How To Book Railway Ticket Through Sms and Airtel Money

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USSD (Unstructured Supplementary Service Data) based booking for Airtel subscribers* egistration ! egister for Airtel money by dialing *"##$% ! &oad cash on this or recharge from any Airtel money outlet% Booking 'lo( ! Dial *"##$ and select book tickets option% ! Select eservation% ! )nter your * +,+ User *D% ! )nter the details of ticket (station- train no% date of .ourney- class etc%)% ! )nter m/*0 for authori1ing payment% ! Booking confirmation S2S is sent by * +,+ and same can be used during .ourney along (ith valid *D proof% ! 'are 3 * +,+ service charges are debited from your Airtel money account% ! +harges: 0o /4 +harges% ! Agent 5 * +,+ Service +harges: As applicable 6elpline 0o%: 787 6elpline )mail : 7879airtelmoney%in

Book your ticket through S2S:

7% S2S based booking through 7:;* egistration ! egister your mobile number (ith * +,+ as (ell as (ith your bank% ! Bank provides 22*D (2obile 2oney *dentifier) 3 <,/ (one time pass(ord) for authori1ation of payment% (2ore than 8= banks are providing this facility% 'or details- visit (ebsite: http:55(((%npci%org%in5bankmember%asp>%) Booking 'lo( ! Send S2S- in the follo(ing synta>- to 7:; B<<? ! @ou (ill receive ,ransaction *D along(ith other details% ! 2ake payment through sending an S2S- in the follo(ing synta>- to 7:; /A@ and your ticket is booked% ! Service is available to all mobile subscribers% ! S2Ses 9 s :5A per S2S (8 S2Ses are reBuired for each booking)% ! /4 charges s =5A for ticket amount s =###5A (as applicable by bank)% ! Agent 5 * +,+ Service +harges: As applicable 6elpline 0o%: 7:; 6elpline )mail : smsticket7:;9bharatbpo%in

8% S2S based booking through =CDCD7"* egistration ! egister your mobile number (ith * +,+ as (ell as (ith mA(allet (http:55(((%1ipcash%in5user5nlogin%asp>) ! Send S2S- to =CDCD7D- in the follo(ing synta> S,A , for user authentication (first time only) Booking 'lo( ! Send an S2S to =CDCD7" to book a ticket in the follo(ing synta>: B<<?-- - --! @ou (ill receive the ,ransaction number% ! Send the 8nd S2S- for payment- in the follo(ing synta>% 7% E/A@ - 2/A@- F for authori1ing payment through 2/A@ or 8% E/A@ --- -F for authori1ing payment through *2/S% ! After payment is made booking confirmation is sent to your mobile% ! +harges: 0o /4 +harges% Agent 5 * +,+ Service +harges: As applicable% S2Ses 9 s :5A per S2S (8 S2Ses are reBuired for each booking)% 6elpline 0o% : GGG8##7##7 6elpline )mail : support9saarthii%com :% S2S based booking through BS0&* User should have the follo(ing: 7% BS0& S*2 card installed% 8% Hava enabled mobile phone% :% Andhra Bank /repaid card% ,his is a menu driven application (here user has to enter the details asked for in simple stepAbyAstep process to get the ticket% egistration ! *nstall the application% ! Select the egister option to get the m/*0% Booking ! +lick the icon BS0& /repaid +ard ! Select ,icketing I ,rain (* +,+) ! 'ill up the .ourney details such as 'rom stn- ,o Stn- ,rain 0o- D<H- +lassJuota- passenger details% ! )nter the m/*0 to get the ticket information% ! +harges: 0o /4 +harges% Agent 5 * +,+ Service +harges: As applicable% S2Ses (ithout charges% 6elpline 0o% : K;7AGG#78;G#:G 6elpline )mail : bsnl%support9pyrogroup%com ,he key features of ticket booking on mobile:

,icket can be booked (ithin minutesL

basic mobile phones are sufficientL no internet connection is reBuiredL ,he user (ill get ticket details on S2S instantly% S2S along (ith valid *D in original can be used for travel- no printout is reBuired%

/ress of elease of through S2S

ail(ay Department on

ail(ay ,icket booking

/ress *nformation Bureau 4overnment of *ndia 2inistry of ail(ays 8GAHuneA8#7: 7D::# *S, 2allikar.un ?harge &aunches S2S Based ,icketing System ,his 0e( System (ill *mprove +ustomer +onvenience and )mpo(er the +ommon 2an: ?harge ,he 2inister of ail(ays Shri 2allikar.un ?harge launched S2S based ticketing system at a function here today% Mhile addressing a gathering on the occasionShri ?harge said that this userAfriendly service (hich (ill be effective from today i%e 8Gth Hune 8#7:- is being introduced in order to further improve the customer convenience and empo(er the common man (ho does not have access to internet and cannot afford to buy smart phones% 6e said that since the mobile penetration in *ndia has increased rapidly and more than G# per cent people have mobile phones- this ne( system (ill be helpful in enabling booking of tickets by masses themselves% ,icket booking through nonAinternet based mobile- introduced as a pilot pro.ect by *ndian ail(ays +atering 3 ,ourism +orporation (* +,+)- a /ublic Sector Undertaking of the 2inistry of ail(ays- (ill also help ail(ays in overcoming the menace of touting (hereby unsuspecting people are fleeced by such elements% ,his (ill particularly be useful for labourers and (orkers staying a(ay from their home and (ho have to book tickets for travel to their native place- the 2inister added% ,he ail(ay 2inister further said that inconvenience in booking reserved rail(ay tickets has been a cause of concern for all% *n order to facilitate easy access*ndian ail(ays have been making efforts by e>panding the passenger reservation system counters net(ork% ,he online booking through * +,+ has no( gro(n up to about "=N of total reserved tickets% ,his has eased the rush at counters to a great e>tent% Mhile internet access in *ndia is only about 7#N- mobiles are no( in easy reach and more than G#N people in our country use mobile phones- the 2inister said% Speaking on the occasion- +hairman- ail(ay Board- Shri Oinay 2ittal said that *ndian ail(aysP initiative of launching the nonAinternet based ticketing through a mobile phone (ould further enhance the scope and each of ticketing since it has huge potential to tap the po(er of mobile phone% Shri 2ittal said that this service (ill be improved further (ith provision of more payment options- userAfriendly interface and value added services like alerts and updates% /ayment through

mobiles is still in an evolving state and +ommercial Banks- B* and 0ational /ayment +orporation of *ndia are (orking on providing a safe- secured and Buick payment mechanism through mobile% As the payment option mature and user gets accustomed to S2S booking- it has the potential of overtaking bookings through internet as (ell as counters- he added% *n his (elcome address- the +hairmanAcumA2anaging Director- * +,+- Shri akesh ,ondon said that this is- indeed- * +,+Ps successful effort in making rail(ay ticket booking even easier through S2S or menu based USSD technology (hich (orks on all mobile phones% ,hrough this service- customer can not only book ticket but also can search for stations- trains- availability- /0 enBuirymake cancellation etc- he added% &aunch of ticket booking service through mobile phones had been announced in ail(ay Budget 8#78A7:% ,his initiative (ill go a long (ay in customer convenience% Mith the passage of time- it is e>pected that mobile booking (ill surpass reserved ticket booking by all other modes like internet and counters% 2obile booking is not only convenient but it also saves time and money% ,he user (ill have to get mobile money account opened from his5her bank or mobile money providing agencies as approved by the eserve Bank of *ndia% Source : /*B and *ndianrail%gov%in

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