November 4-10, 2013 Layout (Final1)

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VOL. 14 NO.



P 15.00 at the newsstands

NOVEMBER 4-10, 2013

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Worlds strongest typhoon hits Tacloban, Ormoc hard

A survivor quoted in a national newspaper described the giant storm swell as high as a coconut. Energy Secretary Carlos Jericho Petilla, who was in Ormoc City on Saturday, November 9, illustrated it to city officials graphically for them to get an idea of how it was. He said that the waves were so tall that it engulfed the MacDonalds in Tacloban City and at least three boats were beached some 100 meters inland. Present were Ormoc Vice Mayor Leo Carmelo J. Locsin and the council, who had just finished their emergency session authorizing Mayor Edward Codilla to access the citys P 130-million calamity funds. The mayor was not around. Petilla said the water reached 300 meters inland, aside from the wind flattening almost everything on its way. He said Ormoc was luckier. If you think you had it bad, think again. Tacloban is worst, he said, adding that they were just starting to pick up the bodies of dead people. In Palo, Leyte, he added, some 100 people were already found dead, including the bodies of three barangay chairmen. Ormoc City, in comparison, only recorded 21 typhoon-related deaths as of that day. Despite all the preparation done to prevent loss of lives during Yolandas wake, the typhoon was just huge, he said. Petilla, who said he practically scoured the whole province in an aerial survey, described the different towns as having been flattened. Rehabilitation will take a long time Rehabilitation, he added, would take a long time. Power lines, he said, are so badly damaged that he estimates the region will only have power restored by January 2014. Not only were the power lines damaged, it was further learned, but the power plants at the mountains of Tongonan. Because the bulk of power in the Visayas comes from these plants, he said, the rest of Visayas is suffering. Cebu is now on rotarional brownouts, just to share power per day. In Isabel, Leyte, PASAR, the countrys only copper smelting plant, is also badly damaged. Even if it is repaired soon, its operations cannot be restored immediately unless power lines

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ORMOC CITY In what is now believed to be the worlds strongest typhoon ever recorded in history, Category 5 Typhoon Yolanda (International name: Haiyan) barreled through Eastern Visayas with sustained winds of almost 300 kilometer per hour on its strongest gusts on Friday, November 8, in the morning. Some 10,000 people are now believed to have died in Tacloban City and neighboring coastal towns of Palo, Tanauan, Tolosa and Dulag, where it made landfall, causing storm surges as high as 7-meters or 21 feet.

A photo from shows a satellite picture of Typhoon Yolanda, practically covering the whole of the Philippines. Its eye, packed with the strongest of center winds, passed through Dulag, Tacloban then to Ormoc, leaving a path of destruction in its wake. Yolanda, a CNN news reportedly said, could have been a Category 6 typhoon if such category existed.

Ormoc council authorizes mayor to access P 130-million calamity funds for relief efforts
ORMOC CITY To hasten relief aid and repair works, the city council here led by Vice Mayor Leo Carmelo Locsin Jr. convened an emergency session in the afternoon of Saturday, November 9, to authorize Mayor Edward Codilla access to P 100-million in trust funds from savings of previous calamity fund allocations and an additional P 30-million for this year. The session was held at the lobby of the City Hall, which was also badly battered by Yolanda. In attendance were VM Locsin and councilors Mario Rodriguez, Ruben Capahi, Bennet Pongos Jr., Antonio Codilla, Vincent Rama, Gerardo Penserga and Marina Placido. SP secretary Joel Duero was around to take the minutes of the session as stenographers requested to attend did not come. The fund is intended for the relief and rehabilitation of victims of Typhoon Yolanda. The damage wrecked by the supertyphoon was citywide, and no barangay was spared. As of this report, the fate of some barangays were not




November 4-10, 2013

ITS SUNDAY morning as I am writing this. Its been two days since Yolanda hit us with its Category 5 winds. Basically we are fine. Except for a few wet clothes and a fence of Dr. Adelaida Puray-Pensergas threatening to fall over our kitchen window, we survived the typhoon unscathed. Our neighbors were not so lucky. Most of their homes were blown to pieces but with the resilience of the Filipino spirit, have started rebuilding their homes. They now have erected the semblance of their old homes, but I wonder how they fared with the heavy rain this early morning. But if Yoly did not break them last Friday, a downpour of cold water is peanuts. Last night, we sat at our now unroofed deck till midnight, enjoying the canopy of the stars and looking at the young people gathered around a bonfire of used tires and leaves. They were merry-making, celebrating the gift of life in their own way. I was having mixed feelings though. I was worried about my daughter at PASAR in Isabel, Leyte and her family. Except for a faint Smart signal that I could get at our roof deck, Ormoc was incommunicado to the rest of the world. The news of larger scope came from Energy Secretary Carlos Jericho Petilla who came via chopper hours earlier. His news was ominous. If we think we had it bad in Ormoc, think twice. Tacloban, he said, had it harder. If to illustrate, he said the storm surges there (which was expected in Ormoc to reach 5 meters and thankfully did not reach us) reached 7 meters. Thats 21 feet and the height of a two story building. To illustrate, he said Macdonalds was under water and there is now a ship parked near the Gaisano Shopping Center. Seawater reached 300 meters inland. I can just imagine the horror of it all, having survived the 1991 flashflood. Nonetheless, we also have to cope here in Ormoc. I have been going everyday to the City Hall but is getting a feeling that the immensity of what happened to us have yet failed to sink in. The concentration is concern for people in the evacuation centers, not realizing that there are people who preferred to stay in their own homes but are now running out of food. Honestly, we were prepared for something like a three-day inconvenience. As I am writing this, my two daughters are fighting their way to line up at whatever store they see is open, hoping to buy a few canned goods, candles and a few more necessities. We just have about 15 cups of rice, and that is good for five more meals. I know many people are in the same boat as we are. We may have not left for the evacuation centers but we are also running out of food. The relief effort must be equitable. There should be no demarcation lines whether one is poor or well-off. Natural calamities are the great equalizers. rrr Last night, I got a call from Congresswoman Lucy Torres-Gomez. She is doing her best to generate relief donations for Ormoc and the 4th district. Not only Ormoc is badly hit. All the towns of the 4th district was, and the rest of Leyte for that matter. She admitted the task was ticklish considering Tacloban was getting all the media hype. This is true. Shortly before her call, I got a call from my previous editor at The Freeman, Mr. Abbey Canturias. He called, in

God never leaves us

WE JUST had a double whammy of a natural calamityan Intensity 7.2 earthquake and the now-touted strongest typhoon in history, Yolanda. Its understandable that we are at our wits end as to what to get from these two disasters. And so many of us fall into all sorts of predicamentsfear, anxiety, self-pity, depression, bitterness, etc. The worst part of it is when we lose our faith in God. We have to avert all these, because they really have no basis. They come about precisely because our understanding of things is not completed by our faith in God. In short, these calamities are special moments of exercising our faith. Remember what Christ said quite often, reproaching those very close to him for their lack of faith. O you of little faith, why did you doubt, he told Peter when Peter started disbelieving that he was walking on water. (Mt 14,31) When the disciples were in a boat tossed wildly by a strong wind and lashing waves while Christ was asleep, Christ also reproached them similarly. O you of little faith, why are you fearful. (Mt 8,26) Then he calmed the raging sea. We are human, and we tend to see things solely from the point of view of what our senses only perceive, what our feelings tell us, what our limited understanding of things show us. We need to go beyond these levels and categories, and learn to think, feel and behave according to what our faith tells us. And what does our faith tell us? It tells us that God never leaves us. He is always at the very core of our being, and of things in general, taken individually or collectively, or in whatever consideration we see and take them. And to be sure, his presence in us and in everything else is not just passive, but very active, full of wisdom, love, mercy and omnipotence even as he allows us and the whole world of creation to act and behave according to their nature taken in both their positive and negative sides, in their powers as well as in their limitations. We are in Gods hands always. Nothing happens without him in the middle of things and events. Even when we commit mistakes or when nature suffers its limitations, God continues to be around, drawing things to himself. This is the truth of faith we have to relish, revisiting it often in our meditations so that it may sink deep in our consciousness and give shape and direction to our attitudes, thoughts, desires, words and deeds. This is the truth that will save us from being victimized by our own imperfect understanding of things or by the mere play of our emotions and other natural conditions that cannot take on the whole of the rich reality that is meant for us. It might be good to review what the Catechism says about divine providence. Point No. 55 says, What is divine providence? Divine providence consists in the dispositions with which God leads his creatures toward their ultimate end. God is the sovereign Master of his own plan. To carry it out, howSEE
LALAINE MARCOS-JIMENEA Publisher/Editor-in-Chief JOSE SANRO C. JIMENEA Business Manager

The Freddie Aguilar furor

FREDDIE AGUILAR is practically a byword in the whole Philippine archipelago. He rose to stardom with his rendition of the song, Anak, which was a top seller back in the late 60s, exported to the neighboring countries and even translated to different languages:. It can be said that the song made him. It hugged the charts for a long time and made him open other businesses. He was in an aura of huge success. It can even be said that he was on easy street many times over. He ventured to different busineses. At one time, he opened a watering hole in Quezon City(?). There is however this matter which could be so ticklish that it is open for consideration as to its propriety. An item appeared in a newspaper and even in the teevee that he is in love (?) with a girl who is so very young. There seems to be a backlash as to good taste. He admits to be in love with a girl who is only 16 years old. He is now 60 years old himself. In other words, he was 44 yers old when the girl was born. Heaven forbid! If this is true, he can be considered as a cradle snatcher.I must be dreaming things. How does one fall in love? Culling from my not-so-distant past when I thought I was some sort of a Lothario. Can we safely say that he cannot sleep nights? Can we say that he is beside himself every hour of the day and night in which the picture of the girl is always seen in any place: the park, the school, the market place, the library, the church while hearing mass, the piers, in text books while studying and for which one cannot study well? No appetite to eat, dreaming during the day and somehow in a daze? Pimples appearing on the face because of lack of sleep? Your grades going down and the teacher finds you out of touch with the lesson? This kind of a behaviour can only come from the young the young at heart - because it is his first time? But for such an old man as Freddy falling in love, he is a candidate for the long chair to be looked over by a Psychiatrist. That the parents of the girl are in favor of a match is beside the point. Any parent will gladly give the hand of their daughter in marriage because of a free meal ticket; more so when the free meal ticket is also good for them. So many young people marrying today end up broken because of no clear job placement. It can never be enough that the parents are in favor. Freddy is now a public figure. The young ones always emulate their elders. What kind of a message will this union impart? Bad taste! Vulgar! Odious! Somebody even proposed to change the title of his song to Apo instead of Anak. Ugh! In the interest of propriety and good morals, something must be done to stop this bad example to the legions of those who are truly in love and not so very old. All Freddy can rightfully do under these circumstances is to admonish the kid to look for someone her age. No amoun of words can convince this corner that he is in love with the girl. He is hallucinating! He is probably in his second childhood. Parental consent is never enough take the case of the pedophiles who tug along a bevy of young girls for a picture session and then pass it on in the internet for the consump-tion of of other dirty old men. How many of these foreigner pedophiles were promptly deported? Parents who allow their kids to be used for FAO (for adults only) shows must be also incarcerated. The future of these are already ruined. They eventually end up in the flesh market. A case study was made about how prostitution started. This is one reason, especially when the reason is poverty. The practice of parents consenting to allow their kids to be photographed and paraded before the camera dates back to the propensity of foreign pedophiles to come here in the Philippines. These parents are lionized by these pedohiles and given plenty of perks. For Freddy to say that he is in love with this young kid is all balooney. Can we say that he wants to gauge the reaction of the public and boost his sagging image? And if so, maybe there will be a renewal of the old clamor for his song? He is forgetting that the song this time is not Anak but Apo. Why does he not compose another entirely new song? If he is a good composer, he can always compose another song. Joe Mari Chan has a couple of songs composed by him. Certainly Freddy can do the same. One thing is sure: it is in the extremest of bad taste for a grandfather to marry again.





The EASTERN VISAYAS MAIL is published weekly with Editorial and Business Offices at 111 Real Street (Manolo Compound), Ormoc City, Leyte Telefax Nos: 561-8580; 255-5746; e-mail:
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Cartoonist: HARRY TERO Marketing Assistants: VICKY ARNAIZ, TED MARCOS

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November 4-10, 2013

Carton crib
ANG PASKO ay sumapit, mall megaphones blare, Wait. Isnt that the pirated version of the winning carol at the 1933 Cebu Christmas contest? Christmas is still 43 days away. Most homes havent dusted off star lanterns or Nativity belens. But a different calendar kicks in here early September. Indigents camp overnight on cardboard mats along city sidewalks. They appear like clockwork, writes Sun Stars Publio Briones III. Their temporary living room/ dining room/ bedroom/ kitchen (has) a view to boot. Their scrawny kids flit from jeepneys to buses to cars warbling off-key carols, They bang flattened bottle caps. The tambourine brigade is again cadging for a few coins. Most are grimy school dropouts. Penury forces 33 out of every 100 to quit before reaching Grade 6. About 6 percent of 12.6 million children today are out of school. Dont be conned by that sliver. They make up majority among the poor. Wheels of inter-generational poverty (turn) against them, Unicef notes. Hunger locks your street caroler into a life sentence of poverty. More will surface in the run-up to Christmas. Theyll blend into the woodwork, spurned by some, unnoticed by most. Do tinsel and partying keep us from reading, in these canto choirs, signs of the times? If we open our shut-up hearts freely, well discover theyre hard as flint, Jonathan Powers wrote in Scrooge Is Here. No steel ever struck (from them) generous fire. They remain secret, self-contained, and solitary as an oyster. Christmas 2013 comes, as it did two millennia ago, to a pork-giddy officialdom. Inquirers unrelenting investigative reports have shown five senators and 23 representatives implicated in the pork barrel scam. These included: Bong Revilla (P1.01 billion), Juan Ponce Enrile ( P641 million ), Jinggoy Estrada ( P585 million), Ferdinand Marcos, Jr. ( P100 million) and Gregorio Honasan (P14 million ) The Commission on Audit put its foot down in Notices of Disallowance for over P6 billion dissipated in pork slabs. Without raising her voice. COA chair Grace Pulido-Tan told a stunned Senator Estrada : Return the money Suddenly, everyone is getting a refresher course in the forgotten no, ignored -- decree of restitution. Remember the tax collector Zacchaeus? He became the butt of jokes because the Master lunched with him. Zacchaeus stood, and said unto the Lord. Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor. And if I have taken anything from any man by false accusation, I restore him fourfold, Luke writes. Restitution is putting right what is unjust. This is not new. Scholars remind us that Moses decreed laws of reparation. That rule held down through the years. All COAs Grace Tan-Pulido did is to begin enforcing this swept-under-therug ignored law. Those Notices of Disallowance reinforce the no-nonsense probe by Omsbudsman Conchita Carpio Morales. A million more Filipino households went hungry in the 2nd quarter of this year, Social Weather Stations states thats up from the March surveys 3.9 million families. The 5th, 6th and 7th National Nutrition Surveys repeated the stark story of chronic hunger savaging, with little let-up, mothers and kids. All children have the right to live, says the 2010 report: Winning the Numbers, Losing the War. But many start dying after they are born. The rise in number of Filipinos who experience hunger is not due to a surge in rates, National Statistical Coordination Board Secretary-General Jose Ramon Albert said. Pin that on population growth. Sure. But dont bother telling Jinggoy, Johnny & Co. Bongbong keeps mumbling the mantra of self absolution. Tell Naty instead. She is a 53-year-old beggar who looks a haggard 80. What matters is even leftover food, she shrugs. Alms cadged from shoppers and churchgoers tide Naty and her grandkids over to the next day. Walang tutong sa taong nagugutom. There is no burnt rice to a hungry person. In the dumps where ill-fed squatters huddle, tuberculosis spreads like wildfire. TB incidence here is 275 for every 100,000 people. (Its 137 for Thais.) Handouts couldnt buy for Naty the anti-TB medicine she needed. Percentages mean little to street carolers. Where is the next meal coming from?, they ask. Hunger triggers a lethal cycle. Chronically malnourished mothers give birth to stunted children who often die early. More infants are orphaned here today than in 2006. And one out of every four pregnant women are nutritionally at risk, says the 2013 study by the Institute of Child Health Development. Worse, there has been no change in the past 15 years. On average, 11 mothers die daily during childbirth. Most of those deaths were preventable. . Indeed, theres need to curb the leakages: the P130-billion Malampaya Fund; P12.5-billion motor vehicle users charge; the Pagcor Special Fund and the PCSO Charity Fund. Beyond that is a need to back the Ombudsman in prosecuting those charged. Justice is the bedrock for structural reforms. Christmas is the only time I know of when men and women seem, by one consent, to open their shut-up hearts freely, Charles Dickens wrote in 1843. He added: The hungry are not another race of creatures, bound on other journeys... We all are fellow passengers to the grave. Crammed into a stable, the first Nativity crib resembles those carton mats on sidewalks of city streets 43 days before Christmas.

IN MANY CASES, your doctor would prescribe certain medicines for your infection with the instruction that if symptoms persist to come back for a different set of medication. It boils down to a hit-and-miss treatment that is not really entirely your doctors fault. Truth of the matter is, because of lack of information especially in the molecular level, medication is largely speculative especially against cancer. But probably not for long. Although containing the same types of nucleic acids, every individual has genes unique to that specific organism just like the disease microbes that it succumbs to. Is it possible to capitalize on these similarities and differences to come up with a cure for an ailment that is person-specific? To answer the question, scientists fully sequenced the genes of both the cancer cells and healthy cells for comparison and at the same time analyzed the RNA for clues to what the genes were doing. Researchers found a normal gene that was producing huge amounts of a protein that appeared to be speeding up the cancers growth. And they also got a promising new drug that might shut down the malfunctioning gene. Using that drug, the cancer is in remission. While no one can say that the patient is cured, the treatment is a new approach to stopping cancer. What are important, medical researchers say, are the genes that drive a cancer, not the tissue or organ (liver or brain, bone marrow, blood or colon) where the cancer originates. They likewise discovered that one womans breast cancer may have different genetic drivers from another womans and, in fact, may have more in common with prostate cancer in a man or another patients lung cancer.

Person-specific cure

Under this new approach, researchers expect that treatment will be tailored to an individual tumors mutations, with drugs, eventually, that hit several key aberrant genes at once. The cocktails of medicine would be analogous to H.I.V. treatment, which uses several different drugs at once to strike the virus in a number of critical areas. With a sharp drop in the costs of sequencing and an upsurge of research on genes, medical experts expect that genetic analyses of cancers will become routine. Just as pathologists do blood cultures to decide which antibiotics will stop a patients bacterial infection, so will genome sequencing determine which drugs might stop a cancer. Until you know what is directing a patients cancer, you really dont have any chance of getting it right. Large drug companies and small biotech labs are now testing drugs that attack a gene rather than a tumor type. Leading cancer researchers are starting companies to find genes that might be causing an individuals cancer to grow, to analyze genetic data and to find and test new drugs directed against these genetic targets. It is expected that eventually the whole genome sequencing to help cancer patients identify treatments could be available to everyone for a reasonable cost. As starters, the whole genome sequencing can perhaps be offered to patients with a suspected hereditary disorder in hopes of identifying mutations that might be causing the disease. Even Angelina Jolie has already benefited from the emerging technology and more could follow her.


Matinahuron, Mr. Ampatuto

Dear Mr. Ampatuts, Illegal ang pagpamalit og boto sa imong Tiyo. Ang silot mao ang pagka preso hangtod sa 6 katuig og perpetual disqualification to hold public office (Sec. 261, BP 881). Dapat magtingkagol ang imong Tiyo sa bilangoan. Kon dili siya ma preso dinhi sa yuta, ang iyang sala dili malilong sa Labawng Makagagahum. Ang mga Filipino, worth dying for. Mao kini ang prinsipyo ni Sen. Ninoy Aquino. Ayaw na lang kabalak-i ang imong Tiya. Ang mga tawo maoy kaluy-i kay usa lang ka adlaw ang ilang kalipay, apan tolo ka tuig ang ilang pagmahay. Imong amigo, Manny G. Golo 09155595449

Worth dying for (Happy & Sad)

Dear Atty. Golo, Ang akong Tiyo maoy number one councilor sa among barangay kay nanghatag siyag P 100.00 kada botante. Kinyentos ka botante ang iyang gi budgetan. Ang iyang gastos kapin P 50,000.00. Ang nakapait kay ang ilang sweldo dos mil lang ang buwan, kapin pod sa duha katuig una mabawi ang gastos! Maayo lag dunay project kay makapigting. Peru wana man konoy pork barrel di na jud madali ang pagbawi. Ang mga botante karon dili na worth buying for. Si Tiya pod, nalipay unta kay nakadaog si Tiyo peru nagool pod kay dako ang gastos.

FR. ROY ... from P. 2

ever, he also makes use of the cooperation of his creatures. For God grants his creatures the dignity of acting on their own and of being causes for each other. Then on the question of evil, Point No. 58 says, Why does God permit evil? Faith gives us the certainty that God would not permit evil if he did not cause a good to come from that very evil. This was realized in a wondrous way by God in the death and resurrection of Christ. In fact, from the greatest of all moral evils (the murder of his Son) he has brought forth the greatest of all goods (the glorification of Christ and our redemption.) These doctrines of our faith may be a nosebleed in the beginning. But to be sure, thats only in the beginning. We just have to wade through them and familiarize ourselves with them, just like anything that is precious but arduous in our life. In the end, they will become second nature to us, a working principle in our thinking and action. On a personal note, I would venture to say that these calamities we are having are mere expressions of the natural course of nature that has its limitations. God allows them to happen, among many other reasons, to prepare us for our own death and the end of time that will surely come, and our own meeting with God in the Last Judgment. Email:

The Gospel on Sunday

NOVEMBER 17, 2013 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Luke 21: 5 - 19 And as some spoke of the temple, how it was adorned with noble stones and offerings, he said, As for these things which you see, the days will come when there shall not be left here one stone upon another that will not be thrown down. And they asked him, Teacher, when will this be, and what will be the sign when this is about to take place? And he said, Take heed that you are not led astray; for many will come in my name, saying, `I am he! and, `The time is at hand! Do not go after them. And when you hear of wars and tumults, do not be terrified; for this must first take place, but the end will not be at once. Then he said to them, Nation will rise

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against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; there will be great earthquakes, and in various places famines and pestilences; and there will be terrors and great signs from heaven. But before all this they will lay their hands on you and persecute you, delivering you up to the synagogues and prisons, and you will be brought before kings and governors for my names sake. This will be a time for you to bear testimony. Settle it therefore in your minds, not to meditate beforehand how to answer; for I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which none of your adversaries will be able to withstand or contradict. You will be delivered up even by parents and brothers and kinsmen and friends, and some of you they will put to death; you will be hated by all for my names sake. But not a hair of your head will perish. By your endurance you will gain your lives.

RELIEF ... from P. 1
even known yet as road remained impassable. Except for those manning the rescue team, who were on stand by during the typhoon, very few city personnel reported presumably because they were also taking care of their own homes. Duero said he was going about repairing their house to make a temporary shelter and had to hastily dress up just to report for the session. 21 dead in Ormoc Meanwhile, as of that day (Friday), 17 people were reported to have died from various injuries in the wake of the typhoon. Dr. Nelita Navales, however, said she could only confirm four of the deaths as she had already signed their death certificates. The number has since risen to 21 on Sunday (November 10). City councilor Godie Ebcas, committee chair on police and public safety and who headed the disaster command center at the City Hall, said that 7,000 people were housed in designated evacuation centers around the city. However, the food they had was slowly running out. As of Saturday afternoon, they only had food good for 3,600 people but hopes to source more supplies soon. Communication lines, which was already down as early as 6:00 AM of November 8, the day of the typhoon, were partially restored by November 9. Smart started having a faint signal over the city by 10:00 AM of November 8, Friday, but can only be accessed on high grounds or at the third floors of tall buildings. With no power, the radio communications equipment cant be used either, he said. It was also learned that the citys generator use is being prioritized for use at the city health, to preserve the integrity of the vaccines it has in stock. Ebcas said they are requesting Cebu or nearby LGUs to send communication gear that would not need power Ebcas added that even if he had to spend a harrowing ordeal away from his family because he had to stay at the City Hall, he admired the dedication of Vice

YOLANDA ... from P. 1
Mayor Locsin who arrived back to the City Hall as soon after Yolandas wrath waned. The vice-mayor arrived on a bicycle. Both the vice mayors and Ebcas house are badly damaged but Ebcas said it was the call of duty. His wife, city architect Maribeth Ebcas fended for the family at their house, while he was at the City Hall. Arch. Ebcas, unfortunately suffered a minor head wound after the ceiling in their bathroom, where she took the children to hide from Yolanda, collapsed. Vice Mayor Locsin said he would have wanted to brave Yolanda to be at the City Hall while it was raging but he could not get out of his house already. Ebcas added that the mayor has ordered the city general services office to prioritize the clearing of roads leading to evacuation centers, hospitals and the various water pumping centers of the city. Benedicto Lambonao of the city mayors office said that water service head Engr. Gerry Germano said that the citys main water source at Sitio Ahag is still 40 to 50% functional. They are estimating water supply will be back in three days, except those areas supplied by power pumps. That is why, he said, the mayor wanted to make sure that among those cleared immediately are roads leading to the citys water pumping stations. The city, as a whole, looks like its a war zone. Very few establishments and houses were spared by Yolandas wrath. There are reported lootings at the public market. Only a few stores and groceries are open, like Mercury Drug, where the line reaches up to outside the store premises. Former congresswoman Vicky Locsin, who had to ride a single motorcycle to reach the city, said their family-owned Hotel Don Felipe will be shut pending repairs. Their generator is useless also, as it is floating in a pool of water at the basement. All hospitals in the city were not spared. Councilor Mario Rodriguez relayed to councilor Ebcas that OSPAFarmer s Medical Center will only be serving their inpatients but will be turning new cases as they have only so much resources to spare. All three dialysis centers in the city are closed. They need lots of water to operate and the water system is down. Jedi, a nurse at the Presinius Dialysis Center, said she is worried for their patients and hopes they seek treatment elsewhere, until their operations return. Even as the city grapples to take stock of the situation at hand, residents are slowly rebuilding their wrecked homes and lives. The rivers of Anilao and Malbasag are teeming with men, women and children washing clothes and taking a bath, while others are already rebuilding their shanties. Basio, a resident at Brgy. Malbasag, said they sought refuge from Yolandas wrath at the city central school but preferred to return to their humble home after it subsided. Theres no place like home, he said in Bisaya, and set about to repair whatever he could to restore some semblance of normalcy to his small hut. Currently (on Sunday), the immediate problem facing residents is food. Stocks of those who prepared well are running low. No relief distribution has been done as yet. Rep. Lucy Torres-Gomez said she has launched the relief campaign Rebuild Ormoc and Leyte 4. The congresswoman does not have PDAF at her disposal anymore, following the freeze order of the Supreme Court, that is why she has to rely on private sources to raise donations. She said the donations are quite slow in trickling in because Ormocs fate and that of Leyte 4 is overshadowed by the media coverage on Tacloban which suffered more. are restored. Elmer Cruz of the National Grid Power Corporation (NGCP), in texts to media, said they are continuing their aerial surveys but cannot commit when their high voltage lines would be up. Petilla said compounding the problem is the slow response of the distribution facilities. He said we cant blame them. The destruction is so wide that people are taking care of their homes first before taking care of their jobs, he pointed out. Even the clearing of highways were not immediately worked on. Nobody is reporting, he said, because they also have their dead to take care of. Tacloban in state of emergency Before Petilla left, he cautioned Vice Mayor Locsin Jr. and the council that the LGU has to be in control. He hinted that in Tacloban, people were already breaking in to stores and looting them. By afternoon of Sunday, some 60 Army men, on the request of Rep. Lucy TorresGomez, were deployed to the city to prevent the same from happening. Pres. Benigno Aquino III, who was in Tacloban, has declared the Tacloban City under a state of emergency to prevent further lawlessness. A 10:00 PM curfew has been imposed on both young people and adults. Hunger stalks victims Two days after the typhoon, hunger now stalks the victims of Yolanda. Here in Ormoc, some 7,000 people took refuge at the various designated evacuation centers. However, none was spared. All the citys barangay and districts are badly hit. Food is hard to come by. Stores at the public market which was stripped of its roots were looted as early as Friday afternoon, sources said. Poultries were invaded. Vice Mayor Locsin said that instead of allowing the looters to take whatever they want from his poultry, he appealed to them to be rational and share their loot alike. I asked them to take six chickens each and gave every family in the barangay chickens. A poultry in Benolho suffered a similar fate. By the time the owner arrived, all his poultry were gone, even his feeds. The next day, a lot of people were selling dressed chicken in various parts of the city. As of Sunday, people in district barangays were complaining they were running low on food. Some none at all. And they still did not get the promised relief. In an interview with Marrietta Legaspi, city social welfare officer, she said they are apportioning at least two kilos of rice per family but because of the urgency, they were leaving it to the barangay chairmen to do it. At Brgy. Malbasag, the promised 2 kilos of rice did not materialize as of Sunday. Legaspi said that the city was able to get 118 sacks from the National Food Authority warehouse and another 500 sacks from Gabas Rice Mill at P 1,800 per sack. She said it was enough to last the city for another two days. This, aside from canned sardines and meat loaf. She said that much as they would want to buy more, the suppliers apportioned their stocks to other LGUs also, taking pity on their constituents. Legaspi said we are not only the ones affected and of course, they also would want to supply their other clients.

Main: Rizal St., Ormoc City Tel. #5610775 Branch: Norkis Bldg., Burgos St., Ormoc City Tel. #561 1398 Baybay Branch: R. Magsaysay Ave., Baybay City, Leyte Tel# 563 9171 will conduct a public auction on NOVEMBER 18, 2013 at 8:00 am to 6:00 pm for all unredeemed articles pawned in this establishment for the month of JUNE, 2013. Patrons are requested to verify their receipts. MANAGEMENT PAHIBALO Kining maong ahensiya magahimo ug subasta sa alas 8:00 am hangtud 6:00 pm sa NOVEMBER 18, 2013 sa mga pinerenda nga wala malukat sa buwan sa JUNE, 2013, Gihangyo ang mga suki sa pagsusi sa ilang mga resibo. TAGDUMALA


Affidavit of Adjudication NOTICE IS HEREBY given that the property of the late LEON BARRETE described as Lot 1912 situated at Magsaysay Boulevard, Calbayog City with an area of 80 square meters and covered by Tax Declaration 99-0100700149 was adjudicated by his heir per Doc No. 478; Page No. 145; Book No. III; Series of 2013 of Notary Public Clemente S. Rosales. EV Mail November 4-10, 11-17, 18-24, 2013

November 4-10, 2013

Republic of the Philippines SUPREME COURT REGIONAL TRIAL COURT OF LEYTE 8th Judicial Region OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF COURT Magsaysay Blvd., Tacloban City EJF No. 3660 For: Extrajudicial Foreclosure of Real Estate Mortgage PHCCI Multi-Purpose Cooperative rep. By Zacarias M. Mate, Petitioner/Mortgagee, -versusRonald L. Yu joined by his wife Mrs. Rovic B. Yu Respondent./ Mortgagors. x------------------x SHERIFFS NOTICE OF EXTRAJUDICIAL FORECLOSURE SALE UNDER ACT 3135 AMENDED Upon Extra-Judicial Petition for sale under act 3135, as Amended filed by PERPETUAL HELP CREDIT COOPERATIVE (PHCCI) rep. By Zacarias M. Mate Real Street, Tacloban City, against RONALD L. YU at BLOCK 13 LOT 31, NHA, BARAS, PALO, LEYTE to satisfy the Mortgage indebtedness which as of July 22, 2013 amounted to ONE MILLION TWO HUNDRED THIRTY FOUR THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED THIRTY SIX PESOS & 56/100 (Php 1,234,236.56), Philippine Currency, excluding Penalties, Charges, Attorneys Fees, expenses of the Foreclosure, Sheriffs Lawful Fees, and expenses for conducting the PUBLIC AUCTION SALE, thereof, the UNDERSIGNED EXECUTING SHERIFF WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION on November 29, 2013 at 9:00 in the morning or soon thereafter, REGIONAL TRIAL COURT, Magsaysay Blvd., Tacloban City, to the highest bidder for Cash and in Philippine Currency, the following Real Properties/ Personal Properties, with all the improvements thereon, to wit: TRANSFER CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO. T-1222011001308 A parcel of land (Lot 7, Block 2 of the consolidationsubdivision plan, (LRC) Pcs-13819, being a portion of the consolidation of Lots 2870, 2871,2873 ,2874, 2884, 2886, 2887, 2901, 2904, 2909, 2920, 2921, 2922, 2923, 2924, 2925, 2927, and 3381 Tacloban Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Record No. 1040), situated in the Barrio of Caibaan, Tacloban City, Island of Leyte, Bounded on the : NE. Points 3 to 4 by Lot 9; on the SE, points 4 to 1 by Lot 8; on the SW. points 1 to 2 by Lot 5, all of Block 2; on the NW, points 2 to 3 by road Lot 19 all of the Consolidation Subdivision plan Containing an area of TWO HUNDRED FORTY (240) SQUARE METERS, more of less registered in the name of RONALD L. YU of legal age, Filipino, married. PROSPECTIVE BIDDERS AND BUYERS MAY INVESTIGATE FOR THEMSELVES THE TITLE AND ENCUMBRANCES, HEREIN ABOVE-DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTIES IF ANY THERE BE. All sealed bids must be submitted to the undersigned on the above-stated time and date. In the event the public auction should not take place on said date, it shall be held on December 6, 2013 on the same time and place without further notice. Tacloban City, October 16, 2013. FOR THE CLERK OF COURT & EX-OFFICIO SHERIFF (Sgd.) LUDY C. MARMITA Sheriff IV Copy furnished: PERPETUAL HELP CREDIT COOPERATIVE (PHCCI) rep. By ZACARIAS M. MATE RONALD L. YU BLOCK 13 LOT 31, NHA BARAS PALO, LEYTE EV Mail Oct. 21-27, 28- Nov. 3, & 4-10, 2013

Republic of the Philippiens REGIONAL TRIAL COURT 8th Judicial Region Ormoc City OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF COURT & EX-OFFICIO SHERIFF EJF No. R-ORM-13-00017-FC For: EXTRA-JUDICIAL FORECLOSURE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE under Act 3135 HOME DEVELOPMENT MUTUAL FUND (Pag-Ibig Fund), Mortgagee, -versus- ALEJANDRO G. CANONIO, JR., Mortgagor. x------------------x NOTICE OF EXTRA-JUDICIAL FORECLOSURE SALE Upon Extra-judicial petition for sale under Act 3135 filed by Home Development Mutual Fund (Pag-IBIG Fund) Tacloban Regional Office, Tacloban City against Alejandro G. Canonio, Jr. to satisfy the mortgage indebtedness which as of August 8, 2013 amounts to Nine Hundred Ninety One Thousand Two Hundred Sixty Five Pesos Only (P991,265.00), including interest and penalties but excluding attorneys fees, sheriffs fees and other expenses of foreclosure, the undersigned sheriff will sell at public auction on November 20, 2013 at 4:00 oclock in the afternoon at the Office of the Clerk of Court, Regional Trial Court, Ormoc City to the highest bidder, for cash or managers check and in Philippine Currency, the following property with all the improvements located therein, to wit: TRANSFER CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO. 25877 Register of Deeds of Ormoc City A parcel of land designated as (Lot 2-C-2-C of the subdivision plan Psd-006172, being a portion of Lot 2-C-2, Psd-08-004780, situated at the Barangay of Doa Feliza Mejia Village, City of Ormoc, Island of Leyte. Bounded on the NE., along line 3-4 by Lot 2-C-2-B, on the SE., along line 4-1 by ot 2-C-2-W (Road Right of Way) on the SW., along line 1-2 by Lot 2-C-2-D, all of the subdivision plan, Psd-08-0016172 and on the NW., along line 2-3 a Road (10.00 m. wide). Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan being N. 11 deg. 59W., 497.85 m. from BBM No. 8, Cad-256, Ormoc Cadastre; thence N. 72 deg. 08W., 17.01 m to point 2, thence N. 17 deg. 52E., 8.85 m. to point 3; thence S. 72 deg. 07E., 16.99 m. to point 4; thence S. 17 deg. 43W, 8.84 m. to point of beginning; containing an area of ONE HUNDRED FIFTY (150) square meters, more or less. Registered in the name of Sps. Alejandro G. Canonio, Jr. and Nena B. Canonio. All sealed bids must be submitted to the undersigned on the above stated time and date. In the event the public auction should not take place on the said date, it shall be held on November 27, 2013 without further notice. (Sgd.) ZENEN B. PURAY, JR. Sheriff IV EV Mail Oct. 21-27, 28- Nov. 3, & 4-10, 2013 REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES REGIONAL TRIAL COURT 8th Judicial Region Branch 18, Hilongos, Leyte SP. PROC. NO. H-521 IN THE MATTER OF THE ADOPTION OF THE MINOR RHEA PEDROGAS ROSALES WHO HAS BEEN KNOWN IN SCHOOL AS RHEA F. SANCHEZ, RESTITUTA FLORES SANCHEZ, Petitioner, x-----------------------x ORDER PETITIONER-RESTITUTA FLORES SANCHEZ, by and through counsel, field a Petition to adopt minor RHEA PEDROGAS ROSALES who has been known in school as RHEA F. SANCHEZ. In support of her petition, the petitioner avers, THAT: She is of legal age, Filipino, single and without issue, a businesswoman by profession and a resident of Capt. Vilbar St., Central Poblacion, Hilongos, Leyte; she is in possession of full civil capacity and legal rights, is of good moral character, has not been convicted of any crime involving moral turpitude, and is emotionally and psychologically capable of caring her children in keeping with the means of family; she is sixteen (16) years older than the adoptee and underwent the pre-adoption services in accordance with law; that the subject minor is not disqualified by law to be adopted; the subject minor has been voluntarily committed to the care and custody of the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) when her biological executed a Deed of Voluntary Commitment on March 2, 2012, hence, prayed that the petition be granted. WHEREFORE, finding the Verified Petition to be sufficient in FORM and SUBSTANCE, the same is set for initial hearing on April 10, 2014 at 8:30 in the morning at which date, time and place anyone that may be prejudiced by the approval of the instant Petition may come to court in this first opportunity. Published this Order in a newspaper of general circulation in the Province of Leyte, at least once a week for three (3) consecutive weeks at the expense of the petitioner. Furnished copy of this Order to the Office General being the general counsel of the Republic at 134 Amorsolo St. Legaspi Village, Makati City; Regional Director of DSWD for that office to conduct a social case study report, to conduct a home study report; and to submit other relevant papers within 60 days, the natural parent of the minor to be adopted, Petitioner and her counsel for them to be present at the given addresses for them to be present during initial hearing. SO ORDERED. IN CHAMBERS, this 4th day of October, 2013, Hilongos, Leyte, Philippines. (Sgd.) EPHREM SUAREZ ABANDO Executive Judge ESA/csv EV Mail Oct. 28- Nov. 3, 4-10, & 11- 17, 2013
Extrajudicial Settlement with Sale NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the property of the late ELIAS MORILLO, Sr. re an agricultural land at Pili, Almeria, Biliran covered by ARP No. 00291, with an area of 3.29390.50 hectares denominated as survey No. ; and coco land, covered by ARP No. 00289, with an area of 0.9840.54 hectares, survey No. 2136, Lot No. 005, Title No. P-44533 were settled among his heirs and sold in favor of ARLIZ A. MACAPANIG per Doc. No. 83; Page No. 17; Book No. XII; Series of 2013 of Notary Public Nel JohnB. De la Pea. EV Mail Oct. 28- Nov. 3, 4-10, & 11- 17, 2013 Extrajudicial Settlement and Partition with Sale NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the property of the late REYNALDO ALBARICO re a parcel of land consisting one half (1/2) share of Lot 2269-D-18, Psd-08-004276, situated in Brgy. Alegria, Ormoc City, containing an area of 104 sq. m. covered by TCT No. 24511
Republic of the Philippines Local Civil Registry Office Province: Leyte City/Municipality: Villaba Republic of the Philippine ) Villaba, Leyte) SS Petition No. CFN-04-2013 PETITION FOR CHANGE OF FIRST NAME I, GESHIELLA A. MONTERO, of legal age, Filipino, and a resident of 249 Ilang-ilang st. Brgy. Biclatan, General Trias, Cavite after having been duly sworn to in accordance with law, hereby declare that: 1) I am the petitioner seeking the change of first name in: b) the Certificate of Live Birth of Edgar N. Montero who is my husband 2) He was born on 6 April 1963 at Villaba , Leyte, Philippines 3) The birth was recorded under registry number 15 4) The first name to be changed is from EDGAR to PEDRO, The grounds for filing this petition are the following: b) He has habitually and continuously used PEDRO and he publicly known in the community with that first name; 6) I submit the following documents to support this petition: a) Childs birth certificate (OCRG COPY) b) NBI, PNP, Barangay and Court clearance and cert. of employment c) Form 137-E, Transcript of records, diploma and BGMT d) Marriage cert. siblings birth cert. (Jonally), E-1 MDR, civil security certifications 7) I have not filed any similar petition and that, to the best of my knowledge, no other similar petition is pending with any LCRO, Court or Philippine Consulate. 8) I have no pending criminal, civil or administrative case in any court or any quasijudicial body. 9) I am filing this petition at the LCRO of Villaba, Leyte in accordance with R.A. No. 9048 and its implementing rules and regulations. (Sgd.) GESHIELLA A. MONTERO Petitioner VERIFICATION I, GESHIELLA A. MONTERO, the petitioner, hereby certify that the allegations herein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. (Sgd.) GESHIELLA A. MONTERO Petitioner SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 21st day of October 2013 in the Municipality of Villaba, Leyte, petitioner exhibiting his Community Tax Certificate NO. 24113552 issued at Villaba, Leyte on October 21, 2013. (Sgd.) Engr. Medallo V. Punong Administering Officer EV Mail Oct. 29- Nov. 3 & 4-10, 2013

VIEW FROM ORMOC ... from P. 2
behalf of his Christian congregation, if goods could pass through Ormoc to Tacloban. I told him frankly if you are going to bring in relief goods, to spare some for Ormoc and all the towns they pass through. I said every place in the province is badly hit, and everybody needs relief. Malooy pud mo namo. Sa amo mga silingan, I told him. I just visited the house of Noy Basio early Saturday afternoon (he was the nice old man whod make coffee for everybody who visited the mayors office during Vicky and Dodongs time) and without complaint, they were just eating pieces of coconut. That, I think, was their dinner. rrr The silver lining in Yolys visit here in Ormoc is that we didnt have much casualties. As of today, the official count is 21. News just came in that PASAR was taking good care of its employees. Thats a comfort to us who are wondering whats happening with daughter number 1 and her family. Already, a group called Bangon LIDE has successfully flown in relief goods. Another was the opportunity to bond with the girls. Without our communication lines being hampered by so-called communication gadgets, we would talk, and talk and talk. To save on the candles, we would only leave one lighted after dinner and gather around it, discussing our experience and reminiscing old ones. When were done, we go up our unroofed deck and bonded more under the moonlight. Last night, our conclusion was that Yoly was Janet LimNapoless fault. Blame it on Napoles, my daughter May joked. If Janet has not stolen much, then our country would have good roads, equipment to restore everything immediately and more power plants. Because of her, we dont have those and now, were stuck in this situation. Remembering how Miriam asked Napoles if she paid Jimmy Policarpio, a media spin-master to divert attention from the PDAF to the P-Noys DAP, maybe Napoles paid Yoly to wreck havoc on the countryside to divert attention from her and the erring congressmen. Could be In the end, in a country where people love to play the blame game, yah, why dont we blame Yoly on Janet? rrr Joking aside and looking back, I can only tell the girls, Well, you are record holders on your own. Some of you survived the Great Ormoc Flood of 1991. Now, you survived the biggest storm of the year, which could be the biggest in a decade. Its the first category 5 storm in the country and we were in the eye of it. Again, I pay tribute to the indomitable Filipino spirit. When Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans a few years ago, people just practically waited for their government to rescue them. Some even committed suicide from the depression of seeing the destruction. But we Pinoys, after Yoly, just went out our homes, picked up whatever we could retrieve and exchanged stories of how we coped up. We even laughed at how we hid from Yolys onslaught. The bayanihan spirit kicked in at once. Courage, cheek and hospitality -- that makes the Pinoy spirit.
Republic of the Philippines Local/Civil Registry Office Province: Leyte City/Municipality: Palompon Petition No. CCE-0085-2013RA 10172 PETITION FOR CORRECTION OF CLERICAL ERROR IN THE CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH I, JULITO PATATAG NAILON, of legal age, Filipino and a resident of Brgy. Lat-osan, Palompon, Leyte after having been duly sworn to in accordance with law, hereby declare that: 1) I am the petitioner seeking correction of the clerical error in: The Certificate of live birth of Genly Ricca Nailon who is my daughter 2) She was born on October 15, 1997 at Palompon, Leyte, Philippines 3) The birth was recorded under registry number 97-1589 4) The clerical error(s) to be corrected is (are): Item No. Description From To 2 Sex MALE FEMALE 5) The facts/reasons for filing this petition are the following: For error No. 1: ) To correct my childs sex which was wrongly recorded in my daughters birth certificate, 6)I submit the following documents to support this petition: a) Certificate of Live Birth (SSECPA & Office File Copy)
Extrajudicial Settlement with Sale NOTICE IS HEREBY given that the property of the late VIRGINIA MIRALLES re a parcel of land Lot No. 6558-C, Psd-08-002799, situated in the Barrio Liloan, Ormoc City, containing an area of 8,299 sq. m. under TCT No. 20595 was settled among her heirs and sold in favor of JOSHUA A. FIEL per Doc. No. 516; Page No. 104; Book No. XVIII; Series of 2011 of Notary Public Alberto L. Conopio. EV Mail Oct. 21-27, 28- Nov. 3, & 4- 10, 2013 Extrajudicial Settlement with quitclaim and waiver NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the properties of the late JUANITO FERNANDEZ, SR. re parcels of land (Lot No. 9693/Cad-256 situated in Ormoc City, containing an area of 6,386 sq. m. covered by OCT No. P-48; Lot No. 9678, containing an area of 10,961 sq. m. covered by OCT No. 0-261; Lot No. 9694, containing an area of 2,530 sq. m. covered by OCT No. 0-261; Lot 9681-B-3 situated in Brgy. Aguiting, Kananga, Leyte, containing an area of 44,043 sq. m.; Lot 9681-B-4, containing an area of 6,863 sq. m. covered by TCT No. T-30590 were settled among his heirs and waived in favor of RUDOLFO B. FERNANDEZ and HELEN FERNANDEZ PAREDES per Doc. No. 96; Page No. 20; Book No. CXXII; Series 2013 of Notary Nepomuceno P. Aparis I. EV Mail Oct. 21-27, 28- Nov. 3, & 4- 10, 2013 Affidavit of Loss NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that GRACE ORMA ESPINA-YPIL, Filipino, of legal age, married, and a resident of 3 Tambis St. Urgello, Sambag 2, Cebu City, Philippines, issued an affidavit of loss that her younger

Republic of the Philippines Local Civil Registry Office Province of Leyte Municipality of San Isidro NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION In compliance with R.A. No. 9048, a notice is hereby served to the public that Guillermo Villamor Mahayag has filed with this office a petition for Change of First Name from Alfredo to Guillermo in the birth Certificate of Guillermo Villamor Mahayag who was born on 27 November 1953 at San Isidro, Leyte and whose parents are Esmeraldo P. Mahayag and Elpedia C. Villamor. Any person adversely affected by said petition may file his/her written opposition with this office not later than Nov. 8, 2013. (Sgd.) FLORIDA C. VILLARINO Municipal Civil Registrar EV Mail Oct 28- Nov. 3, & 4-10, 2013
Republic of the Philippines Local/Civil Registry Office Province; Leyte City/Municipality: Palompon Petition No. CCE-0081-2013 RA 10172 PETITION FOR CORRECTION OF CLERICAL ERROR IN THE CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH I, ARNIE ROMERO CARILLAS, of legal age, Filipino and a resident of Brgy. Cruz, Palompon, Leyte, after having been duly sworn to in accordance with law, hereby declare that: 1) I am the petitioner seeking correction of the clerical error in: My certificate of live birth 2) I was born on October 22, 1993 at Palompon, Leyte, Philippines. 3) The birth was recorded under registry number 93-1538 4) The clerical error(s) to be corrected is (are): Item No. Description From To 2 Sex MALE FEMALE 5) The facts/reasons for filing this petition are the following: For error No. 1: This petition is hereby filed to correct my sex which was erroneously recorded in my birth certificate. 6) I submit the following documents to support this petition: a) Certificate of Live Birth (SECPA & Office File Copy) b) Certificate of Baptism/ Elementary School permanent Record c) DepEd Form 138-A/National Career Assessment Examination Result d) Voter Certification/ Police Clearance/ NBI Clearance e) Brgy. Clearance/ Personal Affidavit (Unemployment) & Medical Record f) Medical Certification /Cert. of Authenticity 7) I have not filed any similar petition and that, to the best of my knowledge, no other similar petition pending with any LCRO, Court or Philippine Consulate. 8) I am filing this petition at the LCRO of Palompon, Leyte in accordance with R.A. 90 48/ R.A. 10172 and its implementing rules and regulation. (Sgd.) ARNIE R. CARILLAS Petitioner SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 25th day of October 2013 in the municipality of Palompon, Leyte, petitioner exhibits in Community Tax Certificate No. 11302018 issued at Palompon, Leyte on June 4, 2013. (Sgd.) CARMELITA G. LODOVICA Municipal Civil Registrar EV Mail Oct. 28- Nov. 3, & 4-10, 2013

Republic of the Philippines REGIONAL TRIAL COURT 8th Judicial Region OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF COURT Carigara, Leyte SHERIFFS NOTICE OF SALE RTC-2013-006-EJF Upon extrajudicial petition for sale under Act 3135, as amended by Act 4118, filed by the petitioner, Metro Ormoc Community Cooperative (OCCI), Tacloban City Branch, with postal address at Arradaza St., Ormoc, City against Roberto C. Sotto, resident of Brgy. 88 Balok Ii, San Jose, Tacloban City, to satisfy the mortgage indebtedness which as of August 2013 amounted to THREE HUNDRED EIGHTY NINE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED TWENTY PESOS and 51/100 (PhP389,920.51) Philippine Currency, excluding attorneys fees, sheriffs fees and other incidental expenses that may be incurred in the conduct of the sale, which the undersigned will sell at public auction on November 20, 2013 from 9:00 oclock in the morning to 2:00 oclock in the afternoon, at the Hall of Justice Building, Carigara Leyte, to the highest bidder, in cash and in Philippine Currency, the property with improvements thereon, to wit: (Original Certificate of Title No. P-39397) A parcel of agricultural land designated as Lot No. 3898, situated at Brgy. Bahay, Municipality of San Miguel, Province of Leyte. Bounded on the North Cad Lot No. 2509, East Creek, South Cad. Lot No. 3839/ Ass. Lot No. 017, West Cad. Lot No. 2508/ Ass. Lot No. 010; Containing an area of FORTY SEVEN THOUSAND AND FORTY THREE SQUARE METERS (47,043 sq. m. ) Prospective bidders and buyers may verify for themselves the title and encumbrances in the herein described property from the undersigned. All sealed bids must be submitted to the undersigned on the date and time stated above. The undersigned sheriff reserves the right to postpone, reject any bid or all bids in the interest of justice and the parties concerned. In the event the public auction should not take place on said date, it shall be held on November 28, 2013 on the same place and time without further notice. Carigara, Leyte, Philippines, October 24, 2013. FOR THE CLERK OF COURT AND EX-OFFICIO SHERIFF. (Sgd.) EMMANUEL P. BARIATA Sheriff IV, RTC-OCC EV Mail Oct. 21-27, 28- Nov. 3, & 4-10, 2013

was partitioned among his heirs and sold in favor of ADELIZA DE LEON MANGILAYA per Doc. No. 476; Page No. 96; Book No. CCCL; Series of 2013. EV Mail Oct. 28- Nov. 3, 4-10, & 11- 17, 2013 Extrajudicial Settlement NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the property of the late MELITON ARSENAL re a parcel of an agricultural land Lot No. 11431, situated in Ormoc City, containing an area of 52,344 sq. m. covered by OCT No. 0-309 was settled among his heirs per Doc. No. 449; Page No. 90; Book No. 31; Series of 2013 of Notary Public Edward A. Adlawan. EV Mail Oct. 28- Nov. 3, 4-10, & 11- 17, 2013 Deed of Extrajudicial Settlement NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the properties of the late MIGUEL APURILLO re a parcel of land Lot No. 776, situated in Alang alang, containing an area of 2,178 sq. m. ; and Lot No. 1245 , containing an area of 33,549 sq. m. both parcels covered by OCT No. 11381 were settled among his heirs per Doc. No. 276; Page No. 56; Book No. IV; Series of 2012 of Notary Public Daniel Pen. EV Mail Oct. 28- Nov. 3, 4-10, & 11- 17, 2013

b) Certificate of Baptism/Joint Affidavit/ Personal Affidavit c) Elementary School Permanent Record/ Diploma d) Under Five Clinic Growth Chart/ Identification Card e) Medical Certification/ Certificate of Authenticity 7) She has not filed similar petition and that, to the best of my knowledge, no other similar petition pending with any LCRO, Court or Philippine Consulate. 8) I am filing this petition at the LCRO of Palompon, Leyte in accordance with R.A. 9048/R.A. 10172 and its implementing-rules and regulation. (Sgd.) JULITO P. NAILON Petitioner VERIFICATION I, JULITO P. NAILON, the petitioner. Hereby certify that the allegations herein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. (Sgd.) JULITO P. NAILON Petitioner SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 4th day of November 2013 in the municipality of Palompon, Leyte, petitioner exhibits in Community Tax Certificate No. 24136900 issued at Palompon, Leyte on October 31, 2013. (Sgd.) CARMELITA G. LODOVICA Municipal Civil Registrar EV Mail Nov. 4-10, & 11-17, 2013
sister, MUTYA LUZ ESPINA- GLOVER , donated to her a paraphernal land located in So. Cambantug, Brgy. Lake Danao, Ormoc City, Leyte on July, 2010, covered by TCT No. TP-409, containing an area of 135,614 sq. m., TD No. 00022-00092, Mutya Luz her sister, personally turned over the said owners duplicate of her title together with the tax declaration thereof which also kept in GRACE ORMA ESPINA- YPILs wooden drawer was lost during the renovation house in Cebu City from Danao City, carrying with all belongings, etc., and the period of transfer and in returning back home as the carpentry work needed some finishing. She looked for the aforementioned land title and its tax declaration, but her efforts remained futile. Affidavit was subscribed per Doc. No. 458; Page No. 119; Book No. 92; Series of 2013 before Atty. Pepito C. Suello. EV Mail Oct. 21-27, 28- Nov. 3, & 4-10, 2013 Amended Extra-Judicial Settlement with Absolute Sale NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the state of the late JOSE V. GAQUIT, SR. affecting his 104 shares of stocks of Western Leyte College of Ormoc City has been extra-judicially partitioned among his surviving heirs and consequently sold to EMMANUEL A. FIEL in a document known as amended extra-judicial settlement among heirs with absolute sale dated October 4, 2013, per Doc. No. 421; Page No. 85; Book No. XXV; Series of 2013 of Atty. Gerentstein T. Banzon. EV Mail Oct. 21-27, 28- Nov. 3, & 4- 10, 2013 rrr


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