Local Takes On Holiday

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Local takes on holiday Last minute shoppers covered By Bethany J.

Royer Originally published in the Piqua Daily Call Feb. 14, 2 14

PIQUA They say variety is the spice of life and with today being Valentines Day, where lovers e press ter!s of endear!ent via cards, flowers, wine and chocolate, how are those on a local level celebrating this ann"al holiday# $or %ary &"ff, city !anager, the response was a very nice dinner with his wife, followed by a tal' with their grand'ids( )hile Diana Ta!plin, h"!an reso"rces assistant, said that while ideally she wo"ld li'e to go o"t to eat for brea'fast, l"nch and dinner, followed by c"rling "p on the co"ch with a hot c"p of tea and a good !ovie( *ealistically it will be a $riday wor' day with going o"t for pi++a and a visit with her son on a wee'end ho!e fro! college( Debbie ,tein, e ec"tive secretary, has had a plan in place for !onths for the big day and will be dining o"t with her h"sband, -i!, and fo"r other co"ples( .)e are really loo'ing forward to it/0 1hris ,ch!iesing, city planner, says he will be en2oying an evening o"t with, .!y wonderf"l wife Pa"la(0 )illia! 34ill5 6"t+, develop!ent progra! !anager, had a response that !any will appreciate( .%iven the bad weather we have been having, I hope to get o"t of the ho"se/0 4r"ce -a!ison, 1hief of Police, has so!e "ni7"e plans in store for today( )hile he will be staying in Pi7"a to get so!e wor' done, he will also be attending dance practice for Dancing with the Pi7"a ,tars( .,o people sho"ld feel sorry for !e and vote for !e with a donation to the Pi7"a Arts

1o"ncil,0 says -a!ison in f"n8spirit over his i!pending dance deb"t( 9eanwhile, his sweetheart will be spending the wee'end with their da"ghter and fa!ily, getting in so!e grand!other ti!e(

$or those who !ay have forgotten, do not despair, a variety of locations in the i!!ediate area have so!ething to offer everyone incl"ding )inans $ine 1hocolates and 1offee, :;: )est &igh ,t(, open "ntil < p(!(, and their =>?>D 6ooney *oad location open "ntil = p(!( @ffering a variety for shoppers incl"ding a selection of heart8shaped, chocolate8filled bo es, ready to go, along with Valentines day !"gs, !ade to order gift bo es, Valentines Day s"c'ers and a <lb velvet heart bo of candy( %enells $lowers, A>> B( Ash ,t(, will be open today "ntil < p(!(, with plenty of flowers incl"ding roses so no one has to sleep in the dogho"se, and Allisten 9anors $lower 4o , :C;; )ashington Ave(, open "ntil DEA> p(!(, will li'ewise have coolers f"ll for last !in"te shoppers(

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