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Earth Energies & Natural Healing

THE CrystaL LOtUs HaNDbOOK: An Essential Guide to Crystals, Margherita. The most comprehensive practitioners guide we have seenthe depth and scope of this book will transform your understanding of the mineral realm. Over twelve years in the writing, with over 300 crystal descriptions, detailed illustrations, healing modalities, grid layouts, pendulum basics, elixirs, chakra work and much more; completely indexed by subject with color photos, charts and 160-title bibliography. 608 pgs., ISBN 9780978468309, $29.95 SIgNs aND SymbOLs BIbLE, Gauding. Decode symbols and signs from around the world with this full-color, handy reference guide. Both ancient and contemporary symbols are pictured, along with a brief description of their meaning and purpose; also includes a chapter on crystals and gemstone meanings. 400 pgs., ISBN 9781402770043, $14.95

THE POCKEt BOOK OF StONEs: Who They Are & What They Teach, Simmons. This new and condensed version of the popular classic, The Book of Stones, includes guidance on all the original stones, plus new ones 352 pgs., ISBN 9781583943175, $14.95 THE BOOK OF STONES: Who They Are & What They Teach, Simmons & Ahsian. Features scientic and metaphysical information on over 250 stones with fullcolor pictures of each crystal, gem or mineral, plus mineral history, folklore and legend; includes info on how to use stones in meditation, body layouts, grids and energy tools. 320 pgs., ISBN 9781556436680, $29.95 StONEs OF tHE NEw CONsCIOUsNEss: Healing, Awakening & Co-creating with Crystals, Minerals & Gems, Simmons. By the co-author of The Book of Stones. Contains new, in-depth information on 62 stones; includes chapters on healing, crystal meditations, stone elixirs, crystal tools and jewelry. 300 pgs., ISBN 9781582977010, $19.95 MOLDaVItE: Starborne Stone of Transformation, Simmons & Warner. Discover the scientic origin and spiritual properties of the green stones called Moldavites (tektites), which have been prized as tools and talismans for millennia. 178 pgs., ISBN 9780962191008, $12.95

YOUR CRYSTAL CODE: Find Out How to Choose, Interpret and Use Your Personal Crystals, Moorey. Each chapter focuses on a different area of your life and provides simple exercises to choose a crystal, interpret its meaning and use it to enhance your life. 144 pgs., ISBN 9781841813103, $14.95 CrystaL AwarENEss, Bowman. This basic guidebook will help you learn to work with crystals for physical and spiritual healing, increased energy, greater intuition, dream guidance and protection. 208 pgs., ISBN 9780875420585, $7.99

CRYSTALS FOR BEGINNERS: A Guide for Enhancing Your Health, Intuition & Creativity Using Crystals and Stones, Kenner. Learn the basics of crystal energy from an author who brings the subject down to earth. Alphabetical guide to crystals and their uses is included. 244 pgs., ISBN 9780738707556, $13.95 CRYSTAL BASICS: How to Use Crystals for Well-being and Spiritual Harmony, Rosen. An excellent and photo-lled beginners guide to crystal healing that covers all the basics. 128 pgs., ISBN 9780600614395, $9.95 CRYSTAL ENERGY FOR YOUR HOME: Creating Harmony in Every Room, Taylor & Taylor. Select the right crystals for clearing your home of negativity, creating harmonious relationships, nancial success and many more uses 144 pgs., ISBN 9781402733314, $14.95

CRYSTALS, Harding. A beautiful, comprehensive and well-organized crystal identier proling over 100 crystals and minerals into twenty color ranges; includes detailed information on form, source and rarity of each specimen; color healing aspects; chakra and energy work; elixirs and more. 320 pgs., ISBN 9781600610417, $19.95



CrystaL CO-CrEatOrs, Roeder. This channeled classic will teach you how to work with over 150 crystals and become partners with your mineral guides. 288 pgs., ISBN 9780929385402, $14.95 HEALING CRYSTALS aND GEMSTONES: From Amethyst to Zircon, A Comprehensive Listing of the Therapeutic Uses and Healing Effects of the Most Important Crystals and Gemstones, Peschek-Bohmer & Schreiber. Lists and pictures over 140 stones giving their origin, therapeutic use and most commonly available form. Hard cover. 302 pgs., ISBN 9781568524429, $14.95

CrystaL HEaLINg, Hall. This compact guide to gemstone energies, by bestselling author, Judy Hall, is an ideal overview to the topic. All the basics are covered, along with useful charts, color photos and stone glossary. Hard cover. 128 pgs., ISBN 9781841812601, $12.00 THE CRYSTAL BIBLE: A Denitive Guide to Crystals. BEST SELLER! This beautifully photographed, complete identication guide is a one-of-a-kind reference to the physical, mental, emotional, psychological, and spiritual healing effects of crystals and gems. Over 200 different crystals and gems are listed, along with their unique shapes and uses. 400 pgs., ISBN 9781582972404, $19.99 THE CrystaL BIbLE 2. The second volume of the bestselling The Crystal Bible covers over 200 additional crystals. 400 pgs., ISBN 9781582977010, $19.99 THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF CRYSTALS. In this large format, lavishly illustrated book, Judy Hall draws on over 30 years experience of working with crystals to provide the denitive coffee table reference guide. (9.5 x 11) 288 pgs., ISBN 9781592332663, $24.99 THE CrystaL EXpErIENCE: Your Complete Crystal Workshop in a Book with a CD of Meditations. This book is like having Judy Hall personally tutor you using hands-on exercises, rituals and guidance; includes a CD featuring meditations and inspirational music. 256 pgs., ISBN 9781844091317, $14.99

CrystaLs aND SaCrED SItEs: Use Crystals to Access the Power of Sacred Landscapes for Personal and Planetary Transformation, Hall. In this beautifully photographed, large format book, author Judy Hall explores power centers such as Giza, Stonehenge and Machu Pichu, showing readers how to tap into the healing energy of these and many more sacred sites around the world. (8.5 x 11) 192 pgs., ISBN 9781592335220, $19.99 101 POwEr CrystaLs: The Ultimate Guide to Magical Crystals, Gems, and Stones for Healing and Transformation. Best-selling author, Judy Hall, presents her favorite 101 crystals with each crystals specic power highlighted. Each entry covers the history, mythology and symbolism of the stone in addition to its healing properties. 224 pgs., ISBN 9781592334902, $19.99 CRYSTAL PRESCRIPTIONS: The A-Z Guide To Over 1,200 Symptoms And Their Healing Crystals. Judy Hall helps you identify the right crystal for your needs or health concerns. A practical rst-aid guide presented in an alphabetical format, along with material on pendulum dowsing, chakras, crystal cleaning and more. 170 pgs, ISBN 9781905047406, $15.95 LOVE CRYSTALS: Energize Your Love Life With the Power of Crystals. Learn how to attract your dream lover, make yourself irresistible or mend a broken heart by harnessing the energy of crystals. 128 pgs., ISBN 9781582975375, $9.99

TOp 10 HEaLINg StONEs OF ALL TImE, Kaehr. Dr. Shelley Kaehr reveals the ten most important stones of our time and shows you why gems are necessary tools for personal transformation. 110 pgs., ISBN 9780578026503, $12.99 LEmUrIaN SEEDS: Hope for Humanity, Kaehr. Author Shelley Kaehr relates her experiences and insights with the little-written-about Lemurian Seed crystals; learn to identify, understand and use these unique instruments of healing and knowledge. 102 pgs., ISBN 9780977755608, $14.95

CrystaL HEaLINg: The Practical Guide to Using Crystals for Health and Well-Being, Lily & Lilly. Includes layouts for healingas well as guided visualizations and meditations and an in-depth repertory of key crystals. 160 pgs., ISBN 9781907486319, $17.95

THE EssENtIaL GUIDE tO CrystaLs: All the Crystal You Will Ever Need for Health, Healing, and Happiness, Lilly & Lilly. This users guide is lled with color photographs, covering the magical and healing properties of each crystal with detailed proles of over 100 crystals linking each crystal to key qualities. 288 pgs., ISBN 9781844839148, $14.95


Earth Energies & Natural Healing

MICHaEL GIENgEr HEALING CRYSTALS: The A-Z Guide to 430 Gemstones, Gienger. BEST SELLER! A handy guide and compendium that ts neatly in a pocket or purse; 430 crystals and gemstones are alphabetized with an individual color photo for each and a brief description of the stones healing properties. A fabulous value! 96 pgs., ISBN 9781844090679, $8.95 CRYSTAL POWER, CRYSTAL HEALING: The Complete Handbook, Gienger. A well-written guide and rsthand look at the energies of crystals that builds a foundation of understanding from the scientic to the metaphysical properties of crystals; includes color photos. 416 pgs., ISBN 9780713726770, $21.95 HEaLINg StONEs FOr tHE VItaL OrgaNs: 83 Crystals with Traditional Chinese Medicine, Gienger and Maier. Examines the Chinese medicine-based 12 organ system and the gemstones best suited for addressing physical and spiritual health. 160 pgs., ISBN 9781594772757, $16.95 GEM WATER: How to Prepare and Use Over 130 Crystal Waters for Therapeutic Treatments, Goebel & Gienger. Learn how to create gemstone elixirs and to work with more than 100 crystals in 34 special mixtures. 96 pgs., ISBN 9781844091317, $11.95 PURIFYING CRYSTALS: How to Clear, Charge and Purify Your Healing Crystals, Gienger. A photo-lled guide to the foundational importance of crystal purication. 62 pgs., ISBN 9781844091478, $9.95 THE HEALING CRYSTALS FIRST AID MANUAL: A Practical A to Z of Common Ailments and Illnesses and How They Can Be Best Treated with Crystal Therapy, Gienger. Lists more than 100 medical conditions and the corresponding healing gemstone(s); comprehensive appendix of prescribed gemstones, a guide to assembling home crystal kits and a bibliography are included. 320 pgs., ISBN 97818844090846, $28.95 CRYSTAL MASSAGE FOR HEALTH AND HEALING, Gienger. Crystal massage combines intensive tactile The effect of each stone and specic massage technique is presented, along with illustrations and photos. 112 pgs., ISBN 9781844090778, $19.95 PrOtECt YOUrsELF FrOm ELECtrOmagNEtIC POLLUtION by UsINg CrystaLs, Newerla. This concise and well-researched guide explains how and under what circumstances crystals are able to provide relief against the effects of electromagnetic pollution. 64 pgs., ISBN 9781844095094, $9.95 CrystaL WaNDs: For Healing, Massage Therapy and Reexology, Kliegel. Supported by easy-to-understand descriptions, illustrations and photos, this attractive compendium demonstrates the effects and uses of crystal wands as a major therapeutic tool. 144 pgs., ISBN 9781844091522, $26.95 CrystaL THErapy: How to Heal and Empower Your Life with Crystal Energy, Virtue and Lukomski. This popular guide to the power of 94 easily obtainable crystals includes beautiful color photographs of each crystal family, as well as clear explanations of how to work with your crystals. 230 pgs., ISBN 9781401904678, $12.95 CrystaL BaLaNCE: A Step-by-Step Guide to Beauty and Health Through Crystal Massage, Grundmann. Using a variety of crystals, this massage method can be personalized for the user; features descriptions of the gemstones used, their properties, plus exercises and goals to promote body relaxation and physical recovery. 112 pgs., ISBN 9781844091324, $18.95

GEMSTONES A tO Z: A Handy Reference to Healing Crystals. A quick reference to 550 gemstones and crystals, their special healing properties and most helpful applications. Each listing includes the stones common name, its corresponding color, chakra and its healing properties. 288 pgs., ISBN 9781580911870, $16.95 HOt StONE & GEm MassagE, Fleck and Jochum. This book integrates two types of stone-enhanced therapy, with clear explanations to further enhance the benets of hot stone massage with gemstone chakra treatments. 150 pgs., ISBN 9781594772467, $16.95 GEMSTONE REFLEXOLOgy, Kircher. Combining the healing energy of crystals with reexology and acupressure offers a holistic approach to triggering the bodys self-healing energies. Fully illustrated and indexed. 107 pgs., ISBN 9781594771217, $14.95


THE SEVEN SECrEts OF CrystaL TaLIsmaNs: How to Use Their Power for Attraction, Protection & Transformation, Mason. Learn each step of creating and using talismans and amulets for optimal resultsfrom selecting and preparing the proper mineral to empowering your talisman. 256 pgs., ISBN 9780738711447, $17.95

THE COmpLEtE GUIDE tO MaNIFEstINg wItH CrystaLs, Costelloe. Learn how to use crystals to create the life you deserve, focus your intentions, manifest your goals and attract abundance into your life. 80 pgs., ISBN 9781844091690, $12.95 POCKET GUIDE TO CRYSTALS & GEMSTONES, Knight. Learn the basic energy aspects of over 50 crystals and gemstones. Includes instructions on choosing and caring for crystals, plus cleansing and charging them.. 96 pgs., ISBN 9780895949479, $7.99

LOVE IS IN THE EARTH: The best-selling series by Melody: PasspOrt tO CrystaLs. A brand-new pocket-sized book from Melody! This little book features key words with photographs for the metaphysical properties, chemical compositions, numerical vibrations and more for 1300 minerals/crystals. Features photographs of each mineral. 240 pgs., ISBN 9780988284777, $25.00 StONEs ALIVE SERIES. This unique series by Marilyn and Tohmas Twintrees details what they have learned from the stones, through stories, diagrams and exercises. STONES ALIVE!: A Reference Guide to Stones for the New Millennium, Twintrees. 326 pgs., ISBN 9781890808091, $17.95 StONEs ALIVE! 2: Listening More Deeply to the Gifts of the Earth, Twintrees. 326 pgs., ISBN 9781890808174, $19.75 StONEs ALIVE! 3: Translating the Crystalline Grid, Twintrees. 240 pgs., ISBN 9781890808044, $19.75 LayINg-ON-OF-StONEs. Completely revised, expanded and improved, this is the most comprehensive volume on the laying-on-of-stones. Includes new stone lay-outs and additional information not in the original volume. Addressing Master Numbers, and a cross-reference index of astrological signs and their associated minerals. 274 pgs., ISBN 9780962819049, $22.95 THE CRYSTAL aND MINERAL ENCYCLOPEDIA: The LIITE Fantastic and the Last Testament. Melodys most comprehensive book, includes all previous books in one volume, combined with new and revised material. Over 1400 minerals and gems are listed with explanations, exercises, color photos and fully indexed by stone. Hard Cover, 976 pgs., ISBN 9780962819063, $99.95 A KaLEIDOsCOpE OF CrystaLs. Best-selling comprehensive reference book addressing the metaphysical properties of hundreds of minerals, correlated to the astrological signs. 726 pgs., ISBN 9780962819032, $22.95 KaLEIDOsCOpIC PICtOrIaL, SUppLEmENt A. The follow-up guide to her rst book, which updates and includes descriptions and photographs of over 100 new minerals. 380 pgs., ISBN 9780962819070, $18.95 KaLEIDOsCOpIC PICtOrIaL SUppLEmENt Z. The last supplement to Melodys A Kaleidoscope of Crystals. The book provides 120 new minerals with color photos and describes their metaphysical properties. 384 pgs., ISBN 9780962819056, $18.95 CRYSTAL TAROT: The Tarot for the Millennium. Developed by Melody and designed by artist Steve Goins, this Tarot is based upon the Holy Qabbalah, the Tree of Life, the ancient mysteries of the Masonic order, and the mineral kingdom. Complete tarot deck and instruction book. 176 pgs., 79 cards, ISBN 9780-9628190-8-5, $27.95

KatrINa RapHaELL CrystaLLINE ILLUmINatION: The Way of the Five Bodies, Raphaell. This latest release from best-selling author, Katrina Raphaell, introduces the concept of the High Human, and the activation of the ve subtle bodies. 190 pgs., ISBN 9781450706827, $18.95 CRYSTAL ENLIGHTENMENT: The Transforming Properties of Crystals and Healing Stones, Vol. 1, Raphaell. Classic, comprehensive guide to the healing properties of crystals and gemstones. 175 pgs., ISBN 9780943358277, $12.50 CRYSTAL HEALING: The Therapeutic Application of Crystals and Stones, Vol. 2, Raphaell. Extends the information in Crystal Enlightenment to describe master crystals, healing techniques and dematerialization. 210 pgs., ISBN 9780943358307, $18.95 THE CRYSTALLINE TRANSMISSION: A Synthesis of Light, Vol. 3, Raphaell. The Twelve Chakra system for making crystalline transmission a living reality in daily life is explained. 291 pgs., ISBN 9780943358338, $19.95


Earth Energies & Natural Healing

A LapIDary OF SaCrED StONEs: Their Magical and Medicinal Powers Based on the Earliest Sources, Lecouteux. This comprehensive dictionary of sacred and magical gem lore draws on the rarest source texts of Antiquity and the Middle Ages for over 250 gems and stones. Hard cover. 360 pgs., ISBN 9781594774638, $24.95 GEmstONE ENErgy MEDICINE: Healing Body, Mind and Spirit, Katz. Innovative blending of scientic knowledge and metaphysical insight; learn a wide range of therapeutic techniques and the healing principles of gemstone medicine; fully indexed with color photos. 414 pgs., ISBN 9780924700248, $24.95

POwEr CrystaLs: Spiritual and Magical Practices, Crystal Skulls, and Alien Technology, DeSalvo. Investigate the use of crystals from Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt to present-day technology; highlights the use of quartz and crystal skulls for psychic and spiritual purposes. 206 pgs., ISBN 9781594774003, $16.95 THE COmpLEtE CrystaL HaNDbOOK: Your Guide to More Than 500 Crystals, Eason. Discover 500 crystals and their uses, healing properties, divination, cleansing, zodiac associations and more; includes fossils and other non-crystal specimen listings. 400 pgs., ISBN 9781402778711, $17.95 THE ILLUSTRATED DIRECTORY OF HEALING CRYSTALS: A Comprehensive Guide to 150 Crystals and Gemstones, Eason. This reference guide presents detailed proles of over 150 crystals in easy-to-follow color sections. Each entry explores the crystals powers of healing and magic, how to use it to its greatest effect and delves into mythology and folklore. 160 pgs., ISBN 9781843405696, $17.95 CrystaLs, JEwELs, StONEs, MagIC & SCIENCE, Kozminsky. This single volume edition contains two classic books in one and provides a unique study of the lore and science of gemstones. Kozminskys Crystals, Jewels, Stones, Magic & Science is an invaluable resource to anyone seeking knowledge of the spiritual properties of the mineral world. Crystals and the New Age by Stuart Weinberg pulls from knowledge gained through his years of buying and selling crystals in the New Age market. 456 pgs., ISBN 9780892541713, $24.95 QUartz CrystaLs: A Guide to Identifying Quartz Crystals and Their Healing Properties, Silveira. Illustrates and explains the differences between varieties of quartz points: from Double Terminated to Transmitters and Phantoms, the beauty and diversity of the quartz family is beautifully revealed; an invaluable reference tool. 80 pgs., ISBN 9781844091485, $17.95 CRYSTAL PERSONALITIES: A Quick Reference to Special Forms of Quartz, Troyer. A simple, easy-to-understand guide to quartz crystal forms, with line drawings and references that quickly tells you what type of crystal you are viewing and how to use it. 125 pgs., ISBN 9781885975003, $17.95

PHILIp PErmUtt THE COmpLEtE GUIDE tO CrystaL CHaKra HEaLINg: Energy Medicine for Mind, Body and Spirit. This easy-to-use book includes in-depth sections on each chakra, checklists of symptoms and proles of over 100 easily found crystals used for healing. 160 pgs., ISBN 9781906525538, $19.95 THE CRYSTAL HEALER: Crystal Prescriptions That Will Change Your Life Forever. A practical and engagingly formatted, hands-on guide with crystal remedies for more than 250 common ailments. 144 pgs., ISBN 9781904991632, $16.95 SaCrED StONEs aND CrystaLs: Connecting with the Ancient Wisdom of Stones, Pebbles, and Crystals, Permutt & Palmer. From megalithic standing stones and prehistoric rock art to crystal healing and medicine bags discover humanitys special connection to stones; full-color photographs and illustrations. 128 pgs., ISBN 9781907563652, $19.95 THE CrystaL TarOt. Philip Permutt, author of The Crystal Healer, reveals the crystal that links with every tarot card, illuminating its meaning; includes deck of 78 tarot cards and a 64 page instructional booklet. ISBN 9781907030574, $16.95


THE ANCIENt SECrEt OF tHE FLOwEr OF LIFE, Volume 1, Melchizedek. Uncover the sacred geometry that underlies and animates creation in this masterwork of metaphysical knowledge; explore creation from the micro level of the invisible atom to the innity of space. 240 pgs., ISBN 9781891824173, $25.00 MatH FOr MystICs: From the Fibonacci Sequence to Lunas Labyrinth to the Golden Section and Other Secrets of Sacred Geometry, Shesso. An engaging overview to the occult lore of numbers past and present, from Magical Squares to The DaVinci Code. 196 pgs., ISBN 9781578633838, $16.95 EDgar CayCE ON tHE POwEr OF COLOr, StONEs, aND CrystaLs, Campbell and Cayce. Explore Cayces famous readings to gain insight on the capacities of gemstones, colors, and the ancient beliefs surrounding them. 208 pgs., ISBN 9780466349826, $6.99 HImaLayaN SaLt CrystaL Lamps: For Healing, Harmony, and Purication, Lefvre. Discover the mental and physical benets of salt crystal lamps in the rst practical book on their use and applications. 160 pgs., ISBN 9781594773099, $14.95 CUNNINgHams ENCYCLOPEDIA OF CRYSTAL, GEM & METAL MAGIC, Cunningham. Reveals the secrets of over 100 different gems and metals, from what they look like to their magical powers. Features numerous tables. 240 pgs., ISBN 9780875421261, $16.95 (Spanish language version available ENCICLOpEDIa DE CrIstaLEs, GEmas, Y MEtaLEs. 227 pgs., ISBN 9781567181890, $14.95)

CrystaL SKULLs: Interacting with a Phenomenon, Van Etten. An excellent, comprehensive overview of the crystal skull phenomenon; learn their different types, characteristics and healing properties, as well their use for personal growth; illustrated throughout with color photos. 214 pgs., ISBN 9781891824647, $19.95 CrystaL SKULL CONsCIOUsNEss, Kaehr. Shelley Kaehr explores the crystal skull phenomenonand shows you how to use the modern-day replicas of skulls in your own healing practices. 96 pgs., ISBN 9780964820944, $14.95

THE MYSTERY OF THE CRYSTAL SKULLS: Unlocking the Secrets of the Past, Present and Future, Morton and Thomas. This expertly written and riveting account follows the history and legend of crystal skulls from the ancient Maya to the Smithsonian and the laboratories of Hewlett-Packard. The authors research has won acclaim around the world and reveals an up-to-date take on this very mysterious subject. 424 pgs., ISBN 9781879181809, $20.00 HEaLINg wItH CrystaLs & GEmstONEs: Balance Your Chakras and Your Life, Chocron. A complete introduction to the healing properties of crystals and gemstones. 128 pgs., ISBN 9781578633449, $12.95 CRYSTAL HEALING FOR ANIMALS, Scott & Mariani. Discover how the healing power of crystals can be used to enhance the well-being of your pets. 142 pgs., ISBN 9781899171248, $14.95

THE POwEr OF CrystaLs: A Coloring Book of Healing Minerals, A to Z, Powell. A guide and coloring book for children that teaches the basics of crystal healing; covers 29 commonly found crystals and gemstones; for all ages. 24 pgs., $2.99 CRYSTAL AWARENESS GUIDES, A.M.I. These handy, two-sided acrylic guides describe the healing properties of common gems and minerals VOLUmE 1, 8 x 1050+ minerals, $6.95 VOLUmE 2. 8.5 x 1350 minerals, $6.95 POCKEt gUIDE, 3.5 x 2.25 18 minerals, $2.95


Divination & Native American Healing

ANgEL GEmstONE OraCLE CarDs, Lembo. This oracle deck blends angelic wisdom with the healing energy of gemstones. The 44 gemstone photos and messages on one side give you a reading, while the associated angel on the other side of the card provides positive afrmation to help you transform your reality. 44 cards and instruction booklet. ISBN 9780976379676, $15.95 CrystaL & GEmstONE DIVINatION: Your Guide to Reading the Energies of the Mineral Realm for Life Guidance, Health and Well-Being, Butler. Learn to give crystal and gemstone readings; how to acquire, care for, re-energize and cleanse your divination stones; make healing elixirs and how stones relate to tarot. Full-color illustrations of stone layouts and fascinating real life readings given by the author enhance your insights and hone your intuitive powers. 224 pgs. ISBN 9781889786421, $17.95 MEDICINE CarDs: The Discovery of Power Through the Ways of Animals, Sams & Carson. This bestselling divination deck draws upon ancient Native American wisdom utilizing the healing medicine of animals. Includes a deck of 52 beautifully illustrated cards, plus an instruction book of readings and guidance. Hard cover, 256 pgs. ISBN 9780312204914, $29.95 WHItE EagLE MEDICINE WHEEL DECK, Wa-na-nee-che. This divinatory deck utilizes traditional Native American symbols, ritual tools and spirit animals to develop your intuitive abilities; includes 46 medicine wheel cards and 80 page book. ISBN 9781859062579, $12.95 CrystaL OVErsOUL AttUNEmENts: 44 Healing Cards & Book, Eastwood. Incorporating 44 photographic mandalas of crystal and gemstone images, this deck is designed as both an oracle and as a touchstone for further meditation and contemplation; includes a book for additional exploration of the Crystal Oversoul Consciousness and 44 cards. 112 pgs., ISBN 9781844095711, $19.95 THE WIsDOm OF TrEEs OraCLE, Struthers. This beautiful and richly illustrated oracle deck blends the majestic imagery of indigenous trees with accompanying insights from the worlds spiritual traditions; includes 40 oracle tree cards, fold out diagram and 88 page hardback illustrated guide. Card set. ISBN 9781780283807, $19.95 POwEr ANImaL OraCLE CarDs: Practical and Powerful Guidance from Animal Spirit Guides, Farmer. Connect with your animal guides and learn to give readings to yourself and others. Includes 44 Power Animal Oracle cards and a instructional booklet. ISBN 9781401905422, $15.95 A MagICaL TOUr OF tHE NIgHt SKy: Use the Planets and Stars for Personal and Sacred Discovery, Shesso. See the night sky like you never have before, drawing on cross-cultural mythology, astrology and ancient lore. 262 pgs., ISBN 9781578634958, $19.95 CrystaL BaLLs & CrystaL BOwLs: Ancient Scrying & Modern Seership, Andrews. Learn a variety of methods for healing with the crystal ball and for crystal gazing. 310 pgs., ISBN 9781567180268, $15.95

A PraCtICaL GUIDE tO tHE RUNEs: Their Uses in Divination and Magick, Peschel. This best-selling guidebook will help you learn to use the runes for divination, insight and self-knowledge. 182 pgs., ISBN 9780875425931, $6.99 FUtHarK: A Handbook of Rune Magic, Thorsson. A complete book of rune instruction, including denitions of the 24 runes. 153 pgs., ISBN 9780877285489, $16.95 THE CrystaL ALLy CarDs: The Crystal Path to Self Knowledge, Ahsian. A popular and best selling crystal oracle deck and guidebook that contains guidance on 50 gemstones and crystals. 296 pgs., ISBN 9780962191015, $29.95


AwaKENINg tO tHE SpIrIt WOrLD: The Shamanic Path of Direct Revelation, Ingerman & Wesselman. A circle of six renowned Western shamanic elders provide in-depth guidance and instruction in the shamanic arts; includes a CD of drumming to facilitate your shamanic journeys. 332 pgs., ISBN 9781591797500, $19.95 SHamaNIC JOUrNEyINg: A Beginners Guide, Ingerman. Explore the basics of shamanistic practice in this unique guidebook/CD package. Workshop leader and author, Sandra Ingerman, skillfully teaches readers how use the ancient practice of shamanism for guidance, empowerment, renewal, divination and healing. 90 pgs., ISBN 9781591799436, $14.95 THE HOLLOw BONE: A Field Guide to Shamanism, Deatsman. The beginner on the path, or those interested in shamanism generally can learn what a shaman does, how one becomes a shaman, plus gives you resources for continuing on your path. 192 pgs., ISBN 9781578634989, $16.95 SHamaNIsm FOr BEgINNErs: Walking with the Worlds Healers of Earth and Sky, Endredy. Explore shamanic paths from around the globe and discover the tools, rituals and beliefs that are common to most shamanic traditions. 256 pgs., ISBN 9780738715629, $14.95 VIsIONary SHamaNIsm: Activating the Imaginal Cells of the Human Energy Field, Wolf and Dillon. Take your shamanistic practice to the next level with this modern take on spiritual healing, human transformation and evolution; includes a 55-minute CD of musical journeys that mirror the books inspirational focus 172 pgs., ISBN 9781591431312, $16.00 THE smUDgINg aND bLEssINgs bOOK: Inspirational Rituals to Cleanse and HeaL, Alexander. Learn to combine smudging with techniques from other traditions in order to banish stress, attract love, turn your house into a soothing sanctuary and bring your family closer together. 96 pgs., ISBN 9781402766817, $12.95 HEaLINg SECrEts OF tHE NatIVE AmErICaNs: Herbs, Remedies, and Practices that Restore the Body, Refresh the Mind, and Rebuild the Spirit, Shimers. Discover all-natural remedies and techniques of traditional Native American origin; indexed using 40 different types of plants and herbs to heal dozens of everyday ailments. Hard cover. 208 pgs, ISBN 9781579123925, $14.95 HEaLINg wItH MEDICINaL PLaNts OF tHE WEst, Garcia and Adams. Associate Professor of Pharmacology at USC, James Adams, and co-author, Cecila Garcia, a Native American Chumash healer, guide the reader to the use, identication and lore of medicinal plants for personal healing; extensively cross referenced and indexed. 266 pgs., ISBN 9780976309192, $17.95 HEaLINg CrystaLs: The Shamans Guide to Making Medicine Bags and Using Energy Stones, Zerner and Farber. Learn how to make a medicine bag and work with crystals and gemstones; includes 12 illustrated, step-by-step medicine bag projects and patterns. 160 pgs., ISBN 9781402770852, $14.95

SaCrED SagE: How it Heals, Walks Alone. This popular best-selling booklet describes the use of sage for physical, mental and spiritual healing. 32 pgs., ISBN 9780964022904, $6.00 SACRED SMOKE: The Ancient Art of Smudging for Modern Times, McCampbell. This book explains the spiritual practice of smudging (the burning of herbs) and illustrates this integral part of traditional Native American life. 128 pgs., ISBN 9781570671173, $9.95

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