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The Jewish Publication Society

2013 catalog

he Jewish Publication Society (jps) is the oldest Jewish publisher in the country, and our partnership with the University of Nebraska Press (unp) has given us a new lease on life. While preserving our venerable imprint, we now have the resources and expertise of a major university press behind us. jps and unp share a common dedication to works of accessible scholarship that will stand the test of time. The future of publishing is in innovation and collaboration, and our new partnership is an example of both. As we enter our 125th year, we are grateful to the good folks of Lincoln, Nebraska, and to you for your continuing support of our ambitious publishing program. In our long history we have produced many books that are now considered classics, and with your help we will continue to do so for the next generation.

Rabbi Barry L. Schwartz Director of The Jewish Publication Society

Forthcoming Books from JPS

While our landmark anthology of Second Temple literature, Outside the Bible: Ancient Jewish Writings Related to Scripture, is the biggest news for 2013 (page 6), we are also quite excited about the forthcoming volumes due this year and next: The New Reform Judaism: Challenges and Ref lections (Rabbi Dana Evan Kaplan) ponders the future of liberal Judaism (fall 2013) Hatemail: Anti-Semitism on Picture Postcards (Salo Aizenberg) is an eye-opening account of twentieth-century anti-Semitism through picture postcards (fall 2013) The Bibles Many Voices: What Scripture Actually Says. . . and Why (Michael Carasik) explores the literary voices that comprise the Bible as we know it (2014) Bar Mitzvah, A History (Rabbi Michael Hilton) is the first comprehensive history of this central Jewish lifecycle celebration (2014) The Aura of Torah: A Kabbalistic/Hasidic Commentary to the Weekly Torah Portion (Rabbi Larry Tabick) provides Jewish mystical comments on the Five Books of Moses (2014) Reading Talmud Barefoot: The Intimate World of the Sages (Ruth Calderon) delves into the intimate lives of the sages based on a midrashic treatment of their stories from rabbinic sources (2014) And in the works for 201415: new jps commentaries on Lamentations and the Songs of Songs Visit for more information and a complete list of jps book. You can also purchase books, sign up for electronic news, and learn more about sales and special offers. To make a tax-deductible donation or inquire about supporting a program or a book publication, please contact jps director Rabbi Barry Schwartz at 215-832-0607 or or visit Are you building a Jewish home library? Look for the yad symbol for jps recommendations:

Prices shown are effective January 2, 2013, and are subject to change without notice.

Cover image: Pesher Hoshe`a, 4Q166 (4QpHosa) Parchment. Copied late first century b.c.e. Courtesy of the Israel Antiquities Authority.

New The Gods Are Broken!

Rabbi Jeffrey K. Salkin

The Hidden Legacy of Abraham

An exploration of Judaisms most famous nonbiblical story Can a single story unfold the history of a nation and some of the deepest truths of tradition? Yes, if that story is the rabbis tale of Abraham and its interpreter is Rabbi Salkin. There is much to learn in this absorbing, important book. David J. Wolpe, rabbi of Sinai Temple in Los Angeles and the author of Why Faith Matters Jeffrey Salkin takes us on a magical journey through Jewish history and texts, showing us how a simple, ancient postbiblical tale is essential for our understanding of the totality of the Jewish experience. It is full of insights that will challenge how we as readers view modern society and the idolatries that are inherent in it. Norman J. Cohen, rabbi and professor of Midrash at Hebrew Union CollegeJewish Institute of Religion, New York, and author of Masking and Unmasking Ourselves The story of Abraham smashing his fathers idols might be the most important Jewish story ever told and the key to how Jews dene themselves. In a work at once deeply erudite and wonderfully accessible, Rabbi Jeffrey K. Salkin conducts readers through the life and legacy of this powerful story and explains how it has shaped Jewish consciousness. Offering a radical view of Jewish existence, The Gods Are Broken! views the story of the young Abraham as the primal trauma of Jewish history, one critical to the development of a certain Jewish comfort with rebelliousness and one that, happening in every generation, has helped Jews develop a unique identity. Salkin shows how the story continues to reverberate through the ages, even in its connection to the phenomenon of anti-Semitism. Salkins workcombining biblical text, archaeology, rabbinic insights, Hasidic texts (some never before translated), philosophy, history, poetry, contemporary Jewish thought, sociology, and popular cultureis nothing less than a journey through two thousand years of Jewish life and intellectual endeavor.

Rabbi Jeffrey K. Salkin is the author of numerous books, including Righteous Gentiles in the Hebrew Bible: Ancient Role Models for Sacred Relationships and Putting God on the Guest List, winner of the 1993 Benjamin Franklin Award for the best religion book published in the United States.
Available April 2013 192 pp. 5 x 8 $19.95 paperback 978-0-8276-0931-0 $22.95 Canadian/12.99 UK

also of interest
Louis Ginzberg $40.00 paperback 978-0-8276-0404-9 $45.95 Canadian/31.00 UK

The Legends of the Bible

Order at or 800-848-6224

How the Bible Debunked, Suppressed, or Changed Ancient Myths and Legends

From Gods to God

Avigdor Shinan and Yair Zakovitch Translated by Valerie Zakovitch

A provocative examination and recovery of the ancient myths and legends that the Bible transformed, buried, or changed in order to t a monotheistic worldview In this remarkable volume, Avigdor Shinan and Yair Zakovitch have channeled their prodigious learning into a narrative about the legacy of the Bible that is not only readable but compelling. Anyone who loves the Bible and the interpretive challenges it has bequeathed generations of readers will enjoy the encounter with these two illustrious commentators.Gary A. Anderson, Hesburgh Professor of Catholic Theology, University of Notre Dame Avigdor Shinan is the Yitzhak Becker Professor of Jewish Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He is the author of numerous books in Hebrew on rabbinic literature, Jewish liturgy, and the Aramaic translations of the Bible. Yair Zakovitch is the Emeritus Father Takeji Otsuki Professor of Bible Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and a professor of Jewish Peoplehood at the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya. He is the author of numerous books in Hebrew on biblical literature and ancient interpretation of the Bible. Valerie Zakovitch is a translator and editor of works in Jewish studies and the humanities.
320 pp. 6 x 9 6 tables, 1 glossary $27.95 paperback 978-0-8276-0908-2 $31.95 Canadian/18.99 UK

A meticulously researched primer on the Hebrew Bibles role as part of an evolving theological and political discourse. . . . Shinan and Zakovitch paint a richly nuanced portrait of the biblical literature as an interlocutor in the debates of its day. . . . An illuminating, challenging look at the original signicance of many of the Bibles stories.Kirkus Thoughtful and sympathetic . . . [Shinan and Zakovitch] introduce the oral and literary traditions of ancient Israel with breathtaking clarity and ease.Christopher McConnell, Booklist The ancient Israelites believed things that the writers of the Bible wanted them to forget: myths and legends from a pre-biblical world that the new monotheist order needed to bury, hide, or reinterpret. Ancient Israel was rich in such literary traditions before the Bible reached the nal form that we have today. These traditions were not lost but continued, passed down through the ages. Many managed to reach us in post-biblical sources: rabbinic literature, Jewish Hellenistic writings, the writings of the Dead Sea sect, the Aramaic, Greek, Latin, and other ancient translations of the Bible, and even outside the ancient Jewish world in Christian and Islamic texts. The Bible itself sometimes alludes to these traditions, often in surprising contexts. Written in clear and accessible language, this volume presents thirty such traditions. It voyages behind the veil of the written Bible to reconstruct what was told and retold among the ancient Israelites, even if it is not what the Bible tells us.

The Jewish Publication Society

New Paperback Edition

A Modern Guide to the Jewish Holidays

Seasons of Our Joy

Rabbi Arthur O. Waskow Illustrated with papercuts by Martin Farren and Joan Benjamin-Farren Seasoned with recipes by Rose Gertz, Hannah Waskow, Rose Sue Berstein, and Rabbi Phyllis O. Berman With a new afterword by the author
The single most readable book about the Jewish holidays

Seasons of Our Joy brings reverent renewal to ancient practices. And it presents new understanding and approaches that we are invited to sanctify. This book will heighten your awareness of the eternal religious power of the Jewish calendar. Rabbi Gordon Tucker, former dean, Jewish Theological Seminary Arthur Waskows fresh, imaginative vision brings the familiar Jewish holidays to life with new meaning.Rabbi Harold S. Kushner Arthur Waskows unique voice, at once eloquent, musical, creative, and passionate, rings throughout Seasons of Our Joy, weaving together strands of Jewish life.Rabbi David Saperstein, director, Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism Circling the Jewish calendar from Rosh Hashanah to Tisha BAv, this lively, accessible guide provides rituals, recipes, songs, prayers, and suggestions for new approaches to holiday observance. Rabbi Arthur O. Waskow explores the meaning of each holiday in relation to the history of the Jewish people and individual spirituality, examines how the place of each holiday in the cycle of the moon and the changing seasons affects the mood of the day, and suggests ritual and spiritual ways to prepare for each festival. In his extensive afterword to this new edition of Seasons of Our Joy, Rabbi Waskow addresses the many changes Judaism has undergone in the last thirty years, as feminist Judaism, neo-Chassidic mysticism, eco-Judaism, and Jewish meditation have newly colored our understanding of the festivals. Rabbi Arthur O. Waskow is an author and political activist associated with the Jewish Renewal movement. He is the founder and director of the Shalom Center and the author of numerous books, including Godwrestling and Down-to-Earth Judaism: Food, Money, Sex, and the Rest of Life.
288 pp. 6 x 9 31 recipes, 14 illustrations, 2 tables, 4 appendixes $18.95 paperback 978-0-8276-0930-3 $21.95 Canadian/12.99 UK

also of interest
Celebrating the Jewish Year
Paul Steinberg Edited by Janet Greenstein Potter Illustrated by Adam Rhine

The Fall Holidays Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot $22.00 paperback 978-0-8276-0842-9 $25.50 Canadian/16.99 UK The Winter Holidays Hanukkah, Tu Bshevat, Purim $22.00 paperback 978-0-8276-0849-8 $25.50 Canadian/16.99 UK The Spring and Summer Holidays Passover, Shavuot, The Omer, Tisha BAv $22.00 paperback 978-0-8276-0850-4 $25.50 Canadian/16.99 UK 3-Volume Set $60.00 paperback 978-0-8276-0902-0 $69.00 Canadian/47.00 UK

Order at or 800-848-6224

New in Titles Paperback The Life of Glckel of Hameln

A Memoir
Translated and edited by Beth-Zion Abrahams

A fascinating memoir of one of Judaisms earliest female writers, translated from the original Yiddish The Life of Glckel of Hameln is an important historical document, not only regarding Jewish communal life, but also the various world events that she chronicled, including information about Sabbatai Zevi and political conicts and wars that occurred during her life.The Jewish Eye This [translation] is a great introduction to the most famous female Jewish writer of all time.JOFA Journal (Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance) The work in its totality makes clear yet again just how much has been lost to Jewish history and literature by having for so long denied women their chance to speak.Jewish Exponent Glckel of Hameln was a marvel of her time: an accomplished businesswoman as well as the mother of twelve. Devastated by the death of her beloved husband in 1689, she proceeded to write the riveting memoir that would become a timeless classic, revealing much about Jewish life in seventeenth-century Germany. This volume also features an introduction by translator Beth-Zion Abrahams that provides a fuller background of the authors life and tells how Glckel came to write the memoir that would provide insight for centuries to come into Jewish, European, and womens history.

Glckel (16461724) was born to a prominent family in Hamburg, Germany. At the age of fourteen, she was married to a wealthy gems dealer in an arranged marriage and became his business and nancial adviser while bearing and raising their twelve children. She continued to manage his enterprises even after his death in 1689, until her second husband, a successful banker, lost all their money, and her life ended in near poverty. British scholar Beth-Zion Abrahams is the author of The Jews in England, as well as numerous scholarly articles on English Jewry and Jewish authors.
230 pp. 6 x 9 39 illustrations $18.00 paperback 978-0-8276-0943-3 $20.50 Canadian/11.99 UK

also of interest
Cecil Roth $28.00 paperback 978-0-8276-0411-7 $32.50 Canadian/21.99 UK Israel Abrahams $35.00 paperback 978-0-8276-0542-8 $39.95 Canadian/26.99 UK

Doa Gracia of the House of Nasi

Jewish Life in the Middle Ages

The Jewish Publication Society

New in New Paperback Titles

Vedem, the Secret Magazine by the Boys of Terezn

We Are Children Just the Same

Selected and edited by Marie Rt Kr kov, Kurt Jir Kotouc , and Zdene k Ornest Translated from the Czech by R. Elizabeth Novak Edited by Paul R. Wilson With a foreword by Vclav Havel
A National Jewish Book Award Winner

Collected writing and art from the secret magazine Vedem, written by the Jewish boys of Terezn during the Holocaust Terezn survivor George (Jir) Brady recalls: In the tragic struggle for survival, the Nazi-imposed Terezn self-administration tried to help the imprisoned children. They were placed in buildings where living conditions were better than in the many barracks that were inside the fortress. . . . I was one of these children. And by pure luck I found myself among the boys who were led by Valtr Eisinger. In a small room overcrowded with three-tiered bunks, he created a new, fascinating world for us behind the ghetto walls. The boys developed talents they never dreamed they had, and it was there too that the illegal childrens magazine on which this book is based was founded. From 1942 to 1944, a group of thirteen- to fteenyear-old Jewish boys secretly produced a weekly magazine called Vedem (In the Lead) at the model concentration camp, Theresienstadt (Terezn in Czech). The writers, artists, and editors put together the issues and copied them by hand behind the blackout shades of their cellblock, which they affectionately called the Republic of Shkid. Although the material was saved by one of the handful of boys who survived the Holocaust, it was suppressed for fty years in Czechoslovakia until 1995, when these works were published simultaneously in English, Czech, and German. Vedem provides a poignant glimpse into the world of boys torn from their comfortable childhoods and separated from their families, ultimately to perish in the Nazi death machine. This edition includes a new preface and epilogue. Marie Rt Kr kov is a member of the Society of Christians and Jews, founded in Czechoslovakia in March 1991. Kurt Jir Kotouc , a Terezn survivor, founded the Terezn Initiative, an organization to memorialize the events of the ghetto. He died in 2008. Zdene k Ornest (192990), one of the handful of Terezn survivors from cellblock 1, wrote prolically in Vedem, especially poetry.
Order at or 800-848-6224

208 pp. 8 x 11 123 color illustrations $34.95 paperback 978-0-8276-0944-0 $39.95 Canadian/22.99 UK

also of interest
An Allegory of the Holocaust Eve Bunting Illustrated by Stephen Gammell Picture book $10.00 paperback 978-0-8276-0507-7 $11.50 Canadian/9.99 UK $16.95 hardcover 978-0-8276-0325-7 $19.50 Canadian/10.99 UK Rose Zar and Eric A. Kimmel $15.00 paperback 978-0-8276-0382-0 $16.95 Canadian/11.99 UK

Terrible Things

In the Mouth of the Wolf

Ancient Jewish Writings Related to Scripture

Outside the Bible

Edited by Louis H. Feldman, James L. Kugel, and Lawrence H. Schiffman

An anthology of key texts of ancient Jewish literature from the Second Temple period, including commentary that links to the development of both Rabbinic Judaism and Early Christianity Breathtaking in its scope and eminently satisfying in its execution, Outside the Bible will prove to be an indispensable reference for every scholar of the Hebrew Bible, Second Temple Judaism, the New Testament, and early Christianity. With introductions to and translations of the mass of non-canonical Jewish writings produced from the Exile up to the Mishnah, by an eminent group of internationally renowned scholars, here we have a resource that will meet scholarly needs for generations to come.Bart D. Ehrman, James A. Gray Professor, Department of Religious Studies, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Outside the Bible is a well-conceived and magnicently executed answer to the question of what Jews were reading in the centuries before and after the Common Era. High-quality English translations appear for each document, along with sufficient material to place these documents within their original contexts and to provide insight into their meaning. We are thus able, as it were, to enter into arguments and expositions from antiquity, many of which are virtually unknown within todays Jewish communities and even within academic circles. Such far-reaching scholarship may lead us not only to rethink our past, but also to reconsider our present and future possibilities.Leonard Greenspoon, Klutznick Chair in Jewish Civilization and Professor of Classical and Near Eastern Studies and of Theology, Creighton University

Forthcoming December 2013 3-volume set 1406 pp. 8 x 10 $275.00 set 978-0-8276-0933-4 $315.00 Canadian/185.00 UK

The Jewish Publication Society

Forthcoming New Titles

Outside the Bible gives to the English-speaking tables, lists of books of the Bible and Second world the sacred library of ancient Israel. For Temple literature, and a general subject index. the rst time in a Jewish context, the vast colLouis H. Feldman is Wouck Family Professor lection of the extra-biblical texts that comprise of Classics and Literature Emeritus at Yeshiva ancient Israels excluded scriptures are available University, where he has taught since 1955. A to scholar and general reader alike. From the leading scholar of ancient Judaism and HelleDead Sea Scrolls to the Septuagint, Apocrypha, nistic culture, Dr. Feldmans many publications Pseudepigrapha, Josephus, and Philo, this include Josephus and Modern Scholarship; Jew and anthology brings together the texts that transGentile in the Ancient World; and Josephuss Interpreformed Jews and Christians at the turn of the tation of the Bible. He is associate rst millennium. We now know that we cannot editor of Classical Weekly, managing Outside the Bible looks at these extraordinary fully understand what is in the editor of Classical World, and former writings in a unique way: Bible without also appreciating editor for Hellenistic Literature for the Encyclopedia Judaica. as they relate to each what was excluded from it; the James L. Kugel is Mesier Profesother and illuminate the view of the outside informs the sor of Bible and director of the Hebrew Bible itself. We Institute for the History of the discover that ancient view of the inside. Jewish Bible at Bar Ilan University Judaism began the proin Tel Aviv, and former Starr Professor of Hebrew cess of commenting on and wrestling with its Literature at Harvard University. Dr. Kugel sacred scripture even before the canon of holy specializes in the Hebrew Bible, the history of books was itself completed. We now know that biblical exegesis, and ancient Judaism. His many we cannot fully understand what is in the Bible books include How to Read the Bible, The God of Old, without also appreciating what was excluded and The Bible as It Was. from it; the view of the outside informs the view Lawrence H. Schiffman is vice-provost of unof the inside. Thanks to the wonders of archeodergraduate education at Yeshiva University. He logical discovery and the diligence of modern is former chair of New York Universitys Skirball scholars, the array of excluded Jewish scriptures Department of Hebrew and Judaic Studies where of the Second Temple period of late antiquity he is Ethel and Irvin A. Edelman Professor Emerihave come into focus. tus of Hebrew and Judaic Studies. Dr. Schiffman This three-volume collection of 154 original is a leading scholar of ancient Judaism with text translations, introductions, and detailed special interest in study of the Dead Sea Scrolls. commentaries connect backward to the Hebrew In addition to his many publications, he is the Bible and biblical institutions, laterally to other co-editor of the Oxford Encyclopedia of the Dead Sea writings from the Second Temple period and Scrolls and editor of The Dead Sea Scrolls: Fifty Years their historical setting, and forward to the after Their Discovery. religious legacy of Rabbinic Judaism and Early Christianity. In so doing, the anthology makes Thanks to these generous donors (as of catalog printing) for signicant contributions to our knowledge making the publication of this book possible: Ione Apfelbaum and understanding of the Second Temple Strauss; The Arete Foundation; Betsy Z. Cohen; D. Walter period, providing new insights into the history, Cohen; Geraldine and Harold Cramer; Mr. and Mrs. Abe literature, philosophy, and artistic achievements Eisenstat; Wendy Fein Cooper, Esq.; Mr. and Mrs. Solomon of Jewish and Christian cultures, out of which J. Freedman; Haverford Trust; Gittel Hilibrand, Esq.; Charles grew the Western humanistic tradition. Houser; Hartley Koschitzky; David Lerman and Shelley The collection includes a general introducWallock; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moreen; National Endowment tion and opening essays and new and revised for the Humanities; Bette S. and Reynold F. Paris; Rabbi Barry and Deborah Schwartz; Samuel P. Mandell Foundation; translations, with detailed commentaries and and Rabbi David Wolpe. introductions that place each text within its historical and cultural context, as well as a timeline,

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New Titles Recently Released

Judaisms Great Debates
Rabbi Barry L. Schwartz

Timeless Controversies from Abraham to Herzl

Crown of Aleppo

Hayim Tawil and Bernard Schneider

The Mystery of the Oldest Hebrew Bible Codex

The history and dramatic rescue of the oldest Hebrew Bible in book form

A survey of the great theological, spiritual, and political debates in Judaism A clear, concise introduction to some of the major confrontations in Jewish history, often leaving us thinking both sides are right. Perfect for adult or teen study groups.Rabbi Harold Kushner, author of When Bad Things Happen to Good People You dont have to be Jewish to consider this slim volume heaven-sent.Booklist In this concise but important survey, Rabbi Barry L. Schwartz presents the provocative and vibrant thesis that debate and disputation are not only encouraged within Judaism but reside at the very heart of Jewish history and theology. In his graceful, engaging, and creative prose, Schwartz presents an introduction to an intellectual history of Judaism through the art of argumentation. Rabbi Barry L. Schwartz is the director of The Jewish Publication Society in Philadelphia and the spiritual leader of Congregation Adas Emuno in Leonia, New Jersey. He is the author of the acclaimed textbook, Jewish Heroes, Jewish Values and several other works. Judaisms Great Debates is also available in a student edition by Behrman House, Inc. 128 pp. 5 x 8 $15.95 paperback 978-0-8276-1131-3 $18.50 Canadian/10.99 UK
Thanks to these generous donors for making the publication of this book possible: David Lerman and Shelley Wallock; D. Walter Cohen, Wendy and Leonard Cooper; Rabbi Howard Gorin; Gittel and Alan Hilibrand; Marjorie and Jeffrey Major; Jeanette Lerman Neubauer and Joe Neubauer; Gayle and David Smith; and Harriet and Donald Young.

Crown of Aleppo amounts to something of a short course in Jewish history in general and Bible scholarship in particular for the non-specialist reader. But it is also a kind of a thriller . . . that is solidly rooted in fact.Heritage Florida Jewish News In this fascinating and comprehensive investigation into the Aleppo Codex, scholars Tawil and Schneider vividly recreate the history of this rare and eminently signicant text and track its tragic course through time. . . . This highly readable and intriguing account will captivate readers both familiar and unfamiliar with the history of the Crown.Publishers Weekly In Crown of Aleppo, Hayim Tawil and Bernard Schneider tell the incredible story of the survival, against all odds, of the Aleppo Codexone of the most authoritative and accurate traditional Masoretic texts of the Bible. Hayim Tawil is former professor of Hebrew language and literature at Yeshiva University in New York. He is the author of An Akkadian Lexical Companion for Biblical Hebrew and Operation Esther: Opening the Door for the Last Jews of Yemen. In 2001 he was nominated for the Eleanor Roosevelt Award for Human Rights for his work in Yemen. Bernard Schneider is a practicing lawyer and has a long-standing interest in the Bible. He represented the United States at the International Bible Contest in Jerusalem in 1983 and 1985. 220 pp. 7 x 10 More than 50 b&w and color photographs and maps $40.00 hardcover 978-0-8276-0895-5 $45.95 Canadian/25.99 UK
Thanks to this generous donor for making the publication of this book possible: Jack B. Dweck.

The Jewish Publication Society

Recently New Released Titles

A Passover Haggadah
Rabbi David Silber with Rachel Furst
Hebrew and English haggadah text with new commentary and essays Rabbi Silbers midrashic method is deeply knowledgeable but never freighted with excessive reference. . . . This is a haggadah to study, slowly turning over the literary links that allow one part of the Tanakh to talk to another. Jewish Book World For those with a serious Jewish background, or serious intellectual curiosity, [A Passover Haggadah] is a gold mine.Jay Michaelson, The Forward This Haggadah is groundbreaking in its presentation of new, creative, peshat-based approaches to the traditional text of the Seder. The Lookstein Center Under the expert and artistic hand of Rabbi Silber, A Passover Haggadah yields meanings beyond what even the informed reader imagines. The commentary, like the haggadah itself, is gripping on the rst reading, and even more rewarding on subsequent ones.Rabbi David Wolpe, Sinai Temple, Los Angeles, and author of Why Faith Matters Rabbi Silber has given us two books in one: the Haggadah itself, in English and Hebrew, with his seder commentary and a collection of essays that provide close readings of the classic biblical and rabbinic texts that inform Seder-night ritual and narration. Rabbi David Silber is the founder and dean of Drisha Institute for Jewish Education, New York City. A popular, nationally known lecturer on the Bible, Silber is a recipient of the prestigious Covenant Award, for excellence in innovative Jewish education. 232 pp. 7 x 10 $18.00 paperback 978-0-8276-0925-9 $20.95 Canadian/13.99 UK

Go Forth and Learn

Edited by Dan Ben-Amos Dov Noy, Consulting Editor

For anyone who wants an introduction to what the Diaspora really means, hand them any volume in this masterful collection. . . . Each tale has a life of its own, lit from within, and each piece of commentary and footnote records a story of telling stories, human, lively, deep. . . . We are indebted to jps for publishing this astonishing collection.Roger Abraham, PhD
recently released

Folktales of the Jews

Volume 3 Tales from Arab Lands

Jacqueline Teitlebaum, Tales Translator

Tales from Arab Lands presents tales from North Africa, Yemen, Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq in the latest volume of the most important collection of Jewish folktales ever published.
820 pp. 6 x 9 $75.00 hardcover 978-0-8276-0871-9 $86.50 Canadian/59.00 UK

Volume 2 Tales from Eastern Europe

550 pp. 6 x 9 $75.00 hardcover 978-0-8276-0830-6 $86.50 Canadian/59.00 UK

Lenn Schramm, Tales Translator

Volume 1 Tales from the Sephardic Dispersion

Lenn Schramm, Tales Translator
2006 National Jewish Book Award Winner, Sephardic Culture Named an Outstanding Academic Title by Choice magazine

600 pp. 6 x 9 $75.00 hardcover 978-0-8276-0829-0 $86.50 Canadian/59.00 UK

Thanks to these generous donors for making the publication of these books possible: Lloyd E. Cotsen; the Maurice Amado Foundation; National Endowment for the Humanities; and the National Foundation for Jewish Culture.

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Bibles Celebrating 50 years of the new jps translation of the Torah

jps Tanakh
Turns Holy Writ into fresh, understandable, contemporary language. A landmark of Jewish religious scholarship.Time Regarded throughout the English-speaking world as the standard English translation of the Holy Scriptures, the jps Tanakh has been acclaimed by scholars, rabbis, lay leaders, Jews, and Christians alike. The jps Tanakh is an entirely original translation of the Holy Scriptures into contemporary English, based on the Masoretic (the traditional Hebrew) text. The translators made use of the entire range of biblical interpretation, ancient and modern, Jewish and non-Jewish. The resulting text is a triumph of literary style and biblical scholarship, unsurpassed in accuracy and clarity.
1622 pp. 6 x 9 $35.00 978-0-8276-0252-6 $39.95 Canadian/22.99 UK

The jps Bible, Pocket Edition

This new pocket-sized Tanakh is the most portable version of the Jewish Bible. Easy to hold and carry, the text is identical to that in our full-sized, English-only editions, set in two columns. It ts easily into a handbag, briefcase, backpack, or jacket pocket. The sturdy coated paper cover will stand up well to heavy use and is available in three new colors: rose, moss, and blue denim with accent stitching. Suitable for weddings, bnai mitzvahs, conrmations, and other life-cycle events and special occasions, this lovely pocket Tanakh will become a treasured keepsake.
1104 pp. 4 x 6 $15.00 paperback $16.95 Canadian/11.99 UK

Each Edition

Hardcover Edition: Blue with dust jacket

Rose 978-0-8276-0876-4 Moss 978-0-8276-0877-1 Denim 978-0-8276-0878-8

1622 pp. 5 x 7 $22.00 paperback 978-0-8276-0366-0 $25.50 Canadian/16.99 UK

Paperback Edition: Blue

1622 pp. 5 x 7 $42.00 978-0-8276-0365-3 $48.50 Canadian/33.00 UK

Presentation Edition: Black Leatherette

1622 pp. 5 x 7 $42.00 978-0-8276-0364-6 $48.50 Canadian/33.00 UK

Presentation Edition: White Leatherette


The Jewish Publication Society

jps Hebrew-English Tanakh
Virtually every rabbi and library will want this volume.Associated Press The jps Hebrew-English Tanakh features the oldest-known complete Hebrew version of the Holy Scriptures, side by side with jpss renowned English translation. Its well-designed format allows for ease of reading and features clear type, an engaging and efficient two-column format that enables readers to move quickly from one language to another, and an organization that contemporary readers will nd familiar. The Hebrew text of this Tanakh is based on the famed Leningrad Codex, the Masoretic text traceable to Aaron ben Moses ben Asher, ca. 930 ce. Ben-Asher researched all available texts to compile an authoritative Bible manuscript. In 1010 ce his work was revised by Samuel ben Jacob, a scribe in Egypt. Lost for centuries, the manuscript was eventually discovered in the mid-nineteenth century and became known as the Leningrad Codex. This edition adapts the latest bhs edition of the Leningrad text by correcting errors and providing modern paragraphing. The English text in this Tanakh is a slightly updated version of the acclaimed 1985 jps translation. Wherever possible, the results of modern study of the languages and culture of the ancient Near East have been brought to bear on the biblical text, which allows for an English style reective of the biblical spirit and language rather than of the era of the translation.

Gilded edges, navy satin ribbon; padded binding 2040 pp. 6 x 9 $65.00 hardcover 978-0-8276-0656-2 $75.00 Canadian/51.00 UK Flex-binding 2040 pp. 6 x 9 $45.00 paperback 978-0-8276-0697-5 $51.95 Canadian/35.00 UK 2030 pp. 4 x 6 $22.00 paperback 978-0-8276-0766-8 $25.50 Canadian/16.99 UK

Deluxe Edition: Navy Leatherette

Student Edition: Brown Leatherette

Pocket Edition: Black

The Torah

The Five Books of Moses

The Five Megilloth and Jonah

Introductions by H. L. Ginsberg with drawings by Ismar David

The Torah is the essence of Jewish tradition; it inspires each successive generation. The current jps translation, based on classical and modern sources, is acclaimed for its delity to the ancient Hebrew.
394 pp. 6 x 9 $30.00 978-0-8276-0015-7 $34.95 Canadian/19.99 UK 620 pp. 4 x 6 $18.00 paperback 978-0-8276-0680-7 $20.95 Canadian/13.99 UK 620 pp. 7 x 10 $35.00 paperback 978-0-8276-0683-8 $38.95 Canadian/26.99 UK

Hardcover Edition

This Hebrew-English edition includes six short books of the Bible, each read in connection with a Jewish holy day. Constituting a literature unto themselvesthese books are a poetic, spiritual, and literary treasure. 122 pp. 6 x 9 $12.95 paperback 978-0-8276-0890-0 $14.95 Canadian/9.99 UK

Pocket Edition

Large Print Edition

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New Titles Commentaries

The jps Torah Commentary Series
Written by four outstanding Torah scholars, the jps Torah Commentary series represents a fusion of the best of the old and new. Utilizing the latest research to enhance our understanding of the biblical text, it takes its place as one of the most authoritative yet accessible Bible commentaries of our day. This jps Torah Commentary series guides readers through the words and ideas of the Torah. Each volume is the work of a scholar who stands at the pinnacle of his eld. Every page contains the complete traditional Hebrew text, with cantillation notes, the jps translation of the Holy Scriptures, aliyot breaks, Masoretic notes, and commentary by a distinguished Hebrew Bible scholar, integrating classical and modern sources. Each volume also contains supplementary essays that elaborate upon key words and themes, a glossary of commentators and sources, extensive bibliographic notes, and maps.

5-Volume Set

$360.00 hardcover 978-0-8276-0331-8 $415.00 Canadian/283.00 UK

The jps Bible Commentary Series

The award-winning jps Bible Commentary series consists of individual volumes on major books of the Bible. Each volume provides a critical line-by-line commentary of the biblical text in its original Hebrew, complete with vocalization and cantillation marks, as well as the jps English translation. A scholarly introduction, extensive bibliographic and critical notes, and other explanatory material are included to enhance the readers understanding of the text.


414 pp. 8 x 10 $75.00 hardcover 978-0-8276-0326-4 $86.50 Canadian/59.00 UK

Commentary by Nahum M. Sarna

278 pp. 8 x 10 $75.00 hardcover 978-0-8276-0327-1 $86.50 Canadian/59.00 UK

Commentary by Nahum M. Sarna



284 pp. 8 x 10 $75.00 hardcover 978-0-8276-0328-8 $86.50 Canadian/59.00 UK

Commentary by Baruch A. Levine


Uriel Simon

An outstanding literary and exegetical commentary on the book of Jonah.Bibliotheca Sacra As the haftarah for the Mincha service on the Day of Atonement, the Book of Jonah enjoys a central place in Jewish liturgy. Its exquisite literary beauty and strong theological appeal make it one of the most popular and best-known books of the Hebrew Bible. The intricate structure of the story and its stylistic niceties are not exposed for their own sake but as the narrators means of expression. The rich psychology of the prophet is dealt with as an integral part of his theology. Jonah requires that sound philological explanation be accompanied by a close literary reading. 52 pp. 8 x 10 $40.00 hardcover 978-0-8276-0672-2 $45.95 Canadian/31.00 UK


520 pp. 8 x 10 $75.00 hardcover 978-0-8276-0329-5 $86.50 Canadian/59.00 UK

Commentary by Jacob Milgrom

548 pp. 8 x 10 $75.00 hardcover 978-0-8276-0330-1 $86.50 Canadian/59.00 UK

Commentary by Jeffrey H. Tigay



The Jewish Publication Society

Commentaries New Titles

Adele Berlin
Recipient of the Prize of the Minister of Science, Culture, and Sport [of the State of Israel] for classical literature for the year 5762 [2001]


Michael A. Fishbane
A National Jewish Book Award Finalist


The commentary approaches the Book of Esther from a fresh literary point-of-view. It includes essays entitled When and Where Was the Book of Esther Written?; Sex and Spies; and Rabbinic Interpretation. 110 pp. 8 x 10 $40.00 hardcover 978-0-8276-0699-9 $45.95 Canadian/31.00 UK
recently released

The rst comprehensive commentary on the haftarot includes a full introduction to the history of the Torah and haftarah readings and their interrelationships. Each haftarah features historical, literary, and theological information, as well as a detailed commentary on terms, themes, and language. 700 pp. 8 x 10 $75.00 hardcover 978-0-8276-0691-3 $86.50 Canadian/59.00 UK

Tamara Cohn Eskenazi and Tikva Frymer-Kensky

2011 National Jewish Book Award Winner, Barbara Dobkin Award in Womens Studies


Study Guide to the jps Bible Commentary: Haftarot

Edited by Laura Suzanne Lieber
This supplement is perfect for individuals seeking greater understanding of the haftarot as independent literary entities and in the larger context of the Torah cycle and Jewish life; for leaders of adult education groups who wish to focus their study on the haftarot; and for bnai mitzvah students preparing their divrei Torah. 100 pp. $14.95 paperback 978-0-8276-0718-7 $16.95 Canadian/11.99 UK

Ruth, the newest in The jps Bible Commentary series, is a magnicent achievement. This commentary by Tamara Cohn Eskenazi and Tikva Frymer-Kensky is an important addition to the extant scholarship on this biblical book. Jewish Book World The moving story of Ruth, with its themes of loyalty, loving kindness (hesed), and redemption, is one of the great narratives of the Bible.
Thanks to these generous donors for making the publication of this book possible: Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Deutsch.

The jps Commentary on the Haggadah

216 pp. 8 x 10 $40.00 hardcover 978-0-8276-0744-6 $45.95 Canadian/31.00 UK

Historical Introduction, Translation, and Commentary

Joseph Tabory Foreword by David M. Stern

Michael V. Fox
This is an insightful and accessible commentary that reects many years of deep engagement with the text.Journal of Hebrew Scriptures Ecclesiastes is part of the wisdom literature of the Bible. It concerns itself with universal philosophical questions, rather than events in the history of Israel and in the Hebrews covenant with God. Koheleth, the speaker in this book, ruminates on whatif anythinghas lasting value, and howif at allGod interacts with humankind. 128 pp. 8 x 10 $40.00 hardcover 978-0-8276-0742-2 $45.95 Canadian/31.00 UK


The Passover haggadah enjoys an unrivaled place in Jewish culture, both religious and secular. And of all the classic Jewish books, the haggadah is the one most alive today. Jews continue to rewrite, revise, and add to its text, recasting it so that it remains relevant to their lives. Joseph Tabory, one of the worlds leading authorities on the history of the haggadah, traces the development of the seder and the haggadah through the ages. The book features an extended introduction by Tabory, the classic Hebrew haggadah text side by side with its English translation, and Taborys clear and insightful critical-historical commentary. 168 pp. 7 x 10 16 b&w illustrations $40.00 hardcover 978-0-8276-0858-0 $45.95 Canadian/31.00 UK
Thanks to these generous donors for making the publication of this book possible: Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Best.

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New Titles Books Bible-Related The Commentators Bible

Anyone who is unfamiliar with medieval commentary, or who is unable to study the commentators in the original Hebrew, will nd The Commentators Bible a worthy addition to their book shelves. Carasik has done a real service making this material available.The Reporter
recently released

The jps Miqraot Gedolot: Numbers

Translated and Annotated by Michael Carasik

also of interest
Rashis Commentary on Psalms
Translated by Mayer I. Gruber $50.00 paperback 978-0-8276-0872-6 $57.50 Canadian/39.00 UK

Mekhilta de-Rabbi Ishmael, 2-volume set

Translated by Jacob Z. Lauterbach $100.00 hardcover 978-0-8276-0678-4 $115.00 Canadian/78.00 UK W. David Nelson $75.00 hardcover 978-0-8276-0799-6 $86.50 Canadian/59.00 UK

First published 500 years ago as the Rabbinic Bible, the biblical commentaries known as Miqraot Gedolot have inspired and educated generations of Hebrew readers. With this third volume of the acclaimed English edition, the voices of Rashi, Ibn Ezra, Nachmanides, Rashbam, and other medieval Bible commentators come alive once more, speaking in a contemporary English translation annotated and explicated for lay readers. Each page of this third volume in The Commentators Bible series contains several verses from the Book of Numbers, surrounded by both the 1917 and 1985 jps translations, and by new contemporary English translations of the major commentators. The book also includes an introduction, a glossary of terms, a list of names used in the text, notes on source texts, a special topics list, and resources for further study.
360 pp. 9 x 12 $75.00 hardcover 978-0-8276-0921-1 $86.50 Canadian/59.00 UK
Thanks to these generous donors for making the publication of this book possible: Joel D. and Tammy S. Rubin.

Mekhilta de-Rabbi Shimon bar Yohai

The jps Miqraot Gedolot: Exodus

368 pp. 9 x 12 $75.00 hardcover 978-0-8276-0812-2 $86.50 Canadian/59.00 UK
Thanks to these generous donors for making the publication of this book possible: The Friedman French Foundation.

Michael Carasik

The jps Miqraot Gedolot: Leviticus

270 pp. 9 x 12 $75.00 hardcover 978-0-8276-0897-9 $86.50 Canadian/49.00 UK
Thanks to these generous donors for making the publication of this book possible: Joel D. and Tammy S. Rubin.

Michael Carasik


The Jewish Publication Society

Bible-Related Books

Torah Through Time

Understanding Bible Commentary, from the Rabbinic Period to Modern Times

Shai Cherry Foreword by Marc Zvi Brettler

Marc Zvi Brettler

How to Read the Bible

Featured on NpRs Fresh Air with Terry Gross

Tracing the development of the Jewish Bible commentary through the rabbinic, medieval, and modern periods, Cherry provides a fascinating and accessible guide to how some of the worlds leading Jewish commentators read the Bible. 208 pp. 6 x 9 $25.00 paperback 978-0-8276-0848-1 $28.95 Canadian/19.99 UK
Thanks to these generous donors for making the publication of this book possible: Kinney Zalesne and Scott Siff.

Written for the beginning reader as well as the scholar, this is an outstanding introduction to the Hebrew Bible and the history of Israel, and should be widely read.Publishers Weekly, starred review Clear, sophisticated, and readable.Shma/ Koret Book Review Marc Brettler has written an extraordinarily accessible 400 pp. 6 x 9 Bible Study $35.00 hardcover 978-0-8276-0775-0 $39.95 Canadian/26.99 UK

A New Translation

The Book of Psalms

The Psalms have long brought comfort to those who mourn and have helped us nd the spiritual in everyday life. This edition presents the new jps translation, based on the original Hebrew text, as well as the entire range of Psalms interpretation and modern linguistic scholarship.

Chanting the Hebrew Bible

Joshua R. Jacobson
The most authoritative guide on cantillation Joshua Jacobsons masterpiece is now available in this condensed, user-friendly paperback edition. It is an ideal instructional guide for adult and young-adult students of Torah, for bnai mitzvah students, and for cantors, rabbis, and Jewish educators of all denominations.
300 pp. 8 x 11 Audio cd included, charts $27.95 paperback 978-0-8276-0816-0 $32.50 Canadian/18.99 UK 1000 pp. 8 x 11 Audio cd included $75.00 hardcover 978-0-8276-0693-7 $86.50 Canadian/59.00 UK

Large-Print Edition 224 pp. $22.00 paperback 978-0-8276-0732-3 $25.50 Canadian/16.99 UK Pocket Edition 224 pp. 4 x 6 $8.95 paperback 978-0-8276-0631-9 $10.95 Canadian/9.99 UK

Student Edition

Complete Edition

Whos Who in the Jewish Bible

David Mandel
In this tting companion to the jps Tanakh, David Mandel has undertaken the enormous task of cataloging every character in the Hebrew Bible. From Aaron to Zurishaddai, this comprehensive biographical dictionary gives readers the opportunity to get up close and personal with everyone named in the Bibleits patriarchs, matriarchs, and prophets, warriors and peacemakers, holy men and sinners, heroes and villains. 550 pp. 6 x 9 Bible Reference $30.00 paperback 978-0-8276-0863-4 $34.50 Canadian/19.99 UK

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Jewish Choices, Jewish Voices

Edited by Elliot N. Dorff, Danya Ruttenberg, and Louis E. Newman The emphasis on questions, not answers, makes the Jewish Choices, Jewish Voices series different from many other ethical works . . . an excellent resource for readers seeking to lead more ethical lives.The Reporter Quite accessible for the lay readers.The Jewish Press These volumes bring together a diverse group of Jews to answer some of todays toughest ethical questions. Provocative case studies and varied responses challenge readers and entice them to join in on the conversation.

Jewish Choices, Jewish Voices series

How do we use power once weve gained it? Do we use power for our benet, or do we use it to help our neighborhoods or society at-large? How should bosses treat workers? Parents treat children? Governments treat citizens?



Is it ok to be wealthy? How do we know when we have too much? Enough? How much are we supposed to give to charity?

What are our obligations and rights to our own bodies? What does Judaism say about tattoos? Piercings? Who owns our organs? Why do so many young Jews suffer from eating disorders?
War and National Security 978-0-8276-0906-8 Social Justice 978-0-8276-0907-5 Sex and Intimacy 978-0-8276-0905-1 Power 978-0-8276-0862-7 Money 978-0-8276-0861-0 Body 978-0-8276-0860-3 $16.00 paperback 160 pp. 6 x 9 $18.50 Canadian/12.99 UK $96.00 paperback 978-0-8276-0927-3 $110.00 Canadian/74.00 UK
Thanks to these generous donors for making the publication of these books possible: The Everett Foundation; the Ben and Eather Rosenbloom Foundation; Aubrey and Sylvia Farb; Brenda Liebowitz and Aaron Feingold.


War and National Security

Is it morally acceptable to use surveillance and proling to protect national security? Should war only be used in self-defense? Is torture in times of war morally acceptable? Contributors include scholar Noam Chomsky, Lt. Col. Seth Milstein, and political philosopher Michael Walzer.

Each Volume:

Social Justice

6-Volume Set

How do we expand health care coverage to more Americans? Is the death penalty morally acceptable? Contributors include Jill Jacobs, of Jewish Funds for Justice; Arthur Waskow, director of the Shalom Center; and TV commentator and ucla law professor Laurie Levenson.

Are you obliged to tell your partner if you want to have sex with someone else? Is it morally acceptable to be a stripper, a prostitute, or porn actor? Must you tell your partner if you get pregnant or have an std?

Sex and Intimacy


The Jewish Publication Society

JPS Guides

Dictionary of Jewish Words

Highly recommended.Choice

Joyce Eisenberg and Ellen Scolnic

The Jewish Bible

Organized in an A to Z format for easy reference, the Dictionary of Jewish Words contains 1,200 entries derived from Yiddish, Hebrew, Aramaic, and English. 250 pp. 7 x 10 $18.00 paperback 978-0-8276-0832-0 $20.95 Canadian/13.99 UK

The Jewish Publication Society With advisors Shalom Paul, Fred Greenspahn, and Ziony Zevit
The Jewish Publication Society has produced a concise guide that will help anyone engaged in Bible study.AJL Newsletter This book will be a welcome addition to the libraries of synagogues, yeshivas, colleges, and churches, as well as to the library of any layperson.Review of Biblical Literature 300 pp. 7 x 10 Full color $22.00 paperback 978-0-8276-0851-1 $25.50 Canadian/16.99 UK

American Jewish Fiction

Josh Lambert
This volume is a ction readers dream: a guide to 125 remarkable works of ction, including a wide range of classic American Jewish novels and story collections, from 1867 to the present. 250 pp. 7 x 10 $18.00 paperback 978-0-8276-0883-2 $20.95 Canadian/13.99 UK

Ronald L. Eisenberg

Jewish Traditions

The jps Guide to Jewish Traditions is the jewel in the crown, to date, in the esteemed . . . reference series. Its the perfect gift for the curious Jew, scholar, or layperson.Jewish Exponent Offers a startling range of wisdom, history, and nuance behind every Jewish custom. Rabbi Jeffrey K. Salkin, author of Putting God on the Guest List 752 pp. 7 x 10 $35.00 paperback 978-0-8276-0882-5 $39.95 Canadian/23.99 UK

Best Jewish Books for Children and Teens

Linda R. Silver
A superbly informative and enjoyable gem of a book for librarians, educators, and parents needing to nd that right Jewish-content book for a specic child.Ottawa Jewish Bulletin Here is a top librarians guide to the best writing, illustration, reader appeal, and authentically Jewish content in picture books, ction and non-ction for early childhood through the high school years. Includes classics and todays bestsellers, along with hundreds of others. Each entry includes a succinct descripton of the book and author, and Silvers own insights on what makes it worth reading. There are title, subject, author, and illustrator indexes, titlegrouping by reading level, and lists of award winners. 375 pp. 7 x 10 $20.00 paperback 978-0-8276-0903-7 $22.95 Canadian/15.99 UK
Thanks to this generous donor for making the publication of this book possible: Wendy Fein Cooper.

American Jewish History

Norman H. Finkelstein
This book describes Jewish life from the time of the early settlers, to the period of massive immigration that ooded the cities, to the incredible growth of Jews in positions of inuence in business, politics, and the arts. 221 pp. 7 x 10 $18.00 paperback 978-0-8276-0810-8 $20.95 Canadian/13.99 UK
Thanks to these generous donors for making the publication of this book possible: jps Board of Trustees

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University of Nebraska Press / Recent Releases

The Future of the Jewish People in Five Photographs
Peter S. Temes
Every Jewish leader in this countryvolunteer, professional, rabbi, and educatorneeds to read this book. It is uniquely honest in describing the fault lines and key questions facing the Jewish people. Temes combines philosophical sophistication with pragmatic and emotional import. Rabbi Irwin Kula, president of the National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership
216 pp. 5 x 8 5 photographs $26.95 hardcover 978-0-8032-3979-1 $30.95 Canadian/17.99 UK

What They Saved

Nancy K. Miller

Pieces of a Jewish Past

Winner of the 2012 Jewish Journal Book Prize

What They Saved can be approached as an illuminating and instructive example of how to conduct a genealogical investigation. But it is also a rich and accomplished family chronicle, full of fascinating incidents and turbulent emotions. Above all, it is a searing work of selfexploration, artful and eloquent in the telling but heartbreaking in its candor.Jonathan Kirsch,
256 pp. 5 x 8 25 photographs, 1 geneology $17.95 paperback 978-0-8032-4390-3 $20.50 Canadian/11.99 UK

Singers Typewriter and Mine

Ilan Stavans

Ref lections on Jewish Culture

Stavans delivers a moving, detailed take on the profound changes the author has observed in Jewish American identity through language and literature.Kirkus
368 pp. 6 x 9 $24.95 paperback 978-0-8032-7136-4 $28.50 Canadian/16.99 UK

American Jews and Americas Game

Larry Ruttman Foreword by Bud Selig Introduction by Martin Abramowitz

Voices of a Growing Legacy in Baseball

Memories of the Lithuanian Holocaust

Ellen Cassedy
Uncovering this history with an intimate, personal, and investigative approach, Cassedy explores how the people of this country, Jews and non-Jews, are confronting their marred past and moving onward.Jerusalem Post
288 pp. 5 x 8 13 illustrations, 1 genealogy, 1 map, 1 chronology $19.95 paperback 978-0-8032-3012-5 $21.95 Canadian/12.99 UK

We Are Here

This book of intimate and revealing conversations with Jews who care passionately about baseball is a surprise and delight. . . . In the tradition of Studs Terkel, Ruttmans warm and folksy style lets us feel like were in the room with them as they share their thoughts and feelings about Judaism, baseball, and life. Its a great read.Rabbi Rebecca T. Alpert, associate professor of religion at Temple University
560 pp. 7 x 10 75 photographs, 2 drawings $34.95 hardcover 978-0-8032-6475-5 $39.95 Canadian/22.99 UK

Aaron Pribble

A Story of the First and Only Season in the Israel Baseball League
Named one of Baseball Americas Top Ten Books of 2011

Pitching in the Promised Land

Pribble tells his story with wit, a little self-deprecating humor, and an eye for detail. . . . Its hard to imagine a better introduction to a far-off land and its age-old conicts.Baseball America
280 pp. 5 x 8 29 photographs $18.95 paperback 978-0-8032-7156-2 $21.95 Canadian/12.99 UK


The Jewish Publication Society

University of Nebraska Press The Comprehensive History of the Holocaust series

alan e. steinweis, series editor This series is published by the University of Nebraska Press and Yad Vashem and is made possible by the generous gift of the Ike and Roz Friedman Family Foundation.

The History of the Holocaust in Romania

The Jews of Bohemia and Moravia

Livia Rothkirchen

Jean Ancel Translated by Yaffah Murciano Edited by Leon Volovici With the assistance of Miriam Caloianu
Winner of the 2012 National Jewish Book Award

Facing the Holocaust

Named an Outstanding Academic Title by Choice magazine

Based on an unparalleled and exhaustive collection of original Jewish accounts and sources not available until the fall of Nicolae Ceausescu in the late 1980s, Jean Ancel provides a detailed and comprehensive analysis of the path of antisemitism that led to the unspeakable horrors of the Holocaust in Romania. 720 pp. 6 x 9 1 map, 28 tables, 4 charts $50.00 hardcover 978-0-8032-2064-5 $57.50 Canadian/34.00 UK No sales in Israel or Palestinian Authority

We were both small nations whose existence could never be taken for granted, Vaclav Havel said of the Czechs and the Jews of Israel in 1990, and indeed, the complex link between the fortunes of these two peoples is unique. This book, by a leading authority on Czech and Slovak Jewry during the Nazi period, is the rst to thoroughly document this relationship and to trace its impact, both practical and profound, on the fate of the Jews of Bohemia and Moravia. 464 pp. 6 x 9 $40.00 paperback 978-0-8032-4007-0 $44.95 Canadian/25.99 UK No sales in Israel or Palestinian Authority

The Origins of the Final Solution

Christopher R. Browning With contributions by Jrgen Matthus
History Book Club Main Selection, Book-ofthe-Month Club Selection, Military Book Club Selection Winner of the 2004 National Jewish Book Award 2004 "Book of the Year," sponsored by the Atlantic Monthly

The Evolution of Nazi Jewish Policy, September 1939March 1942

The Holocaust in the Soviet Union

Yitzhak Arad Translated by Ora Cummings
Winner of the 2009 National Jewish Book Award Named an Outstanding Academic Title by Choice magazine

This is the most complete account to date of the Soviet Jews during World War II and the Holocaust (194145). Reports, records, documents, and research previously unavailable in English enable Yitzhak Arad to trace the Holocaust in the German-occupied territories of the Soviet Union through three separate periods in which German political and military goals in the occupied territories dictated the treatment of the Jews. Arads examination of the differences between the Holocaust in the Soviet Union compared to other European nations reveals how Nazi ideological attacks on the Soviet Union, which included war on Judeo-Bolshevism, led to harsher treatment of Jews in the Soviet Union than in most other occupied territories. 720 pp. 6 x 9 1 map, 7 tables $40.00 paperback 978-0-8032-4519-8 $45.95 Canadian/26.99 UK No sales in Israel or Palestinian Authority

The denitive work on the road Germany took toward the Final Solution during the crucial rst three years of the war.New York Review of Books. This magisterial work does offer us something newan unrivaled account of how the Nazi leadership ended up with a policy of industrialized mass murder of Jews as it fought a war of territorial expansion against the threats supposedly posed by Polish nationalism and Soviet Bolshevism. Probably no one is better qualied for this task than Christopher R. Browning.New York Times Book Review. Extraordinary. . . . A masterpiece of the historians art.The Atlantic. 616 pp. 6 x 9 3 maps, 2 tables, index $30.00 paperback 978-0-8032-5979-9 $34.95 Canadian No sales in United Kingdom, Israel, and Palestinian Authority

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Great Gifts
JPS has great books for holidays, life-cycle events, and other special occasions. Order a copy of Seasons of Our Joy (see page 3) to prepare for all the holidays or to give as a gift to a loved one.
Jewish Holiday Tales of Magic Howard Schwartz $13.00 paperback 978-0-8276-0757-6

A Survivors Haggadah

The Day the Rabbi Disappeared

Written, Designed, and Illustrated by Yosef Dov Sheinson $55.00 hardcover 978-0-8276-0686-9

$12.95 paperback 978-0-8276-0890-0

The Five Megilloth and Jonah

Adele Berlin $40.00 hardcover 978-0-8276-0699-9 $12.95 paperback 978-0-8276-0890-0 JT Waldman $24.95 paperback 978-0-8276-0788-0

The JPS Bible Commentary: Esther

The Honeybee in the Garden Debra Band $75.00 hardcover 978-0-8276-0811-5

$100.00 hardcover 978-0-8276-0820-7

The Song of Songs

Uriel Simon $40.00 hardcover 978-0-8276-0672-2


The JPS Bible Commentary: Jonah

Deluxe Edition

The Five Megilloth and Jonah

Megillat Esther

Tamara Cohn Eskenazi and Tikva Frymer-Kensky $40.00 hardcover 978-0-8276-0744-6 Selma Kritzer Silverberg $14.00 paperback 978-0-8276-0886-3

The JPS Bible Commentary: Ruth

Hanukkah, Tu Bshevat, Purim Paul Steinberg Edited by Janet Greenstein Potter $22.00 paperback 978-0-8276-0849-8

Celebrating the Jewish Year: The Winter Holidays

Naomis Song

David A. Adler $16.95 paperback 978-0-8276-0805-4

The Kids Catalog of Hanukkah

A Passover Haggadah

Go Forth and Learn Rabbi David Silber with Rachel Furst Judaisms Great Debates $18.00 paperback Timeless Controversies from Abraham 978-0-8276-0925-9 to Herzl Rabbi Barry L. Schwartz The JPS Commentary $15.95 paperback on the Haggadah 978-0-8276-1131-3 Historical Introduction, Translation, and Commentary Joseph Tabory ROsH HAsHANAH / YOM KIppUR $40.00 hardcover 978-0-8276-0858-0
Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi $75.00 hardcover 978-0-8276-0787-3

Translated by Chaya M. Burstein $17.95 paperback 978-0-8276-0729-3 Chaya M. Burstein $15.95 paperback 978-0-8276-0215-1

The Kids Cartoon Bible

The Jewish Kids Catalog

Haggadah and History

A Complete Guide to the History, Prayers and Themes Reuven Hammer $19.95 paperback 978-0-8276-0821-4

Entering the High Holy Days

Retold by Ellen Frankel $35.00 hardcover 978-0-8276-0891-7

JPS Illustrated Childrens Bible

Passover, Shavuot, The Omer, Tisha BAv Paul Steinberg Edited by Janet Greenstein Potter $22.00 paperback 978-0-8276-0850-4

Celebrating the Jewish Year: The Spring and Summer Holidays

Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot Paul Steinberg Edited by Janet Greenstein Potter $22.00 paperback 978-0-8276-0842-9

Celebrating the Jewish Year: The Fall Holidays


The Jewish Publication Society

Great Gifts



The JPS Torah Commentary (5-volume set)

$360.00 hardcover 978-0-8276-0331-8

$42.00 paperback, each volume Black 978-0-8276-0365-3 White 978-0-8276-0364-6

JPS Tanakh: The Holy Scriptures, Presentation Editions

$42.00 paperback, each volume Black 978-0-8276-0365-3 White 978-0-8276-0364-6

JPS Tanakh: The Holy Scriptures, Presentation Editions

Commentary by Nahum M. Sarna $75.00 hardcover 978-0-8276-0326-4 Commentary by Nahum M. Sarna $75.00 hardcover 978-0-8276-0327-1 Commentary by Baruch A. Levine $75.00 hardcover 978-0-8276-0328-8 Commentary by Jacob Milgrom $75.00 hardcover 978-0-8276-0329-5 Commentary by Jeffrey H. Tigay $75.00 hardcover 978-0-8276-0330-1

The JPS Torah Commentary Genesis

A JPS Guide Ronald L. Eisenberg $35.00 paperback 978-0-8276-0882-5 A JPS Guide $22.00 paperback 978-0-8276-0851-1 Timeless Controversies from Abraham to Herzl Rabbi Barry L. Schwartz $15.95 paperback 978-0-8276-1131-3 A JPS Guide Norman H. Finkelstein $18.00 paperback 978-0-8276-0810-8 A JPS Guide Josh Lambert $18.00 paperback 978-0-8276-0883-2

Jewish Traditions

The Legends of the Jews (2-volume set)

Louis Ginzberg $100.00 hardcover 978-0-8276-0709-5



The Jewish Bible

20th Century Jewish Religious Thought

Judaisms Great Debates

Edited by Arthur A. Cohen and Paul Mendes-Flohr $60.00 paperback 978-0-8276-0892-4


American Jewish History

A Gender-Sensitive Adaptation of the Original JPS Translation David E.S. Stein $32.95 hardcover 978-0-8276-0796-5 History, Sources, Principles Menachem Elon $375.00 hardcover 978-0-8276-0389-9

The Contemporary Torah


Jewish Law (4-volume set)

Uriel Simon $40.00 hardcover 978-0-8276-0672-2 Adele Berlin $40.00 hardcover 978-0-8276-0699-9

The JPS Bible Commentary Jonah


American Jewish Fiction

Selma Kritzer Silverberg $14.00 paperback 978-0-8276-0886-3

Naomis Song

Religion, Culture, Science Edited by Natalia Berger $50.00 hardcover 978-0-8276-0644-9 The Honeybee in the Garden Debra Band $75.00 hardcover 978-0-8276-0811-5
$100.00 hardcover 978-0-8276-0820-7

Jews and Medicine

The Song of Songs

Tamara Cohn Eskenazi and Tikva Frymer-Kensky $40.00 hardcover 978-0-8276-0744-6 Michael V. Fox $40.00 hardcover 978-0-8276-0742-2 Michael A. Fishbane $75.00 hardcover 978-0-8276-0691-3



Jews and Comic Books Arie Kaplan $25.00 paperback 978-0-8276-0843-6

From Krakow to Krypton

Deluxe Edition


The JPS Miqraot Gedolot Michael Carasik $75.00 hardcover, each volume Exodus 978-0-8276-0812-2 Leviticus 978-0-8276-0897-9 Numbers 978-8276-0921-1

The Commentators Bible

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Young Adult/Childrens Backlist

jps Illustrated Childrens Bible

Retold by Ellen Frankel Illustrated by Avi Katz
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Naomis Song

Selma Kritzer Silverberg

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An enchanting, beautiful book . . . [that is] sure to draw in young people while providing them with an accurate and dynamic understanding of the Bible. And Avi Katzs illustrations just entice and pull in the reader again and again.Rabbi Joseph Telushkin, author of A Code of Jewish Ethics Acclaimed storyteller and Jewish scholar Ellen Frankel has masterfully tailored fty-three Bible stories that will both delight and educate todays young readers. With enticing, full-page color illustrations of each Bible story, awardwinning artist Avi Katz ignites readers imaginations.
Ages 5 and up 256 pp. 8 x 10 Full color illustrations $35.00 hardcover 978-0-8276-0891-7 $39.95 Canadian/26.99 UK
Thanks to these generous donors for making the publication of this book possible: Stanley and Marcia Katz; Members of the Levine and Frankel families.

Set in the fortied city of Bethlehem and the mountainous towns of Moab, this young adult novel imagines the life of the biblical Naomi and her deep friendship with her daughter-inlaw Ruth. Historical Fiction/Ages 12 and up (Contains mature content) 142 pp. 6 x 9 $14.00 paperback 978-0-8276-0886-3 $15.95 Canadian/10.99 UK

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Eve Bunting Illustrated by Stephen Gammell

Child Study Childrens Book Committee Book of the Year Selection

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A captivating combination of fact and ction. . . introduces youngsters to ancient Jewish history, as well as Israeli landmarks, with a style all its own. A great book to read with children under eight, or for older children to enjoy on their own.Jewish Education Matters: A Publication of the Center for Jewish Education Ages 8 and up 60 pp. 8 x 10 Full color $12.95 paperback 978-0-8276-0800-9 $14.95 Canadian/9.99 UK


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