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HOMELAND Episode Guide

An unstable, clinically unwell CIA operative becomes obsessed with proving that a Marine, held captive by Al Qaeda for eight years and now returned as a war hero, is really a turned terrorist operative with plans to target the U.S. for an attack.

Principal Characters (series)

CARRIE MATHISON SGT NICHOLAS BRODY Saul Berenson Carries line manager Jessica Brody Dana Brody Chris Brody David Estes Abu Nazir Mike Faber Vice President Walden John Walker Additional characters (2-3 eps): Helen Walker, Lynn Reed, Al-Zahrani, Fizel, Aileen Morgan, Elizabeth Gaines, Hamid, Mira Berenson, Prince Farid

EPISODE 1/PILOT Prologue: 1.In pursuit of her quarry, high level Al-Qaeda leader Abu Nazir, CARRIE Mathison infiltrates an Iraqi prison and receives a tip-off from a contact. NB: we dont hear the tip off until later. 10 months later. . . 2. Carrie learns that an American marine, Sgt BRODY, has been found in captivity. He has been missing in action for 8 years and was believed dead. His discovery is hailed as a triumph, and he is to return to America as a war hero. But Carrie is suspicious. 3. Brodys wife, JESSICA, is in love with his best friend MIKE. Their affair has reached the point where they are about to tell the children awkward teenage daughter DANA and younger son CHRIS of their plans to move in together. Brodys return scuppers this. 4. Carrie relays her doubts about Brody to SAUL, her CIA mentor. [We hear the tip-off now.] Carrie requests a surveillance operation on Brody, but Saul refuses unless she can bring him concrete proof. Carrie goes ahead anyway. Using an old friend, Virgil, working with his brother Max, she has the Brody household bugged and spy-rigged. Max finds some antipsychotic drugs in Carries bathroom.

5. Brody is reunited awkwardly with his family. Later, Carrie watches on the spy cameras as Brody and Jessica make love. 6. Carrie asks Saul to let her attend a de-briefing of Brody. Saul warns her to behave especially given how their boss, David Estes, feels about her. Carrie questions Brody too aggressively. Brody insists he never met Abu Nazir, but flashbacks reveal hes lying. 7. Estes confronts Saul over Carries behaviour. We learn that her career is in balance, that Saul has assured Estes hell babysit her, and that Estes and Carrie had an affair which destroyed Estes marriage. 8. At a barbecue for family and friends, Brody becomes suspicious about his wife and Mike. 9. Carries surveillance reveals that Brody is lying to his wife about his location. She and Virgil rush to the park where Brody is, believing hes making contact with his Al Qaeda handler. 10. In fact, hes meeting Helen Walker, the wife of his fellow PoW, who wants to know what happened to her husband. Brody tells her he was beaten to death, but that he wasnt present when it happened. Again, flashbacks tell us hes lying. 11. A nervous Virgil confronts Carrie over the anti-psychotic drugs. Is she crazy? Carrie admits shes managing a condition, but counter-threatens Virgil he cant pull the plug now. 12. Saul discovers Carries unauthorised surveillance. Furious, he tells her shell need a lawyer. That night, while at a bar looking for casual sex, Carrie spots a clue in a news report which shows Brodys hand tapping out what may be a coded signal. Saul now agrees to apply for authorised surveillance: they get four weeks. 13. Brody goes running. He has a series of flashbacks. We see now that in fact it was Brody who administered Walkers beating - at the instigation of Abu Nazir, present throughout.

EPISODE 2 1.Brody suffers nightmares, as witnessed by Jessica - and Carrie on camera in which he cries out in Arabic. Carrie translates his cry: hes begging to be killed. 2. Brody is cracking up under the pressure of all the media attention. Jessica clocks this. 3. Carrie takes a call from LYNN REED, a contact working undercover as the consort of a Saudi prince. Lynn has witnessed contact between the prince, Amir Farid, and Abu Nazir. Carrie is euphoric. Lynn is worried this could mean shes in danger. Carrie reassures her shell sort something out. 4. Mike is under pressure from Estes to help get Brody to act the returning hero. But we see how shaky Brody is when he punches a reporter outside his house. He then sets out for a Home Improvement store. Max and Virgil, watching, cant figure out why hes there. 5. En route to Saul, we see Carrie make arrangements to buy more secret medication. 6. Carrie relays the news about Abu Nazir to Saul and Estes. Estes refuses extra protection for Lynn. He wants Amir Farids phone files downloaded to a memory card.

7. Brody returns home, having bought something [we dont see what] from the store. Jessica has invited Mike for dinner. Brody seethes silently. Later he tells Mike he wont play the hero. 8. At a rendezvous, Carrie passes the memory card to Lynn and instructs her to download the intel. Lynn is terrified. Carrie tries to reassure her, though she secretly knows its unsafe. 9. Carries visits her sister Maggie. We learn Carrie is bipolar, like her father. Maggie, a doctor, supplies her with pills off-the-record. Maggie tells Carrie that she is going to give her seven day supplies from now on so she must manage her condition carefully. 10. That night, Brody wakes from a nightmare. He goes to the garage and we see that his purchase is a mat. He prays to Allah. Carrie cant see: theres no camera in the garage. Brody finally embraces his role as war hero puts on his uniform and goes out to the media. Carrie thinks this means hes back following the playbook. . . EPISODE 3 1.Lynn downloads the intel from the Princes smartphone. Seconds later, Amir Farid returns to the room. Has he seen her? Apparently not: he gives her an expensive diamond necklace. 2. The Brody family has agreed to a national TV interview. But Dana is not playing ball shes off with her mates, getting stoned. 3. Saul is being hard on Carrie. He brushes off her attempts to talk. 4. Brodys wife, Jessica, is disappointed by Danas surly attitude. Brody intervenes and seems to win Dana round. Proof: the next morning Dana joins them for breakfast, happy to eat what her fathers cooking. Jessica is slightly thrown by the way father and daughter are bonding. 5. The TV interview prompts further flashbacks in Brody now remembering the kindness of Abu Nazir. This contrasts with the hell hes describing to the interviewer. Again, hes lying. 6. Carrie retrieves the card from Lynn, who wants out. Carrie takes it to Saul, who reveals hes pissed off with her for treating him with the same disdain with which she treats Estes. 7. Dana tells Jessica she knows about her affair with Mike. She takes her dads side. Now Jessica is scared that Dana will tell Brody. 8. Later, Brody and Dana bond further. Brody suggests Dana goes easy on her mum this isnt easy for her. 9. At a nightclub party, Lynn is told shes needed by the prince, for a business associate. Panicking, she calls Carrie thinking that Carrie is protecting her. Carrie freaks out. She and Virgil rush to the scene. 10. Lynne is murdered before Carrie can get to her. Carrie and Virgil flee the scene, leaving Lynns body. Carrie is devastated, but, later, Estes is not remotely sympathetic. 11. The full family interview takes place. Brody is late. The initial awkwardness is broken by Dana, now on side and proclaiming how great it is her dad is back. The family start to relax, pull together. Mike clocks this.

12. The prince, Amir Farid questioned over Lynns death. He seems genuinely distraught. Carrie pleads for Sauls support. They agree that the Prince isnt responsible for Lynns death. They work out that the real target was the diamond necklace. 13. We see the necklace being appraised. We then see someone an Arab buying a house near the airport with his wife, cash in hand. . . EPISODE 4 1.Saul reminds Carrie that her four weeks authorised surveillance on Brody is running out. Shes still not got any proof that Brody is connected to Al Qaeda or Abu Nazir. 2. Estes tells the CIA team to follow the money trail from Lynns stolen necklace. 3. Brody and Jessica are not getting on: Brody cant resist edgy remarks about Mike. He seems eccentric and moody, occasionally retreating to the garage (and his prayer mat). He is approached by the Vice Presidents chief advisor, Elizabeth Gaines, about his future. 4. When the Brodys go out to church, Carrie, Virgil and Max sneak in to remove the bugs and cameras. Carrie checks the garage doesnt realise the significance of the mat. She is frustrated, feels shes missing something. 5. Mike tells Jessica he wants them to own up about their relationship. Jessica is still torn. Later, she asks Dana if shes told Brody. Dana says she hasnt. 6. On the trail of the money, Estes assigns Carrie to work with a CIA analyst, Danny. We see Este tell Danny to keep an eye on what Carries up to something Danny is uneasy about. Estes then takes both out for drinks, and appears to make his peace with Carrie. 7. Carrie and Danny pick up the trail of Rakim Fizel, who bought the house near the airport with cash. They tail him. But someone mysterious alerts a woman who may be Fizels wife to the tail, and she in turn alerts Fizel in time to change whatever plans he had. As a result, he gives them the slip - and the trail looks like a dead-end. 8 .Mike brings a woman he hardly knows to dinner. Jessica confides in the woman that Brodys behaviour is unsettling. Brody goes to the garage. He witnesses a moment between Jessica and Mike, takes out his gun. Shots are fired! In fact, hes shot a deer, which came into the garden. Jessica confronts Brody she cant take this. The party breaks up. 9. Later, Brody announces hes going to the meeting of a veterans support group. Carrie follows him there and ends up bumping into him, pretending shes going to the same meeting. They bond over how hard it is to tell people who havent served what its really like. EPISODE 5 1.Carrie visits her sister for more medication. Maggie isnt there, but their father is. Carrie is clearly ambivalent about her father. She gets the drugs and retreats hurriedly. 2. One of Brodys guards from his prison, Hamid, has been captured. Carrie and Saul are assigned to interrogate him, but Estes also wants Brody present - for his first-hand insight. Carries isnt happy, but is over-ruled by Saul.

3. Hamid prompts a flood of traumatic flashbacks for Brody. Brody helps the interrogation, in which Hamid is offered protection for his family in return for information. Brody requests a face-to-face with Hamid, but Carrie refuses. 4. Saul leaves the investigation to return home to his wife, Mira. Mira has just returned from her native India. The marriage is clearly under strain. 5. At home, Jessica reminds Brody to attend his son Chriss karate belt ceremony. Brody promises to go, but is still preoccupied with seeing Hamid. 6. Hamid is being worn down with music torture. Carrie alerts Saul that Hamid may be about to crack dragging Saul away from his troubled marriage. Hamid provides an email address. 7. Brody asks for Estess permission to confront Hamid arguing that he has a right to show his oppressors he didnt break. Judging it politically wise, Estes accedes to the request. 8. Brody confronts Hamid, but the confrontation becomes violent. 9. Danny cracks the email address: it traces to Fizel, ie the man theyve been tailling, who bought a house for cash. They attempt to pick up Fizels trail, but hes disappeared. 10. News from the cells: Hamid has committed suicide, using a razor blade. Carrie is convinced that Brody slipped it to him, but theres no proof. 11. Brody is annoyed to find that Mike has taken his place at Chriss karate belt ceremony. As he leaves, Mike makes a remark subtly laying claim to the family - its clear hes up for a fight over Jessica. 12. Mira tells Saul she cant take much more of him prioritising work over her. At the worst time, Carrie suddenly arrives, fired up with anger over Brody and Hamid. Saul calls her out, and they argue. Saul fires her. 13. Carrie clears her desk and heads for her sisters. Maggie calms Carrie down, invites her to stay. Carrie stays but she cant sleep.

EPISODE 6 1.Carrie is still obsessed with Hamids death, and her theory that Brody is responsible. 2. Carrie pushes for permission to subject anyone who had anything to do with Hamid to a lie test including Estes, Saul, Brody (crucially), and herself. In the meeting, she embarrasses Estes in front of his boss. Saul warns her that she may have pushed her luck. 3. Carrie takes the lie test, and is agitated when asked whether she has taken illegal drugs. 4. Saul picks up the trail of Fizel, visiting his now abandoned house near the airport, and talking to a neighbour who reveals that Fizel has a wife. 5. We see Fizel and his female companion now heading for a safe house. The woman is minding him she spots a tripwire in the house, and they flee.

6. Brody and Jessica attend Walkers Memorial Service. Brody speaks, but has flashbacks to his own role in Walkers death which throw him off his speech. He saves the situation by calling the roll of their platoon. 7. Brodys veteran friends gather at a wake for Walker. One of them, Lawtor, is angry with Brody for allowing himself to become a poster boy and drops loud hints about Mikes affair with Brodys wife. Mike assaults him but a furious Brody now punches Mike. 8. Carrie and co identify Fizels wife as Aileen Morgan, who spent her teens in Saudi Arabia. Saul takes the test, but is distracted and cant finish it. 9. Brody calls Carrie from a bar, where he is nursing his injured hand. Carrie joins him, and they get drunk. Carrie lets slip the reason for the polygraph before the two kiss and start to have sex in the back of her car. 10. Fizel is assassinated in the hotel room where he and Aileen are now hiding. Aileen escapes. 11. Saul secures a posting to India, in the hope of saving his marriage. Its too late: Mira says she doesnt want him to come. Saul subsequently clears the polygraph test. 12. Brody takes the lie test. Nothing registers. Desperate, Carrie tries a different tack asking whether hes ever been unfaithful to his wife (we know he has). Brody denies it. Again, nothing registers. . . 13. Saul probes Carrie as to why she asked that last question. Is he already suspicious? 14. Brody drives up to Carrie in the parking lot tells her to get in the car . . .

EPISODE 7 1.DIRECT PICK UP: Brody asks Carrie if he passed the test? Carrie confirms that he did. Carrie and Brody drive to a bar, start drinking. They bond in winding up a neo-Nazi, and then head for Carries bolt-hole her familys cabin in the woods. 2. Drunk, Carrie calls her sister who warns her shes running low on her medicine. Carrie and Brody the settle down for a dirty weekend. 3. Saul has found Aileen, tracking her to a bus heading for Mexico. Estes authorises Saul to go to Mexico to intercept her which he does. 4. Jessica and Dana row over Brodys absence. Dana is grounded, but is joined by her wild friends. Dana drunkenly walks into a door and Jessica takes her to the ER. Mike cleans up. On return, Dana tells Mike that his presence makes it hard for her dad to find his place. 5. Next morning, Carrie and Brody talk. Carrie owns up to being haunted by the death of her translator during an operation in Baghdad. Brody admits that hes hurt by discovering his wifes affair with Mike. That night, they make love again. 6. Later, Brody suffers a nightmare, calling out. Carrie hears, comforts him.

7. Saul drives Aileen the 30 hours from Mexico to Washington. Winning Aileens confidence by opening up about his troubled marriage, Saul in turn gets her to open up about how she fell in love with Fizel when she was a teenager, and how she came to hate America. Aileen then gives Saul a description of the American terrorist she and Fizel were in contact with. . . 8. Carrie makes a mistake accidentally letting slip she knows what Brodys favourite tea is. Brody susses that shes spying on him. Carrie insists she is only doing her job, but Brody feels betrayed. He declares hes nothing to hide - insists she ask him whatever she wants. 9. In response to her questions, Brody admits hes a Muslim, and also to killing Walker, and to knowing Abu Nazir, for whom he reveals affection. 10. As Brody prepares to leave, Carrie takes a call from Saul. Theyve checked out Aileens description of her American terrorist contact: its Walker. 11. Still furious with Carrie, Brody drives off. Left alone in the cabin, Carrie breaks down. EPISODE 8 1.We meet Walker, pretending to be a homeless vet, begging. A car with diplomatic plates pulls up. The occupant gives Walker a dollar. Inside, the key to a storage facility. 2. The CIA has told Helen Walker her husband may be alive. She and her son have been brought in for questioning the son having claimed that he saw a man looking like his dad. 3. Brody is told (by Saul). He refuses to believe it, saying he heard Walker beaten to death. 4. As he leaves, Brody runs into Carrie. He makes it clear hes still angry with her. 5. Brody returns home, where Jessica pleads for understanding and Brody seems to make peace. The family bond over games. Theyre interrupted by a call from Elizabeth Gaines, the power broker acting for the Vice President, who invites Jessica and Brody to a grand party. 6. Saul has discovered a mysterious phone number calling Helen Walkers home when she and her son are out, which he and Carrie speculate may be Walker himself calling to hear his familys voices. Perhaps his family is Walkers Achilles Heel? Co-operating with the FBI, they plan to try to use the calls to trace Walker. 7. Carrie admits to a concerned Saul that she crossed the line with Brody. 8. Carrie attends an anxious Helen Walker, who has been asked to stay in to take the next anonymous call. Walker calls but rings off before they can trace the signal. 9. At the grand party, Elizabeth Gaines confides in Saul (who is present with his wife) that she has plans to get Brody into politics specifically, to replace a Congressman who is about to be exposed in a sex scandal. 10. Carrie is still at the Walker household, monitoring calls. Walker calls again, this time in the middle of the night. Helen Walker takes the call, opens up to her husband this time they get a trace. But Helen tips off her husband. The Feds try to spring a trap, but Walker flees. The Feds try to trap him in the building but, after a shooting which results in two deaths, Walker escapes. The building is a mosque, and the two victims Muslims at prayer.

11. While Carrie and Saul ponder what went wrong, Walker goes to the storage facility with his secret key, opens the box. Inside: a snipers rifle. Its clear Walker is a player. . . 12. Dawn. Carrie calls Brody. He agrees to come outside to meet (leaving Jessica in bed). Carrie tells him about Walker being on the loose, but he still refuses to accept her apologies. 13. Sauls wife leaves for India. He and Carrie bond over their messy personal lives. 14. A furious Brody surprises the mystery man in the diplomatic car who gave Walker the storage key. Angrily, he tells the man to tell Abu Nazir that hes out done with all this. EPISODE 9 1.Brody is jumped outside a supermarket by three assailants, who beat him, kidnap him and inject him with drugs. Hes driven to a mysterious location. Under the influence of drugs, he has another flashback remembering being rescued from the hell of captivity by Abu Nazir. In the flashback, Nazir asks Brody to teach his young son Isa how to speak English. 2. Carrie and Danny check out the mosque where the shooting took place. They think the Iman is lying when he says he doesnt know Walker. 3. Carrie upbraids the FBI officer responsible for the bungled trap and the shooting, who admits his men went over the top. Carrie has recorded the conversation and wants to use it to get back at the FBI, but Estes tells her to drop it. 4. Brody is still having flashbacks to teaching Abu Nazirs son. Its clear they bonded deeply. 5. The Iman still refuses to open up, but his wife Zahira later contacts Carrie and suggests they meet. She tells Carrie that Walker was a frequent visitor to the mosque, and also that he would arrive with a man who drove a car with a diplomatic number-plate. . . 6. Walker is in the woods, shooting at targets. He is disturbed by a hunter, who befriends him. Once its clear the hunter is in fact planning to take him in, Walker kills him. 7. Brody has a flashback to the explosion which killed Isa, Nazirs son the result of a US airstrike. In the flashback, Brody and Abu Nazir share their grief over Isas death. 8. Brody wakes to find himself in teleconference with Abu Nazir. Nazir reminds him how he felt about Isas death, and even more of his disgust at the hypocrisy of the US Vice President, who went on TV to deny that any children were killed by the American airstrike. Nazir says the VP will call him soon, to ask him to run for Congress. Brody must do it. 9. As Brody leaves the building, it turns out this is an embassy and that Carrie and Saul are on their way to stake out the very same place. 10. Shaken, Brody returns home. Jessica is shocked hes hurt, tends to him. He promises he will spend more time with his family. Then Jessica remembers the Vice President called. . . EPISODE 10 1.Vice President Walden asks Brody to consider running for Congress. Though he is repulsed by Walden, Brody agrees. But he says he will have to clear this with his wife.

2. Later, Jessica makes it clear she isnt happy she thinks a political career for Brody will just increase the pressure for all of them. 3. Saul has researched the diplomat who was Walkers contact/Brodys kidnapper: AlZahrani. Al-Zahrani is in debt, and though married gay. Saul is given permission to run an operation to turn him, with Carrie merely assisting. 4. Brody calls Carrie, wants to see her. They arrange a date at her apartment next evening. 5. Brody goes to see Mike. He is conciliatory, saying he cant blame Mike and Jessica for their affair. Now he wants Mike to talk to Jessica, try to persuade her that Brody running for Congress would be a good thing. 6. Mike goes to see Jessica, but she still rules out politics for Brody and the family. 7. Carrie and Saul pose as bank officers to question Al-Zahrani. He is not fooled. Carrie shows him pictures of himself in a gay bath house. Al-Zahrani wobbles, but remains defiant. Then Carrie discovers his Achilles heel: his daughter. They threaten to deport her, at which point Al-Zahrani caves in and talks. He agrees to arrange to meet Walker for their benefit. 8. Carrie gets ready for what she thinks is a date with Brody. Brody arrives, not amorous, very business-like. Hes there only to ask if shes told anyone about their weekend. Brody asks her to keep it secret hes running for Congress. Trying to conceal disappointment, Carrie agrees. Brody leaves. Carrie breaks down. 9. Next day, the team stake out Al-Zahrani as he waits to meet Walker. A man resembling Walker appears, though they cant get definite ID. The ambush goes wrong when the real Walker from a hidden vantage point remote-detonates a bomb which the fake Walker is carrying. Five people are killed. Carrie is badly injured in the blast. 10. Jessica tells Brody that after discussing it with the kids, shes changed her mind: the family will support his political bid. 11. Next day, Walden announces Brody will run for Congress. Carrie and Saul watch on a TV in Carries hospital room. Carrie watches as Jessica kisses Brody - a loyal political wife. EPISODE 11 1.Saul tells Estes that everyone seems to know that the explosion (end of Ep10) was some kind of botched CIA operation so there must be a leak somewhere. 2. Carrie, deprived of her anti-psychotic medication, freaks out in hospital. Saul is shocked hes never seen her like this. In the midst of her mania, Carrie manages to convey that her sister Maggie should be called. 3. Brody and his family take a trip to Gettysburg. They seem united. Only Dana is uneasy, noticing that Brody is distracted and withdrawn. 4. Brody slips away from his family to visit a storekeeper a man who seems to be an Arab. Sneaking to the back of the store, it transpires that Brody is here to have a bomb-vest fitted.


5. Dana sees Brody hiding the (well-wrapped) bomb vest in the boot of the car, in place of the spare tyre. Brody lies, telling her its a secret present for Jessica. 6. Saul takes Carrie home. Maggie arrives with medication. Saul learns about Carries bipolar disorder. Saul feels guilty that he never knew about her condition. He and Maggie agree to take turns to watch over Carrie, who cant be left alone like this. Still manic, Carrie suddenly becomes carried away, inspired, to start working with her CIA case documents. . . 7. Estes is called to see the Vice President, who has been confined to a safe house since the explosion. Walden is sick of being stuck here hes itching to announce that hes running for President. Walden makes it clear to Estes that someone at the CIA must lose their job over the botched Walker operation. 8. In Gettysburg, Brody and his family eat in a diner. A man comes over and pays tribute to him. Soon, hes surrounded by patriotic citizens telling him how proud of him they are. 9. Later, at the motel, Jessica tells Brody that she can see now how powerful he is. Shes glad hes changed that the old Brody is back. They make love, more at ease together. 10. Saul keeps watch over Carrie. He apologises to her for missing the signs of her illness. As she sleeps, Saul examines her work the obsessive wall of evidence and clues shes constructed in her living room. He discerns a pattern, works through the night. By morning, hes constructed a timeline of Abu Nazirs life. . . 11. Next day, Carrie tells him theres a gap in the timeline when something tragic happened, Nazir was in a state of grief, then became vengeful. But what. . .? 12. Carries sister turns up with her dad, who relieves Saul of babysitting her. 13. Dana is still intrigued by the secret package Brody has hidden in the boot. She tries to sneak a look, but Brody warns her off roughly. 14. Carrie calls Brody: she has a nagging belief he can help her fill in the blanks in her picture of Nazirs life. Brody says hes coming over. 15. Carries doorbell goes. Its not Brody - its Estes, accompanied by two agents. Brody called him and admitted to sleeping with Carrie. Estes is furious - hes standing Carrie down. Seeing the work on Carries wall, he orders it removed, and Carrie taken away. EPISODE 12 1.Alone in the garage, Brody records a video, designed to be played after his death. He tells the camera hes a patriot - that its because he loves his country he was so disgusted by the military strike that killed 82 Arab children. He tells the camera (ie us) that this is why hes become a suicide bomber, committed to killing the Vice President and his associates. . . 2. Saul visits Carrie, recovering from her breakdown and now very depressed. Saul realises that she is in love with Brody. 3. Vice President Walden intends to announce his campaign for the presidency today. Police are cordoning off the area. Because Walker is still on the loose, Estes wants him to cancel the event, but Walden refuses to listen.


4. Walker hides in a car belonging to a local resident, and slips into the protected area with her. He overpowers her, and sets up his gun in her apartment, ready for his sniper strike. 5. After a family dinner, Dana catches sight of Brody praying to Allah in his garage. She confronts him. He confesses that he has converted to Islam. They have a heart to heart talk. Dana is unsettled, but clearly responds to being drawn into her fathers confidence. 6. Aware of the Vice Presidents announcement, Carrie wants to check out the area. She heads there with Virgil, who tells her its not her job now. She insists it is always will be! 7. Saul meets Estes. He has been pursuing Carries theories about the gap in Nazirs timeline, and has found a redacted document that links it to a drone strike (Saul is on to the truth). Estes dismisses this - tells Saul to focus instead on security for the VPs event. 8. Brody says goodbye to Jessica and Chris. For them, this is routine. For him, its farewell. Behind a locked door, Brody straps on his explosive vest. Dana arrives. She senses somethings wrong asks him not to go to the event. Shes worried. Brody reassures her. 9. Estes accompanies the VP to the event. He tells him Saul has found a link to the drone strike. Its clear both Estes and Walden have tried to cover this up, because of their responsibility for the strike which killed 82 Arab children. Walden tells Estes to sort it. 10. From outside the protected area, Carrie sees Brody arrive. Carrie starts to worry if Brodys a terrorist, the target may be much bigger than a few sniper victims. 11. Walden arrives, everyone gathers. Suddenly, Walker shoots. He kills Elizabeth Gaines, but the Vice President and his associates are ushered quickly into a secure room below. 12. Carrie sees the plot: Walker is a diversion. Now, all the high value targets are gathered in one secure room together. It would take just one bomb. . . 13. Carrie calls Saul, insists the Vice President isnt a lone target all the VIPs are under threat. Carrie pleads to be allowed to join the response team. Saul agrees to bring her in. 14. Sauls lying. Instead, he sends a team of agents to contain her, saying shes unstable. 15. Below, in the hot and crowded secure room, Brody is about to detonate his bomb. He thinks about Nazir and Isa. He flicks the switch. . . 16. It isnt working! Brody disappears into the toilet, locks the door, tries to fix it. 17. Carrie realises that Saul has tricked her. Virgil helps throw the agents off the scent, while Carrie gives them the slip and heads back to Brodys family home. 18. Carrie confronts Dana tells her everything: that her dad is a terrorist, that hes working with Walker, planning to blow up the Vice President and everyone with him. She urges Dana to call her dad, talk him down. Dana, distressed, refuses to believe her, calls for help. 19. A furious Jessica returns home, followed by police. Carrie is arrested outside the house.


20. Troubled, Dana call her dad just as he is about to detonate the repaired vest. She makes him promise to come home. Feeling the pressure, massively confused by his daughters plea, Brody starts to crack. He promises to come home - and aborts his mission. 21. Later, Saul confronts the Vice President with the redacted file, demanding to know what information was removed. Saul has a secret weapon: he has kept records showing that Walden once gave orders to torture terror suspects. He attempts to blackmail Walden. 22. Brody confronts Carrie as shes released from police custody. Hes aggrieved over Carries actions breaking in, terrifying Dana. He insists I am not what you think I am. 23. Carrie apologises, but Brody says thats not enough. He reveals Estes has told him about her mental health problem, and urges her to get treatment. Carrie promises to stay away from him. She asks her sister to take her to the hospital. 24. Estes and Saul watch video footage which proves that the Vice President, together with Estes, ordered the drone strike which killed 82 Arab children. Estes is defiant says their job is about projecting American power. 25. Brody goes to retrieve his confessional tape. Its gone. Equipped with a gun, he sets off to find Walker. Walker threatens to kill him for not following through. Brody defends himself, saying his vest malfunctioned. He also insists he has a better approach now hes close to the next president of the United States. Walker calls Abu Nazir. 26. Seeing Brody as the more valuable, Nazir orders him to kill Walker. Brody does. 27. At the hospital, Carrie is about to undergo shock therapy. Saul is distressed by this, urges her to change her mind she shouldnt jeopardise her amazing mind. Carrie insists on going ahead. Saul says she was wrong about Brody but right about a gap in Nazirs timeline. He tells her about the drone strike, in which Nazirs own son was killed. 28. As she goes under, Carrie flashes back to her weekend with Brody his nightmare, him calling out the name Isa. . . She realises - Brody knew him! Dont let me forget, she tells her sister and the assembled nurses, but they dont have a clue what shes talking about! Carrie zones out. The shock therapy begins. . . END OF SEASON ONE

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