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Z D "12

In the history of Christmas event, the character of the Magi plays an important role. A new version of the English Bible calls them the wise men from the East. During that time philosophy and astronomy were famous. These wise men were specialised in those skills. They were familiar with the different stars that arise in the various seasons and their meanings. That special knowledge made them to travel from their homes to

a place where Christ was born. Some historical stories tell that these wise men might have been kings. We can assume this to be true because they specialised in astronomy which requires a lot of money to study and also they presented very precious gifts to the Child Jesus. When the Magi saw the star, they were rejoicing. They bowed down and worshiped Jesus. The wise men who were highly esteemed people accepted Jesus as their king in this manner. They presented their gifts at his feet. If you are a wise person, then you wont stop searching him until you find him. Also you will yield the best in you to him.

Wise Men
Christmas ThroughHerod the King
In history, at the time of Jesus birth, we see King Herod in many place. But he never met Christ. He is the one who mercilessly killed all male children below the age of two. He was just opposite of Jesus who is full of love. Herod's kingdom fell in a short time. From his life we learn one thing and that is love never ceases even if kingdoms disappear. Human power will disappear but only love stands forever. The love of God that was manifested through Jesus Christ captured the entire world. Hatred and anger are weak but love overcomes it all.

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Z "12 Kerith - D December12

Kerith - December12

Yours in Him, A.Jesuvadian FMPB Teens wing, 24/1, Vasantha Garden 2nd lane, Behind Corp School, Ayanavaram, Chennai 600 023 Cell:9445001563 FMPB Youth wing, 166, Beracah Road, Reddy colony, Nammalvarpet, Chennai-12 Cell :9841032224

This month message writer REV. CAND. J.B. Daniel Joseph, is the Asst. Pastor, in CSI GRACE CHURCH, MADURAI.He loves being with the youth to graft them to the vine.
For the past 53 years Friends Missionary Prayer Band works for Indians with the indigenous missionaries, with offertory and prayers raised by Indians. The main vision of this great institution is to share the Gospel with those who have never heard of Christ.With Go or Send as its motto, FMPB stresses on the word of God, prayer, sacrifice, holiness, faith and simple lifestyle on it missionaries and well wishers. It joins hands with the other organizations to not only care for the spiritual dimension of the believers but also helps in their socio-economic development and up liftment. You too can be part of this noble ministry. You as a group of believers can pray for the ministries, you can also financially support the ministry. Above all we invite you to dedicate yourself as a full time missionary and be part of the FMPB family.Kerith, is the monthly magazine for the FMPB youth prayer calls. This is a theological publication providing the divine manna for the Christian youth who are the pillars of our country. This is published to kindle the thought process for the youth and to motivate them in redeeming India for Christ.

FOR THE PRAYER CELL LEADERS The articles and the prayer points in Kerith are divided for 4 weeks so that you can pray and meditate about them in your prayer cells. The prayer points are in the centre page. The leader can detach and use them during the prayer time. articles in the magazine and share it with others. Meet you every month with new info. Kindly use them and strengthen the prayer cell.

For more prayer points read

Friends Focus

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Z-December12 D "12 Kerith

Private circulation only

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, 2012 YEAR OF Joyful Christmas Wishes. YOUTH Friends Missionary Prayer Band is carrying this joyful message to the numerous villages in India in addition to establishing new worship group. Your fervent prayer encourages us to do this great task. The village came to know that Jesus gives light to the mankind living in darkness. Since Abraham Veerapa accepted Christ, the agitators are giving much trouble these. They destroyed the roof of the house by throwing stones at night and stole four goats Karing the beatings. She would get from her father, the girl who took care of those goats, jumped into a will and committed suicide. The agitators also tried to abuse another girl. But his focus is not on the trials, difficulties and loses but his only concern is that his own people who trouble him in ignorance should accept Jesus Christ. He is patiently going through these tribulations because all he wants is the people to receive salvation. Even though the new generation believers go through a tough path of troubles, all they wish is that the good news about Jesus should reach the people. If then, how much more is the responsibility of us who are Christians for generations? Let us work earnestly. Jesus, who came into this world to do the fathers will is waiting for us. Let us do this will. Let joy and peace fill you, your families and your prayer groups this season and also in the New Year that is to come Christmas wishes to one loved ones and prayer warriors, who prayed, helped and encouraged us to carry on the work of helping the people of India know the good news about Jesus Christ.

This monthly magazine aids in nurturing the Youth prayer cells.

Vision To reach the spheres of India and to imbibe the heavenly manna to our youth, who are the future pillars of our Nation.

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A monthly magazine to strengthen the Prayer Cells...
Produced by

FMPB Youth Wing 25c, Eden Garden, Srinivasa Nagar 5th main Road Trichy - 620 017
Layout & Design Communication Dept. fmpb, Chennai - 53

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single copy Rs.20/Yearly subscription Rs. 250/-

This publication solely belongs to Friends Missionary Prayer Band, Chennai.

Soon another Christmas season rolls along. And Christmas is the best season to announce the GOOD NEWS, as to why JESUS came to this earth. Christmas is the Celebration of Gods gift for us. The beauty of Christmas is that its a profound message, yet so simply given. And in a confused and mixedup-world, it is good if we realize that we do have messed up the core meaning of what is CHRISTMAS and some of us have LOST the OPPORTUNITY, and this meditation would help you to recover or rectify what we have missed out (i.e.) lost the real core meaning, so that we know the real meaning of what CHRISTMAS is all about and we start celebrating with the fullness of its core meaning, so that we know the real meaning of what CHRISTMAS is all about and we start celebrating with the fullness of its core meaning Opportunity to LOVE
The First CHRISTMAS itself was breathtaking. The Birth of Jesus proved the immeasurable love of God and HIS intention to redeem the humanity and to restore the lost glory. Gods identification with sinful man reveals HIS divine love for humankind. a) The owner of the Manger lost his OPPORTUNITY TO LOVE by giving the small, dirty and dungeon manger which is the rest place for his flock to the King of kings who left His Heavenly abode. b) The King Herod called the Magi in secret to find the information and place of the Childs birth to chase and KILL the NEW


1st Week Message

BORN KING, who was percieved to be a threat to his kingship. And HE lost the OPPORTUNITY TO LOVE. Both of the above mentioned characters LOST the OPPORTUNITY to LOVE Jesus. And even in the later part of His life, all that the world could offer HIM was a cross and some nails. It just reminds me of 2 Cor. 8:9 Though He was rich, Yet He became poor. HIS mission was to seek and to save the lost. Do we LOVE HIM atleast now? Where do we give HIM the place, right now? Do you have HIM, in your heart or you have just left him outside your door knocking? HE stripped Himself of HIS royalty and took upon HIMSELF the very nature of man. For it is as a man, HE could rescue and redeem man. And HE showed HIS OPPORTUNITY to LOVE us by obeying HIS Fathers will in accomplishing that plan of salvation which was planned before the foundation of the world. JESUS came to show us Gods love, so we might live and LOVE like GOD and show our opportunity to love others as well. This is the time of year when we are concerned about choosing just the right priority we give JESUS (i.e.) the OPPORTUNITY TO LOVE. And let me ask you, Have you ever received a gift that was beyond description? If you have not received JESUS into your heart you may again lose this indescribable gift? And this is the time to bring JESUS into your life and dont lose the OPPORTUNITY to LOVE JESUS because JESUS came to this world just for you.

Z D "12 4 Kerith - December12 3

Catch for us the foxes, the little foxes that ruin our vineyards.. Song of songs 2:15

Solomon says...

We have heard the story of the granny and the little foxes. It's taught for generations together. Moreover it's put up in textbooks also. Not just in the story, these little foxes are naughty by nature and cunning as well. There are around 37 variety of this species. They may be little foxes, red foxes,etc. In the deserts of Palestine, foxes and jacks are found roaming together even today. These foxes thrive upon a variety of food from birds to smaller animals to crawling animals. In villages these foxes come secretively and eat the food available. So they are known thieves! In the bible there have been mentions of these foxes around 10 times in the old and new testaments altogether. These foxes are difficult to catch. We all know the story of Samson, in the book of Judges, who caught around 300 foxes and lighted their tails. He had known how destructive these foxes are to the fields and must have had great difficulty in doing so. Moreover these foxes run around actively. Foxes live upto four years and bear around two to twelve cups . They sound like a baby and love whistling at Nights! In India, there are people who pet these foxes and there are few others who worship them. Foxes play with their tails and also wrap their fluffy tails at times when its cold. Foxes are a kind of dogs and so these cups are so much dependent on their mothers during their early life. Till few months these cups can't see, hear or walk. They don't limit themselves on food. So they are generally seen eating anything from fruits, food, etc. This was what Solomon had incited as the foxes destroying the vineyards. He ordered the capture of these foxes which destroy the soft and tender grapes in the vineyards. Grapevine and the wine denotes the prosperity of the nation. King Solomon is found to be disappointed by these foxes which destroy his royal vineyards. We are like these little foxes sometimes. We tend to destroy the crops gently sown and manipulated by our God in our hearts. Like these foxes we damage the ripen fruits whichever ready for harvest and we fail to glorify God through the best fruit. We also fail to lead other soul stricken by the poverty of knowledge about our God! -puthusu

Xes fo



-D "12 Kerith December12 54 Z


When we say Christmas the things that come in our mind are carol rounds, decorations, Christmas tree, Morning 4 O clock service and the snacks. But for the Americans and Europeans the main thing in Christmas is giving gifts i.e. presenting gifts to the other people. In America, the Christmas celebrations start with the thanks giving festival on the last Thursday of November. From that day onwards till December they start buying gifts. Parents buy gifts for their children, relatives and friends. They are very careful to include all known people in that list. A survey says that Americans spent around 20 billion dollars in the year 2011 for buying Christmas gifts. Presenting gifts is a good habit. But I would like to share two things with you that the Americans forgot. Firstly gifts for them are the things that can be sensed by the human eye. There are also gifts that cannot be sensed by the human eye. For example let us suppose that you are catching a fish. A person comes to you and he tells you Sir, I am hungry. You give him a fish. It is a gift that can be seen by the human eye. Are there any gifts that can not be seen by human eye? Yes, it is teaching him how to catch the fish. Give a man a fish. You feed him for a day. Teach him to fish. You feed him for his life time. Other few gifts that cannot be seen with human eye:

Second thing is America is a rich country. Most of the people living over there are rich people. They take from their riches and give a part of it to the needy people. It is sacrifice. But giving even out of the poverty and making other people happy is better sacrifice than the previous one. Luke 21:4 Young men and women in FMPB are you ready to sacrifice in this Christmas season? Are you ready to give the gifts that cannot be seen by the eye? For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. 2 Corinthians 4:18 WHO DID THIS MIRACLE

Loving your enemies. Blessing the people who curse you. Doing good to the people who hate you. Praying for the people who persecute you.

Thanima Esther of Simbedi village, who prays with some women of her village, conveyed the goodness of gospel to her family members and has now led most of her family members to Christ who have been spirit worshipers for generations.

Z D "12 - December12 5 6 Kerith


Sarah Masi from the small amount of wages she received from working in stone crushers got some grains and whole heartedly gave them to her husband for his ministry. The dedication and support of his wife have now made Sarahs husband Masi Charan Malto of Telo village an important leader in the Malto church. He is one of the 15 Area Chairmen.

Opportunity to OBEY
SHEPHERDS watched over their flocks. But then the Song of the angelic host announced the Saviours BIRTH (CHRISTMAS). They obeyed and believed what was said to them and they moved to see their MESSIAH (NEW BORN KING). Just because they obeyed the ANGELs command to go and worship the NEW BORN KING, they became the first to WITNESS Even before Jesus was born, the Birth of JESUS CHRIST. JOSEPH and MARY went through turmoil, whether I And even to the MAGI the should accept, believe and Angel of the LORD, came and obey what God has bestowed warned not to go back after on us. For God to fulfill HIS they visited the NEW BORN desire, Joseph and Mary had KING the MAGIs obeyed to surrender fully and obey and later on their act saved JESUS from being killed. what GOD has commanded through the Angel. JESUS became obedient to the The First Christmas Fathers will in accomplishing was a silent night, as the that plan of Salvation, which Just because Jesus acknowledged Gods plan and obeyed to surrender HIS royal place as the SON of GOD in Heaven, He became the Bread of Life, which was similar to the manna that came to the hungry people in the wilderness. JESUS gave HIMSELF to be born in this world to save and satisfy the hungry world.

2nd Week Message

was planned from the foundation of the WORLD. He came to show us Gods Love, so we might live and love like GOD. JESUS mission was to seek and save the LOST. HE OBEYED until HIS death to GODs WILL to reveal a God who was interested in the affairs of MAN, to such an extent, that God himself, undertook a peace mission to this world. When we wait for Gods leading in our lives, we got to be ready to obey all the opportunities which God dictates and leads us through. When we obey to what God is dictating us, we will live a true Christian Life. When you and I accept the OPPORTUNITY TO OBEY Gods plan and purpose in our lives, HE will do great, unsearchable and mighty things which you do not know in and through you. So dont miss the opportunity to obey Gods plan and purpose in your lives.

Carols, which are songs / hymns sung in a group, especially during Christmas routes back to England. The practice which first began in the 19th century, comprised a group of young people who went to the houses of their dear friends and sang songs in accordance to the beginning of the holiday season at the month of December. The word carol means joyful song. So many well-known carols were created during that time in the 19th century. O little town of Bethlehem, Silent Night and Jingle Bells are some of them.
D "12 Kerith - December12 7 6 Z


in a glimpse...

Friends Missionary Prayer Band, a prominent indigenous mission in India, is pioneer in preaching the Gospel, sharing the love of God and paving way in India for the multitudes to the salvation experience. The youth and the teens wings of this organization play pivotal role in this great mission by mentoring the youth in Christ, inculcating the thirst for missions and to help associating themselves with this heavenly task of soul winning. As part of its 40 years in youth ministry, FMPB earmarked this year as Year of Youth and the Youth Wing organized, CONNECT Uniting Word and World, a national youth missions conference at Seva Bharath, Secunderabad, AP, between 11 and 13 November 2012. Around 360 vibrant young people from 15 states of our nation attended the conference. Even before the conference was officially declared open, a team of prayer warriors fasted and prayed for Gods presence and guidance. Bro. Simon Ponniah released the conference souvenir and Bro. Prabakaran released the special Audio CD, Connect. The official web site of the youth wing (www.fmpbyouthwing. org) was blessed and launched by Rev. Gillbert. The English edition of the Youth Magazine, Kerith, was also released by the dignitaries. Mr.Bruce Graham,Director of US center for World Mission on his inaugural message deliberated on the life of Samuel and contrasted it with that of Micah. He urged the youth to be connected with God and be His spokesman like Samuel. During a Sandhya session he summed up the entire Bible in 13 verses! Mr. Marcus, Assistant Director of Love India Org., was yet another speaker who kindled the passion for prayer in the youth by analyzing the life of Daniel and relating it to his topic Connect for a Purpose. Mr. I K Abraham,General Secretary of FMPB, assured through his message that God has a special plan and purpose for everyone and it is in vain to fret and panic about life. Instead one has to get connected with God through meditating His Word. Mr. John Samuel, an assisitant to Central Minister Kabil Sibil motivated the youngsters to live a witnessing life in their place of study and work. In his valedictory message he encouraged the youth to get Connected with God and the World. Bro. Isaac Joe through his Gospel Rock and Roll songs drenched the hall with songs of praise and thanksgiving. His message through

Z D "12 Kerith - December12

with God and the World [ >_ E kVo cuV|]V. V.n V k^ >m Rock & Roll V_V_ > > m]^ \uD [V_ WV. l[ J\V kB F] Connecting Indians to the Cross [B kVo [z [>m. |>>V, ].r_[ V, N] \Val_ m] V_ V gV> kl_ mDVm, >k [> kD c>V^. km gV> k^ Stay Online with Jesus [ ]B >m. kz \uD kwz z]_ m k> Q^ tz> cuVm[ >^ \ Va_ gV> kB ]V^. \VV_ F]BmD, kMmD \|\ s_. sBV|^ \uD Activities >m. Mini Olympics \uD out door games ] B]_ kuuk^ Creators l. Activity _ V, >EB V W][ >V^, [^ V[k V|m EV >m. V TBV VE^ \uD Vz\[ F] 9 Z D "12 8 Kerith - December12

music, Connecting Indians to the Cross, was well received by the Gen-X believers. If Bro. Isaac Joe rocked the floor then, Mr. Sheldon Bangera, made Gods presence felt through his Hindi praise and worship songs. His worship service was on the theme Stay Online with Jesus. The youth from the northern sr> s]_,part >kof [ and north-eastern Indiam were filled with joy unspeakable as they worshipped the V^k]_, ]B[ EAV ka^ kz]_ Lord in their vernacular languages. ]BVs[ tr >V_ x[V - and listening. It was also pepped with games and The conference was not just preaching sr z >V[. sr zs[ team D, activities. The Creators were the winners in the outdoor games, Mini Olympics. Chocolates, kVo D kVo D xB z km, D national tri-colour caps and balloons were distributed c^ mz^ kam[. tr to enhance the activity sessions. Video clippings, V> kz^ s>[. gm\ g>VBD documentaries were also screened so as to facilitate [D c[> B FB gB>|m[. the preaching. A kVo Missions Exhibition was put up by the >m 40 k aB] W, Teens Wing. seminar sessions on Practical Christianity sr z > k> Q gV and origin and works of FMPB were organized [m. >V_ kVo s CONNECT every [D day. >EB sV \VV, g] \ V W D , ]VV]_ 2012 International >]_ z Bro. Jesetes kD Antony,11-13, former Football F>. zB 360 mA^ Q^, 15 \ Player enthralled the gathering and shared his VWom km D\VV_ m V. testimony and gospel in a unique way by juggling and dribbling \VV| T[ his mkzk>uz football. He x[ requested the youth to have z ckV ] mk s. \].\[ a goal in life and work sacrificially towards achieving V[BV k^ \VV[ Soviniern klV^. it. Mr.Kennady a dynamic missionary from Jharkhand, [ V.V[ connect [ A]B gBV E..B shared his experience about working among Santhals klV^. \]._ s_oBD k^ kVo and gave open call to( the youth to come and help in the soul s[ A]B an B>> ) harvest. Later a newly converted Santhal narrated his salvation m mk k>V^. \u EA s]V_ experience. Z][ g ] klm. US Centre for World Vision - from [ V Mr. Chophys choristers Nagaland and Mr. ].A VD mk F]B >V. Vxko[ Mahens team from Chennai enlivened the conference with >]\V kVkD, > their lively songs of >uz praise ]\BV and worship. Mr. Joshua was *Vs[ kVkD | EV. Vxk the anchor, who helped in steering the V conference in the >kV| >VA^kVF kB ] proper track. Mrs. Rubellam Simon, the Co-coordinator of the W]V kVw kVo wA conference introduced the s|>V. resource \KD persons, ]BV kl_, kV_ honored them \V> with D mementos.13Mr.Jesuvadian, ]V. Youth Wing, thanked the people who secretary, Love India, Org. [ Assistant Director helped in organizing the \VV[ conference. g ].\V k^ F]BV_ The messages nota only had [ an impact on the k. Connect for Purpose >_ EB lives of the young people but also kVo[ challenged k, >VMBo[ kVk gVFm, them to commit#|D them to His service and be part kVB s>\V EV. sr zs[ Vm of the perennial stream of VB>EBV missionaries ].n.. to reach gVD k^, kVkzD >k[ sr\V the needs of the nation. Around 33 youngsters ]>DV> D V|^V [> , committed themselves for full time ministry kVs_ > zmD kV, BkV >kl_ and around 67 prayer cells were promised to be [ all cuV|]V. \]B \ ]._ started over the country. With renewed vigor Eo[ c>sBV, ].V[ Vxk_ k^, kVo^ and zeal the youth assured to carry on the torch >V^ zD, kFD ]_ VE^ kV of missionary vision into the future. kVkm u EV. km ] F]l_ Connected

I week prayer points

For Weavers
change in this sector. Prayer Points: 1.For youths employed in this industries to lead a holy life. 2.God to provide right way out for young girls and boys who face sexual harassment in their work place. 3.As this Industry completely depends on agricultural industry for its raw materials, God to bless our land with great harvest of raw materials. 4.God to protect the workers from any occupational Hazard as they operate the heavy weaving machines. 5.For Indian business men to come to the knowledge of Christ. 6.For Christian business men and workers to lead a witnessing life. 7.The flaws in the Textile Industries to be corrected. 8.God to grant favour to the families indulged in small scale industries. 9.All the plans implemented by Government to raise the standard of Textile Industries to reach the workers.

In India, about 14% of the industries produces textile. This (Textile Industries) sector contributes 17% to the countrys export earnings. It is our duty to pray for the weavers who brings honour to our Nation in the Textile Sector. Moreover to be clothed is one of the Basic Human Need. Let us pray that our country will outshine in this field and thank God for blessing our country with natural abundance of raw materials. Textile Industries provide employment to a vast number of youth next to Agricultural Industries. Indian Textile Industry currently generates employment to more than 35 million people. It is also estimated that, the Industry will generate 12 million new jobs by the end of next ten years. However, the bitter truth is our Textile Industries are predominantly disorganized and lack proper guidance from the government. India has more than 30 lakh Textile Industries and more than 15 lakh small scale textile Industries. Textile Industries also opens up scopes for the other sectors like transport sector, hotels etc. Indian Textile Industries manufacture finest cotton in the world. One of the greatest challenges faced by Textile Industries is that they lack Technological advancements and innovations. Therefore, the manufacturing rates are higher. As a result, Textile Industry faces international competition from other Asian Countries which manufacture at low cost with better technology machines. Moreover, there is a great gap between large scale and small scale textile industries. Another bitter truth is workers in small scale textile industries are highly harassed by their owners. As a result this industries look forward to international investments. Another obstacle faced by this industry is unfavourable labour laws imposed on small scale industries which once again remain as a threat to industries which desire for international investments. Therefore it is our responsibility to prevail in prayer, for the present situation to

My family
My name is Hepzibah Nancy. I am studying in Dohnavurs Santhosh Vidhyalaya. My parents are Mr. Ekalaivan & Beril. They are serving as missionaries in Madhya Pradesh in a village called Pal. This mission field is among forests and mountains. After 6o clock if you go out you can see bear, tiger and other animals. Our ministry is facing lot of problems because of Hindu Fanatics. My parents are working for the past 14 years in such places. They are spreading the gospel through personal evangelism & tracts. Please pray for my parents during this whole month daily. Your prayer upholds my parents in the missionary work. My sister is also studying in Dohnavur. Kindly pray for us.

Z "12 - D December12 9 10 Kerith

II week prayer points

Medical Colleges


We need medical missionaries more than ever to spread the good news in our country. In Northern part of our country many children and older ones lose their lives for the lack of medical aid. In Tamilnadu there are total seventeen Government Medical Colleges. In Madurai, Chennai, Tirunelveli, Kanyakumari Medical Colleges prayer cells are conducted in regular basis. In a place called Pachalur every year camp is conducted for medical students. Few come to the knowledge of Christ through this camp. Prayer Points: 1.New prayer cells have been started in Thanjavur, Dharmapuri, Coimbatore, Chennai (KMC, Stanely), Tuticorin Medical Colleges. These prayer groups to be strengthened by Christ. 2.Steps are taken to start prayer cell among Recently few medical students B.Pharm students in the following colleges. from Madurai Medical College burned 1)S.A.Raja College of Pharmacy, a Bible to show their opposition against Tirunelveli conducting prayer cells in their college 2)Fathima College of Pharmacy, campus. Pray for the salvation of this Tirunelveli youth.God to raise up many Medical 3)Kalasalingam College of Pharmacy, Missionaries. Virudhunagar 4)Sangaralingam College of Pharmacy, Virudhunagar 5)K.M.College of Pharmacy, Madurai 6)Ultra College of Pharmacy, Madurai
40 years before Jesus Christ was born, King Herod a non-Judean king from Edom, gained power over Judea through Roman monarchy. King Herod who was called Herod the Great (37-4B.C.) jealously protected his authority, killing people he perceived as threats. He was the one who ordered to kill the entire male children of age 2 and under with the cruel intention to kill Jesus. After 33 years, his son Herod Antipas took over the throne, he was the one who killed John the Baptist and who also criticized Jesus (Luke 23: 7-12). 14 years later, his grandson Herod Agrippa 1st killed Apostle James (Acts 12:1, 2). 16 years later, Herod Agrippas great grandson Herod Agrippa 2nd succeeded as king. It was in his hearing St. Paul was questioned (Acts 25: 13-26,32).
Z-December12 D "12 11 Kerith 10


III week prayer points

Ministry of Communications and Information

Information Technology is one of the fastest growing sector in India. This sector also play a significant role in India. Mr.Kapil Sibal is minister for Communication and Information Technology. This sector is divided into three departments Department of Telecommunications It is also known as the Door Sanchar Vibhag. It deals with policy, licensing and coordination matters relating to telegraphs, telephones, wireless and telematic services and other like forms of communications. The well known 2G corruption occurred in this department. Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) and Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited operate under this department. DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY It was found by TATA Group of companies in the year 1967 in Mumbai. IT and

BPO services operate under this department. 1.It deals with promotion of Information Technology education and Information Technology based Education. 2.Matters relating to cyber laws administration of Information Technology act and other IT related laws. 3.Interaction in IT related matters with international agencies and bodies. 4.Intiatives for development of hardware and software industries. Measures for promoting IT exports and competitiveness of the industry. This IT and BPO services are located in important Indian Cities like Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Pune, Calcutta and Coimbatore. Department of Posts: The department of Posts is one the oldest and extensive mail services in the world. Miss. Majula Parshar is the chairman for Indian Postal Service. It has 154,866 post offices among this 90% of Post Offices are situated in villages. Indian Postal Service is also involved in other services such as small savings banking and financial services. It offers a whole range of products under posts, savings and Insurance. During 2011-2012 the annual revenue received from department of Post is Rs. 7910.510 crores and expenditure is Rs.13705.400 crores. Lack of proper investment in infrastructure and technology is the reason for such low revenue. Quality of service is being improved. In order

to keep up with current technology many new services like E-post, E-bill, Postal Life Insurance, International Money Transfers, Mutual Funds has been introduced. PRAYER POINTS: 1.India to achieve great heights in this sector. 2.Corruption and other wicked activities which loom around this sector to be brought to an end. 3.For ministers to faithfully carry out their duties. 4.India ranks 50th in this sector. India to develop greatly in this department. 5.For salvation of people who are working in BPO & IT fields who are under various bondages. 6.Indian Postal Services is one of the oldest Mail Service in the world. For the improvement in the quality of service in this field. 7.For Postal Services to operate even in other remote areas.

CAN BE DONE THIS WAY Try to sing understanding the lyrics and do not just recite

Z D "12 Z D "12 -December12 11 12 12 Kerith

IV week prayer points

The first thing which comes to our mind when we think of Christmas is CAROLS. CAROL ROUNDS makes Christmas celebration more fun, paying visit to each house in the midnight inspite of cold weather and fog, sacrificing your sleep makes carol rounds more special. In each district in Tamil Nadu Carol Rounds are conducted by one District Promotional Secretary. More than 120 Promotional Workers have agreed to conduct Carol Rounds in various places this year. Let us pray that Gods presence should go before them. Let us pray for our missionaries too who will be celebrating this Christmas in the mission fields to bring glory to God through their celebration and for missionaries who will be far away from their children in the field during this season to be strengthened and for their children to be filled with joy. For homes run by FMPB, childrens residing in the home to celebrate Christmas with great joy. For their needs to be met thus the family members to come to the knowledge of Christ. PRAYER POINTS: 1.God to bless the Carol Rounds which will be conducted in various places and safety of the team members. 2.For good health of team members, health should not be affected by weather (rain & cold) 3.Songs and Bible verses read during carols to be blessing even to non Christians. 4.Multitudes to come to the knowledge of Christ through Carol Rounds. 5.Gods name to be glorified through this Carol Rounds. 6.Ministry needs to be met through this carol


Christmas Through Child Jesus

rounds. 7.Pray for Carol rounds conducted by our promotional workers to be a blessing. 8.For our prayer group leaders and volunteers who collect offerings during this carols for our ministry needs. 9.For our home children, to receive their Christmas gifts. 10.For our Christmas Celebration and Services to be true worship to God. 11.For every Christians who will be celebrating Christmas, not to superficially celebrate a festival but for Christ to be born in their heart. 12.For Christians not be spend their money lavishly on worldly things during this festival season but God to give them spiritual maturity. So that they can provide for the poor and needy. 13.For Christmas Services which will be held in our Mission fields, our believers to participate and to be blessed. New souls to be added into his fold during this season. 14. Our missionaries to overcome loneliness, depression and frustrations. To work for God with great freedom.

The Child Jesus born in manger was the important personality in the Christmas event. Without him there is no Christmas. We need to bring him to the center of our lives. The child born in Bethlehem should be the ruler of our lives. When that child was born, his parents named him Jesus. Jesus means redeemer. The same meaning also applies to the name Joshua. This name was given several years before his birth. Since he came to save us from our sins, the name Jesus exactly matches him.
Z-December12 D "12 13 Kerith 12

Ariyalur District
For Districts
Ariyalur has got a lot of history behind it say archeologists. On Nov 23rd 2007, Ariyalur was bifurcated as a separate district. It is the 3rd smallest district in population. Coal, Cement and Limestone are available here in plenty. Tamil Nadus first cement factory (TANCEM) is here and following it many private industries have come up. Now it is called as the cement city. During the Chola period, many temples were built in Ariyalur and its real name is Ari Ninra Ur. There is a great need to give the gospel here. Only 3% of Christians are in this small district, but there is a very big need for preachers and missionaries. In this district about 190 villages have not heard about the gospel even once. We pray for people living remotely whom we have not seen but if we do not pray for the people who are near to us we are answerable to God. Let us pray for these people that they may know Jesus Christ and accept him as their personal savior. Pray for: 1. The salvation of the people of this district. 2. Churches to be established. 3. All the 193 villages which havent heard the gospel even once. 4. Christians to reflect Jesus in their lives. 5. Powerful preachers to arise. 6. The district collector, Anu George. 7. The youth prayer cells in Pullambadi & other villages. 8. Let us kneel upright for the Grace of God. Vasantham.

Two were slaves and prisoners, saved two others by a lifesaving help, but the people who were helped forgot to return the favor, which depressed the two. Kings lost a nights sleep by the God of the two, very next day the two were given throne and kings honor. Who are these two who made it from prison to throne? Please SMS the answer with reference to 9443998855 with your name and full address.

Answer for last months question: Question: What weighs down the heart of man? Answer: sadness (Proverbs 12:25) 1.Ms.S,Abitha, Kuliyankarisal 2. Ms.K.Jemila, Tirunelveli 3. Mr.G.Thiraviyaraj, Tuticorin 4.Ms.J.Joice Nishanthi, Puthantharuvai 5. Ms.R.Chitradevi, Dindugal

Z ZD D "12 December12 13 Kerith 14


1.Dec 1st World Aids Awareness Day: At present about 40 crore people are affected by AIDS in the whole world. Let us pray that this disease would be prevented. 2.In India 4.58 crore people are affected by AIDS; and in Tamil Nadu 8-10 lakh people are affected. Let us pray that the people would practice holiness in sex. 3.Dec 2nd World Pollution Prevention Day: Due to lack of good drinking water, everyday about 14,000 people die. Let us pray for cleanliness in the environment. treatment. 4.In India about 1000 children die daily 18.Pray for the missionaries due to stomach upset. Let us pray for clean children who are preparing for the half yearly exams. dietary habits. 5.Dec 2nd International Day for Abolition 19.Pray for the protection of the labourers who are of slavery: Let us pray that kidnapping of girl children and selling them as slaves working in dangerous situations. which is in India would disappear. 6.About 7 lakh children in the age group 20.Pray for our school of 5-14 in India are sold every year. Pray children where sexual abuse is prevalent. for the protection of our children. 7.Dec 3rd World Disabled Day:- According 21.Pray for the people who to the survey of the UN, about 65 crore are working in the police people are disabled in the whole world. department. 22.Pray for the newly Pray for these people. 8.Pray for 5 lakh children in Tamil Nadu converted believers that who are mentally retarded. they would be firm in their faith. 9.Dec 9th International Anti Corruption 23.Pray for the traditional superstitious Day:- Pray that bribery, corruption and beliefs that are prevalent in our country disobeying the law and order would 24.Pray for the Christmas service in the disappear. missionary fields. 10.Dec 10th Human Rights Day:- Pray 25.Pray for the protection of our missionaries that the basic facilities for human beings and believers on this Christmas day. would not be denied. 26. Pray for the Sikhs who are in high 11.The Education for all would be posts in Indian Governments and in Army, implemented, and all would make use of it. Navy and Air Force. 12.About 5 to 10 crore People are affected 27. Pray for the youngsters who are by Dengue fever. Pray that people would considering the cine stars as their role be protected from disease. 13.Dec 14th India Navy Day: Pray for the model, that they should protection of the people who are guarding have Jesus as their role model. in the costal areas of our nation. 14.Pray for prayer group leaders and 28. Pray for the missionaries, that they would not affected children who could not with any disease during this month when go to school. 29. Thanks and they go for carol rounds. 15.Pray that not only in Information and praise God for all his Technology, but also in Industry and protecting hands over us and missionaries Agriculture our country would improve. 16.Pray for the opposition which is in cyria mission field in Madhya Pradesh. 17.Pray for the missionaries who are admitted in CMC Vellore and are under Z-December12 D "12 15 Kerith 14

"12 KerithD - December12 16 15 Z

Hai Nathany! You came so early todayOy..? You know one thing Joel, I have got my payment today & I am so happy da. Great da machan, What plan ya ? This is December and we have got Christmas and lots of fun da. Thats what I am thinking da? Karthi overheard this English conversion and came inside the house. As soon as they saw Karthi they became very silent. Karthi does not like English conversation at all. He made some noise and tore the silence. He said to Nathany, Hey you have come early today. Are you preparing tea? He asked just to while away his work tiredness. Nathany answered from the kitchen Yes da all is ready. Karthik got up from the chair and went and poured a cup of tea. They all drank tea and were eating mixture when Karthik shared an interesting thing with them. He completed and all drank the tea, and the current also went off. All their hearts were frozen not because of the winters cold but because of what Karthik told them. Since it was Friday, they went to the room of Eman and Jebins where they used to have a prayer. There also Karthik shared with them about what he spoke to others. At once all prayed with burden in their hearts. Not only they prayed but they also determined to do something. Karthik asked Nathaniel, Hey have you got your salary? Yes said Nathaniel and at the time the current was on. He said, We will also get the salary tomorrow and then we shall discuss. Joel said, Lets fix the date ya. Karthik and his friends scolded Joel for speaking in English. Then they fixed a date. Everybody started praying for that day earnestly, and prayed that God should do a miracle. Though it was cold, all five of them got ready to go and meet him. He was their college mate. He lost his life because of love failure. He was the super topper in the engineering college, but he lost himself in her beauty. But she ditched him and went away. So he became mentally affected. Karthik met him unexpectedly and he felt sorry for him, felt sad for him because he was roaming in the streets. He enquired and came to know that he had become like this before he could finish his engineering course. He narrated this incident to his friends like a movie, so this was the reason why they have come to meet him. At first he tried to shun away from them, but they offered him food. Then they made him wear a good dress. Then they took him and made him sleep in an airy place. He started to sleep soundly. They had decided to spend the whole night with him, so they started to pray. Suddenly he got up from his sleep and recognized them. He who did not know about Jesus Christ started to praise him. He had a sudden change in him, and he became a new man because of Jesus. They were very happy. After some time early morning they brought him to their room. They played the song, If Christmas comes all will be happy in the DVD. Exactly at 4o clock, the church bell started ringing they all went to the Church.
Even though shepherds were not respected in the society, God wished to inform about the birth of Jesus to them first. At the time of his birth there were many kings, scholars and rich people present just like today. One part of the community had all the wealth and riches but the other part of the community was striving to make ends meet. In the midst of their povert, they were thanking God for their daily bread and they lived with contentment. Shepherds who were considered low in the society got a special place in the sight of the Lord. The message is people who may not be valueable in the eyes of the world may be special in the sight of the Lord. Z D "12 Kerith - December12 17 16

Christmas Through the Shepherds:

COMPARITIVE STUDY Nobel prize is named after Alfred Nobel who invented the dynamite. A lifelong bachelor, Alfred Nobel lived a solitary life he spent most of his time tinkering with inventions. He died in 1896. After his death it was discovered that he had secretly created five annual prizes for chemistry, physics, literature, medicine and peace in his will to honor the greatest benefit for mankind. Nobel initially donated 35 million Swedish kronor (about 225 million dollar), the prizes come from the fortunes annual interest. Now lets zero down to the Nobel peace prize, this is awarded to people who through their lives have initiated peace amongst the society. In 1973 Henry Kissinger and Le Duc Tho shared the Nobel peace prize for negotiating the end of Vietnam war. Tho rejected the prize saying there was no peace in his country. We have our own Mother Teresa who received the Nobel peace prize. All of you would know the wonderful work she did in Calcutta for the upliftment of the downtrodden in various fields. I dont intend talking about the Nobel peace prize through this article of mine. I want to draw a comparison of the Nobel prize to the NOBLE prize. You must be wondering what this Noble prize means as you would never have heard of it before.Noble means having admirable personnel qualities or high moral, principles. Alfred Nobel in his will wanted to honor those who have rendered the greatest benefit on mankind. Drawing a parallel to Jesus Christ, dont you think he has rendered the greatest benefit on mankind through his death and dont you think this is a Noble gesture. Where in the history of the world has a man died for the sins of others before Jesus Christ or even after. Man was down in sin, so down that there was no way of coming up. It is not only true then, but also now even after his death. Jesus through his death has become a sacrifice for the sinners of yesterday, today and tomorrow. A sacrifice that has brought salvation to the worst sinner of today and the worst sinner of tomorrow. What can be considered as a greatest benefit to mankind.? We as humans are prone to sin and the law of the Government pronounces punishment like death sentence, life imprisonment or smaller punishment. Jesus instead of pronouncing punishment pronounced redemption on the cross by dying for the sins of all who have lived and are going to live on planet earth. I think this Jesus who lived just like you and me on this earth, who understands and accepts us as we are and whenever we call unto Him is the most suitable person for the Noble prize as He has displayed and is still displaying admirable personnel qualities and extraordinary high moral principle.So youngsters, remember the Noble Jesus died for the sins that you have committed and even the sins that you are going to commit. He will never condemn you, he wants to redeem you. So never be or upset over your mistakes. You have Jesus who is the most Noble person with high qualities that forgive the worst sinner. All we have to do is call unto him and confess to him. He is waiting with open arms to receive any one who seeks him. Remember this Noble Jesus is worth the NOBLE prize in the world for his sacrifice on the cross. The prize that you and I can give him is our lives, He values it so much, the Noble Jesus. YOUR NOBLE JESUS. Jesus was born in a Jewish tribe. He first showed himself to his own people the shepherds. After them it was the Magi. What does that show? Jesus is the Saviour of not only his own tribe but the Saviour for all the people of the world.
D "12 1817Z Kerith - December12

Opportunity to SURRENDER
The Birth of JESUS (i.e.) the CHRISTMAS just reminds me of HIS willingness to surrender all that HE had earlier. JESUS voluntarily took on the role of a servant. JESUS humbled himself and was clothed with our flesh, yet without sin. JESUS surrendered HIS royalty and how silently, HE came as a wondrous gift of SALVATION. He came to impart this to the human hearts and the blessings of HIS heaven. He became obedient to the Fathers Will by surrendering HIS own WILL. He stripped HIMSELF of HIS royalty and took upon HIMSELF the very nature of man. This act of surrender is the truth of Christmas. In 1 Timothy 3:16 That beyond all question, the mystery of godliness is great! It eludes our mental capacity. How can the KING become a commoner, a servant and a

3rd Week Message

slave? And yet, HE did! Oh! What mercy, love, surrendering HIS will and grace expressed on that FIRST Christmas! JESUS Sacrificed/ SURRENDERED HIS royal residence in Heaven for the SLUMS of the earth. JESUS Sacrificed/ SURRENDERED home and family to share the pain of this WORLD. JESUS Sacrificed / SURRENDERED HIS role of SOVEREIGN KING to be a servant of mankind. And it is with this mind that you and I must have this Christmas the mind of Christ. He could have grasped Kingship and power, yet HE gave up all, so that we might live eternally. The World we live in does not have the mind of Christ. So it does not and will not understand the truth of Christmas. It is we who are to proclaim this

GOOD NEWS should not lose the OPPORTUNITY to SURRENDER our lives for the sake of HIS glory. We have to surrender everything like a child so that we will always do the will of God and bring glory and honor to our Father who is in Heaven. And it is essential that we prepare our hearts to use this season to present the Biblical message of Christmas.

Christmas Gifts
The habit of giving gifts to our dear ones during Christmas season is based on the incident of the Magi from the east, who came to worship Jesus, presented Him with gifts of gold, incense and myrrh. As the Magi were overjoyed when they presented Jesus with gifts from their treasurers, so are we even today when we present all kinds of gifts to our loved ones. Even then, let us not forget, this Christmas to gift Jesus to those who have not known Him personally.

The first Christmas card

The first Christmas card was sent in the year 1843 by Henry Cole to his friend John Horsley. It has been said that the card featured a picture of a couple helping a poor family on Christmas day. 19 Z D "12 18 Kerith - December12

An orphans story
It was an orphanage, where children without parents were put. It was run by Russian Government. The Russian Education department had invited an American preacher to preach to their children. He accepted their invitation and came to Russia. Since it was Christmas vacation, he started to tell them about the birth of Jesus Christ. It was first time that they were listening about the birth of Jesus Christ, so they listened to the story with deep interest. He told them about how Joseph and Mary came to Bethlehem and how they did not find a place to rest, but were only given a manger to rest. They were surprised and astonished. They eagerly listened to what was told to them. After the story, he gave some card boards to make mangers to the children. They started to make different kinds of mangers with keen interest. The preacher was appreciating each manger with interest. They were making a small manger where Jesus Christ was lying down as a small child. And there was a little manger made by a small kid by the name Malisha and he was six years old. The preacher looked into the manger of little Malisha and was shocked. He saw two babies in the manger. He asked the child about the reason for having two babies. The child started to speak in its childish language. This was the first time that he heard the birth of Jesus Christ. But with clarity he started to tell the reason. He narrated the story till Mary had placed the child in the manger. And he continued to say, When Mary placed Jesus on the manger, Jesus asked me, do you have a place to stay. I do not have father or mother. So I do not have a place to stay, the boy said at once. Jesus replied, Come and stay with me. I said, I could not come and stay, because I do not have any prize to give to you as others did. But Jesus said, If you come & stay with me, that is the greatest gift. So I went into the manger. Jesus said, You can always stay with me. The little boy said the story and started to weep. The preachers heart was broken when he saw the small child weeping. The boy found out a God who will not leave him, nor forsake him. It is not important what you have in life, but who is with you is certainly important.

Christmas Through the Owner of the Inn:

The owner of the inn might have been a just person like us. The entire Bethlehem was filled with the people who came for the census and what could he have done about that? After the birth of Jesus he might have felt sorry for not accepting the King of kings who came to his inn. How many of us are in the same state? Are we closing the doors of our hearts and giving no place for God? Z D "12 20 Kerith - December12 19

It's Christmas Season! I was 11 years then. When the whole world was cherishing in Xmas spirit, I had a deep sense of loneliness. My desired to get a play toy. A revolver which was still sparkling in my eyes. My heart longed for that revolver to own it. Since twas Christmas season, we had choir practice for longer hours in church and we reached home late. We had nice food and warmed ourselves during the cold season. But my mind was fully occupied with the thoughts of that good revolver. We had our family prayer. My parents worshipped the Lord and read bible. But I couldn't concentrate much on it. Once it was over I just had the satisfaction that the family prayer was over for my mind was overwhelming with the thoughts of tat revolver. It was very cold outside. My dad took me in a horse chariot on the snow clad streets. Though I had worn all kind of sweaters and thermal wears, the biting cold outside was felt. Even then my dad took me out.. Above all my heart kept thinking about that revolver. Every shop my dad stopped at, I was eagerly waiting for him to get me tat revolver. Instead he got some sticks for burning. After a while he stopped at the next shop and bought three pair of shoes and then chocolates an another. I lost hopes of getting a revolver for after a while. Then m dad stopped at a house and we knocked the door. A lady named Jenson opened the door for us. She was a widow with three children dying in poverty. The poor family had not enough sticks to burn and make warmth. We handed over the sticks we had bought and that gave them adequate warmth and made them very happy. Then my dad gave the shoes he had bought to those little children. They rightly fit them. Tears of joy rolled down the cheeks of the mother. They also enjoyed the chocolates given to them. They hugged him and kissed him. I could appreciate how the family lived without showing out their poverty, how self satisfied they were.I then learnt what Christmas is like, how Christmas is to be celebrated. I learnt from my dad the joy of giving. The passion on that revolver had subsided in my mind after realising these things. Two thousand years ago, Jesus came into Angels praise Thee, this world with all the sufferings of mankind, in Were you born in this world pain, disease, hunger. We knew these but we fail to To save Mankind? celebrate Christmas with the true spirit! We are called to glorify Him through the right approach Did you come of Christmas! To wipe the tears With thine own Hands? Did you grant Thy wonderful salvation To keep praising thee? Ye opened the skies to reach this earth To help us, my Saviour, Will you help me live like Thee? Will you help me? -Sylvia

Z D "12 21 20 Kerith - December12

-Jovan He walked in the ways his father David had followed and obeyed Gods command. He removed the high places and the Asherah poles from Judah. He appointed officials Levites and priests who taught the book of the law of the Lord to the people through out Judah, this he spread the knowledge about the Lord through out Judah. He appointed diligent Judges in the hand. When Moabites and Ammonites came to make war on Jehoshaphat he gained victory by trusting in the Lord. To be brief, Jehoshaphat was a Hero who made History.


Where do you see him in Bible? I King 22 II Cronicles 17-20 Chapter.

Who is he? He was king of Judah (BC 872 BC 848) Father - Asa Mother Azubah Son Jehoram Daughter in Law Daughter of Ahab Jehoshabhat became king when he was 35 years old. He rules for 25 years.

What does Jehoshaphat life teach us?

Jehoshaphat was devoted to the ways of the Lord, he did all the above said good things and led a godly life. However, he had friendship with wicked Israel King Ahab. Once when Ahab asked Jehoshaphats support in attacking Ramoth Gilead, Jehoshaphat agreed to go (even when the Lord warned him not to go). Result? They lost the battle. King Ahab died in the battle. However, the Lord helped Jehoshaphat to return safely to his palace. Later, Jehoshaphat made an alliance with Ahaziah, a wicked king of Israel. Jehoshaphat went in as partner with Ahaziah to construct trading ships. What happened? The ships were wrecked. God nullified his work. My dear brothers and sisters, Jehoshaphat walked in the Lords ways. Yet he allied himself with Ahab by marriage (Jehoshaphat gave his son Jehoram in marriage to Ahabs daughter). He went along with Ahab to the battle. He was warned in II Chronicles 18:2 that the wrath of the Lord is upon him. However, Jehoshaphat continued his alliance with Ahaziah son of Ahab which was not pleasing in the sight of the Lord. My dear friend, you may lead a life pleasing to the Lord. However, the world where we live is filled with wickedness Theft, murder, disobeying ones parents, mocking elders and teachers, sharing dirty jokes with opposite sex. Todays world looks at all the above said acts as normal ones. But we who are cleansed and purchased by
Z "12 - D December12 22 Kerith 21

Jesus blood dont have any right to do these or help people who are indulged in such acts. As it is written in Psalm 1 let us be careful not to walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners. Be vigilent to examine all your ways and works in the sight of the Lord. Write the warning which Lord spoke to Jehoshaphat in your heart. Whom do you love the most? God or friends. Let us see the other characters of Jehoshaphat in the next issue.

Opportunity to TRUST

4th Week Message

Mary, the mother of Jesus, believed what was said to her by the Angel, and she put all those things in her heart. And Even Joseph, the husband of Mary was so confused in the beginning, but did the same thing in the end as Mary did. Shepherds and even Magis believed what was said and revealed to them. Their belief (TRUST) took them to a place, where they witnessed the NEW BORN BABY KING. Throughout this period, I knew(TRUST) God was there, and HIS grace seemed not that abundant but just sufficient for that particular moment. So to achieve this place where you are right now, God might have taken you through lots of pain and made you live on the edge depending only on Him. So was everyones condition. I cannot depend on myself or anyone else as it is beyond the limits of humans. SO I started to WALK the FAITH (TRUST) I talk. And now my life shines like a star in the darkest night. Just one statement comes in my mind, It is not where you are today that counts.. It is where you are headed because of whom you TRUST counts Its amazing that such a wonderful and loving God is ours, the one we trust, admire and follow is a GREAT NEW BORN BABY KING!.. So lets not LOSE the OPPORTUNITY to Love, Obey, Surrender and the TRUE LIVING GOD.. Given the significance of the opportunities weTrust have lost during this Christmas season, we ought to reconsider, recover and rectify what were doing with those opportunities

Christmas Worship
The first Australian Christmas was celebrated in the year 1788. The English governor Authur Philips and other officers took part in that worship conducted by Army Chaplain Rev. Johnson at Sydney. Today nearly 1.8 crores of Australians celebrate Christmas according to their cultural backgrounds. More than 70% of the people of Australia take part at the midnight worship on Christmas day. Yes, the word Christmas itself means worshipping Christ. The people of Venezuela conduct special services early in the morning from December 16 to December 24 and they take part in these services with great enthusiasm. Today the number of people taking part in these services have so considerably increased, that the cities have to make special transport arrangements.
Z-December12 D "12 23 Kerith 22

CAN BE DONE THIS WAY Try going five minutes earlier to your prayer fellowship and wait for others..

Christmas is the queen of all the festivals because all festivals belong to a particular community or country. But Christmas is not like that and it is celebrated world wide. It is not an accident but it is according to Gods glorious plan. Even the tribal people living in India are accepting Jesus Christ and celebrating Christmas. The children in our hostels and schools are celebrating it in a meaningful way. Let us see how they are celebrating the Christmas Jawahar- Mr.Vijai Babu In the locality of our hostel there are many people living who do not know Jesus Christ. Christmas celebrations will be held in the village. The message of birth of Christ will be conveyed to the village people in the form of skits and cultural dances. Sixty children in our hostel will be actively taking part in the celebrations. Khanda Mr. Karunakar Garda We are taking care of the children of our believers in a Catholic hostel. During Christmas celebrations we will invite all the believers. Together with our children they will celebrate Christmas happily. 48 children in our hostel will celebrate Christmas with a variety of cultural programs. Khingam-Mr. Abraham K.Rajam The Christmas celebration in our hostel makes the occasion very joyous. We will invite all the village people to take part in the celebrations. The children will perform a skit that will teach the people how to tell the love of Christ to others. People seeing the skit will get a burden in their heart to do something for Jesus Christ.


Belbadri-Mr. Sibi-Rajmahal Children Home There are 235 children in our hostel. Every year during Christmas season we will gift each of them a new dress. They will celebrate the joy of birth of Christ by performing their cultural dances in their new dresses. Our missionaries and the parents of the children will take part actively in the celebrations. Navapur Children Home-Ms. Mary Antony The Christmas function will be celebrated happily by the 50 children in our hostel. We will invite the village presidents and the head masters of the school as chief guests. People around the village who do not know Christ will also take part in the celebrations. Our children will tell the message of the birth of Christ with skit. Hence the name of Jesus is introduced to all the people who participate. Hello youth, did you read the celebrations of our hostel children? Through their celebrations not only their families but the people in their village and the leaders of the village also come to know about Jesus. Shall we celebrate Christmas in a meaningful way this year?


24 Z D "12

1 4

For the carol groups

2 5 8

For the Indian navy

For train accidents to be prevented

For those who make their living by pulling rickshaws

For the efforts taken by Indian scientists For the good health of missionaries during winter
For the school children who are preparing for their half yearly exams

6 9

For the coolies who work for daily wages For the kids who have lost their parents

For the youth addicted to drugs

10 13

For the youth camp which is to be held during pongal holidays

11 14

12 15

For the leaders of our country

For the 820 youths who have committed for full time ministry in the past three years

16 19 21

For auto drivers

17 20

For the Christian programs telecast on TV

For the honesty of government employees

For the fear of God among youngsters

For the missionary kids who are away from their parents in boarding schools


For 1200 For the 12,845 indigenous or native missionaries kids in our homes and for their future in FMPB

For churches to be built in the villages where there are none

For the publication of 2013 calendar in Guajarati


For the students of Jharkhand community college

23 26

For the people who are working against Christianity to be led to salvation

24 27


For the youth caught in adultery


For God to provide the needed rain in the state of Jharkhand

For the works done for Kerith magazine

For child labor to be eradicated

For Gods guidance that was with us throughout this year


25 Z D "12

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