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What is iRYZE? groups or the general population as a whole.

Educators and instructors should feel free to

iRYZE is a series of Ryzers (workbooks) that experiment, add tools, design projects, and
empowers teenagers to reach their highest participate in the iRYZE experience.
potential by creating success on their own
terms. It offers teenagers tools for success Why is iRYZE important?
in school and life. iRYZE is simple, direct,
and self-guiding which allows the teenager One out of four high school students drop
to define who they are and create their out before graduation. Students need to be
own portfolio for organization, studying, given the tools in order to succeed in school
communication, and self-confidence. and life.

The Ryzers provide different life tools with Adolescence coincides with one of the most
self-exploratory questions, the ability to set significant developmental milestones – the
goals, develop new tools, add artwork and transition from elementary school to middle/
create an individualized portfolio. high school. In elementary school, students
are, for the most part, in one classroom for
iRYZE understands that adults cannot expect the majority of the day. The teacher is able
teenagers to act like adults. Therefore, the to monitor the child’s academic skills, study
goal is to empower teenagers to define who habits, and behaviors. This type of support
they are and create their own success. iRYZE is necessary for children to successfully
offers a variety of tools to enhance their level transition into adolescence and the
of functioning. The teenager decides what expectation of greater independence.
would be helpful and how they will use it.
The student beginning middle/
Ideally, there is no one way to use iRYZE. upper school is expected to
The Ryzers can be used in any order be capable of greater
and the tools can be discussed responsibility and
and applied as it relates to autonomy. This means
individuals, small or large having the necessary
tools for time management, organization, • Home room; discuss, complete and review
conflict resolution, and study skills. This also tools for 15-30 mins a day or every other day
includes the teenager being able to balance
school, social, extracurricular, and family. • Life skills/home economic; a month, half of
semester or semester to work on students
This transition coincides with the most developing their Ryzer portfolio
significant psycho-social change in this young
person’s life. Puberty often represents the more • Psychology; an experiential exercise to
obvious physical changes, yet the emotional, understand developmental psychology and
social and cognitive processes are dramatically the expectations of adolescence
changing and there is no manual for how it works.
• Peer advocacy; students work together
Teenagers need a solid foundation to feel separate from the instructor and check-in or
some sense of grounding when everything discuss ways they are using the tools and Ryzers
inside and out is changing. iRYZE provides
• An advisory curriculum; a self-contained
the foundation to support young people
syllabus with workbook to develop or build
taking care of themselves while managing
into the life skills program
the demands of school and life.
• An after-school enrichment program; a
How to present iRYZE? program for teenagers who want or need
additional support to succeed in school and life
iRYZE empowers students by explaining
that the student is the brand and the Ryzer • A manual for new students; all new students
is their portfolio. iRYZE is an opportunity for receive iRYZE as part of the orientation packet
students to define who they are and how they to support their success at the new school
want to be successful in life. It is a chance for
them to identify their tools for success on • Students transitioning into middle and
their own terms. high school; iRYZE can be used
to provide fundamentals
How to use iRYZE? and developmental
expectation for the
iRYZE can be its own class or transition year
incorporated into any part of
the academic day;
• A tool for self growth for an individual 1. The Evolve Module is all about the
student or group of students; individual presentation of the concepts (i.e. roleplay,
students or a group can focus on a specific personal examples, art, literature, historical
skill set or Ryzer figures, cultural references, stories, artwork).

What is the process? 2. It is important to allow students to digest

the material so it takes on a sense of meaning
The Ryzer Portfolio consists of two modules; and purpose in their life.
Base and Evolve.
3. It is helpful for the instructor to complete
Base Module includes the Org Ryzer the Ryzers (specifically the Core Ryzer) and
(organizational skills) and Skills Ryzer participate in the discussion.
(study skills). These two Ryzers are pretty
straightforward. 4. The exercises in Vox and Core tend to
be more personal. The sharing can create
1. The Ryzers can be presented in a didactic a stronger sense of classroom cohesion.
manner where the teacher reviews the tools, It is particularly important to give students
make sure the class understands the material, the opportunity to share their thoughts
and the students work independently or as and feelings.
homework on the exercises.
5. The tools in Core (i.e. responsibility,
2. The follow-up is a classroom discussion accountability) are excellent curriculum
about the tools or individual students present for developing classroom, school, or
their responses to the class. The discussion community activities.
can focus on goals, implementation and
continue evaluation of progress. *Please contact Dr. Stein with any questions,
as well as information about implementing
Evolve Module includes the Vox Ryzer iRYZE in your school or community.
(communication/relationship) and Core Ryzer
(defining self and confidence). These two Dr. Jason Stein
Ryzers present more complex and
abstract concepts that need
more teaching and discussion.
iRYZE was created by Dr. Jason Stein, a licensed Marriage
and Family Therapist with a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology.
Dr. Stein has been working with teenagers and families for
thirteen years as a therapist and clinical supervisor. He has
worked in public and private schools, camps, NPS schools,
adolescent day treatment programs, hospitals, residential,
and community mental health agencies.
Dr. Stein’s work on iRYZE evolved from years of experience
with children and adolescents who develop emotional,
behavioral, and academic problems as a result of not being
equipped to handle the expectations of school and life. iRYZE
is the foundation to support and empower young people by
teaching them to take control of their lives in a positive and
self sufficient way.
To learn more about Dr. Jason Stein, please visit
Organizational skills involves having the right tools

and a system to keep things in order and make

the most of your time. iRYZE will help teenagers

identify which tools work best for them, teach them

how to use them, and improve time management

to balance work and play. The goal is for teenagers

to choose the tools that work best and design a

system that helps them to be organized.

Backpack Finding a Binder System
A teenager’s backpack is the primary There are primarily two types of binder
organizational tool for students to be prepared systems: One binder for all subjects or
and successful in school. iRYZE helps individual binders for each subject. iRYZE
teenagers identify what they put in their helps students discover which system works
backpack, how to organize it, and how to best for them by identifying pros and cons,
develop a system for keeping their backpack how they use their binders, and what they put
orderly. The backpack is a representation of inside them. This will allow students to be
the teenager’s life-on-the-go. prepared and able to find what they need.

Organizer Building a Workspace for Success

(Day-to-Day Assignment Book) The area in which a student works should be
The organizer is the main instrument for comfortable and organized so they get their
keeping track of day-to-day work and activities work done well. iRYZE supports students in
such as nightly homework, assignments, setting up an individualized workspace with
projects, tests and quizzes. iRYZE teaches everything needed to complete their work and
different ways of using an organizer to be successful.
increase time management and efficiency.
Teenagers will be able to use their organizer as Locker
a road map toward balancing work and play. A student’s locker should have all the
necessary tools for school. iRYZE helps
Calendars (Monthly) students organize their lockers by
The calendar provides an overview of the compartmentalizing the space, keeping it
coming month. Teenagers learn how to clean, and restocking supplies. An organized
use a calendar so they remember upcoming locker makes for a prepared student.
events and plan in advance for projects
and events. iRYZE provides
teenagers the perspective
to learn how to focus in
the moment as well as
being able to see
the big picture.
The way to do well in school is by having good study

skills. These skills will help you throughout your life,

and especially in school. iRYZE helps teenagers

discover what kind of learner they are and identify

the study skills that will work for them. The ability to

know how to study develops confidence by teenagers

knowing their strong subjects and when to ask for help.

Outlining Study Guides and Packets
Outlines are used to organize information in a Study guides and packets are used to assist
clear and concise way. iRYZE explains how students when studying a large amount of
outlines help to structure your thoughts by information. iRYZE helps students identify
subject and/or idea. The goal is for students to whether a study guide or packet is best for
apply outlining as a preparatory tool when them. This includes guiding them through the
writing an essay, preparing for a paper or content and organizational strategy for both
studying for a test. tools. A study guide or packet provides
students with a way to organize a bulk of
Note Taking information from a chapter or unit.
Taking notes helps you to focus on the
important information learned from either a Highlighting
lecture or reading. iRYZE teaches students Highlighting helps you to identify information
how to use their own words to define terms, that is important. This workbook helps
organize dates, and simplify concepts. The act students understand how to find the key
of note taking promotes listening, understanding points to highlight in preparation for a test or
and writing. essay. In addition, iRYZE teaches students
how to use highlighting to organize information
Memorization for a study guide.
iRYZE discusses different memorization
techniques depending on the material and the Study Habits/Tips
type of learner. These include using note cards, iRYZE helps students identify study habits/tips
acronyms, word associations, and breaking it by knowing how to learn and prepare for
down into parts. The goal is to remember different assignments. Every person has his or
and recall information (i.e. test, project, her own styles, needs and
pop quiz, called on in class). preferences. iRZYE
guides students in
deciding what study
tools will help them
be successful.
Communication skills enable a teenager to express
thoughts, feelings and ideas in a respectful and
mature manner. iRYZE provides the tools for
teenagers to have good relationships with teachers,
parents, adults and friends. This workbook empowers
teenagers to develop a communication style which
includes having a positive attitude, gathering
information, listening to others, and being able to
ask for help. iRYZE helps teenagers understand
that good communication with teachers, parents,
and friends directly affects their quality of life
and success.
Communication with Teachers Communication with Friends
iRYZE will help students have good iRYZE helps teenagers understand that the
communication with teachers so there is a friends they choose are a reflection of the way
foundation for asking for help, resolving they see themselves and how others will see
conflict, and supporting success. The goal them. The workbook encourages teenagers
is for students to develop a relationship to choose friends who can be trusted, are
with their teacher that is based on respect, motivated, have good values, and want a
openness, and a desire to learn. quality relationship based on being genuine.
The goal is for communication with friends
Communication with Parents to be respectful, honest, and real.
It is important for teenagers to communicate
directly with parents. iRYZE motivates Study Buddies
teenagers to communicate by illustrating how Study buddies are classmates whom the
responsibility and maturity will allow them teenager can work with on projects, study for
greater independence and freedom. iRYZE tests, contact when absent from school, get
helps teenagers learn how to talk to their notes, and build off of each other’s strengths.
parents about school, friends, sports, ideals, iRYZE supports teenagers in developing
values and opinions. consistent study buddies who support
reciprocal growth, maturity, responsibility,
and academic success.
Self advocacy is being able to express your thoughts,
feelings and needs. The iRYZE philosophy is that when
teenagers are more confident and comfortable with
themselves they will more likely be more responsible,
accountable, and make good choices.

This workbook discusses the importance of teenagers

being able to express themselves in a way that they
will be heard. The goal is to empower teenagers to
communicate in a respectful and mature manner which
includes defining their sense of self, tone of voice, body
language, choice of words, eye contact, and appearance.
Present and Represent Developing your own moral code
Presentation communicates motivation, a The frontal lobe in the adolescent brain is still
desire to learn and be successful. iRYZE helps developing. This means that the teenager’s
teenagers be aware of how they interact, talk, ability to problem-solve and make decisions is
and look in order to be heard and understood. still evolving. The ability to have forethought is
limited in a tempting situation, unless teenagers
Confidence vs. Arrogance have a strong moral compass to guide them in
Confidence means knowing one’s strengths, difficult situations. iRYZE helps teenagers
weaknesses, and being able to ask for help. question their own sense of right and wrong,
Arrogance is when someone acts like they can and begin to develop their own moral code.
do anything and everything. iRYZE supports
teenagers developing confidence by knowing Responsibility
their strengths and weakness, as well as being Responsibility communicates that a teenager
aware of the negative impact of arrogance. is capable of greater maturity and independence.
iRYZE asserts that teenagers need to know
Inside-Out vs. Outside-In what is expected of them, demonstrate sufficient
Inside-Out involves the teenager developing effort in school, follow parent and teacher
their own morals, values, and ideals which directions, choose good friends, and stay out
defines their sense of self and identity. of trouble. iRYZE operates from the not-so
Outside- In is when the teenager allows secret formula that
their peers and social context to define RESPONSIBILITY=FREEDOM.
their sense of self. iRYZE helps teenagers
define themselves on their own terms Accountability
(Inside-Out) by developing a clear iRYZE defines accountability as doing what
understanding of who they you say, and saying what you do.
are and who they want to be Teenagers will learn who
in the world. they are from the
Inside-Out, operate from their moral code, and Feelings
understand the importance of follow-through. iRYZE believes that it is important for teenagers
The goal is that teenagers who are accountable to know their feelings, and be able to express
will have more trusting and genuine relationships themselves in a way that they are heard and
with teachers and parents. understood. There is no bad feeling, yet there
are good and bad ways of expressing a feeling.
Humility iRYZE teaches teenagers how to take care of
Teenagers often over-inflate themselves to their own feelings, know when to express
compensate for the feelings of being themselves, and the best ways understood.
overwhelmed by expectations. iRYZE helps
teenagers acknowledge that it is a strength Asking for Help
to be themselves, know their limitations A true sign of strength is being able to ask for
and ask for help. The goal is for teenagers to help. This can be a hard thing to do for most
utilize adults as resources to learn and grow. teenagers, especially when there is a situation
where they feel they are expected to know
Reflection: something and are unsure. iRYZE will provide
“Let me think about that” teenagers with the tools to know when and
iRYZE introduces the concept of reflection as how to ask for help.
a means for teenagers to see the big
picture and capitalize on their successes. Problem-Solving
Teenagers are often impulsive and seeking Teenagers will have problems in school and life.
instant gratification which leads to poor iRYZE wants to empower teenagers to work
choices and dangerous situations. The through their struggles on their own. This will
goal is that reflection will help teenagers help teenagers be more confident and have
delay gratification in hopes of a more tools to handle life’s twist
greater reward. and turns.

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