B840-Air Power Car

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One of the major problems most developing countries facing today is air pollution and the major source of which is automobiles running on road. To reduce the worlds pollution problems there is no one optimum solution, but one thing is for sure; the automobile must clean up its act. Automobile factors like an increase in fossil fuel consumption eventually emissions of !, "O #, and !O$ will be increased in accordance with these factors. The huge number of vehicles in the developing countries will give a serious environmental load and therefore current technologies like engine control and catalyst should be transferred to developing countries to minimi%e automobile emissions. The !O$ emission ratio during actual use is e#tremely large compared to other process. Therefore; it would be very effective to develop high fuel economy and low fuel consumption from !O$ emission point of view. !oncerning resource availability there has been a strong warning indicating that petroleum resources may be depleted in the relative near future. &asoline which has been the main source of fuel for the history of cars is becoming more and more e#pensive and impractical, especially from an environmental standpoint. 'n the process of burning gasoline, it produces carbon mono#ide, "itrogen o#ides and unburned hydrocarbons which are the main pollutants and are responsible for bad effects of pollution. There comes need to think about alternatives such as (iodiesel and natural gas, )lectric cars, ybrid cars, ydrogen fuel cells but, these alternative fuels also have some drawbacks which are discussed in detail in chapter * as comparative study. One possible alternative fuel is the compressed air. There are ongoing projects that are developing a new type of car that will run on compressed air. 'n this seminar report of AIR POWERED CARS, we will learn about the technology behind compressed air cars being developed and how these cars are best options providing most comprehensive answer to todays urban pollution problems in simple economic and most inoffensive manner which makes car users to replace their present cars running on gasoline in the coming years as these cars are safe to use safe to users and are also environment friendly.


One of the versions of an air,powered car is being developed by A e Her!" er# and his team of researchers at the -niversity of .ashington using the concept of a steam engine, e#cept there is no combustion. The .ashington researchers use li/uid nitrogen as the propellant for their 0"$111 prototype air car. The researchers decided to use nitrogen because nitrogen makes up about 23 percent of the )arth4s atmosphere. The li/uid nitrogen, stored at ,5$1 degrees 6ahrenheit 7,+89 degrees !elsius:, is vapori%ed by the heat e#changer. The heat e#changer is the heart of the 0"$1114s cryogenic engine, which gets its name from the e#tremely cold temperature at which the li/uid nitrogen is stored. Air moving around the vehicle is used to heat the li/uid nitrogen to a boil. Once the li/uid nitrogen boils, it e#pands to about 211 times the volume of its li/uid form. This highly pressuri%ed gas is then fed to the e#pander, where the force of the nitrogen gas is converted into mechanical power by pushing on the engine4s pistons. The only e#haust is nitrogen, and since nitrogen is a major part of the atmosphere, the car gives off little pollution. ;ome of the leftover heat in the engine4s e#haust is cycled back through the engine to the economi%er, which preheats the nitrogen before it enters the heat e#changer, increasing efficiency. Two fans at the rear of the vehicle draw in air through the heat e#changer to enhance the transfer of heat to the li/uid nitrogen. The .ashington researchers have developed a crude prototype of their car, using a converted +83* &rumman,Olson <ubvan mail truck. The truck has a radial five,cylinder that produces += horsepower with the li/uid nitrogen fuel. 't also features a five,speed manual transmission. $%! LN2&&& 'ad de(e)oped some dra* ac+s )i+e, +: >ainly?the fact that frost builds up and reduces the efficiency of the car. $: Also with e#haust 0"$111 emits cold nitrogen gas which free%es water vapor in the air to form small clouds behind the vehicle. 5: 't consumes about five gallons of nitrogen fuel per mile also it reaches a top speed of only $$ m. p. h. and fails to accelerate up on hills. *: Also the motor operates at less than $1 percent of efficiency. Thus 0"$111 has failed due to lack of power, performance and fuel economy

.ith the same basic principle the ne#t version of air car has been developed by &uy "egre, an engineer from the little town of !arros, 6rance, both literally and figuratively. @uring his career of designing engines for lightweight aircraft and formula one race car engines he became familiar with isotherm dynamics, a process that creates power by e#panding air at an almost constant temperature. 'nstead of using li/uid nitrogen "egre theori%ed that by heating and e#panding super,cooled compressed air he could power a nonpolluting car. !ompressed air is used to start 6ormula One cars, but in this case the compressed air is the fuel driving a motor with classic components such as pistons and valves. To power the pistons, negres two cylinder motor uses a combination of heated outside air and super compressed air from tanks stored under the car. The car can be refueled at home in four hours by a small compressor in the car linked to the house electricity supply. .hile the air is free, the electricity used to refuel the tank at home would cost less than A$. A rapid recharge, using a high, pressure air pump, charges the air tanks in $ , 5 minutes at a compressed air filling station. The basic principle of air car is protected world,wide by more than $1 patents owned by >@'. The >@' patents cover not only the basic principal, but also the means of making it economically feasible. 6or this purpose, the conventional cylinders, pistons and connecting,rods have been redesigned. ;ystems for the recuperation of energy have been developed as well as a new power transmission assembly. To demonstrate the viability of the concept, three prototype vehicles e/uipped with air, mono,energy, engines were developed. A ta#i called BTOCB 7Ta#i %ero Collution:, a delivery van and a pickup truck were built. 'n >ay +883, the first road tests of these prototypes were done in (rignoles, 6rance. The potential market for the Bclean engineB concept is immenseD e.g., vehicles such as ta#is, buses, vans, delivery trucks, industrial warehouse tractors, golf buggies, lake or canal boats and many other applications in which fi#ed engines are primarily used in urban or restricted areas. A version of the >@' engine can, in addition to air, also function with the use of traditional fuel after vehicle reaches 91 kmph which is electronically controlled. To manage the development process successfully, >@' has contracted its product research and development activities to !E6@ Air ;olution, a company based in (rignoles, 6rance. ere, under the direction of &uy "egre, some $1 engineers and technicians have at their disposal the most modern e/uipment for engine and vehicle 5

development, testing and production, supported by the latest in information technology. -ntil now, the main activities of this group have been to perfect the engine and vehicle prototypes. After the first applications of the >@' mono,energy engine have demonstrated, the engine will be introduced to major car manufacturers in order to study its adaptation for their common models. The engine will be produced by the manufacturers within their e#isting structures. The engine is significantly lighter less e#pensive to produce, maintain and utili%e, pollutes less when it runs on fuel and is totally pollution free when it runs on air. >r. "egres silent, odour,free engine design was chosen for the world4s most polluted city after a worldwide search by the >e#ican authorities that included tests on do%ens of electric and other non,polluting e#perimental vehicles. The ta#is, produced by >otor @evelopment 'nternational 7>@': in (rignoles, 6rance, will hit the streets of >e#ico !ity. Femarkably, these vehicles don4t stop at %ero pollution but they actually remove pollution from the air. .hen a driver brakes, the >@' vehicle takes in polluted air and filters it, e#pelling the cleaned air upon acceleration. >@' vehicles are e#pected to be released internationally at an average price of A+5,111. A >e#ican licensee, @ina, has signed a contract to produce an estimated *1,111 GC ta#is and urban delivery vehicles a year. 't hopes to replace all of >e#ico !ity4s 32,111 petrol and diesel ta#is. The car is being studied by other countries, including the "etherlands, because it can also clean up air that has been polluted by petrol vehicles. (ut it may take even longer to persuade automobile manufacturers to build it. (ecause car companies have set mentalities, they have already spent a great deal of money on the electric car, which turned out be heavy and e#pensive, so they don4t want to listen to another new idea. The >e#ican government, on the other hand, is all ears. 't4s backing an order for *1.111 G.C. Ta#is to replace the gasoline and diesel models in >e#ico !ity, which suffers from probably the worst air pollution in the world due to its high altitude. >e#ico4s !ity first pollution,free ta#is will hit the streets in two years. .hile they are not yet ready to displace fossil fuels, %ero, pollution vehicles can still play an important role in reducing the level of greenhouse gases. 'f we start with ta#is, then move to buses and vans, it will take very little time to improve the pollution problem in our cities.


1/ Air !a0+s1 The air tanks in air powered cars are composed of an interior thermoplastic container which ensures it is airtight. This is held in a coiled and crossed carbon fibre shell. This techni/ue is the result of many studies into factors such asD mechanical specifications, density of material, choice of fibres etc. 7Fefer figure no.5.+: The specifications of tank are, >a#imum effective pressureD 7511 bars: Temperature of useD 7H*1I! to 91I!: The tanks weigh 5= , *1 kg for +11 liters of air at 511 bars. ;pecial machines make the tubular shell as shown in figure 7Fefer figure no.5.$: The tanks are submitted to numerous tests to meet official approval such asD +: Cressure testing 7*1= b: 5: !ycles at ambient and e#treme temperatures =: Fesistance to cuts 2: Airtight testing @uring rupture testing, the tank cracks, but does not break up, producing no splinters or fragments. 'n the event of a cracked tank, it is most likely to occur within the cylinder itself A o%! !'e sa2e!3 o2 !'e compressed air s!ora#e !a0+s1 Though these tanks hold 81 cubic metres of air compressed to 511 bars, even in the case of a major accident, they would not e#plode since they are not metal. 'nstead an elongated crack would appear in the tank, without e#ploding, and the air would simply escape, producing a loud but harmless noise. 6or e#tra security, a protective plate is fi#ed underneath the vehicles chassis and in addition limits circuit of high pressure air. 7Fefer figure no.5.5: 2/ C'assis1 (ased on its e#perience in aeronautics, >@' has put together highly,resistant, yet light, chasses, aluminium rods glued together. -sing rods enables us to build a more shock,resistant chassis than regular chasses. Additionally, the rods are glued in the same way as aircraft, allowing /uick assembly and a more secure join than with welding. This system helps to reduce manufacture 7Fefer figure no.5.*: = $: Fupture testing 721= b: *: 6ire,resistance testing 9: ;hock and fall testing

.i#%re 0o. -.11 composi!io0 o2 air !a0+.

.i#%re 0o. -.21 ma0%2ac!%ri0# o2 air !a0+s o0 specia) mac'i0es.

.i#%re 0o. -.-1 )oca!io0 o2 air !a0+ *i!' a pro!ec!i(e p)a!e 2i4ed o0 c'assis.

-/ Air .i)!er1 The >@' engine works with air that is taken from the atmosphere and air pre, compressed in tanks. Air is compressed by the on,board compressor or at service stations e/uipped with a high,pressure compressor. (efore compression, the air must be filtered to get rid of any impurities that could damage the engine. !arbon filters are used to eliminate dirt, dust, humidity and other particles which, unfortunately, are found in the air in our cities. 't is the first time that a car eliminates and reduces e#isting pollution rather than emitting dirt and harmful gases. The e#haust pipe on the >@' cars produces clean air, which is cold on e#it 7between ,+=J and 1J: and is harmless to human life. .ith this system the air that comes out of the car is cleaner than the air that went in. 5/ E)ec!rica) s3s!em1 &uy "Kgre, inventor of the >@' Air !ar, ac/uired the patent for an interesting invention for installing electrics in a vehicle. -sing a radio transmission system, each electrical component receives signals with a microcontroller. The >@' vehicles have only one wire weighing less than one kilo, thus only one cable is needed for the whole car. ;o, instead of wiring each component such as headlights, dashboard lights, lights inside the car, etc, one cable connects all electrical parts in the car. This wire acts as a wave,guide to convey the commands to microchips that actually operate all electric parts in the car. ;o the vehicle functions like a mini,'nternet network, for communication between vehicles. The advantages are the ease of installation and repair and the removal of the appro#imately $$ kg of wires. .hats more, the entire system becomes an anti,theft alarm as soon as the key is removed from the car. The >@' vehicles will be nothing like Lcars.M They will take customers into a new era of advanced, significantly safer and more secure, clean, low cost, mobility. 6/ E0#i0e o2 Air Car1 !haracteristicsD ;ingle energy bi,cylindrical +$11cc engine with a pause at the Ceak Fest Coint for 21I, variable volume e#pansion chamber, Cower limited to $=cv. )#pansion cylinderD +$11cc Near of inventionD $111O$11+ AdvantageD 'mpressive tor/ue motor curve.

@isadvantageD The utili%ation of two connecting crank,shafts for gears caused vibration problems.7Fefer figure no.5.= P 5.9:

.i#%re 0o. -.51 C'assis o2 Air Car

.i#%re 0o. -.61 E0#i0e %sed i0 Air Car

.i#%re 0o. -.71 E0#i0e de!ai)s ;pecial featuresD The pistons are mounted on rollers to minimi%e friction and the loss of due lateral force on the liner. The marginal lubrication is provided by a low pressure oil pump which uses very little energy. 't utili%es the bo#er design and the pause at CFC with just one crank. 7/ $od31 The >@' car body is built with fibre and injected foam, as are most of the cars on the market today. This technology has two main advantagesD cost and weight. "owadays the use of sheet steel for car bodies is only because of cost , it is cheaper to serially produce sheet steel bodies than fibre ones. owever, fibre is safer because it doesnt cut like steel and is easier to repair i.e. it is glued, also it doesnt rust etc. >@' is currently looking into using hemp fibre to replace fibre,glass, and natural varnishes, to produce +11Q non,contaminating bodywork 7Fefer figure no.5.2P5.3: O!'er 2ea!%res o2 air car1 Total massD 3$1 kg. )ngine cut out during standstills. Rariable opening distribution. 0ow consumption. !on,rod system with pause of piston at top dead centre which allow a lower pressure injection 751 bars:. !lassic distribution seal with reduced friction due to use of rollers. Three,stage e#pansion, almost isothermic. >a#imum power 7$=hp: +3.5 <w S 5111 rpm. >a#imum tor/ue 9.5 kg,m S $=11 rpm. Fear mount engine and Fear wheel drive. Automatic continuously variable transmission. ;uspensionD 6rontD coil springs and FearD pneumatic. @isk brakes. Fack and pinion steering. TiresD classic tyres replaced with BgreenB tyres increase mileage by =Q

.i#%re 0o. -.81 Ac!%a) pic!%re o2 od3 o2 Air Car

.i#%re 0o. -.91 Loca!io0 o2 e0#i0e a0d air !a0+ O0 c'assis o2 Air Car



$asic pri0cip)e1 Air at ,+11 degree !elsius and 511 bar pressure is used as a fuel. .hen this air is allowed to e#pand at atmospheric conditions its volume is increased many times this energy produced is used to drive pistons of air powered car. Although the technology is new, the idea isn4t completely unknown to 6ormula One car, since every 6ormula One engine starts with a shot of compressed, air as an )nergy,(ooster. &uy "egre has simply e#tended this concept for running the engines by heating and e#panding super,cooled compressed air. A o%! *or+i0# c3c)e1 The secret of the working of Air powered motor is simply to , decompress the air in stages and in so doing efficiently release energy at each point in the chain. This process is repeated as many times as possible to e#tract the ma#imum energy efficiency from the compressed air. 'ts secret is isotherm dynamics. 'sotherm dynamics is a process that creates power by e#panding air at an almost constant temperature, cylindrical e#pansions are between the isothermic and the adiabatic. 'sothermic e#pansion is defined by a constant temperature during the increase in volume. Adiabatic e#pansion is characteri%ed by a lack of thermic e#change with the e#terior. 'n the following figure the green line, represents the ideal transformation of the compressed airD in effect, the air temperature is the same coming in and going out of the cylinder, and power is ma#imi%ed. 7Fefer figure no. *.+: On the contrary, the worst transformation is the Adiabatic transformation, represented by the red line. The derived power is minimal, and the air leaves the system at a very low temperature indeed. The blue line, or polytropic curve, represents the transformation that the >@' motor realises, and the individual stages outlined above can be seen. The transformation going through the first cylinder is represented by the polytropic line 7somewhere between our ideal isotherm and the adiabatic curve:. The temperature rise brings the line closer to the isotherm, and allows the second and subse/uent stages to produce more power.



iso!'ermic adia a!ic


. .i#%re 0o.5.11 PV dia#ram o2 *or+i0# c3c)e "egre theori%ed that by heating and e#panding super,cooled compressed air he could power a nonpolluting car. "egres company, >otor @evelopment 'nternational 7>@':, created what it calls the !ompressed Air Technology 7!AT: car by combining a lightweight automobile body with a new type of small rear,mounted engine Wor+i0# opera!io0s1

.i#%re 0o. 5.21 Wor+i0# s!eps i0 air car S!eps i0 *or+i0# c3c)e1

A. The air is released through the main line firstly to an alternator $ where the first stage of decompression takes place. The now cold air passes through a heat e#changer C which adds thermal energy to the air using the warmth of e#ternal air. and provides a convenient opportunity for air conditioning D. The warmed compressed air now +$

passes to the motor E. where a two more stages of decompression and re,heating take place. The motor drives the rear a#le ; through the transmission .. !ontrol of engine speed is through a conventional accelerator pedal H controlling a valve within the motor. An energy recycler < is under test which uses engine braking : to recompress air during braking into a secondary storage facility, providing additional energy for re,start and acceleration. !onventional hydraulic braking L is supplied. 6inally, the air is passed through carbon filters like those in scuba diving tanks and e#pelled as pollutant,free e#haust. The Be#haustB leaves the engine at about %ero degrees !elsius, a result of the e#pansion and cooling action. The e#haust is totally pure and fit to breathe. The vehicle can be refilled by using the onboard compressor M or by refilling the tank at an air station at N. 7Fefer figure no.*.$: Air car 3 =ero po))%!io0 mo!ors1 Another version of the air powered car has been produced by GC> 7Gero Collution >otors:. This 6rench company has designed a two cylinder air powered car called the e.Rolution. The first cylinder in the engine is the intakeOcompression cylinder, and the second is an e#haustOe#pansion cylinder, with an air injector on each cylinder 'n between these $, with the transfer and the chamber inlet valves into each cylinder, is the combustion chamber.

.i#%re 0o. 5.-1 E0#i0e o2 air car


+: The air is e#panded here straight from the compressed air tank, and then compressed in the first cylinder, during the first cycle of the engine $: Then passed to the second where it e#pands, where the pistons pause for a while at that time small amount of compressed air from the tank is released into the e#pansion chamber to create a low pressure, low temperature volume of about +*8psi. Ar!ic%)a!ed co0>rod1 The >@' con,rod system allows the piston to BpauseB at top dead centre during appro#imately 21 degrees of the rotation of the crankshaft allowing e#pansion at constant volume. @ue to the piston pause at the T@! gets sufficient time to establish the correct pressure which gives engine a high tor/ue at high FC>. ;o the force e#erted on the crankshaft is less substantial than in a classic system. 7Fefer figure no.*.*:

.i#%re 0o.5.51 Ar!ic%)a!ed co0 rod 5: ;hortly before the valve to the e#pansion cylinder is opened, a high speed shutter connects the compression and the e#pansion chamber. *: This sudden pressure and temperature difference between the two chambers create pressure waives in the e#pansion chambers, thereby producing work in the e#haust chamber that drives the piston to power the engine, and turning the crankshaft. =: 't is then passed out of the e#haust having gone through a chemical filter, rather like a catalytic converter, before going back into the atmosphere. This is commonly because in typical urban use, the air is much polluted, and so the air e#pelled from the air powered car is cleaned.


Po*er !ra0smissio01 &ear changes are automatic, powered by an electronic system developed by

>@'. A computer which controls the speed of the car is effectively continuously changing gears. The mo!o>a)!er0a!or connects the engine to the gearbo#. 't has many functionsD 't supports the !ATTs motor to allow the tanks to be refilled. As an alternator it produces brake power 't starts the vehicle and provides e#tra power when necessary 'ts steering,wheel is e/uipped with a =k. electric moto,alternator. This motor is simultaneouslyD the motor to compress air the starting motor the alternator for recharging the battery an electric moderatorObrake a temporary power supply 7e.g. for parking: "o clutch is necessary. The engine is idle when the car is stationary and the vehicle is started by the magnetic plate which re,engages the compressed air. Carking manoeuvres are powered by the electric motor. D%e) e0er#3 s3s!em1 The ;eries 5* !ATTs engines can be e/uipped with and run on dual energies , fossil fuels and compressed air , and incorporate a reheating mechanism 7a continuous combustion system, easily controlled to minimi%e pollution: between the storage tank and the engine. This mechanism allows the engine to run e#clusively on fossil fuel which permits compatible autonomy on the road. .hile the car is running on fossil fuel, the compressor refills the compressed air tanks. The control system maintains a %ero,pollution emission in the city at speeds up to 91 kmOh. Dis!ri %!io0 a0d (a)(es1 To ensure smooth running and to optimi%e energy efficiency, !ATs engines use a simple electromagnetic distribution system which controls the flow of air into


the engine. This system runs on very little energy and alters neither the valve phase nor its rise. $ra+e po*er reco(er31 The >@' vehicles will be e/uipped with a range of modern systems. 6or e#ample, one mechanism stops the engine when the car is stationary i.e. at traffic lights, junctions etc. -nlike conventional cars, the engine does not operate in traffic jams, which thus saves on fuel. Another interesting feature is the pneumatic system when the car brakes, the kinetic energy from braking is used to drive a pump that helps to restore some of the lost pressure. The !AT4s motor does re/uire a small amount of oil, about 1.3 ltrs that the driver will have to change just every 5+,111 miles 7=1,111 km:. Air tanks fi#ed is filled with normal air to a pressure of 511kCa an hold about 511 liters of air. This compressed air can travel up to $11 km at a top speed of 89.= kph. Re2%e)i0#1 The air tanks could be refilled in one of two ways i.e.

+: )ither by using a household electrical source, it takes about four hours to refill the compressed air tanks. Tanks are refilled by plugging the car into a mains socket to feed the motor,alternator which compresses the air with the motor,compressor. $: Or by means of a special system, i.e. a rapid three,minute recharge is possible, using a high,pressure air pump at air stations. 7Fefer figure no. *.= P *.9: These methods consume electrical energy which loads the power stations also leading to increase pollution since power stations depend on fossil fuels for power generation. ence some alternative sources of refueling which can be used in future are; wind energy, hydraulic systems, fuel cells, photovoltaics etc can be used. E22icie0c31 Gero Collution >otor vehicles would run at a cost of +cOkm. 't would cost F$=1 755c -;: to fill the tank with air and the engine would have to be serviced only once every =1,111km, because it runs cold. The engine weights just 5$ kg, but it can do 81 kph. .hen seating five people, the car the engine is lodged in, can accelerate from 1,81 in 2 seconds. 'ts super,efficient, and since it uses no combustion, it produces no air pollution; ironically, the air from the e#haust is cleaner than the air that goes in , because of an internal filter. There is even an option for a hybrid model that would automatically switch to a combustion engine mode ,, burning traditional fuels ,, when


the vehicle reached a certain speed. 791 kmph: Thus it is best option not only to stop pollution but to reduce the present pollution.

.i#%re 0o. 5.61 Hi#' press%re compressor a! air s!a!io0

.i#%re 0o. 5.71 Hi#' press%re #as ?e! 2or re2%e)i0# air (e'ic)es



6ollowing are the types of fuels or cars which are available in practice nowadays but each of them has drawbacks when which compared with air powered cars shows that air powered cars are best options to the current conditions. A1/ ;aso)i0e1 't has two problems when burned in car engines. The first problem has to do with smog and o%one in big cities. The second problem has to do with carbon and green house gases. !atalytic converters eliminate much of this pollution, but they are not perfect either. .hereas air powered cars doesnt produce pollution at all because it runs on compressed air only instead air e#pelled from air car gives cooling effect. A2/ $iodiese) a0d 0a!%ra) #as 1These can greatly reduce emissions and can be distributed through the current infrastructure. >oreover, e#isting cars can be converted to run on these fuels. The drawback is that these fuels are more e#pensive, and still emit some pollution. !omparatively air re/uired for air powered cars are very cheaply refuelled and just takes 5 minutes for refueling and doesnt produce pollution at all. A-/ H3 rid cars1 T'ese cars are already on the road and selling like mad. They have the pollution controlling advantages of electric cars combined with a range and performance better than gas powered vehicles. Their only drawback is they still rely on fossil fuels. Also the system can be very heavy, bulky, and costly and re/uires a comple# control system. Other disadvantage is safety implications of energy storage system and re/uirement of additional maintenance. .hen compared with hybrid cars air powered cars are light in weight and are cheap in cost with very simple control system with very less maintenance. Also air powered cars do not use fuels like fossils fuels henceforth maintaining the natural resources of earth. A5/ H3dro#e0 2%e) ce))s1 >ajor drawback to current fuel cell technology is that it re/uires e#tremely high temperatures, to get the %irconium membrane to convert gas into electricity. The reason fuel cells have not entered into the marketplace is because they are very e#pensive right now. ydrogen is plentiful, but it re/uires power to


separate it out of other compounds. .hereas air powered cars runs on compressed air only doesnt re/uire power for processing and very cheaply available. A6/ E)ec!ric cars1 These cars have been under development for years, but most of those in production suffer from poor range or performance. "ew chemical battery technologies improve the range and performance, but possibly at the cost of safety or chemical pollution in the batteries. >ost batteries use heavy metals are not environmentally friendly. And the better the battery is, the more e#pensive it is. .hereas air powered cars uses only air for operation and are economical as well as environmental friendly. 6ollowing table shows comparative statement for different features of air powered cars with the )lectric cars available in market todayD Compariso0 c'ar! 2&&& Nissa0 A)!ra EV .%e) !3pe MP; A(#. A00%a) 2%e) cos! A00%a) #ree0 'o%se #as emissio0s Ra0#e Top speed E0#i0e c'arac!eris!ics Rec'ar#e !ime Price AMSRP/ )lectric +$5 A55+.11 5.= +$8 2= mph 9$<. A! = rs A=1,888 2&&1 To3o!a Ra( 5EV )lectric +1* A58+.11 *.+ +$9 23 mph =1 <. @! 9.2= hrs A*$,111 Compressed Air 1B9 C22&.&& 1.2 12& 7& mp' Compressed air - mi0s or 5 'rs C15D&&& 2&&1 Ci!3 C.A.T

Thus air cars are more efficient cheaper and less pollutant than electric cars. A2!er carr3i0# o%! !'e compara!i(e s!%d3 a0d 2rom e22icie0c3 poi0! o2 (ie* !'e 2ea!%res ca0 e ad(a0!a#eo%s a0d ca0 e co))ec!i(e)3 )is!ed as e)o*. +: -ses air which is naturally and cheaply available. $: Also light in weight 7appro# 311 kgs: due to use of composite material, with attractive looks. 5: 'n conjunction with compressed air it also runs on traditional fuel i.e. when car runs below 91 kmph it run s on compressed air and above 91 kmph it runs on traditional fuel like gasoline, diesel, etc which is electronically controlled. *: The air powered cars are e/uipped with a range of modern systems. 6or e#ample, one mechanism stops the engine when the car is stationary i.e. at


traffic lights, junctions etc. -nlike conventional cars, the engine does not operate in traffic jams, which thus saves on fuel. =: Another interesting feature is the pneumatic system when the car brake, the kinetic energy from braking is used to drive a pump that helps to restore some of the lost pressure. 9: @uring refueling the natural air is passed through carbon filter where the impurities of the air are removed and henceforth the air e#pelled from the car gives negative pollution i.e. it removes pollution from the surrounding air. 2: Air e#pelled from the engine has very less temperature below %ero degrees which can be used for the A!s of the car. Also the air e#pelled from the car has low temperature which gives cooling effect to surrounding. 3: 6or refueling at compressed air stations it re/uires only 5 minutes and also it can be refueled at home within * hours. 8: Though the carrying capacity of the car is = persons, it can accelerate from 1 to =1 mph within 2 secs. +1: To refuel the air tank of 511 ltrs at 511bars it re/uires appro# A=.11 with which it can travel upto $11 kms or can run for +1 hrs in city traffic. Thus average running cost per km is + cent only. ++: )lectrics and e#isting cars re/uire some $= to 51 kg of wiring for functioning of various parts whereas air powered cars uses single wire less than + kg for various functioning and works like mini internet network. +$: The cost factor for air powered cars is one,tenth to the cost of gasoline cars. Air po*ered cars a)so 'a(e some disad(a0!a#es )i+e1 electricity fuels are used which creates pollution at power stations. b: .hile operation the engine creates noise due to sudden e#pansion of air. c: !onsidering power point of view air powered cars are still behind gasoline cars. (ut these drawbacks are not much serious and can be removed by, -sing wind, hydraulic systems, fuel cells and photovoltaic to fill up air tanks (y encasing the engine to reduce noise

a: The power needed to develop compress air is electricity, and for generation of


(y increasing air carrying capacity we can increase power output of air car. Thus air cars are the best options suitable to current conditions around us.

Though air powered cars are meant mainly for individual consumers in urban areas most of the early adopters will be businesses like ta#i services and local transport. Also products are manufactured for the retail and fleet customer market and are mainly used for local transportation. )ach vehicle is e/uipped with the same type of engine power output of $= C with a ma#imum speed of 93mph. 6ollowing are some of the models developed by >@' D A1/ .ami)3 car1 @escriptionD A spacious car with seats which can face different directions. The vehicles design is based on needs of typical family 6eaturesD Airbag, air conditioning, 9 seats 7Fefer figure no. 9.+: A2/ Va01 @escriptionD @esign for daily use in industrial urban or rural environments whose primary drivers would be tradesmen farmers and delivery drivers. 6eatures D Airbag, air conditioning, $ seats, +.= m5 7Fefer figure no. 9.$:

.i#%re 0o. 7.11 .ami)3 car A-/Ta4i1

.i#%re 0o.7.21 (a0

@escriptionD 'nspired by 0ondon ta#i with numerous ergonomic and comfort advantages for the passenger as well as drivers.


6eatures D Airbag, air conditioning, 9 seats 76igure no. 9.5:

A5/Pic+ %p car1 @escriptionD The Cleasure car designed for e#cursions outdoor sports or water sports. Also suitable for small business P tradesmen 6eatures D Airbag, air conditioning, 9 seats 76igure no. 9.*:

.i#%re 0o. 7.-1 Ta4i

.i#%re 0o. 7.51 Pic+ %p car

Speci2ica!io0s *'ic' are commo0 !o a o(e mode)s1 $: .eightD 2=1 <g *: >ileageD $11,511 <m 9: Fecharge timeD *hr 7mains: P 5min 7at stn:

+: @imensionD 5.9*m, +.2$m, +.2=m 5: >a#imum speedD ++1 <mph =: >a#imum loadD =11 <g 6/ Mi0ica!1

@escriptionD The smallest and most innovativeD three seats, minimal dimensions with the boot of a saloonD a great challenge for such a small car which runs on compressed air. The >inicat is the city car of the future. 6eaturesD Airbag, air conditioning, A(;, 5 seats, +.= m5. 76igure no. 9.=:


EMBED Word.Picture.8

.i#%re 0o. 7.61 Mi0ica! Speci2ica!io0s *'ic' are %0commo0 !'ose o2 a o(e me0!io0ed are1 $: >a#imum loadD $21 <g

+: @imensionsD $.9=m, +.9$m, +.9*m .%!%re App)ica!io0s1

>@' has developed various vehicles and systems which promise to drastically change the outlook of public transportation and energy use.

.i#%re 0o. 7.71 =ero po))%!io0 P% )ic !ra0spor!a!io0 co0cep!s THE =ERO>POLLUTION PU$LIC TRANSPORTATION CONCEPT D B!AT4s insideB A new concept in public transportation, the >-0T'!AT is a train, consisting of a number of carriagesD 7Fefer figure no. 9.9 P 9.2: The drivers car 70ocomotive: Cassenger carriages 7.agons:

;e0era) O(er(ie*1

.i#%re 0o 7.81 Dri(erEs car


)ach carriage is self,powered and runs on an >@' !ATTs 7!ompressed Air Technology systems: )ach passenger carriage is attached to the drivers car and has its own steering which reproduces the same changes in direction as the drivers car and ensure perfect co,ordinationD )asy to drive -rban agility Acceleration and braking in the passenger carriages are co,ordinated with the drivers car, and highly accurate inter,carriage sensors maintain the distance between each carriage. The drivers car controls the passenger carriage features such asD opening and closing the doors, lights, heating, air conditioning and more. The driver and passenger cars benefit from the non,contaminating technology developed by >@'D &lued aluminum chassis. Two,part body with a layer of polyurethane foam. ;ingle,cable electric system. !arriages are e/uipped with pneumatic suspension No0>com %s!io0 #e0era!io0 a0d co>#e0era!io01 Catented by >@', the !ATTs ;eries 5* moto,compressorsO moto,alternators are also non,combustion generators, very safe and very powerful. .hile running, the moto,alternator, working as an engine gets its energy from the citys mains supply and moves the moto,compressor, working as a compressor to replenish or maintain the high pressure of the air in the tanks. 'n the case of a power cut, the moto,compressor automatically becomes an motor and, powered by the compressed air from the tanks, forces the moto,alternator to switch into an alternator to provide electricity. The basic 5* C1$ engine can produce generator sets of += , $1 k. at a very attractive price. 6or higher power, >@' proposes an original and economical solution 7also patented: according to which various low,powered generator sets are grouped into a rack, interconnected and controlled by an energy station. The moto,compressorO moto,alternators can thus be turned on as re/uired, one at a time or all together.


.ossi) 2%e) #e0era!or se!1 6or uninterrupted supply, the !ATTs ;eries 5* moto,compressor moto,

alternator is perfectly adaptable to generation with combustible fuels such as gas, petrol and diesel. -sing fossil fuel a !ATTs ;eries 5* can produce appro#imately *1 k.. -sed in a multi,rack format, with $= motors interconnected, up to +111 k. can be reached. 'n parallel to providing electricity, the set of !ATTs ;eries 5* generators can supply compressed air to a filling station. Ad(a0!a#es o2 !'e CATFs #e0era!or se!s1 7$: !omplete starter safety 7*: Attractive buying price

7+:"o worry about combustible provision 75: ;afety of use 7=: -nprecedented running costs

Thus Air vehicles are also perfectly adopted to public transport also

The pollution of world is increasing continuously so we need to find the ways to find our power needs maintain /uality of life and protect the environment so there is an obvious need to stop pollution just because we are not able to give up a means of transport such as cars. Cresent cars pollute clean air create health problems and poor air /uality so its time to wake up and start being responsible for future generations. 'n urban areas pollution caused by traffic is responsible for diseased such as chronic bronchitis and asthma attacks e/ually serious is the economic impact of this pollution. 'f we really want to live in a globalised world we have to know that pollution have no bound when each of us owns a diesel or petrol car we will have millions of e#haust pipes producing pollutions that we can hardly imagine. There are various e#cellent solutions e#isting outside the world of petroleum and its time to reali%e it. One of them is air powered vehicles as it is the only one system which works against pollution and its side effects such as global warming. The different versions of air powered vehicles provide e/uation most comprehensive answer to urban pollution. They cost less to operate and are arguably more environmental friendly.


These produce %ero pollution not only that during there operation they actually remove pollution from air i.e. when driver brakes the air powered cars, the car takes in the polluted air and filters it e#pelling the clean air upon acceleration. Also during working the air e#pelled from the car is at temperature below %ero degrees !elsius so unlike the traditional cars it doesnt add heat to surrounding instead it makes surrounding colder thus preventing global warming effect produced by traditional cars. Thus the A'F CO.)F)@ !AF; are the best options which provide most comprehensive answer to the present urban pollution problems in simple, economic and inoffensive manner. Thus these vehicles are safe to manufacture, safe to use, safe to users and also environment friendly.

7+.: www.howstuffworks.com 7$.: www.aircar.com 75.: www.%eropollution.com 7*.: www.bellwetherinteractive.com 7=.: www.globalstewards.org 79.: www.planetsave.com 72.: www.%evcat.com 73.: www.indranet.com 78.: www.carstreet.com 7+1.: www.technologyreview.com 7++.: >athur ;harma L'! )nginesM @hanpat Fai Cublications 7+888: 7@isadvantages of Traditional 6uels: 7+$.: @omkundwar, @omkundwar L'.!.)nginesM @hanpat Fai publications 7+888: 7@isadvantages of Alternative 6uels: 7+5.: Catrick Conticel L igh time for ybridsM Automotive )ngg. 'nt., 6eb $11$ 7@isadvantages of ybrid cars: 7+*.: @r. arton Anderson L>aking !leaner, !heaper 6uel cellsM, !lean edge news $2 Aug $11+, 7@isadvantages of ydrogen 6uel !ells: $9

7+=.: Abe ert%berg L.hy Air !ars are (etter than )lectric !arsM, .ashington )ducation $8 Aug $11+, 7@isadvantages of )lectric car (atteries:


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