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Applied Research Problem Brief Guideline Notes

To assist students with pre-proposal writing, the following notes provide a brief outline of how you are expected to approach your applied research problem brief (ARPB). Your attention should be drawn to how you identify and resolve a problem or need for a client. This may involve both theory and practice. It should be noted that the ARPB has an academic status and academic /theoretical sources should be appropriately cited in your proposals and in your evaluative writing. Detailed information about schedules of work and the module assessment criteria will be provided in the Media Research Project module guide. This will be made available to you on Study Space when you start your Level 6 studies in September 2013 What is an ARPB? You have an opportunity to work independently with e.g. a charitable organisation; a small business; in the work place; with independent artists /film production companies/ record labels; with a collaborator (the client) . The work will be characterised by either: your own identification of a problem or by the client providing you with a brief (see a possible briefs below). An agreement between you and the client will determine expectations, timescales and output. You will have the opportunity to present the outcomes of your work and engage with other work at the Media Research Project symposium. How should students approach the FMP? You should note the following: Content the project should o Agree outputs with the client o Carry out research relevant to the agreement you have with the client o Be applied - applying relevant theory /production work to the problem brief

In the course of your work, you should: Show competent research and/or production based work appropriate to Level 6 (i.e. drawing on past research experience and/or media practice work) Deploy good project management skills. Include o good organisation (effective planning and time management); o clear use of the relevant research and /or production stages o respond to client feedback Evaluate the work and present outcomes that are solution focused Indicate: o how you worked; o your influences; o how you responded to feedback; o links to existing applied research and/or media & cultural theory. Demonstrate critical evaluation. Indicate: o how effective the project is for the client;

Land Pratt / Fan Carter, June 2013


o o how the outputs reflect applied research and/or theory; the overall strengths and weakness of your response to the brief.

It is important to note that the above will be achieved in the course of your: Research /production work Written evaluation of the work Presentation of the work at the Media Research Project symposium

How would you start and how will you proceed? Year long process Pre-proposal (end of Level 5) Supervision - meet your allocated supervise (Level 6) Identify the client (e.g. voluntary /charitable organizations / artists / designers / independent production companies / students (e.g. FADA or Business students)) Formalise an agreement with the client. This will deal, for example, with the schedule of work; ownership; confidentiality; permissions /authorisation; expected outputs; responsibility for tasks (Level 6) Write a full proposal /statement of research (Level 6) Develop a marketing strategy: to attract clients /collaborators and successfully disseminate information about you and your project (who you are, what you do, how you do it) e.g. through o o a webpage /write a blog / a twitter account of the ARPB business Cards

Programme of Work [schedule tbd]: o Self Marketing (e.g. blog / business cards /tweets) o Project find and agreement o Pre-production o Production o Post-production Delivery / Outputs o Present at student organised symposium o Distribute

Distinguish FMPs from Applied Research Problem Briefs (ARPB)

FMP Find a production focus /select a form of production (develop a project in). Possibilities media forms include: digital art projects experimental film

ARPB Find a client /issue /problem in context (e.g. voluntary work). Possible briefs include: Fashion designer requires website Film production company website Brand development for a local

Land Pratt / Fan Carter, June 2013


Installation Interactive narrative music video sound design web design new documentary experience design live art business Documentary work for a client Viral advertising for a local artist /designer /musician Media advocacy work for a charity (e.g. Amnesty International; Scope; local organisation) Solution focused user experience design App development

The range of issues / themes / topics is explored through these forms is very wide. You should, however, focus on an issue /topic you have studied during the course of your MCS programme. Potential theoretical considerations e.g. Non-linear/interactive narrative theory Genre theory Representation Film language Semiotics Critical theory

There should be a focus on an issue /topic you have studied during the course of your MCS programme. Potential theoretical considerations e.g. Brand strategy & development Semiotics Film language Culture industry Consumer culture Political economy

Land Pratt / Fan Carter, June 2013

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