Branding Assignment - Abhishek Gupta

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Submitted to: Dr. A. Waheed (Marketing Professor)

Submitted by: Abhishek Gupta SMBA12040

1. Dove

The respondent feels that the moisturizing effect of the Dove, and sometimes the beauty and uniqueness may influence him towards the brand and might prefer more if the brand is producing products with low chemicals. He didnt feel any sense of community with this brand. He is neither willing to spend his extra efforts to own these products and is not much loyal towards it. Though he is partially dependence on the brand, but still he can relate his nostalgic memories with it. There was no intimate knowledge in the mind of the respondent for this brand, though he feels the brand is more dependable in terms of quality. According to this respondent, the brand strength was it performance as it was giving him what the brand has conveyed. As a brand manager, I would first try to increase the presence for the Dove products in the market as well as would try to enhance the store shelf space positioning of the product. This would help to enhance the product reach to the customer who might not spend their time to search for the products or might not be loyal towards it, but like the product because of the aesthetics and performance of the product. Thereafter, I would try and enhance the brand image by emphasizing marketing campaigns to be more focused on the beauty and cream attributes of the products to project the image of chemical free products. The mental map of Dove is mild, gentle, moisturizing, creamy, soft, reliable, performance, and beauty as you can see in the figure 1.1.

Figure 1.1: Mental Map of Dove

According to the response, the brand mantra is shown in the figure 1.2 and brand mantra as per the firm is shown in figure 1.3.

Functional Modifier

Descriptive Modifier

Emotional Modifier




Figure 1.2: Brand Mantra from the interview

Functional Modifier

Descriptive Modifier

Emotional Modifier



Look & Feel Beautiful

Figure 1.3: Brand Mantra of Dove

The brand mantras are almost similar as there is only a difference in the functional modifier as the respondent feels that the brand function is mild though the company marketing is focusing more on the cream aspects of their product. Since the interview was done with the male respondent, so the probability is high for his response for the post shave balm which is mild.

2. Toyota

According to the respondent, he might shift to another brand if that performed more better or if the aesthetics for the other brand product is more appealing. He was unable to connect himself with this brand as he feels that there are other competing brands available in the market. His duration of relationship was long and the thing which made him for such a long duration was the performance of the Toyota products specifically the smooth engine, and along with this, the brand generates a good sense of community in the mind of the respondent though he is less willing to invest his time, and money to explore the Toyota products. According to him, he was very dependent on the Toyota product, and he might continue with the brand because of the high reliability it provides to the consumers. As per him, the strengths of this brand was the performance, and reliability advantage over its competitors. As a brand manager I would try and enhance the website of the company that will include the customization options with user friendly interface that may help the consumers who are not willing to spend their time to see the product at the Toyota showrooms. The mental map for Toyota is design, fun to drive, quality, reliable, performance, comfort, power, fuel efficient, friends and good technology as seen in figure 2.1.

Figure 2.1: Mental Map of Toyota

According to the response, the brand mantra is shown in the figure 2.2 and brand mantra as per the firm is shown in figure 2.3.

Functional Modifier

Descriptive Modifier

Emotional Modifier



Fun to drive

Figure 2.2: Brand Mantra from the interview

Functional Modifier

Descriptive Modifier

Emotional Modifier



Fresh & Fun

Figure 2.3: Brand Mantra of Toyota

The brand mantras are quite different because the firm changed their mantra in 2012 and since then Toyota is trying to position their product on the basis of their new mantra. The mantra is different as per the perception of the brand in the mind of the respondent which the Toyota would have developed previously.

3. Intel

The respondent feels that he has the bond with this brand as he feels that the brand is trustworthy, and he connect himself with the brand. He has more trust and passion towards Intel as compared to its competitor AMD as he feels that the Intel performance is far better. He has a long duration of relationship with this brand and he believes that the product they will bring in the market will be unique. This brand helps to generate a good sense of community in his minds which was influenced externally from his friends. Since he was very much satisfied with the brand, he is willing to spend his time, effort and money on Intel products. He was highly dependent on this brand and he feels that the brand is highly reliable, durable, and respected brand. According to him, Intel strength is the advantage and the performance over other brands. As a brand manager, I would try and maintain the same brand value in the market and would also emphasize on sustainable marketing campaigns. The mental map for Intel is processor, performance, technology, eco-friendly design, quick, reliable, chip, gaming, efficient, and trust as we can see from the figure 3.1.

Figure 3.1: Mental Map of Intel According to the response, the brand mantra is shown in the figure 3.2 and brand mantra as per the firm is shown in figure 3.3.

Functional Modifier

Descriptive Modifier

Emotional Modifier




Figure 3.2: Brand Mantra from the interview

Functional Modifier

Descriptive Modifier

Emotional Modifier




Figure 3.3: Brand Mantra of Intel

The brand mantras are different because the brand perception is different for this customer as he feels the brand is trustworthy but was not able to relate the brand to Authentic as per the company. Though the firm has changed its brand mantra recently, they are trying hard to project the same in the mind of the consumers.

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