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Table of Contents

PREFACE 11 I THE STATUS OF LANGUAGES IN SOUTHEASTERN EUROPE Ronelle Alexander Cultural Identity in Southeastern Europe: Balancing the Global and the Local 15 Ranko Bugarski Multiple Language Identities in Southeastern Europe (with a Focus on Serbo-Croatian) 34 Damir Kalogjera Planning for Linguistic Identity (a Further Instalment in an Ongoing Debate) 50 Juhani Nuorluoto Selected Problems in the Emergence of Slavonic National Standard Languages in 19th Century Southeast Europe 71 II LITERARY AND CULTURAL ISSUES Andrew Wachtel Literary Nationalism in the Contemporary Russian Novel 87 Ulla Hakanen In Defense of Difference: Homosexualities East and West 98 Maija Knnen Nikolaj Gogol's Diary of a Madman and European Diary Fiction 115 Sami Sjberg The Jewish Shtetl Tradition in the Franco-Romanian Avant-Garde: The Case of Isidore Isou 132

Ira sterberg In Search of a Source: The Functions of Music in Aleksej Barabanovs Film Brother 150 III PHILOSOPHICAL IDEAS ON THE MOVE Henriette Cederlf Science Fiction, East and West: Clarke, Ciolkovskij, Farmer, and Fdorov A Tentative Discussion about Possible Influences, Curious Coincidences, and the Flow of Ideas between Science Fiction and Philosophy in the East and West 169 Tintti Klapuri Bachtins Concepts of History and Chronotope: Anglo-American Interpretations from the Early 1990s 182 IV BYZANTINE HERITAGE Dan Ungurianu Flights to and from Byzantium: The Dynamics of Byzantine and European in Russian Historical Imagination 199 Krista Berglund A Russian Critique of Western Ideas: The Case of Igor' !afarevi" 215 Maria Takala-Roszczenko The Westernization of the Eastern Orthodox Church Music Tradition in the 16th17th Century Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth 224 V POLITICS OF HISTORY Simo Mikkonen Radio Liberty The Enemy Within? The Dissemination of Western Values through U.S. Cold War Broadcasts 243 Mika Suonp Anglican Images of Eastern Orthodoxy before 1914 258

Pilvi Torsti At the Doorstep of the European Union: Approaches to Post-Conflict Management in the Former Yugoslavia 273 VI TRAVELLERS BETWEEN EAST AND WEST Tuomas Hovi Eastern Manifestations of a Western Idea and Vice Versa: Dracula Tourism in Romania 285 Teuvo Laitila Oriental Bosnia and Islam as Viewed by a Finnish Ethnographer in the Early 1900s 293 Nathanalle Minard A Journey into Russian Romantic Literature and Its Western Influences: Finland in Russian Travelogues in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century 305 AUTHORS 319

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