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After going thick on the things, now time is to make a complete picture. While making a product a SKU (stock keeping unit) of the shop retailers think about the GMROI (gross margin return on investment) and they promote the brand which provides them highest. They expect return in the form of profit margin, company schemes, window display and reference of the shop. Among these, company schemes make the difference and are the highest sources of motivation after profit margin. Retailing demands a constant push from the company. Marketer needs to use advertising and brand building strategies to address the discerning buyers and retail push to in different buyers. The manufacturer should understand consumer behavior because retailers cant help quality and price. It is only up to manufacturers to deliver what consumer wants. I need to stress on it because 58% retailers said that it is demand why they sell Britannia. 61% agree that at retail shop it is brand popularity, which determine the purchase of biscuit. There is a greater need to understand the retailer behavior. Considering them as a team, working for the company may help them to be attached to the company. There should be a feeling of belonging to the company in inner of the retailers. This can be done by setting values club for retailers so that they may exchange views with the company and help in understanding consumer behavior.

Defining Strategic Management

Strategic management consists of the analysis, decisions, and actions an organization undertakes in order to create and sustain competitive advantages. This definition captures two main elements that go to the heart of the field of strategic management. First, the strategic management of an organization entails three ongoing processes: analysis, decisions, and actions. That is, strategic management is concerned with the analysis of strategic goals (vision, mission, and strategic objectives) along with the analysis of the internal and external environment of the organization. Next, leaders must make strategic decisions. These decisions, broadly speaking, address two basic questions: What industries should we compete in? How should we compete in those industries? These questions also often involve an organizations domestic as well as its international operations. And last are the actions that must be taken. Decisions are of little use, of course, unless they are acted on. Firms must take the necessary actions to implement their strategies. This requires leaders to allocate the necessary resources and to design the organization to bring the intended strategies to reality. As we will see in the next section, this is an ongoing, evolving process that requires a great deal of interaction among these three processes. Second, the essence of strategic management is the study of why some firms outperform others. Thus, managers need to determine how a firm is to compete so that it can obtain advantages that are sustainable over a lengthy period of time. That means focusing on two fundamental questions: How should we compete in order to create competitive advantages in the marketplace? For example, managers need to determine if the firm should position itself as the low-cost producer, or develop products and services that are unique which will enable the firm to charge premium prices-or some combination of both. Managers must also ask how to make such advantages sustainable, instead of highly temporary, in the marketplace. That is: How can we create competitive advantages in the marketplace that are not only unique and valuable but also difficult for competitors to copy or substitute? Ideas that work are almost

always copied by rivals immediately. In the 1980s, American Airlines tried to establish a competitive advantage by introducing the frequent flyer program. Within weeks, all the airlines did the same thing. Overnight, instead of competitive advantage, frequent flyer programs became a necessary tool for competitive parity, not competitive advantage. The challenge, therefore, is to create competitive advantage that is sustainable. Michael Porter argues that sustainable competitive advantage cannot be achieved through operational effectiveness alone. Most of the popular management innovations of the last two decades-total quality, just-in-time, benchmarking, business process reengineering, outsourcing all are about operational effectiveness. Operational effectiveness means performing similar activities better than rivals. Each of these is important, but none led to sustainable competitive advantage, for the simple reason that everyone is doing them. Strategy is all about being different from everyone else. Sustainable competitive advantage is possible only through performing different activities from rivals or performing similar activities in different ways.

Elements of Strategic Management

(i) Strategic Analysis Strategic analysis is concerned with understanding the strategic position of the organisation. What changes are going on in the environment, and how will they affect the organisation and its activities? What is the resource strength of the organisation in the context of these changes? What is it that those people and groups associated with the organisation -- managers, shareholders or owners, unions and so on -- aspire to, and how do these affect the present position and what could happen in the future? The aim of strategic analysis is, then, to form a view of the key influences on the present and future well-being of the organisation and therefore on the choice of strategy. These influences are discussed briefly below. Understanding these influences is an important part of the wider aspects of strategic management.
(a) The environment

The organization exists in the context of a complex commercial, economic, political, technological, cultural, and social world. This environment changes and is more complex for some organizations than for others. Since strategy is concerned with the position a business takes in relation to its environment, an understanding of the environments effects on a business is of central importance to strategic analysis. The historical and environmental effects on the business must be considered, as well as the present effects and the expected changes in environmental variables. This is a major task because the range of environmental variables is so great. Many of those variables will give rise to opportunities of some sort, and many will exert threats upon the firm. The two main problems that have to be faced are, first, to distil out of this complexity a view of the main or overall environmental impacts for the purpose of strategic choice; and second, the fact that the range of variables is likely to be so great that it may not be possible or realistic to identify and

analyses each one. (b) The resources of the organization Just as there are outside influences on the firm and its choice of strategies, so there are internal influences. One way of thinking about the strategic capability of an organization is to consider its strengths and weaknesses (what it is good or not so good at doing, or where it is at a competitive advantage or disadvantage, for example). These strengths and weaknesses may be identified by considering the resource areas of a business such as its physical plant, its management, its financial structure, and its products. Again, the aim is to form a view of the internal influences -- and constraints -- on strategic choice. (c) The expectations of different stakeholders The expectations are important because they will affect what will be seen as acceptable in terms of the strategies advanced by management. However, the beliefs and assumptions that make up the culture of an organization, though less explicit, will also have an important influence. The environmental and resource influences on an organization will be interpreted through these beliefs and assumptions; so two groups of managers, perhaps working in different divisions of an organization, may come to different conclusions about strategy, although they are faced with similar environmental and resource implications. Which influence prevails is likely to depend on which group has the greatest power, and understanding this can be of great importance in recognizing why an organization follows or is likely to follow, the strategy it does. Together, a consideration of the environment, the resources, the expectations, and the objectives within the cultural and political framework of the organization provides the basis of the strategic analysis of an organization. However, to understand the strategic position an

organization is in, it is also necessary to examine the extent to which the direction and implications of the current strategy and objectives being followed by the organization are in line with and can cope with the implications of the strategic analysis. In this sense, such analysis must take place with the future in mind. Is the current strategy capable of dealing with the changes taking place in the organizations environment or not? If so, in what respects and, if not, why not? It is unlikely that there will be a complete match between current strategy and the picture which emerges from the strategic analysis. The extent to which there is a mismatch here is the extent of the strategic problem facing the strategist. It may be that the adjustment that is required is marginal, or it may be that there is a need for a fundamental realignment of strategy. (ii) Strategic Choice Strategic analysis provides a basis for strategic choice. This aspect of strategic management can be conceived of as having three parts. (a) Generation of strategic options There may be several possible courses of action. At a given time a company might face a decision about the extent to which it has to become a multinational firm. But, at a later time, the international scope of the company's operations might bring up other choices: which areas of the world are now the most important to concentrate on; is it possible to maintain a common basis of trading across all the different countries? Is it necessary to introduce variations by market focus? All of these considerations are important and need careful consideration: indeed, in developing strategies, a potential danger is that managers do not consider any but the most obvious course of action -- and the most obvious is not necessarily the best. A helpful step in strategic choice can be to generate strategic options.

(b) Evaluation of strategic options Strategic options can be examined in the context of the strategic analysis to assess their relative merits. In deciding any of the options a company might ask a series of questions. First, which of these options built upon strengths, overcame weaknesses and took advantage of opportunities, while minimizing or circumventing the threats the business faced? This is called the search for strategic fit or suitability of the strategy. However, a second set of questions is important. To what extent could a chosen strategy be put into effect? Could the required finance be raised, sufficient stock be made available at the right time and in the right place, staff be recruited and trained to reflect the sort of image the company wants to project? These are questions of feasibility. Even if these criteria could be met, would the choice be acceptable to the stakeholders? (c) Selection of strategy This is the process of selecting those options which the organization will pursue. There could be just one strategy chosen or several. There is unlikely to be a clear-cut right or wrong choice because any strategy must inevitably have some dangers or disadvantages. So in the end, choice is likely to be a matter of management judgment. It is important to understand that the selection process cannot always be viewed or understood as a purely objective, logical act. It is strongly influenced by the values of managers and other groups with interest in the organization, and ultimately may very much reflect the power structure in the organization.

(iii) Strategy Implementation Strategy implementation is concerned with the translation of strategy into action. Implementation can be thought of as having several parts.

(a) Planning and allocating resources Strategy implementation is likely to involve resource planning, including the logistics of implementation. What do the key tasks need to be carried out? What changes need to be made in the resource mix of the organization? By when? And who is to be responsible for the change? (b) Organization structure and design It is also likely that changes in organizational structure will be needed to carry through the strategy. There is also likely to be a need to adapt the systems used to manage the organization. What will different departments are held responsible for? What sorts of information system are needed to monitor the progress of the strategy? (c) Managing strategic change The implementation of strategy also requires managing of strategic change and this requires action on the part of managers in terms of the way they manage change processes, and the mechanisms they use for it. These mechanisms are likely to be concerned not only with organizational redesign, but with changing day-to-day routines and cultural aspects of the organization, and overcoming political blockages to change.

Apple Inc.
Introduction Apple Inc. was previously known as Apple Computers Inc. is an American based multinational company. It designs and manufactures software products. The founders of Apple were Steve Jobs, Stephen Wozniak and Ronald Wayne. This giant American conglomerate was established in Cupertino, California in the middle of the Silicon Valley on April 1 st, 1976 and incorporated on January 3; 1977. This organization is among the Fortune 500 companies. (Young & Simon, 2005)

The nature and scope of this organization is to create innovative and tech savvy hardware and software which are unique, stylish and very functional at the same time. The companys best known hardware products are Macintosh computers, ipod and the latest one iphone. In software segment MAC OS X operating system, itunes media, life a suite of multimedia and creativity software, Final cut studio for audio and film industry. It has more than 200 retail stores in eight countries and an online store where all apple hardware and software are sold online. (Cruikshank, 2005) This project on Apple Inc is highlighting the founders, foundation, products of the company, Its PESTEL and SWOT analysis and some other. It will show the success of this company and about its strategies adapted to overcome tough competition.

1. Vision and Mission statement In real sense apple has no real vision and mission statement but there are certain commitments which they make like At Apple they believe in there responsibility to minimize the environmental impacts of our operations and products. There are some authors who have compiled a mission statement for apple like Apple is committed to bringing the best personal computing experience to students, educators, creative professionals and consumers around the world through Internet its innovative hardware, software and

offerings. (Freiberger & Swaine, 2000)

2. Apple value Empathy for customers and users, Achievement and aggressiveness, Positive social contribution, Innovation and vision, Individual performance, Team spirit, Quality and excellence, Individual reward and Good management. (Wozniak, Smith, 2006)

3. Current and past strategies Apple Inc has adopted many strategies in the past to stimulate its sales, and it has been doing the same in the present. 1989-90 the strategy was based on a new generation of input devices: the keyboards, mice and scanners that will allow users to transmit data or control the computer. John Sculley announced this that time. (The New York Times, 1988) During recent times apple has extensively adopted viral marketing during Beijing Olympics, 2008 for there much hyped product iphone where mouth word selling was the fulcrum set for the marketing of the product. Apple did little spending for the marketing in fact before arrival it was on every ones lips. It was done via IMs, messengers, blogs and other online publicity stunts. (Weber, 2007)

12 effective strategies adopted by Apple inc. to create loyal customers. I. A store just for apple

Previously the staff of apple were ill-informed about there products so, in order to eliminate this they created stores strictly for apple products. By doing this they have created a platform for apple products lover to assemble and look into detail manner about the products. The dcor of the store is very friendly where they can experience apple products and learn about its latest and coming soon products.


Complete solutions

All the apple products compliment and complete each other. Like for an ipod the music files can be downloaded via itunes as most of the software used is produced by apple, so in this way they have a complete control over there products and users need not hunt other places. III. Are you a Mac?

Im a Mac campaign was a huge hit. As apple is a very hip brand and through this campaign it made the apple users feel that they are young and smart as they are Mac users. IV. Varied products

As apple is an expensive brand they bring ipods and iphone at an entry level with a bit low cost so as to attract new consumers to try apple products. If the new pool of users tries their new products then in future they will try to buy apple computers too. V. Proprietary funds

Apple products are not much compatible with other systems if customers want to change his/her brand. As many itunes purchased are encoded with a Fairplay DRM (digital rights management) technology. Except for a few files can be played in other systems. So in this case a customer is least likely to shift brands.


Media fodder

Media is always behind apple as apple makes it easy for them and bloggers love to write about apples leaked rumors like its iphone online store shut down, so by creating this media frenzy apple is always on its customers mind. VII. Education sales

Launching its products in schools and universities they make the classrooms into showrooms. By creating this early exposure, it captures customers before they even know that they are customers.


Products that deliver

Apple strictly considers its customers needs and design all its products by a strong research process into it. This makes its customers hook back to this brand and in future buy the same brand. IX. Outsourcing unpleasantness

Using apple products involves less interaction with the company due to least problems faced while using apple products. So incase of iphone they could have made such errors so they allowed AT&T to handle the service. X. Consist ency

Almost all the apple products have the same basics design so the users who are already using apple have a fair idea of what the new product will be so that they can easily adapt to new products. XI. New innovation s

Apple product designs are consistent but its portfolio is not so, instead it keeps on innovating. It allows customers to install its products in there living rooms and in the pockets as well.


Attractiv eness

From packaging to designing they make everything look attractive, accessible and colorful with smiling icons, so as to make to its customers remind every time they use an apple product. (Kaplan & Norton, 2004)

Apple has a tradition of felicitating scientists and mathematicians. There logo of a half bitten apple. Apple logo is for giving respect to Sir Isaac Newton for inventing the law of gravity and the half bitten apple is for the mathematicians Alan Turing who committed suicide by eating an apple which he had laced it with cyanide. He was regarded as on of the fathers of computers. The companys attire is very casual enabling employees to work in a fun environment. There culture is to be unique and to be innovative with sleek and stylish design and very functional. This culture has gained global acceptance.

5.PESTEL Analysis

Apple Inc started as a start up by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak initially so they had to face a lot of problems regarding there company registration and other paper works. Today Apple lists at NASDAQ as APPL and this firm has strong rivalry partners like Microsoft, IBM and Google so there share prices clash against each other (The New York Times, May, 2007) the heavy taxes at US and UK are a major block age. Initially apple launched its much awaited iphone and then Google launched an iphone too. In political aspect apple had a lot of financial turmoil so the founder Steve Jobs was asked to resign and later on again in late 1997 was asked to rejoin as the CEO to handle the company and it was under Steve Jobs reign that Apple Inc was joined in the Fortune 500 companies lobby.

Apple had to face a lot of problems while entering Indian market specially with there iphone as there was lot of hurdles while selecting the telecom company with the union broadcasting minister of India for entering as a company providing handsets. Then they joined hands with Vodafone Essar and Bharti Airtel later on. (Wozniak and Smith, 2006)

Economi c Apple products are a bit priced higher than its competitors. The economic condition stands strong at present at the stock markets and it enjoys an overwhelming trust over its CEO Steve Jobs but due to long illness of Pancreatic Cancer has made its investors fear. By 2002 its major chunk of revenue was generated by its desktops and others by notebooks, ipods and other products. But by 2005 it has shifted its revenue generating portfolio by its diversified products which was covered in same proportion by desktops, notebooks, ipods and others but in recent times iphone has taken a major chunk of it and trying to compete with its rivalry Google with there iphone and some new rivalry like NokiaN96, Blackberry Bold, Samsung Omnia. (The Wall Street Journal, November, 2008)

Socially Apple has made many social gatherings to attract its customer as it made an extensive advertisement at the Beijing Olympics Games, 2008 and they set up many kiosks where they allowed customers to experience the apple products. Recently at the Wall Street Job Fair last year they made a booth of there own as a publicity stunt and hire employees and it was a first time online job fair where some other major companies too participated.


In terms of technology apple has stayed always a step ahead against others. As in reinventing and tying up with rivalry like IBM and Microsoft. Technological up gradation has always been a target of apple. Ipod has been reinvented several times with latest players to make it consumer friendly.

Apple Inc has done in the past and is currently also contributing to save the environment. They had announced that by the end of 2008 they will eliminate Polyvinyl Chloride and brominates flames retardants in its products, and arsenic in all glass flat panel display. In June 2007 Apple upgraded the Mac book pro, replacing cold cathode lamps with mercury-free LEDs and arsenic-free LCD glass, and has since done this for all notebooks. Apple has also phased out BFRs and PVCs from various internal components. Apple also offers detailed information about the emissions, materials, and electrical usage of each product. Apple has also begun to advertise how environmentally friendly their new laptops are including television spots and magazine ads, in addition to touting these facts on their website.

Lawfu l Apple Inc does all its operations under the US Trade Legislation guidelines. In 1986 the companies wasnt enjoying a good time due to many legislative failures. Then in 1993 the company was loosing acceptance for which in 1997 Steve Jobs the founder was asked to join as the CEO of the company. There were many break downs in the corporate affairs of the company with many cases filed against the company as they refused to accept and adopt the new standards set for manufacturing software and hardware as they were creating there own products.(Simon,2007)

III. SWOT Analysis

Strengt h One of the oldest and reputed hardware companies. They have a control over there products as they usually interlink all there products. All the products run via software developed by apple so as to enable the users to buy apple products. They have a store dedicated to only apple products as apple products lover can browse through the stores and are restricted to buying apple products only. Apple launches its products in a very stylish and hippy manner as launching at schools and universities and making a fun interactive launch parties. It has a reputation of delivering some of the highest quality products which are stylish, sleek and very portable and especially the half bitten logo of the fruit apple attracts a lot of customers. Its present CEO Steve Jobs has a good reputation among its investors and very well renowned man in this industry. They only deal with best players in the industry like for there iphone for there networking purpose they are working with AT&T which is the best wireless service provider in United States and the world. Opening of online stores for downloading itunes and games was a major hit for them as this has lowered the distribution cost and made it possible to profit on games that are sold for a few dollars and by this apple keeps 30% of the proceeds of software sales through its online store. Consistency is another key factor as each product is linked with there upcoming product via software or other source. (Deutchman, 2000)

Weakne ss Apple as a giant conglomerate has few drawbacks. The major weak point is the high price of the products and the software which runs the products are only apple friendly product as almost all there products are interlinked to each other disabling users using different brands not to shift there brands. They focus a lot on the engineering of the product rather than marketing of the product as apple Inc products usually are marketed in form of viral marketing or via mouth word Selling which strength but it reaches only to section of people who uses internet and attend colleges or work in MNC as they are the only type of people who are educated about the new products. So in this way they are keeping themselves aloof from a very huge chunk of market. There strategy went wrong in Indian market with there iphone as there marketing communication to the sales and distribution model went wrong and most importantly pricing of the product was too high for the Indian masses. (Lance & Woll, 2006) Opportuni ty Apple has a tradition of putting up entry products with low cost as bringing ipod and iphone at 199$ at US to attract a pool of customers and then they have ample of opportunity to retain them back with there interlinked and consistent product line. It creates opportunities for themselves and later on work upon it. In recent times apple has created market in other countries as well like African countries, India, Middle East and some other

undisclosed countries. Podcasts are downloadable from radio and later on formatted to be listened in ipod and a subscription charge to be paid and this will generate revenue for the company. Flexibility to its users is an opportunity on which apple banks a lot it hooks back the customers by keeping on innovating and changing the product line in there every launch each year customers eagerly wait for the next apple launch. (Kunkel, 1997)


Pressure form Competitors is the biggest threat, IBM, Microsoft, Google all these giant IT firms are also lined up with same sort of product portfolio. Apple launched its iphone so did Google also came up its version iphone. Marketing strategy went wrong in India with there iphone due many factors primarily with the high price tag. Since technology is changing at a rapid pace so apple needs to keep on changing its products so to meet up to its users needs. The changing Environment is forcing apple to develop new products to keep it different. Bad health condition of CEO and founder Steve Jobs due to cancer is making its trust worthy investors fear as Steve Jobs has a good reputation over its investors. One of the biggest threat is its high price in compare to other companies offering same sort of product like NokiaN96, Samsung Omnia, Blackberry Bold phone by RIM (Research in Motion) are offering the same service in iphone category with Google iphone also and in ipod segment many other companies have also come up with same type of models like Sony, Philips, Trandscend, Sandisk and others. The other biggest threat is its

software sharing relationship with other companies as apple is very much particular with the software sharing with others disabling users to play music or open files in other operating system so this doesnt make it a user friendly product so users.(Hertzfeld, 2004)

IV. Strategic Challenge and Issue The biggest strategic challenge and issue is cut throat competition from its rivalry partners, IBM, Microsoft, Google, Sony, HP and Dell in terms of producing the same product and apple has the highest price among all. Google has also launched there version of iphone called as G-Phone which features Android operating system. The apple iphone in India was a failure. Manufactured by HTC. Apple being a big player in US but failed to mark a strong position in the Asian market where it had many strong contenders like Sony of Japan, Philips, LG. All these companies manufacture the same products which apple manufactures and that too with low price in compared to apples high price. Apple has recently issues software 2.2 for ipod touch and iphone to solve multiple problems which could lead to leak of sensitive information as the same was with RIMs Blackberry where the encryption code was impossible to be tracked. There are some more areas where apple need to safeguard

there hidden secrets as apple is bloogers favorites topic so they go for that extra mile to find confidential facts as recently 19 year Harvard student leaked some facts of the apple for which apple later on prosecuted the student. Since

apple is a very big IT giant so it attracts tough competition for others so apple spends millions on marketing of the products and as it comes with a high price so if the economic condition of the market falters then it will severely affect consumers purchasing power. (Lyons, 2007) Apple needs to work on its unlocking procedures strictly as in Singapore many stores illegally were unlocking the iphones at a very cheap rate with no notification to the apple company. So Orange has been selected to distribute it. Early in 2005 when apple switched from IBM as a chip supplier to Intel, so that time industry specialists thought the swap of apple could lead to consumers getting confused so this type of shift should be done carefully. (Linzmayer, 2006)

V. Strategic Options and Future Strategy For overcoming all these strategy there need to be a future strategy. The strategy applied by apple in India was a failure due to many reasons like pricing kept too high so the pricing to be kept low by cutting down unnecessary expenses. They got everything wrong from pricing, marketing communication to the sales and distribution model. There need to be a strong link as far consumer confidence is concerned. India being the worlds second largest and fastest growing telecom and handsets market by Standards and Poors survey and also by Reuters. In this way apple has lost the trust of Indian consumers by the poor failure of marketing of it s iphone and gave more space to rivals Nokia, Samsung and Blackberry. The marketing should have been done on a grand scale to make itself known to Indian masses too other than the educated people, though it was higher segment of class but it failed on deaf ears. Other than its CEO Steve

Jobs made a global announcement that the iphone would be charged at 199$ globally. This built a false hope in the mind of consumers who wanted to buy it and turned away those Who could have actually bought it? Apple will aim to become the hub of the digital home, offering eight key products and services to connect PCs and digital content to the HDTV-stereo audio-visual infrastructure in consumers' homes. To fulfill this strategy, we predict that Apple will launch new products, re-engineer the Apple Store, and expand into inhome installation services. (Gownder, Quivey, 2008) In terms of environment keeping free apple should adopt healthy practices of keeping there products from emitting heat thus reducing the heat level to the atmosphere. Though they are doing such works but can do more like Dell computers have went further of recycling free including pickup from anywhere. Lowering the cost of products and maintaining the same quality standards can form joint ventures Knowledge Management More number of retail stores for easy access Continuous innovation to expand. Apple should fear the shift of ipod towards mobile phones as they can also play music files and videos, so careful marketing up gradation of the product is necessity for the long run where consumers are shifting the taste quiet often. (Kahney, 2008) Apple software can be made accessible in certain cases as there are many other online itune stores too like Napster. If a subscriber is paying for downloading a song or game which can be easily accessed via other free downloading sites then why will a user go to apple online store? So the online store should charge a very nominal charge or a one time payment of registering themselves and then use as in todays stiff competition scenario apple has no more monopoly in the market where many other

companies have come out with the same sort of product with less price tag, so this demands innovation at regular intervals. VI. Implementation and Change Factors Implementation of the strategies and changes are to be made. Pricing strategy to be worked upon again for the Indian market and re-launch it in a slow skimming strategy. The online store to be made more accessible as making it low entry cost for downloading and setting up apple store at other places also other than US and other developed nations. Change is demand of time so change management to be handled perfectly as if a company do not change itself then they wont able to survive in the long run in this fast changing environment. (Smith, 2007) Though apple is good in innovating products but being a market leader it has to increase its R&D practices in a more high level to stay afloat in this tough market and keep its market share intact and keep on growing. Apple should further work upon its marketing strategies to sell more and more products.

REFRENCE Cruikshank, J.L.2005.The apple way: 12 management lessons from the worlds most innovative company. U.S.A: Mc Graw hill companies. Deutschman, A.2000.The second coming of Steve Jobs. New York: Broadway Books. Douglas, P. 2007.How apple got it strategy wrong. The Wall Street Journal, November 10, p.9. Freiberger, P.,Swaine, M.2000:Fire in the valley:The making of personal computers.Boston: Mc Graw-Hill Companies.

Gownder, J.P., James.l. Quivey.M.2008.The future of Apple Inc. by 2013.San Francisco: No Starch Press. Hertzfeld, A.2004.Revolution in the valley: The insanely great story of how the MAC was Made.U.S.A. Mc Graw-Hills. Kahney, L.2008.Inside Steves brain. New York: Portfolio Press. Kaplan, R.S and Norton, D.P.2004. Strategy maps.U.S.A: Harvard business school Publishing Corporation. Kunkel, P.1997.Apple design: The work of the apple industrial design group. New York: Broadway Books. Lance, S and Woll, J.2006.The little blue book of advertising: 52 small ideas that can make a big difference. U.S.A: Portfolio Press. Linzmayer, O.W.2006.Apple Confidential: The real computers,Inc.San Francisco: William Pollack Press.

story of


Lyons, D.2007.The secret life of Steve Jobs. U.S.A.: Da Capo Press. Nash, J.2007.Its the apple way. The New York Times, May 16, p.11.

Shankar, R.1988. New strategy set by apple. The New York Times, August 12, p.12. Simon, W.L.1999.On the firing line: My 500 days at apple. U.S.A: Harvard Business Press. Smith, R.2007.The 7 levels of change management. 3rd ed. New Zealand: Tapestry Press. Weber, L.2007.Marketing to the social web:How digital customer communities build your business. New Zealand: John Wiley and Sons. Wozniak, S., Smith, G.2006.IWOZ: Computer icon.San.Fransisco: W.W. Norton and company, Inc.




Young, J.S and S, W.L.2005. ICON Steve Jobs: the second act in the history of business. U.S.A: John Wiley Sons, Inc.


After going thick on the thing, now time is to make a complete picture. While making a product SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) of the shop retailers think about the GMROI (Gross Margin Return on Investment) and they promote the brand which provides them highest. They expect return in the form of profit margin, company schemes, window display and references of the shop. Among these, company schemes make the differences and are the highest source of motivation after profit margin. Retailing demands a constant push from the company. Marketer needs to use advertising and brand building strategies to address the discerning buyers and retail push to in different buyers. The manufacturer should understand consumer behavior because retailers can't help quality and price. It is only up to dealers said it is demand they sell Britannia 42% agree that at retail shop it is brand popularity, which determine the purchase of biscuit. There is a greater need to understand the retailer behavior considering them as a team working for the company may help them to be attached to the company. There should be feeling of belonging to the company in inner of the retailers. Setting values club for retailers so that they may exchange views with the company and help in understanding consumer behavior.


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