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Transformer installation instructions

105. Insulating fluid

105.11 Notes concerning oil sample
An oil sample is a major help in monitoring the quality of oil filled transformers and reactor coils. Great care should be taken when the sample is drawn off during transport to ensure that the test results represent the state of the transformer. Please answer the following questions with care. &ake' (ustomer' )ocation' +ype' Power rating' ,+$" -Product $o..' W$" -/ob. $o..' !ample $o.' +ype of oil' Please note that we perform and charge for a KWIK !K"#$# test e%ery oil sample in order to protect our equipment from polychlorinated biphenyls.

*ear of manufacture'

0ate sample taken' 1il temp. when sample taken' )oad when sample taken'


$o. 1f operations of tap changer' Sample taken from: 1il sample tap 1il drainage de%ice. A 44567589 0I$ 84 ::7 +ank' )oad transfer switch' #3pansion tank' #3ecution' +op )+ tank +ransformer )+ Tests desired: !ee ne3t page Test cerificate in German language #nglish language ,rench language 2ushing pocked +ransducer &iddle 2ottom

eason for taking sample: ,ill with new oil on' +opped up on' ,ault on' "epaired on' 1il treatment on' ,urther information and background' Sample taker: Date: ;uantity' -t. ;uantity' -t.

"outine inspection'

Name in block capitals Special features:



&aintenance engineer responsible' Acceptance engineer responsible' !a" Information: !erial number.' 0ate sample recei%ed' 0ate sample analy<ed' +ype of sample %essel'


A !iemens AG 7??@B #C )+ !($

+=&A 79:.77 754 9>.?@ de -#rset<t +=&A 79:.77 754 D.?6 0.

#eneral instructions concerning the taking of oil samples

$See also Installation instruction T% &' 105.0() 1ne liter of oil is required for an oil testE suitable sample bottles may be borrowed form corresponding !iemens AG branch office. ,or oil gas analysisB one liter of oil is required. F ,or a P(2 testB at least :9 ml of oil is required. Tap*off point for oil gas anal+sis: normall+ top of tank Tap*off point for other tests: normall+ "ottom of tank 7. =se clean 7 litre bottles with gas tight closure to hold the sample. 4. !pecial aluminum bottles with plastic screw caps are generally used. +he sample bottles must close so tightly that no air can be drawn in during cooling. 6. If glass bottles are usedB the oil sample should not be drawn off unless you are sure that the temperature of the sample is higher than or equal to the storage or dispatch temperature. If notB please consult the -ig 1: Taking an oil sample with oil test laboratory.
1 . ( 1 5 Transformer tank /il sampling tap 0ose /il sample "ottle /uter ,essel

sample "ottle and outer ,essel

8. !amples for gas analysis should always be taken using the o%erflow method. +he operations described under : and @ below should be carried out quickly and without interruption so as to pre%ent the sample from coming into contact with the atmosphere as far as possible. :. &ethod of drawing oil from the oil sample tap !crew onto the tap o coupling element with sealB hose fitting and oil proof hose -69 to :9 cm long. turn the tap on and fill the outer %essel with 4 to 6 liters of oil -from the outlet pipe..Insert the hose in the bottle so that its end is just short of the bottom of the bottle. +urn the tap on and fill the bottle from the bottom upwardsB slowly at first and then quickly until two or three times the content of the bottle ha%e o%erflowed into the outer %essel. ,inallyB reduce the flow from the tap andB with oil still flowingB pull the bottle downwards off the hose. !eal the bottle immediately. >. &ethod of drawing oil from the drainage de%ice A44567589 0I$ 84 ::7E this method is not suitable for gas analysis. Put the outer %essel -:. under the oil outlet. =se an open ended spanner to unscrew the cap -contains some oil. (arefully unscrew the square headed inner plug screw ->.4. until oil starts to flow from the outlet ->.6.. "inse the bottle with some oil. !crew the cap ->.7. back on by hand to stop the oil flow. ,ill the bottle -8. almost full by opening the cap ->.7. again. !eal the bottle -8. and label it. @. +he method of drawing oil from the drainage de%ice A44564589 0I$ 84 ::7 with the aid of a length of hose is analogous to that described under : abo%eB the drainage de%ice being operated as described under > abo%e. D. 0ispose the oil in the outer %essel in the proper way. Proposition for routine check Tests a,aila"le:

Aging state

0ryness state

,ault free

P(2 contami nation

After occurre nce of fault or damage

=sed oil 0uty to mark ordinance under P(2 banning ordinance

(olor Purity

0I$ I!1 498? 0I$ C0# 96@9 Part 7


A !iemens AG 7??@B #C )+ !($

+=&A 79:.77 454 9>.?@ de -#rset<t +=&A 79:.77 754 D.?6 0.

$eutrali<ation %alue 0I$ :7::D !aponification %alue 0I$ :7::? )oss factor at ?9G( 0I$ C0# 96@9 Part 7 2reakdown %oltage 0I$ C0# 96@9 Part 7 Water content 0I$ :7@@@ Part 7 1il classification number required only when P(2 H :9 ppm P(2 preliminary testF -KWIK !K"#$# quick test. 49 ppm P(2 preliminary testF -KWIK !K"#$# quick test. :9 ppm P(2 Icontent without 0I$ :7:4@ Part 7 ;uick test P(2 Icontent where quick testJ :9 ppm 0I$ :7:4@ Part 7 KA)1G#$ or chlorine content 0I$ :7:@@ Part 6 +otal gas content Gas analysis &easuring the gas content and performance of gas analysis are possible only when the oil sample has been drawn off through a hose without bubbles -see ,igs. 7a and 7c. F P23*P23 tests in conformit+ with 4IN 51 5.56 chlorine content tests in conformit+ with 4IN 51555 and gas anal+sis can "e performed in Nurem"erg onl+.

!iemens AG #C +W$ ;& Kat<wanger !traLe 7:9 0 ?98>7 $Mrnberg

!iemens AG #C +20 ,! !charfenberger !tr. >> 0 97767 0resden

!iemens AG #C +WK ;,& KegelstraLe 49 0 @6469 Kirchheim5+eck

!iemens AG #C +WK !(2 (ruismannstraLe 8D 0 88D9@ 2ochum "iemke


A !iemens AG 7??@B #C )+ !($

+=&A 79:.77 454 9>.?@ de -#rset<t +=&A 79:.77 754 D.?6 0.

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