Sri Isopanisad

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Invocation Om purnam adah purnam idam Purnat punam udacyate Purnasya purnam adaya Purnam evavasisyate Om the Complete

e Whole; Purnam perfectly complete; Adah that; Purnam perfectly complete; Idam this phenomenal world; Purnat from the all-perfect; purnam complete unit; Udacyate is produced; Purnasya of the Complete Whole; Purnam completely, all; Adaya havin !een ta"en away; Purnam the complete !alance; #va even; Avasisyate is remainin $

%he Personality of &odhead is perfect and complete,and !ecause 'e is completely perfect, all emanations from 'im, such as this phenomenal world, are perfectly e(uipped as complete wholes$ Whatever is produced of the Complete Whole is also complete in itself$ )ecause 'e is the Complete Whole, even thou h so many complete units emanate from 'im, 'e remains the complete !alance$ PURPORT

MANTRA ONE Isavasyam idam sarvam Yat kinca jagatyam jagat Tena tyaktena bhunjitha Ma grdhah kasya svid dhanam Isa !y the *ord; avasyam controlled; idam this; sarvam all; yat kinca- whatever; jagatyam within the universe; jagat all that is animate or inanimate; tena !y 'im; tyaktena set-apart (uota; bhunjithah you should accept; ma do not; grdhah endeavor to ain; kasya svit of anyone else; dhanam the wealth$

#verythin animate or inanimate that is within the universe is controlled and owned !y the *ord$ One should therefore accept only those thin s necessary for him self, which are set aside as his (uota, and one should not accept other thin s, "nowin well to whom they !elon $ PURPORT

MANTRA TWO kurvann eveha karmani jijivisec chatam samah evam tvayi nanyatheto sti na karma lipyate nare kurvan doin continuously; eva - thus; iha durin this span of life; karmani - wor"; jijiviset one should desire to live; satam one hundred; samah - years; evam so livin ; tvayi unto you; na - no; anyatha - alternative; itah from this path; asti - there; na -not; karma - wor"; lipyate can !e !ound; nare unto a man$

One may aspire to live for hundreds of years if he continuously oes on wor"in in that way, for that

sort of wor" will not !ind him to the law of "arma$ %here is no alternative to this way for man$ PURPORT


surya nama te loka ndhena tamasavrtah Tams te pretyabhigacchanti Ye ke catm-hano janah asuryah meant for the asuras; nama famous !y the name; te - those; loka planets; andhena - !y i norance; tamasa !y dar"ness; avrtah - covered; tan those planets; te - they; pretya after death; bhigacchanti enter into; ye anyone; ke every-one; ca - and; atma-hanah the "illers of the soul; janah persons$

%he "iller of the soul, whoever he may !e, must enter into the planets "nown as the worlds of the faithless, full of dar"ness and i norance$ PURPORT

MANTRA FOUR nejad ekarh manaso javiyo !ainad deva apnuvan purvam arsat Tad dhavato nyan atyeti tisthat Tasminn apo matarisva dadhati nejat - ; ekam - one; manasah than the mind; javiyah more swift; !a - not; enat - this +upreme *ord; devah the demi ods li"e Indra; apnuvan can approach; purvam in front; arsat movin (uic"ly; Tat - 'e; dhavatah those who are runnin ; anyan - others; atyeti - surpasses; tisthat remainin in one place; Tasmin in 'im; apah - rain; matarisva the ods who control the wind and rain; dadhati - supply;

Althou h fi,ed in 'is a!ode, the Personality of &od-head is swifter than the mind and can overcome all others runnin $ %he powerful demi ods cannot approach 'im$ Althou h in one place, 'e controls those who supply the air and rain$ 'e surpasses all in e,cellence$


MANTRA FIVE tad ejati tan naijati tad dure tad v antike tad antar asya sarvasya tad u sarvasyasya bahyatah tat this supreme *ord; ejati - wal"s; tat - 'e; na - not; eijati - wal"s; tat - 'e; dure far away; tat - 'e; u - also; antike very near; tat - 'e; antah - within; asya of this; sarvasya of all; tat - 'e; u - also; sarvasyasya of all; asya of this; bahyatah e,ternal to$

%he supreme *ord wal"s and does not wal"$ 'e is far away, !ut 'e is very near as well$ 'e is within everythin , and yet 'e is outside of everythin $ PURPORT

MANTRA SIX Yas tu sarvani bhutany tmany evanupasyati "arva-bhutensu catmanam Tato na vihugupsate Yah he who; tu !ut; sarvani all; bhutani livin entities; atmani in relation to the +upreme *ord; eva only; anupasyati o!serves in a systematic way; sarva-bhutesu in every livin !ein ; ca and; amanam the +upersoul; tatah thereafter; na not; vijugupsate hates anyone$


'e who systematically sees everythin in relation to the +upreme *ord, who sees all livin entities as 'is parts and parcels, and who sees the +upreme *ord within everythin never hates anythin or any !ein $ PURPORT

MANTRA SEVEN Yasmin sarvani bhutany tmaivabhud vijanatah Tatra ko mohah kah soka #katvam anupasyatah Yasmin in the situation; sarvani all; bhutany livin entities; tma the cit-kana$ or spiritual spar"; eva only; abhut e,ist as; who "nows; tatra therein; kah what; mohah illusion; kah what; soka - an,iety; #katvam oneness in (uality; anupasyatah of one who sees throu h authority, or one who sees constantly li"e that$ vijanatah of one


One who always sees all livin entities as spiritual spar"s, in (uality one with the *ord, !ecomes a true "nower of thin s$ What, then, can !e illusion or an,iety for himPURPORT

MANTRA EIGHT "a paryagac chukram adayam avranam snaviram suddham apapa-viddham %avir manisi paribhuh svayambhur Yathatathyato rthan vyadadhac chasvatibhyah samabhyah "ah that person; paryagat must "now in fact; sukram the omnipotent; akayam unem!odied;

avranam without reproach; asnaviram without veins; suddham antiseptic; apapa-viddham prophylactic; kavih omniscient; manisi - philosopher; paribhuh the reatest of all; svayambhuh self-sufficient; yathatathyatah .ust in pursuance of; arthan desira!les; vyadadhat awards; sasvatibhyah immemorial; samabhyah time$

+uch a person must factually "now the reatest of all, the Personality of &odhead, who is un-em!odied, omniscient, !eyond reproach, without veins, pure and uncontaminated, the self-sufficient philosopher who has !een fulfillin everyone/s desire since time immemorial$ PURPORT

MANTRA NINE andham tamah pravisanti ye vidyam upasate tato bhuya iva te tamo ya u vidyayam ratah andham ross i norance; tamah dar"ness; pravisanti enter into; ye those who; avidyam nescience upasate worship; tata than that; bhuyah still more; iva li"e; te they; tamah dar"ness; ye those who; u also; vidyayam in the culture of "nowled e; ratah en a ed$$

%hose who en a e in the culture of nescient activities shall enter into the dar"est re ion of i norance$ Worse still are those en a ed in the culture of so-called "nowled e$

MANTRA TEN anyad evahur vidyayanyad ahur avidyaya iti susruma dhiranam ye nas tad vicacaksire anyat di&&erent; eva certainly; ahuh- said; vidyaya by culture o& kno'ledge; anyat di&&erent; ahuh said; avidyaya by culture o& nescience; iti thus; susruma I heard; dhiranam &rom the sober; ye 'ho; nah to us; tat that; vicacaksire e(plained)


%he wise have e,plained that one result is derived 0rom the culture of "nowled e and that a different result is o!tained from the culture of nescience$



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