will fire off a continuation bet Juite often! and .ou can then Isnap off a bluffI and win a bigger pot than .ou otherwise would. 6b:iousl.! this will be opponentFspecific! but keep .our peeled for such opportunities. 6n the turn and ri:er! similar issues with connectedness! suitedness! high card :alue! and board pairs will continue to pertain! and will define the ItextureI of the board. As a general rule! a tight opponent will continue on IwetI "highl. coordinated) boards when he has a strong hand or a strong draw! but a loose opponent ma. continue with as little as top pair. An aggressi:e opponent can bet IwetI boards with a draw! a Icombination drawI "straight and flush)! or a pairQdraw! and ma. e:en bet these boards on a pure bluff. A passi:e opponent betting into a IwetI board usuall. has the goods FF these folks rarel. bet their draws. Now! to start to put this all together! let5s mo:e on to the next rule$

8/ 5now t)y )and )istory/ 8ere we5re discussing how this particular hand has pla.ed out$ who bet when and how muchD 3tart looking for betting patterns! as different people will ha:e different patterns. A few general issues$ ()e'k2raises$ when an opponent checkFraises! he is sending the message that his hand is unusuall. powerful. 8e knows .ou are betting and he doesn5t care. 4hat5s more! he was confident enough to risk .our checking behind in his Juest to

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get more mone. in the pot. These t.pes of bets will usuall. mean one of three things$ either .our opponent was monsterousl. strong and slowpla.ed an earlier street! or the last card Gust helped .our opponent in some wa.! or he is bluffing in a situation where he thinks he can scare .ou off .our hand. As a general rule! trust checkF raises from passi:e pla.ers. Completel.. +f .ou don5t ha:e a sneak. ,6N3TER "and + mean ,6N3TER with a capital Ue:er.thingU) .ou should be folding to this raise. *eople often ask Ican + e:er escape from pocket acesDI This would be one situation where escaping would be eas.. Another general rule is that the more aggressi:e a is! the more likel. a checkFraise is a bluff. + would sa. that until an opponent has an aggression factor of at least % .ou shouldn5t worr. much about a checkFraise semiFbluff! and until he has an aggression factor of at least > .ou shouldn5t worr. much about a checkFraise bluff. *eople are :er. Juick to put a on a bluff when he checkFraisesL + belie:e this e:ent is much rarer than most people think. 6ne ca:eat to this$ checkF raises on the flop are far more likel. to be bluffs or weak hands than checkFraises on AN/ other street. 6n the flop! people will often take a checkFraise line against a freJuent cFbettor! e:en with hands like Ibottom pair! no kickerI because the. know that their opponent will freJuentl. ha:e pure air. 3o$ a checkFraise on the flop usuall. means I+ can beat aceFhigh!I but a checkFraise on a later street usuall. means I+ can beat /6C.I ()e'k2'alls$ this pla. is highl. pla.erFspecific. Against a passi:e calling station this means I+ ha:e two cards. #ookH 3pades are prett.. + like pie.I Against a tight and moderatel. aggressi:e this often means I+5m on a draw.I Against a highl. aggressi:e this often means I+ ha:e a monster

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and +5m going to let .ou bet .ourself to death.I CheckFcalls are precursors to checkFraises on later streets from :er. aggressi:e pla.ersL from :er. passi:e pla.ers! the. Gust precede more checkFcalls. &onkbets$ a IdonkbetI is when someone who does N6T ha:e the betting lead makes an unexpected bet. or instance! if a called .our preflop raise but then leads into .ou on the flop! that would be a donkbet. 3imilarl.! if a calls .our flop bet but then leads on the turn! that would also be a donkbet. At these stages! a donkbet should be interpreted as Ithat card helped me.I The more passi:e .our opponent! the more straightforward this interpretation is. 4hen a passi:e comes ali:e on a third straight card! or a fourth flush card! or a pairing of the board! or some oddFlooking random card! .ou should expect that the card has helped his hand out and he is now :alueFbetting. 6f course! how strong his hand is remains to be seen! but the card has impro:ed him. Non5t expect that this means he has the nuts$ +5:e seen passi:e pla.ers wake up and bet the fourth heart...because it ga:e them two pair. 6n the other hand! :er. aggressi:e pla.ers lo:e to donkbet on scare cards. This is a cheaper bluff than a checkFraise but it works Gust as often at these le:els! and man. aggressi:e pla.ers will take ad:antage of a turn ace or a third&fourth club! or a board pair to tr. and steal the pot. Be aware of this. Une+pe'ted ')e'ks$ a who has been betting steadil. in the hand suddenl. starts to check. 4hat does this meanD 4ell! one ob:ious interpretation is that he has been bluffing and has now gi:en up on the hand. ,ost pla.ers are straightforward enough that this will be the case. Against a mediumF aggressi:e opponent! this will often be a good opportunit. to bet with

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an. two cards! since .our folding eJuit. will be throughFtheFroof. Another common situation is that a flops a decent hand FF sa. top pair on a TFhigh board FF and then slows wa. down when the turn brings a P. The. are worried about the o:erpair! and so ha:e stopped betting. That does not necessaril. mean the. are read. to foldL some pla.ers will go from betting&raising to check&calling all the wa. to showdown. 8owe:er! when an aggressi:e stops being aggressi:e! that5s usuall. a sign that .our situation is not as dire as .ou thought it was. Beware of the h.peraggressi:e opponent who unexpectedl. checks! E3*EC+A##/ if he check&calls a scare card. or some reason! these pla.ers ha:e taken the Istrong S weak! weak S strongI philosoph. to heart! and will often bet with little or nothing but immediatel. slowpla. the moment the. get a hand. 4atch .our opponents carefull. to see if the turn check usuall. means the. are gi:ing up or if it usuall. means the. are trapping .ou. Bet2')e'k2bet$ a strangeFlooking but rather common threeFstreet line is Ibet the flop! check behind on the turn! bet the ri:er!I where the opponent has check&called the whole wa.. Against an aggressi:e opponent! this ri:er bet is often what we call a Idesperation bluff.I The hand has no showdown :alue so the :illain bets in the hopes that .ou will fold the best hand. 3ince .ou5:e shown little or no strength the whole hand through! the. feel the. ha:e strong folding eJuit. "which is true)! and the. are now attacking in a lastFditch effort to scoop up the pot. 8owe:er! .ou need to be aware of what the board looked like. Another common reasoning behind this line is that the flop bet was with nothing! the turn ga:e the opponent a draw! and the ri:er either made the draw or missed. +f an ob:ious draw arri:ed on the end! .ou would reall. need to

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know more about .our opponent before .ou knew if this was a bluff or not. Calling against some opponents will be extremel. QEM e:en with bottom pairL against other opponents it will be FEM with an.thing short of a powerhouse. Again! watch .our opponents and take notes on what their lines mean. 6ur fifth and final commandment ties in to e:er.thing we5:e alread. discussed$

9/ 5now t)y i#age/ I+mageI is how the other pla.ers at the table percei:e /6C. Against some opponents! this will be the :er. most important commandment. Against others! it will not matter at all. +t all depends on how attenti:e .our particular opponent is. 8ow do we start to figure out our imageD Only worry abo"t i#age wit) se'ond2level t)inkers/ or some of .ou! this is .our first segue into thirdFle:el thinking. irstFle:el thinking is asking! Iwhat is m. handDI 3econdFle:el thinking is asking! Iwhat is m. opponent5s handDI ThirdFle:el thinking is asking! Iwhat does m. opponent think m. hand isDI 6b:iousl. thirdFle:el thinking is irrele:ant against a firstFle:el thinker. 8owe:er! most opponents will at least make some token effort to guess .our hand! so against .our better opponents understanding .our image will be important. 4hen .ou ha:e a complete idiot who ne:er looks past his own hand while the game! don5t worr. about image FF .ou5ll Gust be wasting .our time and effort. :o"r 'ards only affe't yo"r i#age w)en yo" S,O; t)e#/ +n the last fi:e straight hands .ou5:e had AA! P7 "flopped trips)! 77! RT "flopped straight)! and ?? "flopped set). /ou won all fi:e hands before showdown! and .ou ne:er show

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.our hands without being forced to do so. Recogni-e that .our table image is now absolute CRA*. /es! .ou had the goods. 3ure! .our hands were actuall. powerhouses. 6f course! .our starting hand selection is tight. None of that matters. All .our opponents ha:e seen is .ou betting and raising e:er. hand. The. doubt .ou! and the.5re :er. Juickl. going to get sick of .our crap and start looking .ou up. This is N6T the time to get cute with 7Rs or == FF this is the time to pla. sJueak.Fclean poker as tight as .ou know how. Alternati:el.! if each of those fi:e went to showdown and .ou displa.ed to the table .our powerhouse winners! .our folding eJuit. will be 8+T8ER than usual! because people will begin to belie:e that .ou don5t get in:ol:ed with a hand unless .ou5:e got the goods. Be aware of this. 3e'ent )istory #atters #ore t)an an'ient )istory/ Mer. few of .our opponents actuall. ha:e *oker Tracker. As a result! their image of .ou will be determined b. their own personal obser:ations. ,ost people ha:e a relati:el. short memor.! so concentrate most on .our actions in the last two orbits. +f .our table image has fallen apart and .our bluffs ha:e gotten picked off se:eral times in a row! tighten up and fold for the next two orbits FF in that short period of time .ou will rebuild most or all of .our table image and .ou can then go back to doing .our nast. deeds. Con:ersel.! if .ou5:e been at the table for three hours a ;%&A game but .ou5:e gotten in:ol:ed in ;( of the last ;% hands! people will think of .ou as a maniac! and pla. back at .ou with all sorts of crap. +t5s the recent histor. that counts! so remember how .our last two orbits looked at the table. %ersonal )istory #atters #ore t)an table )istory/ A ma. not remember that .ou bluffed 3eat

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= off his hand fi:e times in a row! but he 4+## remember that .ou bluffed 8+, off his hand once an hour and a half ago. *eople ha:e much longer memories for hands that in:ol:ed them personall.. +f .ou stole a pla.er5s big blind three times in the last four orbits! he5s going to know that! and he5s going to pla. back at .ou with an. reasonabl. strong hand. /our folding eJuit. on a steal will be particularl. low against 8+,! but won5t be low at all against the other pla.ers at the table. Opponents will "s"ally ass"#e t)at yo"r lines always #ean t)e sa#e t)ing/ +f .ou bet =&>ths pot on a ri:er scare card with the nut flush! then the next time .ou are in a pot against that opponent and the ri:er comes with a threeFflush "not .ours)! bet =&>ths potH /our folding eJuit. will be tremendous. Alternati:el.! if the flush card N+N help .ou! bet a N+ ERENT amount FF push all .our chips in! or bet ;&% pot! or do something else. 4hen .ou want a call! don5t do what .ou did the last time he saw .ou with the nuts. 4hen .ou want a fold! do exactl. what .ou did the last time he saw .ou with the nuts. *eople will remember these things. FFFFFFFFFF + reali-e this post is longer than e:en ,/ usual posts! but hand reading is a trick.! subtle! complicated! and e:erFchanging concept. 8opefull.! this material will help .ou do a better Gob of reading hands at the table. As long and detailed as this is! know that + am Gust gi:ing .ou the tip of the iceberg! here. Experience and stud. will help .ou to understand the rest of it.
*ost Extras$

Carpal V5Tunnel

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ *oke.1

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EA'%B%B; F (;&(%&(@ ;%$?B *,

Reged$ ;(&%>&(' *osts$ %'A; #oc$ ,inneapolis! ,N! C.3.

thanks for this! :er. insightful

*ost Extras$

,a.or of 4eaktight:ille

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ *oke.1

EA'%B=>? F (;&(%&(@ (;$(= *, 7uote$

Reged$ ;;&(?&(> *osts$ %;?> #oc$ calling with the nuts

this post is longer than e:en ,/ usual posts

Earl. front runner for understatement of %((@ Excellent post as alwa.sH

*ost Extras$

member Reged$ (B&;@&(' *osts$ ;;?

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ *oke.1

EA'%B=>@ F (;&(%&(@ (;$(= *,

wh. would .ou write all of thisD

*ost Extras$

,a.or of 4eaktight:ille

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ higherWenerg.1

EA'%B=A( F (;&(%&(@ (;$(? *, 7uote$

Reged$ ;;&(?&(> *osts$ %;?> #oc$ calling with the nuts

wh. would .ou write all of thisD

4h. do .ou careD +ts ob:iousl. helpful to man. people on the forum and *oke. had the

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time and desire to write it. +m sure most people! unlike .ourself! gain something from reading it. To hate elsewhere.
*ost Extras$


3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ higherWenerg.1

EA'%B=A% F (;&(%&(@ (;$(' *,

Reged$ (?&%B&(' *osts$ %;>( #oc$ in with the %p% lingo

+ Gust fainted. +s tlLdr e:en a Goke hereD #ooking forward to reading itH
*ost Extras$


3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ *oke.1

EA'%B>%> F (;&(%&(@ (;$;; *,

Reged$ (A&(%&(' *osts$ %?@

im sure itll be a great post as soon as i get around to reading it. tanks in ad:ance
*ost Extras$


3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ pdoran;(1

EA'%B>=% F (;&(%&(@ (;$;% *,

Reged$ (;&;A&(? *osts$ %@( #oc$ #aughing with daggers

Namn *oke.! incredible N8

*ost Extras$

Carpal V5Tunnel

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ +nfectorTadget1

EA'%B?>; F (;&(%&(@ (;$%= *,

Reged$ (;&;>&(' *osts$ %@A(

Nice post poke. but one aside on the different le:els of thinking. According to 3klansk. in N#8TA*! Xero le:el thinking is when .ou onl.

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think about .our hand! ;st le:el thinking is when .ou think about .our opponents hand and what he ma. ha:e and %nd le:el thinking is what .ou think .our opponents think .ou ma. ha:e. 6ther than that! great post.
*ost Extras$

old hand

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ 3peedlimits1

EA'%B?@B F (;&(%&(@ (;$%' *,

Reged$ (B&(>&(' *osts$ ;(A= #oc$ bean flicking

thanks for this poke.H

*ost Extras$

member Reged$ ('&(A&(? *osts$ ;A= #oc$ on ,onke. tilt...

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ +nfectorTadget1

EA'%B'(; F (;&(%&(@ (;$%A *,

antastic postH +5m Gust learning N# after being a long time limiFdonk! alread. m. hand reading has impro:ed dramaticall. and + think this guide will make it e:en better.
*ost Extras$

member Reged$ ('&(A&(? *osts$ ;A= #oc$ on ,onke. tilt...

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ sill.Wmonke.1

EA'%B'>( F (;&(%&(@ (;$=( *,

4hat do .ou think about passi:e pla.ers making weak flop donkbetsD + think this almost alwa.s means a weak one pair hand and + find that a raise nearl. alwa.s picks up the pot.
*ost Extras$


3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ sill.Wmonke.1

EA'%B'>= F (;&(%&(@ (;$=( *,

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*oke.! that5s awfull. generous of .ou...Thank /ou

Reged$ (@&;%&(' *osts$ ;>?A #oc$ UUU *ost Extras$

old hand Reged$ ('&%B&(' *osts$ B(% #oc$ Netherlands

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ +nfectorTadget1

EA'%B@BB F (;&(%&(@ (;$>> *,

Bookmarked! printed! lo:ed itH

*ost Extras$

"ppner Reged$ ;;&(@&(' *osts$ ?>

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ netstorm1

EA'%BA=@ F (;&(%&(@ (;$>@ *,

Ne:er. 7uit. *osting.

*ost Extras$

addict Reged$ (B&(B&(' *osts$ '=> #oc$ Brighton! CP

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ uppner1

EA'%BAB> F (;&(%&(@ (;$?% *,

Thank.ou *oke.! .et another great post. Another example of wh. .ou are probabl. the best uN#&33N# poster.
*ost Extras$


3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ uppner1

EA'%BB(' F (;&(%&(@ (;$?= *,

Reged$ (?&%%&(' *osts$ %;A= #oc$ *rett. terrible at poker

*oke.5s selflessness ne:er ceases to ama-e me. + ha:en5t read all this .et! but gi:en the importance&difficult. of handFreading! this post should become a classic.

22 o% -0

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The 2+2 Forum Archives: An Unbelievably Long Guide to Hand-Reading

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Thanks *oke..
*ost Extras$


3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ uppner1

EA'%BB(A F (;&(%&(@ (;$?= *,

Reged$ (A&;A&(' *osts$ @B #oc$ Rotterdam

Rust finished reading! great post. /ou rock. *eriod.

*ost Extras$

old hand Reged$ (A&(=&(' *osts$ @A@ #oc$ %?N# for now

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ Rochus1

EA'=(('' F (;&(%&(@ (%$(@ *,

As soon as + saw the subGect title! and saw that the author was none other than *oke.! + went and poured m.self a coffee! told the wife and kid that +5m bus. for awhile! and sat down and thoroughl. enGo.ed this article. Rust like a great chapter in a %Q% book! me thinks +5ll be re:isiting this post a few times. Nice work and thank .ou.
*ost Extras$


3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ Rochus1

EA'=((B? F (;&(%&(@ (%$(B *,

Reged$ (@&;%&(? *osts$ ;A>=@ #oc$ to be the shepherd

/ou ha:e outdone .ourself. 8ow do + subscribe to .our newsletterD

*ost Extras$

member Reged$ ('&%'&(> *osts$ ;>B

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ >W%Wit1

EA'=(;%' F (;&(%&(@ (%$;= *,

Treat post.

21 o% -0

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Compelling and rich.

Edited by dankus (01/02/07 02:13 PM) *ost Extras$

old hand Reged$ (;&;B&(? *osts$ ;(;? #oc$ CP

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ homeslice1

EA'=(;%B F (;&(%&(@ (%$;= *,

+ think poke. Gust added another BB&;(( to m. winrate . . . Thank.ouH

*ost Extras$

:eteran Reged$ ;(&%=&(? *osts$ ;>B;

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ ANP1

EA'=(;== F (;&(%&(@ (%$;= *,

Mer. nice *oke.H + presume this will get stickied rightD

*ost Extras$

old hand Reged$ (A&(=&(' *osts$ @A@ #oc$ %?N# for now

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ >W%Wit1

EA'=(%;= F (;&(%&(@ (%$;B *,

*oke.! .ou5:e alread. done enough but could + possibl. ask .ou to elaborate somewhat on a pla.ers range of hands according to position. e.g! :illain with =(O :pip and ;?O * R! raises in ,* as opposed to 6TB or CTT. These ranges could be narrowed down further b. taking :illains position into account. An. subFcommandment&guidelines for that aside from assuming their range is slightl. wider 6TB and narrower CTTD + suppose in uN# this irrele:eant for a lot of

20 o% -0

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:illains with fishier stats as the. arent reall. positionall. aware but still useful for a:erage tags noD
*ost Extras$

old hand Reged$ ('&;A&(' *osts$ B;B #oc$ ! Tone

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ Bowlbo.1

EA'=(%=@ F (;&(%&(@ (%$%% *,

*rinted it out. ;( pages. +mpressi:e.

*ost Extras$


3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ ,anchildA>1

EA'=(=(> F (;&(%&(@ (%$%@ *,

Reged$ ('&(@&(? *osts$ %(@' #oc$ +n the Red

a:orite TopicH "toggle)

*ost Extras$

Carpal V5Tunnel

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ *oke.1

EA'=(=>( F (;&(%&(@ (%$=( *,

Reged$ (B&(=&(= *osts$ %A(B #oc$ Alias an.thing .ou want...

Nice postH 6ne Juick addition$ or a reasonable the bet! check behind! bet pattern can be pot control Q :alue bet rather than missed draw. + do this often. Catch something like T*TP! bet flop! check behind on turn for pot control and then :alue bet the ri:er when :illain checks.
*ost Extras$


3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ uppner1

EA'=(=?( F (;&(%&(@ (%$=; *, 7uote$

Reged$ ('&(@&(? *osts$ %(@' #oc$ +n the Red

7uit. *osting.

2/ o% -0

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/*. Now the tables will be filled with excellent handFreaders who will raise me off m. T*TP e:er. single time. IThanksI *oke..
*ost Extras$


3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ Alias,rRones1

EA'=(='= F (;&(%&(@ (%$=% *, 7uote$

Reged$ ('&(@&(? *osts$ %(@' #oc$ +n the Red

Nice postH 6ne Juick addition$ or a reasonable the bet! check behind! bet pattern can be pot control Q :alue bet rather than missed draw. + do this often. Catch something like T*TP! bet flop! check behind on turn for pot control and then :alue bet the ri:er when :illain checks.

...also perfect for inducing a bluff.

*ost Extras$

Carpal V5Tunnel

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ *oke.1

EA'=(=B@ F (;&(%&(@ (%$=> *,

Reged$ ('&(;&(? *osts$ '??A #oc$ Tetting ri:ered b. idiots

3potFon. 4ell doneH "+gnoring the Juibble about the exact definition of %ndFle:el thinking! of course.)

As long and detailed as this is! know that + am Gust gi:ing .ou the tip of the iceberg! here.

2- o% -0

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/ep! and all .ou ha:e to do is internali-e all of this plus lots more! and put it into practice 'Q tables for hours on end! and hardl. e:er make big mistakes! and /6C T66 can make EX ,6N+EX as a poker professionalHH
*ost Extras$


3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ *oke.1

EA'=(@=> F (;&(%&(@ (=$(; *,

Reged$ (%&%A&(' *osts$ ;'>( #oc$ Boston

too short! not detailed enough. 4here are the practical techniJues for holding ranges in .our headD 4here is the strateg. for against le:el (.? thinkers "who alwa.s put .ou on AP after a preflop raise)! or le:el ;.? thinkers! "who think .ou alwa.s put them on AP)D 3urel. that should ha:e been included in section ?! subparagraph ; HHHH 4here is the discussion of Ba.es5 Theorum! and how to appl. it on each street gi:en the new information we ha:e gatheredD Ti:en it5s limited scope! a fairl. decent post.
*ost Extras$

*rett. much the best poster e:er Reged$ (=&;?&(? *osts$ =@;% #oc$ Csing the whole rist! docD

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ 3peedlimits1

EA'=(B'% F (;&(%&(@ (=$%( *,

)ig)er>energy said$

wh. would .ou write all of thisD

22 o% -0

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Because sometimes the world doesn5t re:ol:e around me. +5:e learned most of what + know about poker from %Q%! and + enGo. gi:ing back to the communit. that has gi:en me so much. Speedli#its said$

Nice post poke. but one aside on the different le:els of thinking. According to 3klansk. in N#8TA*! Xero le:el thinking is when .ou onl. think about .our hand! ;st le:el thinking is when .ou think about .our opponents hand and what he ma. ha:e and %nd le:el thinking is what .ou think .our opponents think .ou ma. ha:e.

/eah! + was also Juite surprised that 3klansk. got that wrong. silly>#onkey said$

4hat do .ou think about passi:e pla.ers making weak flop donkbetsD + think this almost alwa.s means a weak one pair hand and + find that a raise nearl. alwa.s picks up the pot.

As + mentioned somewhere in that monster! donkbets on the flop usuall. mean I+ can beat aceFhigh.I 4hether that! in turn! means that .ou can easil. steal the pot with a raise! or whether .ou5ll need to float it out to the turn! or if that means that he5s going to call .ou down all the wa. to showdown with his crap! will all be pla.erFspecific. + can5t stress enough the :alue of watching .our opponents to tr. and spot their personal Juirks and habits. As a MER/ TENERA# rule +5d sa. that a flop donkbet from a passi:e is usuall. weak! because the. tend to

2, o% -0

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slowpla. their monsters with either a checkFraise or a checkFcall. 4hether the. will then RE#EA3E their small hand can onl. be answered on a caseFb.Fcase basis. Bowlboy said$

could + possibl. ask .ou to elaborate somewhat on a pla.ers range of hands according to position. e.g! :illain with =(O :pip and ;?O * R! raises in ,* as opposed to 6TB or CTT.

+n general! + think .ou hit the nail on the head when .ou said that this doesn5t matter much at uN#. or most uN# pla.ers! ARo CTT S ARo on the button S ARo. *ositional awareness is a more ad:anced skill and it5s be.ond most of the uN# opponents .ou will face. The two exceptions to this rule would be blind stealing and CTT. ,ost pla.ers know to pla. Ia bit tighterI CTT! and so don5t limp as much ANN N6N5T RA+3E A3 ,CC8 from CTT. 3imilarl.! some pla.ers are aware enough to tr. and steal blinds when the. are in late position. Be.ond that! howe:er! + don5t remember man. pla.ers who had much in the wa. of positional awareness. 4hen .ou spot a who +3 positionall. aware! +5d make a note on them about it FF that5s useful information. At that point! adGust .our numbers accordingl. FF a limp or raise from CTT will be somewhat stronger than their usual range indicates! and a limp or raise from #* will be somewhat weaker. Non5t expect a monumental difference! howe:er FF it5s going to be plusForFminus ?O. .liasMr@ones said$

or a reasonable the bet! check behind! bet pattern

2. o% -0

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can be pot control Q :alue bet rather than missed draw.

/es! but + wrote this guide for uN#! and there is a remarkable lack of Ireasonable pla.ersI in the pool. /our line is a strong one! :er. :aluable! effecti:e! and useful because it5s so nonFstandard. 3impl. put! .our line works because normal pla.ers would ne:er think to pla. a hand that wa.. ti'ks said$
7uote$ 7uote$

7uit. *osting. /*.

6oopsH 3orr.! ticksH o everyone else$ Thanks for the feedback! and +5m glad .ou5:e enGo.ed it.
*ost Extras$

member Reged$ ;;&%>&(' *osts$ ;??

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ *oke.1

EA'=;;?; F (;&(%&(@ (=$=' *,

4ow! great postH Nefinitel. the most helpful one created since +5:e been a member. Can we add this to the stick.D
*ost Extras$

The *eople5s ,od Reged$ (%&%>&(? *osts$ @''= #oc$ #ET3 T6 /ANPEE3HH

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ ihtfp1

EA'=;>=> F (;&(%&(@ (>$(; *,

1) o% -0

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*oke.. ,ore so than usual.

*ost Extras$

member Reged$ (B&;@&(' *osts$ ;;?

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ E,c1

EA'=;>A@ F (;&(%&(@ (>$(? *,

m. first response was not what it seems all i was to sa. is that this was a :er. comrehensi:e guide and that 6* definetl. put a ton of time into this. its Gust rare to find something like this on the internet. also! seeing that the learning cur:e in poker is :er. steep! b. posting this poke. is teaching a lot of things to a number of people that browse this forum...
*ost Extras$

stranger Reged$ ('&%@&(' *osts$ ;(

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ *oke.1

EA'=;@B( F (;&(%&(@ (>$=% *,

Absolutel. greatH +5m a ' max limit transistioning to K%? nl. +5:e reall. struggled with a st.le in nl. + was %@&;? to =;&%; %.?F=.? limit. +5:e found m.self ;=&=(&;.? ,uch more passi:e preflop to see flops cheap and trapp.&aggressi:e postflop. Thank .ou! this will help tremendousl. preFflop and post flop especiall. with when to put the brakes on.
*ost Extras$

1# o% -0

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Sir ;inalot

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ betheball1

EA'=;A=; F (;&(%&(@ (>$=' *,

Reged$ (@&=(&(' *osts$ %>'A #oc$ 3uomiF inland perkele

Treat stuff *oke.! thanks for making this.

*ost Extras$

old hand

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ 3ir 4inalot1

EA'=;B>; F (;&(%&(@ (>$>? *,

Reged$ ;%&%'&(' *osts$ ;;'' #oc$ Crossing threshold to %?N#

+5m certain this will be useful to! but to a noob like m.self! this is ANTA3T+C. Thank .ou! *oke.H
*ost Extras$

Carpal V5Tunnel

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ higherWenerg.1

EA'=;B>A F (;&(%&(@ (>$>' *, 7uote$

Reged$ (?&=;&(> *osts$ %B?@ #oc$ This is not a gambling website

wh. would .ou write all of thisD

Ban this idiot. *oke.F Thanks for taking the time. As alwa.s! instant classic.
*ost Extras$

Sir ;inalot

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ higherWenerg.1

EA'=;B?@ F (;&(%&(@ (>$>@ *, 7uote$

Reged$ (@&=(&(' *osts$ %>'A #oc$ 3uomiF inland

m. first response was not

12 o% -0

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what it seems all i was to sa. is that this was a :er. comrehensi:e guide and that 6* definetl. put a ton of time into this. its Gust rare to find something like this on the internet. also! seeing that the learning cur:e in poker is :er. steep! b. posting this poke. is teaching a lot of things to a number of people that browse this forum...

3o .ou sa. he shouldn5t ha:e written this so that the random fish won5t learnD Eat .our head.
*ost Extras$

addict Reged$ ('&%=&(> *osts$ ?AB #oc$ 3pewing chips

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ *oke.1

EA'=%('' F (;&(%&(@ (>$?? *,

Treat postH 6ne Juestion though about the * R Isliding scale$


a passi:e preflop has a * R under a Juarter of their M*+*. That means that this is a floating scale$ while ;(O * R is passi:e for a who has a M*+* of ??O! it is aggressi:e for a who has a M*+* of ;?O.

4h. does it matter how * R relates to M*+*D +n either case! the is raising ;(O of his hands. 4h. is a loose who raises ;(O of his hands considered less aggressi:e than a tight who raises ;(O of his handsD + would think the. would be considered eJuall. aggressi:e! or in a sense the loose is more aggressi:e because the sheer number of hands he5s raising is higher than the tighter

11 o% -0

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*ost Extras$


3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ *oke.1

EA'=%=B' F (;&(%&(@ (?$%= *,

Reged$ ;;&%>&(' *osts$ >(= #oc$ Tuatemala

Thank .ou for a :er. helpful post! and Gust the subGect + am working on at the moment. + get somewhat different percentages for the monotone flop. +f .ou don5t ha:e an. of the suit :illain has a made flush ";(&>@) "B&>') S (.(>% or >.%O of the time and he no cards of the suit"=@&>@) "='&>') S (.';' or ';.'O of the time. 8e has a flush draw the remaining =>.%O of the time. This Gust makes .our point stronger! he is flush draw A times as often as a made flush and .ou should definitel. bet on this board often.
*ost Extras$


3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ Esmerelda1

EA'=%>== F (;&(%&(@ (?$%' *,

Reged$ ;%&(>&(' *osts$ 'A

This post is ama-ing

*ost Extras$

*rett. much the best poster e:er Reged$ (=&;?&(? *osts$ =@;% #oc$ Csing the whole rist! docD

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ *otato3tew1

EA'=%BAB F (;&(%&(@ ('$(B *,

%otatoStew said$

4h. does it matter how * R relates to M*+*D +n either case! the is raising ;(O of his hands. 4h. is a loose who raises ;(O of his hands

10 o% -0

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considered less aggressi:e than a tight who raises ;(O of his handsD

+n a sense! .ou5re absolutel. right$ given that a has raised preflop! it doesn5t matter too much whether he5s a '(&;( or a ;?&;( "other than a '(&;( is probabl. an inferior! and therefore more likel. to make bigger postflop mistakes). 8owe:er! the difference between a passi:e and an aggressi:e is huge when the is still to act. Another big difference comes when .ou get REraised FF a '(&;( probabl. threeFbets less often than a ;?&;(! because a '(&;(5s natural inclination would be to smoothFcall. A ;?&;( has an aggressi:e mindset and beha:es accordingl.L a '(&;( has a passi:e mindset. The differences are subtle! but important. As#erelda said$

+ get somewhat different percentages for the monotone flop. +f .ou don5t ha:e an. of the suit :illain has a made flush ";(&>@)"B&>') S (.(>% or >.%O of the time and he no cards of the suit"=@&>@)"='&>') S (.';' or ';.'O of the time. 8e has a flush draw the remaining =>.%O of the time.

/ou5re absolutel. right! and + absolutel. screwed that one up. Thanks FF that was a good catch.
*ost Extras$


3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ Bahun.1

EA'==%B% F (;&(%&(@ ('$=> *,

1/ o% -0

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i got one of the logitech mice with the free spin wheel! and this post is awesome for it.
Reged$ (B&(>&(' *osts$ @@B #oc$ C+t. of Nope! /a. Area

also! this post is AQQQQ in general. *erfect timing for me after dropping se:eral bu.ins .esterda.. w((tH
*ost Extras$

Carpal V5Tunnel

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ *oke.1

EA'=>;%; F (;&(%&(@ (@$>; *, 7uote$

Reged$ ('&(;&(? *osts$ '??A #oc$ Tetting ri:ered b. idiots

As#erelda said$

+ get somewhat different percentages for the monotone flop. +f .ou don5t ha:e an. of the suit :illain has a made flush ";(&>@)"B&>') S (.(>% or >.%O of the time and he no cards of the suit"=@&>@)"='&>') S (.';' or ';.'O of the time. 8e has a flush draw the remaining =>.%O of the time. /ou5re absolutel. right! and + absolutel. screwed that one up. Thanks FF that was a good catch.

4ell! the thing is + think .ou backdoored .our wa. to a more useful number somehow! because Millain isn5t gonna treat his % or whate:er as a useful flush card! in general. 3o if .ou sa. Ibroadwa. flush drawI or IRQ flush drawI + think .ou5d be close with .our original number which meshed well with m. intuition. 3omebod. less la-. than me! feel free to do the

1- o% -0

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exact math.
*ost Extras$

enthusiast Reged$ (;&%>&(' *osts$ %==

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ pineappleAAA1

EA'=?>=@ F (;&(%&(@ (B$=A *,

As alwa.s *oke.! ama-ing post. Ti:e up whate:er .our da. Gob is! write a book.
*ost Extras$


3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ dodg.bob1

EA'=??;@ F (;&(%&(@ (B$>? *,

Reged$ ;;&%(&(' *osts$ ;'' #oc$ 6ff the +nterstate

Thanks *oke.! +5:e been looking for something like this.


Ti:e up whate:er .our da. Gob is! write a book.

Can + preForderD
*ost Extras$

the mercenar. Reged$ (>&(%&(' *osts$ ?AA #oc$ spewing chips Y?(N#

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ Route''1

EA'=B@BB F (;&(=&(@ ('$%' A,

*ost Extras$

member Reged$ (=&;B&(' *osts$ ;>>

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ kerplunkN#1

EA'=BA@> F (;&(=&(@ ('$?% A,

+ felt i ha:e somehow de:eloped a somewhat similar understanding

12 o% -0

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m.self! but to ha:e it put into exact words b. a good and writer was still :er. helpful. excellent post.
*ost Extras$

enthusiast Reged$ ;;&;A&(? *osts$ %?B #oc$ 3k. Malle.

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ kerplunkN#1

EA'=BAB( F (;&(=&(@ ('$?' A,

Awesome. Thanks a lot *oke.H

*ost Extras$

&ans !"ll
member Reged$ (A&%@&(' *osts$ ;;' #oc$ America Rr.

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ kerplunkN#1

EA'>(((( F (;&(=&(@ (@$=% A,

Treat post * usual. +f there is a newsletter! ship itH

*ost Extras$

Carpal V5Tunnel

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ turboGunge1

EA'>((%( F (;&(=&(@ (@$=A A,

Reged$ (?&;%&(' *osts$ =B(? #oc$ i ain5t got m. taco

*oke.! that was awful and uninteresting. /ou should be ashamed of .ourself. 6ka.! fine! +5m Gust Gealous of how well .ou explain the intricacies of this game. Mer. well done sir! it is :er. thoughtful of .ou to write these.
*ost Extras$

old hand

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ ,edrakil1

EA'>((%% F (;&(=&(@ (@$=A A,

1, o% -0

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8app. Birthda.! ,edrakilH

Reged$ ;%&%'&(' *ost Extras$ *osts$ ;;'' #oc$ Crossing threshold to %?N#

!reddy ?D
member Reged$ ;;&%(&(' *osts$ ;(%

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ *oke.1

EA'>((=% F (;&(=&(@ (@$>; A,

*oke. for president This not onl. helped me to read m. opponents but F and probabl. more importantl. F showed me! how easil. i can be read. Thanks for it.
*ost Extras$

A model citi-en Reged$ (?&%?&(' *osts$ ;=>( #oc$ stackasaurus

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ Nans ull1

EA'>((>B F (;&(=&(@ (@$>' A,

*oke. /ou seem to ha:e a natural talent for putting across important poker ideas clearl. and detailed. + don5t know how .ou manage to repeatedl. come out with these long great posts. 4+4 + was .esterda. and some dude used the earlier anal.sis on me "thought ut loud in chat) + wonder if he read this first F onl. problem he didn5t understand sample si-e of =( hands and assumed + was a * R maniac
*ost Extras$

Carpal V5Tunnel

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ kerplunkN#1

1. o% -0

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EA'>(;?> F (;&(=&(@ (A$;= A,

Nh poke.... :er. nice handH

Reged$ (;&;=&(' *osts$ ==(' #oc$ Re.kGa:ik *ost Extras$


3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ turboGunge1

EA'>(;@A F (;&(=&(@ (A$;@ A,

Reged$ ;(&;=&(> *osts$ =;> #oc$ Amsterdam...

nice post! as usual *oke.! thanks

*ost Extras$

free at last Reged$ (?&(;&(' *osts$ %(=' #oc$ nowhere

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ munke.1

EA'>(%B; F (;&(=&(@ (A$=@ A,

*oke. ftw. 0laudation mode$ ENAB#EN1 +5m a big fan of all .our "countless) tlLdrs. This one is officiall. m. new E% in the IBest of *oke.I collection "although it still might ha:e a run at E;$ 3tealing). Thanks for doing all these great posts specificall. geared towards helping uN# pla.ers. This is something we can5t F and shouldn5t F take for granted! since most brilliant pla.ers either mo:e to higher stakes sooner rather than later or don5t bother to share their insights "probabl. la-iness combined with a lack of expressing themsel:es effecti:el. being the maGor culprits). +5:e learned man. of those points m.self b. generous amounts of tuition BBs to the Cni:ersit. of 6nline *oker! but there are a few important blank spots .ou5:e filled in with that post. Thanks again for doing this. 0laudation mode$ N+3AB#EN1

0) o% -0

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*ost Extras$

$izard 5ing
enthusiast Reged$ (A&(B&(? *osts$ =B%

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ >W%Wit1

EA'>('=@ F (;&(=&(@ (B$=A A,

/ r u not writing a bookD

*ost Extras$

ne:er gonna get a custom title

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ *oke.1

EA'>('>A F (;&(=&(@ (B$>( A,

Reged$ (B&(@&(' *osts$ ;'=> #oc$ ,unich

This is long to .ou reall. expect us to read thisD

*ost Extras$

Carpal V5Tunnel

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ monko:er1

EA'>(A>; F (;&(=&(@ ;($(= A, 7uote$

Reged$ (;&;=&(' *osts$ ==(' #oc$ Re.kGa:ik

This is long to .ou reall. expect us to read thisD

To awa.
*ost Extras$

member Reged$ (B&%'&(' *osts$ ;@;

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ *oke.1

EA'>;(%' F (;&(=&(@ ;($%> A,

As usuall.! *oke. rulesHHH ThanksH

*ost Extras$

old hand

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ monko:er1

0# o% -0

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EA'>;(>B F (;&(=&(@ ;($%' A, 7uote$ Reged$ ;;&(A&(' *osts$ ;('( #oc$ #exington! Pentuck.

This is long to .ou reall. expect us to read thisD

+ hope .ou don5t! and + look forward to against .ou. Treat post! *oke.. Thanks.
*ost Extras$

old hand

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ Ra:anewt1

EA'>;>=@ F (;&(=&(@ ;;$;( A,

Reged$ (A&%@&(' *osts$ @@? #oc$ #ondon

Treat post! thanks.

*ost Extras$


3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ 8ighn1

EA'>%;%' F (;&(=&(@ ;%$;= *,

Reged$ (A&;'&(' *osts$ =?? #oc$ ;(( N#

8and reading is b. far the biggest hole in m. game. Thanks for this.
*ost Extras$


3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ e:agaba1

EA'>%;>? F (;&(=&(@ ;%$;' *,

Reged$ ;(&%>&(' *osts$ >?>

Thanks for the post *oke.! insight from good pla.ers is alwa.s :er. :aluable. + will surel. be rereading thisH
*ost Extras$

,od of the nits Reged$ ('&%=&(> *osts$ >BAB #oc$ Trinding Awa.

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ *oke.1

EA'>%B>% F (;&(=&(@ (;$=? *,

02 o% -0

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*ost Extras$

Minnie Man
member Reged$ (B&=(&(' *osts$ ;''

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ *oke.1

EA'>=B'> F (;&(=&(@ (>$(= *, 7uote$

#ess common at uN#! but increasingl. common at higher le:els "and deadl.Fdangerous when the. do it right) is the #*&TA$ this is a total calling station idiot preflop. /ou5ll often see preflop numbers of @?&;; or 'A&' for these folks. Non5t fall for itH +t5s a ruse. These folks are splashing around in as man. pots as the. can as cheapl. as the. can! and then postflop the. pla. *6PER. The.5ll be folding a tremendous fraction of the time on the flop! escaping for ; BB! but when the. hit it will be with something sneak.FasFhell and solidFsolidFsolid. The. then go into aggro mode! betting incredibl. hard and on unobser:ant TATs to call them down lighter because Ihe.! this idiot is @%&@! m. T*=P dominates his range.I The. stack more TATs than .ou and + could e:er hope to! because their image gets them mad phat postflop action.

+nteresting. Noes here pla. like this successfull.D

*ost Extras$

enthusiast Reged$ (>&(?&(' *osts$ %=B

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ Berge%(1

EA'>=B@= F (;&(=&(@ (>$(> *,

01 o% -0

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*ost Extras$

Rumpman 86##AH

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ Echelon1

EA'>??=B F (;&(=&(@ (?$?( *,

Reged$ (@&%'&(? *osts$ %B>= #oc$ 8ating C6 pro sports atm

sick post. i agree with the abo:e poster. u should put all these together and make it a book. "onl. dont release it cu- that will cost me sosososososo much mone. long term I
*ost Extras$

BBM #ollercoaster 3afet. Technician

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ ka-%;(@1

EA'>?'%; F (;&(=&(@ (?$?? *,

nice post
Reged$ (%&;@&(? *osts$ ;B?>; #oc$ 8i. ,. name is Rosa Pato Z=

dont forget medium strength hands exercising pot control if .ou see a betFcheckFbet line "usuall. from better pla.ers)
*ost Extras$


3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ keikiwai1

EA'>?A(% F (;&(=&(@ ('$(A *,

Reged$ (>&=(&(' *osts$ >'( #oc$ Trinding it out in Boston

Mer. nice post. Attention uN# mods! stick. this post. 8olla.
*ost Extras$

old hand

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ ,edrakil1

EA'>''A; F (;&(=&(@ (@$;' *,

Reged$ ;%&%B&(? *osts$ A>%

Treat postH thanksH

00 o% -0

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#oc$ CP *ost Extras$

Carpal V5Tunnel Reged$ (;&;%&(' *osts$ ?>A(

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ higherWenerg.1

EA'>'B=? F (;&(=&(@ (@$>( *,

good post poke.

*ost Extras$

member Reged$ (A&;'&(' *osts$ ;A%

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ keikiwai1

EA'>@(BA F (;&(=&(@ (@$?? *,

poke.! .ou are m. godHHH another superbe post b. .ou. thank .ou thank .ou thank .ou thank .ouH
*ost Extras$

Carpal V5Tunnel Reged$ ('&;;&(> *osts$ ?@?> #oc$ 8s: or the Tunica 8orseshoe! p...

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ *oke.1

EA'>@'>@ F (;&(=&(@ (A$>? *,

Nice thread. + archi:ed the link on the wiki for those of us who can ne:er find these when we5re looking for them. Also the wiki article is a mess "Gust a shorter post + stuck in there)L e:er.one5s in:ited to edit&fix it as appropriate.
*ost Extras$

Carpal V5Tunnel Reged$ ('&;;&(> *osts$ ?@?> #oc$ 8s: or the Tunica 8orseshoe! p...

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ 3CBielski1

EA'>@''@ F (;&(=&(@ (A$>@ *, 7uote$

Mer. nice post. Attention uN# mods! add this post to t)e ot)er posts linked on an

0/ o% -0

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e+isting sti'ky. 8olla.

*ost Extras$


3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ AP7R;(1

EA'>A@;B F (;&(=&(@ ;($;A *,

Reged$ (A&;@&(' *osts$ =;> #oc$ life rewards bold&aggro mo:es

Thanks *oke.H definitl. helped me out alot.

Edited by erbbysam (01/03/07 10:19 PM) *ost Extras$

Br"no )e%"g
old hand Reged$ (A&%>&(? *osts$ AA% #oc$ Ari-ona

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ gimmetheloot1

EA'>B('A F (;&(=&(@ ;($>= *,

Excellent postH ThanksH

*ost Extras$

t)e>#"ppeteer Reged$ ;(&%A&(' *osts$ BB

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ ,edrakil1

EA'>B';( F (;&(=&(@ ;;$== *,

Nice postH Thanks *oke.

*ost Extras$

Carpal V5Tunnel Reged$ (B&%A&(> *osts$ %@AB #oc$ 4a:ing Y Ceiling Cat

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ *oke.1

EA'?=;>A F (;&(>&(@ (A$>; A,

6utstanding post! *oke.H +5:e read almost all of .our IbasicI

0- o% -0

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posts and .ou ne:er failed to hit the nail on all aspects of solid ABCFst.le 33N# poker "oh! and + mean this as a compliment). + think .our beginner5s book +3 read.H Rust bind all .our articles together and it5s done. + don5t fear that this will make the a:erage opponent better. ,ost pla.ers at these le:els can5t be bothered with reading and learning and most of those who read it can5t be bothered with the hard work to consistentl. put it into use.
*ost Extras$


3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ 8esseRam1

EA'?='(? F (;&(>&(@ (B$?' A,

Reged$ (B&=(&(? *osts$ ;(%

Thank .ou. *lease do write that book.

*ost Extras$

Coeynav Reged$ ('&;>&(' *osts$ ?A #oc$ east coast

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ *oke.1

EA'';(== F (;&(>&(@ (@$=> *,

6,T awesome...+5:e onl. read half it is extremel. insightful. T8ANP /6C 6*

*ost Extras$

ne:er gonna get a custom title

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ ANP1

EA'''@(= F (;&(?&(@ (A$?? A,

Reged$ (B&(@&(' *osts$ ;'=> #oc$ ,unich

+[m sorr. +[m a li:e cash game so +[m not sur about the numbers form poker tracker... 4hat does this for example stand

02 o% -0

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forD %>&;@&= tnx

*ost Extras$

Carpal V5Tunnel Reged$ ('&;;&(> *osts$ ?@?> #oc$ 8s: or the Tunica 8orseshoe! p...

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ monko:er1

EA''A@=? F (;&(?&(@ ;%$>B *,

Tr. the beginners A7$ http$&& A7 6r Gust wait for someone to answer! since other people lo:e to answer A7s again and again. 4h. teach a man to fish when .ou can feed him each da. anewD
*ost Extras$

old hand Reged$ (=&%B&(? *osts$ ;(?; #oc$ A peaceful place! or so it loo...

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ *oke.1

EA''AB(% F (;&(?&(@ (;$(% *,

3o glad that this was bumped! since + was on :acation. *oke.! thanks for this "and .our other articles). 4ell doneH
*ost Extras$

Carpal V5Tunnel Reged$ (B&(=&(> *osts$ >(B' #oc$ Bristol! CP

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ Nisconnected1

EA''B>A' F (;&(?&(@ (;$?; *,

Ban *oke.. N64H

*ost Extras$

t)e 'lGaner

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ ,edrakil1

EA'A;>(@ F (;&('&(@ (=$;= *,

0, o% -0

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Reged$ (A&%(&(' *osts$ ;A(B

Excellent post poke.. /ou ob:iousl. do a great lot of thinking about the game! and ha:e a talent to put this into words. + would lo:e to see a post from .ou regarding turn and ri:er pla..
*ost Extras$


Reged$ (A&(@&(' *osts$ ='= EA'A;B%( F (;&('&(@ #oc$ mo:ing up to reco:er (>$;= *, losses 7uote$

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ Berge%(1


*ost Extras$

Millage R Nit

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ #owWCard%1

EA'A;B?; F (;&('&(@ (>$;' *,

Reged$ ;(&;;&(> *osts$ %?A> #oc$ *oker or Nogs

*oke.! .ou5re a born teacher. *raise and thanks. Tonna get it publishedD
*ost Extras$

newbie Reged$ (@&;@&(' *osts$ >A

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ Chip3torm1

EA'A=>;@ F (;&('&(@ (@$(( *,

4a. to create a hateFlo:e relationship with fellow %Q%.

*ost Extras$

stranger Reged$ (=&%@&(' *osts$ ;=

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ *ieter31

EA'A>(%; F (;&('&(@ (A$(? *,

Best post + ha:e read so farH

0. o% -0

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*ost Extras$

member Reged$ (A&;%&(' *osts$ ;>> #oc$ Toronto! 6ntario

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ *oke.1

EA'A>%(> F (;&('&(@ (A$%? *,

*oke. +5:e been meaning to break down point E;! thanks for sa:ing me the trouble
*ost Extras$


3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ ,edrakil1

EA@(@??( F (;&(A&(@ (@$%B *,

Reged$ (=&;'&(? *osts$ ;'>? #oc$ +n *au 4e Trust

6ne of the best posts +5:e e:er read. Awesome stuff! *okeH
*ost Extras$

Carpal V5Tunnel

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ dawade1

EA@(B';= F (;&(A&(@ ;($(; *,

Reged$ ;(&('&(> *osts$ ?=%; #oc$ shipping ironman bonus medals

*oke. This post was Gust what + needed to get back in the poker mindset after a week in California and the stress of starting up school again after an A month hiatus. Thank /ou. +f + e:er meet .ou +R#! drinks on meH
*ost Extras$

more whining! less poker Reged$ (>&%(&(' *osts$ ?@(> #oc$ Crushing

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ Ggunnip1

EA@;%B?% F (;&(B&(@ (=$(A A,

bump for lo:e....

*ost Extras$

/) o% -0

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enthusiast Reged$ ;;&(;&(? *osts$ %@A #oc$ uN#

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ the cl\aner1

EA@;?(>@ F (;&(B&(@ ;($=@ A, 7uote$

Excellent post poke.. /ou ob:iousl. do a great lot of thinking about the game! and ha:e a talent to put this into words. + would lo:e to see a post from .ou regarding turn and ri:er pla..

+t will be an instaFclassic like this 6*. 4ell done again! *oke.H

*ost Extras$

addict Reged$ (%&%@&(' *osts$ ?A% #oc$ *ut the knife awa. and shut .o...

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ *oke.1

EA@;'(?; F (;&(B&(@ ;%$%? *,

great post *oke.. /ou5re clutch.


the 8CN trinit. "M*+*! * R! and a:erage aggression)

+ found this to be Juite funn.. +s there a Nicene Creed for the poker pla.erD 4e belie:e in one 3klansk.! creator of Theor. of *oker...
*ost Extras$

member Reged$ (A&%;&(' *osts$ ;;(

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ *oke.1

EA@;@'>% F (;&(B&(@ (%$%A *, 7uote$

?O S Ipairs @@Q! AP! A7sI or

/# o% -0

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Ipairs BBQ! AP! A7.I ;(O S Ipairs ''Q! AP! A7! suited aces! P7s! 7RsI ;?O S Ian. pair! AP! A7! P7! suited connectors ?>Q! an. suited aceI %(O S Ian. pair! an. two broadwa.! an. suited aceI %?O S Ian. pair! an. suited broadwa.! an. ace! an. suited connectors ?>sQ! P7oI =(O S Ian. pair! an. ace! an. suited king! an. suited broadwa.! an. suited connectors ?>sQ! PToQ! 7RoI or Ian. pair! an. ace! an. suited king! an. broadwa.I >(O S Ian. pair! an. ace! an. king! an. two broadwa.! an. suited connectors =%sQI ?(O S Ian. pair! an. two suited cards! an. ace! an. two broadwa.! P?oQI

antastic post! Gust one Juestion F 3hould the %(O categor. sa. Ian. suited broadwa.I rather than Ian. two broadwa.I D
*ost Extras$

member Reged$ (;&%>&(? *osts$ ;%>

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ teeceeB(1

EAAA=%?A F (;&%=&(@ ('$?; *,

i dont know if this issues been addressed alread. but for a 'max! these percentages should be inflated since the.5re in the blinds more often and stealing occurs much more freJuentl.! rightD so how much O do i add to each range to reflect the true range at a 'max table
*ost Extras$


3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ pineappleAAA1

EB;=?B?; F (%&;;&(@ ('$=A A,

/2 o% -0

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Treat post *oke.H As alwa.s! + enGo.ed reading it! especiall. this part amused me$
Reged$ (B&;=&(' *osts$ ;'>B #oc$ Amsterdam

Against a passi:e calling station this means I+ ha:e two cards. #ookH 3pades are prett.. + like pie.I
*ost Extras$

#6# d(nkaments Reged$ ;%&('&(' *osts$ ;%'? #oc$ +n:estment Bank

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ ANP1

EB;='(;B F (%&;;&(@ (@$(? A,

*ost Extras$


3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ d(nkaments1

EB;=';?B F (%&;;&(@ (A$(( A,

Reged$ ;;&;A&(' *osts$ ;BA #oc$ 3neek! The Netherlands

4ow.. + lo:ed it.

*ost Extras$

newbie Reged$ (?&%>&(' *osts$ %?

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ ,iko1

EB%(('>A F (%&;?&(@ ('$>B *,

This is siml. awesome. Thank .ou :er. much for itH

*ost Extras$

member Reged$ ;;&(?&(' *osts$ ;%? #oc$ Nenmark

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ bohus(>1

EB%>=%B( F (%&;B&(@ (=$=? *,

Reall. impressi:e post which should help getting better at anal.sing and reading hands

/1 o% -0

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*ost Extras$

Carpal V5Tunnel

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ *oke.1

EB%>?@@( F (%&;B&(@ ('$%A *, 7uote$ 7uote$

Reged$ (=&(B&(? *osts$ =;(' #oc$ stealing .our food

Nice post poke. but one aside on the different le:els of thinking. According to 3klansk. in N#8TA*! Xero le:el thinking is when .ou onl. think about .our hand! ;st le:el thinking is when .ou think about .our opponents hand and what he ma. ha:e and %nd le:el thinking is what .ou think .our opponents think .ou ma. ha:e. /eah! + was also Juite surprised that 3klansk. got that wrong.

N#T* also mentions that Iwhat do + ha:eI is ;st le:el! but then goes on to refer to it as (th le:el. Technicall. ( le:el thinking would be that episode of The 6ffice "C3 ed) where *h.llis doesn5t reali-e her own cards and stacks Pe:in.
*ost Extras$

MS%()ris Reged$ (=&%B&(? *osts$ @(

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ *oke.1

EB%?''@? F (%&%(&(@ (=$;; *,

bump *oke. FF when is the book coming

/0 o% -0

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outD + wanna bu. it...

*ost Extras$

old hand Reged$ ;(&(>&(? *osts$ ;(B; #oc$ 6n another hopeless bluff.

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ *oke.1

EB=>B%?' F (%&%@&(@ (@$>= A,

N8. Thanks for the postL :er. insightful. This is the sort of stuff + dig through these boards for.
*ost Extras$

old hand

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ *oke.1

EB=?(';= F (%&%@&(@ ;;$(A A,

Reged$ (>&;;&(> *osts$ @@( #oc$ spite folding

#ogging in with the the sole purpose of posting heart emoticon feels reall. dumb! but this post was so good + can5t resist.

*ost Extras$


3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ ticks1

EB?==>(? F (=&;%&(@ (B$(@ *,

Reged$ (=&;%&(@ *osts$ ;AB? #oc$ brighton

i used to do this all the time! for getting people to call with an. pair! etc. but kept getting burnt b. gi:ing the free card. i know it was probabl. Gust :ariance! but now i tend to bet turn and check ri:er if ;st to act to induce a bluff&:alue bet! then call for :alue with T*TP! T*TP etc.
*ost Extras$

member Reged$ ;(&=(&(' *osts$ ;>A

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ ANP1

EBA'(@>> F (>&(?&(@ (A$>( *,

// o% -0

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Namm Bo. H /ou Rock man H

*ost Extras$

*oohFBah Reged$ (@&(B&(' *osts$ ;@?> #oc$ loating .ou

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ 7uebecker1

EBA';B=> F (>&(?&(@ ;($%? *,

Nice Rob *oke.!!!!!!!!!as mentioned! it should be a definate candidate for 5stick.ness5

*ost Extras$

:eteran Reged$ (@&;%&(' *osts$ ;=(? #oc$ 3outh Bend

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ AceinAter1

EBA'=A?> F (>&('&(@ (;$%> A,

4ell *oke.! thanks to this post! m. ink cartridge is empt.. T/

*ost Extras$

Banned Reged$ (@&(A&(@ *osts$ A?%

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ ANP1

E;;;?;@=; F (@&;;&(@ (%$?? *,

great post budd. thank .ou :er. much this has opened m. to so muchH
*ost Extras$


3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ Capone1

E;;;?;A;' F (@&;;&(@ (=$(; *,

Reged$ (%&;%&(@ *osts$ ;%(B

Nice bump Capone.

*ost Extras$

/- o% -0

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Banned Reged$ (@&(A&(@ *osts$ A?%

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ TheRenaissance1

E;;;?;A=( F (@&;;&(@ (=$(% *,

*ost Extras$

newbie Reged$ (;&%B&(@ *osts$ %A

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ *oke.1

E;;;?@;;' F (@&;;&(@ (B$;= *,

Thanx alotH
*ost Extras$


3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ Gumo;((@1

E;;;?@@=@ F (@&;;&(@ (B$?; *,

Reged$ (A&=;&(' *osts$ '?A #oc$ Australia

Rust what + needed! thanks *oke.F time to start looking at their agg factor for me.
*ost Extras$

enthusiast Reged$ ('&(>&(@ *osts$ %>=

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ ANP1

E;;;?B==> F (@&;;&(@ ;;$=> *,

great post thx

*ost Extras$

setting the world right Reged$ (>&%A&(? *osts$ %>AB #oc$ Edmonton! Canada

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ hieloWuno1

E;%%;>AA= F (B&%>&(@ ('$;@ A,

*ost Extras$

/2 o% -0

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3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ runoutWmick1

E;%%;>B%> F (B&%>&(@ ('$%@ A,

Reged$ (@&(=&(@ *osts$ ?'@ #oc$ Natamining *oker3tars > /ou

*ost Extras$

*oohFBah Reged$ (?&%=&(? *osts$ %>B=

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ BrunoThe*ug1

E;%%;'>?? F (B&%>&(@ ;;$(' A,

i usuall. don5t read long posts F but this one was goood
*ost Extras$

member Reged$ (%&%?&(' *osts$ ;@B #oc$ #os Angeles! CA

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ wslee((1

E;%B@@(?' F ;;&;?&(@ ('$;A *, 7uote$

3a. a has a M*+* of >(O and a * R of %(O and the. limp in front of .ou. 4hat sort of holdings do .ou expect them to ha:eD 4ell! we know the is willing to pla. with >(O of his handsL our sample range for this looked something like Ian. pair! an. ace! an. king! an. two broadwa.! an. suited connectors =%sQ.I But we can alread. refine this range some more$ we know that with %(O of those hands! :illain would ha:e raised! and here he didn5t.

3ince no one mentioned this earlier. +sn5t this wrong. Noesn5t he mean he raises %(O O! .$$ ,.N&S! and not %(O of Gust the hands he pla.sD Rust want make sure. +t doesn5t change the point he5s making but +

/, o% -0

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need to know if + am mistaken.

*ost Extras$

old hand Reged$ (;&(@&(@ *osts$ B?A

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ 3wingMel:et1

E;%B@@;B' F ;;&;?&(@ ('$%' *,

/es! *R %(O means that of all of the hands .ou are dealt! .ou raise %(O of them.
*ost Extras$

*rett. much the best poster e:er Reged$ (=&;?&(? *osts$ =@;% #oc$ Csing the whole rist! docD

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ 3wingMel:et1

E;%B@@=A> F ;;&;?&(@ ('$=' *, 7uote$ 7uote$

3a. a has a M*+* of >(O and a * R of %(O and the. limp in front of .ou. 4hat sort of holdings do .ou expect them to ha:eD 4ell! we know the is willing to pla. with >(O of his handsL our sample range for this looked something like Ian. pair! an. ace! an. king! an. two broadwa.! an. suited connectors =%sQ.I But we can alread. refine this range some more$ we know that with %(O of those hands! :illain would ha:e raised! and here he didn5t. 3ince no one mentioned this earlier. +sn5t this wrong. Noesn5t he mean he raises %(O O! .$$ ,.N&S! and not %(O of Gust the hands he pla.sD

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The 2+2 Forum Archives: An Unbelievably Long Guide to Hand-Reading

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Rust want make sure. +t doesn5t change the point he5s making but + need to know if + am mistaken.

/ou5re correct! but it was onl. bad wording. +f .ou read the :er. next section it sa.s$

+f we assume that :illain raises with his top %(O! our sample range for that looks something like Ian. pair! an. two broadwa.! an. suited ace.I 3o take T863E hands out of his current range....

+n other words! what + meant was Ihe5s >(O of his hands! he5s raising %(O of his hands! and he limped here. That means he probabl. has a hand in the top >(O but N6T the top %(O.I + go on to explain roughl. what that range looks like.
*ost Extras$

addict Reged$ ('&(%&(@ *osts$ '>? #oc$ 4aiting for a better spot

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ *oke.1

E;%B@A;@> F ;;&;?&(@ (@$=( *, 7uote$ 7uote$ 7uote$

3a. a has a M*+* of >(O and a * R of %(O and the. limp in front of .ou. 4hat sort of holdings do .ou expect them to

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The 2+2 Forum Archives: An Unbelievably Long Guide to Hand-Reading

htt!:""archives# t$o!lust$o com"sho$%lat !h!&'at()*+umber(,-2.2/

ha:eD 4ell! we know the is willing to pla. with >(O of his handsL our sample range for this looked something like Ian. pair! an. ace! an. king! an. two broadwa.! an. suited connectors =%sQ.I But we can alread. refine this range some more$ we know that with %(O of those hands! :illain would ha:e raised! and here he didn5t. 3ince no one mentioned this earlier. +sn5t this wrong. Noesn5t he mean he raises %(O O! .$$ ,.N&S! and not %(O of Gust the hands he pla.sD Rust want make sure. +t doesn5t change the point he5s making but + need to know if + am mistaken. /ou5re correct! but it was onl. bad wording. +f .ou read the :er. next section it sa.s$

+f we assume that :illain raises with his top %(O! our sample range for

-# o% -0

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The 2+2 Forum Archives: An Unbelievably Long Guide to Hand-Reading

htt!:""archives# t$o!lust$o com"sho$%lat !h!&'at()*+umber(,-2.2/

that looks something like Ian. pair! an. two broadwa.! an. suited ace.I 3o take T863E hands out of his current range.... +n other words! what + meant was Ihe5s >(O of his hands! he5s raising %(O of his hands! and he limped here. That means he probabl. has a hand in the top >(O but N6T the top %(O.I + go on to explain roughl. what that range looks like.

*oke.! +5:e alwa.s wondered if .ou actuall. read hands like this. + ha:en5t seen who knows what %AO of hands looks like off the top of their head or knows what a ;B&;( might be limping in with b. using the difference between the numbers.
*ost Extras$

Benny !olde#
member Reged$ ;(&(?&(> *osts$ ;>% #oc$ Brew Town! 4+

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ bored1

E;%BAB(AB F ;;&;'&(@ (;$%( *,

This is the best strateg.&makeF .ouFthink kind of thread +5:e read in monthsH "it could ha:e something to do with the fact that the two main forums + read are NMT and B&,! but nonetheless it5s still the best +5:e read in a whileH) 3eriousl. though! thanks *oke. for posting this! + bookmarked it to read again in the future. benn.
*ost Extras$

p89E8spa Reged$ (A&(=&(@ *osts$ ?;

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ *oke.1

E;=(>A(@B F ;;&%(&(@

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(>$>; *,

*ost Extras$


3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ p>?B>spa1

E;=(>A='? F ;;&%(&(@ (>$?@ *,

Reged$ ;;&(>&(@ *osts$ ;?

+5:e onl. been on %Q% time for a short time now! but stuff like this is what is making me addictedH Thank .ou *oke.H This stuff is ama-ing! Gust genius. Thank .ou for this contribution. + am now going to search for e:er.thing else .ou 5:e e:er posted lol
*ost Extras$

old hand Reged$ (@&%=&(@ *osts$ B>A

3e= .n Unbelievably $ong G"ide to ,and23eading/ 0Re$ ClutchCit.1

E;=(AB(?B F ;;&%=&(@ (A$%A *,

ninGa bump
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