ToKEssayOutline - Timwoods

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The ToK Essay Outline

Knowledge ssue Thesis

Body 1
The AoK or WoK

The claim

The example (for the

The counter argument

The example (for the

Body 2
The AoK or WoK

The claim

The example (for the

The counter argument

The example (for the

To what extent does ethical judgments limit the
methods available in the production of knowledge
in both the arts and the natural sciences?
Science through perception (observation)
We appeal to commonly agreed moral principles. We're sharing moral principles. We
are so trapped in our own concept of moral values that we fail to see past our own
judgment. (judging after we use sense or perception)
Testing new chemicals on human. Experimenting with lives. Cruel and immoral. Yet it is a
necessary sacrice for the whole nation. If the testing could result in new cure in rare medicine
then it could safe lots of lives.
Science through reason
Society sets standard on ethicality. To avoid being unethical we let ourselves to be manipulated by
others. We agreed on what they think is unethical even though we're actually not. We're not
thinking individually and developed our own reasoning to the principles.
As long as we can't see past our own judgment (WoK; perception,
emotion, and reasoning) and stop following the standard of
immorality sets by society, ethical judgments will always limit
production of knowledge.
What's ethical
How does
judgment limit
production of
Ethical relativism - views that belief we cannot live consistently with relativistic views of morality.
"Relativists do not deny moral truth exists, but they believe that moral truth is relative to a culture,
class, individual or set of principles
Experimenting on orphans is more considered ethical compared to experimenting on president.
Their individual class gives different ideas of what is ethical and not ethical.
Separating twins at birth for insight to genetics. Society claims it is not ethical to separate us from
our own blood, especially twins. I do not agree it is unethical. I think it's okay as long as the
reason is rational. Besides, blood is not the only thing that makes us family.
If there is no standard than chaos would be erupted. We're doing anything we considered ethical
based on our own reasoning and yet, reasoning have fallacies.
Hasty generalization - generalizing from insufcient evidence. Refer back to the separating twins at
Body 3
The AoK or WoK

The claim

The example (for the

The counter argument

The example (for the

Why is it important
that we know about

What are the
implications of this

What is a different
view on the subject?



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