Inventor Unofficial AD&D Class

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The Inventor

By: Michiel Kremers & Bart Roeffen

All the noise in the inn died when the old warrior entered. He assed se!eral tra!elers while striding towards the fire lace. "hey all gathered aro#nd him as soon as he sat down on his chair $y the fire. %&lease' old (are#s' tell #s a$o#t the tra!els yo#)!e made. "ell #s a$o#t all the things yo#*!e seen'% they $egged. +ld (are#s sat $ac,' lighting his i e. He smiled' for their faces e- ressed s#ch eagerness. %.ell'% he $egan' %/*!e met some strange eo le d#ring the ad!ent#res me and my gro# enco#ntered on the way. B#t / will ne!er forget the day that we met the /n!entor.% %An in!entor0 .hat might that $e' some sort of monster0% /t was the inn,ee er' who had gathered with them. He stood # and wi ed his hands on his a ron. He loo,ed at the warrior with an e- ression of dis$elie!e on his face. He went $ac, to the $ar and started cleaning the glasses. %1o'% said (are#s' t#rning towards the inn,ee er' %the in!entor was a man li,e me and yo#. .e met him at the 2afirwoods.% His face was colored yellow and red as he loo,ed into the fire. 1o one made a so#nd. %He addressed #s and we went f#rther together. /n his right hand he carried a little $lac, s#itcase and strange de!ices were attached to his $ody. He was m#m$ling to himself all the way' co#nting and calc#lating. .e didn*t #nderstand a thing of what he was doing' $#t we didn)t mind his resence. After a few miles an enormo#s giant came 3#m ing o#t of the woods. He sw#ng a h#ge cl#$ and sho#ted lo#d. .e were araly4ed $y its s#dden a earance. "hen we heard a clic,ing so#nd from the right. "he in!entor had o ened his s#itcase. *(inally' / get to test this thing'* he m#ttered' drawing forth a little $lindfolded creat#re. He #t the thing down' and only then we saw that something was tied down the creat#re*s $ac,5 with a f#se stic,ing o#t of it. "he in!entor laced the shrie,ing thing on the gro#nd and let it go. (eeling free' it ran $lind in the direction of the 6iant. "he latter $ended forward ic,ing # the creat#re and e-amined it closely. / don*t thin, he saw !ery m#ch $eca#se the thing e- loded right in his face. He was $lown $ac,wards and didn*t mo!e any more. .hen we finally reali4ed what had ha ened the in!entor was gone. He had ta,en his s#itcase and left.% 1ot a single so#nd was heard in the inn. 7!en the inn,ee er had sto ed cleaning his glasses. "hey all loo,ed dismayed at the old warrior. 8#ddenly' an enormo#s e- losion was a#di$le. "he so#nd came from o#tside the inn and e!ery$ody r#shed at the door' lea!ing only the old warrior' grinning to himself $y the fire.

The Inventor The InventorThe InventorThe Inventor

"he in!entor is a erson who wants to create items that will ma,e his life' and mostly com$at' easier. He can $e a fearsome o onent in $attle altho#gh he will ne!er $e in the front. He rather remains at a distance firing his in!entions into the enemy ran,s. 1ormal melee wea ons are hard to handle for him. He can $ecome roficient in melee wea ons $#t will still s#ffer a enalty of 92 to attac, and :2 to initiati!e. Altho#gh many of his in!entions ha!e the same effect as magic' they wor, in an entirely different way. "hey are mostly artificial and handmade. /n fact' most in!entors detest magic and ref#se to #se' or e!en come close to it. "heir goal is to create items that will ma,e magic needless. "hey are technically !ery ad!anced and intelligent. /n!entors always ha!e new ideas for new in!entions' many of them im ossi$le to create $eca#se of the lac, of s#ita$le material. "he in!entor)s ath of life leads from in!ention to in!ention with a lot of e- losions in $etween. An in!entor needs a la$oratory at 1 st le!el. "his la$oratory won)t ta,e # as m#ch s ace as a wi4ard)s la$. An ad!ent#ring in!entor' who has to tra!el a lot' can do with a mo!a$le la$; $#ilding it in a co!ered wagon. &laying an in!entor can $e a lot of f#n when the <M is coo erati!e. He m#st ma,e s#re that in!enting is not too easy and not too hard and he co#ld come # with !ery f#nny incidents =misfires' s#dden e- losions>. A lot of things can ha en if the in!entor mi-es the wrong ingredients. &layers) own initiati!es on new in!entions sho#ld $e enco#raged from 1 st le!el on. An in!entor cannot $e lawf#l good. Altho#gh his intentions are mostly good' some of his in!entions will not mi- with lawf#l alignment. "he im losi!es for instance or the research needed on dead animals =they ha!e to die first>. &layers can $e lawf#l good' $#t in this case they will ha!e to $eha!e accordingly. 8ome in!entions will $e o#t of reach for these characters. "he in!entor can not m#lticlass. Besides a $ac, ac, the in!entor #s#ally carries a little $lac, s#itcase to store se!eral in!entions. /n $attle he has his $om$s and st#ff $y hand. "he s#itcase is drawn f#rther on.


Ability Requirements:

<e-terity 1? /ntelligence 1@ Aonstit#tion 1B Prime Requisite:/ntelligence

Allowed Races:

H#man' 6nome' 7lf and Half9elf

"a$le /
level 1 2 ? C @ F E D G 1B 11 12 1? 1C 1@ 1F 1E 1D 1G 2B Experience points B 2'1BB C'2BB D'@BB 1E'BBB ?C'BBB FD'BBB 1?@'BBB 2EB'BBB @@B'BBB D@B'BBB 1'1BB'BBB 1'?@B'BBB 1'F@B'BBB 1'GBB'BBB 2'1@B'BBB 2'CBB'BBB 2'E@B'BBB ?'BBB'BBB ?'2@B'BBB Hit Dice (d6) 1 2 ? C @ F E D G 1B 1B:2 1B:C 1B:F 1B:D 1B:1B 1B:12 1B:1C 1B:1F 1B:1D 1B:2B

B#ilding an /n!entor with Aharacter &oints

An in!entor recei!es (" %P)s to s end on a$ilities. A standard in!entor chooses a#tomatic wea on roficiency 1B' constr#ction 1B' $on#s roficiencies @' followers @' increased mo!ement @' in!enting roficiency 1B' ,nowledges ?@' o erate war machines @' s# er!isor @' throwing @. Automatic weapon pro iciency (!") .ith this a$ility the in!entor can act#ally #se the wea ons he created. /f he has in!ented the 6ree, (ire &ro3ector than he ,nows how to handle it' $eca#se of all the tests he*s done with it. #onus pro iciencies ($) .hen this a$ility is chosen the in!entor gains the 7ngineering &roficiency and the Aar entry &roficiency' as these are $oth related to the wor, the in!entor does. Both roficiencies are im ro!ed $y :1 for e!ery ? le!els the in!entor rises. 8o a E th le!el in!entor has a :2. %ombat bonus (!$) "he in!entor #ses the riests) thaco instead of the in!entors. %onstruction (!") Aonstr#ction allows the in!entor to in!ent and constr#ct war machines. "his a$ility doesn)t gi!e the roficiency to #se them in a fight or siege. &ollowers ($) "he in!entor can gain followers. He doesn)t need a stronghold or so. He finds his followers $y chance' 3#st li,e a ranger' or he in!ents them himself. (ollowers are descri$ed f#rther in this article. Hit point bonus (!") "he in!entor with this a$ility rolls 1dD for hit oints rather than 1dF. Increased movement ($) "he in!entor gains a :? to his $ase mo!ement. Inventin' pro iciency (!") "his roficiency is needed to reali4e the ideas the in!entor has. .ith this roficiency the character is a$le to ma,e lans' draw schemes' #se technical terms to descri$e the ower of an in!ention =s#ch as Holt and Hert4> and ,now the ingredients and materials needed for his creation =g#n owder for instance>. .itho#t this roficiency the in!entor will ha!e a hard time in!enting. Inventin' bonus ($) "his a$ility grants the in!entor a CI $on#s to the chance of s#ccess when in!enting a new item. "his system is descri$ed $elow.

*nowled'e (+$), "he in!entor needs certain information to create his in!entions. He m#st ha!e the ,nowledge a$o#t nat#ral laws so that he can #se them. "here are three ,inds of ,nowledge that can $e chosen se arately. 9P-ysics (!$)' "he ,nowledge needed to create in!entions $ased on hysical r#les li,e gra!ity' electricity' steam ro #lsion etc. 9Alc-emical (!")' Knowledge needed to create in!entions which com$ine se!eral materials in s#ch a way that the desired reaction occ#rs. "his com$ining res#lts in e- losi!e and other aggressi!e reactions which the in!entor can #se to attac,. 9Anatomic (!")' "he ,nowledge needed to ma,e in!entions that are $ased on anatomic sciences. "he in!entor e-amines other creat#res and how their $odies f#nction. .ith this information he can create new tools. .perate war mac-ines ($) M#ch li,e the fighter a$ility. "he ,nowledge to o erate hea!y war machines and siege engines s#ch as $allistae' cata #lts' rams' $ores and siege towers the character in!ented. /f the in!entor didn)t design the machine he m#st ma,e a chec, to see if he can o erate the constr#ction. /n this case his chance of s#ccess is E@I. /upervisor ($) "he a#thority to s# er!ise the constr#ction of large in!entions s#ch as re eating $olt throwers' flying machines etc. +r to s# er!ise the creation of large n#m$ers of relati!ely sim le in!ented items. 0-ievin' abilities (!") (or 1B A&)s the in!entor can choose one of the following thie!ing a$ilities: o en loc,s' find and remo!e tra s' mo!e silently' hide in shadows and t#nneling. "he ercentage is eJ#al to a standard thief; racial and de-terity ad3#stments a ly. 0-rowin' bonus ($) By #rchasing this a$ility the in!entor ma,es himself a$le to throw $om$s and eggshells he in!ented with an additional :2 to hit. (#rther' this a$ility wor,s the same as the throwing roficiency. 1eapon speciali2ation (!") At @th le!el the in!entor can s eciali4e in a wea on he in!ented. "o s eciali4e the character m#st s end F A&s. 1o s eciali4ation in a melee wea on can $e gained.

Optional restrictions Optional restrictionsOptional restrictionsOptional restrictions

An in!entor can recei!e e-tra A&s $y #rchasing the following restrictions: 3elee restrictions (!"), .hen an in!entor fights with any melee wea on he didn)t in!ent himself' he will s#ffer a -C enalty to attac, and a :C to initiati!e =instead of 92 and :2>. 4imited ma'ical item use ($5), /n s,ills and owers a list is gi!en for magical item restrictions. An in!entor with this a$ility is con!inced he can create his own owerf#l items with the same effect witho#t #sing magic. He ref#ses to #se the items from a s ecific category. (or each $arred category the character gains @ A&s. Aategories are: otions' oils' and scrolls; rings' rods' sta!es' and wands' and miscellaneo#s magical items; wea ons; armor. %ombat restriction ($6!"), "he in!entor #ses the thie!es) thaco' or the wi4ards) thaco' instead of his own. He gains @ oints for the thie!es) thaco and 1B A&s for #sing the wi4ards).

"he in!entor can choose in!entions from the following 6ro# s: 6eneral' &riest' Rog#e and .arrior. /n!entors gain D additional Aharacter &oints at first le!el to #rchase nonwea on roficiencies. /n choosing wea on roficiencies the in!entor is treated li,e a rog#e. "h#s' he gains F A& to #rchase wea on roficiencies. 8#ch roficiencies cost ? A&s. 1ote the enalties for melee wea ons.

Knowledge and /n!enting

7ach ,nowledge is related to se!eral in!entions. +f co#rse layer characters can create their own in!entions' 3#st li,e wi4ards can create their own s ells. "he layer sho#ld cons#ltate with the <M if the in!ention is a ro riate and of which le!el it will $e. (or each in!ention' listed here or not' a lot of research m#st $e done $efore it can act#ally $e $#ilt. A n#m$er of wee,s eJ#al to the in!ention le!el =see ta$le /H> m#st $e s end to find o#t e!erything the in!entor needs to ,now a$o#t the s#$3ect. After that eriod' a chec, is made $y the <M =1d1BB>. "he chance of s#ccess de ends on intelligence' le!el and the diffic#lty of the in!ention' as follows:

Ahance of s#ccess K 2I er oint of intelligence :@I er le!el - 8#ccess modifier "he s#ccess9modifier is in!entionle!el9related. "his means that a highle!el character who wants to create a 1st le!el in!ention has a 1BI modifier. /f the chec, fails the in!entor co#ld s end additional wee,s researching. At the end of each additional wee, a new chec, is made. 7!ery additional wee, also im lies a @I chance of s#staining flaws rolled $y the <M after each missed s#ccess roll. .hen the chec, is rolled $eneath this n#m$er it means that there)s a flaw in the design. .hen the in!ention has act#ally $een $#ilt the flaw is disco!ered = erha s $y a massi!e e- losion' $y malf#nctions or constant misfires' this is # to the <M> 1ote that after researching the in!ention the character only ,nows how to ma,e it. He 3#st made a $#ilding9 scheme; he did not create the item. /n!enting won)t cost m#ch money =only some in,' encils' a er and the in!entor will need a J#iet lace and as #s#al: food> (or e-am le: 8 inner' a 6nomish in!entor wants to in!ent the Aiming <e!ice. He is a C th le!el in!entor with an intelligence of 1D. He has to s end two wee,s in!enting the thing. His chance of s#ccess is ?F=int>:2B=l!l>92@=modifier>K C1. "he <M rolls a ?2 and tells 8 inner that after his hard wor, he ,nows how to ma,e the Aiming <e!ice. 1ote that the in!entor can)t in!ent things a$o!e his le!el.

"a$le //
/n!entor)s le!el 19? C9F E9G 1B912 1?91@ 1F91D 1G91G: /n!ention le!el 1 2 ? C @ F E 8#ccess 7-am les & 6#idelines Modifier 1BI $l#nder$#ss 2@I im losi!es' electricity CBI L9ray goggles @@I Acid ro3ector' steam ro #lsion EBI Balloon D@I 8#$marine' flying9machine 1BBI Ara4y 8t#ff li,e tele orters' lanecraft

"he costs for in!enting sho#ld $e decided $y the <M. Materials do not always cost the same' and the amo#nt of money for ser!ices isn)t the same in e!ery co#ntry. "herefore the <M sho#ld consider the rice aid $y the /n!entor. 8ome of the materials are not for sale' the /n!entor sho#ld go on some sort of J#est to find the material. 2o# sho#ld #nderstand that the in!entions noted in the following cha ters aren)t the only ossi$le in!entions. &layers sho#ld #se their imagination in constr#cting new ideas. "hey are free to ma,e lans' the <M is free to for$id them =3#st ,idding>.

(irst9Le!el /n!entions
Adamantine Di''in' 7loves
=Anatomy> B#ilding "ime: 1B days Aost: =2nd le!el> "hese glo!es gi!e the in!entor the a$ility to dig t#nnels at e-tra s eed. 1ot that these ga#ntlets are magical' of co#rse not. "hey are 3#st made in a way that allows the character to dig with his hands. Ao ied from mole aws the glo!es got little s adeli,e irons on its fingers. "he in!entor can dig a !ol#me of three c#$ic feet er ro#nd =min#te> in normal earth and one c#$ic foot er ro#nd tro#gh roc,. A character with the t#nneling a$ility adds 2BI to his $ase9score when #sing this glo!es. 8 ecial ingredient is Adamantine.

#lac8 %rystal 7lasses,

=&hysics> B#ilding "ime: ? days Aost:

At ?rd le!el the in!entor can create glasses of dar, material. "hey wor, li,e s#nglasses gi!ing the wearer e-tra rotection to $linding $y s#n or artificial light =fire for instance>. "he dar, material needed has to $e searched for. .hen made' the glasses ro!ide a :? to any s#r rise9chec, when enco#ntering fire or lightning.

=&hysics> B#ilding "ime: 2B days Aost: =1st le!el> "his wea on #ses g#n owder =m#st $e in!ented a art from the $l#nder$#ss>' 3#st li,e the arJ#en$#s in &layers Hand$oo,' to shoot little stones. "his wea on is not only dangero#s to o onents. /t can harm the in!entor as well. /f a nat#ral 19C is rolled on an attac, roll =d2B> something goes wrong. /n ta$le H is listed what e-actly ha ens. /f the attac, is made s#ccessf#lly the Bl#nder$#ss does 1d1B dmg.

7un Powder
=Alchemy> B#ilding "ime: 1l$.Mday Aost: 1Bg Ml$. Highly flamma$le and e- losi!e owder that can $e #sed in g#ns and $om$s.

Repeatin' %rossbow
=&hysics> B#ilding "ime: 2B days Aost: =1st le!el> "his item is in many as ects eJ#al to a light cross$ow' e-ce t the rate of fire' which is two $olts er ro#nd' for it is loaded m#ch easier. "his is $eca#se of a maga4ine containing e-tra $olts which is attached to the cross$ow.

/nowslidin' #oard
=&hysics> B#ilding "ime: @ days Aost: =1st le!el> .ith this in!ention the character ena$les himself to slide o!er snow or similar material. +ne or two wooden $oards re ared in the right way attached to the in!entors shoes ma,e him slide at a mo!ement of 1D to 2C' if descending' de ending on angle. "hey don)t gi!e him e-tra s eed at flat terrain.

8econd9le!el in!entions
Acid bombs
=Alchemy> B#ilding "ime: ?Mday Aost: "wo ,inds of acid can $e made. (lesh9 and metal9eating acids are $oth owerf#l and therefore not created $efore Fth le!el. At this le!el the in!entor can create flesh9eating acid. As the name says' this acid does not affect any ,ind of metal. At Eth le!el metal9eating acid can $e in!ented.

Aimin' device
=&hysics> B#ilding "ime: 1B days Aost: =Cth le!el> By attaching a co# le of lin,ed lenses to his Re eating Aross$ow the in!entor can aim at an e-act location. /t ta,es one ro#nd to aim ro erly. All s#$seJ#ent attac,s are made with a :? to hit.

=&hysics> B#ilding "ime: 2@ days Aost: "he in!entor has the ,nowledge to create electricity. +nly' he will not $e a$le to #se this ower #ntil he reaches Fth le!el. "hen' he can create in!entions $ased on this ,nowledge. Li,e this Battery. Aom$ining two different materials $rings forth a reaction rod#cing eno#gh electricity to inflict damage eJ#al to a fifth le!el shocking grasp s ell.

=Alchemy> B#ilding "ime: 2 days Aost: =Cth le!el> "his is in!ention is one of the reasons an in!entor can)t $e lawf#l good. After long research the in!entor fo#nd the right way to trans ort the $om$s he created. "he $om$s are trans orted $y ,o$olds. According to the name the $om$s sho#ld $e trans orted $y im s. Nnfort#nately' the in!entor that tried e- erimenting with im s got himself ,illed. "he name he ga!e to his in!ention is still #sed tho#gh. "he ,o$old is tied to a little time $om$' and $lindfolded. "he in!entor #ts the creat#re in front of him. .hen released the ,o$old gets away from his im rissoner' r#nning straightforward $eca#se of the $andage. .hen ointed at an o onent' he trans orts the $om$ right to it. "he $om$ goes off inflicting 2dF dmg at a direct hit and 1d? for s lash damage. "his means the ,o$old is mostly hit when the $om$ is deli!ered.

In ravision 7o''les
=&hysics> B#ilding "ime: 1B days Aost: At @th le!el an in!entor can ma,e a air of glasses that allow him to see in the dar, 3#st li,e some races can. He will $e gi!en FB ft of infra!ision whene!er he #ts on the glasses' night or day. +f co#rse his Blac, Arystal 6lasses can*t $e #sed to ma,e this goggles.

1all %limbers
=Anatomy> B#ilding "ime: @ days Aost: =@th le!el> Ao ied from the treeclim$ing frogs are these glo!es and shoes. "hey ha!e s#c,ers on their flat sides fastening the in!entor to a wall or other !ertical s#rface. "he character can mo!e at a rate of F on !ertical and hori4ontal s#rfaces no matter what his normal mo!ement is' as long as he wears this gear.

"hird9le!el in!entions
Divin' 3as8:

B#ilding "ime: 1 wee, Aost: =Gth le!el> /n fact' this is an im ro!ed 6as Mas,. "he in!entor made is 6as Mas, a ro riate to $reath #nder water for 1@ min#tes. "his mas, only allows a character to breath #nder water' it doesn)t allow e-tra mo!ement or actions.

&lyin' suit:
=Anatomy> B#ilding "ime:2 wee,s Aost: =Dth le!el> "his is a s#it that co!ers the whole $ody of the in!entor' e-ce t for the head' li,e a di!ings#it. /ts rinci le is co ied from flying sJ#irrels. Attached to the s#it are two wingli,e fleeces that f#nction as arach#tes when arms and legs are s read. "hey act#ally gi!e the character some sort of (eather falling $#t in his enth#siasm the in!entor named this item a (lying 8#it.

7as 3as8
=Anatomy> B#ilding "ime: 1wee, Aost: =Eth le!el> "he in!entor carries a little $arrel on his $ac, where air is stored. thro#gh a little mo#th iece the character $reathes the air when in a clo#d of gas or smo,e. He will ha!e the ossi$ility to $reath for 1B min#tes witho#t any error. "he #sed air esca es thro#gh the mo#th iece so that the air in the $arrel will stay #re.

7ree8 &ire Pro9ector

=Alchemy> B#ilding "ime: 2B days Aost: =Dth le!el> "his g#n is something li,e the Bl#nder$#ss. "he in!entor carries a little $arrel on his $ac, which is connected to a t#$e. "he $arrel contains 6ree, fire =oil>. .hen #sed' the oil is ro3ected thro#gh the t#$e and lit at the end of it. A ray of fire =1 sJ#are wide and ? sJ#ares long> s rings from the wea on doing damage to all creat#res that are within range. <amage is 2dF dmg the first ro#nd and 1dF the second. "he $arrel contains eno#gh oil to fire C ro#nds =D flas,s>' then it m#st $e refilled.

/-adow Pro9ector
=&hysics> B#ilding "ime: ?B days Aost: "his in!ention creates shadows that ma,e it easier to hide for thie!es. "his wor,s $est in shadowy areas and won)t wor, off co#rse in an o en lace in $right s#nlight. /f #sed ro erly it will add :@ I to hide in shadows score.

:ltravision 7o''les
=&hysics> B#ilding "ime: 1@ days Aost: At Eth le!el eno#gh research is made to create a $etter !ersion of the /nfra!ision 6oggles. "he in!entor can see erfectly in dar,ness' starlight or moonlight' and # to GB ft. He'll see as if it)s day.

;<ray 7o''les

B#ilding "ime: ? wee,s Aost: At Gth le!el the in!entor can im ro!e his goggles to the #ltimate #se. "his air of glasses grants the wearer the a$ility to see into and thro#gh s#$stances that are im enetra$le to normal sight. Hision range is 2B ft' with the !iewer seeing as if he were loo,ing at something in normal light. .ith this item the !iewer can enetrate 2B ft of cloth' wood or similar animal or !egeta$le material' and # to 1B ft of stone or some metals. 8ome metals can)t $e enetrated at all. "his item was act#ally in!ented to see thro#gh the cloths of eo le to see what =s $eneath them. /t didn)t f#nction in the desired way' $#t it)s still handy tho#gh.

(o#rth9le!el in!entions
Acid Pro9ector
=Alchemy> B#ilding "ime: 2@ days Aost: =1Bth le!el> "his ro3ector wor,s the same as the 6ree, (ire &ro3ector. +nly' this wea on fires acid. "his is affecti!e against regenerating creat#res. Any hit inflicts ?dF dmg the first ro#nd and 1dF the ne-t. Any hit will lea!e scars on any s#r!i!ing creat#re. +ne stream of acid =as m#ch as a flas,> can $e ro3ected e!ery ro#nd #ntil the in!entor r#ns o#t of acid =the $arrel contains D flas,s>. "he Acid &ro3ector m#st $e aimed at one creat#re and is treated as a missile wea on. /f metal de!o#ring acid is fired the target)s armor doesn)t co#nt.

/team Propulsion
=&hysics> B#ilding "ime: 1one Aost: 1one "his in!ention reflects certain ,nowledge in how steam ro #lsion wor,s. /t can $e #sed in other in!entions that reJ#ire steam ro #lsion.

/team En'ine
=&hysics> B#ilding "ime: C@ days Aost: "his in!ention reJ#ires the ,nowledge of 8team &ro #lsion. Basically this in!ention is a s inning wheel that is ro #lsed $y heated water. "his wheel can $e attached to a shaft to create a !ehicle or to a mechanism to ma,e an a#tomatically loading $olt9thrower.

M#lti le9le!el in!entions

"he following two in!entions can $e made and im ro!ed at se!eral le!els. "heir effects are e- lained in "a$le ///.

0-rowin' #ombs
=Alchemy> B#ilding "ime: 1 dayM/n!entionle!el "his are little glo$es or o#ches filled with some sort of owder or gas. "he $om$s can $e thrown to whate!er location the in!entor wants $y ma,ing a s#ccessf#l "hrowing roficiency9chec,. "he le!el of the $om$s de ends on the le!el of its contents. "he cost of a $om$ is 2 6& er Bom$le!el : the cost of the material. 6asses and owders and its affects are listed in ta$le /.


=Alchemy> B#ilding "ime: 1 dayM/n!entionle!el "hese are $om$s made of $lown eggs. +nly hollow shells are #sed. "hey are filled with owder or gas and thrown at an o onent. "here are different ,inds of eggshells 3#st li,e there are different ,ind of smo,e $om$s de ending on what gasses or owders are #t in them =see "a$le />. 7ggshells are chea er than $om$s $#t as they weigh less aiming them is harder. "hey hit when a s#ccessf#l "hrowing roficiency9chec, is made at a 92 enalty. 7ggshells only ha!e material cost.

"a$le /// 6asses and owders

Bom$ le!el /n!ention le!el material cost

1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 2nd 2nd ?rd 1'@ 6& er $om$ 2 6& er $om$ 2 6& er $om$ 2'@ 6& er $om$ 2'@ 6& er $om$ 2'@ 6& er $om$ ?'@ 6& er $om$ C 6& er $om$

snee4ing 1dC rnds 1dF:1 dmg la#ghing 1dF rnds smo,e screen 1dF rnds irritating s,in 1 t#rn $linding 1dD ro#nds slee ing 1d1B:@ rnds 1dD:C dmg

9snee4ing 1st 9e- loding=g#n owder> 2nd 9la#ghing 2nd 9smo,e ?rd 9itching ?rd 9$linding Cth 9slee ing @th 9cho,ing Dth


"he in!entor has the #niJ#e a$ility to create his own followers. "herefore he m#st ha!e the three ,nowledges: hysics' alchemy and anatomy.


At ?rd le!el he finds a li!ing s#itcase that g#ards the in!entor)s $elongings stored in it. "he s#itcase #ses its fla s as a mo#th. He will not attac, other creat#res #nless they try to do something with the s#itcase. 1ote that an in!entor has no control o!er the s#itcase' when he treats it right it will o en at command. (#rther the s#itcase m#st $e carried' it cannot mo!e $y itself. "he in!entor can store as many in!entions as he li,es in the 8#itcase' as long as they weigh no more than 1BB l$s' c#m#lated. 1o li!ing creat#res can $e stored. .hen some one is near it' or tries to o en it the s#itcase can attac,' and will if the o onent seems hostile. He only tr#sts the in!entor and is !ery loyal. "he in!entor m#st ta,e good care of the s#itcase =gi!ing it food and cleaning its o#tside> or it will no longer hel him.

Ornithopter, Clockwork Avian

AlimateM"errain: (reJ#ency: +rgani4ation: Acti!ity Aycle: <iet: /ntelligence: "reas#re: Alignment: 1o.A earing: Armor Alass: Mo!ement: Hit <ice: "hacB: 1o.of Attac,s: <amageMAttac,: 8 ecial Attac,s: 8 ecial <efenses: Magic Resistance: 8i4e: Morale: L& Hal#e: Any NniJ#e 8olitary Any 1il 8emi9 =C> 1il 1e#tral 1 E (l ?F =B> 2 1E 1 192 <ro small $om$s 9? AA when f#riating nil " (earless =1G92B> 22@

"he Aloc,wor, A!ian' or +rnitho ter' is small flying machine made $y an e-J#isiti!e in!entor. /t is normally J#ite easy to destroy' $#t it)s strength lies in its s eed and in its d#ra$ility. .hen it is destroyed there is a GBI chance that it can $e re aired. "his ta,es one wee,. 8# lies that it carries when it s destroyed are lost.

%ombat, /n com$at it can inf#riate larger enemies $y flying aro#nd them. "his ta,es 2 ro#nds in which Aloc,wor, A!ian can)t attac,. B#t it is !ery hard to hit if it isn t attac,ing; es ecially for larger o onents. /t gets a +CAA $on#s for e!ery si4e difference. At the end of the second ro#nd the creat#re m#st ma,e a sa!ing throw !s. s ells. /f he fails the creat#re $ecomes enraged for 2912 ro#nds. <#ring this rage it s#ffers a BC enalty to all attac,s. Later !ersions can carry small $om$s with gasses or e- losi!es and dro them on their enemies. "o hit the A!ian ma,es an attac, roll against AA1B.

Clockwork Dragonet (Firedrake)

AlimateM"errain: (reJ#ency: +rgani4ation: Acti!ity Aycle: <iet: /ntelligence: "reas#re: Alignment: 1o.A earing: Armor Alass: Mo!ement: Hit <ice: "hacB: 1o.of Attac,s: <amageMAttac,: 8 ecial Attac,s: 8 ecial <efenses: Magic Resistance: 8i4e: Morale: L& Hal#e: Any Rare 8olitary Any 1il 8emi9 =C> 1il 1e#tral 1 2 =metal late> F (l 12 =A> C:C 1? 1 29D =2dC> (ire $reath @Mday 2dD in FB= - 1B= cone 192 fire damage er 8 or & wea on hit #nless sa!e !s. $reath. Blow # . 1il 8 (earless =1G92B> FEB

"he in!entor has re rod#ced the internal com$#stion9system of a firedra,e. .hen it is destroyed it ca#ses an enormo#s e- losion doing ?dF damage to e!eryone within a 1Bft radi#s. As it says' the in!entor has created a little cloc,wor, (iredra,e. /t f#nctions as a et and the in!entor has f#ll control o!er the creat#re. He has to #ll handles to set the <ra,e to wor,. Handles are for: aw9mo!ement =attac,ingMwal,ing>' flying' $reath wea on and tail9mo!ement. "he handles are sit#ated on the $ac, of the creat#re.

Dragon Engine Dragon EngineDragon Engine

AlimateM"errain: (reJ#ency: +rgani4ation: Acti!ity Aycle: <iet: /ntelligence: "reas#re: Alignment: 1o.A earing: Armor Alass: Mo!ement: Hit <ice: "hacB: 1o.of Attac,s: 1MA Rare 8olitary Any0 1on 8emi9 =C> 1il 1e#tral 1 9C (l ?F =A> CB9EB 1B =tail' clawMclawM$ite>

<amageMAttac,: 8 ecial Attac,s: 8 ecial <efenses: Magic Resistance: 8i4e: Morale: L& Hal#e:

.ing $#ffet. (ire $reath Blow # . nil 6 2B 12BBB

"his is only an idea of how com licated followers can $ecome. "he <M and the in!entor sho#ld wor, this creat#re o#t themsel!es and decide which owers it has.

An in!entor can wear any armor he li,es as long as he can toss its weight. (or se!eral occasions' the in!entor is $etter off wearing no armor' an in!entor who has chosen certain thie!ing9s,ills for instance. Besides the #s#al f#ll s#its =li,e chain mail or late mail> the in!entor can create his own armor. He does so $y welding together se!eral com onents of e-isting s#its. 7!ery iece of armor will add to the total AA' as descri$ed in Combat and Tactics. 7-am le: Midrella is a h#man in!entri-. 8he has created her own armor of ieces chainmail' leather and lates. 8he #sed st#dded leather to co!er her chest and $ac, to stay mo$ile. Her right arm and sho#lder are co!ered with a arm iece of f#ll late for e-tra rotection to her $est arm' her left arm and sho#lder are armored with chain mail. Her legs are co!ered with s lint mail. Her s#it now has an AA9$on#s of 1.@ : B'G :B'@ : 2- B.G K C'E. "his means she has an AA of @ =1B9C.EK@.? ro#nded down>. "a$le /H

Inventor 0-aco Inventor 0-acoInventor 0-acoInventor 0-aco

! = + > $ 6 ? 0-aco 2B 1G 1D 1D 1E 1E 1F Aalc#lating thaco: 2B 9 l!l:2 ro#nded # . 4evel @ ( 1F 1@ !" 1@ !! 1C != 1C !+ 1? !> 1? !$ 12 !6 12 !? 11 !@ 11 !( 1B =" 1B

"a$le H
Bl#nder$#ss Bl#nders 2dF roll res#lt 2 ?9C @9F E D9G 1B911 12 Mega9Boom after 1dC ro#nds 2dF dmg in sJ. 1dF dam ne-t sJ#are (o#led Barrel' nothing ha ens' g#n m#st $e cleaned =1dF ro#nds> (ires ne-t ro#nd' shot isn)t r#ined if aimed Bac,fire: ossi$le ,noc,down A lot of smo,e $linding s#rro#nding sJ#ares 8hot goes of to a random direction 7- losion' 2dC dmg or 1dC if sa!ing throw !s. death is s#ccessf#l



Magic Discarder
.hile most in!entors hate magic' there are always eo le who are worse. /n!entors who really detest magic are called Magic <iscarders. "heir hate towards magic can ha!e se!eral ca#ses' $#t the most common is that a character sees magic as some sort of tric, that can $e re laced $y science. 1ot only will this character ref#se to #se magic' he will also try to d# licate the effect artificially and then destroy the original. /t)s o$!io#s that coo eration with a mage is o#t of the J#estion' e-ce t for e-traordinary cases. Magic <iscarders ha!e ro$lems with riestly magic as well' $#t not in the same way. "hey do not ref#se riestly magic =while this is granted $y a god> altho#gh they will #se it rel#ctantly. /ocial ran8s, Magic <iscarders can come from any economic $ac,gro#nd e-ce t the lower class. "he reason for this is that a lot of money is needed to d# licate magical effects. /n!entors that lac, money won =t thin, of d# licating magic. Roll 2dF to determine the Magic <iscarder)s social ran,: 2dF roll 29@ F911 12 8ocial ran, Lower Middle Alass N er Middle Alass N er Alass

Requirements, "his ,it can only $e chosen $y in!entors. "he Magic <iscarder m#st ha!e the minim#m reJ#irements for an in!entor and m#st also ha!e a minim#m wisdom of 1?. "his is $eca#se the <iscarder m#st ha!e an e-tensi!e ,nowledge so he ,nows how to o$tain certain effects. 1eapon pro iciencies, O#st li,e any other in!entor the Magic <iscarder has a hard time fighting with melee wea ons. He can $ecome roficient in any wea on $#t s#ffers the same enalties as normal. 1ormal wea ons that can $e #sed witho#t enalties incl#de: re eating cross$ow' $l#nder$#ss and $om$s. Recommended nonweapon pro iciencies, Aar entry' engineering' s ellcraft' ro e #se' set snares. Equipment, 8tandard for in!entors Recommended traits, +$sc#re ,nowledge' recise memory' ,een senses. Possible Inventions, 8hoes of O#m ing' L9ray 6oggles' .ings of (lying' "ele orter and 8hoc,ing 6ras . #ene its, Beca#se they are so acJ#ainted with magic' Magic <iscarders gain a :1 on any sa!ing throws whene!er magic is in!ol!ed. Beca#se these characters are so eager to create items that will ma,e magic needless' they add a :1BI to their chance of s#ccess when in!enting s#ch items. 1ote that this ad3#stment only co#nts when some magical effect is d# licated. "herefore the in!entor m#st ha!e seen or heard of a magical item to re licate. Hindrances, .hile <iscarders really hate magic they will ref#se it in any way. 1o magical items of any ,ind can $e #sed voluntarily . Magic 3#st doesn)t a eal to him and he won)t #se it' #nless he is really forced $y

someone to do so. Magic cast # on him has normal effect on the character. .hen a fire$all is cast on him' the <iscarder will s#ffer damage as any other erson wo#ld. 1ealt-: "he Magic <iscarder start with the amo#nt of money standard for in!entors: 2dD-1B 6&.

Odd Jo


"here ha!e always $een eo le who are good at anything. Oac,9of 9all9trades who can do all the chores yo# want them to do. 8ome of these will offer their ser!ices for free. +thers will as, some ,ind of ayment. +dd Oo$$ers are eo le of the latter category. "hey dwell the earth hiring themsel!es o#t to eo le' doing 3o$s their em loyers don)t want to do. "hese characters can as, anything in ret#rn; money' !al#a$le items or materials needed for new in!entions. /ocial ran8s, +dd Oo$$ers ne!er come from the # er class' those eo le don)t ha!e to wor, to earn money and they aren)t #sed to offer their ser!ices. Roll 2dF to determine the character)s social $ac,gro#nd. 2dF roll 19C @9D G912 8ocial ran, Lower Alass Lower Middle Alass N er Middle Alass

Requirements, +dd Oo$$ers m#st ha!e a minim#m Aharisma of G. Besides they m#st ha!e the reJ#irements to $ecome an in!entor. +ther classes can $ecome +dd Oo$$ers $#t they m#st ha!e the a ro riate roficiency needed for the 3o$. 1eapon pro iciencies, Beca#se characters with this ,it are so de!oted to in!enting and creating they cannot fight with melee wea ons. "hey can only #se wea ons they created themsel!es. .ea ons incl#de: $l#nder$#ss' re eating cross$ow etc. Recommended nonweapon pro iciencies, Blac,smithing' car entry' co$$ling' engineering' leather wor,ing' ro e #se' stonemasonry' readingMwriting' set snares' $owyerMfletcher. Equipment, +dd Oo$$ers sho#ld ha!e all the eJ#i ment needed for the 3o$s they want themsel!es to do. /f a character wants to hire oneself o#t for re airing shoes' for instance' he sho#ld ha!e the a ro riate tools. Recommended traits, Artistic a$ility' em athy' ,een senses' o$sc#re ,nowledge' recise memory. Possible inventions, Hentilation 8ystem' Aentral Heating' 8ewing Machine and Ho#sehold /n!entions. #ene its, .hen +dd Oo$$ers deli!er good wor, their names are remem$ered and assed on. After some time they co#ld $ecome ,nown as Pthe man that co#ld do anythingQ. "his can draw the attention of wealthy eo le who can always #se this ,ind of ser!ices. He will $e aid well and co#ld e!ent#ally attract a wealthy atron that will s# ort and ay him for in!enting. Besides' this characters gains one of the named nonwea on roficiencies for free =see recommended nonwea on roficiencies>. Hindrances, +dd Oo$$ers are so de!oted to in!enting that they ha!e a hard time #sing wea ons they didn)t create themsel!es. "hey cannot fight with melee wea ons e-ce t for ,ni!es which they need for their wor,. "hey s#ffer the same enalties as #s#al when fighting with this wea on. Beca#se they li,e in!enting so m#ch' they add 2 days to the time needed to in!ent things. 1ealt-, +dd Oo$$ers start with the normal amo#nt of money: 2dD-1B 6&.

Stealth !unter
"he de!ices made $y in!entors can $e #sed to s#it many #r oses. 8ome in!entors decided to s eciali4e in the art of thie!ing. "heir in!entions grant them a$ilities of stealth and recision. /t is recommended that the thie!ing a$ilities are chosen. /ocial ran8, Most assassins come from the middle class. Roll 2dF to determine their ran,. 2dF roll 2 ?9D G912 8ocial ran, Lower Alass Lower Middle Alass N er Middle Alass

Requirements, "o ta,e this ,it the in!entor m#st ha!e a minim#m <e-terity of 1@ and a Aharisma of 12. 8tealth H#nters can)t $e lawf#l good. 1eapon pro iciencies, A stealth h#nter doesn)t ta,e the #s#al enalties in one small melee wea on of his choice. Recommended nonweapon pro iciencies, direction sense' disg#ise' forgery' trac,ing' reading li s' modern lang#ages' her$alism' t#m$ling. Equipment, +nly light tools and wea ons sho#ld $e carried and no armor hea!ier than st#dded leather may $e worn. Recommended traits, Alertness' am$ide-terity' gli$ness' ,een senses' recise memory. Possible inventions, Red <+" Laser' 8tealth Alothing' 8hadow &ro3ector' 8o#nd A$sor$er and Alchemical &oisons. #ene its, "hro#gh his s eciali4ed interests the stealth h#nter recei!es a :1BI $on#s to all thie!ing a$ilities he ossesses. He can im ro!e the a$ilities with in!entions li,e the shadow ro3ector and the so#nd a$sor$er. /tems li,e the Red <+" Laser =<istant +$3ect "argeting system> will ma,e aiming with yo#r re eating cross$ow a lot easier. <e!ices that affect thie!ing s,ills can $e in!ented with a :1BI s#ccess $on#s. Hindrances, +ne $ig hindrance is that the 8tealth H#nter is restricted in his choice of armor 3#st li,e a thief. &ersons that ,now his rofession will mostly react disa ro!ing. Reaction rolls are made with a enalty of 9C. 1ealt-, 8tandard

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