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Chapter 7

Reynolds Equation
modified Reynolds number in z direction, /9otMo^o/??o gasconstant A r^^p/?; as deHned in Eq. ( 7 . 6 4 ) Aeh T dimensionless time, ^/io time,s t temperature, C m/s') ; characteristic time, s Him thickness, m ^o Him thickness where dp/dx = 0, M, t;, u; velocity in T,i/,andzdirections, m/s m characteristic velocity in a; direccharacteristic length in z direc- Mo tion, m/s tion,m characteristic velocity in ?/ directurbulent How constant given in ^o Eq. ( 7 . 6 5 ) tion, m/s characteristic velocity in ^ directurbulent How constant given in tuo tion, m/s Eqs. ( 7 . 6 2 ) and ( 7 . 6 3 ) characteristic length in x direc- M, v, iD dimensionless velocity in 3;, y, and z-direction tion,m mean surface velocity in ar-direcdimensionless pressure, H tion, (ttt, + Mb)/2, m/s pressure, N/m mean surface velocity in ^-direction, ( ^ -)- vt)/2, m/s characteristic pressure, N/m^ velocities in r, ^, and $ direcvolumetric How rate, m^/s tions of cylindrical polar coordivolumetric How rate per unit nates,m/s width, m^/s velocities in r, 0, and <^ direcReynolds number tions of spherical polar coordimodiHed Reynolds number in nates,m/s direction, po"o^o/??o^o dimensionless length parameter, modiHed Reynolds number in direction, integration constants integration constants characteristic length in i/ directton, m radial clearance, m acceleration due to gravity ( 9 . 8 %=

p po 9 <?' K Kx Ky

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dimensionless length parameter, y/bo dimensionless length parameter, z//to absolute viscosity, N-s/m^ characteristic absolute viscosity, N-s/m^ dimensionless absolute viscosity, coordinate in cylindrical polar

p p pm <7g -r tj

coordinates density, kg/m^ dimensionless density, p/po density where dp/dz = 0 , kg/m^ squeeze number, po^o viscous shear stress, angular speed, rad/s

7.1 Introduction
The full Navier-Stokes equations presented in the last chapter, in which inertia, body, pressure, and viscous terms are included, are sufficiently complicated to prohibit analytical solutions to most practical problems. There is, however, a class of flow condition known as "slow viscous motion" in which the pressure and viscous terms predominate. Fluid Rim lubrication problems are in this class. It will first be demonstrated that indeed the pressure and viscous terms of the Navier-Stokes equations are the most important terms.

7.2 Dimensionless Numbers

The following characteristic parameters may be defined: &o Ao ^o to tto vo tug po % characteristic length in y direction, m characteristic length in ,z direction, m characteristic length in 2 direction, m characteristic time, s characteristic velocity in T direction, m/s characteristic velocity in y direction, m/s characteristic velocity in 2; direction, m/s characteristic density, kg/m^ characteristic absolute viscosity, N-s/m^

These characteristic parameters are used to define the following dimensionless parameters:






p po

?? %

/tgp ! ^

Substituting Eqs. (7.1) into the first Navier-Stokes equation expressed in Eq. (6.25), while making use of Eqs. (6.9) and (6.18) as well as Xa in the

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body force term being equivalent to gravitational acceleration (? gives

^o <9M 9T

^ dM dX

^o vo _ <% &o Mo dV 2 770

^o wo _ dt/ _ ^o5 Tto tto 8Z 1 <9


/ 4\ ^ 1


' . ^ o ^ '^

The inertia, pressure, viscous, and gravitational effects from Eq. ( 7 . 2 ) are compared in defining several dimensionless numbers.


Reynolds Number

The relative importance of inertia to viscous forces in any flow problem can be judged from the value of the Reynolds number !R. inertia viscous Note that the inverse of the Reynolds number occurs throughout Eq. ( 7 . 2 ) . The Reynolds number expressed in Eq. ( 7 . 3 ) is the conventional Reynolds number found in fluid mechanics. However, in fluid film lubrication because of the dominance of the viscous term d^M/dZ^ the modified Reynolds number ??z is used. It is defined as inertia /^u^u'nj /^ . jt^ = = (<.4 viscous 770^0 Note the occurrence of the modified Reynolds number in Eq. ( 7 . 2 ) . The modified Reynolds numbers are also defined in the y and 2 directions as


(7.5) ( 7 . 6 )

The squeeze number is also defined as

770^0 Recall that K^, K^, Kg, and <y^ are all dimensionless and of order ^o/^o- Two examples illustrate that this is true.

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Example 7.1: Typical Journal Bearing

Given Typical values of parameters used in defining the modified Reynolds number for a journal bearing are

d = 0.05 m fo = Trd = 0.157 m 7/0 = 0.5 N-s/m^ /9o = 850 kg/m3 TV,, = 2000 r/min Mo = 2000 r/min (7rd/lr)(l min/60 s) = 5.24 m/s /to = c = d/1000 = 5 x 10-3 ^
Find The value of the Reynolds number for this bearing. Solution From Eq. (7.4),

(850) (5.24) (5 x (0.5) (0.157) -

Example 7 . 2 : Typical Thrust Bearing Pad

fo = 0.03 m ^o/^o = 1 *10"3 Mo = 20 m/s % = 0.5 N'S/m^ po = 850 kg/m^

Find The value of the Reynolds number for this bearing. Solution From Eq. ( 7 . 4 )

(850) (20) (0.03) (10-6) (0.5)

In both sample problems the modiAed Reynolds number is considerably less than unity and of the order /to/^o- It is clear that in typical hydrodynamically lubricated bearings the viscous forces are much greater than the inertia forces. Substituting Eqs. ( 7 . 4 ) to ( 7 . 7 ) into Eq. ( 7 . 2 ) gives the Arst Navier-Stokes

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equation as

^ -- + -


In Eq. ( 7 . 8 ) the inertia terms and the gravity term are of order /to/^o- The term wo/Mo is also of order ^o/^o. The pressure gradient term and the first viscous term are of order 1. The remaining viscous terms are of order (/to/^o) or (7to/&o) - Therefore, neglecting terms of order (^o/^o) or (Ao/&o) in Eq. ( 7 . 8 ) gives

Similarly, for the second and third Navier-Stokes equations, neglecting terms of order (Ao/^o) or (Ao/&o) gives

<9v ^ dv ^ dv ^ 3t) b(i IdP 1 d / d^\ . ^ . ^ +^ + ^ + ^ = + (7.10)


P = /(X,y,T)


Also, the continuity equation can be expressed as

Therefore, Eqs. ( 7 . 9 ) to (7.12) are the Navier-Stokes and continuity equations to be used when higher order effects are considered.


Taylor Number

In journal bearings a regular toroidal vortex flow may occur before the laminar flow breaks down into turbulence (see Fig. 7.1). This phenomenon was studied by G. I. Taylor in relation to concentric cylinders, and in 1923 he reported that vortices formed at a Reynolds number of

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Figure 7.1: Toroidal vortex flow in a journal bearing. Thus, the Taylor number T^ that describes when vortex flow first starts to occur can be expressed as



This describes when the vortices appear. Relating this to the modified Reynolds number denned in Eq. ( 7 . 4 ) requires that both sides of Eq. (7.13) be multiplied by 7^/c^o which gives (7.15)
If ho = c and


This indicates that once the inertia terms approach the viscous terms, laminar flow conditions do not hold and vortices are formed.


Froude Number

The only body forces normally encountered in lubrication are gravity and magnetic forces. The Froude number shows the relation of inertia to gravity forces. Froude number = inertia gravity (7.16)

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A direct ratio of gravity to viscous forces is found by dividing the Reynolds number by the Froude number. / inertia \ Reynolds number _ \viscousy _ gravity _ po^oP Froude number / inertia \ viscous %Mo \ gravity/ r? i7*s

For example, for a typical journal bearing, besides the information given earlier in Example 7.1, g = 9.8 m/s^. Froude number ?<2 = f^ 24*)2 i = 17.8

This implies that the inertia forces are larger than the gravity forces. Also, Reynolds number _ ^g _ (850) (25 x 10*^) ( 9 . 8 )_ Froude number % ! 4 ) (0.5) (5. 24) .

Therefore, the gravity forces can be neglected in relation to the viscous forces.


Euler Number

The importance of the pressure term relative to the inertia term can be judged from the value of the Euler number, which is defined as Euler number = inertia = (7.18)

A direct ratio of the pressure to the viscous forces can be obtained by multiplying the Euler number by the Reynolds number, or ,^ , , ^/Ti -- \ pressure inertia pressure (Euler number) (Reynolds number) = -= inertia viscous viscous

For example, for a typical journal bearing, besides the information given earlier in Example 7.1, po = 5 MPa = 5 x 10" N/m^. Euler number = ^ ?= , / ^ / ' = 214.3 (850) (5.24)2 Therefore, the pressure term is much larger than the inertia term. Furthermore, from Eq. (7.19), (5 x 1Q6) (0.157) (Euler number) (Reynolds number) = A 2(0\5 5.24) = 0.03

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Therefore, the viscous term is larger than the pressure term, but both terms need to be considered. Furthermore, in elastohydrodynamic lubrication, where in Chapter 1 we discovered that the pressure is generally three orders of magnitude larger than in hydrodynamic lubrication, we might And the pressure term to be of more importance than the viscous term.

7.3 Reynolds Equation Derived

The differential equation governing the pressure distribution in fluid film lubrication is known as the "Reynolds equation." This equation was first derived in a remarkable paper by Osborne Reynolds in 1886. Reynolds' classical paper contained not only the basic differential equation of fluid film lubrication, but also a direct comparison between his theoretical predictions and the experimental results obtained by Tower (1883). Reynolds, however, restricted his analysis to an incompressible fluid. This is an unnecessary restriction, and Harrison (1913) included the effects of compressibility. In this section the Reynolds equation is derived in two different ways, from the Navier-Stokes and continuity equations and directly from the principle of mass conservation.


From Navier-Stokes and Continuity Equations

From the order-of-magnitude analysis in the preceding section it was discovered that the general Navier-Stokes equations given in Eqs. (6.25) to (6.27) reduce to Eqs. (7.9) to (7.11) when terms of order (^o/^o) and (/to/&o) and smaller are neglected. This then is the starting point of the derivation. Further neglecting terms of order ^o/^o or Ao/^o and only keeping terms of order 1 reduces Eqs. (6.25) to ( 6 . 2 7 ) to

From Eq. (7.11) for steady-state conditions the pressure has been shown to be a function of only x and y. Thus, Eqs. (7.20) and (7.21) can be integrated directly to give general expressions for the velocity gradients

ir- = -ir + -


2 9p



where A and C* are integration constants. The viscosity of the lubricant may change considerably across the thin film (^ direction) as a result of temperature variations that arise in some bearing

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problems. In this case, progress toward a simple Reynolds equation is considerably complicated. An approach that is satisfactory in most fluid film applications is to treat ?? as the average value of the viscosity across the film. Note that this does not restrict the variation of viscosity in the 2 and ?/ directions. This approach is pursued here. With ?? representing an average value of viscosity across the film, integrating Eqs. (7.22) and (7.23) gives the velocity components as i- + B 7i + D ( 7 . 2 4 ) (7.25)

If zero slip at the fluid-solid interface is assumed, the boundary values for velocity are

The subscripts a and & refer to conditions on the upper (curved) and lower (plane) surfaces, respectively. Therefore, tta, ^a and Wa refer to the velocity components of the upper surface in the a;, y, and 2 directions, respectively, and Mb, Vb, and Wb refer to the velocity components of the lower surface in the same directions. With the boundary conditions applied to Eqs. ( 7 . 2 4 ) and (7.25), the velocity gradients and velocity components are


y 2??

^- ^ -^ ^ ^ + t ^

( 7 . 2 6 ) (7.27) (7.28)

22 /t \ dp


p /: 2 . 7.29 2?? / dy /: /t Note that if Mb = 0, Eq. (7.26) is exactly Eq. (6.54) and Eq. ( 7 . 2 8 ) is exactly Eq. (6.53). With these expressions for the velocity gradients and the velocity components, expressions can be derived for the surface shear stresses and the volume flow rate. The viscous shear stresses acting on the solids as defined in Eq. ( 6 . 7 ) can be expressed as
= 7? -X- + ^ -

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In the order-of-magnitude evaluation, dw/d^ and dM/dt/ are much smaller than and 9v/d^. Therefore,

, , , ^

( 7 . 3 0 )

and the viscous shear stresses acting on the solid surfaces can be expressed, while making use of Eqs. (7.26) and (7.27), as
^ 3 ?
7? (M6 - M . )

The negative signs on the viscous shear stresses indicate that they act opposite to the direction of motion. The volume flow rates per unit width in the 2 and y directions are defined as <?^. = / Mcfz ^ = / vdz Jo Substituting Eqs. (7.28) and (7.29) in these equations gives (7.36) (7.37)


Note that if M^ = 0, Eq. (7.38) is exactly Eq. (6.58), derived for the volume How rate between parallel flat plates. The first term on the right side of Eqs. (7.38) and (7.39) represents the well-known Poiseuille (or pressure) How, and the second term represents the Couette (or velocity) flow.

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Example 7.3
Given A piston pump without rings pumps an oil with a viscosity of 0.143 Pa-s at a pressure differential of 20 MPa. The piston moves concentrically in the cylinder so that the radial clearance is constant around the piston. The piston is 100 mm in diameter and 80 mm long and the radial clearance is 50 ^m. The piston moves with a speed of 0.2 m/s. Find Determine the leakage past the piston when (a) The piston pumps the oil (like a pump) (b) The oil drives the piston (like a hydraulic cylinder) Solution The pressure gradient is




= 2.5 x 1QS N/m^

(a) When the piston pumps the oil, the cylinder wall passes the piston from high pressure to low pressure. From Eq. (7.38) the pressure now and the motion How together are

(50)3 (iQ-is) (gg) (ips) (5Q) (iQ(12)(0.143) ^* 2 = 7.292 x lO*^ ^3/g

(b) When the oil drives the piston, the pressure flow is opposite to the flow from the motion

3 dp

/t (Ma + M;,)

(50)3 (10-is) (2.5) (1QS) (5Q) (10-6) (Q. (12)(0.143) *^ 2 = -4.150 x lO*^ ^3/g
Thus, when the piston pumps the oil, the leakage is 7.292 cm^/s; and when the oil drives the piston, the leakage is -4.150 cm^/s. Therefore, the cylinder wall motion pulls oil into the high-pressure region.

Returning to Eqs. ( 7 . 2 8 ) and (7.29), the Reynolds equation is formed by introducing these expressions into the continuity equation derived in Eq. ( 6 . 4 7 ) .

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Before doing so, however, it is convenient to express the continuity equation in integral form.

Now a general rule of integration is that 'o d z " ^ ' " ' ^ " " " ^ ' ^ ^ ^ ) . ^ . f ^ ' ! / ^ ) (7-40)

Hence, if /a is assumed to be the mean density across the Rim (as was done earlier for the viscosity across the Rim), the M component term in the integrated continuity equation is

9 /f ' '



Similarly, for the v component

The tu component term can be integrated directly to give
7o <92

Therefore, the integrated continuity equation becomes

, dp


d / /^


The integrals in this equation represent the volume Row rates per unit width (q^. and q') described in Eqs. ( 7 . 3 8 ) and ( 7 . 3 9 ) . Introducing these How rate expressions into the integrated continuity equation yields the general Reynolds equation

0 =


From Laws of Viscous Flow and Principle of Mass Conservation

The Reynolds equation can be derived directly by considering a control volume Rxed in space and extended across the lubricating Rim. Consider the rate of

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mass How through a rectangular section of sides Aa; and Ay, thus fixing the coordinate system and extending the lubricating film between the surfaces as shown in Fig. 7.2. Note that one surface is represented by the plane 2 = 0 and the other by a curved surface so that the film thickness at any instant is a function of 2 and y only. This is exactly the coordinate system used in the previous derivation of the Reynolds equation. The mass of lubricant in the control volume at any instant is /9/tAa;Ay. The rate of change within the control volume arises from the change in the difference between the rate of mass flowing into the control volume and the rate leaving the control volume, which is (dpg^/da:) Aa^Ay in the a: direction and (<9/x?^/ch/) A^Ay in the y direction. The principle of mass conservation demands that the rate at which mass is accumulating in the control volume <9 ((/o^) /di must be equal to the difference between the rates at which mass enters and leaves. Therefore, (7.43)
L/^ (yy



d , ^. / 3^ 3^\ ,d,o , ^ . - (p/t) = p ^ - ^ - ^ -- i ^ J +^ ( 7 . 4 4 )

By making use of Eqs. (7.38), ( 7 . 3 9 ) , and ( 7 . 4 4 ) , Eq. (7.43) becomes

This is exactly Eq. ( 7 . 4 2 ) , the general Reynolds equation derived from the Navier-Stokes and continuity equations.

7.4 Physical Significance of Terms in Reynolds Equation

The first two terms of Eq. (7.45) are the Poiseuille terms and describe the net flow rates due to pressure gradients within the lubricated area; the third and fourth terms are the Couette terms and describe the net entraining flow rates due to surface velocities. The fifth to seventh terms describe the net flow rates due to a squeezing motion, and the last term describes the net flow rate due to local expansion. The flows or "actions" can be considered, without any loss of generality, by eliminating the side-leakage terms (3/<9y) in Eq. ( 7 . 4 5 ) .

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^^Ax Ay

Figure 7.2: Mass How through rectangular-section control volume, (a) plane; (b) y-2 plane; (c) 2-g/ plane. [Froyn FamrocA and

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Figure 7.3: Density wedge.


d [p/t(Mn-t-Mb)*l

dz ^12?^ 9z^/

dz [

/ \

d^\ ozy

p/t d , n a \^" 2 03;

Local expansion

M^ + ^^) dp

P ("tt + ^t) dA
' ^^^

fi oz


( 7 . 4 6 )

Density wedge


Physical wedge

It can be seen that the Couette term leads to three distinct actions. The physical significance of each term within the Reynolds equation is now discussed in detail.

7 . 4 . 1

Density Wedge Term

,,) /t/2]

The density wedge action is concerned with the rate at which lubricant density changes in the sliding direction as shown in Fig. 7.3. If the lubricant density decreases in the sliding direction, the Couette mass flows for each location of the three velocity profiles of Fig. 7.3 differ. For continuity of mass flow this discrepancy must be eliminated by generating a balancing Poiseuille now. Note from Fig. 7.3 that the density must decrease in the direction of sliding if positive pressures are to be generated. This effect could be introduced by raising the temperature of the lubricant as it passes through the bearing. The density wedge (sometimes called the "thermal wedge") mechanism is not important in most bearings. It has been suggested that it may play a significant role in the performance of parallel-surface thrust bearings, where the major pressure- generating actions are absent.

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Figure 7 . 4 : Stretch mechanism.


Stretch Term (p^/2) [d ( ^+

The stretch action considers the rate at which surface velocity changes in the sliding direction. This effect is produced if the bounding solids are elastic and the extent to which the surfaces are stretched varies through the bearing. For positive pressures to be developed, the surface velocities have to decrease in the sliding direction, as shown in Fig. 7 . 4 . This action is not encountered in conventional bearings.


Physical Wedge Term [p (t^ + Mb) /2]

The physical wedge action is extremely important and is the best known device for pressure generation. This action is illustrated for the case of a plane slider and a stationary bearing pad in Fig. 7.5. At each of the three sections considered, the Couette volume How rate is proportional to the area of the triangle of height /t and base M. Since /t varies along the bearing, there is a different Couette flow rate at each section, and flow continuity can be achieved only if a balancing Poiseuille flow is superimposed. For a positive load-carrying capacity the thickness of the lubricant film must decrease in the sliding direction.

Figure 7.5: Physical wedge mechanism.

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Figure 7 . 6 : mechanism.

Normal squeeze

7 . 4 . 4

Normal Squeeze Term p (w^

Normal squeeze action provides a valuable cushioning effect when bearing surfaces tend to be pressed together. Positive pressures will be generated when the film thickness is diminishing. The physical wedge and normal squeeze actions are the two major pressure-generating devices in hydrodynamic or self-acting fluid film bearings. In the absence of sliding, the effect arises directly from the difference in normal velocities (w^ W{,), as illustrated in Fig. 7 . 6 . Positive pressures will clearly be achieved if the film thickness is decreasing (w?, > Wa).


Translation Squeeze Term /9M

The translation squeeze action results from the translation of inclined surfaces. The local film thickness may be squeezed by the sliding of the inclined bearing surface, as shown in Fig. 7 . 7 . The rate at which the film thickness is decreasing is shown in the figure. Note that in this case the pressure profile is moving over the space covered by the fixed coordinate system, the pressure at any fixed point being a function of time.

Figure 7 . 7 : Translation squeeze mechanism.

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Figure 7 . 8 : Local expansion mechanism.


Local Expansion Term

The local time rate of density change governs the local expansion term. The pressure-generating mechanism can be visualized by considering the thermal expansion of the lubricant contained between stationary bearing surfaces, as shown in Fig. 7 . 8 . If heat is supplied to the lubricant, it will expand and the excess volume will have to be expeHed from the space between the bearing surfaces. In the absence of surface velocities the excess lubricant volume must be expelled by a pressure (Poiseuille) flow action. Pressures are thus generated in the lubricant, and for a positive load-carrying capacity, dp/d% must be negative (i.e., the volume of a given mass of lubricant must increase). Local expansion, which is a transient mechanism of pressure generation, is generally of no significance in bearing analysis.


Standard Reduced Forms of Reynolds Equation

and w& = 0, the

For only tangential motion, where w^ = Reynolds equation given in Eq. (7.45) becomes

( 7 . 4 7 )


= constant

= constant

Equation ( 7 . 4 7 ) is applicable for elastohydrodynamic lubrication. For hydrodynamic lubrication the fluid properties do not vary significantly throughout the bearing and thus may be considered to be a constant. Also, for hydrodynamic lubrication the motion is pure sliding so that t) is zero. Thus, the corresponding Reynolds equation is

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( 7 . 4 8 )

Equation (7.47) not only allows the fluid properties to vary in the a; and t/ directions, but also permits the bearing surfaces to be of finite length in the 2/ direction. Side leakage, or flow in the y direction, is associated with the second term in Eqs. ( 7 . 4 7 ) and ( 7 . 4 8 ) . If the pressure in the lubricant film has to be considered as a function of a: and y, the solution of Eq. ( 7 . 4 7 ) can rarely be achieved analytically. In many conventional lubrication problems side leakage can be neglected, and this often leads to analytical solutions. If side leakage is neglected, Eq. ( 7 . 4 7 ) becomes

( , 4 9 ,
This equation can be integrated with respect to a: to give

Making use of the boundary condition that

=0 gives

when ai = 2;^

Substituting this into Eq. (7.50) gives

This is the w^eyra^ed /arm o/ ^e ReynoMs e^uoMon. Note that the subscript 77t refers to the condition at all points where c!p/dai = 0, such as the point of maximum pressure. No assumptions were made about the density or viscosity of the fluid in Eq. (7.51). If the density does not vary much throughout the conjunction, it can be considered constant and Eq. (7.51) reduces to 4* =m/t-^rn ^ 1 2 , 7 7 ^ ,-^, (7.52)

The Reynolds equation that is valid for gas-lubricated bearings is discussed next. The equation of state for a perfect gas is P = pR^


R = gas constant (universal gas constant/molecular weight) ^ = absolute temperature

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Therefore, from Eq. (7.53)

Substituting this equation into Eq. ( 7 . 4 7 ) yields the Reynolds equation normally used for gas-lubricated bearings for only tangential motion. Because the viscosity of a gas does not vary much, it can be considered to be constant. ^ ^ +dy ^ ^ = 12^oiF <9z \ P dx/ \P dyy da; (7.55)

The comparable equation to ( 7 . 4 7 ) as expressed in cylindrical polar coordinates is

dr \ ?; ir dr /
d "7^ r d^ \ 7; d6< / . ^ -

* ^ ^+ ^ \ dr

where v^ = (v^ti + v,-b) /2 and v$ = (v^a + v#h) /2. If the viscosity and the density are assumed to be constant, this equation reduces to

It should be pointed out that Eqs. (7.56) and (7.57) express the Reynolds equation for cylindrical polar coordinates as applied to a thrust bearing where the film direction is in the 2 direction and the bearing dimensions are in the r, 0 directions. If one is interested in expressing the cylindrical polar coordinates as applied to a journal bearing, the Reynolds equation would be different in that 0 and 2 describe the dimensions of the bearing and r describes the film shape. The Reynolds equation that occurs for the general representation of Eq. (7.45) is

dx ^

<% \


This equation is exactly the same as (7.45) if

p (u<K - Mb) - P^a^

d/t da:

P^a-X- + ^ ^ 7=

<% dy

, dp d;

This implies that

dh d/t d/t , , =M^-W6-Ma^ Vo-x( 7 . 5 9 ) d^ dx dy An attempt will be made to prove that Eq. (7.59) is true. First, observe that the film thickness /t is a function of 2, y, and t.

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From the definition of a total derivative,





Ma = -7-

^a = 177



d^ or



M'm - ^h = -^r + Mm^- + Va"X-

d^ da; oy thus proving that Eqs. (7.45) and ( 7 . 5 8 ) are the same. Making use of Eqs. (6.51) and ( 6 . 4 4 ) to ( 6 . 4 6 ) while following the procedure given in Szeri (1980), the Reynolds equation for turbulent now is

- - = W a - W h - M a ^ -- V^^-




( 7 . 6 0 )


^ ' ^

Equation (7.61) is applicable for thrust or journal bearings. Constantinescu (1962) found that

^ = 12 + 0.53 ( A ; 2 R , , , ) ' ^ ^ = 12 + 0.296 ( ^ R ^ ) '


(7.62) (7.63) (7.64) (7.65)

R^ = 1 ^

A; ^ 0.125R^

7.6 Different Normal Squeeze and Sliding Motions

The last section described various Reynolds equations when only tangential motion exists. This section describes how the Reynolds equation is altered when considering various tangential and normal squeeze velocity components. The velocity components and the coordinates used are shown in Fig. 7.9. If the density is assumed to be constant and side leakage is neglected for simplicity, the Reynolds equation expressed in Eq. ( 7 . 4 5 ) can be rewritten as

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Table 7.1: Different tangential and normal squeeze motions that may occur in bearings.

^ ^
"l "1

Mn i^Q 0
Mb = ttl,lMa = 0

1 + 11 + 111= + 0 + 0=-^
2 dr 2 <iT

Ml c ! / t

Ml Ot^t

, ,
M^ = Ml,U<a = 0

m = o,tm = o

I+H+III= + 0 + 0 =
1 ! IH TH "^ + "^ ^ 1 n ! n 2 aa; ^^ aa;

iti d/t 2 da:

Mi <^/t 2 d^

-^ **""'
M5 = ^tl,^^'^ = 0

t*h = tii,u^ = 0

1+11 1 HI "* " "* ^ ! 0 1 0 2 tiT



Ua = Ul COSCt ^ Ul

^ ^

Mi d/t
2 dT


Mi d^t
2 dT

d/t U!u = U 1 Sin <3 = Ua

h ) b

^ +0 + M1 =

^ ^ t
x =0

"a = 0,tt)^ = 0 m = M1,1U[, = 0

I+H+IH^^ + 0 + C=^^


Note that dh T<0 -r < 0 M A x> 0 > 0 c!^

Ma = Ml,U!n = 0


Mb = 0, mb = 0

1+11+111^^+0 + 0 ^ ^

Figure 7 . 9 : Normal squeeze and sliding velocities.

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Table 7.1:


Mtt = Ml, Mis = ^ 1 ' 5 " t?X


Mb = o, mb = o

1+11+HI = -J- +o + Mi = ^ 2 dx ax 2 ax

Ml d/t


Ml d/t

M^ = Mi + Mi = 0
M*a =M1- 3x

^ & 7


aT aT

Qy "1 -

n mm

"'""' i n i 7,,^ Mi^

dz dx

Mb = Ml,M)b = 0

^,0 ^^^ r^)

M{, = Ml, 1Mb

d/ts c!^; d/n = M i a^

1 1 11 1111 "i-"i^ i o i ^ / ^ " 2 dx ' " ' "* dx



+M1 = M 1

Q) ($)

' "

d/t^ dx dAb

T II 1I 1 I 1H 1 111

-"l-"l^ 1 , , ! Mj dt.i U 2 dx dx

Mb = -Ml,!Db = -Ml ftT

, ^i- = 0 n +M1-


Ma = Ml.tfQ = Ml
M[, = 0, U!b = 0


, Mi d/: d/t Mi d/t t+H+III=L ^- + 0 + Mi = 2 dx dx 2 dx

Collecting terms gives d /^ dp\ " ***


M;,-M^d/t /t *" d "


A number of different tangential and normal squeeze motions may occur and are depicted in Table 7.1. The terms on the right side of Eq. ( 7 . 6 6 ) are designated as I, II, and III. As the table shows, care must be taken to make sure that the physical motion experienced in a particular application is represented by the appropriate Reynolds equation. Note that some quite different geometries and velocities produce the same equation. However, an understanding of why this is so is important in order to avoid improper interpretation.

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7.7 Closure
The chapter began with the exploration of various dimensionless numbers that describe the significance of the terms within the Reynolds equation. The Reynolds number compares the inertia and viscous terms; the Froude number compares the inertia and gravity terms. The ratio of the Reynolds number to the Froude number compares the gravity and viscous terms. The Reynolds equation was derived by coupling the Navier-Stokes equations with the continuity equation and by using laws of viscous How and the principle of mass conservation. The Reynolds equation contains Poiseuille, physical wedge, stretch, local compression, and normal and transverse squeeze terms. Each of these terms describes a specific type of physical motion, and the physical significance of each term was brought out. Standard forms of the Reynolds equations that are used throughout the text were also discussed. The chapter closed with a description of 13 different sliding and/or normal squeeze motions with the corresponding Reynolds equation.

7.8 Problems
7.1 Starting from the Navier-Stokes equations expressed in cylindrical polar coordinates [Eqs. (6.31) to (6.33)] derive the Reynolds equation given in Eq. (7.56). Assume you are applying the cylindrical polar coordinates (r, 0, 2) to a thrust bearing where 2 is in the direction of the lubricating Him (/t) and ^ <g r. 7.2 From relationships between Cartesian and cylindrical polar coordinates prove that Eq. ( 7 . 4 7 ) when the viscosity and density are constant (77 = % and /9 = /9o) is equivalent to Eq. ( 7 . 5 7 ) . 7.3 Compare the Reynolds equation for laminar How conditions with that appropriate for turbulent flow conditions. Also list operating conditions and applications where turbulence in fluid film distribution is most likely to occur. 7.4 A water-lubricated journal bearing in a boiler feed pump has a shaft of radius 0.10 m which rotates at 10 rev/s. The kinematic viscosity in the full fluid Him region may be taken as directly proportional to the film thickness and has a value of 4 x 10"^ rn^/s at a film thickness equal to the radial clearance of 0.10 mm. Determine if the bearing is operating in the laminar or turbulent flow regime. If laminar flow is predicted, what change in these operating conditions would produce the onset of vortex How. 7.5 Write the Reynolds equation for the situations shown below. The circles represent infinitely long cylinders, and all velocities are in relation to a

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fixed coordinate system. The lubricant can be assumed to be Newtonian, incompressible, and isoviscous.


7.6 For the situation described in each diagram given below, express the appropriate Reynolds equation and sketch the expected pressure distributions. It can be assumed that the bearings are of infinite width and that the lubricant is Newtonian, isoviscous, and incompressible and does not experience cavitation. The shaded members shown in the diagrams are at rest.

-u (a) (c)

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! T


7.7 To decrease the leakage past a seal of the type discussed in Example 7.3, the sealing pump is tapered and the film shape is

Because of the roughness of the surfaces the outlet (minimum) film thickness ^o has to be at least 10 ^m. Find the optimum Aim shape to minimize the total leakage past the 10-mm-wide seal during a full work cycle (back and forth) of the piston when the fluid viscosity is 0.075 Pa-s, the piston speed is 0.8 m/s in both directions, the stroke length is 85 mm, the sealing pressure is 1 MPa, and the piston diameter is 50 mm.

/i = 0.2 mm

7.8 An oil pump is designed like a journal bearing with a constant oil film thickness according to the sketch above. The wrap angle is 320. The

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61m thickness is 0.2 mm and the oil viscosity is 0.022 N-s/m^. The shaft diameter 2r=60 mm and the length of the pump in the axial direction is 50 mm. Find the volume pumped per unit time as a function of the resisting pressure at the rotational speed A^=1500 rpm.

Constantinescu, V. N. (1962): Analysis of Bearings Operating in Turbulent Regime. Trans. ASME, Series D, J. Baste Engr., vol. 84, no. 1. pp. 139-151. Hamrock, B. J., and Dowson, D. (1981): .BaN Rearing LttAWca^on-TAe E/astoAya'roo'ynoTTT.tcs o/ HHpMca^ Contacts. Wiley-Interscience, New York. Harrison, W. J. (1913): The Hydrodynamical Theory of Lubrication With Special Reference to Air as a Lubricant. Trans. Cam&rta'ye PMos. 5cc., xxii (1912-1925), pp. 6-54. Reynolds. O. (1886): On the Theory of Lubrication and Its Application to Mr. Beauchamp Tower's Experiments, Including an Experimental Determination of the Viscosity of Oiive Oil. PMos. Trans. R. 5oc. London, vol. 177, pp. 157-234. Szeri, A. Z. (ed.) (1980): TWM(%i/-.fHc%Mn, LM&Wcah'on, awa* tVear. Hemisphere Publishing Corp., Washington, D.C. Taylor, G. I. (1923): Stability of a Viscous Liquid Contained Between Two Rotating Cylinders. P/M/os. Trans. R. .?oc. Lona*on Fer. yl, vol. 223. pp. 289-343. Tower, B. (1883): First Report on Friction Experiments (Friction of Lubricated Bearings). Proc. insi. JMec/i,. En<?. (Tona'cn), pp. 632-659.

Copyright 2004 Marcel Dekker, Inc.

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