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1830s Australia Who was Bold Jack Donohoe & why is he famous? What was the Black Line?

? Who were Truganini & George ugustus !o"inson? Go#ernor Bourke in $%&& a''ointed the first land commissioners in an attem't to control what? Who was (dward Gi""on Wakefield) & what resulted from his idea of a free colony? What was the Battle of *in+arra? What was John Batmans role for the *ort *hilli' ssociation) and what entry did he 'ut in his diary for June %) $%&,? Who was William Buckley? Who was John *ascoe -awkner & what were the im'lications of the authorities re+ecting Batmans treaty? What lands did Thomas .itchell e/'lore) and what did he find to his great sur'rise at *ortland? Who was the first go#ernor of 0outh ustralia? Who were the Tol'uddle .artyrs? 1ow was the railway "2w 1o"art & *ort rthur 'owered? 3n $%&4 Go#ernor Bourke #isits the 5arra 5arra #illage of ,66 settlers & renames it what? What notorious massacre occurred in $%&% near 3n#erell) 70W) & what were the differing res'onses to it in Britain and in ustralia? Who were the 8#erlanders? What two s'orts had im'ortant e#ents in $%&% in .el"ourne? The first shi'load of what arri#ed in *ort *hilli' on the David Clark in $%&9? Who was the first 0u'erintendant of the *ort *hilli' District? What incident of $%&9 resulted in the construction of -ort Denison in 0ydney 1ar"our?

1830s World 1830 Who was Jose'h 0mith and what is The Book of Mormon? What was the July .onarchy) and what solution did they come u' with to deal with all the immigrants and foreigners flooding into the country? 1831 :ictor 1ugo 'u"lishes his famous no#el a"out a hunch"acked man of where? The HMS Beagle lea#es Britain with who on "oard as the naturalist? ;ing William 3: is the last so#ereign to go against *arliament and a''oint his own choice of *rime .inister < who was his choice? (arl Grey tea is named after =harles) the second (arl Grey> Who was he and what is The Great !eform ct? Two countries gained inde'endence from the 8ttoman (m'ire) one after the Battle of ;onya in this year> Which countries were they? n im'ortant treatise on war is 'u"lished 'osthumously < who was the author? 1833 What islands near rgentina does Britain claim? What were the -actory cts? What country sees the first road accident #ictim and also the first road safety laws as a result? The 7ew *oor Laws were 'assed in this year> What famous no#el did =harles Dickens write in res'onse a few years later? This is the ?5ear of & *rime .inisters@ who were they?A What ha''ened when the (/cheBuer tried to "urn some tally sticks? The first assassination attem't against a *resident occurs < who was the *resident? 0amuel =olt & 0amuel .orse in#ent what in this year) and also in this year =harles Ba""age in#ents an analytical engine) "etter known as the first what? Who was 1ans =hristian ndersen? 1836 !emem"er the lamo < what was this? The first railway line in London is the London to where !ailway? 1837 3n Bad Blanken"urg in Germany) "ased on the ideas of -riedrich -roe"el a"out the education of young children the first what is esta"lished? What was the Battle of Blood !i#er? 1838 Who is Louis Daguerre) and why is the !e#erend Bancroft !eades gardener famous? Who was 3sam"ard ;ingdom Brunel? What was =hartism) and what was the 7ew'ort !ising the following year? The Treaty of London guaranteed which country would "e inde'endent? War "reaks out "2w Britain and =hina o#er what? What was The Amistad?





1840's 1840 Who was John Gould?


s famous e/'lorers what did *aul 0trCelecki) (dward (yre) Ludwig Leichardt and (dmund ;ennedy disco#er? What is significant a"out the shi' the Eden? Where was the first election in ustralia held) and for what? 1841 What was the ustralind e/'eriment? Go#ernor Gi''s saidD E*ut it away .r>=larke) or we shall all ha#e our throats cutE Fwhat was the Go#ernor referring to?G Who was =aroline =hisholm? What ha''ened at !ufus !i#er? 1842 1843 What was the makeu' of the new Legislati#e =ouncil for 70W) & what 'owers did the Go#ernor retain? Who was .artin =ash? What was sBuatter 1enry 8HBrienHs solution to the economic de'ression? What was the go#ernmentHs? 1845 1846 What was the result of =harles 0turtHs attem'ts to disco#er the inland sea? What was the first railway com'any of ustralia? What was the reaction in 0ydney and .el"ourne to 'ro'osals to reintroduce trans'ortation? @ who was in fa#our and who was against? 1847 What was the attem'ted solution of the British go#ernment to the Htrans'ortation 'ro"lemH) suggested "y (arl Grey? What was the city of .el"ourneHs reaction to this in the following year? 1ow do we know a"out (dmund ;ennedyHs fate? 1ow were the Adelaide & the Randolph recei#ed at .el"ourne and 0ydney) and where did they end u'? What ma+or :ictorian town is founded? she'herd "oy named =ha'manHs disco#ery was hushed u' "y the authorities @ at the same time the la"our shortage made worse "y 'eo'le lea#ing to go o#erseas @ what is this all a"out?

1848 1849

1840's - The World 1840 What did the Treaty of Waitangi create? Three im'ortant in#entions "y !owland 1ill) dol'he 0a/ and the Duchess of Bedford @ what were they? Who was *rince l"ert? What did he introduce into Britain for =hristmas? Thomas =ook "egins what in London? The first wagon train arri#es where? What did Britain gain "y the Treaty of 7anking? 1ow was this treaty seen in =hina? n merican doctor =rawford Williamson Long is the first to use what successfully? What disaster "efell the British rmy at ;a"ul? The state@run .anufacture -rancaise des Ta"acs 'roduces the first what? What city has the first underground sewerage system? le/andre Dumas 'u"lishes two famous no#els in this year @ they are? What city is founded "y Brigham 5oung & the .ormons? What association is founded in London "y George Williams? 1enry *inkus in#ents what to make trains run on tracks "etter? nd what ma+or in#ention is first o'erating at the merican 1os'ital for Tro'ical -e#ers in -lorida? Who was !o"ert 8wen? 1845 John 8H0ulli#an) the editor of a I0 magaCine) is the first to coin a 'hrase a"out the I0 and its 'lace in the world @ what was this conce't? What was s'ecial a"out the Great Britain) "uilt "y 3sem"ard ;ingdom Brunel? What ma+or disaster was caused "y a disease known as "light? The re'eal of the =orn Laws "y *. !o"ert *eel led to the colla'se of the =onser#ati#e *arty and the rise of what new *arty? nd what was H5oung (nglandH? The JueenHs Guides ser#ing in fghanistan ado't what as uniform Flater to "ecome standardG The war "etween the I0 & .e/ico leads General Kachary Taylor to take what territory? 1847 What was the idea "ehind the founding of Li"eria? nd who was -rederick Douglass? Two unknown authors) =utter & (llis Bell 'u"lish two no#els that "ecome famous @ they re#eal their real identities the following year Fthey are sistersG> What are their real names and their no#els? 1848 !e#olutions s'read across (uro'e at this time @ who "ecomes the new *resident of -rance? What was the Battle of =ustoCCa and who was .arshal !adestsky? ;arl .ar/ & -reidrich (ngels 'u"lish what im'ortant work? Gold is disco#ered in 0acramento where? What 'lace "ecomes a city in +ust a few months as a result? What was the Battle of Gu+arat?

1841 1842

1843 1844



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