Rules and Behavior Plan

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Jamie Holst Revised Behavior Plan February 17, 2014

Individual Behavior Plan Verbal Warnings (2 check marks) Write in Conduct Book Note or Phone Call to Parent Parent Conference

Personally, I prefer not to take away recess time as part of my behavior plan. I see it as a time where the student can get frustration out on the playground rather than in the classroom. I really like the idea of including a conduct book in my behavior plan since I have seen it used with my cooperating teacher. I decided to modify it a bit to better suit my style of teaching. I would utilize a simple chart with a list of student names. I would give 2 verbal warnings to the student misbehaving in class. I would call these formal verbal warnings where I would specifically tell the student, This is verbal warning one. For each warning, I would mark a check next to their name on the chart. If the student received 2 checks in a day, he/she would need to write in the conduct book. The student would receive a clean slate each day; the checkmarks would not carry over from day to day. The teacher will keep track of repeat check marks each week to monitor behavior. The conduct book would have a form for the student to fill out that would include: The problem behavior A solution to correct the behavior in the future

Date/student signature/teacher signature

The student would be required to fill out the conduct book immediately so it can be reviewed and signed by the teacher. The teacher will agree/disagree with the corrected behavior as well as ensuring the student filled out the form correctly. The conduct book would also serve as a record of student behavior as well as helpful evidence if there was a parent conference regarding repeat behavior. At the end of the week, students who earned 1 check at any point during the week would not be able to choose an item from the treasure box. Students who had to write in the conduct book would not be able to choose from the treasure box, and would also lost 5 minutes of earned recess time, if earned, on Friday. 1 checkmark earned, no treasure box Conduct book, no treasure box and a 5 minute loss of earned recess on Friday

If the student receives any check marks more than twice per week, the parent will be called to discuss the behavior. If the student writes in the conduct book twice, the parent will be called to discuss the behavior on the second offense. The student will also be required to write a letter to his/her parent/guardian explaining the problem behavior and a way to correct it in the future. The letter must be signed and returned to the teacher. Any check marks twice per week Phone call or note home to parent Writing in conduct book 3 times at any time Phone call to parent, student letter signed and returned. Writing in the conduct book 4 times or more Parent conference

Whole Group Behavior Plan For my whole group behavior plan, I would give the class an opportunity to earn 10 minutes of recess at the end of the week. The word RECESS would be on the board and the students would have to keep at least 1 letter on the board by Friday. Each time the class took too long transitioning between subjects, or needed to be quieted down more than once they would lose a letter. Again, I would give warnings prior to taking away a letter so students would be aware of the consequence. This would also be modeled at the beginning of the year making my expectations of behavior easier for the students to understand.

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