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NGV Community Library (Non-Commercial Distribution Only)

Training & Trouble-shooting for Vehicle Conversion & Service Personnel

Colin G. Young (Honorary President)

ABSTRACT: The Gas Vehicle Conversion Association, International is a non-commercial, non-profit, professional association, dedicated to promoting the NGV industry, and providing technical assistance to vehicle owners and personnel involved in converting vehicles to run on this excellent alternative automotive fuel. It is primarily for the benefit of those working at the coal-face , that is, the end-user of NGV conversion and refilling equipment. It provides an international focal point for all technicians and vehicle owners/operators to discuss technical problems and exchange ideas on improving the safety and performance of NGV s. While national and regional groups can participate in personal meetings, most information problems, solutions and suggestions - is transmitted by email and the Association s internet site. The main aim is to be able to quickly advise other members of problems encountered be it faults with carburation or refilling products, specific vehicle conversions, or fuel and immediately seek assistance from other members, via the central information-transfer office. Membership is available to everyone directly involved in the NGV industry, strictly on a onevote-per-member basis, so as to maintain its independence and freedom from domination by large conversion, compressor/refilling and fuel supply companies. However, the assistance of these companies in resolving any problems with their products is strongly encouraged. Training of technicians is a vital part of the Association s operation. Through its members, and in conjunction with automotive colleges, it studies all training and promotional material available on the market especially from equipment suppliers to ensure it is accurate, comprehensive and clear. Non-commercial information sessions - oral and written presentations - on NGV are provided for vehicle owners, mechanics organizations, governmental bodies and the media; no brand names of equipment are mentioned, so as to maintain complete independence and unbiased discussions. The aims of the Association are: Work vigorously to enhance the image and reputation of the NGV industry Liaise with State & Federal government departments on regulations and assistance Provide necessary training courses and up-to-date technical assistance to members Form a professional liaison with the Media, to ensure accurate and beneficial reporting Actively promote the potential of NGV conversions Encourage only the highest levels of integrity and professionalism in the industry Work for, and strive to assist, whenever possible, all of its Members

NGV Community Library (Non-Commercial Distribution Only)

The Gas Vehicle Conversion Association, International was formed in Australia, and is in the process of forming branches in all other countries actively involved with vehicle conversions to gaseous-fuel operation. The motto is: Looking after the little man at the coal-face of the gaseous-fuel vehicle conversion industry without him, there would be no gaseous-fuel vehicle conversion industry! In the past, there have been many problems in the industry most of which have been withheld from the media, and treated with a head in the sandapproach by the leadersof the major industry bodies, with a pathetic sweep it under the carpetattitude. These major industry bodies, which have been dominated by large fuel suppliers and equipment manufacturers, lacked the fore-sight and initiative to also consider the small usually one-man operators who actually did the physical work of converting vehicles, and then servicing them. Hopefully nowadays, due to the need to function in a truly professional manner - in light of significant consumer, litigation and marketing considerations - this dead-wood leadership has been replaced by proficient personnel who will recognise the importance of supporting the entire realm of the industry, and not treat the conversion personnel with contempt. While there has always been some excellent brands of gaseous-fuel carburation equipment available, and some suppliers have provided first-class training and in-service operations, in many cases, the market has been saturated with second-rate equipment and slick selling. All too often, vehicle owners have been persuaded to purchase the (appreciably) cheaper replicas and sub-par conversion products, and been the victims of associated inferior training and servicing. Sadly, the industry has been seriously jeopardized because many vehicle owners have tried gaseous fuels sometimes as a good-citizen, to do their bit to reduce air pollution and use locally-produced fuels but more often, simply to reduce fuel costs. Consequently, fuel economy, engine power, reliability and durability have been well below the values that should have been achieved. Service technicians have frequently reported that a high percentage of gaseous-fuel vehicles they work on, have incorrectly-sized or poorly-installed carburation systems, and are not tuned to specifications. Audits by environmental regulatory authorities have shown disproportionately-high emissions levels from gaseous-fuel vehicles. Some of the observations of gaseous-fuelled vehicles are truly frightening. Of particular concern is the mis-matching of imperial and metric threads, and compression/interference fittings, on high-pressure components. Likewise, some of the observations from training coursesleave much to be desired. These are typically grossly-incorrect information on air:fuel ratio and ignition timing requirements

NGV Community Library (Non-Commercial Distribution Only)

for different engine operating modes; one of the worst was to lean the mixtures, close the service valve a bit ! Training & Education An essential part of the Association s agenda as it should be for any organization is to assist with professional education and training for all personnel involved with the industry, especially technicians who install and trouble-shoot/service vehicle conversion systems. All fuels have potential hazards, and pressurised fuels do have extra risks that have to be realistically addressed. It is imperative that everyone involved with gaseous fuels from the drivers who refuel the vehicles to the technicians who work on the vehicles all have the necessary degree of knowledge so as to ensure they are never subjected to any dangerous incidents. A major goal of the Association is to make equipment suppliers tow the line , by providing only fairly-priced, top-quality, genuinely- approved products, with professional training material, and proper technical and marketing back-up service. Co-operation is being established with automotive colleges and regulatory bodies to ensure that all training courses provide comprehensive and factual information. Information sessions free of any commercial (brand name) discussions are provided for automotive bodies, vehicle owners and fleet operators, emergency-service organizations and any other groups interested in alternative fuels. The financial, safety, environmental and technical benefits of gaseous fuels are explained in detail. These are primarily local supply, lower cost, clean-burning, high octane rating, higher lower-flammability-limit, higher ignition temperature, no puddling , no evaporative losses, no pilferage losses, no vapour-lock and no fuel line freeze-up (vital for emergency-services), no oil wash-off, no carbon formation, longer engine life (providing the mixtures and ignition timing are correct), and improved engine operation. Promotion Without favouring any brand names of fuel and conversion equipment, the Association is actively promoting gaseous fuels. Three promos are being used: Promotional Jingle A copy of the catchy lyrics to the jingle are attached. Providing no specific brand names are used, permission will be granted to interested parties to use the jingle at industry events; slightly different lyrics (petrol/gasoline, etc.) and musical backing would be used for different countries. Fuel Economy Record Vehicle The Gas Catworld fuel economy record vehicle has been loaned to automotive colleges for student projects to attempt to brake the record, which is conducted on race tracks at 24 km/h

NGV Community Library (Non-Commercial Distribution Only)

(15 m.p.h.). This provides an excellent low-cost platform for students to study engine design and testing, while developing an interest in alternative fuels. Dry-lake Record Vehicles Members are working with a number of entrants in the dry-lake (salt) record-breaking competitions, using gaseous fuels. The competition is held at Lake Gairdner in Australia each March. Hopefully, this involvement will expand to the Bonneville U.S.A. competition next year. Engine R&D The Association is consulting with a University that specializes in automotive engineering, along with relevant go vernment bodies, to undertake R&D on engines, in the area of combustion of alternative fuels. This R&D will be aimed at improving engine efficiency, fuel economy, and emissions, for both spark-ignition and compression-ignition (dual-fuel) engines. Regulations & Regulatory Authorities As a priority, the Association remains intimately involved with all regulations and standards that affect the industry. It is currently proposing a number of amendments for both national standards, and local regulations that govern the licensing and conduct of vehicle conversion personnel and premises. The Association is gravely concerned at unethical and dangerous practices that are still rampant in the industry, and with assured anonymity advises the appropriate authorities when breaches of regulations and professional business procedures are detected. A typical instance involved an equipment manufacturer submitting a (well-established) competitor s products for governmental testing and approval, while they were having problems making their own (critical) components reliable and durable. Media An important obligation is for members to constantly monitor all media articles on gaseous fuels, to ensure that any non-factual statements are rectified. The most common media misconception is: gaseous fuels burn incredibly hot . It is imperative that all automotive journalists and editors are known, and that they have sufficient factual information before they print anything that detracts from the credibility and potential of the industry. They need to have the contact details of an unbiased organization, should they require any information. Membership The Association is ran by its Members, for the benefit of its Members and the public fairly and honestly, with none of the usual power-clichs, or domination, or commercial bias by

NGV Community Library (Non-Commercial Distribution Only)

large carburation or fuel companies. It is strictly: one Member, one vote . All correspondence, financial books, meetings and decisions are open to participation and scrutiny by all Members, at all times. Every member is encouraged to be involved in all activities, and to continually offer suggestions. The Association endeavours to always keep up-to-date on all technical and commercial developments. All information received is immediately distributed to all Members. Membership requires that the highest standards of professional ethics are exercised at all times by Members. Membership is available to all individuals who are employed in the gas vehicle conversion industry. Associate (non-voting) membership is available to all gaseous fuel and equipment companies, and other organizations concerned with automotive gaseous fuels. Summary The Gas Vehicle Conversion Association, International is a non-commercial, non-profit, professional association, dedicated to promoting the NGV industry, and providing technical assistance to vehicle owners and personnel involved in converting vehicles to run on this excellent alternative automotive fuel.

Gas CatFuel Economy Record Vehicle

NGV Community Library (Non-Commercial Distribution Only)

Presenter: Colin G Young Honorary President Gas Vehicle Conversion Association, International 3 Margaret Street Parkdale Victoria 3195 AUSTRALIA Tel: 61 3 9580 1138 Fax: 61 3 9587 1828 email: Biography: Colin G Young is a graduate of G.M.I. (Kettering University), with 35 years experience in automotive engineering, primarily in the areas of alternative fuels, emissions, and vehicle safety. He is a founding (and continuous) member Vancouver 1986 of the International Association of Natural Gas Vehicles, and has presented technical papers at a number of international NGV conferences. He is the honorary President of the Gas Vehicle Conversion Association, International. His experience with natural gas vehicles commenced at the G.M. Technical Center in Detroit in 1968, and has been a strong advocate for NGV since then.

NGV Community Library (Non-Commercial Distribution Only)

Get On To (The Real) Gas:

N.G.V. Promotion

Our gasoline won't last, it's running out fast, Do something before it's too late, The price still takes a hike, just as suppliers like, We've gotta make a move, we can't wait.

Chorus: Save your brass, get on to gas, Before our gasoline runs out, It's the way for me, it's N.G.V., The fuel of the future no doubt. We've got a gas field, it gives a good yield, An alternative we cannot just pass, It's easy to convert, a winner that's a cert, Your car will run better on gas. It cuts down pollution, N.G.V.'s the solution, Your car will run smoother and cool, For easier starts, and reduced wear on parts, And you'll pay much less money for fuel. It's safe and approved, it's been tested and proved, N.G.V. is the answer by far, A real gas of a way, and you'll save every day, Just as soon as you convert your car! Copyright 2002 All Rights Reserved

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