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Summary of Corrective Actions for HACCP-Based SOPs

Cleaning and Sanitizing Food Contact Surfaces

Corrective Action
1. Retrain any foodservice employee found not following the procedures in this SOP. 2. ash! rinse! and sanitize dirty food contact surfaces. Sanitize food contact surfaces if it is discovered that the surfaces were not properly sanitized. "iscard food that comes in contact with food contact surfaces that have not #een sanitized properly. $. %n a $&compartment sin'( "rain and refill compartments periodically and as needed to 'eep the water clean. )d*ust the water temperature #y adding hot water until the desired temperature is reached. )dd more sanitizer or water! as appropriate! until the proper sanitizer concentration is achieved. +. %n a dishmachine( "rain and refill the machine periodically and as needed to 'eep the water clean. Contact the appropriate individual,s- to have the machine repaired if the machine is not reaching the proper wash temperature indicated on the data plate. For a hot water sanitizing dishmachine! retest #y running the machine again. %f the appropriate surface temperature is still not achieved on the second run! contact the appropriate individual,sto have the machine repaired. ash! rinse! and sanitize in the $& compartment sin' until the machine is repaired or use disposa#le single service.single&use items if a $&compartment sin' is not availa#le. For a chemical sanitizing dishmachine! chec' the level of sanitizer remaining in #ul' container. Fill! if needed. /Prime0 the machine according to the manufacturer1s instructions to ensure that the sanitizer is #eing pumped through the machine. Retest. %f the proper sanitizer concentration level is not achieved! stop using the machine and contact the appropriate individual,sto have it repaired. 2se a $&compartment sin' to wash! rinse! and sanitize until the machine is repaired.

Summary of Corrective Actions for HACCP-Based SOPs, continued
Controlling 3ime and 3emperature "uring Preparation Critical Control Point ,CCP-

Corrective Action

1. Retrain any foodservice employee found not following the procedures in this SOP. 2. 4egin the coo'ing process immediately after preparation is complete for any foods that will #e served hot. $. Rapidly cool ready&to&eat foods or foods that will #e coo'ed at a later time. +. %mmediately return ingredients to the refrigerator if the anticipated preparation completion time is e5pected to e5ceed $6 minutes. 7. "iscard food held in the temperature danger zone for more than + hours. Coo'ing 1. Retrain any foodservice employee found not following the procedures in this SOP. Critical Control 2. Continue coo'ing food until the internal temperature reaches the Point ,CCPre8uired temperature. Cooling 1. Retrain any foodservice employee found not following the procedures in this SOP. 2. Reheat coo'ed! hot food to 197 :F for 17 seconds and start the Critical Control cooling process again using a different cooling method when the food Point ,CCPis( )#ove ;6 :F and 2 hours or less into the cooling process< and )#ove +1 :F and 9 hours or less into the cooling process. $. "iscard coo'ed! hot food immediately when the food is( )#ove ;6 :F and more than 2 hours into the cooling process< or )#ove +1 :F and more than 9 hours into the cooling process. $. 2se a different cooling method for prepared ready&to&eat foods when the food is a#ove +1 :F and less than + hours into the cooling process. +. "iscard prepared ready&to&eat foods when the food is a#ove +1 :F and more than + hours into the cooling process. "ate =ar'ing 1. Retrain any foodservice employee found not following the Ready&to&>at Potentially procedures in this SOP. ?azardous Food 2. Foods that are not date mar'ed or that e5ceed the ;&day time period will #e discarded. >mployee ?ealth Policy 3o #e determined #y school officials and State or local health department. ?andling ) Food Recall 1. Retrain any foodservice employee found not following the procedures in this
2. $. +. SOP. "etermine if the recalled product is to #e returned and to whom! or destroyed and #y whom. @otify feeding site staff of procedures! dates! and other specific directions to #e followed for the collection or destruction of the recalled product. Consolidate the recall product as 8uic'ly as possi#le! #ut no later than $6

7. days after the recall notification. Conform to the recall notice using the following steps(

Summary of Corrective Actions for HACCP-Based SOPs, continued

?andling ) Food Recall! continued

Corrective Action
Report 8uantity and site where product is located to manufacturer! distri#utor! or State agency for collection. 3he 8uantity and location of the affected 2S") commodity food must #e su#mitted to the State "istri#uting )gency within 16 calendars days of the recall. O#tain the necessary documents from the State "istri#uting )gency for 2S") commodity foods. Su#mit necessary documentation for reim#ursement of food costs. Complete and maintain all re8uired documentation related to the recall including( Recall notice Records of how food product was returned or destroyed Reim#ursa#le costs Pu#lic notice and media communications

?olding ?ot and Cold Potentially ?azardous Foods Critical Control Point ,CCP-

1. Retrain any foodservice employee found not following the procedures in this SOP. 2. For hot foods( Reheat the food to 197 :F for 17 seconds if the temperature is found to #e #elow 1$7 :F and the last temperature measurement was 1$7 :F or higher and ta'en within the last 2 hours. Repair or reset holding e8uipment #efore returning the food to the unit! if applica#le. "iscard the food if it cannot #e determined how long the food temperature was #elow 1$7 :F. $. For cold foods( Rapidly chill the food using an appropriate cooling method if the temperature is found to #e a#ove +1 :F and the last temperature measurement was +1 :F or #elow and ta'en within the last 2 hours( Place food in shallow containers ,no more than + inches deep- and uncovered on the top shelf in the #ac' of the wal'&in or reach&in cooler. 2se a 8uic'&chill unit li'e a #last chiller. Stir the food in a container placed in an ice water #ath. )dd ice as an ingredient. Separate food into smaller or thinner portions. +. Repair or reset holding e8uipment #efore returning the food to the unit! if applica#le

7. "iscard the food if it cannot #e determined how long the food temperature was a#ove +1 :F.

Summary of Corrective Actions for HACCP-Based SOPs, continued

Personal ?ygiene Preventing Contamination at Food 4ars

Corrective Action
1. Retrain any foodservice employee found not following this procedure. 2. "iscard affected food. 1. Retrain any foodservice employee found not following the procedures in this SOP. 2. Remove and discard contaminated food. $. "emonstrate to customers how to properly use utensils. +. "iscard the food if it cannot #e determined how long the food temperature was a#ove +1 :F or #elow 1$7 :F. 1. Retrain any foodservice employee found not following the procedures in this SOP. 2. Separate foods found improperly stored. $. "iscard ready&to&eat foods that are contaminated #y raw eggs! raw fish! raw meat! or raw poultry. 1. Retrain any foodservice employee found not following the procedures in this SOP. 2. Re*ect the following( Frozen foods with signs of previous thawing Cans that have signs of deterioration! such as swollen sides or ends! flawed seals or seams! dents! or rust Punctured pac'ages Foods with out&dated e5piration dates Foods that are out of safe temperature zone or deemed unaccepta#le #y the esta#lished re*ection policy 1. Retrain any foodservice employee found not following the procedures in this SOP. 2. Continue reheating and heating food if the internal temperature does not reach the re8uired temperature. 1. Retrain any foodservice employee found not following the procedures in this SOP. 2. Replace improperly handled plates! cups! or utensils. $. "iscard ready&to&eat food that has #een touched with #are hands. +. Follow the corrective actions identified in the ashing ?ands< 2sing Suita#le 2tensils hen ?andling Ready&3o&>at Foods< "ate =ar'ing Ready&to&>at! Potentially ?azardous Foods< Cooling

Preventing Cross& Contamination during Storage and Preparation Receiving "eliveries

Reheating Potentially ?azardous Foods Critical Control Point ,CCPServing Food

Potentially ?azardous Foods< and ?olding ?ot and Cold Potentially ?azardous Foods SOPs.

Summary of Corrective Actions for HACCP-Based SOPs, continued

Storing and 2sing Poisonous or 3o5ic Chemicals 3ransporting Foods to Remote Sites ,Satellite Bitchens-

Corrective Action
1. Retrain any foodservice employee found not following the procedures in this SOP. 2. "iscard any food contaminated #y chemicals. $. Aa#el and.or properly store any unla#eled or misplaced chemicals 1. Retrain any foodservice employee found not following the procedures in this SOP. 2. Continue heating or chilling food carrier if the proper air temperature is not reached. $. Reheat food to 197 :F for 17 seconds if the internal temperature of hot food is less than 1$7 :F. Refer to the Reheating Potentially ?azardous Foods SOP. +. Cool food to +1 :F or #elow using a proper cooling procedure if the internal temperature of cold food is greater than +1 :F. Refer to the Cooling Potentially ?azardous Foods SOP for the proper procedures to follow when cooling food. 7. "iscard foods held in the danger zone for greater than + hours. 1. Retrain any foodservice employee found not following the procedures in this SOP. 2. For an inaccurate! #imetallic! dial&faced thermometer! ad*ust the temperature #y turning the dial while securing the cali#ration nut ,located *ust under or #elow the dial- with pliers or a wrench. $. For an inaccurate! digital thermometer with a reset #utton! ad*ust the thermometer according to manufacturer1s instructions. +. %f an inaccurate thermometer cannot #e ad*usted on&site! discontinue using it! and follow manufacturer1s instructions for having the thermometer cali#rated. 7. Retrain employees who are using or cali#rating food thermometers improperly. 1. Retrain any foodservice employee found not following the procedures in this SOP. 2. "iscard ready&to&eat food touched with #are hands. 1. Retrain any foodservice employee found not following the procedures in this SOP. 2. "iscard unmar'ed or unidentified food or food that is noted to e5ceed the +&hour limit.

2sing and Cali#rating a 3hermometer

2sing Suita#le 2tensils hen ?andling Ready&to&>at Foods 2sing 3ime )lone as a Pu#lic ?ealth Control Critical Control Point ,CCP-

ashing Fruits and Cegeta#les 1. Retrain any foodservice employee found not following the procedures in this SOP. 2. Remove unwashed fruits and vegeta#les service and washed immediately #efore #eing served. $. Aa#el and date fresh cut fruits and vegeta#les. +. "iscard cut melons held after ; days.

Summary of Corrective Actions for HACCP-Based SOPs, continued

ashing ?ands

Corrective Action 1. Retrain any foodservice employee found not following the procedures in this SOP. 2. )s' employees that are o#served not washing their hands at the appropriate times or using the proper procedure to wash their hands immediately. $. Retrain employee to ensure proper handwashing procedure.

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