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Class Act Not white, gray and blah Art teacher challenges students to create outside the box

By Bethany J. Royer Originally published in the Piqua Daily Call Feb. 12 2!1"

PIQUA Those visiting Michele Schneibles classroom at Piqua Catholic school on West North Street get an imme iate sense o! s"ring as large# color!ul !lo$ers ot the $alls% The $i e blooms o! construction "a"er invo&ing a season still a goo si' $ee&s a$a( i! current $eather)relate con itions an a "ersnic&et( Pun'suta$ne( Phil are an( in ication% Schneible is the last o! si' ne$ e ucators $elcome to the school cam"us at the beginning o! the *+,-),. school (ear# an "art o! the continuing /ail( Call Class Act series% Those "revious ne$ e ucators inclu e ne$ science an math teacher# Am( Woehrm(er# thir gra e teacher# Mar( 0eth 0roo&s# !irst)gra e teacher# Ashle( Schulte# S"anish teacher# Cebele Cambron# an tech coor inator an 1th gra e religion teacher# Tom 2in&% 3Its al$a(s har to come into a ne$ "osition#4 sai Schneible o! her e'"erience so !ar at Piqua Catholic as an art teacher $ho oversees all gra es at the cam"us !or a total o! ,*, stu ents% Not !or her sentiment to be mista&en# as $ith a $i e smile an note e'uberance she s"o&e o! her art class an stu ents# along $ith the $or& o! ma&ing sure the latter receives a goo # soli !oun ation on the sub5ect be!ore tac&ling the man( varie as"ects o! it on the $a(% 6riginall( !rom 7ersailles# Schneible atten e 0o$ling 8reen as an un ergra uate in art e ucation an $or&ing on a masters in Theolog(% She live in 7irginia !or si' (ears# teaching "rivatel( in communit()base # homeschool an co)o" st(le environments be!ore a return to the area $here she gre$ u" so as to start her !amil( )shes mother to three) brought her bac& to "ublic e ucation% When as&e ho$ she came to art in "articular# Schneible sai the esire began earl(% 3Theres a lot o! things I $ante to o $ith m( li!e# I still sa( 9$hat o I $ant to be $hen I gro$ u": but Ive al$a(s ha a ver( strong a miration !or m( art teachers an I al$a(s $ishe that I coul o $hat the( $ere oing#4 e'"laine Schneible $ho is a mural artist# as $ell# starting at age ,; $ith her canvas the $alls an ceilings o! churches an schools# to name a !e$% 3I ont ta&e m( art$or& $ith me%4 <or her stu ents# their !avorite me iums are cla( an "ainting% 3The messier the better#4 sai Schneible $ho has ha a lot o! !un teaching stu ents a ne$ $a( o! creating b( challenging their creativit( such as contour ra$ing $ithout "ic&ing u" their "encils% 3The most !un# to me# is to challenge the stu ents to create in a $a( the( ont $ant to%4 Meaning# Schneible challenges her stu ents creativit( b( not so much thin&ing outsi e the bo' but actuall( $or&ing outsi e o! it% 3When (ou inhibit them# it ma&es their imagination $or& overtime#4 sai Schneible% 3It is a !un thing to o%4

Schneibles stu ents $or& has been in a variet( o! "ublic venues inclu ing ta&ing "art in the Miami Par&s /istrict scarecro$s contest $here stu ents ma e Picasso)st(le scarecro$s% Their latest $or& is in "rogress at the U""er 7alle( Centre Mall on = Ash St% <or the mall $in o$ "ro5ect# Schneible challenge her stu ents to create a color!ul $inter lan sca"e% 3We $ere going to o a $inter theme >but? I i nt $ant to ma&e ever(one e"resse #4 sai Schneible% 3The( create rain ro"s# sno$!la&es an sno$)rollers@ ver( color!ul storm clou s# rain ro"s an sno$% Its not $hite# gra( an blah%4 Bethany J. Royer may be reached at 773-2721 or on Twitter @TheDailyCall

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