Should Not Mix Protestants and Catholics

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K. Schwartz
left last Sunday for the East, where he will buy an immense stock of Fall and Winter Goods, 'vi~:;h he will open in the Duchamp building Corner Main and Port streets, as soon as the necesSchwartz says he will have the largest and best selected stock ever displayed here. Watch for his big ad that will tell you all about this big opening and grand display of seasonable goods.

I beg to announce to the Democratic Voters of the Parish of St. Martin, that I am a Candidate for the offic of Clerk of Court, sub-i jct to the action of the Democra) tic Primary. I pledge myself it elected to perform the duties of said Office in an efficient and painstaking manner, and to have none but competent and courteous deputies in my employ. Respectfully, GEORGE S. EASTIN.


ain tS ale




R J. Gary Co. Ltd

f'loir y August

to the 26tn.

We 'i1 give bargain prices on all Mr. Ledoux E. Smith, of Alex. O q goc:. Those desiring good goods at andria, who is a candidate for I State Treasurer, was here this i greatly reduced prices, will do well to w) eek in the interest of his candi- I . take advantage of this chance. dacy. Mr. Smith was assistant ) di
treasurer for Mr. A. V. Fournet M and succeeded Mr. Fourunet as "' treasurer the term after. SHOULD NOT MIX.

For Prices on a Few Articles See Our



Weekly Messenger,
r 11
IllAv A'

I.l~cting of the St. Martin Pa-

rish Bar.




(The Ibervtlle Sentinel.) \Vere present Hon. Edward Si1we have not seen it in While :,,i;, Judge Felix Voorhies, D. W. any of the e numerous papers which V \',,hie, F. E. Delahoussaye, ALBERT BIENVENU. I from that section to this lude Vauillemot, James J. Mar. come Q LAIZAIRE BIENVENU i~ it is claimed that some of offioe, tn and Robert Martin. o0 of North Louisaua, people the SJuidge Felix Voorhies, presided. ti Subscr section is strongly Protption $1 .0 y,: . . . ..t After fitting expressions of senti- which w and where Catholics are as io1sut and appreciation for the Hon. Setant, e as the proverbial "hen's scare Chief Justice Joseph A. Breaux, .. ',TURDAY, A i'(;. i,. h I. . are sorry to hear effrL, every member of the Bar, teenth," k forte are we r being made to work up the judge as of our own, t, it not strange that ulp ti, til) claiming ti to John T. Michel on o the following resolution was up- opposition ,.nultday we have not hoard! of auimously adopted: the ground that he is a Roman : candidate on the adwlunst raCatholic. This is outrageous and IResolved that the Bar of 8t. ,, bide coming out fou Statt Sjeis in open violation of the Constiunaninow do Miartsh parish, La., :.r. With Mouton and Ui Lko tution of this country. Religious inously endorse the candidacy of Stt Good Government sidle, I matters, faiths or beliefs should n Joe. A. Breaux, as Judge of s.;: seetto feel that the :;ug 11io. never be made part of a political t t t., not risk any candidates for the Supreme Court, pledging him campaign. It can only result in u our undivided support, viewing -tirices, even if they cubl. l strife and contention. So long as persons williug to '5com with pride his determination to ao a man is cleauminded,fair-minded coLtinue in active work, though Is e of otheir gloomy l ,kingl c h and just, his religious opinion would be entitled to withdraw wshould cut no figure in the In this parish, in pattl:ti- we t., the cause of the almiuist: a- on full pay. mises. Yet they claim that John Resolved that these resolutions :.u is a sad looking onii. Nlu, d T. Michel is a Catholic and Judge vc.ere out of ten are apljarentl la Iea published and copy forwarded Hall E is a Methodist. This is new to Judge Breaux. iwith the Good Govrnumeut sel(.t( news to us. Michel a Catholic? Felix Voorhies, II he a practical one? Will the Is Dan W. Voorhies, ri records of any church show that Accused of Stcal ;t, F. E. Delahouseaye, h he has made a full, free and open E. E. Chamberlain. of i'lt i"1, R. Martin, O in the last twenty-five confession boldly accuses Hucklhcr, A.\t , .,I Jas. J. Martin, y of tealiug- the )ling f romu i.,, . .r years? If he has done, or stood scalds -the pain from woren ,f.,l:' E Vuillemot, for any or some of the things at-the distres from buil., ur plI,.'1 James Simon. ti tributed to him, he cannot be a robs cuts, corns. brui~c-. ,Ir ; t , practical Catholic, because the injursee of their terror h, ,. . d.o church nor the creed of the church, healing remedy its equal I,t,l +t \VWlearn that the administraOnly 25c at all druigit. , i,,nhad succeed in getting Mr. C. 2founded on the Rock of Ages, so f No 4. to speak., will stand for them. I m,odes as a member of the po-. The Steamer New )DanUieil au:.. iory for the first ward. Mr. r. a man who claims to be a Catholic a trip to New Orleans tl~ weeo t,"; :,in1 Id and is a good man and would a who follows the teachings of get several barges of 'eu,e,:t, ,. : church, can do anything that a good police juror, but he ,i the ti likely to prove detrimental to and gravels. The lbrgo nr l l s ,on the weak side and will be de-. I "Love ye one an. fellow-men. on his used in carrying the mateiul fro,, 'fferil d. Several persons have been h the depot to the looks. Arrange- nue,,iunedl for the other members,, other." and "do unto others as 0 you would have them do unto you," mente are about conpletel at the 1, iut we believe it is not easy to to Y are guide in the Catholic as well depot to oh handle the sovrael huu- hat, candidates to run in the face a:e all other churches. Good Catdreds of carloads of natoreiaii tihat uf trtaiu defeat. The Good Gov- Sas a will come by rail to this lintt and -: miinnt have for their candidates as a rule, would rather vote . holies, h from here will be towed to tiht)jl f,,i police jury in the first ward, a dirty j, for it a clean Methodist thanu locks. We learn that tilt Niiw 1th srs. Frank 'T'. Guilbeau and The d C Catholic, and vice versat. I Daniel will do the work now before the people seekI., uis Olivier of Duchamp. They y men n will both be elected as this ward d it ing gubernatorial honors should e stand on their merits, strictly, and v Pn the stronghold of the Good Gov I Attrck Like '~',. records as made, wherein re' thiI erument. e their lu lighting tokeep thu, it n.t tl g,.;.un i ,lia,.. s atttcnk white corpuscler ligioue beliefs, prejudices or affi$100 REWARD, $100 like tigers. But often 'i iii- miuli ii ly liations should cut no figure. The utI"Con-. o fast the little tight'.,- o' 1The readeoe of this paper will be plea-a Sattempt to play on Judge Hall's Then see pimllel,,IHtll . .n , .i it ,,,I to learn that there is at least one . ;,ti uth Il,I ;err: rheum and woree- ulllllllhy Ilr ,ltol t disease that scienuce has been first name, ansud thereby create refeeling against him in a and appetite fall. 'his rhCxlinuh 11.,,, I I;1,h a to cure in all Its siuges, and that islligious li i-Catholic community, deceives no mauds Electric Ilittue to 'Itg la;,t l ('.o (,dt.arrh.







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line T oo Clophns _ of.Co GIVEN PROMPT




liall's Catarrh Cure is the on- C ach, liver and kidney',a dlt.,l ,il ;t I Iv p',.itive cure now known to the medlo I- one, mons from the blood. "'hlii. ,", 1 r h l. , -t fraternity. Catarrh being a consti- J

By virtue of an order and a coummis- property acquired by Alick Junior from and will fail of its purpose. sion from th- lolluorable the Nineteenth Philip Alick, as per act recorded in book responsiway no i Judge Hall is in 39 folio 335 No. 17159 of the Clerk's and blood purifier," writes 4. T. Ii b... ,; ,to tlal disease, requires a constitution.b Judicial DiLtric (C.'urt of the State of for the name of Luther being recorder's office of this parish. 'racy, Calif., "1 have cver fun; ! " I lb .- ,Ii treatmeut. Hall's Catarrh Cure Isa ble il aHnd for the Parish of St. a conferred upon him on the day of Loui-iu::mi, 2ud. Creole horses, colts, hogs, cows, t.. k.n itnternally. acting upon the blood C make rich. red blood, strong ,w'o<,,l;,, . ::i. dir ttd"; I will offer for n.his baptism. A cause which would calves and Implements of husbandry. , ll ;,a tll h.n bulld up your health. Tryv ;ii ucous surfaces of the system. h .sae ;.. i.:i - i or Cause to be sold by neead such things to bolster it up a 3rd. One lot of household furniture. all drugltore. thiwby destroying the foundation of o n any ... and qualiled o1lizL,4 So much of said property as may be Sthe lisease, and given the patient itis in a bad way, indeed. Cr. : . \'lio, i for cash to the


all the improvements thereon, situated in the fourth ward of the Parish of St. l 1 the matter of the Succession of Alick Martin, La., containing twenty-four arpnuts in superticial area, bounded north Junior, alias Philip Alick Jr. by laud of Arthur Guilbeau, south by Probate Docket No. 3531. laud of L. A. Butler. east by lanud of Mrs. 19th Judicial District Court, State of Pierre Thevenet, and west by laud of LoViniana, Parish of St. Martin. I)r. N. Neblett of assigns, being the same



If the town and parish autllhr-

ties could be induced to make


by of the log drag, they wuutl n,,, find out how easy and cheap it is hundred Dollars for any case that It Chamby applying treatment usual the it tl 1 fails to cure. to keep the roads always in go,,o r S b berinla's Liniment. It is an antiseptic oSenrd for testimonials free. a ,ondition. With the ,lrsg the and cause such injuries to heal without rads could be worked atftes every F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. O. maturation. - This liniment also ren SSold by all Druggists. II rain. Itis so easy, anul yet, i,,tr ilsves sorness of the muscles and rheumastic pains. For sale by all druggist. STake cu.horitiee will not use it. T Hall's Family Pills for eoestlpetlga n

-trniigth Iy building the constltution all assisting nature in doing its work. be healed k. in Cuts and bruises may required iTh proprietors have so much faith in is about one-third the time it its curative powers that they offer One a




St. ,"
the folo..i ing to i!

,.:- - bli t r, at the last resi- necessary to pay the debts thereof. Terms and conditions -Cash. ,. : , i. in the Parish of MARY CLENISON, . , L ,IuII g at II o'clock a. Admlnistratrix. MARITIN & MARTIN, Attys.

'..tmber 14th A.

An ordinary case of diarrhoea can, as

a rule, be cured by a eingle dose of Chain

,1 liperty belong- berlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea f eL late Alick Remedy. This remedy has no superior j Junior, _.. ! k..Ir. viz: for bowel complalits. For sale by all let. . '.. ca: .. r ;.:.cL of land with druggists. ...

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