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Georgeta Ciobanu (copyright), Comunicare - note de curs, 2011

Good presentations:

the main point straight away Are short and to the point Are easy to understand Are easy to follow Sound good if presented orally
Georgeta Ciobanu (copyright), Comunicare - note de curs, 2011

Preliminaries - continued

Good presentations are:

A good story with a definite beginning, middle, end Simple To the point Easy to remember

Georgeta Ciobanu (copyright), Comunicare - note de curs, 2011

Preliminaries - continued Presentations require:

Planning Structuring Writing

Editing Rehearsing

Georgeta Ciobanu (copyright), Comunicare - note de curs, 2011


is your audience? Why are you giving the presentation? (objective) What is the most important message ? Where will the presentation take place? When will it be given? How will it be presented?
Georgeta Ciobanu (copyright), Comunicare - note de curs, 2011


Set context , state main message

Main body

Support what you have said in the main body


Next steps to be taken

Georgeta Ciobanu (copyright), Comunicare - note de curs, 2011

Structuring and sequencing

Tell them what youre going to tell them


Tell them (key message and supporting data ) Tell them what youve told them(conclusion )
Georgeta Ciobanu (copyright), Comunicare - note de curs, 2011

Introduction - continued
!!! A strong opening is crucial = grab the audiences attention Establish yourself as a credible and authoritative figure (who you are, why you are speaking ) Address audience directly Outline presentation format Let audience know about timing (how long, if breaks )

Georgeta Ciobanu (copyright), Comunicare - note de curs, 2011


State the situation answer wh- questions present facts Outline the complication(what changed situation) complication should raise a question Pose the question (the right question) Answer the question (relevant, action-oriented)

Georgeta Ciobanu (copyright), Comunicare - note de curs, 2011

Presentation Body

Support main (key) message(s) with facts (about 5 reasons) Present all key messages on 1 slide + 1 2 supporting slide for each one Dont overload slides with information Tip : people have come to hear you, not to read slides
Georgeta Ciobanu (copyright), Comunicare - note de curs, 2011

Body - continued Tell a logical story

present points in sequence stated at opening point out what each slide shows relate each section to the big picture Keep language simple (sentences short) Correct yourself if you make a mistake and go on Watch the audiences reaction Bring presentation alive
Georgeta Ciobanu (copyright), Comunicare - note de curs, 2011


obvious you have reached the ending Round off with summary Draw concrete conclusions or recommendations Suggest next steps Thank audience for listening Open the floor to questions
Georgeta Ciobanu (copyright), Comunicare - note de curs, 2011

Summarize : put main message and major points on a slide !!! No new information Gather momentum for what is to happen next ( = action programme)

Georgeta Ciobanu (copyright), Comunicare - note de curs, 2011


Answering questions

Listen to the questions give full attention note down points if long/complex questions wait till question finished Make sure you have understood the questions paraphrase to ensure you have understood correctly Pause to think about answer Answer (relate ? to main message, give concise answer, make sure questioner is satisfied with response )
Georgeta Ciobanu (copyright), Comunicare - note de curs, 2011

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