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H.No. 2974/4, Near Electric Transformer Kamlakar Nagar, Ambernath ( est!

"obile# $9% 9%&'(')***/ $9% 9)2%22%2)) E-mail# +atilramakant,


M"T"C ,Active (irector# -../ 0 Exc an!e server -..12 'T'3 )oundation.


Objective# 1 Al2a3s kee4 m3self 546ate 2ith latest /nformation Technolog3 an6 Kno2le6ge 7haring Education: T.Y.B.COM from "5mbai 8ni-ersit3 Area of Exposure: /m4lementation. Technical 0ea6, +ro9ect "anagement, 7er-ice 6eli-er3 :

Experience: ' $ 3ears of e;4erience in /T.

Tec nical Exposure: Operatin! "#stem

in6o2s 2***, <+ , in 7 in 2**) 7er-er an6 in 2**' 7er-er

Acti-e 6irector3 2**) : 2**'. =N7 >ro54 +olic3 =7 ser-er (/mage 6e4lo3ment! ?ile 7er-er (=?7! 7@@" ( eb @onsole for +atch "anagement! =H@+ 7er-er (/ncl56ing Telecom 7544ort! @itri; 7er-er ( ?5nctional! 0AN =esk.

A NT Back54 Arcser- (Bri! t "tore %%.&!. 73mantec (%E&'TA" %%!

in 2**) 7er-er an6 in 2**' 7er-er H+ 7er-ers , =ell ser-er

CB7 (CB7E=/T for in6o2s 7cri4ting! 1

E"@ @larion @<) : A<4 (?5nctional! /ntransa +82** (?5nctional!

@onfig5ration of 72itches Clan 7et54.

+roject Mana!ement
+ro9ect im4lementation 4lan 7che65le for 4ro9ects Team 4re4aration (ser-er, 6atabase, a44lication an6 4ro65ction team for timel3 com4letion of 4ro9ect! +erformance/4rogress/milestone re4ort sharing 2ith all stakehol6ers 2ith timel3 escalations if an3. Atten6ing change control meetings to 6isc5ss on 4ro9ect changes "aintaining recor6s of the 4ro9ect an6 create lessons learne6 "aintaining iss5e tracker. +roficient at managing : lea6ing teams for r5nning s5ccessf5l 4rocess o4erations : e;4erience of 6e-elo4ing 4roce65res, ser-ice stan6ar6s for b5siness e;cellence. +re4aring fee6back chart an6 re-ie2 the stat5s +re4aration of 6oc5mentation as 4er /7D a56it. +re4are6 4ro9ect fallback 4lan "aintaining a tracker of the common inci6ent. +roblem management on the basis of same inci6ent.

"ome of t e projects 4 ic
Sr. No



andled at Mumbai 0 Ma aras tra


Project Name
WBPO POWAI (Migration)

Migration from Windows 2003 to Windows 2008 Server Migration %ead& avai'a(i'it& of )o'i &* )ro)osa'* renewa' information$ On'ine )erforman e tra +ing of vario,s -anne's in terms of (,siness so,r ed$ Avai'a(i'it& of I" .a/ to a'ternate -anne's Migrate1s-ift 20 server13W #evi es from one (,i'ding to anot-er for WBPO Avai(i'it& Management* 5a)a it& Management* Ba +,) Po'i &$ Po'i & Management for I" Set,) 7 #o ,mentation A# renaming of a'' ,ses in 9o' im as )er organi:ation standard$ "ransition of t-e domain ontro''er from windows 2003 to Windows 2008 at 9o' im$

Vodafone Servi e India !"#$

3 4 6 8 ;

#ata enter Migration Pro0e t #o ,mentation ISO Pro0e t (Vodafone) A# %enaming #omain "ransition

5or$ Experience
5or$in! 4it *''T Tec nolo!ies since .- *ov6 -.77 as a Team lea6 /nfrastr5ct5re

8andlin! 'nfrastructure team at 8O3C'M. 8olcim is 'T solution "ervice Compan# 4 o supports ACC 3T(6 Ambuja Cement 0 &M9 3td of about Ten T ousand users across 'ndia. &esponsibilities: %! Ticketing# 1 .e-ie2 of ticket, for the closer of the inci6ent as 4er the 70A 6escribe6. 2! "anaging as /nfra 0ea6 for 4 =omains ( Net2ork, E1mail , Acti-e =irector3, ?ile 7er-er : Anti-ir5s ! )! @loser of Each inci6ent an6 ?ollo2ing Escalation matri; as an6 2hen reE5ire6. 4! @reation of .?@ as 4er the @hange "anagement (@AB! &! +re4aring monthl3 re4ort of each team as 4er format of Holcim. (! +re4aring re4ort for monthl3 re-ie2 meeting. 7! +re4aration : +resentation in the .e-ie2 meeting of e-er3 month for an3 @hanges reE5irement for /m4ro-ement in the /T infrastr5ct5re in each =omain. '! "anaging 7A7/A 6irector3 for ten tho5san6 5sers in 0ot5s. 9! =ail3 changes in 2orkflo2 an6 there 546ate. %*!"anaging team roster an6 their E;4enses on 6ail3 basis. %%!"anaging "onthl3 Assets "anagement an6 there life c3cle. %2!"anaging 8ser 0ife @3cle thro5gh Acti-e 6irector3 (80@"!. %)!"aking +ro9ect =oc5ment as 4er the ne2 +ro9ect reE5irement from 7tart to /m4lementation an6 =eli-erable as 4er the reE5irement.F %4!"onthl3 .isk management to an3 0ocation 0ink , =e-ice : 7er-ers. %&!?ollo2ing of each @om4liance of "anagement as 4er the 4rocess 6efine6 for self an6 also for the team "ember. %(!+erio6icall3 846ating of Kno2le6ge 4ortal for an3 rele-ant /nci6ent a44ear in the 6ail3 inci6ent. %7!"anaging 7/7 sale 4art for an3 reE5irement at site an6 follo2ing 54 2ith client for billing. +rojects of t e current #ear :%! Transition of the in6o2s 2**) ser-er to 2in6o2s 2**' ser-er across (( locations in /n6ia. 2! 7tan6ar6iGation of the 5ser /= of all the location of A@@ 0imite6. )! 7tan6ar6iGation of the 8sers +rofile in 7A7/A 6irector3 (0ot5s!. 4! =e4lo3ment of Ne2 tem4late for Ten Tho5san6 8ser thro5gh 0ot5s =atabase. &! Team B5il6ing for the N//T Em4lo3ee relate6 to Holcim +ro9ect. (! =oc5mentation for the 3earl3 /7D A56it at client si6e ( A= , 0ot5s : Anti-ir5s!

5or$in! 4it 5ipro 'nfoTec clientHs si6e as 5n6er#

since 77 :une6 -..1 2ith 6ifferent roles at 6ifferent

72 "erver Mana!ement at 5ipro B+O6 Mumbai. 5ipro B+O is one of the largest an6 gro2ing B+D in B+D in65str3. The B+D achie-e6 B77799 sec5rit3 stan6ar6s for its o5tbo5n6 an6 inbo5n6 4rocesses sec5rit3. i4ro B+D +ro-i6es a large broa6 range of ser-ices from c5stomer relationshi4 management, back office transaction 4rocessing to in65str31s4ecific sol5tions.

+rocess &esponsibilities:
Assessing, +lanning an6 "anaging a team of 4& staff members com4rising of Coice/Net2ork//T 7ec5rit3/Telecom/7er-er A6ministrators/7er-ice =esk/=eskto4 Engineers to ens5re E5alit3 ser-ice for the 4ro9ecte6 gro2th of the @om4an3. Han6ling /nternational clients, fe2 of them are AD0, American E;4ress, H+, Eastman Ko6ak, an6 "icrosoft 2ith their /T Team to commission ne2 set54/changes at B+D. .isk assessment an6 mitigation 4lanning, ca4acit3 4lanning, @hange "anagement, .@A, reg5lar 4re-enti-e maintenance an6 minimiGation of o5tage 6o2ntime. "onitoring an6 managing the remote ser-ers/ser-ices across /n6ia an6 international B+D locations from a ND@ (Net2ork D4erations @enter! o4erating 24I7. Tren6 Anal3sis, >a4 Anal3sis, refining 4rocess an6 accom4lishing 70A for the smooth f5nctioning of the 4ro9ect. Atten6ing "/7/+ro9ect re-ie2s meetings/calls 2ith @lients/7takehol6ers/To4 "anagement to 546ate abo5t 4ro9ect 4rogress stat5s, Highlights, 0o2lights, 7544ort reE5ire6 etc. +re4aring training 6oc5ment for the team an6 training them abo5t the ne2 4rocesses. Han6ling escalation calls an6 coor6inating the client, site engineers on 6a3 to 6a3 basis. /nteracting 2ith clients for reE5irement anal3sis an6 4ro-i6ing technical sol5tions or 2orkaro5n6s for sho21sto44er iss5es 2hene-er reE5ire6. "anaging ?5nctionalit3 of Electronic +ri-ate A5tomatic Branch E;change (E+AB<! 2ith Coice team as fronten6 ACAJA set54.

Tec nical &esponsibilit# "aintaining =ail3 @hecklist of 7er-er ?arm. =ail3 re4ort of the 6ata1canter Ticket 546ate on 6ail3 basis an6 closer. Cen6or @oor6ination for an3 Har62are 70A. @hange "anagement an6 =oc5mentation for the same. eekl3 .e-ie2 of 7er-ers. "onthl3 +atch Acti-it3. 4

Anti-ir5s acti-it3 on monthl3 basis. >ro54 +olic3 6e4lo3ment /mage =e4lo3ment (@a4t5ring , Testing an6 =e4lo3ment! Tro5bleshooting of =omino =irector3, /nternal mail ro5ting, .e4lications etc "anaging Tele4honic +rocess thro5gh ACAJA @onsole. "onthl3 Acti-e =irector3 @lean54 (Acti-e 5ser , ?ol6er Access , 7ec5rit3 >ro54 , =0 >ro54!. =eskto4 7544ort.

"ite 'nc ar!e ,%odafone 'ndia "ervices +une2

.e4orting to# .egional 7er-ice =eli-er3 "anager "anaging : lea6ing a team of 22$ /T /nfrastr5ct5re 4rofessionals ha-ing e;4ertise in 6ifferent =omains to s544ort 5ser base of aro5n6 2&**$. 7544orting @lients in >erman3, 87 an6 A+A@ regions. :ob &esponsibilities# =eli-ering of /T ser-ices frame6 base6 on /T/0//7D 27**% frame2ork. Hel46esk "anagement ( 8sing .eme63 tool! @risis "anagement. +roblem "anagement. @hange "anagement (@AB 7che65ling! Team "anagement. Cen6or "anagement. Kno2le6ge "anagement (+ro-i6ing Training to 0% : 02 Engineer! "onthl3 .e-ie2 on ("/7 an6 eek re4ort! A6hering to com4liance/sec5rit3 stan6ar6 s5ch as /T/0 an6 /7D 27**%.

Operation Mana!er Cum Tec nical 3ead for 8en$el CAC 3T(.
orking 2ith strength of %2 Team "ember 7544ort 7taff (7er-er A6min , =02 : =0%!. "anaging 2eekl3 .e-ie2 on the Engineer +ro65cti-it3. Han6ling =ail3 /ss5e of +% : +2 @alls. "onthl3 re-ie2 of "/7 re4ort,, Escalation re-ie2 of +) @allHs "aintaining 6ail3 Track of assets. Cen6or @all 0ogin if an3 Asset faile6 on 6ail3 basis. "anaging Training for =0% : =02 Engineer for the A44lication an6 changes at the client 4lace. eekl3 re4ort of AC : +atches. A6hering to sec5rit3 stan6ar6 of i4ro to Engineer Han6ling C/+ 8ser /ss5e on +% basis. +re4aring /7D A56it =oc5mentation. "anaging +roblem "anagement. An6 .aising the @hange "anagement. "anaging +a3roll of the Engineer on "onthl3 Basis.

5or$in! 4it +.C."olution ,(el i2 since .; Marc 6 -..; 2ith 6ifferent roles at 6ifferent clientHs si6e as 5n6er# "upport to American Express has one facilit3 at "5mbai. ?acilit3 has more than 7&* orkstations an6 aro5n6 2* High En6 7er-ers on in2K an6 in2K) 4latform, 4ro-i6ing s544ort. 5

:ob &esponsibilities: /nstallation : maintenance of in6o2s 2*** an6 2**) ser-ers. .es4onsible for =isaster an6 reco-er3 4lans for ?ile 7er-ers, "ail 7er-ers an6 A44lication 7er-ers @reating share fol6ers an6 4ro-i6e access, s4ace as 4er reE5irement. /= "anagement. +atch "anagement. Back54 an6 .eco-er3 +rocess "anagement. /nteracting 2ith B5siness @lients to sort o5t 4ro65ction relate6 iss5es. +re4are the 7tan6ar6 =eskto4 image as 4er the stan6ar6. "anaging 73mantec AC 9.* 7er-er an6 >host '.* 7er-er.

Ac ievement: >ot Best Support Engineer of the Year Award in the 3ear 2**( an6 Bangkok to5r has been arrange6 b3 com4an3 for this a2ar6. >ot a44reciation to li-e the training en-ironment of %** seats. SPOT Award for a66ition storage 08N creation in E"@ @larion @<) >ot the KSPOT Award for com4letion of /7D A56it in Co6afone 7er-ices /n6ia.

<ualification : Examination "atric5lation %* $ 2(@ommerce! B.@om Year %994 %99( %999 Board= >niversit# "5mbai 8ni-ersit3 "5mbai 8ni-ersit3 "5mbai 8ni-ersit3

+ersonal (etails (ate of Birt Marital "tatus 3an!ua!es "pea$ 3an!ua!es 5rite 8obbies "$ills +ostal Address + one Citi?ens ip +assport *o. : : : : : : : : : : )*th A4ril %97' "arrie6 English, Hin6i : "arathi English, Hin6i 0istening "5sic, atching "o-ies, : Tra-elling. >ro54 "anagementL M2794/4, Near Electric Transformer, Kamlakar Ambernath ( !, Thane# 1 42%&*% $9%-9%&'(')*** / $9%19)2%22%2)) /n6ia. ?'4&49)'


@&AMAAA*T +AT'3B 6

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