Chelsea Shaffer '14, Chair of Judicial Board Dean Lesley Levy, Dean of Student Affairs

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Meeting of the General Assembly 12 February 2013 Daggett Lounge, Thorne Hall I. Call to Order: 20:30 II.

Roll Call: Varnell and Colbert are absent. III. Approval of Minutes IV. Public Comment Time V. Introduction of Guests Chelsea Shaffer 14, Chair of Judicial Board; Dean Lesley Levy,

Dean of Student Affairs:

VI. VII. Confidential Old Business Reports of Committees 1. Student Organizations Oversight Committee Daniel Mejia-Cruz 16 Bowdoin Board Game club What games are in the board game club: Risk etc. Who are the leaders? Tim Long Colbert: Has that been chartered? The Sex project The Quaker club(organization). Proposal to Vote: Reform to the SOOC Rules and Regulations(131408) a. Codify the rights and privileges of the Committee. b. Emphasis on Bowdoins nondiscrimination policy c. Establish club constitutions that will serve as contracts between BSG and student groups. d. Instate the right to remove and elect new student leaders in case of violation of SOOC Rules and Regulations. Nelson: Most events are procedural. Colbert: Talk to people who are in club meeting. May sound silly to you. 2. Academic AffairsJordan Goldberg14 Food for thought this semester: Talk on Beyonc. Proposal to Vote: Food for Thought Spring Semester Funding(131409) Yes: All No: Nil Goldberg: Inaudible. 3. Facilities & Sustainability David Levine 16 Airport shuttle: Discussion among the executive team, Levine: BSG will stick with mermaid shuttle. Darnell: Brunswick taxi was able to do the shuttle themselves. Levine: If people want to do this themselves. Nelson: We are not going back to Brunswick taxi?

Proposal to Vote: Concert Shuttles (131410) Different in pricing is different. Net is 140.00 Yes: ALL 4. No: NIL

Wong: Amend since we need to put cap on the prices. Change last clause.

Student Affairs Roberto Tavel 16 Uncommon hour is happening on Friday. 100.00 is going to be put on the proposal. Serwer: 2.50 per platter. Does not seem accurate. 100 is a generic amount. Proposal to Vote: Uncommon Hour 02/14/14(131411) Yes: ALL No: NIL


Student Activities Funding Committee Megan Massa 14 Not something to vote on, but I will create operating budget.


Executive Committee Sarah K. Nelson 14 / Allen Wong Yu 14 Elections are coming up Wong: Any questions? Club leaders reception in May. Nelson: Nothing to report. Report of Members 6. 1. Class Councils 2014: Planning senior week. Week before spring break Senior night. Serwer: Have you elected rep for Spring gala committee? 2015:

Cohen: Inaudible. Serwer: your class president responsibly e-mailed me. Cohen: tabling at 2:30 Cohen: Bowdoin students need to relax more. Cohen: With the shuttle tickets to Portland students want to buy 5:30 ticket and come back at 1:30. Nelson: I will check, I agree. Cohen: Executive committee needs to respond to complaints. Cohen: BSG is not fun and needs to be more fun Cohen: If this person came to me.


Laughs: Nelson: working hard is good too.

We picked t-shirts and are tabling.


2017: Safe passage proceeds are going to Guatemalan children. Inter-House Council Applications are due very soon. Entertainment Board Put in a plug to have applications to the e board. Encourage people to apply. Goldberg: Any news on ivies? Serwer: One contract signed. Meeting next week and will be meeting with Silvia and coming up with agenda. Athletic Council NIL The McKeen Center: Apply to work at non-profit. At-Large: Herman: Is reslife going to speak to first years regarding housing?






Report of the President Sarah K. Nelson 14 Two fab events on Friday. Tanya Lopez Simon Brooks mother is coming, Women in leadership positions. Robos event in Maine Lounge. I hope you all enjoy the snowstorm.

END: 21:35

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