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Difference between ETL and Database testing 0 inShare 0 ETL testing applies to Data Warehouses or Data integration projects

while Database Testing applies to any database holding data (typically transaction systems). Here are the high level tests done in each: ETL Testing : Primary goal is to check if the data moved properly as expected Database Testing : Primary goal is check if the data is following the rules/standards defined in the Data Model ETL Testing :

Verify that the counts in the source and target are matching Verify that the data is matching between source and target Verify that the transformed data is as per expectation Verify that the data is incrementally getting updated Verify that the foreign - primary key relations are preserved during the ETL Verify if there are any duplicates in the loaded data Database Testing :

Verify that the foreign - primary key relations are maintained and there are no orphan records Verify that the data in the columns had valid values. eg. If there is a domain (encoded list) defined for a column, check if the values in the column meet that requirement Verify that the data in columns is accurate. eg. If you have an age column, does it have values more than 100 Verify if data is missing in columns where required. eg. If is a column is expected to have data always, check if there are any null values

Nadia A. Nadia A. R. Software Test Engg at Virtus-IT ETL basically stands for Extract Transform Load - which simply implies the process where you extract data from Source Tables, transform them in to the desired format based on certain rules and finally load them onto Target tables. There are numerous tools that help you with ETL process - Informatica, Control-M being a few notable ones. So ETL Testing implies - Testing this entire process using a tool or at table level with the help of test cases and Rules Mapping document. In ETL Testing, the following are validated 1) Data File loads from Source system on to Source Tables. 2) The ETL Job that is designed to extract data from Source tables and then move them to staging tables. (Transform process) 3) Data validation within the Staging tables to check all Mapping Rules / Transformation Rules are followed. 4) Data Validation within Target tables to ensure data is present in required format and there is no data loss from Source to Target tables.

Siraj Siraj K. Module Lead Both ETL and Database Testing are same..Whatever we achieve with Data Warehouse can be achieved by Database also...We all know that data warehouse is nothing but the set of databases which follows some characterstics like : subject oriented,Non Volatile,Integrated and Time Varient.

The only difference is that 1) The data in database is Normalized in Nature and the datra in DWH is Denormalized in Nature. 2) Database Testing uses ER Model whereas DWH uses Dimensional Modeling technique. 3) Database Testing is done on OLTP system and DWH testing is done on OLAP systems. 4) Database uses only .sql files whereas ETL/DWH can use any type of file to import data. Except that their is no other difference between them.

Arpita C. Business Technology Analyst at Deloitte U.S. India offices

But people say ETL testing is more valued than Functional testing..Being a ETL tester myself,I dont find any difference in terms of salary for the 2 types of testing. In what perspective,we then say ETL testing is more valuable?

Sandeep Sandeep P. Associate - Projects at Cognizant Technology Solutions ETL testing has slight difference to database testing. In ETL testing, we test the workflows (in informatica tool), the worklets and sessions. We run each session separately and check the functionality of that session. When an ETL fails , we can backtrack/ gets the logs and can find the error message. We can test the performance of ETL by running multiple workflows holding huge data simultaneously (provided these ETL workflows source the data from same point)

Siraj Siraj K. Module Lead Hey Sandeep, i think you are little bit confused or may be i am wrong. As per your comment,we test workflows,worklet and session in ETL testing which is different than Database testing. But those workflows,session are doing the same thing which database is doing.In database testing also, we are testing the functionality as per the requirement given. I don't think its a valid difference. I think the only difference is : * Database testing is done on OLTP systems and ETL testing is done on OLAP systems. We use OLTP as a source in ETL whereas in Databases OLTP systems are target tables. * Database testing is done on normalized system but ETL testing is done on Denormalized systems * No. of joins ,tables and Index are more in Database testing as compared to ETL Testing. * Most important, Data warehouse is used to separate transactions from reports and databases is transactional and con't use for Reporting and analysis. * Data is less in databases as comapred to Data warehouse because duplicates can exist in Data warehouse because of its denormalized stuctures. So, we are testing on huge amount of data in ETL as compared to databases. * In database testing, we are testing on a model which is created based on ER modelling but

ETL testing model is created based on Dimensional modelling. Like this, we have so many difference but all based on normalized and denormalized concepts. Other than this i don't thing their is any difference in Database and Data warehouse. Incase, you want to know the more difference,than let me know will tell you many such difference. Plz correct me if i was wrong!

Suresh Kumar Suresh Kumar D. Technical Architect at Hexaware Technologies In DWH, it deals with historic data (normally more than 2 years of data), which will be given as in input to ETL process, where the data is being extracted from various source files, cleansed, transformed and loaded in to target tables, with the help of ETL tools like Informatica, Ab-initio etc.. As Sandeep said, It is very important to validate the workflow and check whether the transformation logics are correclty applied on the historical data. Since DWH has huge amount data, we need to identify Performance bottlenecks (volume testing, stress testing) by running the workflows multiple times and monitoring the log files for errors/warnings. In DB, there is no ETL logic involved to load the data in to DB. It deals with current data, which is entered by the user via any UserInterface screen.

Pawan Pawan D. QA Team Lead at NTT DATA Americas I think there is a lot of confusion among the people in understanding the difference between Database testing and ETL Testing . Let me explain with an example : Let us say you walk into a super market and buy some groceries and when you come to the billing counter , the person will generate a bill by scanning those items . The system he uses to generate these bills are called as OLTP ( online transaction processing systems) ,similarly if you walk in to a bank and try to open an account ,your account gets registered in these OLTP systems. Now , similarly like you there will be many more customers for the bank and also super market , for a higher management to make some decision on their products such as the sales of some particular product in a particular store , a bank high level management they

may want to upgrade all their silver card customers to gold card customers, to achieve this all this data from various sources needs to be integrated and dumped in a datawarehouse which are called as OLAP systems . If you are doing any testing on OLTP systems it is known as Database testing and if you are doing any testing on OLAP systems it is known as ETL testing . In database testing we generally check the following : 1) Whether the expected tables are created with expected fields as per the metadata described in the data mapping document. 2) Insert , update and delete operations performed on the front end system and check on the back end database whether the same is reflected 3) Ensure no data truncations. In etl testing we check for the following : 1) Lets say there are 100 rows in your source , you will verify that whether all this 100 rows has moved to the target ( ie Row count ) . This is called Data completeness 2) Verify that the data has been integrated properly for all these 100 rows . This is called Data accuracy. Apart from the above checks there are many other things which comes into picture like SCD implementations, null handling etc. You can contact me on , if you need more information

Ponnusamy Ponnusamy S. ETL Test Lead at Shaw Communications I see people are giving very good information about ETL. Here is the information I know. In my view testing is application of testers knowledge, skills and experties with a goal of finding defects in the system before going to production. For this we need to thoroughly understand the system and its functions. The data warehouse concept emerged for strategic decision making at the executive management level. Business need to analyse and understand the trend for forecasting about future and to lead the business in right direction. For this they need data collected over the years in the past by way of many many transactions by/ for customers. These pile of historical data is sitting in the operational or transactional databases or file systems of many organisations. These systems processing day-to-day transaction and store the data in normalized database is called OLTP system.

But this is not much useful to the business community as it is for strategic decision making. These data might be scattered across many different geographical locations, over long duration generated by historically different systems. ETL process extracts these heterogeneous data from different sources, validates, cleans using some business rules and transforms to homogeneous data and load it into the target database i.e data warehouse. These data is denormalised for easy analytical processing and reporting. As a tester we need to validate the data flow between source to target by proving that all the source data are transformed as per the business rule and available in target database accurately and completely without any data loss or duplication etc.

Amit Amit K. Test Automation Expert For me..Database testing is a subset of ETL testing.As ETL process involves Extraction,Transformation and Loading process to be tested.Hence data integrity is checked between different systems.Different system could be a different database e.g. DB2 and Oracle.Hence the testing of ETL requires appropriate knowledge of disparate system as well as appropriate transformation logic involved for testing the same.However database testing is mostly limited to one database with or without transformation.Hence,database testing can be considered as a part of ETL testing however scope of ETL testing is much beyond the database testing.

Siraj Siraj K. Module Lead Amit, database testing is not limited to one database with or without transformation. We can extract data from different systems also for doing database testing. The only difference in Database and DWH is the type of data which it contains. Database contains normalized and transactional data but once we create a Data warehouse, it contains only denormalized and Analytical data. We use data warehouse to seperate the reports from the transaction.Data is less in databases as comapred to Data warehouse because duplicates can exist in Data warehouse because of its denormalized stuctures.

Amit Amit K. Test Automation Expert Hi Siraj..I feel there is some gap in ETL if source and Target both system uses relational databse then where are we dealing with denormalized data.My understanding of ETL is, it requires two(+) system for ETL to work and two(+) system could be anything.Hence,Normalization and Denormalization of relation should not be considered as a factor to differentiate between Database and ETL Testing...

Pawan Pawan D. QA Team Lead at NTT DATA Americas Hi Siraj, when extraction happens from different systems it should be termed as ETL Testing ( because the words extraction and etl are co-related) , because if you would like to extract data from different systems and load into another database or datawarehouse you need to use etl tools. Instead if you meant we are integrating the data from different systems to a consolidated system by using some procedures with out the use of intermediate tools like Datastage or Informatica then it is called data migration and testing you do on the system is still called database testing .

Rajeev Rajeev G. Sr. SVT Member at QUINTILES I hope this will draw a line between DW Testing & DB testing. I believe ETL Testing is a subset of DB testing. Both are challenging and important to business. Requires loads of technical knowledge. DB Testing ======== -Data is normalized. ER Modelling -Done on Transactional Data OLTP -Frequency of Update/Delete/Insert is more. CRUD Operations -SCD are not there

-History is not checked & maintained -Data is not used for BI -Usually used to test data at the source instead of testing using the GUI -Homogeneous Data -Smaller scale DB -Testing approach is different than ETL. ETL Testing ========= -Data is de-normalised. Dimensional modelling. -Done on OLAP. Data is supplied from OLTP. -Frequency of Update/Delete/Insert is Less. Read Only Operations -SCD are there. -History is checked & maintained. More value for Historical data. -Data is used for BI. Used by business users for decision support. -Extraction, Transformation, Loading are the major players. -Heterogeneous Data. (Oracle,Flat files, etc etc) -Large Scale Volume of data. -Testing approach is different than DBtesting -ETL tester should know DW concepts. -Done on OLAP/ODS. OLTP is the feeder database. -SCD's are there -Data is mainly used for for BI. Data is used by business users for decision support. Every Data Warehouse is a Database but every Database is not a Data Warehouse. Cheers...!!!

Siraj Siraj K. Module Lead Amit, yes it requires two(+) system for ETL to work and two(+) system could be anything. You had asked me where are we dealing with denormalized data : We dealing with denormalized data to seperate the reports from transactions. Data warehouse contains analytical data.

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