Peak Shift vs. Compressive Stress

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Results Laser wavelength = Specimen Dimensions = Figure xx below gives the wave number shift (cm-1) vs.

stress (GPa) for R1 and R2 from the compressive test conducted. Polycrystalline Alumina has well known R-line peaks: R1 with a wavenumber of 14403 cm-1, and R2 with a wavenumber of 14433 cm-1. The data found experimentally confirmed this, and can be seen in table 1 in the appendix. When the material is stressed, the peak positions shift. The shift seen in figure xx was the difference between the peak wavenumber under a certain stress and the wavenumber under zero stress. In that way, the peak shifts for R1 and R2 in the figure were zero when no load was applied. Figure XX: Peak Shifts of R1 & R2 vs. Compressive Stress

Peak Shift vs. Compressive Stress

0.5 0 Peak Shift (cm-1) -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 -2.5 -3 -3.5 Stress (Gpa) 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 R1 R2 Linear (R1) Linear (R2) y = -2.5251x + 0.1429 y = -2.3188x + 0.0761

Moreover, figure xx shows that the magnitude of the shift varies linearly with stress. The figure also includes linear fit trend lines for the relationship between the shift and the stress applied for both R-line peaks. For R1, the slope was -2.525 cm-1/GPa. For R2, the slope was -2.319 cm1 /GPa. The negative slopes were expected, because compressive stress causes R-lines to decrease in wavenumber. The data used to make figure XX can be found in table 1 in the appendix. Contour plots

Figure XX: Contour plots

Figure XX above shows the R1 wavenumber shift of the specimen under applied loading of 0 kN, 5 kN and 10 kN. When no load was applied, the figure shows that the specimen was clearly not of uniform emission spectrum properties; on the far right side, the R1 peak shift was on average around .91 cm-1, while everywhere else it was around .97 cm-1. Since it was experiencing a shift when no load was applied, this may mean that the specimen had permanent deformation from previous loading. Wavenumber shift is caused by strain, or the material being pushed in on itself, which is known as strength hardening. So in the zero applied load, the smaller peak shift on the right side could represent a section that was not as hardened as the rest of the area. When the 5 kN load and the 10 kN load were applied, that same section on the right side experienced much greater wavenumber shifts compared to the rest of the area, meaning much greater stresses.

Figure xx Peak Shift vs. Tensile Force.

Figure xx above gives the results of tensile testing portion of the lab. It gives the peak shift vs. the tensile force applied. The peak shift was caused by stress and therefore can be used as a measure of stress. Furthermore, the figure resembles a stress-strain curve. As the applied force was increased, the peak shift and therefore stress increased also, but only up to a point, just like in a stress strain curve. After that point, increases in applied force did not increase the peak shift (stress). And shortly after, increases in applied force caused failure. Failure happened around 7000 N. Max peak shift was .14. If a 30 kN force is applied to a specimen and the stress in the specimen is 176 MPa, then the area must be .00017 m2

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