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Shoaib Mirza

1. You are daydreaming in the middle of a lecture. Are you actually thinking? a. b. c. d. Yes. No. No, but daydreaming is an example of cognition. Yes, you are thinking and daydreaming is an example of cognition.

ANSWER ! 2. Computer programs capable of doing things that require intelligence when done by people are associated with a. b. c. d. artificial intelligence. proxemics. cerebronics. computeri"ed creati#ity.

ANSWER A 3. a. b. c. d. is the study of the meaning of words and language. $inguistics Encoding Semantics Syntax

ANSWER % !. "epresentations used in thinking include a. b. c. d. mnemonic de#ices. kinesthesis. concepts. primarily figments of the imagination.

ANSWER % #. $asic speech sounds are called a. b. c. d. morphemes. syllables. phonemes. syntax.

ANSWER % %. A solution that correctly states the requirements for success in sol&ing a problem but not in sufficient detail for further action is called a'n( solution. a. heuristic b. general

c. functional d. specific ANSWER & ). *luency+ fle,ibility+ and originality would be most characteristic of which type of thought? a. b. c. d. con#ergent thinking mechanical problem'sol#ing rote problem'sol#ing brainstorming

Shoaib Mirza

ANSWER ! -. .hat type of concept is /uncle/? a. b. c. d. con(uncti#e relational relati#e dis(uncti#e

ANSWER & 0. 1he inability to see new uses for familiar ob2ects is termed a. b. c. d. non'flexible thinking. functional fixedness. proacti#e inhibition. interference.

ANSWER & 13. A person who is concerned about health+ but who continues to smoke cigarettes+ is making an error in 2udgment called a. b. c. d. functional fixedness. ignoring the base rate. representati#eness. framing.

ANSWER & 11. 4anguage is termed producti&e if it a. b. c. d. allo)s for communication of thoughts and ideas. is capable of generating ne) ideas and possibilities. increases one*s adaptation to a changing en#ironment. pro#ides a set of rules for making sounds into )ords and )ords into sentences.

ANSWER & 12. .hich of the following is usually associated with creati&ity? a. con#ergent thinking b. di#ergent thinking

c. modeling d. syntax ANSWER &

Shoaib Mirza

13. A truck gets stuck under a bridge. 5e&eral tow6trucks are unable to pull it out. At last a little boy walks up and asks the red6faced adults trying to free the truck why they ha&en7t let the air out of the truck7s tires. 1heir o&ersight was due to a. b. c. d. di#ergent thinking. cogniti#e style. synesthesia. fixation.

ANSWER ! 1!. 8euristics are problem sol&ing strategies which a. b. c. d. use a trial and error approach. use random search strategies. guarantee success in sol#ing a problem. reduce the number of alternati#es.

ANSWER ! 1#. Characteristics of creati&ity include a. b. c. d. con#ergence. flexibility. gender differences. rigid personality factors.

ANSWER & 1%. A perceptual set that causes one to become hung up on wrong solutions or remain blind to alternati&es is called a. b. c. d. inhibition. fixation. conditional thinking. incubation.

ANSWER & 1). 9f 0- out of 133 people respond /:olden "etrie&er/ when asked to name what dog best represents the concept /dog+/ then a golden retrie&er would be called a a. b. c. d. denotati#e concept. prototype. relational concept. feature.

ANSWER & 1-. 1he rules for ordering words in sentences are called

a. b. c. d. grammar. syntax. semantic differential. heuristics.

Shoaib Mirza

ANSWER & 10. 1he solution to arithmetic problems requires a. b. c. d. mechanical solutions. con#ergent thinking. insight. brainstorming.

ANSWER & 23. A person would ha&e the 4;A51 difficulty in classifying a. b. c. d. a cactus a fern an oak a palm as a tree or shrub.

ANSWER % 21. A student who takes a multiple6choice test by reading the stem of each item+ generating the correct response before looking at the choices+ and then choosing the response closest to the answer is using a. b. c. d. a heuristic. an +ideal+ solution. #icarious problem sol#ing. an algorithmic search strategy.

ANSWER A 22. 9n baseball+ an /out/ is a a. b. c. d. con(uncti#e concept. relational concept. dis(uncti#e concept. prototype.

ANSWER % 23. 1he stage of creati&e thought during which problem sol&ing proceeds at a subconscious le&el is the stage. a. b. c. d. incubation orientation preparation illumination



Shoaib Mirza

2!. A person is asked to decide on a ma2or in school< another is asked to decide on a career. .e may say that the different answers they gi&e to broad and specific questions are because of a. b. c. d. differences in representati#eness. base rate differences. differences in framing. differences associated )ith irrational personalities.

ANSWER % 2#. 1he correlation between 9= and creati&ity is a. b. c. d. #ery high. #ery lo). "ero. more positi#ely correlated the higher the ,-.

ANSWER & 2%. >&ersimplified concepts of groups of people are referred to as a. b. c. d. group thinking. social stereotypes. relational stereotypes. dis(uncti#e stereotypes.

ANSWER & 2). 1hought that is intuiti&e+ hapha?ard+ or personal is termed a. b. c. d. inducti#e thought. deducti#e thought. logical thought. illogical thought.

ANSWER ! 2-. a. b. c. d. are the smallest meaningful units of speech. .orphemes /honemes /heromones %oncepts

ANSWER A 20. 1he ability to speak two languages is referred to as a. b. c. d. bi'languagism. fluency. bilingualism. none of these.



Shoaib Mirza

33. 1he two most basic units of speech are a. b. c. d. )ords and rules of grammar. ideas and concepts. morphemes and phonemes. connotati#e and denotati#e meaning.

ANSWER % 31. .ords or ideas representing a class of ob2ects are called a. b. c. d. abstractions. attributes. thoughts. concepts.

ANSWER ! 32. @sychologist .olfgang ABhler belie&ed that the solution of a multiple6stick problem in chimpan?ees re&ealed a. b. c. d. ho) reinforcement strongly guided their beha#ior. an ability for #ersatile and appropriate beha#ior to changing circumstances. a capacity for insight. the same problem sol#ing abilities in chimps as in gorillas.

ANSWER % 33. /Anti/ is an e,ample of a. b. c. d. a phoneme. syntax. surface structure. a morpheme.

ANSWER ! 3!. Cormal problem sol&ing is likely to use a. b. c. d. mental images. olfactory sensations. synesthesia. semantic repression.

ANSWER A 3#. A detailed+ practical+ and workable solution to a problem is called a'n( solution. a. b. c. d. heuristic general functional specific

ANSWER % 3%. 1he fact that /Dog bites man/ has a &ery different meaning from /Ean bites dog/ demonstrates the importance of a. b. c. d. connotation. syntax. conditional relationships. linguistic determinism.

Shoaib Mirza

ANSWER & 3). 9f you wanted to enhance creati&ity+ you would want to a. b. c. d. isolate yourself. make a rash decision. dig deeper into a problem )ith logic. look for analogies.

ANSWER ! 3-. Drawing conclusions on the basis of formal principles of reasoning is termed a. b. c. d. inducti#e thought. deducti#e thought. logical thought. illogical thought.

ANSWER % 30. 1hought that in&ol&es going from general principles to specific situations is called reasoning. a. b. c. d. deducti#e inducti#e di#ergent intuiti#e

ANSWER A !3. A rigid mental set can be a barrier to problem sol&ing. .hich of the following refers to a similar barrier to problem sol&ing? a. b. c. d. o#ersimplification in#alid reasoning functional fixedness di#ergent problem sol#ing

ANSWER % !1. American 5ign 4anguage is a. a true language )ith a syntax and grammar. b. a pseudo'language )ith no syntax or grammar. c. a code system.

d. an easily understood pantomime. ANSWER A !2. 1he term /cognition/ includes a. b. c. d. thinking, problem sol#ing, reasoning, and dreaming. classical and instrumental conditioning. the use of memory systems. an acti#e process by )hich sensory input is selected, organi"ed, and integrated.

Shoaib Mirza

ANSWER A !3. A tendency to select wrong answers because they seem to match pre6e,isting mental categories is called a. b. c. d. intuition. representati#eness heuristic. base rate. framing.

ANSWER & !!. A set of rules for structuring sentences is called a. b. c. d. linguistic determinants. grammar. semantics. morphemes.

ANSWER & !#. 1he study of the meaning of words is important because a. b. c. d. it re#eals the connection bet)een language and thought. people speak different languages and translation becomes important. it is necessary to follo) the de#elopment of phonemes by a gro)ing child. it measures the emotional content of language.

ANSWER A !%. .hich of the following is 1"F; about animal communication? a. Animals exhibit #aried cries, gestures, and mating calls, but e#en these communications are often not understood by other animals of the same species. b. Although animal communication is limited, they can learn to use human language )ith ease and e#entually attain the communication skills of the a#erage high school sophomore. c. Animal communication can truly be called a language because it consists of symbols, grammar, and, most importantly, it is producti#e. d. While psychologists don*t doubt that animals communicate, there is disagreement as to )hether or not animals can actually be taught a language. ANSWER ! !). A concept referring to an ob2ect ha&ing at least one of a number of features is a concept.


Shoaib Mirza

a. b. c. d.

relational con(uncti#e dis(uncti#e categorical

ANSWER % !-. :oing from general principles to specific situations is called a. b. c. d. logical thought. deducti#e thought. illogical thought. inducti#e thought.

ANSWER & !0. *luency+ fle,ibility+ and originality are characteristic of which type of thought? a. b. c. d. di#ergent thinking mechanical problem'sol#ing logic deducti#e reasoning

ANSWER A #3. 1he way a question is stated before problem sol&ing begins is known as a. b. c. d. representati#eness. framing. incubation. defining the base rate.

ANSWER & #1. Concept formation refers to a. b. c. d. the organi"ation of phonemes and morphemes into meaningful thoughts. the application of transformation rules to basic sentences. inducti#e as opposed to deducti#e thinking. organi"ing experiences into meaningful categories.

ANSWER ! #2. a. b. c. d. thinking goes from specific facts to general principles. !educti#e ,nducti#e !i#ergent %on#ergent

ANSWER & #3. 9f you translated /@epsi is for the younger generation/ into 5panish and the translation reads /@epsi re&erses aging+/ you ha&e a problem with


a. b. c. d. morphemes. phonemes. semantics. grammar.

Shoaib Mirza

ANSWER % #!. 1he rules that determine how words in a language can be put together to make sentences are called a. b. c. d. structural semantics. allophonetics. syntax. phonemes.

ANSWER % ##. Classifying things as absolutely right or wrong typifies a. b. c. d. good'bad or all or nothing thinking. multidimensional thinking. complex thinking. conceptual'categorical thinking.

ANSWER A #%. According to Chomsky+ we are able to e,press ideas in a &ariety of ways by applying rules. a. b. c. d. functional generati#e dis(uncti#e transformation


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