PMP Lecture 1

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AUC Technologies

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Project Management With PMP Exam Preparation

Class Introduction PMI Introduction Project Management Providers Introduction PMBOK Introduction Framework, Standard, Methodology PMI Framework Definitions Project Manager Role Enterprise Environmental Factors

PMI Introduction
PMI Established in 1969 PMI Membership surpasses 240,000 in over 150 countries

Over 247 charter chapters and 30 Special interest groups

PMI Goal is to provide standards to Project Management Creating and Publishing the Project Management standard Project Management Body of Knowledge is globally recognized text for managing project in todays world

Project Management Providers

OGC - Projects in Controlled Environments

Association For Project Management

Australian Institute of Project Management

International Project Management Association

PMBOK Introduction
Project Management Body of Knowledge Pim-Bok

Total 4 editions
First Edition was in 1996 Second Edition was in 2000 Third Edition was in 2004 Fourth Edition in 2008

Framework, Standard, & Methodology

Framework Standard Methodology ________________________ ________________________ ________________________

PMI Framework Definitions

Project Project Management

Program Management
Portfolio Management PPP Comparison Project Management & Operations Management Role of a Project Manager

Enterprise Environmental Factors

a project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result. Thus projects have a clear beginning and an end when the product or service is completed. So although some projects may take years to complete, they are still temporary.

Project Management
Project management is the discipline of organizing and managing resources (e.g. people) in such a way that the project is completed within defined scope, quality, time and cost constraints Source: Wikipedia

Project Management [PMI]

The application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project objectives to meet stakeholder needs and expectations



Operation Management
Operations are an organizational function performing the ongoing execution of activities that produce the same product or provide a repetitive service

a Program is a group of related projects and other work managed in a coordinated way to obtain benefits and control not available from managing them individually. Programs may also include elements of related work outside of the scope of the discrete projects in the program - for example, ongoing operations at a publishing house or automobile manufacturer. Programs also involve a series of repetitive or cyclical undertakings, such as an annual construction program or the publishing of a newspaper or magazine.

A portfolio is a collection of projects or programs and other work, brought together with the purpose of facilitating effective management of that work to meet strategic business objectives. The projects or programs in the portfolio are not necessarily interdependent or directly related. However, the alignment of programs and projects with the strategic goals of the organization should be used to effectively manage work portfolios. So a portfolio is a measure of an organization's intent, in that it should identify key objectives and classify and rank various endeavors according to business priorities.

Portfolio, Program, & Projects

Portfolios, programs, and projects interact hierarchically with portfolios at the top of the hierarchy and projects at the bottom.

Portfolios are active at the conception of work components and are responsible for allocating resources to them. Projects are the end result of this allocation process.
Programs interact between the two to ensure that benefits aligned with a portfolio's strategic goals are implemented through projects

Project & Program Interaction

Program & Portfolio Interaction

PPP Comparison
Comparison Factor
Scope Change Success Leadership focuses on Who is managed Role Planning Monitoring

Narrow Minimized Wide


Business Continual


Triple constraint satisfied

Task delivery Project managers manage resources Project managers are team players Detailed Tasks

ROI, new capabilities, benefits delivered

Managing relationships and resolving conflicts Program managers manage project managers Program managers are leaders High-level Projects

Collective results of the portfolio

Adding value Portfolio managers may or may not manage staff Portfolio managers are leaders Managing processes and communications Overall performance

PMO Definition [PMI]

A Project Management Office is an organizational unit to centralize and coordinate the management of projects under its domain

Project Manager Role

Project Manager is the assigned person to achieve the project objectives

Effective Project Manager Characteristics

Knowledge - About Project Management Performance Ability to accomplish by utilizing Project Management

Personal - Behavior, Attitude, leadership, balancing team and


Enterprise Environmental Factor

Internal and external factors that can influence the success Organizational culture

Government or industry standard

Infrastructure Existing human resources Personnel administration Company Work Authorization System

Market place condition

Project Management Information System

Project Life Cycle

Serves to define beginning and end of a project Tends to be industry- or organization-specific Often indicates who should be involved in each project phase, as well as the technical work to be done during each phase Costs and staffing are low at the start, higher in the middle, and drop off towards the end Probability of successfully completing the project is lowest at the start of the project, and increases the further the project progresses

Product Life Cycle

The product life cycle starts with the business plan, through idea, to product, ongoing operations and product divestment The Product Life Cycle spawns multiple Project lifecycles In some application areas, such as new product development organization consider project life cycle as part of the product life cycle

Customer, User Sponsor Portfolio Manager Program Manager Project Management Office Project Manager s Project teams Functional Managers Operations Management Sellers/ business partners

Organization Structures
Functional Projectized

Weak Matrix Balance Matrix

Strong Matrix

Functional Organization

Chief Executive

Project Coordination

Engineerng Manager

Administration Manager

Finance Manager

Staff Staff Staff

Staff Staff Staff

Staff Staff Staff


Project Coordination

Chief Executive/Program Manager

Project Manager 1

Project Manager 2

Project Manager 3

Staff Staff Staff

Staff Staff Staff

Staff Staff Staff

Weak Matrix

Balance Matrix

Strong Matrix

Organization Structures Comparison

Organizational Process Assets

Processes and Procedures Organizational standard processes Standard guidelines, work instructions, proposal evaluation criteria Templates Organization communication requirements Project closure guidelines or requirements

Organizational Process Assets

Corporate Knowledge Base Process Measurement databases Project files Historical information and Lesson learned knowledge base Issues and defect management database Configuration management knowledge base Financial database like labor hours, incurred costs, budgets and any project cost overruns


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