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Diversity, Symmetry & Reciprocity

Fred Mulder
UNESCO/ICDE Chair in OER at OUNL (former Rector OUNL 2000 2010) Chair EADTUs OpenupEd Initiative eMOOCs 2014 Panel Internationalization ... 11 February 2014 1 Lausanne

Internationalization: neo-Imperialism?
M-2009 World Conference (ICDE/EADTU) in Maastricht: Message to the 2009 UNESCO World Conference on HE > Debate on OER being a neo-imperialism instrument <

Different from books transported from Global North to South OER gives an opportunity to involve scholars on both sides (even experts who moved to the Global North) This can account for the social-economic and cultural context

Is this also valid for the MOOCs?

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Value #1: Diversity

Languages (more than English) Social-economic and cultural context Educational system and approach

Do not aim for uniformity, instead cherish diversity Be aware that diversity requires really including partners Partners should be committed to their own case in their own way

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Value #2: Symmetry & Reciprocity

MOOCs movement in its start dominant from the US Ambition to reach out to 1 Billion students worldwide Focus on joining the club on research reputation (rankings) Even Europe was not really in symmetry with the US Africa and Asia thirsty for education but also in self-esteem


Move from exclusiveness to inclusiveness (Erasmus+) Create symmetry and reciprocity in partnerships Embrace openness in its full spectrum and potential (OER) Underline ownership of & sharing among institutions

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How about OpenupEd?

LAUNCHED April 25, 2013
First pan-European MOOCs initiative (by EADTU). Joint press release with EC (Opening up Education)

Diversity, Equity, Quality (OpenupEd Q-label)

IN OUs TRADITION (classical & digital openness)

11 partners, 12 languages, from 40 to almost 200 courses 10 more EADTU members and others planning to join More than 100 courses with formal credit (ECTS) Decentralized model: universities themselves in the lead Not a common platform, but a profiling & referatory portal OpenupEd alikes with OUs in Africa, Asia and Latin America?

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