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London Bennett

Work Experience
7/13 -12/13 Intern at Culotta Law Firm, P.L.L.C Drafted prototype of a utility patent application. Created and maintained website to document my work. Presented patent application and website to intellectual property professionals. Searc ed for patents on public and subscription-based databases. !ecorded detailed time lo"s. #or more information please $isit% Password% cf s2&13



ndependen! "!#dy
1/13-(/13 World Issues Under the Social Studies De artment !ead Created an independent study in public policy under t e Social Studies Department )ead. )elped de$ise a curriculum for t e course. De$ised a *&pa"e policy a"enda and presented it to sc ool faculty members. +"reed to let t e +ssistant Principal and Social Studies Department )ead present my curriculum, policy a"enda, and presentation to t e Clear Creek -ndependent Sc ool .oard as prototypes to create a new class. "cademic Decathlon Compete in local and re"ional meets in t e i" est di$ision.


*/12- Present #ational !onor Society +ttend meetin"s. Coordinate and participate in $olunteer e$ents. //11- 12/11 "rt Club$ %lected Secretary )elped establis +rt Club as a pilot club for t e Clear #alls )i" Sc ool 0ational +rt )onor Society. Coordinated and participated in $olunteer pro1ects. )elped desi"n and paint mural for Clear #alls )i" Sc ool Dance Studio. !ecorded minutes at "eneral and officer meetin"s. 2ana"ed records of club members3 $olunteer ours. 2aintained and updated club website. Sent out meetin" and $olunteer opportunity notifications to members.

$omm#ni!y "er'ice
&''' !ills (inistry% Pro$ided food and c urc ser$ices for t e omeless 4(/1&-'/1&5

#ational !onor Society% )elped run special e$ents 6nited Space +lliance 1& 2iler 41&/115, )ouston -nternational #esti$al 41/125, #er"uson 7lementary Carni$al 42/135, Clear #alls )i" Sc ool 4(/135, 7d 8 ite 7lementary Carni$al 41&/135, 9e:as Costal 8aters ed Pro"ram% #loatin" 8etlands 411/135 "rt% 9au" t elementary students different forms of art -ma"ination Celebration 41&/115, ;isual +rts Sc olastic 7$ent 42/125, Clear #alls )i" Sc ool Dance Studio 41&/12-12/125, 9e:as +rts +lliance Center of Clear <ake 47/135

()ard& and *onor& "cademics 0ational 2erit Commended 42&135, +P Sc olar wit Distinction 42&135, .luebonnet =irls State 0ominee 42&135, Superintendent Sc olar 42&1&-2&125, =old in t e 0ational Spanis 7:am 42&11, 2&135, 2nd Place in t e 0ational Spanis 7:am in t e Costa del Sol C apter 42&115, 3 rd Place in t e 0ational Spanis 7:am in t e Costa del Sol C apter 42&135 "rt <etter >acket 42&115, 7:cellence in +rt at ?@oun" at +rtA 7: ibition 42&115, Scored B/B at t e ;isual +rts Sc olastic 7$ent 4;+S75 : 2 42&1&5, Scored B/B at State ;+S7 42&1&5, )onorable 2ention in Superintendent3s )oliday +rt Contest 42&1&5
"thletics Cross Country !e"ional Cualifier 42&1&-2&135, Cross Country ;arsity <etter 42&11-2&135, Cross Country 2B-*+ District C ampion 42&12-2&135, 2ost ;aluable !unner in Cross Country 42&135, 9rack ;arsity <etter 42&11-2&125

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