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I me -myself For nine months or so living in complete bliss, tenderness and care as part of my mothers body my ascendance on the

e planet earth is, most of time conditional to my gender. Male gender is celebrated and female gender is tolerated. (Of course there are exceptions). After a short time I am given a brand name to identify me, my gender, religion and many other aspects of my being as part of the universe to which I belong. This would now be the label for my entire journey thru life. So to say now I have been branded. While we all get a brand name, process is specific to, family status, religion region, , nationality and the like etc. My learning started right from the moment I was born. My mother instilled in my body the life energy by feeding the nectar of life from her body. The warmth of her smile and bliss of her lap have been heavenly. This was perhaps the most vital aspect of my life to be, This bliss is long or short -- is of course mother and family specific. As a matter of fact, the nectar, it is said is absolutely essential as a shield against illness and, for the development of mind and body. However the bitter fact is that, due various compulsions imposed by life styles, circumstances and biases many many of us are denied this tenderness and care. My internal and external learning starts from the time; that I start breathing, let us not forget that breath is the bridge between mind and the body. My spontaneous smiles, frowns cries are reflection of recordings in my mind that are now based on my observation of the environment in general and specific and to inputs given by events, environment and people around me. It is intriguing that children of same parents though born at different periods of time are different from each other not only in their behaviour but also in their values and outlook for life. Often it is seen that the children of same parentage can bring fame and some shame to the family. (Only answer perhaps is the KARMIC THEORY) Now let me go beyond the Karmic theory and try to analyse the various factors that can influence our thinking, behaviour and value system. From school going age, to completion of education.. We spend most our waking hours away from the home with people of our own age group, and different; backgrounds we are now at a stage where we try to define and identify ourselves. This is the vital period when everything concerning the present and future is being blueprinted we get into new relationships we tend to choose our peer groups and role models. Professionals, Celebrities in different fields, cine stars and the like. can become our role models. We can be vulnerable /swayed into emulating them and buy brands endorsed by them. Often, Parental guidance can be considered more as interference than parental concern. My friends and social groups that I interact with can be major infusers in my thinking and value system. Post my education and professional inputs; I am initiated into a job/career. This now, is a new phase in my life that gives me economic independence, a breakaway from the parental nest and is ready to build my own nest. The cycle repeats itself. In my reflective moments and moods, I take assessment o f myself, who am I? What do I want in life? My goal is to be Successful and happy. To actualise my goal I aim to make Lots of money so as to, to give Material comforts to self and family, to make a mark in society, to acquire a status. Yes, I pursue my goal from dawn to dusk and I make lots of money far beyond what I actually need. Money no doubt has given me power and perhaps a sense of achievement, I have all the material benefits that money can buy, but alas, I have no time to enjoy the acquired comforts. I instead become a victim of jealousies, comparisons and conflicts. I am now ruled by my inflated ego

Who am I? The fact is, for self and others, I am just an image, a perception and their expectations of me. Fact is, this perception of me is different for people in different situations and different life platforms. So, I unconditionally or conditionally adapt a behaviour that is appropriate for a given group of people. So to say I segment my universe in different operational fields. And structure my behaviour Depending on the desired and or expected outcomes of interactions. . But the basic question still remains, am I happy? Answer is still evasive but, i have a tendency to defend my ego and blame the circumstances. Let not forget as BENJAMIN DISRAELI said man is not the creature of circumstances; circumstances are creatures of men

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