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AGRUPAMENTO DE ESCOLAS DE ________________ Ficha de Avaliao de Ingl ! "#$$%"#$" No&e' ______________________________ N()________ *() Ano + T,-&a' ____ Da.

a: _____ /_____ /______ Avaliao' ________________ P-o/e!!o-' _____________________ Enc( de Ed,cao' _______________


My names Mary, Mary Sullivan. I am nine years old and Im from London, in England. Im English. I have got two brothers: Jim and Peter. hey are seven and si!teen years old. My father is a do"tor and my mother is an English tea"her. I li#e English and love animals. Ive got two $ets: a white "at and a bla"# dog. My house is old and ni"e. oday is Sunday and there is no s"hool. Im in the garden with my friends %rian and &arol. 'e are ha$$y(

II )* +a, "orres$onder as $erguntas da "oluna ) -s res$ostas da "oluna .. Coluna 1 a/ 'hats her full name0 b/ 'hats her surname0 "/ 1ow old is she0 d/ 'hats her nationality0 e/ 'here is she from0 f/ 1as she got two brothers0 g/ Is her father a do"tor0 Coluna 2 Shes from London in England. 1er surname is Sullivan. She is nine years old. 2es, she has. Shes English. 1er full name is Mary Sullivan. 2es, he is.

III )* &al"ula.

.* 3rdena as letras $ara obteres os dias da semana.

2M4536 99999999999 '56SE524E 9999999999999

578S424 999999999999 6524S7 99999999999

17 S5248 9999999999999 8+I524 9999999999999

E 75S42 9999999999

:* Es"reve os meses do ano.

5e"ember 4ugust Se$tember May June Mar"h 4$ril January 3"tober +ebruary 6ovember July

;* Es"reve as esta<=es do ano.

summer autumn winter s$ring

>* 5es"reve o tem$o.

?Its windy( ?Its foggy(

?Its sunny( ?Its snowy(

?Its rainy( ?Its hot(

?Its "loudy( ?Its "old(

IV )* 8esolve o e!er"@"io, seguindo o e!em$lo dado.

.* 'hats this0 A 'hats that0

V )* Es"reve as $alavras no s@tio "orre"to. ?eye ?hair ?nose ?arm ?hand ?leg

.* &om$leta o "ru"igrama.

VI )* &om$leta "om os nomes dos "om$artimentos da "asa.

?#it"hen ?bathroom



?bedroom ?atti"



.* 5es"obre a $alavra*intruso.

:* Preen"he os es$a<os.

?+ather ?Brandfather ?Mother ?Brandmother ?Sister ?%rother ? 4unt ? 7n"le

VII Pinta o desenho, de a"ordo "om as "ores dadas.

VIII Listening Complete the text. My 9999999999 Mary, Mary Sullivan. I am 9999999 years old and Im from 99999999, in England. Im 99999999. I have got 99999999 brothers: Jim and Peter. hey are 9999999 and si!teen years old. My father is a 9999999999 and my mother is an English 999999999. I li#e English and 99999999 animals. Ive got two 99999999: a 99999999 "at and a bla"# dog. My house is old and 999999999. oday is Sunday and there is no 9999999999. Im in the garden with my 99999999 %rian and &arol. 'e are ha$$y(

Good work! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------e!to CIII

My names Mary, Mary Sullivan. I am nine years old and Im from London, in England. Im English. I have got two brothers: Jim and Peter. hey are seven and si!teen years old. My father is a do"tor and my mother is an English tea"her. I li#e English and love animals. Ive got two $ets: a white "at and a bla"# dog. My house is old and ni"e. oday is Sunday and there is no s"hool. Im in the garden with my friends %rian and &arol. 'e are ha$$y(

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