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About Sheryan


What is Sheryan?

Its the new online licensing system for HEALTH REGULATION DEPARTMENT HRD! " DHA# Its for $ll he$lthc$re %rofession$ls $n& f$cilities new $n& c'rrent! where $ll their licensing tr$ns$ctions $n& %$yment will (e &one ONL) online $n& m$n'$lly tr$ns$ctions $re not $cce%te& $nymore#


I have written my surname wrongly, at our new online licensing system which can not be fixed by me, what shall I do?

*en& 's yo'r 'sern$me $n& $tt$ch yo'r %$ss%ort co%y to reg'l$tion+&h$#go,#$e $n& we will &o the nee&f'l ch$nges#


I have paid for my transaction and then an error has happened, what shall I do?

*en& 's yo'r tr$ns$ction n'm(er %l's to yo'r 'sern$me to reg'l$tion+&h$#go,#$e $n& we will &o the nee&f'l#


I have received my username and password, but only my experience details are filled, what shall I do?

All yo'r missing inform$tion sho'l& (e fille& (y yo'r self- other wise yo' will not (e $(le to &o $ny tr$ns$ction 'ntil yo' com%lete yo'r &$t$#

5. 6.

How can we trace out the link for submission of documents for new license?

E,ery online tr$ns$ction will h$,e $ reference n'm(er where yo' c$n 'se it for follow '%# I have started my application and downloaded the re uired documents, but only payment was pending, can I save my transaction and paid later?

.'rrently- yo' c$nt s$,e yo'r $%%lic$tion- if yo' close it yo' nee& to st$rt from (eginning#


How can we track the old manual applications?

Any tr$ns$ctions th$t h$,e (een $%%lie& in the ol& m$n'$l system- yo' nee& to come to He$lth Reg'l$tion De%$rtment HRD! $n& finish it m$n'$lly#


How can I obtain the result of my exam?

A res'lt notific$tion will re$ch yo'r em$il- if yo' h$,e %$sse& then eligi(ility letter will (e sen& to yo' in or&er to fin& $ recr'iting He$lthc$re f$cility $n& fin$li/e the licensing %rocess# 0't if not- then yo' nee& to re%e$t the whole licensing %rocess $g$in#


I would like to cancel a transaction that I have paid it, how can I refund my money?

)o'r tr$ns$ction c$n (e c$ncelle&- ('t yo'r !"#$% IS #"& '$()#*A+,$# -./ (or the new system transactions, what is the mode of payment? Only 1is$ .$r& 2 .re&it .$r& 2 De(it .$r& $re $cce%t$(le# --/ (or those who don0t have 1redit 1ard, how they can do their payment? Unfort'n$tely- in the me$n time the only mo&e of %$yment is 1is$ .$r& 2 .re&it .$r& 2 De(it .$r&#

12. (or those with technical problem such as login failed, reference number is not valid, etc/ to
whom they should contact? They nee& to em$il 's $t regulation2dha/gov/ae $n& we will t$c3le their iss'e#


Healthcare 3rofessionals ,icense

13. I

am a Healthcare professional licensed with *HA, how can I get my username and password for Sheryan?

The e4iste& DHA he$lthc$re %rofession$ls $n& f$cilities 'sern$me $n& %$sswor& c$n (e %ic3e& '% from He$lth Reg'l$tion De%$rtment " .'stomer .$re Office# Loc$tion5 0'siness 1ill$ge 0'il&ing 0- 6r& 7loor- Office 8 669#

14. I

would like to work in the $mirate of *ubai, how do I know if I am illegible for *HA license?

To ,iew the eligi(ility .riteri$ of DHA He$lth Profession$l Licens're .lic3 Here# -4/ I am having less experience than the re uired, what are the other options for that? )o' nee& to $%%ly online $n& o'r .re&enti$ling te$m will chec3 $s it &iffers from c$se to c$se#

16. How can I get a *HA ,icense? 1 1isit htt%522eser,ices#&h$#go,#$e2DHA:e(2&ef$'lt#$s%4 2 .re$te $ new 'sern$me $n& %$sswor& 3 A%%ly for $ new Profession$l license 4 *$,e yo'r A%%lic$tion Reference N'm(er in or&er to tr$c3 yo'r $%%lic$tion# 5 HEALTH REGULATION DEPARTMENT HRD! to $%%ro,e yo'r $%%lic$tion 6 A%%lic$nt nee& to %$y for P*1 7 0oo3 $n& %$y for e4$m 8 After %$ssing the e4$m- $%%lic$nt nee&s to (e registere& within $ He$lthc$re f$cility 9 Iss'e M$l%r$ctice Ins'r$nce 10 Iss'e License 17. When

offer letter!

I submit my application, a notification came out saying that my email have been used before?

;in&ly note th$t $%%lic$nt em$il ID sho'l& (e NOT (e 'se& (efore# -5/ What do you mean of Specialist under Supervision title? It is for Physici$ns $n& Dentists who $re not f'lfilling the e4%erience re<'irement $fter $tt$ining their %ost gr$&'$tion st'&ies# -6/ After submitting my new application, when I will receive the credentialing result? It will t$3e $ro'n& = wor3ing &$ys# 7./ )ntil I find a recruiting healthcare facility, for how long my exam will stay valid? )o'r e4$m will st$y ,$li& for one ye$r ONL)# 7-/ &o get *HA license, do I have to apply through a health facility "' can I apply by myself? 7or new %rofession$l licenses- either the %rofession$l himself c$n $%%ly or the f$cility inste$& of the %rofession$l# *o the %rofession$l or the f$cility nee& to $%%ly $s $ new %rofession$l 'ser $n& then to follow '% $ll the ste%s $n& s$,e the reference n'm(er in or&er to follow '%#

22. How to cancel a *HA 3rofessional license for a facility staff? 1 A%%ly online (y 'sing the f$cility 'sern$me $n& %$sswor& 2 .lic3 on c$nceling license of He$lthc$re Profession$l# 3 7ollow '% the ste%s 23. I would like to transfer my license, who can do it me or the facility?
)o' nee& to &o it (y yo'r self online- $n& the followings nee& to (e $tt$che&5

1 Prim$ry *o'rce 1erific$tion P*1! re%ort 2 recei%t# 2 M$l%r$ctice Ins'r$nce in the concerne& he$lthc$re f$cility
of Ins'r$nce .om%$ny!#

.lic3 here to re,iew the list

3 No O(>ection Letter V2.2


Tr$nsfer License 7ees is 6?@? DH* for Physici$ns $n& @?@? DH* for others#

1 The new f$cility sho'l& h$,e yo'r s%eci$lty#

78/ How much time do renewal, cancellation and transferring process take?
ARenew$l5 No w$iting %erio&- it will (e on s%ot- if yo' h$,e f'lfille& the whole re<'irements# A.$ncell$tion $n& tr$nsferring5 $ro'n& 6 wor3ing &$ys- if yo' h$,e f'lfille& the whole re<'irements#

74/ What is the *HA exam fee? To ,iew DHA E4$m 7ees .lic3 Here#

26. I am having a gap for more than two years in my practical experience, how can I apply for
*HA license? 7or Physici$ns5 yo' nee& to h$,e $t le$st recent one ye$r clinic$l $tt$chment in yo'r co'ntry# 7or N'rses $n& Others5 yo' nee& to h$,e $t le$st recent B month clinic$l $tt$chment in yo'r co'ntry#

*HA 9overnmental Hospitals

27. I

have received an offer letter from one of *HA governmental hospitals :'H, *H, AWH, etc/; would I be exempted from any fees?

)es yo' will (e e4em%te& from cert$in fees- ('t yo' nee& to '%lo$& yo'r DHA offer letter# 75/ I am working at *HA governmental Hospitals< can I apply for a title upgrade? )o' nee& first to h$,e $n& '%lo$& $n eligibility letter or offer letter from the *HA = H'/

*ubai Healthcare 1ity = 3rofessionals

76/ I am a Healthcare 3rofessional working at *H11< can I apply for a license at *HA? )es yo' c$n- ('t its only for Physici$ns $n& Dentists- $n& yo' nee& to5

1 A%%ly online5 htt%522eser,ices#&h$#go,#$e2DHA:e(2&ef$'lt#$s%4 2 .re$te new 'sern$me $n& %$sswor& 3 Pro,i&e NO. from DH.. 4 E4em%te& from $%%lic$tion- $ssessment- $n& P*1 fees# 5 P$y for %$rt time license fees C?@? DH* for @ ye$r $n& iss'e the license#

3art &ime ,icense

30. I am licensed by *HA, I want to apply for 3art &ime to my current *HA license, what shall I
do? 7or the c'rrent He$lthc$re Profession$ls- $ll their tr$ns$ction will (e online# )o' nee& only to collect yo'r 'sern$me $n& %$sswor& from yo'r 7$cility Me&ic$l Director# An& $%%ly $ccor&ingly- ('t the followings nee& to (e '%lo$&e&5

1 Prim$ry *o'rce 1erific$tion P*1! re%ort 2 recei%t# 2 M$l%r$ctice Ins'r$nce in the concerne& he$lthc$re f$cility
of Ins'r$nce .om%$ny!#

.lic3 here to re,iew the list

3 No O(>ection Letter NO.! 4 P$rt Time License 7ees is C?@? DH* for @ ye$r- $n& its only for Physici$ns# 5 The new f$cility sho'l& h$,e yo'r s%eci$lty# 31. Who can apply for *HA part time license?

Only Physici$ns $n& Dentists with f'll time DHA License c$n $%%ly for %$rt time license#

V2. 2

(or 3art &ime ,icense, do I have to apply through a healthcare facility "' can I apply by myself? )o' nee& to $%%ly for yo'r self- $n& the followings h$,e to (e s'(mitte&5

1. 2. 3.

No O(>ection Letter from the m$in f$cility license Offer Letter from P$rt Time 7$cility License M$l%r$ctice Ins'r$nce#

33. How

many part time licenses can be granted for 3hysicians and *entists in addition to their permanent *HA license?

1 *%eci$list $n& .ons'lt$nt Physici$ns $n& Dentists5 c$n h$,e only two %$rt time licenses# 2 G#P %hysici$ns5 c$n h$,e only one %$rt time license in Hotels $n& *chools# 3 G#P Dentists5 c$n h$,e only one %$rt time license in $ny of He$lthc$re Org$ni/$tions# 4 Me&ic$l Director5 c$n h$,e only one %$rt time license# 34. What are the needed re
uirements for recruited facility for part time license?

1 A,$il$(ility of Rooms# 2 Instr'ment of s$me s%eci$lty# 3 NO. letter iss'e& from their c'rrent license& He$lthc$re f$cility $n& signe& (y the me&ic$l
&irector 2 $&ministr$tor or $'thori/e& re%resent$ti,e

35. *o I need to apply for a part time license to my facility other branch?
No- He$lthc$re Profession$ls c$n mo,e freely (etween their f$cilities with s$me owner ('t the other (r$nch nee& to h$,e $ f'll time DHA license& He$lthc$re %rofession$l# >?/ 1an I apply part time license to facility that doesn0t have my specialty? No yo' c$nt- the online system will show yo' only the f$cilities of yo'r s%eci$lty#

37. In case of cancellation @ transferring of my full time *HA license, what will happen to
my part time license? In this c$se $ll yo'r %$rt time licenses will (e c$ncelle&# An& money is not ref'n&$(le#

Healthcare (acilities ,icense

>5/ What is the regulation to open a Health (acility in the $mirate of *ubai? To ,iew DHA Reg'l$tion of He$lth 7$cility Licens're .lic3 Here#

39. I

would like to open a new health facility in the $mirate of *ubai, what is the process? What *ocuments do I have to submit to Health 'egulation *epartment?

1 1isit htt%522eser,ices#&h$#go,#$e2DHA:e(2&ef$'lt#$s%4 2 .re$te $ new 'sern$me $n& %$sswor& 3 A%%ly for $ new 7$cility license 4 *$,e yo'r A%%lic$tion Reference N'm(er in or&er to tr$c3 yo'r $%%lic$tion# 5 HEALTH REGULATION DEPARTMENT HRD! will $%%ro,e yo'r $%%lic$tion 6 HEALTH REGULATION DEPARTMENT HRD! Ins%ection section will $%%ro,e the $%%lic$tion 7 Iss'e $n Initi$l $%%ro,$l ,$li& only for B month! 8 7in$li/e the $%%lic$tion with other licensing &e%$rtments s'ch $s 7D- DED- etc#! 9 *'(mit the $%%ro,$l from other licensing &e%$rtment to HEALTH REGULATION DEPARTMENT
for 7in$l $%%ro,$l



*t$rt to recr'it He$lthc$re %rofession$ls $n& Me&ic$l Director

11 12

P$y the license fees To ,iew 7ees .lic3 Here!# Iss'e the 7$cility license#

40. How I can change the !edical *irector for a Healthcare (acility? 1 A%%ly online (y 'sing the f$cility 'sern$me $n& %$sswor& 2 .lic3 on ch$nging me&ic$l &irector 3 7ollow '% the ste%s V2.2

P$y the re<'ire& fees @?@? DH*!

40. *o facilities have an option to submit the documents for new professional license or
only the candidate can submit his@her application online? 7or new %rofession$l licenses- either the %rofession$l himself c$n $%%ly or the f$cility inste$& of the %rofession$l# *o the %rofession$l or the f$cility nee& to $%%ly $s $ new %rofession$l 'ser $n& then to follow '% $ll the ste%s $n& s$,e the reference n'm(er in or&er to follow '%# 87/ How can facility add a professional ,icense to them? It nee&s to (e &one (y the He$lthc$re Profession$l who h$,e DHA license or h$,e %$sse& the DHA e4$m within one ye$r#

9ood Standing 1ertificate

8>/ What do you mean by 9ood Standing 1ertificate :9S1; or e uivalents? Goo& *t$n&ing certific$te is $ certific$te iss'e& (y the Me&ic$l .o'ncil 2 Reg'l$tory (o&y from where yo'r %re,io's license h$s (een iss'e&# 88/ What is the validity for 9ood Standing 1ertificate :9S1;? Goo& *t$n&ing .ertific$te is ,$li& for 6 months only#

45. How I can apply for a 9S1 from *HA? 1 A%%ly online (y 'sing yo'r 'sern$me $n& %$sswor& 2 P$y the G*. fees- for Norm$l5 =@? DH* it will t$3e @= wor3ing &$ys!- for Urgent5 @?@? DH*
t$3e = wor3ing &$ys! it will

3 )o'r 7$cility Me&ic$l Director m'st $%%ro,e yo'r G*. $%%lic$tion 4 To (e re,iewe& (y HEALTH REGULATION DEPARTMENT HRD! 5 Iss'e the letter 46. 1an I apply for 9ood Standing 1ertificate or my facility needs to do it?
)o' nee& to $%%ly (y yo'r self $n& then it will (e forw$r&e& to yo'r f$cility me&ic$l &irector for his $%%ro,$l $n& fee&($c3#

Assessment A 3rometric
8B/ What is 3rometric? Prometric is $ recogni/e& glo($l le$&er in technologyEen$(le& testing $n& $ssessment ser,ices for He$lthc$re Profession$ls# It incl'&es test &e,elo%ment- $n& test &eli,ery th$t $llows He$lthc$re Profession$ls to &e,elo% $n& l$'nch glo($l testing %rogr$ms $s well $s $cc'r$tely me$s're %rogr$m res'lts $n& &$t$# 85/ *o I need to set for 3rometric exam in *ubai only? No- Prometric h$s $ ro('st test center networ3 in @6= co'ntries# *o $%%lic$nt c$n choose the con,enient co'ntry to him# 86/ Who can go for 3rometric $xam? Prometric E4$m will co,er the following @? fiel&s for DHA5 RN- AN- R$&iogr$%her- Physiother$%istOrtho&ontics- GP- GP Dentist- O(stetrics F Gynecology- Pe&i$trics- $n& Derm$tology!# 7or more <'estions in reg$r&s of th$t- 3in&ly yo' c$n chec3 the (elow lin35 htt%522www#%rometric#com2TestT$3ers27AGs2&ef$'lt#htm


I have passed 3rometric exam when I have applied for my Saudi Arabia healthcare license, and now I am interested to apply for *HA license do I have to apply again for prometric exam? )es- yo' nee& to set $g$in for %rometric e4$m# The only c$n&i&$te who will (e e4em%te& is who h$,e $%%lie& $n& %$sse& %rometric thro'gh *HA "#,%#

51. If my specialty is not one of prometric exam list, then what will be the mode of my
exam? It will (e or$l e4$m con&'cte& in D'($i (y %$nel of DHA He$lthc$re Profession$ls# 47/ 1an I apply for my exam abroad? If yo'r s%eci$lty is one of %rometric e4$m list- then )E* yo' c$n choose the most con,enient co'ntry to yo' from the $%%ro,e& @6= co'ntries $n& $%%ly $(ro$&# An& if yo'r e4$m is not Prometric then yo' nee& to come to D'($i $n& set for e4$m#

*ataflow = 3rimary Source Cerification :3SC;

4>/ What is 3SC? P*1 is Prim$ry *o'rce 1erific$tionH its &one (y D$t$flow .om%$ny# D$t$flow is res%onsi(le to %erform Intern$tion$l ($c3gro'n& chec3s for $ll DHA He$lthc$re Profession$ls new $n& c'rrent! to ens're th$t &oc'ments $n& inform$tion on the $%%lic$tion form $re gen'ine# 48/ *o I have to attest my certificates from )A$ embassy in my country? No nee& to $ttest yo'r &oc'mentsH D'($i He$lth A'thority h$s $ssigne& the $&ministr$tion $n& m$n$gement of Prim$ry *o'rce 1erific$tion to D$t$flow# They will ,erify $ll the s'%%orting &oc'mentscre&enti$ls $n& Inform$tion s'(mitte& (y in&i,i&'$ls $%%lying for registr$tion $s he$lth %rofession$ls in D'($i# 44/ Who will choose the documents for 3SC? The HEALTH REGULATION DEPARTMENT HRD! .re&enti$ling Te$m is res%onsi(le for choosing the $%%lic$nts &oc'ments for P*1- the res'lt will t$3e from I E @9 wee3s# 4?/ What is the cost for 3SC? P*1 cost for Physici$ns $n& Dentists5 @??? Dirh$m- $n& for others5 J?? Dirh$m# An& 9?? Dirh$m for e$ch e4tr$ &oc'ment# 4B/ After passing the exam in order to issue the license, do I need to wait for 3SC result? No- He$lthc$re Profession$ls &ont nee& to w$it for P*1 res'ltH they c$n iss'e their license $t once# 45/ How can we pay 3SC? 0y .re&it c$r&5 htt%522&$t$flowgro'%#com2DHA2c$r&%$yment#$s%4 46/ How can we track our 3SC report? )o' c$n tr$c3 the st$t's of yo'r re%ort on the (elow lin35 htt%522www#&$t$flowgro'%#com2DHAA%%lic$nt2A%%lic$nt#htm Or (y sen&ing $n em$il <'oting the D$t$flow $n& DHA reference $t &h$+&$t$flowgro'%#com


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