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ae a PUT \ Nr Rc Jenny oy ry Students’ Book Dee ee Introduction New Round-Up 3 English Grammar Practice combines games and fun with serious, systematic grammar practice. It is ideal for young learners in the preliminary stages of English language learning. Students see grammar points clearly presented in colourful boxes and tables. They practise grammar through lively, highly illustrated games and oral and writing activities. New Round-Up is especially designed for different students studying English in different ways. Itcan be used: © in class with a coursebook. Students do both oral work — in pairs and in groups — and written work in New Round-Up. © after class. The ‘write-in’ activities are ideal for homework. Students can practise what they have learned in the classroom. © in holidays for revision. New Round-Up has clear instructions and simple grammar boxes, so students can study at home without a teacher. The New Round-Up Teacher's Guide includes a full answer key, quizes, tests plus answer keys, and audio scripts of progress check listening tasks. Pearson Education Limited Edinburgh Gate Harlow Essex M20 2JE England and Associated Companies throughout the world ‘www © Pearson Education Limited 2010 The rights of Virginia Evans and Jenny Dooley to be identified as authors of this Work has been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Deeigne and Patonte Act 1988. All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transiritted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior written permission of the Publishers. First published 2010 Printed in China GCC/01 ISBN 978-1-4058 8890-5 (book) ISBN 978-1-4082-3494-5 (pack) © oon 1 14 3 Pho HOD English Grammar Pra ctice Contents Plurals of Countable and Uncountable Nouns ...... Personal pronouns / ‘Be’ | ‘Have (got)" / ‘Can’ .. Possessives / Demonstratives .. Progress Check 1 ........esesss Articles ..... Expressing Quantity Indefinite Pronouns Progress Check 2 Present Simple... Present COntINUOUS nen Prepositions of Place ~ Movement - Time .... Progress Check 3 .. Past Simple .... Present Perfect Past Continuous .. Progress Check 4 ‘The Future (‘Be going to’ / ‘Will’ / ‘Shall’) Modal Verbs ... 48 Conditionals _ Progress Ch@CK 5 nnn 16 Yes/No Questions - Wh- Questions ...... 117 17 Passive ees -- 128 18 The Infinitive /-ing form / Too-Enough .... 127 Progress Check 6 192 19. Relative Pronouns a 20 Adjectives - Adverbs ~ Comparisons Progress Check 7 ..... Revision Revision 1 (Units 1-3) 152 Revision 2 (Units 1-6) ..c.usnnnsuns 195 Revision 3 (Units 1-9) Revision 4 (Units 1-12) .. Revision § (Units 1-15) ...- Revision 6 (Units 1-18) Revision 7 (Units 1-20) .. Word List ........ Irregular Verbs ..... als of Countable and Uncountable Nouns a CN ui | oop Listen and repeat. ananes, dogs, cats, books © bus — buses, hairbrush ~ hairbrushes, fox - foxes, dress — dresses, walch - watches, tomato - tomatoes baby — babies, lady - ladies leaf leaves, wife - wives child - children, foot feet, fish - fish, mouse - mice, man- men, tooth teeth, sheep - sheep, ‘0X — oxen, woman - women, goose - geese, deer — deer, louse - lice (Joop Listen and repeat. | | ‘A. Countable nouns are nouns which can be counted. Most nouns take -s in the plural, B. Nouns ending in-s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, -o take -es in the plural. BUT radio - radios Piano - pianos photo - photos video - videos C. Nouns ending in a consonant + y > + ies BUT Nouns ending ina vowel (a.¢,0,u)+y > -s toy toys day cays D. Nouns endingin-f,fe -» 34-1 +-ves BUT | ‘Oot — roofs, chief - chiefs, handkerchief - handkerchiets, proof - proofs, Some nouns form irregular plurals. @ fay Write the plurals in the correct column. Listen and check. Listen and repeat. radio lady = man cchild =—shandkerchief fy body fe tomato loaf watch fox kiss sheep shelf —_bencn radios, tomatoes, ladies, loaves, “men, 4 -b @ Plurals of Countable and Uncountable Nouns Pronunciation osp Listen and repeat. ‘sh fal id after (1. i, fo, (8. /8/ _after i, kl, ,/A3/, 21, '3/ after other sounds lifts lollipops foxes bridges pens meals proofs spots brushes roses babies records books baths churehes rmirages songs rooms YEN ® oop Write the plurals in the correct column. Listen and check, Listen and repeat. eat class roof fork leat lemon beach cup girl shirt nose peach boy desk potato pen bus box ee BL Re cats, beaches, boys, F. Some nouns are uncountable. They have no plural. A / Anis not used with uncountable nouns. Some is used with them. These nouns include: food/drinks: utter, bread, meal, cheese, water, tea, coffee, milk, lemonade, chocolate, sali, pepper, fish, elu. materials: paper, wood, siver, gold, iron, etc. abstract nouns: peace, anger, love, elo. many others: money, snow, soap, furniture, petrol, cil, information, news, etc. a + consonant sound (b, c, d,{,g, ete.) H. Some is also used with countable apen nouns in the plural. I've got some eggs. an + vowel sound (a, €, i, 0, u) an apple @ Underline the correct item. 1 a/anorange 4 a/anchair 7 a/somefumiture | 10 an/ some apples 2 a/somegold | 5 a/somectiluren © 6 a/anumbrella | 11 a/anpiano 3 an/somecil | 6 a/somewater 9 a/somebutter | 12 a/ some leaves 4: Plurals of Countable and Uncountable Nouns @ ®@ Write a/an or some. Then write C for countable or U for uncountable. Say two more countable and two more uncountable nouns. 1 ..A. berry 6 11.22. NEWS... 16 ..... water .. 2 i: 12ers stir ..9 17 esse Chair... 3 er. 19 4 9 14 0 & Rsccrs butter... | 1 15 Guess which one Which is my shopping bag? Ask each other questions to find out. ‘Student A: There is some cheese, some milk, some juice and a lemon in my bag. Student B: Is it bag C? Student A: Yes, it is. is anew car. (What kind of caris it? A new car.) ‘anew record ~ two new records 5 Rewrite the sentences in the plural. 1 There ic a wooden chair in the kitchen, 6 She isa clever student There. are. gore. wooden. ¢ the kitche 2 She is an old tee 7 Ihave got a new hat. 8 She is a famous actress. 9 There is a white goose in the garden. 10 He has got a heavy suitcase. a Plurals of Countable and Uncountable Nouns en Listen and repeat. &ivs atin aglass ajug acup a packet ajar of tuna of water of veter of fea orice of honey abar aber of meat ofscap of chocolate of flour. «=—«=ofcheese of furiture J. Some uncountable nouns can be made countable by using the above words. @ Peae ana write. at Duy five “| 4) weevee of milk for the ceteeeeeeeee r cfricel price of one! Get two free! Sx5) ....... ofjam |} Buy three 6) a for the price of three! f) of tuna! Get two free! J) of onions for just £2! | cola half price! 4 bh Plurals of Countable and Uncountable Nouns @ @ Underline the correct item. Jeff: Let's make a list of what we need to buy from the supermarket! Alyssa: OK. We need one 1) carton / jug of milk, two 2) bags / tins of flour, 3) a / some cheese and two 4) packets / jars of biscuits. Jef Have we gat any meat? Alyssa: Let me see... No, there's no meat in the fridge. Jef; Wellthen, we need a 5) slice / kilo of reat and six6) bottles / cans cf water. What else dowe need? Alyssa: We also need a7) carton / packet of orange juice and @) some / a chocolate for the children! OK! Let's go then! Peete PCat You and your partner are going on a picnic. Go through the list and decide what you need to buy. Use Ex. 7 to act out similar dialogues. aoedrdahadhhbhecddrdbbodbbhydd tuna wR apple é see bread ehh tomato @® oleted cheese Wwe water eevee rill € am chocolate GP... A: Let's make a list of what we need for the picnic. B; We need two loaves of bread and .........- ones ia. What do you need for your picnic? Write a note to your mum. Use the liet from the Speaking Activity. > Mum, Here's what we need for the picnic: © two loaves of bread & rete T-| © Listen and repeat. Then act out. (before verbs, as subjects) {after verbs, a8 objects) Me You Him Her tt @ Write he, she, it, we, you or they. Pronouns / ‘Be’ / ‘Have (got)’ / ‘Can’ Oh! Muml Then you mus be awful to Grandmother. Look at herl She's got totally grey hair! Aman or a boy is he. Look at him! He is a doctor. A. woman or a girl is she. Look at her! She is a teacher A thing or an animal is it, but a pet can be he/she. Look at it! Itis a book Look at it! It is a peacock. Danny is my dog. He's black and white. 1 table ...(0... 6 grandfather and ....... 2 youand Eduardo ............0.60s 7 brother . 3 JohnandI ... Sec 4 Helen and Mary . 9 girl 5 flowers 10 trees . Negative Questions Short answers Long form Short form uy | am not I'm not Amt tal? Yes, | am. / No, I'm not. j Youare You're | Youare not You aren't | Are you tall? Yes, you are. / No, you aren't i HHeis He's. Heisnot Heisn't | Ishetall? | Yes, he is. /No, he isn't. She is She's Sheis not She isn't Ils she tall? | Yes, she is. / No, she isn't. | \ tis I's itis not Itisn't Is it tall? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. We're Weare not Wearen't | Are we tall? Yes, we are. / No, we aren't " You are net You aren't | Are you tal? Yes, you are. /No, you aren't They are not| They aren't | Are they tall?) Yes, they are. / No, they aren't. as Me Personal Pronouns / ‘Be’ / ‘Have (got)’ / ‘Can’ @ @ Fill in the gaps with is or are. Then guess who the person is. 220 °8 ee ED cm CD Gc» oD 1 She... /9.... American. She 5 They......... twenty-six years old. She from New York. ... 2... ateacherandhe..........€ 2 They... «teachers. One ....2.+++ Ao Ctot Ie 9 Pi fe ws American and the other 6 She ......... twenty-four years old. She JApANeSO. «.. 20-20 : from Japan. . . 3 They ......... students. He 7 He . from London. He . fandshe ........+- 12 years old. .... . By Hen esearess a doctor. He ..- 4 She from Athens. from Madrid. . ® Look at Ex. 2 again. Fill in the gaps with is, isn't, are or aren't. 4 denny ..[2177¢.. a student. She ... 2 Stelios ......... 24 years old. He 3 Chad, Alejandra and Adriane .... 4 Alejandra Spanish. She . . Japanese 5 Adriane .......+. 12 years old. She . oo 6 Stelios and Jenny .......-. 26 years old. They - «+ 20 Look at EX. 2. Listen to your teacher. In teams, correct the mistakes. Each correct answer gets a point. | Teacher: Chad is American. Team A: No, he isn't. He's British, L Teacher: Correct. You get a Font 4b a teacher. 26 . teachers. They ...-....+ students. @ Personal Pronouns / ‘Be’ / ‘Have (got)’ / ‘Car’ The verb ‘have (got)’ British English, we use have got / haven't got / Have | got? American English, we use have / don’t have / Do | hi | Affirmative Negative ‘American ‘American : English English en Short Form nave | don't have | haven't got Youhave — Youhave got You've got You don't have You haven't got Hehas Hehas got He's got. He doesn't have He hasn't got Shehas | She has gat She's got Sho doesn't have ‘She hasn't got thas | thas got it's got it doesn'thave Ithas not got it hasn't got. Wehave | Wehave got We've got Wedon'thave We have not got We haven't got Youhave | You have got| You've got You don't have You have not got | You haven't got: They have | They have got They've got They don't have | They have not got They haven't got: Note: There is no short form in the affirmative for the verb ‘have’ in American English. r Questions Pe ‘Short answers American English _ i os ey eee ol Do you have a pen? Yes. do. | No, | don't Does heisheit have 2 pen? Yes, he/sheiit does. / No, he/she/t doesn't. Do weiyoulthey have a pen? Yes, welyouthey de. / No, welyouithey dont British English ze ‘you got a pen? Yes, Ihave. / No, | haven't. | Has he/she/it got a pen? Yes, he/shefit has. / No, he/she/it hasn't. Have welyoulthey got a pen? Yes, welyouithey have. / No, welyoulthey haven't @® Fill in the gaps as in the examples: -——— Long Form —= — Short Form —— h 2 ++. a Walkman. | veaet.. black hair. 1 John . a Walkman. black hair. a boat. 2 We - » aboat. bicycles. 3 They . -- bicycles. blue eyes. 4 You .. - blue eyes. ses. apen. «+ car Personal Pronouns / ‘Be’ / ‘Have (got)’ / ‘Can’ S 5 Write sentences as in the example: Cle rae Edward and Jacob v v vi You eons 1 Brenda (96 hasn't aot/doe: 2 Edward and Jacob .. ® Complete the sentences as in the example: | | 4 dane | oo 1A, a dressmaker. pest. ieon Jhave (get). a sewing aoe — a laptop, hah dim and Chris. «Luke. « a doctor. a stethoscope. students. books. PTET In 3 minutes write as many things as possible that you have ‘or haven't got in your bedroom. Then tell your partner. Thave got ... but | haven't got @ Personal Pronouns / ‘Be’ / ‘Have (got)’ / ‘Can’ The verb ‘can’ Affirmative Negative Questions Short answers Long form Short form lean | cannot \can't Can | swim? Yes, | can. / No, | can't. You can Youeannot You can't | Can you swim? Yes, you can. / No, you can’t. He can He cannot | Hecan't | Canhe swim? Yes, he ean. | No, he can't. She can She cannot | She can't Can she swim? Yes, she ean. / No, she can't Itean teannot | It can't Can it swim? | Yes, itean. / No, it can't. we can We cannot |Wecant — | Canweswim? | Yes, we ean. / No, we can't. You can You cannot | Youcan't | Can you swim? | Yes, you can. / No, you can't. They cannot | They can’t | Can they swim? | Yes, they can. / No, they can't We use can: © to say what we are able to do in the present. | can run fast. © to ask for permission to do something. Can | go out, Miss? @ Write sentences as in the example: ag peer Personal Pronouns / ‘Be’ / ‘Have (got)’ / ‘Can’ @ 8B Look at the prompts. Write questions using Can [? | i PAN: sattareran open/ window — ; go/ party ‘have /last piece | help / you a Hew, in pairs, ask and answer question: 10x. Yes, of course. Certainly. Sure. No problem. No, I'm afraid not. No, you can't. &: Gan |.g0.te. the bathroom? 8: Yee, of course. ® Put the words in the correct order. 1. got / Melek / hair / has / long | 4 pencil / got/ you / have / a? Melek hae. gar Jeng hate, . ~reae - 2 quiet / are / the children | 5 video camera / she / the / find / cannot 6 has /amobile phone / got / she / not Dear Lucy, My name 1) ..- /9... Michelle and 12) 10 years old. 13) ... «+» from France. 14) Jong brown hair. My eyes 8) - brown, I Jove ballet and 16) dance quite well but | 7) draw very well. My father 6) ........ a dentist and my mother 9) ....... an engineer Myfether 10) ...+++-» play the guitar but he 11) ........ sing very wel. My mother 12) aa great photographer and takes fantastic photos with her camera. 1 13) « ‘a brother just like you do and his name 14) eons Pent. This 15) . «some information about me and my famity. Write back soon. Michelle ® Personal Pronouns / ‘Be’ / ‘Have (got)’ / ‘Can’ Choose a photo. In pairs, ask and answer questions to find out who you are. Stella | Lucia | Terry co reer ep ‘ Student A: How old are you? ‘Student A: What can you do? Student B: I'm 12. Student B: | can play volleyball ‘Student A: What colour hair have you got? Student A: Are you Lucia? Student B: Ive got black hair. Student B: Yes, | am. Writing Activity - (name) - (age) (hair) What about you? Le WA iL Ce hey 3 Listen and repeat. Then act out. This isn't my jumper. It's your ia jumper lon't mine. It 1s yours. That's my Possessive Possessive aoe Adjectives Pronouns (before verbs, (atter verbs, (followed by (not followed by as subjects) as objects) nouns) nouns) 1 Me My Mine You You Your Yours He/She/It Him/Her/tt His/Her/ts His/Hers/- We Us Our Ours You You Your Yours They Their Theirs oO Fill in the gaps with the correct possessive adjective. 1 ..HI2.. (he) cat is so beautiful! 4 ........ (0) bedroom is upstairs, 2 .......+ (We) school is in Apple Street. 5 Lookat....... (she) new dress. I's 3 Brenda, is this ........ (you) book? fantastic! @ Complete the sentences. Use the correct possessive adjective or possessive pronoun. 1. Look at my hat. This hat is . "rine 5 Peter has got a kite. The kite is. . 2. Karen has got a dog. That's . dog. | 6 Mur tas gol a new bay. That's 3 My brothers have got bikes. The bikes are | bag Steet 7 My friends and | have got sweets. The sweets 4 You and Robbie have got scarves. These | are... : are... scarves, ‘8 I've gota watch. This is ......... watch 4«b& @ Possessives / Demonstratives ®@ Circle the correct item. 1 James has got a laptop. I's her /Gis)aptop. 2 The red penis my / mine. 3. Mrs Smith is their / theirs teacher. 4. Your / Yours book: is green ; 5 Katie has got a CD. It's hers / her CD @ Choose the correct item. 1 The white coatis .... (A) mine C me B my DI 2 Who's....? Rhe C his B him D her 3 I can't find my glasses. Let's look for .... . A ney C thers B them D their 4 This scarf isn't mine. t's ..... A hers C him B she D them 5 Lindais .... cousin A im C he's B he D his Soaor)8 © ~ ° © Emma is my / mine sister. This car is their / theirs. Lisa has got a dog. I's his / her dog These toys arc your / yours. This is our / ours house. This is her bike. t's . A her © she B hers D she's This is my new dress. Look at ...! Al Cc me B mine D my John and Liz are very rich. .... house is big, A Theirs C Their B They D Them - +.» daughter is a doctor A Our C Us B Ours D We This isn't her skirt. . is blue. A Hers C She B Her D He @ Read the email. Choose the right words and write them on the lines. Dear Christian, ‘My nameis Emily and I want to be 1) . YOU. . e-pal. lam seven years old and | am from. England. My parents are doctors. 12)... hang out with my friends. My best briend 4) 1A your = B yous ~—C your 2 Abe B can C have got 3 A you B your © yours two brothers. They are students at the University of London. Bot any brothers or sisters? In my free time, | go to the cinema with my brothers or Selma. 5) her father is from Germany. Please write soon and tell 6). . ++ Mother is from India and all about your family and friends, A am Bis C are A She B Hers Her Al B me c my A-b& j Possessives / Demonstratives @ ay Listen and repeat. Possessive Case with people We use ’s with one person. We use s’ with two or more people. BUT We use 's with irregular plurals. | tho men's tics, the women’s dresses We also use 's with animals. the dog's food f Note: This is Jack and Mary's laptop. (The laptop belongs to both of them) These are Jack's and Mary's laptops. (Each person has his/her own laptop) (nip Listen and repeat. & ~/ Jane's umbrella the cooks’ hats. Possessive Case with things We use of with things. Note: We can also use of with people. Sheis a friend of mine / his / hers / ours / yours / theirs. the floor of the bathroom | & Circle the correct item. 1 My(friend’s)/ friends’ name is Mike. 5 Look at the leaves of the tree / the tree 2 Thisiis the cat's / cats bow. leaves. 3 Ourchildren’s / childrens’ Art teacher is 6 Heisa friend of her / hers. Ms Black 7 These are the gitts'/ girls bikes. 4 Look at Philip's and Lucy's / Philip and 8 My cousin's / cousins car is blue. Lucy new cameras! } @ Look at the family tree below. Then fill in the gaps as in the example: dake is Diane’. husband. He's .. Her’... husband. Diane is ......... and ses Mother, She's ...-+.+0+ mother. lizis.. sister. She's ......... sister. Frank is .. - father. George and Theresa are . . and meen parents, They're ......... parents, 4h e Possessives / Demonstratives ® Follow the lines. Then complete the sentences as in the example: f 1 These are /.ing’s. glove: 2 Theseare ..... { They're. These 3 This is its This = 4 This is l its .. 17 oO Fill in the gaps with it’s, its, they're or their. John and Mary have got a house in the country. 1) .... /7¢i-. ... house is big, thas got five rooms. 2). garden is beautiful. Paul and Liz are John and Mary's neighbours olen +4) -.eeseeeee: friends, too. They have gat a pet 5) beautiful white cat. 6)... «-. favourtte food is fish batter ity Look at the diagram below for 2 minutes. Cover the diagram and in teams, say whose each item is. Each correct answer gets a point. we 44 hat vite ‘Teacher: schoolbag pencil watch gloves Team A, Student A: It's Adam's. schoolbag pire schoolbag. t's his schoolbag, fies Teacher: Correct! You get a point. ane 4-b Possessives / Demonstratives 6 say Listen and repeat. | this bird these bids let bar We use this (singular) / these (plural) to refer to people, things and animals near us. We use that (singular ) / those (plural) to rofor to people, things and animals far away from us. . hig... beautiful dress! Hey John, who's ... irl over there? Oh, . »» is Jane, She is my sister.) buy Cook at - Mum! Can we buy one? jo, they aren't. They are my brother's CD: not sure. e Possessives / Demonstratives @ Underline the correct item. Hi Henry, Can you guess who 1) my / me favourite actor is? Well, 2) his / he’s really famous and people love watching 9) his / him films. That's right! 4) He's / His Jonnny Depp. | know so much about 5) his him. 6) He's / Him American. 7) He's / His birthday is on June Sth. That makes 8) he / him a Gemini. 9) He's / His eyes are brown and 10) he's / his got ‘brown hair, too. 11) My / favourite Johny Depp flm is Pirates of the Camibean. | think 12) its / it's one of 13) he / his best roles. Who's 14) you / your favourite actor? Write back soon! Judy BS Tete Carta isle In pairs, talk about your favourite pop/film star. Who's your favourite popifilm star? What is his/her star sign? Where's he/she from? What colour is his/her nalr/eyes? ‘When's his/her birthday? ‘What is his/her best songffilm? Writing Activity Use your answers from the Speaking Activity above to write an email to your e-pal describing your favourite pop/film star. Use Ex. 11 as a Hie. sr Last week, you asked me about my favourite. Well, | let me tell you about himvher. ' Write ba Yours, ck soon and tell me about your favourite Anh me. isa doctor. 3) name is Paul. My mum is a secretary and 4) . « name is Mary. 5) » have got a brother. 6) . name is Brian and 7) ten years old. I've also {got two sisters, Ann and jill. 8) . are twins! 9) are thirteen years old. Ann is very smart. 10) . reads books all the time. lill is athletic and she loves playing basketball. Well, that's all about my big wonderful family. Write soon and tell 11) about 12) Your new friend, Philip Hi Daniel! Thanks for telling me about 1) ..Y2U¢-. family. Now, let me tell you about 2) farmily. My dad @ Write the plurais. 1 wife ...... Wives. 9 sheep 10 baby .. 2 tomato . evan & child 11 leaf 92, WalCh ye ae ea @ Write a, an or some. 1.901... oranges ae water oe + flour -- cola 6. apple 7 peach 8 bread 10. » cake lemons meat olive 12 ............ cheese @ Fill in the gaps with this, that, these or those. .. Thi... is a cup of tea. . are grapes. «is a fox. (sa baby are posters Progress Check 1 , y @ Write about the people as in the example. Then write about yourself. = 2 Ellen 3 Carl ar & Choose the correct item. 1 This is . . friend. A we ®our ours 2 The teacher has got two . ‘A new books B new book C news book 8 These are ...... pencils. A ofAnn’s — B Anns’ ~—€ Ann's 4 Ate these comics ...... A you B your C yours } 5 Those shoes aro - ly A mine B my C me | 6 There’s...... water in the jug | Aan Bsome Ga © © = — ind. brown. We've gota ...... of milk. A packet B bar carton These are the ...... jackets. A boys B boy C boys’ Thisis the ...... bag. A lady's B ladies's ladys She's got three ...... A beautiful hat B beautiful hats C beautifuls hats Paul isa friond of ...... Ame Bmine C my Mum needs a...... of bread. A glass B carton —C loaf a-b @ Gi0p Listen ana tick (¥) the correct box. Which are Mary's gloves? A Mm . 1 What's John's job? A ee 8 | 2 Which is Mike's favourite pet? A _. 3 Whose bikes are they? 8B 4 What can Jane do? f ie The Indefinite Article ‘A’ - a + consonant sound an + vowel sound (a, e, i, 0, u) We use a before u when we pronounce it with a y sound. a uniform BUT an umbrella We use an before h when itis silent. an hour BUT a horse ‘. Listen and repeat. Pie bookcase “the chair = armchair “the umbrella The Definite Article ‘The’ Tho /39/ + consonant sound The /3i/ + vowel sound (a, €, i, 0, u) | guitar accordion - violin - organ ~ piano - drum «+ harp tambourine can Put the nouns in the correct columns. Listen and check. Listen and repeat. baby orange meat animal egg ‘octopus apple ‘elephant woman fork dress chocolate baby, apple, abd Articles ry et. BO Le Play in teams. Student A says a word. Student B must then say a word that begins with the last letter of Student A’s word. Whoever breaks the chain is out of the game. Don't forget to use a/an! Student A: an orange Student B: an egg Student C: a girl, etc. ‘We use a / an: We use the: ‘© with singular countable nouns | © with singular or plural nouns when we are when we are talking about talking about something specific which we them in general | either already know about or itis mentioned ‘An lephant isa big animal for a second time. (Which elephant? We dor't mean a | The car infront ofthe house is Ted's. (Which car? specific elephant; we mean Not any car. The car which sin front of the house.) eeharts nigonarel} © with nouns which are unique. after the verbs ‘to be’ and The suns shining, (= There's only one sun) ‘have got’. The Acropolis isn Athens ‘He's an astronaut. © before the names of rivers (the Amazon) and countries when they include words such as state, Kingdom, ete. (the United Kindgom) He's got a pet cat. We don't use a / an: with uncountable or plural We don't use the: nouns. with proper nouns or possessive adjectives. We can use some instead. | Bae ortaten Lori ke sopies Her father is from Leeds. ! | want some sugar and some i strawberries family names and nationalities take the. | The Browns live next door. The Italians eat a lot of spaghetti @ were «, on orcome. sandwich | 10 ...... bread butter 11.2... grape onion 12 sees, juice @ 4 Write the or -. Look at . Layla! weather is nice today. Smiths are on holiday. ‘Tom's cat? . New York. Articles 1 2 3. 4 5 Benis in .. ® Choose the correct item. 1 Have you gat ‘onion? Aa ®an C the 2 Whereis ....... supermarket? Aa B an C the 3 Isthis .. . lobster? Aa Ban C the 4 Ate ....... Pyramids in Egypt? Aa Ban C the 5 Mymumis....... artist. Aa B an C the 6 The children are in....... garden. Aa Ban C the 6 Fill in the gaps with a/an or the. 1. A; Where are you going this summer? B: Well, we want to go to 1) ..@7... island in Greece. A: That's fantastic. Which one? B: We want to go to 2)....... island of Corfu A: It's 3) . beautiful istand. 2 A; Do you know Justin? B: Yes, Ido. He is 1) ....... friend of John’s, isn't he? A Right He is 2) . one who wants to become 3) ....... pilot. He loves planes. 6 Whereis ...... hotel? 7 Dadisin ». kitchen. | 8 Weare from ....... Italy. WFO) scat blue bag is yours. 10 There is some cheese in ....... fridge 7 |haven't got ....... umbrella. | need to buy one Aa Ban C the bec apple in my bag is fresh. AA B An C The 9 Ben has got ....... new digital camera. Na B an C the 10 ....... black dog is ours. AA B An C The 11 Ann's brother is ....... doctor. Aa Ban C the 3 A: leat1)....... apple and 2) ....... banana every day. B: Why do you do that? ‘A: Don't you know that 3) ....... apple a day keeps 4) ....... doctor away? B: What about 5) ....... banana then? A: Well, | don't know but | love bananas. 4. A: What does your mother do? B: She's 1) ....... doctor. A: And what about your father? B: He's 2) - artist. A: Oh, that's great 2 Articles 4 @ Read the conversation between Jennifer and Pat. Then fill in the gaps with a, the or-. Jennifer: I'm really hungry. Let's get something to eat, Pat’ OK. Why don't we go to 1)¢.. ttalian restaurant near my house? They make great pizzas there. Jennifer: That sounds good. After that, we can go to 2) cinema and watch 3) ....... film. Pat hear 4) ....... new James Bond film is really exciting! Jennifer: Oh, | just love 5) ....... James Bond films! Pat: Alright, then. Are you ready? Jennifer: Give me a few minutes. | need to leave 6) note for my mum. Where's 7) . pon? Oh, here it is. OK, now I'm ready Pat’ Great! Let's go! a Read the following sentences and put a tick (7) for every correct use of the and a cross (X) for every incorrect use of it. 1 Next week, my family and | are going to visit the London. nak 2 We are going to stay at a hotel which is near the River Thames. 9 We want ta visit all the famous sights 4 | can’t wait to see Buckingham Palace and the Big Ben 5 We also want to visit the Tower of London 6 My mum says that the food in the UK is delicious. 7 So, I'm going to try the fish and chips. | can't wait! go Fill in the gaps with the where necessary. 1) ..=,. Barcelona is 2) ...... second largest city in 3) Spain and itis in 4) northeast of 5) country. About 3 million people live there and millions of tourists visit 6) ..... city of Bareclona every year. There are many places to visit including 7) ...... famous building Casa Butl6. 1)... Athens is 2) ...... capital city of 3) ...... Greece. 4) .. City of Athens is in 5) ...... south of the country. ‘There are many important ancient sites and temples in Athens. One of them iy 6)... Parthenon. Millions of 7) ...... tourists visit 8) ...... Acropolis every year in order to see the Parthenon and 9) Ancient Agora Arb « Articles 10 Read the letter and write the missing words. Write one word on each line. Hi Mum, Its so lovely to be on holiday. Paris 1) ../2... really beautiful. Right now. lam at the hotel. 2) ...... room is huge and I've got an amazing view of the city from here. There is big bed and a sofa with soft cushions on it. There is also a very big bathroom. have so many things to do tomorrow. | really want to visit 4) _..... Louvre and the Champs Elyseés. | hear that 5) are fantastic. That's all for now. Email soon. aura Imagine you are on holiday and your friend calls you. Choose a city and tell him/her where you are and what you ean seo/vieit there. City: Moscow Student A: Hi... ---. [Where are you? See: - Statue of Peter the Great / Student B: Im in ....0.se000. = Moscow Kremlin Student A: Really! What can you see there? Visits ~ Saint Basi’s Cathedral / Student B: Ican see ... , ~ Red Square Student A: That sounds great! And what can City: Rome you visit there? Student B: | can visit.......... i Student A: | hope you have a greet time. Byo! Writing Activity Using ideas from the Speaking Activity above, write an email to your mum about your holiday. Use Ex. 10 as a model. Hi Mum, It's so lovely to be here in... . want to sce « also want to visit . Email soon! ‘Love, - . [have so many things to do tomorrow. | Expressing Quantity & ex} Listen and repeat. Then act out. ‘Sam, if apples are 75 pence a kilo, how many kilos an you get for £3402. Td buy a lot of chips inetead. Whar do you mean none? Countables = Uncour allot (of) /lots of | alot (of) ‘many /how many | much / how much Negative many ‘much A lot of oF lots of are used in the affirmative with countablee or uncountablos. There are a lot of / lots of stars in the sky There's a lot of mik in the bottle Many (with countables) and much (with uncountables) are used in questions and negations. Many and much can also be used in the affirmative in formal English. How many friends have you got? ‘There isn't much jam in the jar Many people learn English. (formal) x @ Write a lot of, many or much. = 1 There are 2 There aren't 3 Thereisn't ........-.--- blueberries radishes. honey. 4 There aren't . MmuTvomttere's.....-- 6 There aren't .... mushrooms. jam apples. 4=b e@ Expressing Quantity @ Fill in the gaps with a lot of, much or many. 1. There are. Jot. Of. birds in the sky! 6 Arethere .......... apples on the tree? 2 Ihaven'tgot.......... homework today. | 7 Jane has got ......-.. money in her purse. 3 John hasn't got ......-.-. CDs. 8 Isthere .......-.. bread in the cupboard? 4. There aren't cars in the street. 9 Are there .....+--+ children in the park? 5 Thereis......---- sugar in the bowl. 10 We are early. We have «time. Choose the correct item. 1 There aren't .... children in the classroom. | 5 How... milk is there in the carton? ‘A much @®many —€ alotof A much B many — C alotof 2 There isn't .... cheese in my sandwich. 6 Are there .... trees in the park? A much B many C alotof A much B many C alotof 3 I've got .... books in my bag. 7 We've got... flowers in our garden, A much B many —C alotof A much Bmany — alotof 4, There aren't .... strawberries in the bowl. 8 There isr't .... cola in the bottle A much Bmany —_C alotof A much Bmany € alotof Ann: Read the conversation between Ann and her mum. Then fill in the gaps with much, many, a lot of, how much or how many. 1'm going to the corner shop, Mum. Do you need anything? Yes, I do. need 1) . .2./2¢.0f.. tomatoes to make some sauce for the pasta, Bb ee . tomatoes exactly? I think 2 kilos is enough. | need some cheese, as well Of course! 3)... - do you want? I don't want 4) Maybe half a kilo. Also, there isn't §) milk left Get another litre, please. OK! What about bread? : We have 6) sees seer bread left. We don't need any more. Can | get some chocolate for myself? : Yes, you can but not 7) .--...+.e88+ Is two bars OK? :; That's fine but don't eat all of it at once. OK, Mum. A~kb Expressing Quantity BS a Listen and repeat. Then act out. No chocolate But Mum, look at my until you waeh handel They are clean. your hands. Well, Mum. There to dry cleaning, you know! Interrogative Positive Negative ] Any Some No / not any | Are there any eggs? —_| Yes, there are some eggs. | No, there ale no eyys. No, there aren't any eggs. Some is used in positive statements, any in questions and no or not any in negations. Is there any meat in the fridge? No, there's no meat in the fridge. or There isn't any meat in the fridge. There are some bananas. ‘Some is also used in the interrogative when we expect a ‘Yes’ answer or when we want to offer something. ‘Can I have some coffee, please? Would you like some tea? Any is also used in positive statements but it means ‘it doesn't matter which.’ Which book can | get? Get any book you like! (It doesn't matter which book.) ® Circle the correct item. { |s there some /(any milk in the fridge? 8 There is some / any fresh juice in the fridge. 2 There aren't any / no children in the park. 9 Would you like no / some sugar in your 3 Can | have some / no cola, please? coffee? 4 Have you got some / any money? 10 You can call me some / any time you like. 5 There is any / no tea in my cup. 41 Can have some / any water, please? 6 Would you like some / any chocolate? 12 There isn't any / no butter in my sandwich. 7 There are any / no books on the desk 4: b @ Expressing Quantity @ Fill in the gaps with some or any. 1 A: Have you got 1) .. Aly... Hamy Potter | 3 A: Arethere 1) ........- vegetables in the books? fridge? B: Well, I've got 2) ..2001¢... of them, B: Yes, there are but we need to buy A: Really? Can | borrow them? 2) fru. 2 A: We haven't got 1) ......... sugar. is a eek seta be! B: I-can get 2) from the supermarket. 7 A; Thanks. Look at the picture. Then ask and answer the questions with your partner using the words in the list. © chairs ° fish © cats flowers @ children @ milk A: Are there any chairs? B: Yes, there are. Are there... ? oh What have you got on your table? Choose 6 things but don't tell your partner. Ask him/her to guess. 4 Student A: Guess what I've got 7 ‘on my table! 2 Student B: Have you got any om V apples? Student A: No, I haven't. fh ge 2 D A= be Expressing Quantity e@ a Read the conversation between Mary and Sam. Then circie the correct item. | Mary: What's for dinner tonight? Mary: Yes, don’t worry. We've got 6) a lot of / Sam: How about 1) any /(omé lasagna? many meat. Mary: OK. Have you got the recipe? Sam: What about cheese? Have we got 7) any / Sam: Yes, Ihave. Let's soe what we nood. First many? ofall, we need 2) some/ any orions and Mary: Yes, We've got enough 3) much / some tomatoes for the sauce. Sam: 8) How much / How many packets of Wary. OK. We've gol enough lornaloes anid pasta liave we got in the cupboard? onions. What else do we need? Mary: | can see two in the cupboard Samm: We need 4) some / many oll to cook the Sam: Perfect! Let's start cooking, vegetables and we also need 5) some / any meat. Is there any in the fridge? By Tor diate Ce 3 In pairs, decide what you need to make a pizza and fill in the table. Use Ex. 8 to help you. > ingredients i > 2 tomatoes Student A: Let's see what we need for our pizza. 5 Student B: We need some tomatoes for the sauce. Student A: How many tomatoes? Student B: Two. We also need. Think of your favourite dish. Write down the ingredients for your recipe. 6 Muri There's running on the bat that hasn't got any legs! What are you ‘ata about? Nothing can run without, lego. = Positive _Interrogative Negative — 1 le | someone anyone no one / not anyone | People | somebody anybody ‘nobody / not anybody | things | something anything nothing / not anything [places | somewnere anywinere fe | not anywhere The compounds someone / anyone, ete. follow the same rules as any and some. Is there anybody in the kitchen? Yes, there is somebody in the kitchen but there is nobody in the bedroom and there is not anybody in the living room either. ‘A: What can you see? ‘A; What can you seenow? | A: Can you see my keys B: Ican see ...9PIMEQNE...| B: 1can see .....e.ceuce —. 2 at the door, but there's on the table but there isn't |B: No, | can’t. They are 0.0NG.... atthe ceseeereeeseeee onthe . inthe | window. (no chair. (somethinglanything) kitchen! (nowhere one/someone) anywhere) ® choose the correct item. 4 Isthere ‘A someone _- new in your class? B noone ©)anyone 2 | don't want to go ...... this weekend. ‘A somewhere B nowhere © anywhere 3. I'mthirsty. | want ...... to drink. ‘A something B nothing C anything 4 Can you see my pen . A somewhere B nowhere anywhere a Indefinite Pronouns 5 Look! There is ...... in the bag. It's empty. A someone 8 nothing © anything 6 Put this money «» Safe. Don't lose it. ‘A somewhere B nowhere C anywhere The house is empty. There is ...... here. A someone Bnoone C anyone 8 I'm hungry but there isn't ...... to eat. ‘A something B nothing anything 3) Fill in the gaps with someone, no one, something, nothing, nowhere or somewhere. 1 A: I don't like living in the city. It's so crowded and busy, B: Oh. | know and there is .. to park, 2 A Im thirsty. B: Would you like . howhere. .. « to drink? 3 A: |wantto go .. holidays. B: Me too! Warm for my | 4 A: Oh no! We're lost! B: Don't worry. We can ask .....+.20.e+. for help. 5 A‘ The library is very quiet today B: That's because there is ... else here. 6 A‘ I'm so bored. There's . do. B: Well, we can go to the cinema Read the telephone conversation between Frank and his mum. Then fill in the gaps with something, nothing or anything. Mum: Hello, Frank! Where are you? | need your help. | can't find my glasses anywhere and! can't see 1)... anything...! Frank: !m at the library. Mum. | can’t do 2) to help you right now. Try looking in the kitchen. You usually epend lots of time there Mum: OK. Oh, wait! | can feel 3) . on the table. Never mind, it’s jist 2 an apple. Frank: What about the cooker? No, there's 4) cooker. But there's 5) . ‘on the chair. Frank: Are they there? Mum: No. It's only Rex sleeping. Wait, | can feel 6) on my head. Frank: Please don't tell me your glasses are on your head! Mum: Yes, here they are. How silly of me! Frank: Oh, Mum! Mum: ~ on the 4-b Indefinite Pronouns In teams, listen to your teacher and make a simple sentence with the word you hear. Each correct sentence gets a point. Teacher: Something. Team A, Student A: There's something on the table. Teacher: Correct! You get a point. Anyone. Team B, Student A: There isn't anyone at the park, etc. @ Fill in the gaps with no one, somewhere, anywhere, anything or nothing. New Message Hi Joanne, ‘Are you doing 1) . . "1yPhing . . today? I'm so bored and there is 2) . .. . athome. My parents are at my grandparents’ house and my sister is at the mall. 1m all alone and there's 3). «= to do here. | really want to go 4) -....-.-. Would you like to hang out? We can go to the cinema or 6) .. else you lke, Well, | hope you get this email soon, Give me a call as soon as you can, Stee Cl Ua Look at the picture below. Write about it using the prompts and something, nothing, anything, someone, anyone or no one. |® on /bed / desk / chair © under / bed © in/ bookcase © on/ wall * in front of / wardrobe ‘next to / bed * on / floor In the picture, there is someone on the chair. It's a young boy. There is nothing under the bed. HiBill, Thanks for your 1) ..=:.. email. Your new Q-. bedroom sounds great. Well, | have got 3)... ... big bedroom, too but | share it with 4) Diego, my brother. Let me tell you about it. §) walls in my room are light blue and 6) carpet is gray. We have got7) Wand 8) ...... CD player in ‘TV's big because we love ‘watching films. I've also got 10) amazing collection of DVDs. Well, that's all for now. Write back and tell me about your hobbies. Ricardo @ Fill in the gaps with a, an or the 1 A...1h. fridge is empty! 3. A: Have you got . . pet? B: Don't worry. | can go to B: Yes, | have. I've got ...... beautiful cat. Sener Oar man standing in the corner over 2 A Weneed onion and there is Kate's father. tomato for the recipe. B: Yes, | know. He is ...... Art teacher. B: OK! ® Finin the gaps with alot of, much or many. 1 There are ..4 [0¢.0f.. apples inthe bow. | 7 There are .. ++» people on the bus 2 Ihaven't got money in my purse. | today. 3 Farima has got Isthere . sugar in the jar? 4 There aren't .- = bananas in the © Are there .. =... Children in the ‘fruit bowl. : classroom? 5 Thereis milk in the bottle We are late. We haven't got .. 6 Are tiere . + peas on the tree? time, Hurry up. 1 (tomatoes) + 5 (milk) How many. toma There aren't. many. 2 (cola) 6 (bread) 3 (strawberries) 7 (butter) 4 (apples) 8 (cheese) 5s Fill in the gaps with some, any or no. Mitsuko: I'm going to the supermarket to buy 1) ..20/TIA.. things. There's 2) ... fridge and we haven't got 3) coffee. Do you need anything? Julie: Can you get 4) biscuits, please? Mitsuko: Yes, of course. Anything else? Julie: Oh, and §) flour because | want to make 6) cakes this afteioon and there isn’t enough. Mitsuko: Aren't there 2) . ~ cakes in the fridge? Julie: No. There are 6) « cakes in the fridge. Progress Che: | " Fill in the gaps with something (x2), anything, somewhere, nowhere or someone. i 1 A: Let's get ... something, ... to eat. 4 A: That man over there looks like | ! B: Good idea! I know. \ i 2 A: Where do you want to go on holiday? B: Are you sure? : B: I want to go ni -. warm! 5 A: Let's go shopping! il and sunny. B: Oh, !can't right now because I'm doing | ; 3A: What's that noise? 3 ss spamgelbey B: Idon't hear .. a 6 A: This café is so crowded. ; B: Iknow. There's ....ese0saeeee+- tO Sit. | @ Underline the correct item. Deere) HiCaroline, How are you? | am emailing you about our shopping plans for today. The fridge is almost empty, so we need to buy 1) much /a lot of things for the party. We need 2) lots of / much bottles of cola and 3) much / some oles of kanionade. We also lave to yet 4) my /a tut uf pizzas end 5) some / much burgers. We haven't got 6) some / any bread, so can you get 7) much / some on your way home? | want to make sandwiches but there is 8) any / no cheese, so we have to buy 9) some / many. We also need 10) lots of / any plastic plates and cups because we haven't got 11) any / no. Oht | almost forgot. We ne Email me when you can to buy 12) any / some decorations e DD 1; {z2p Listen and repeat. Then act out. ‘And, what does \at onion do, Phi They say, an apple a day keeps the doctor away. I6 that true, Phil? Yes, it is. It keeps everyone away. Affirmative Interrogative —+} not talk Idon'ttak | Do | talk? You talk Youdonottak | Youdonttak | Doyoutak? He talks | He does not talk He doesnt tak Does he ia? She talks ‘She does not talk She doesn't talk Does she talk? Ittalks “does nottalk — | itdoesn't talk Does it talk? We talk We donottak | We don't talk | Do we talk? You talk You do not talk | You don't talk Do you talk? They talk They do not talk | They don'ttalk | Do they talk? We use the present simple for permanent states or habitual actions. Spelling verbs ending in -ss. -sh, -ch, -x, -o — -es | watch — he watches verbs ending in consonant + y + 3+ -ies | study — he studies BUT I buy he buys used with the present s imple: every year | at night always usually rarely sometimes, etc express eth a : | every morning every day in the afternoon often Questions and short answers Questions T "Short answers 7 Do t/welyourthey ike cheries? —_| Yes, Ywelyoulthey do. /. No, ielyoulthey don't Does helshe/it ike cherries? Yes, he/shelit does. / No, he/shelt doesn't Present Simple @ @ Write the verbs in the third person singular. 1 Ify~it 2... fliee, 4 I play - she - | 7 Ido-he ... 2 yourun- he 5 we hurry - he 8 yousee-he . 3 wecatch-she ........ 6 youstay-she .. 9 they take - he Pronunciation ® {2} Puttne verbs in the correct column in the third person singular. Listen and check. Listen and repeat. work play come walk swim visit ride watch talk faugn fish wash close open go dance drive sleep _ stay know teach gay Works, watches, @ Circle the correct form of the verb. 1 Chloe watch /(watches)TV every evening, 7 We live / lives in a big house 2 Our teacher read / reads lots of books. 8 The boys hate / hates fish 3 Dad go / goes to work by bus every morning. | 9 My mum wear / wears a uniform to work 4 drink / drinks lots of water. 0. He ride / rides his bike to school every moming. 5 Paulfly / flies his kite on windy days. 11. L usually fish / fishes in the river near my house, 6 The children play / plays in the park on 12 They are from Italy. They speak / speaks ‘Saturdays. Mtatian. | a Complete the sentences. Long Form Short Form doe: - not like apples. -doeett....... like apples. = Not work on Sundays. . -. work on Sundays. --- not help me, ++ Not drive fast. - not fly «+ help me. 7z Present Simple ® Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple. My friend ci , ba Be «+ (be) a beautiful animal with big eyes anda jong tails nate 3). su ana tee Bella and ieee... (love) people. it 5) (notskick) or bite. It 6) ........ « (be) very friendly. en (not/eat) meat. Horses {notllike) meat. Since it « (rain) a lot in England, Bella ee -- (Sleep) in a stable Cathy 12) - (Fide) her horse every day after school. She 13) ......0+.0+.0seesee+.0+» (not/ride) into the town because there 14) . : (be) a lot of traffic on the roads. There 15) ...... cesses (notibe) many cars in tthe country, so Cathy 16) . cssssseeeses (take) Bella there. WI) cee (novbe) easy looking after a horse but Cathy 18) «+ (enjoy) it very much! « (have) a horse. It @ Look at Ex. 5 again. Then mark the sentences as true (T) or false (F). Correct the false sentences. 1 Cathy has a dog. ee 4 Bella doesn't eat meat Cathy.doest't.have on haga horee...... . 5 Cathy takes Bella to the country. 2 Bella loves people. : 6 Horses sleep in a house. 3 Bella eats carrots. @ Ask and answer questions with your partner as in the example: 1 get up early 4 like sweets 7 watch TV 2 like pop music 5 goto bed late 8 drink milk 3 tidy your room 6 like fruit 1 & Doyouget.up ear 2 A: like.pop musi R Bp: Na. | dou't. | like.rock music. ete Present Simple @ 8 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in the list. like (x2) live be travel make sing read go write This is Michael Johnson. He 1) 19... a famous tock star He 2) ......... in America. He 3)... all around the world and 4) ......... in rock concerts. He 5). 2.2... hls songs and 6) .......... hs own video clips. In his free time, he 7) staying at home listening to his CDs. At weekends, he usually 8) ......... to expensive restaurants with his friends. He also 9) --. alot of books about strange things. | can’t wait to see him perform live. 110) him so much. (Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple. A day in the life of a farmer John Fields 1) .../2.. . (be) a farmer. He 2) (get up) at 5 o'clock in the morning. He 3) (wash), 4) (get) dressed and 5) (have) breakfast. He 6 {put on) his coat and 7) (go) outside. He 8) (milk) the cows early in the morning. His wife and children 9) (not/get up) Aya//Nelp / her mum (often) CuVol ies yo omevan eters) 7 The eee itis eomcineeth 8 Josh and tidy / our rooms (always) 2 Use the words and adverbs of frequency to make true sentences about yourself. 1 wake up at 7:30 am 9, wake. Up At.7:20.AIh .. 2 be late for school 3 eu computer games 4 go jogging 5 goto bed at 100’ ‘o'clock 6 tidy my room «—& Present Simple @ ® Look at the table. This is what the people do on Sundays. Write the questions and answers. Then ask your partner questions to fill in the table about him/her. a en never often sometimes usually usually ‘sometimes. 6 Nadia / swim 7 Oliver and Sara / watch TV 8 Luigi / swim 9 Nadia / watch TV z: s s 3 a ci 8 a: s a: 10 Luigi /listen to music MEMORY GAME Look at the table in Ex. 13 for 2 minutes. Then close your books. In teams, answer your teacher's questions. Each correct answer gets a point. Teacher: Does Luigi watch TV on Sundays? Team A, Student A: Yes, he usually watches TV on Sundays. @ Present Simple 4 Read and complete the text. Then put the pictures in the correct order. watch leave catch do read = meet return have get __ start be James 1) ...i5... astudent. He 2) ........ up early every morning and 3) ........ breakfast with his family. Then he 4) ......+. for school, James) ..... the bus to school because his schoo! is far from his home. He 6) his friends at schoo! before he 7) lessons After school, he 8) home and 9) ........ his homework. In the evening, he usually 10) ........ TVor 11) abook. Look at Ex. 14. In pairs, ask each other questions and fill in the table below about James. Then ask each other questions to fill in the table about yourselves. Cea James et UP, have breakfast, Clas eed a You ; ee - | ‘Student A: What does James do in the morning? Student B: He gets up and has breakfast. RTs Cau Ae Use your answers from the Speaking Activity above to write a short paragraph about your daily routine. Use Ex. 14 as a model. Present Continuous & (% Listen and repeat. Then act out. Waiter! This meat: i tao The problem ion't the meat, Madam. You're hard. Why Is that? oe Affirmative Negative Long form Short form __Longform _Short form Jam talking 'm talking 1am not talking I'm not talking You are talking You're talking ‘You are not talking You aren't talking He is talking He's talking “Hels nottalking He Isn't talking She is talking She's talking | She is not talking She isnt ralking itis taking I's talking [tis nottalking | Itisn’t talking We are talking We're talking Weare not talking | We aren't talking ‘You are talking You're talking You are not talking | You aren't talking They aretalking | They're talking They are not talking | They aren't talking We use the present continuous for temporary actions or for actions happening at the time of speaking. - Time e' e expressions used with the | present conti inuous: { atthe moment | at present | Spelling | When verbs end in one stressed vowel swim ~ swimming walk — walking between two consonants, we double the sit - siting BUT wait - waiting ‘consonant and add -ing. Look at the spelling of these verbs: -* lie - lying, etc. write - writing, etc. Questions and short answers Questions Short answers ‘Am| listening? Yes, lam. / No, | m not | Yes, welyoulthey are. / No, welyou/they aren't Yes, he/she/it is. / No, he/she/it isn't. 47h Present Continuous ) Add -ing to the verbs and put them in the correct column. Listen and repeat. drink = make sit begin fly cut bake take ~— drop te Ait shave play die sleep — meet type water @ Complete the sentences. Short Form feeding the dog. Long Form 1 He ... (9... feeding the dog. 2 They. reading, «reading. at: ~- fying, cose. flying, 4 We ‘not cleaning the floor. cleaning the floor. not crying. crying ® Write the questions and answers. 4 (ski?) m | 1 (laugh?) € -(g.¢he. lavahing?..... Ne. she. iantt. ow BNE COVIG 0 : Present Continuous e@ | @ Look at the picture and correct the sentences. 1 The man on the rock is eating a sandwich. . 7he.mav.on t. sandwich, He's fishing. . 2 The two boys on the beach are reading. . 3 The woman under the umbrella is playing with the sand 4 The baby is reading a newspaper. 5 The man under the umbrella is drinking some juice. 6 The two girls are fishing. . 3 Look at the picture and the list of verbs. Then complete the text using the present continuous. cook — play look snow stay — drink cd listen sleep sing el Dear Diary, it's Sunday, my favourite day of the week. | 1) 21"! sitting. in the living room and 12) 6s. ses-9* . at my big happy family. cess tea, My dad 4) 6.000 eee20 dinner. with the karaoke machine. to the boys singing but yandfather 7) - . The girls 8) « _ Pescara vey con) + . outside, so we Af) -1-bes--+.-- at home tonight. I's OK, though, because we fave lots of fun together. I ove my big noisy family so much! ®@ Present Continuous 6 Read the email. Then choose the right words and write them on the lines. Here is 1) .. 4... picture of my family. | hope you like it. My brother, my sister and | By iiis---.,- - a snowman. My brother, Ben, is wearing a red hat and a yellow scarf. Ben. is putting a black hat on the snowman. We are laughing 3) the snowman 4. funny. My mum, Julia, is standing by the door and she is watching all of us. She is dcking as) . - of coffee. My dad, John, is cleaning the snow off the car. We also 6) Rtv docst AS you can see, they are playing in the snow. Please send 7 ‘ -. aphoto of your family coon. Take care, Gina tAa B an C the 5 A jug B cup 2 A make B making C aremaking | 6 A having B has have 3 A and B because C but 7 Ame B my C mine 4 A looks —_B look C is looking tela In groups, put the cards your teacher gives you in the right order to form sentences. Present Simple vs Present Continuous a Listen and repeat. My sister usually watches TV in the evening and | play computer games. It’s my sister's birthday today. We're having a party. Present Simple vs Present Continuous We use the present simple for Permanent states and repeated or habitual actions. Time expressions used with the prosent simple: every day / week / month / year, usually, often always, rarely, never, sometimes, in the morning / evening / afteroon, at night, etc understand, want, etc. is used in the continuous tenses as well. We use the present continuous for temporary states or actions, or for actions happening at the moment of speakin Time expressions used with the present continuous: now, at present, at the moment, today, tonight Some verbs are usually only used in the simple tenses. believe, belong, decide, forget, hate, hear, know, live, like, love, need, remember, smell, see, think, The verb have is only used in the simple tenses when it means possess. Otherwise, it | have two cars at present. BUT She is having a bath now. @ Circle the correct form of the verb. 1 Mum eleans /\is cleaning)the kitchen at the moment. 2 We always do / are doing our homework. 3 My friends play / are playing football now. 4 Julie usually walks / is walking to school. 5 | wear / am wearing my new T-shirt today. 6 don't know / 'm not knowing his name. 7 Ethan loves / is loving rock music. 8 | sometimes meet / are meeting my friends after school. Sara works / is working hard these days. Ivan doesn't want / isn't wanting to do his homework This bags mine. tis belonging / belongs to me. 10 iW 4:b Bs Present Simple vs Present Continuous 8 Write sentences as in the example: 2a pilot, : foday, riding a} a Choose the correct item. 1 Look at him! He ...... a horse. A rides B riding ©)is riding 2 He usually ...... tennis in the afternoon. A plays B play C ispiaying 3 What ...... inthe kitchen, Mum? A doyou 8 areyoudoing © you do 4 She ...... dinner now. A isn't having C don't have B doosn't have 5 He ...... comic books every day. A read B isreading C reads 6 Be quiet! The baby . . A sleep B sleeps —C is sleeping 7 cscs. he like exercising? A Do B Does Cis 8 Look! The dog ...... with the ball A playe Bie playing © are playing & Present Simple vs Present Continuous @ ‘o Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous. Explain why. 1 Heoften ... 4262... (go)tothe cinema. | 4 Dad ..... _ habit ichigo (lie) on the sofa now, 2 They ... - TWatthe moment 7 3 Johns outside. He ..... (wash) the car (not/watch) 5 Claire . 7 (note) p pizza. (yousteep) early on weckdaye? 1 Underline the correct time expression. 1 go to school every morning / at the 5 | am having an English lesson now / every moment. day. o 2 My parents never / now go to work on My parents are working on Saturdays / at Sundays, the moment 3 Igo skiing today / every winter. | watch TV tonight / in the evenings. 4 at present / always do my homework. I'm {usually / at present go out with my avery good student. friends on Sundays. o~ ® Put the verbs In brackets into the present simple or the present continuous. oes | Dear Katy, = ee | Here! 1) . (be) in Mykonos, Greece. The weather ————— 2. . (be) fantastic. We 3) . Te ———— (have) a wonderfull time. Atthe moment, 14) . pool with my brother, James. | 5) Border Rea (sunbathe) and James 6) . : (drink) lemonade ge We7) ....... \ (sunbathe) and 8) ..... EH46 BDD Scotland ish cxely day. A night, we usually 9) . ike (eal) at a restaurant and then we 10) . (dance) at one of the fantastic discos on the island. - (love) ithere and | (not/want) to leave! - (lie) by the swimming] Miss S. Jones, 38 Dean Fark, Peebles 3B Present Simple vs Present Continuous 13 Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous. t) sssese> (be) very cold today and it 2) . =» (snow). It always 3) (snow) here in December Peter 4) aera (swim) in the sea now. He §) ......- (like) fish and he 6) « (love) cold weather. Peter's friend 7) ........... cesses (watch) him. Peter always 8) ceccesees (bring) his friend a fish. His friend 9) (wail) for his fish. Peter 10) . (not/cook) his fish, he 11) (eal) it in the sea. This 12) 2 (notibe) strange because Peter is a penguin! Pyrite Calis Close your eyes. Imagine that you are on your dream holiday. Your partner is trying to find out what you and your family are doing right now. Student A: I'm on an exotic island, Student A: I'm sunbathing right now. Student B: What are you doing? ‘Student B: What's your mother doing? etc. Writing Activity Write an email to your friend about your dream holiday. Say where you are and what you and your family are doing right now. Use Ex. 12 as a model. right now. ove 838 as oes (etweon) (elround) [behind] (iniront of | ioe aa & (out of nextto/by/) | off beside ca 1 Where are Layla's and Olivia's bikes? 2 Where's the garage? 3 Where are they walking? 4 Where are they holding the bouquets of flowers? § Where's their mother standing? A= bh 2 Prepositions of Place - Movement - Time @ Look and read. Write yes or no. Then describe the picture. Appolice officer is walking across the street He is walking around the bank Two women are coming out of the bank. Aman is going into the café. ‘A boy is standing in front of the toy shop. A toy aeroplane is flying over the boy's head. Two girls are running across the street. mie Abus is going around the comer. a ’ SNRHXRONH ® Fill in the gaps with at, beside, in, behind, on, opposite, from ... to, above or in front of. Rania is 1) ....22... the airport. She's waiting for hor fiight 2) .......... Athens .......... London. There's a man sitting 3) her. He's got a capa}. Aen eee his head. There are some suitcases 5) - .. them. An old woman |s - the seat 7) -- them, Rania there's a security guard. He's got a mobile phone 9) _. his hand. The information board is 10) .......... him. » Now, cover the text and describe the picture. a= & Prepositions of Place - Movement - Time o 4 Fill in the gaps with opposite, on, inside, along or under. 1 A: It’s cold outside! 4. A: Can you tell me how to get to the B: Iknow. Let's go the house. supermarket? B: Just Walk... Main Street and Seas Nes ere Cony talc the first tuming on the right. B: I'm siting .. - my bed and I'm listening to music. 5 A: Where is the park? 3. A: Why is Rocky hiding ........+. your bed? IS a nee ad B: Because he is scared of loud noises. (© circte the correct item. Then describe your bedroom to your partner. Hi Nikos, | am writing to tell you about my bedroom 1)(in)/ above my new house. I's just perfect! Everything is the way | want it. There is a small rug 2) on / over the floor. My desk is 3) at / between the bookcase and the wardrobe and there is e computer 4) on / ‘over my desk. I've got lots of books 5) in / on my bookcase because | love reading. Well, that's all for now. Come over soon and see our new house. Your friend, Ahmed Guess Where Look at the picture. In teams, hide your favourite CD somewhere in the room. The other team asks questions to find out where it is. Team A: Is it under the table? ‘Team B: No, it isn’t. Team A: Is it ..? etc. 2 Prepositions of Place - Movement - Time Study these prepositional phrases: by car (BUT: in my car) by air {90 to work (BUT: go on holiday) by helicopter (BUT: in a helicopter) by ship _—_in Athens (BUT: at Athens airport) by train (BUT: on a train) byboat on achair (BUT: in an armchair) bysea at the bus stop ‘on foot inganger by taxi (BUT: in a taxi) by bus (BUT: om / ina bus) @ Fitin he gaps wit the correct preposition. Katie is 1) ....011... holiday in the north of Scotland when she ets a text message from her fiend, Victoria “Please, return to your hotel and wait 2) the lobby for my next message. Your life is 3) danger.” Katie is very scared, so she decides to return to the hotel 4) - 2 instead of going 5) foot. She is 6) -.--- ‘ hotel lobby siting 7) ....-»». achair when she gets Victoria's next message. “Go to your room immediately!” Katie walks up the stairs to her room, When she opens the door, she sees that | Victoria siting 8) an armchair laughing. isu {just arved 9) .......+++ tran,” she says. “Happy Birthday! @ Look at the picture and complete the email with beside, in, on, behind, next to or above. Hi Kim! How are you? Here's a picture from my sister's bithday party, as promised. This is our living room. There is a long table 1) ..2e2i42 the wall with lots of food and drinks 2)... . it 3) .......... it there is a sign which says “Happy Birthday!” =< oo Biss] The two boys standing 4).......... the table with glasses! i 4 5). «ther hands are my sisters fonds. The gs who , are dancing 6).......... the middle of the room are our ' ‘cousins, Jessie and Betty. My sister is wearing her new skirt and a) patty hat 7) ......2005 her head. Can you see her? My dad is also in the picture. He is standing right 8) and he's holdinga present) ........ his hands. What abou! you? What do you do on your birthday? Write soon! Elisha Prepositions of Place - Movement - Time fe Listen and repeat. Then act out. | have to be in London at 6:30 in the evening, How long does it take to fly there? iS Just a minute ... at the moment at present in August (months) at noon in cummer (eeasons) | at night in 1992 (years) at midnight in the twentieth century | at the weekend Bb Fill in the gaps wit on Fridays con Wednesdays con Thursday (deys), etc con January 27th (dates) | con Monday morning | on a cold day (on a summer night at, on or in. 1 We usually go on holiday . .. 7... July. 7 Wtshot........ summer. BEES COMIy.. sa00 winter. 8 Heneverwakesup late ........ the morning 3 lalways have anap........ the afternoon. | 9 Ihave computer class ....... noon 4 Mybirthday is ........ October 2nd. 10 We usually con't go out Mondays. 5 She usually sleeps late . - night. 11 It's windy ........ autumn. 6 Youssefs party is ..... 4 o'clock 12 Her birthday is ........ August 2nd. Friday. ® Write at, on or in. Peter kes spending time with his family 1) ... 20... the weekend. 2) «..-.+++., Saturday mornings, Peter and his sister go far a walk with their dog. 3) .......... the aftemoons. the family usually go to the cinema Then 4) about 8 o'clock they go to a restaurant for dinner. 5) .....-.... Sundays, they get up late. They sometimes go for a drive in the countryside or visit their grandparents. 6) ++ the evenings, they all watch TV and then they go to bed, ‘Weekends are really special for Peter and his family. yo @ Prepositions of Place - Movement - Time 10 Fill in the gaps with at, on or in. pertllen My favourite season is summer because the weather is warm and there's My. Favourite | co muchyou cando. Seas®n School finishes 1) .../1.. June, sol can go to bed late 2)... «nights ~~ __ByDanielones. and wake up 3) ...... aroundten o'clock 4) ...... the motnings. IS) e. weekdays, | usually play video games with my brother and 6)... .. the afternoons, | meat my friends at the park near my house. We play football there and we enjoy the beautiful weather. 7) ..... . the ‘evenings, I take my dog out for a walk and then my family and | watch DVDs. Weekends are always fun 8) ...... ‘summer, 100. 9) ...... Saturdays, | always go to the beach with my family and 10)... Sundays, | visit my grandparents and spend the day with them. ‘Summers are just perfect! Reet ce Ct In pairs, ask and answer questions to find out about each other's favourite season. Make sure to use the prepositions at, in or on. What / be / your / favourite season? Student A: What is your favourite season? What time / go / to bed / night? Student B: My favourite season is winter. What time / get up / morning? Student A: What time do you usually go to What / do / morning / afternoon / evening? bed at night? What / do / Saturday / Sunday? Student B: | usually go to bed ... ete STs Cais Now, write an article about your favourite season. Use Ex. 10 as a model. Make sure to use the prepositions of time. My Favourite Season by Progress Check 3 (Units @ Look at the table. First, write about what Ann does on Saturdays. Then write about yourself. I go | havelunch get up i with friends | early | Foren | ’ ’ Cg v MS v v Amn always, bidie?. har: 2a 1 Mum / water / the plants 6 Mun watering the. pl Na, oh Shes waghing.t ont, BI 2 the girls / sit / under the tree @ Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous. 1 A: Hey Stacey! Where . ave you.gaing.. | -- (Go) to the supermarket. Mum cant go cor because she .. until late. A; That's a good idea, The fridge . (be) almost empty. -. (youldo) right now? (study) for the History test. a (you/want) to take break? We can have some tea and then you can continue. B. OK! That AM Al lee 3. A: What .............- (youleaok), Mum? Balers cscs (try) a new recipe. isan aan dish, A: Well it I can't wait to taste it . (smell) delicious. s+.» (Qo) to the shops now. Can you join me? BI . (want) to come but Ican't.| 3 study for my exams. A: No problem. | .. (understand). 0) Look at the picture and fill in the gaps with on, opposite, beside, under, above, in or at. Dimitris is sitting ....01 There is a poster There are some bookshelves . The table is There is a rug . . Dimitris is holding a piece of paper . Dimitvis's schoolbag is on the floor . 4)... 1... November, my family and | often travel to London for two days to celebrate Bonfire in the gaps with on, at or in. Night. 2) ... the morning. 4) apples and 5) er achair....4t.... his desk. » the wall, . the small table. | the door. » the table. his hand. his desk. the Sth of November, we usually fly to London Gatwick airport early 3) the afternoon, we have a traditional meal of baked potatoes and toffee the evening, we gather around the bonfire and watch the fireworks display. 6) ........ midnight, we go to bed. Ine next day, /) . AFOUNG 12 O'clock, we visit my aunt and uncle and have a big lunch with them. | love spending Bonfire Night with my family! Progress Check j o What do these people do on Thursday evenings? Write the questions and answers. wash the dishes Pema games sometimes never often Prcrr) Tie Peet Rte i often sometimes usually 1 Ethan and Jamie / go to the library 4. Ethan and Jamie / wash the dishes Ro.Ethan a ie rant, sca y Iibrary.on. Thureday, evenings... 7 Yes, they. do, eee on caeeaemuaeaeees They. vaually. a9.te.the library.on. | 5 Lily /read comics Thureday. evenings, | 2 Lily/-goto the library 6 Ethan and Jamie / play computer games 3 Ethan and Jamie / read comics 7 Lily / wash the dishes @ (28) What does Peter do every week? Listen and draw a line from the day to the correct picture. Monday quesday wednesday ghursday, Friday saturday sunday ack ( Listen and repeat. Then act out. Oh, yes! It was delicious! They were the best fried eggs and chips | have tasted! No, they weren't Everything was perfect, deari Past simple of the verb ‘to be’ Negative _ Interrogative Long form _ Short form | | was not I wasn't Was |? You were not You weren't ‘Were you? He was not He wasn't Was he? ‘She was not | She wasn't | Was she? it was not itwasnt Was i? We were not We weren't | Were we? Youwerenot You weren't Were you? They were not ‘They weren't Were they? Dear Diary, My family and 1) ...... 42... just back from an amazing holiday in the Bahamas. We had a great time! The weather 2) «fantastic; it 8) voeeeee++ee + Feally hot and sunny. My family and 14) ...... so happy there. | knowit 5) .........-.++ « not that long ago but | 6) ......-.+ ++. already missing the sun and the sea, especially today because the weather 7) «+-+++ old here. On the other hand, ofcourse, it 8) ........... nige to be back home with all my friends. Past Simple 40) ( Listen and repeat. Then act out._ Repeat after me, please. | walked, You walked, He walked .. You did not stay He did not stay She did not stay It did not stay We did not stay You did not stay ‘They did not stay "one stressed vowel + consonant yy You didn't stay He dant stay She didn't stay itdidn't stay We didn't stav You didn't stay They didn't stay consonant + Y| vowel + y—> +-ed go to the party? No, llyouthe/shelitwelyou'they didn’t | | =» double consonant + -ed + ied prefer - preferred cary—caried play playad stop — stopped study—studied | enjoy-enjoyed — Questions and short answers Questions | Short answers Did Wyouhelsheliiwelyoulthey | Yes. {jyoulhe'sheritweiyouthey did ‘ | | ® wete the past simple of the following verbs. 1 open ..opened.. | 5 regret 2 love . 6 quarrel 3 plan 7 drop . 4 empty 8 die Gs 9 cy. 13 stay 10 try. 14 travel 11° arrive 15 close 12. play 16 tidy .. ] 40 Past Simple | Pronunciation a 8) Add -ed to the verbs and put them in the correct column. Listen and check. Listen and repeat. count arrive close regret push wait faugh kiss hurry watch rob start travel post open —look cook add end tidy change ry c a a nT TTA @ Look at the list of irregular verbs at the back of the book and complete the table. ae 1 90 went, feat atm, on io oie aC 2 have Te irre oe st0le: 22 leave Secor 13. drink 23. shine stone 4 be Gaia rion oan put Zann became 5 wake 15 make 25 hear 6 26 a 7 28 Past Simple 10 We use the Past Simple: si] * for actions which finished at a Stated time in the past. ‘She went to school by bus yesterday. (When? Yesterday) * for actions that happened one after the other. First he had breakfast and then he left for work. Time expressions used with the past simple: yesterday, then, lastnight / week / month / year, a week/month / year ago, two days ago, in 2003, when, etc. @ Ask and answer questions about what these people did/dicin’t do yesterday. Then ask your partner questions to fill in the table about him/her. Su ERC aks ee Rega 1 Peter / go for a walk? 2 Peter / play golt? 3 Peter / write a letter? w 4 Mr and Mrs Page / play golf? .... 5 Mrand Mrs Page / wash the car? ® Look at what Maria did and didn't do last Sunday. Then write sentences. wake up late (X) have lunch with her grandparents (x) do her homework (7) take her dog, Fluffy, out for a walk (Vv) ‘speak to her friend, Mary (X) help her mother make dinner (V) 1 4 5 g 6 @ Use the time expressions below to write true sentences about yourself. three months ago yesterday last weekend in 2008 last Tuesday 1 pop.concert. three... 3 4 Present Simple vs Past Simple In pairs, complete the sentences and answer the quiz. Compare your answers with the rest of the class. 1 Cre. (star) in the Harry Potter films. @ Queen Elizabeth | 2 Ohe. (discover) penicillin, Ruth Handler 3 [Leonardo Da Vinci . (paint) this famous painting. © Italy | 4 [JThey .. (design) the Parthenon, 4 Shakespeare 5 Dre (Write) Romeo & Juliet, © ‘The Mona Lisa 6 [|She (be) the daughter of King Henry Vill. tktinos and Kallikrates 7 D1 This country (win) the World Cup in 2006. 9. Alexander Fleming 8 [She . (invent) the Barbie doll. Daniel Radcliffe Present Simple vs Past Simple We use the present simple for permanent | We use the past simple for actions which |_ states and repeated or habitual actions. Tom is a student. He goes to school every day He usually goes to school by bus. finished at a stated time in the past. He bought a new car last week. Time expressions used with the present simple: every day / week / month / year, usually, often, always, rarely, never, sometimes, in the moming / ‘evening / afternoon, at night, etc. Time expressions used with the past simple: vesterday, then, when, last niaht / week / month / year, a week / month / year ago, two days ago, in 2003, ete. ® Circle the correct item. 1. Dad doesn't buy /(didn't buyja new car last week. 2 Mum always cooks / cooked chicken on Mondays. 3. Do you like / liked chips? 4. Mary leaves / left for Italy last month os 5 Do you brush / brushed your teeth every right? 6 The boys don't play / didn't play football last Sunday. 7. Did Emily come / came to the party? 8 | don't watch / didn't watch TV lastnight fe, Present Simple vs Past Simple @ og Write what Edward usually does and what he did yesterday. Oo 2:20 pin. but yeoterday,.he..... finighed work at, © eat / dinner / restaurant, © 90 / bed / early © go/bed / late © eat / dinner / home co) Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the past simple. 1 We went (go) to the beach last weekend. ) (your mum/make) a chocolate cake yesterday? 3 Dad ces esee+ (Notiwork) ‘on Sundays. ees ncaa (not/come) to the party last Saturday. 5 My cousins us every weekend. {novvisity 6 : (Julia/wear) jeans to school yesterday? 7 The children always (do) their homework in their rooms. 8 ooscsssees (Send) Ciaire an email yesterday afternoon, Complete the sentences with the time expressions from the list. atthe moment always 1 We watched a really good film at the cinema 2 Iwent to a beautiful exotic island 3 My mother does the shopping 4 Lemworking . 5 She yesterday lastnight every week _last summer night. The weather was very hot. | can't come with you. brushes her teeth before she goes to bed at night. 6 Hels upset because he failed his driving test 4Ao-b 10 Present Simple vs Past Simple Ling: Amy: Ling Amy: Ling Ling: Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the past simple. Did. yous Enjoy... (you | enjoy) the film last night? No, 1..... didn't It (be) a horror film, i. (youlgo) to work yesterday? } IGRI Jeeou se 9S We. .. (never/work) oni Saturdays. : (aN eeeeee Yes. We (have) lunch together. fwork) at a bank? No, he eee nc env : - « (Work) at a post office. Whattime 2.02.00. ea. ten goon ancl eevee Eight o'clock. fereerey we (start) at eight thirty. What . - (you/do) at weekends? We usually (g0) to the beach eet serene - (you/do) anything exciting last Saturday? No, not really. | « (Watch) TV and... cs. (ead) a book Iwas @ boring weekend. Read the conversation between Ling and Amy. Then put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the past simple. Hi Amy. 1) IWEPE.YOU...... (you/be) at home last weekend? No, 12) « (not/be). My family and | 3) « (G0) to the beach. We often 4)... «+ (go) to the beach at weekends. You're lucky. 5) .. {yourhave) a nice time? ~ Oh, yes! 16) .... (have) a great time! Whete 7) ....00.cceceee -- {you/stay)? We 8) ................... (stay) at my grandparents house. Oh. 9)... : . (they/live) near the beach? Yes, they sTheichouse 10). sesecessserseeeeeses (Be) right by the beach Wow! That's cool. And what did you do there? We 11). .2c02eccseeee0+++ (Walk) along the beach and 12) (swim) in the sea. That sounds lke a lot of fun. A>obkm Present Simple vs Past Simple ) 4 Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the past simple. Tommy Brown 1)... lik... (like) making up stories. No one 2) ........... (believe) what he (say) because he always 4) ........... (tel) lies. He5) ........... (live) in a small eee (Work) on a farm just outside the village, One night last week, Tommy n .. (finish) work late. It 8) ~~ (be) dark and cold Suddenly, he 9 (hear) a strange noise, so he 10) ... =» (Hook) up, it 11) (be) a UFO with bright flashing lights, The UFO 12) ........ <-+--.. (Come down) towards him and he 18) ....-2.+.+ (8¢e) two green men looking at him from inside. He 14) . (Scream), 15) .. (drop) his bag and 19)... - (run away). When he 1. . (arrive) in the wllage, ne 18) . _ {fun nto some vlagers ana 619) | (start eling them about the aiens but they all 20) .......-.. \ Noone 21) . . (believe) Tommy. (laugh) at him, Byte Ca take arrive. = pack =—run be start tell begin can go 3 ‘Student A: Last Sunday the Smiths decided to go on a picnic. ce al Student B: They all got into the car and drove to the country. Tee Cui ay You are the young girl from the Speaking Activity above. Write an email to your English speaking friend telling him/her what happened to you yesterday. Dear Guess what happened to me yesterday My family and decided to 90 on a picnic Everything was great in the beginning ‘ 4b Ty resent Perfect repeat. Then act out. deeb Listen and epee Te just washed the dishes, fed the dog and cooked dinner. What about you, George? ia) Ive just painted that bench. have/has + past participle Regular Verbs Affirmative Negative Long form Short form Long form Short form Ihave walked I've walked \ have not walked | haven't walked You have walked | You've walked | You have not walked You haven't walked | He has walked | He's walked | He has not walked | He hasn't walked She has walked She's walked =| She has nol walked She hesn't walked Ithas walked I's walked ithas not walked | Ithasn’t walked | Wehavewaked | We'vewaked | Wehave not walked | We haven't walked Younave walked | You've walked | You have not walked | You haven't walked They have walked | They've walked | They have not walked | They haven't walked Spelling ‘one stressed vowel between two consonant + y Se consonants + double final consonant + -ed > 3+ -ied Ne stop-stopped a study ~ studied type - typed preter — preferrea camry carted move-moved | Irregular Verbs ! Affirmative | Negative Long form Shortform — Longform —_—_—Short form Tecpanani pga a Le a er eae \have eaten eaten | have not eaten | haven't eaten You have eaten | You'veeaten Youhave not eaten You haven't eaten He has eaten He's eaten He has not eaten He hasn't eaten She has eaten She's eaten She has not eaten She hasnt eaten ithas eaten | I's eaten it has not eaten it hasn't eaten: Wehave eaten | We've eaten We have not eaten | \We haven't eaten ‘You have eaten You'veeaten | Youhavenoteaten | You haven't eaten | Theyhave eaten | Theyveeaten | They have not eaten | They haven't eaten Present Perfect @ We use the present perfect: ‘© for recent actions or states, or for actions which happened at an unstated time in the past. ‘The Smiths have bought a new house. (When did they buy it? We don't know.) © for actions or states which began in the past and continue up to the present. ‘She has been a student at this schoo! for two years. (She came to this school two years ago and she is still here ) @ Write the past participles of the following verbs. 10 break A HOM cas cenecers 7 artive ...eseee.. $10 break ......-..- 5 clean . 8 put 11 make . 6 Gke 2. >.. 9 leave 12 run . @ Complete the sentences as in the example: Long Form Short Form a2... Cleaned the house. « cleaned the house. . not worked hard. «+++» Worked hard. nls visited them several times. Visited them several times. 4 She . « «+ Not finished yet. finished yet. 5 They ... talked tohim. | | They ...0-ssceeseeeeees talked to him. @ Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect. + denny .. (go) to bed. él. - (nitisee) this film 2 The boys . . (not/eat) their. | 7 Thedog. (be) in the brealfast garden all dey B.. . (buy) anew bag. | 8 Chloe . (visit) her - (not/brush) his grandparents twice this week hair yet 9 Mum and Dod ... . .. (do) § lisa... (send) an email the shopping. to her cousin. 10 Nikos . (notihave) a shower. ack Tr Present Perfect Questions and short answers Questions Have lwe/youithey finished? Has he/she/it finished? ‘Yes, I/we/youlthey have, No, \Wweiyoulthey haven't. Yes, he/she/it has. No, he/shejt hasn't Short answers | @ write questions and answers as in the example: Prey ee eee v Tony & Beth a v Ci) Cie) v v 1 Has. Janice.ever. visited Brazil? No, ahe.bagtie. Has Janice evar tried..... sushi? Yee, she, bas, | have already cooked dinner. Have you already eaten? yet is used in questions and neaations at the end of the sentence. Have you spoken to him yet? | haven't spoken to him yet. just is used in statements before the main verb. | have just finished my homework. how long Is used in questions. How long have you known Jim? ever is used in statements and questions. Have you ever visited Paris? Its the most beautiful city | have ever visited 4m Time expressions used with the present perfect: ] already is used in statements and questions. | recently is used mainly in statements before the main verb. He has recently bought a new car so far is used mainly in statements at the end of the sentence, I've typed ten letters so far. never is used in statements but it has a negative meaning. | have never seen a lion. since is used to express a starting point in the past. She's been il sine Monday. I ian ia ieee esereee al perscdlt nied | She's Leen Il for two days, Present Perfect Ty ® Write what Mrs Wood has already done or hasn't done yet. She haan’ takel he haant. map, ea the, » anon > Now say what you have already done or not done yet. ® Write for or since. . six days Tian --. twoyears $11 eee awhole day | 12 1 = 7 4 + AINGE... 2002 SF ofits twoweeks | Q ..sccceceeee syesterday | 6 ..........-.lastmonth {10 . k some three hours: Monday my birthday .. last weekend » Use five phrases and make true sentences about yourself. @ Fill in the gaps with how long, ever, never, just, already, for and yet. 14 A: Have you ....CV@r... been to London? 5 A: \mafraid have ............ visited the B: No, Ihave . . .!6¥¢ .. been there. Melbourne Museum and I've been in 2 A Have you seen the Parthenon Melbourne for a whole year. B: Yes, Ihave ......++ seen it It's, amazing) ; B: Really?! ae its tariasticl 3 A: Has Damien gone skiing? | 6 A: ........ have youand Ben been friends? B: No, he hasn't. He doesn't lke it B: We'vebeenfiiends ........ twelve years. 4 & IsAkimathome, .. - please? | 7 A:|have............ cooked dinner. B: No, I'mafraid he’s gone out. B: That's good because | haven't eaten A-h& and I'm really hungry. @ Present Perfect vs Past Simple | Present Perfect vs Past Simple We use the present perfect: We use the past simple: © for recent actions or states, or for © for actions or states which finished actions which happened at an ata stated time in the past. unstated time in the past. bought this bicycle five years ago. Ihave bought a new bicycle. (When did he buy it? Five years ago) | (When cid he buy it? We don't know) stated time unstated time * foractions or states which began in | * for actions or states which finished past and continue up to the present. in the a | have been a teacher for two years. | was a student fourteen years ago. (He is stil a teacher.) (He isn't a student now. Hes teacher.) J) Time expressions used with the present Time expressions used with the past perfect: simple: | just, ever, never, already, yet, always, how long, _ yesterday, last night / week / month / year, ago, so far, for, since, recently, etc. then, when, in 2004, ete. 8 ircle the correct item. 1. haven't tidied my room just / 7 Billy took a test already / three days ago. 2 Wewent to the cinema already /yesterday. | 8 Tonia has sent twenty invitations yesterday / 3. Helen has already / yet had her breakfast so far. 4 The children have never / ever been to Italy. _ 9 She hasn't watched any new films yesterday / 5 {didn't play football yet / last weekend. recently. 6 I sent you an email two days already / ago | 10 Has Ben gone to school then / yet? but you haven't replied Fill in the gaps with yet, ago, ever, last night, for or since. 1. My father went to Spain two days . .221 4 Have you seen an elephant? 2 He has known her 2001 5 We went to bed at 10 o'clock 3. She hasn't finished her work .........- 6 He has lived in Madrid ........ ten years a:b Present Perfect vs Past Simple @ ® Choose the correct item. Ins sees anew dress yesterday 6 She ...... married in 2008. A buy (B) bought A has got B got have bought C have got 2 She anything since 9 o'clock this | 7 Jane painting. morning, A always like B always has liked A hasn't eaten B ate C has always liked ¢ didn't eat 8 |...... TV last night. 8 Ho... to school last week. He was ill A didn't watch B haven't watched A hasn't gone B went € hasn't watched € didn't go 9 They ...... their homework yet. 41...... sucha delicious cake. A have finished B haven't finished A have never eaten B have ever eaten ¢ finished C never ate 10 Last year, the Smiths ...... to Australia. ros you ...... me last night? A have gone B went A Have, called B Do, call € have never gone Did, call W Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the present perfect. 1 Kevin... hae. lost... (lose) his keys. He .....Jeft...... (leave) them on the bus yesterday. 21 . (not/play) tennis since | was at school but |... (be) very ood at it back then. 3 Mr and Mrs Little +» (visit) Egypt. They ...... cesseees (Qo) there on holiday in 2007. 4k. = you . ssseessees (Choose) a dress for the party yet? BYes, ow) one yesterday. 5A. y = (see) any new films lately? B:Yes, | (wate) the new James Bond film last week. Blithnkeurteacher (forget) about the test! He... (novsay) anything about it in the last lesson! 7 Sarah ......-..-++.++++ (break) her leg. She (fall) off a horse last week. (you/sell) your house yet? (see) it last month and (buy) t (finish) decorating my room. | ............++.- (Paint) it last week and (put up) the new curtains last night (lose) their cat. It vo veeeces (tun) away last week. 47h 1m Present Perfect vs Past Simple ®@ Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect or the past simple. a) Ann: 1) Did you go. (you/go) on holiday last year? Costas: Yes, | 2) (go) to Spain. 3) (you/ever/be) there? ‘Ann: Yes,14) (go) there two years ago, b) Maria: 15) ..... (sell) my old radio. Helen: Really? When 6) i: (you/sell) it? Maria: 17) (sell) it yesterday. c) lan: 18) 3 2 (go) to the new sports centre yesterday. Josh: Really? ! 9) , {not/be) there yet. What's it like? lan: It's fantastic! 110) ... (never/see) anything like it before. 3 Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the present perfect. 11)... \ve.heen... (be) a ski instructor for many years now. | 2. (take up) the sport when 13) . (be) al school stil remember thefisttime | 4). SH 5)s--ss00s <++ (Slip) on the ice eet 6 (break) my ankle. Thankfully, |7) serious accident since then. Last year, | 8) - ice-skating for the very first time. 19) . es ice rink a couple of times since then but | 10)... - (not/break) anything. Two years ago, | 11) .....--.20. (take) snowboarding lessons. | 12) ........e.0++ (notilike) it because| Re) see sa (lind) ita little dangerous. | 14) q {notiplay) ice-hockey yet. There's a game tomorrow. | can't wait to go! PTET ei In 5 minutes, write 3 things you have already done today and 3 things you did yesterday. Present Perfect vs Past Simple a ‘ qb Read the telephone conversation between Marcus and his dad. Then put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the present perfect. Listen and check. Marcus: Hey, Dad! Dad: Hello, Marcus! Are you enjoying your holiday in Egypt? Marcus: Oh, yes! I'm having a wonderful time Dad: 1) .. Have you. bee... (youlbe) to the Valley of the Kings yet? | Marcus: No, | haven't. But! 2) ............ ‘ (already/visit) the Great Pyramids. They were beautiful! Dad: What else 3) ... - (you/do) so far? Marcus: Hmm. let's see. | 4) + (walk) around the local Egyptian markets three days ago and 15) ........... ++ (go) on a Nile River cruise last night. Dad: Great! How's the food there? Marcus." 1G) issssss..0+.-.- «+++ (alteady/try) the traditional Egyptian food and it was very good. Dad: What are your plans for the rest of the week? Marcus: 17) (not/see) the Sphinx and 18)... -- + (notivisit) the Egyptian esta yet, so I would really like to do those things by the end of the week Dad: Sounds good. Well, | have to go now, Marcus. Call me again soon Marcus: OK, Dad! Bye! 6 Read the letter and write the missing words. Write one word on each line. Dear Mum and Dad, England is great! | have 1)....... JH@E...... come back from a short trip to Cambridge. It's a beautiful city. Last week, | visited ell the tourist attractions in London. | saw Big Ben and Buckingham Palace and took lots of photos. | haven't been to the London Eye 2) .... e but 'm planning to go soon. Two days 3) ..........2..0.- «++, [had tea at the Savoy Hotel! Ihave already tried the locak cuisine and | must say that it is delicious, How 4) - everyone at home? Have you done anything interesting lately? 5) . . you like the postcards | sent you last week? | hope so. Well, that's all for now. | miss you a lot. All my love, Leanne Wn Present Perfect vs Past Simple Speaking Ac‘ af James is on holiday in Mexico City, Mexico. Look at his notes and in pairs, act out a telephone conversation between James and his mum using the present perfect and past simple. Use Ex. 14 as a model. * see the Great Temple (yet) X ® visit the National Palace (already) 7 © walk around the Zocalo Square (five days ago) / © buy souvenirs at the local market (yet) X © watch a bullfight at the Plaza de Toros (yesterday afternoon) / * try traditional Mexican food (already) / * relax by the beach (yet) X } James: Hey, Mum! Mum: Hello, James! Are you enjoying your holiday in Mexico City? | dames: Oh, yes! I'm having a wonderful time. | Mum: Have you seen the Great Temple yet? etc. Ateithite mCi aaa Imagine you are James. Use the Speaking Activity above to write an email to your friend describing your holiday in Mexico City. Use Ex. 15 as a model. Dear .. My su Email soon. James 12 cr \ dea Listen and repeat. Then act out. What was a spider doing on your computer screen? saw a epider on my computer screen yesterday. Ay PS was/were + verb -ing Short form | wasn't walking You were walking You were not walking You weren't walking He was walking He was not walking He wasn't walking She was walking She was not walking She wasn't walling it was walking | It was not walking | (twasn't welking We were walking “We were not walking | We weren't walking You were walking You were not walking | You weren't walking They were walking They were not walking | They weren't walking Short answers Was |/he/s! Yes, \/he/shelit was. | No, I/he/she/it wasn't. Were welyouthey walking? Yes, welyoulthey were, /No, welyou/they weren't We use the past continuous for an action which was in progress at a stated time in the past, or for two or more actions happening at the same time in the past. He was studying for his Maths test at 9 o'clock last night. Mum was reading @ book wrile Dad was watching TV. (two actions happening at the same time) We also use the past continuous for an action which was in progress when another action interrupted it. The action that interrupted it is in the past simple. Kate was sunbathing when it started to rain a2 Past Continuous @ Look at the picture and write what was happening when the lights went out. What was each person doing? Use the verbs to describe the pictures. sleep on the sofa talk on the phone listen to music watch television eat a snack at the dinner table read a book 1 Grandfather .Grandfather.was reading a kook when, the. lighte wert Out... 2 Hakim and Amir 3 Mum 4 Grandmother 5 Alisha 6 Dad @ Oliver was at camp last Wednesday. Look at his schedule. What was he doing at: “TAS am? — 80am? 12:45 pm*?—_4:00 pm? 7.00 pm? 1 A: What.wae. Qliver.doing at.7:46 an.. __ Wedresday April 23rd 1 7:30 am - 8:00 am: hai breakfast ‘i Note: aii = before noon, pin = after noon > In pairs, say what you were doing yesterday at these times. Ack Past Continuous 2 Write sentences using the prompts below and the past continuous. Then identify the use of the past continuous. © simultaneous actions ® action in progress interrupted by another © action in progress at a stated time in the past (Johnflisten music/his parents/watch TV) John, was, listening. to ® Form questions using the past continuous as in the example. Then answer the questions about yourself. 4 you / play football / at 3 o'clock yesterday? | 3 you /talk / on phone / at 8 o'clock yesterday aying Foote: evening? A B. 2 you have lunch / at 2 o'clock yesterday 4. you | watch / DVD / last Saturday morning? altemoon? Armadale et BR A In pairs, think of one thing you were doing yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock and one lie about what you were doing yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock. Toll your partner. Your partner has to quess which one is the lie. Student A: Yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock, I was writing a book. Yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock, Iwas doing my homewok. ‘Student B: You weren't writing a book! Student A: That's right! t's your tum now. @ Past Continuous vs Past Simple Past Continuous vs Past Simple We use the past continuous: We use the past simple: © for an action which was in progress ¢_for an action that took place at a at a stated time in the past. specific time in the past. ‘The gitls were playing volleyball at five Simon went fo camp last month O'clock in the afternoon (When cid he go to camp? Last month) (When did they start? We don't know.) * for two or more actions happening at the same time in the past. eek berecocie ten * actions which happened immediately mother was cooking, one after the other in the past. First she made the pizza, then she puttin the oven. © for an action which was in progress when another action interrupted it. The action that interrupted it is in the past simple. Mary was cooking when he burt her hand. Time expressions used with the past Time expressions used with the past continuous: simple: while, when, as, all day / night / moming, all day | ago, yesterday, last month / week | year, in yesterday, etc 2006, then, ete @® ndertine the correct item. | watched / was watching a DVD when my cat jumped / was jumping on me ‘She was buying / bought a new dress last month. Greg was sleeping / slept while Joanne listened / was listoning to hor MP3 player. Mum cooked / was cooking dinner when someone knocked / was knocking on the door. ‘Sue was watering / watered the flowers when it started / start to rain. They were walking / walked lo schiool last Monday because there was no bus. 7 (ate / was eating a sandwich while my parents drank / were drinking coffee aanons @® Put the verbs in brackets into the past continuous or the past simple. 1 Jack ..W@2 playing. . (play) a video game when his brother, Tom, ....e”tered..... (enter) the roam, ayia Hee (study) for my English test when my mother ........... (Come) home from work 3 ~ (read) a book when my sister .. - (leave) for the cinema. « (wash) the dishes when the telephone .............+ (ting) 51 (write) an email when the lights ....... = (go) out An-bk Past Continuous vs Past Simple @ @ Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the past continuous. 1A: What 1) .. were the children doing .. (the children/do) when you 2) .....eeunne: (return) home last night? B: Kate 3) . (watch) a DVD and Andrew ae - (do) his homework. 2 & How 1). .. (Anne/break) her leg? B: She 2). . (fide) her horse when she ~ (fal) and 4)... (land) on her leg A5).. - (she/go) to hospital? B: Yes, she did. 3. A: When 1) .. (you’see) Peter? B: While 12) . (do) my shopping at the supermarket AMM Seem ace en acess cesses escesenee (call) you last night but you 2).. . . (not/answer). Where were you? B13). - (fog) in the park GUA: 1) «a 2B ... (you/heat) what happened to George? B. No! Is he OK? A: Well, he 2) .. (Fide) his bike to school when a cat 3) (ump) out in front of him. He 4) ... (tty) to stop but he Bpoceee « fall) against a wall. Luckily, he 6) wees (notibe) hurt ® Read the letter and write the missing words. Write one word on each line. Dear Georgia, I'm writing to you from my hotel room 1) ......02..... Berlin. You can't imagine what happened to me yesterday! | was walking in Mite at around noon 2) .. it started raining. 3) {was running back to the hotel, | saw ferns who was eating in a restaurant. | went in and 4) .» hello and he gave me two tickets to sec his new film. lon't that great? That's all for now. See you 5) - ~ Iiget back! Hache! tok pn e ; 2 Past Continuous vs Past Simple Speaking Activity What did Angelica and Susan do yesterday? Look at the pictures. Take roles and tell the story. Use the past continuous or the past simple. ¢ be / beautiful / Sunday / morning © Angelica and Susan / decide / to take / dog / for walk / in park © Angelica / sit / bench / read book / whilo / Susan / take / the dog / walk ¢ half an hour / Susan / come back / alone ¢ they / look / for dog / everywhere / but / not find / him ¢ when / get / dark / they / decide / return home when / they / arrive / home / dog / Ii front of the door ® look at each other / laugh Student A: twas a beautiful Sunday moming Student B: Angelica and Susan decided to take their dog for a walk in the park Imagine you are either Angelica or Susan. Write in your diary about what happened to you yesterday. Dear Diary, You can't imagine what happened to us yesterday! Susan and I decided to take our dog for walk in the park. |. A~ be Progress Check 4 (Units 10-12) @ Read the conversation between Ellie and Ben. Then put the verbs in brackets into the past simple. Ellie: What 1). ./2 vou.d2... (you/do) yesterday, Ben? Ben: 12) .c.eeeeeseeeeeess (have) a very busy day yesterday. 13) (get) up at seven o'clock. 14) . co ceeesees (rave) breakfast and then 15) .......0..seeseee (go) to my grandparents’ house. Elie: 6) . ... (you/walk) to your grandparents’ house? Ben: NO, IdIdn't.17) .....csceseeeseeeeee (File) my bike there. | 8) Deed ~ (help) my grandfather in the garden. Elie: Oh, and what 9) ...-2.+se0+se0e+ cssees+e+ (youldo) in the afternoon? | Ben: My grandparents 10) ....- sssses (take) mo to the zoo. It was great! This 1) .../2... (be) my cat, Snow. He 2) . os (be) a small white cat with a bushy tail. Every Ey, | 3) {take) him for a walk in the park. He 4). « (walk) everywhere and 5) .-..2.+.0002+8 (play) wh is ballon the grass. When we 6) (return) homo, he 7) «++. +++ (oat) hic food and then he8)......+ ... (lie) on the carpet. At night, he ; (sleep) on aug near my bed. A year ago, | 10) cscs (take) him for awelk and | 11) (lose) him. | couldn't find him anywhere. | 12) (go) home and 13) . {telly my parents. They 14) ............. (Search) i him in the park and then they 15) .....++c0-s+++ (go) tothe pole station. Afew days later, a policeman 16) ........++.+.» (eome) to our house. Snow 17) ......-++++2+» (be) with him. | 18)... (be) so happy to see him again! @ Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the present perfect. a Jenny: Julie, 1) ..have yau.ever driven. . (youlever/drive) a car? Julie: No, but 2) -o-+ (dtive) a tractor. Jenny: Where 3) . -- (yourdrive) it? Julie; 14)... (drive) it once last summer on my uncle's farm. b an: Bobby, 5) Bobby: No, but | 6) Ivan: Bobby: (you/ever/visit) Germany? . (already/visit) Portugal. (you/visit) Portugal? (visit) Portugal three years ago. @ Put the verbs in brackets into the past continuous. |. Wa2.CQ0KING.. (cook) when | heard a knock on the door. 1 2 The Wilsons ................ (travel) to their cummer house when the thunderstorm hit. 3 While Ahmed . - (Work), the telephone rang 4 She... the living room while the children ............ =. (play) in the gaiuen. 5 Simon (watch) TV all day yesterday the Simpsons ... «+ (do) yesterday afternoon? (not/study) when his mother came into the room. 7 He. Wert... (go) shopping yesterday. (have) lunch while my mum .. (you'finish) your homework yet? --. {neveritravel) abroad. (watch) a documentary on TV at 7 o'clock yesterday evening «+ (buy) anew computer two months ago. ~ (tidy) my room when the lights suddenly (go) off. (alteady/cook) dinner. (she/walk) to school yesterday? (ust/come) home from work. @ Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. - (wash) the dishes. ® Choose the correct item. 1 Lalways ...... breakfast in the morning. A have had B had (C)have Mary ...... dinner last night? A Has, cooked —_B Did, cook C Does, cook 3 fe...... his car when it started to rain. A cleaned B cleans C was cleaning 4 The Smiths 10 go to Spain for their ‘summer holiday this year. A don't want B wants C haven't wanted } 5 Peterhas ...... been good at Maths. A ever B never G since x A Have, seer C Do, see While Paul magazine. A swam . Jamie, yet? in B Did, see =, Mary was reading a B swims G was swimming They ..+.- football on Saturdays. A don't play B haven't played C weren't playing youever ...... Ferrari? A Did, drive B Have, driven © Weren't, driving Josh was playing tennic ...... Mary was reading a book. A already B while © for @ Gas What did Peter do last week? Listen and draw a line from the day to the correct picture. 13 Bm Gee (”) Listen and repeat. Then act out. Are you going to travel to the moon in this rocket? golng to fly to the un In itl No, P'm not. I'm going to fly there at night. But you are going to go up in Affirmative |. am going to / 'm going to Negative | am not going to / I'm not going to You are going to You're going to You are not going to / You aren't going to He is going to / He's going to He is not going to / He isn't going to She's going to She's going to She is not going to / She isnt going to It is going to / t's going to | tis not going to / It isn't going to We are going to / We're going to We are not going to / We aren't going to You are going to / You're going to._| You are not going to / You aren't going to They are going to / They'te going to | They are not going to / They aren't going to __ Questions ‘Am | going to? ‘Are you going to? Is he/shelit going to? Are we/youlthey going to? — Short answers Yes, | am. / No, !m not. Yes, you are. / No, you aren't. Yes, he/she/it is. / No, he/she/it isn't. Yes, we/you/they are. / No, we/youlthey aren't. We use be going to to talk about plans and intentions or when there 1s evidence that something is going to happen in the future. He's going to be a pilot when he grows up. (its his planVntention) Look at the dark clouds in the sky. It is going to rain. (There is evidence that it wil happen) Time expressions used with be going t ht, next week / month, etc. @ Fill in the gaps with the short forms of be going to. 1. lam going to travel to Paris next month. 4. She is not going to become an actress. Um geile 22... travelto Pans next month she =». become an actress, 2 They are going to have a party next week 5 We are going to eat out tonight. They .-....006 have a party next week We ssse+s eat out tonight 3 We are not going to clean the house. 6 He is not going to cook. We ... clean the house. He cook. 4h / Shall’) @ @ Look at Amy’s diary for next week. Then ask and answer questions as in The Future (‘Be going to’ / ‘Wi 1 clean her room / Wedneeday 7 Ary. ening ta.clean he 4. have a guitar lesson / Friday 5 watch TV / Tuesday Na. ehe jen't, Ghe'a going. te. clean her raotn.on. Mon 2 play volleyball / Saturday 6 meet her fiends / Sunday 3 help her mum | Monday HO Basan Met apie Ee ee > po tell the class about your partner. going .te.¢lean her reem.on, Man Writing Activity @ The Futur an Garp Listen and repeat. Then act out. (‘Be going to’ / ‘Will’ / ‘Shall’) ‘d like the vegetarian pizza, please. And I'm ina ‘i No, sirl It will be er belongs round as usvall We use the future tense for actions which will happen in the future. Affirmative Negative / Interrogative Long form Short form Longform | Shortform — | will piay Ml play | Iwill net play won't play |‘ Shall/Will | play? You will play | You'll play You will not play | You won't play Will you play? Hewillplay | He'll play He will not play | He won't play Will he play? She will play | She'll play ‘She will not play She won't play Will she play? ‘twit play | 1 play | Iwill not play itwon't play | Will it play? We will play | We'll play | We wil not piay | We won't play | Shall/Will we piay? You will play | You'll play You will not play | You won't play | Will you play? They will play | They 'll play They will not play, They won't play | Will they play? Will is used to express predictions, warnings, offers, promises, threats, requests, on- the-spot decisions, opinions, hopes and fears (especially with words such as: think, expect, suppose, hope, believe, know and probably). In 2100, people will ravel in ying cars. (prediction) | Stop talking or I'l send you out. threat) Be quiet or the teacher willbe angry. (warring) | Will you help me, please? (request) IM wash the dishes tonight. (offer) I's cold. Fl close the window. (on-the-spot decision) IM wite to you every day. (promise) hope he'll win the rave. (hope) Shall can be used with | or We in questions, suggestions and offers. Shall we go to the cinema tonight? (suggestion) | Shall get you a cup of tea? (oer) Time expressions used with the future tense: tomorrow, tonight, soon, next week / Month / year, etc. in a week/month, etc. Ao b The Future (‘Be going to’ / ‘Wi / *Shall’) @ ‘Complete the sentences as in the example: Long Form 1 It....will.... rain tomorrow, 2 I'msure she » Not be late. a . pass the test. - not have a party. - call you tonight. Short Form ht. -+++ fain tomorrow. Tm sure she . : - be late. pass the test. . have a party. call you tonight. Ci) Fill in the gaps with will, won't or shall. 1A: 'mso hungry, Mum. B: 1 ...Will.. make you some sandwiches. 2 A: Jimmy, be careful! The cooker is still very hot. You . burn your hand. B: OK, Mum! BAL! .. +++ call you every day while 1am on holiday. B: That's very nice of you. 4. A Imvery thirsty! BI --+ bring you a glass of water. 5 A: |wantto tell you a secret. B: OK Ipromise!............ tell anyone. Ae ad oa | get you another glass of lemonade? B: Yes, please. 7 A Chatlie .....ecse 0s come to practice today. He broke his leg. B: Oh, that’s terrible! eal feel well B: Then you should go to bed eatly 9A you help me? | think go out tonight | don't I'm lost. B: Of course! ® Fill in the gaps with will, won't or shall. Jim: 1)... Shall... we go to Snacks Restaurant for lunch? Lucia: No, you 2) « like the food there. | think you 3) like the new café in York Street Jim: OK. We4) take the bus there. §) .......... Iphone John and ask him ithe wants to. come? lucia: I'm sure he 6) ...--...- want fo come but We 7) ......+. have time to wait for him here. BIB) ones sssee I tell him to meet us there? Lucia: That's a good idea. Tell him we 9) ... dim: 10) ....- Lucia: Yes, | think so. A= «+++ [tell him to be there in half an hour? 11) .. meet him outside the café. that give us enough time? & 3) The Future (‘Be going to’ / ‘Wi ? / Shall’) @ Label the speech situations with the uses of the future tense as in the example: offer warning (x 2) promise request on-the-spot decision M1 close the window. Ie very windy. Don't touch the iron! You will burn your hand. Don't worry. "ll buy \\ you a new one, Shall do the wahing up?) Will you help me? Don't touch these wires| You'll get hurt! ® Work in groups of four. Take the role of a fortune teller and tell your group about their future. You can use the Ideas below. One student will... i Two students will. 1 be a dentist 1 be singers 2 have 3 children 2 live in the USA 3 win a lot of money 3. win a competition 4 marry 4 millionaire 4 fly tothe moon Fortune teller: I think that Jim and Lucy will be singers. 4-h / Shall’) 43) The Future (‘Be going to’ / ‘Wi food Listen and repeat. Then act out. Th learning about What are you doing? eeeeesmummmmmmesel mind reading. I'm really good, r I'l probably be rich and famous one ne day. Will vs Be going to Will is used Be going to is used * to express on-the-spot decisions. * to express things already decided in It's cold. I'l close the window. the near future. He is going to fly to Rome tomorrow. | © to express intentions and plans. * to express hopes, threats, predictions, ete. I think it will rain tomorrow. | He likes acting. He Is going to be an actor. © to express a prediction or a future © when there is evidence that something event that is or is not certain to will definitely happen. happen. Watch out! You're going to fall. He will probably win the race. (prediction) She will be twelve next month. (future event) in the gaps with the correct form of will or be going to. Then act out the exchanges. 1A: What do you want ta do when you fish | 5 a. youtave anciler piece of cake? school? B: No, thank you. I've already had two pieces. B: 1171 golng. C0. ... be a dancer. 6 A:Do you want to go to the park this 2 A‘ | think that house over there is on fire! afternoon? B: Ohno! phone the fire brigade B: Icantt | - visit my grandparents 3 A: My tea is not sweet enough. 7 A: This box is very heavy! -« get you some sugar. Bajecstiecs.: . camry it for you. 4 & Have you finished your homework yet? | 8 AL ccesececesee «. you open the B: No, but! ............ stay up late and window, please? finish it B: No, it's too cold in here. 4-h 413, The Future (‘Be going to’ / ‘Will’ / ‘ShalP’) 10) Match the sentences to the pictures. Then label the situations as in the example: © Fye-getatocthache ti galig i eoc-rryteftiot © She's going to have a bath. © Get up or you will be late for school. © It’s very hot. til open the window. © I think it will rain all night. © like aeroplanes. I'm going to be a pilot intention evidence on-the-spot decision prediction 3 BRAIN GYM What will your life be like in twenty years? How old will you be? Where will you live? In 3 minutes write in your notebook as many predictions as you can. Then tell the class. 4=-b The Future (‘Be going to’ / ‘Will’ / ‘Shall’) @ ri) Complete the sentences by using the verbs in brackets and shall/will or the correct form of be going to. Craig: Hey Mark! What 1) ...2"2 you. going. te do... (youldo) during hal-tetrn? Mark: You 2) . (Not believe) it but 13)... « (visit) Switzerland! Craig: Really? That's so exciting! Switzerland is great. I'm sure you 4) .. «s+ (love) it! Mark: | think so, too. My family and 15) .. (ctay) at a hotel near the Swiss Alps _ Craig: Wow! Mark: Yeah, it's great. 16) ...........-..-... (play) in the snow every day. My brother and | BAEEO . scx os - (try) to learn how to ski Craig: You're so lucky. | wish | could go with you. Mark: Maybe you can. 8) .......- (Vask) my parents? Craia: Definitely! Mark: OK, then. 19)... (talk) to them tonight. Craig: Great! Mark: | think we should go to class now or we 10) .. Craig: You're right. Let’s go. Wouiti a2 Write a dialogue between you and your friend in which you make plans for your summer holidays. Use Ex. 11 as a model. 14 Modal Verb: (Listen and repeat. Then act out. Good afternoon, Mrs Brown. Can Frankie come out to play with me? No, I'm afraid not. He ion’t Feeling well, 60 he ay in bed. Oh, | eee. Wel, car his bike come out to play? = The modal verbs are: can, could, must, will, would, shall, may, should, etc. They have the same form in all persons. They come before the subject in questions and take ‘not after them in negations. They take the infinitive without ‘to’ after them. Can she sing? No, she can't sing but she ean dance. Can - Could Can is used to express ability in the present (= | am able to) or to ask for permission (= Is it OK if... 2). She can type. (abilty in the present) Can | use your pen? (asking for permission) Could is used to express ability in the past (= Iwas able to), polite requests or to ask for permission politely (= Would it be alright if. 2). He could run fast when he was 17. (abiliy in the pas!) Could | have same tea? (polite raquiost) Could | leave early, please? (asking for permission polity) @ Circle the correct word. 1 Can)/ Can't | use your pencil, please? 2 You ean / can't borrow my book, | need it. 6 She could / can speak Spanish when she was fifteen. 3 Maria can't / can sing well. She's got a beautiful voice. 4 Could / Couldn't | nave a glass ot water? 5 Dan couldn't / could write at the age of one. 7 John and Phil could / can play the piano. They're quite good at it, too. 8 Could / Couldn't | go to the cinema with Aya? Modal Verbs aa @ Label the speech situations. ability in the present asking for permission _asking-for-permission-pelitely ability in the past polite request (x 2) 1 .aeking. for. 2 3 . permiagian.politely.. “Could | use your phone? 4 / could oe before Can | sit here? s Could you help me, pleace? ) ll in the gaps with can, can't, could or couldn't. 1 Katherine is three years old. She... 640C... write yet. BP... use your computer, please? 8 Diane ...... go to the cinema with her friends yesterday. She had too much homework. RB SE 055 gvas read from a very young age. Bear 00ir! S20 rive now that she is eighteen 6 I'm afraid you -... use the printer right now. I's broken. Emma speak ttalian when she was twelve? cook very well. Everything she makes is delicious! leave early today, Miss Julie? {0 The weather was terrible yesterday, $0 We ........4..s20+++++++» Go to the beach 4~bh 44 Modal Verbs Must - Mustn’t | We use must to express necessity It's raining, | must take my umbrella. (necessity) (=itis necessary to) or obligation | must tidy my room. (obligation) (=I'm obliged to) We use must not/mustn't to show that You mustr't eat in class. something is forbidden or that someone is not allowed to do something. BICYCLE ; AND MOTORCYCLE ROHIBITED 1 You... 1b... recycle | 2 You ride | 3 You park glass here your bike here here 4 You 5 You stop. 6 You throw} slow. your rubbish Have to - Don't have to We use have to to express necessity Nurses have to wear a uniform at work (it is necessary to). We can not choose to do something cles. It ie obligatory. We use don't / doesn't have to to You don't have to do the ironing. | did it express lack of necessity (=it is not yesterday. necessary to). 100 Modal Verbs a ® Fill in the gaps with the correct form of have to or don’t/doesn't have to. 1 You ....danf. have. te... dust the furniture today. | did it yesterday. 2 Mark .. wear a uniform at work. He's a doctor 3 We've got plenty of time before the film starts. We . . hurry. 4 get up early on Saturdays because she doesn't work. 5 Ken broke his leg. He x go to the doctors. © Onschool nights, ........-0.--.eseeene go to bed early. 7 We are going to a restaurant tonight, so Mum 8 My roomisamess. | cee tidy it 9 Joey .. . water the plants because it rained yesterday. 10 Samantha ... type letters at work. She's a secretary. @ Look at the table. Then write sentences about what a teacher has to or doesn't have to. pea study very hard Pius eed Cinkcood fil in reports prepare material for students her. bae.te.ehudy, very. hard. DERaRe @ Fill in the gaps with must, mustn't or don’t have to. 1 They ./1uAtt1't... go out BuO .octeeses-sccesese, gh OMYOUE eee Mee oral f today. do his homework. tell anyone. It's a secret They ..27U91. stay in bed. EMS sche se puyany | 5 YOU veceseeeeeeee let | 6 You eggs. We've got lots. the dog sleep in your bed, do the washing-up. Aub 4 Modal Verbs ® Fill in the gaps with mustn’t or don’t have to. A teacher is speaking to her students before a test: *You are going to have a test today. Your test papers are on your desks. You 1) ...7U9tn'b... begin until | say 80. You 2)................. hurry; there is plenty of time. You 3) cececseess Speak during the test. You 4) - copy your friends’ work and ‘ed $e you) . oe eee oracle You6) .....-- write in pen; you can write in pencil. You 7) .. . aay ih you've finished: you can leave but you 8) be noisy. When you leave, you 9) « = ‘wait for your friends outside the classroom. Wait outside the building. Finally, | wish you all ed luck. You can begin now!” ‘Must is used only in the present tense. It borrows the rest of its tenses from the verb nave to, Have to changes Into has to In the third person singular in the present affirmative and into had to in all persons in the past affirmative. Have to takes do/does/did to form its questions or negations and it is followed by a bare infinitive. Ho had to loave carly. Did she have to lcave carly, too? She doesn't have to finish it now. She has to finish it by Monday. Til water the plants tonight, so you won't have to do It tomorrow. il in the gaps with has to, don’t/doesn’t have to, had to or won't have to. 1 It's Sunday tomorrow, sot....uri'l: Fave. GO... get up early. 2 You've got lots of time. You . k hurry. 3 I broke my tooth, sol..... «Ge oie go to the dentist's yesterday. 4 Let's clean up now so we .... - clean up tomorrow. 5 Lucy feels better now, so she . .. 5 +--+ take the medicine. 6 He... ...22e.2s++++++ Shout or else she can't hear him. 10 Using modal verbs, complete the sentences about yourself. 4 Atthe weekend, ./.don’t., to hed early. 2 Atschool, ... 3 When | was five, 4 Onweeknights, 2 Modal Verbs a @ What must/mustn’t people do and what don’t they have to do to be safe on the road? Complete the rules. + wear a racing helmet * turn off the music in the car « always wear a seatbelt « follow the speed limit use your mobile phone while driving + go through a red light You don’t.have to.wear A .racing helmet... Speaking Activity In pairs, talk about what you must/mustn't/don't have to do to be safe at home. Student A: We mustn't play with * play / matches * lock windows / doors / at night matches. * leave / all lights on Student B: Yes, and we must lock all * open /door / to strangers windows and doors at * call / parents or another adult / right, etc. when / need help Writing Activity ) Write a ‘Home-Safety’ leaflet to give to all your schoolmates. When you are at home alone: BE 1. You mustn't play with matches. SAFE 2 You must lock all the doors and windows at night. 3 a _. cry Modal Verbs Shall - Will - Would Shall is used with ‘!’ or ‘We’ in questions, suggestions or offers. Shall we go to the cinema tonight? Will is used to express predictions, warnings, offers, promises, threats, requests, suggestions, on-the-spot decisions, opinions, hopes and fears. Try harder or you'l fil your exams, | Would is used to express polite or formal requests. Would you carry my suitcase? Would like is used to express polite or formal offers and suggestions. Would you like some more tea? 12) Match the sentences to the pictures. Then label the ‘speech situations. Hhepe-she-willcome-ontime- Would you like to drink some milk? Would you type these letters, please? You will get sick if you eat so much. ‘Shall | Close the window? Will you post this letter, please? hope polite request warning suggestion —offer__~—request 1 ....hope OS Es 3 hope ahe.wil...... CRINGE QOCUNG «vee 104 8) Choose the correct item. 1 |...... play the guitar when | was five. Acan B cant (© couldn't 2 You shout in the library. A must B mustn't © have to BB. you carry this bag for me, please? A Would B Shall C Must 4 You wash the dishes. Ill do it, A haveto B don'thaveto C must w Circle the correct item. 4 (Shalll/ Would | help you cook dinner? 2 We don't have to / have to buy bread. We've already got some. 3. You mustn't / won't ialk in the classroom. 4 Paul can / could ride a bike when he was SIX. Modal Verbs 5. ...... | go to the supermarket for you? A Woud —B Wil C Shall 6 We ...... remember to buy some milk. A could 6B musint © must Te you help me, please? B Shall C Must 8 Yoursssaam stay up late. You have schoo! tomorrow. A could B wouldn't ~¢ can't 5 | can't go out tonight. | have to / could do my homework. 6 will / Shall you help me fix my bike, ploace? 7 You can / shall go to the party but don't come home late 8 Would / Could you like a cup of tea? 6 Read the conversation and choose the best answer. Write a letter (A-F) for each answer. There are two extra answers you do not need to use. 1 Simone: Were you at Ben’s party last night? Carlisle: oe 2 Simone: Oh dear. Was it difficult? Carlisle: 3. Simone: Carlisle: ........eeeeeee 4 Simone: Garesle: Jens. ---- 28258 A had a great time yesterday. B No I couldn't go to the party. | had to stay at home and do my homework © Yes please! Thanks, Simone! ° No, we can't use my computer. It docon't work. E Yes, | had to leave early F Yes. it was. | sill haven't finished it. | must finish it today or my teacher will be angry I'm going to the libary now. | hope I can find some useful booke there. 4b 44) Modal Verbs Should (=it is a good idea)/Shouldn’t (= it isn’t a good idea) are used to offer advice. ‘AL My tooth hurts, B: You should see a dentist. You shouldn't eat sweets. 16) Give advice to the people in the pictures. Then match the pictures to the sentences. 1 have / toothache / sce / dentist Al) fe: Ishave.a.toathache. , B: You should see a.dentict,. 2 have / temperature / visit / doctor @ A Renesas aie aa A 4 have / headache / take / aspirin AERA : B: AD) circte the correct iter. 1 YouShouldn't) can eat so much fastfood. | 4 Doctors say we should / could cat alot of fruit 2 Jane shouldn't / should go outtonight She 5 James can't / shouldn't drive so fast. He has a test tomorrow. may have an accident. 3. | should / shouldn't exercise more. It's good 6 Hehasacold. He shouldn't / should stay at for me. home. COMPETITION Listen to the problem your teacher has. In teams, give him/her as much advice as you can. Each correct sentence gets a point. Teacher: | have a sore throat. Team A, Student A: You should see a doctor. ‘Teacher: You get 1 point. ‘Team B, Student A: You shouldn't eat ice cream. Teacher: Excellent! You get 1 point, etc. Ave Modal Verbs @ Could/May are used to show that something is possible. | There are clouds in the sky. It could/may rain. (it's possible) Could/May are also used to ask for permission politely. Could | use your dictionary? May I use your computer? ‘8 Fill in the gaps with must or may. Then act out the exchanges. 1 A: You .../7US%... be careful when you 4 A: Can! go to John’s party, Dad? cross the street. B: You can butyou ........ be home early. B: | know, Mum. a A: Are you coming with us to the beach? 2 A; What are you doing this evening? B:1.......... come but | don't know yet B:Imnotsue.|.........gotothecinema. | p. We... havea barbecue next week. 3A: Are you busy? B: Oh, that’s great! Call me when you know B: Yes.1........ finish this project tonight. * for sure. 9 Underline the correct word. 1 Good morning. How can / must help you? | 4 Could / Must I sit here, please? 2 Frank may / must be late this evening May / Must | borrow your pen, please? 3 I'm sorry. You can't / couldn't park here. 6 | must / can't go to the hospital. | fee! ill a oO Replace the words in bold with the correct modal, as in the example. tet 1 Kate is able to use the computer. = Kate .<¢ 2 YOU are forbidden to eal or drink in class. = You 3 You are obliged to tidy your room at the weekend. 4 Its a good idea to eat a lot of vegetables. = You 5 There's a possibility it will snow tonight. 6.4 he corp, our iC aisg Write four things you may do next weekend. 1. I may go to the cinema with my trends. a 3 4 awh to Geop Listen and repeat. Then act out. if was on the top, | woul wait until the building hed th hi of a bullaing ana ceo" ae he ea then fell down? f What would you do Conditional clauses consist of two parts: the if-clause (hypothesis) and the main clause (result). When the if-clause comes before the main clause the two sentences are separated by a camma We don't use a comma when the if-clause follows the main clause. It it doesn't rain, we will go to the park. ‘We will go to the park if it doesn't rain. It-clause Main clause “a (hypothesis) (result) Conditionals if + present simple | present simple | something which is always true Type 0 it you neat ice, it melts. | Conditionals if + present simple | fare, imperative 7 something that is true or ikely to, Type 1 happenin the present or future ithe doesn't wear his coat, he will be cold. | Ityou have a headache, take an aspirin | oT eee era | if + past simple would + bare | imaginary situation in the present | | infinitive | orthe future; also used to give | aaa reac a Mshe had a computer, she would send him an email, | (But she doesn’t have one so she won't send the email - imaginary situation in the present) | If] were you, | would eat lots of vegetables (advice) We can use either were or was with the first and third person singular in the if-clause of type 2 conditionals. If he were/was older, he would travel around Europe. G0} Conditionals @ Look at the pictures and use the prompts to make type 0 conditional sentences. QO loaves (08 Su © melt @ Complete the sentences using the type 1 conditional and the verbs below. give ‘Rave tinish 1 If Peter comes back soon, we . .Will nave. . dinner together. 2 If Tom doesn't go to Bella's party, she .. . ee: angry. 3 you have time tomorrow, MOIIEES «cee mea call? be not go win AN Dade! ATT SC 4 his work eariy, ‘we will go tor a walk. 5 itl ceeeee+ frst prize, | will go on a trip to Egypt. 2 yo oe to bed now, you will be tired tomorrow. @ Read the statements and use the prompts to make type 1 conditionals as in the example: 1 I don't want to put on my hat. (you/get sunburnt) .!f you don’t. hat, yeulll geb. sunburnt... 2 Let's go to New York. (we/visit the Statue of Liberty) 3 | want to stay up late. (you/not/be able/get up cate for schoo!) 4 He doesn ‘t want to wear a jacket. (he/catch a cold) 5 She must leave soon. (she/not/miss the beginning ot the tum L @ Use the prompts to ask and answer questions as in the example. Use type 2 conditionals. 1 meet a famous actress? / ask to take a photo of her A: What would you a Taft B: Fl met 2 2 win £10,000? / buy lots of presents for my family rs 5 3. want to be fit and healthy? / stop eating junk food A B: 4 adog chase you? / run AK B: 1m 6. | wats! k te take » Now, answer the questions about yourself. © Jacob is lost in the forest and he is thinking. Look at his thoughts and write type 2 conditional sentences as in the example: 1. have a mobile 4, have matches / phone / call for help light a fire 5 2. have a coat K OPW 5. have food not be cold not be hungry e 3, have map / find my way back ‘ | 110 Conditionals ® Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense as in the example: 1 (have) more free time, | would take up a hobby. if Ben could, he weeeereeee {travel) all over the world. if Simon bs {not/enjoy) reading, he wouldn't ton so. many books. flere you, 1 ......cec06 (study) harder. 5 ifthe .. (not/be) afraid, he would go bungee jumping. eo 6 If Peter and Jane exercised more often, they - (be) fitter HLSaW.a QhOSt, | ..+seseeeeereersseees (scream), lfJackie ...... (win) lots of money, she would buy a new ca © 9 itl Sa - (be) you, | wouldn't eat so many sweets. 10 Ces I Tere «. (become) a singer. @ Make full sentences. Then say which type of conditional each sentence is. 1. water freeze / tum into ice lf. water. freezes, 8 you mix yellow and blue / you get green ® John be here / ioe us 10 you add sugar to coffee / become sweet tune. 2 the weather be good / have a picnic tomorrow .. Wype.Q... Akh 8 Conditionals 8B Match the parts of the sentences. Then identify the type of conditional. 1 Ifyou drop something, a. he would have better marks. 2 She will become a doctor b ifthey saw an accident. 3 If Peter studied harder, © ifshe studies hard 4 They would call the police d_ you won't miss the bus. 5 Ifyou leave early, e itfalls AAG 2 wececoeeess 68 4 ceaeeac 2) ee @ Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. Thon act out the exchanges. 1 A: | want to buy a new computer. B: Well, if1...W@FP... (be) you, |. vould Puy... (buy) a good one. 2 A; We're going to be late. The film starts soon. B: Don'tworry. We... .eseeeeeteeeeeee (Gel) atari, We... eee... (be) there on time. 3. A: I'm hungry. Is there anything to eat? B: Well ifyou ... (look) in the fridge, I'm sure you ... (find) something. 4 A: What did the teacher tell you in the Science lesson yesterday? B: He said that you .........csseeceeee (boll) water, tt... eee (become) | steam. ++ (find) someone's wallet in the street, |... .ccseeeeeee (Give) it to the police B: That's very nice of you. 0) Complete the sentences about yourselt. 1 Iflwere old enough, ./.Wauld BUY.a. CAM... eee ce 2 If my friend comes to my house today, ........22...00086 DWE, ee cteacerensee----- 4 Ifsomeone invited me to London, 5. If my friends forgot my birthday, 6 7 8 If | wanted to lose weight, If studied harder, IF! go to the beach, Ah Conditionals a5 Tomorrow is Jenny's first day at school. She is very worried. What will happen if Jenny is late? Work in pairs to continue the story. Student A: if Jenny wakes up late, she will miss the bus. Student B: If she misses the bus, she will be late for her first day of school, etc. James is at school and he is daydreaming about what he would do if he was rich and famous. Look at the pictures below. Then in pairs, make sentences to create the story. invite / friends / his house ) ‘e _he/ become / popular) Student A: If James was rich and famous, he would buy a huge house. Student B: If he bought a huge house, .. Writing Activity Using the ideas from the Speaking Activity above, write what you would do if you were rich and famous. If was rich and famous, I would . Bh Alec: What ate you doing? Layla: I'm writing my New Year's resolutions. ‘Alec: Really? Well, I've already made mine. | 1) . ..4t1.g0it@. a ... lea to drive . give you some lessons if you like. Have you got a car? « start saving now and I expect 14) .......200+e Layla: Alec: That's great! | 2) No, but | 3) . ; buy one in the summer (Space go to Spain next Layla: Alec Layla: ha @ Fill in the gaps with the correct tense of the verbs in brackets. 1 Hyou.. « (mix) blue and yellow, you ..9@t... (get) green. 2 If John doesn't study hard, he... (fail) his exams, 3 IfAndy .. ~ (have) lots of money, he would travel all over the world 4 ieee. (be) you, ! would see a doctor. 5 Ifyouneed help, please ...........- (let) me know. @® circte the correct item. 1 Lisa\Started)/ has started learning Chinese when she was)/ was being ten. n September. © morning. 4 Lucy usually goes / went cycling at the weekend, 5 Keisha was in the bedroom when the phone has rang / rang. 6 I promise I'll eall / am going to eall you. 7 At eight o'clock yesterday morning, Paul and | Charlotte had / were having breakfast. Jam going to learn / will learn Fretict int Amir is eating / eats a big breakfast every | @ Fill in the gaps with the correct form of will or be going to. ._. Start learning Spanish and, if can,16) ...... any of your friends come with you? probably go alone. 6 o @ If Mr Pemberton has time, he .......-.+ (call) you you ... window. If Karen knew you were ill, she (visit) you. Hthey ..........cee++ (not/stop) talking, the teacher will be angry. Hf you heat ice, it ...... (be) cold, close the - (melt). This weekend | will visit / am going to visit a friend in Cambridge. I've already bookeda ticket | haven't seen / didn't see Harriet for two days. Michael has been / went to Sweden twice. You'll never guess what happened / has happened to Tanya last night At the moment, John is typing / types his essay on the computer. Peter was walking / has walked down the streot when he was meeting / met Tim. im so hungry; I'l make / am making @ sandwich. SS i @ Complete the conversation with must, mustn't, have to or don't have to. Mother: Jane, you 1) ...("1U2C. .. tidy your room while I'm out Sara: But Mum, | want to watch TV. j Mother: You can watch TV later. Sara: Dol2)....... wash the dishes, too? Mother: No, and you) .. dust the furniture. Don't forget ' ~.. wash the windows but you 4)... | I Ca Deol wertne Fe weter to plants? Mother: No, it rained yesterday, so you) ...... vee Water them, Sara: OK, Mum. Will you bring me some chocolate? Mother. | will bul you 6) .. <2 6.6.66 eee ees Gal it all al once or you'll be sick. ® Circle the correct item. 1 Afirefighter(fas to)/ could wear a uniform a ‘You must / may wear a seat belt when driving. 2 Can/ Should | take photos inthe museum? 6 Shall / Must | get you a glass of water? & You don't have to / shouldn't go to the 7 You! mustn't / don't have to he rude to your bakery. We have lois of bread. teachers. | 4 I'm not sure what I am going to do this 8 Youcan/ should study harder if you want to afternoon. | may / must go for a walk, pass your exams. ob Fill in the gaps by putting the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. Hi Anna, How 1) ..2N%.. (be) you? | know 12)... 5... (not/write) to you for along time but | have been away on holiday. My parents and19) ..............-... (go) ona safari last month! Wed) ...................+ (plan) to go last year but we couldn't make it in the end. Our safari holiday 5) (be) in South Africa. We 6 -. (8ee) some amazing wild animals butt was quite dangerous. One day, 17) .. (take) photos of elephants when | 8) (hear) a lion really close to me. Luckily, it didn’t see me but I was really scared. Next year, we 9) —— (go) to France. | am sure we 10) (have) a great time. Well, that's all my news. What's new with you? Write soon. Yours, Dominique Avkh Progress Check 5 @ an Listen and tick (7) the correct box. What will John do on holiday? | 1 What nas Amy already packed? fAL] fe 2 What is Kate going to buy? A a 3 What will Poppy give Jack? Yes/No Questions - Wh- Ques ns 16 Hye Listen and repeat. Then act out. What are you doing in my house? Wrere are you baking ite Whose idea was that? — Yes, we are. Are you sure? a Peas aeeerhone But this Is not 9 Jacob Street! it ee rarng te ta is 6 Jacob Street and Mr Brown ien't usband call your us to move everything : Nikat de he savers from 9.Jacob Street} Sa eae : ) an 1 Questions are usually formed by changing the word order; this means that the ‘auxiliary or modal verb comes before the subject. (Auxiliary/modal verbs are: can, havo, be, will, chall, muet, ete.) Is she happy? Can she type? Have you ever been to Paris? Will you help me? Shall we go out tonight? | 2 Inthe present simple, questions are formed by using do/does and in the past simple, by using did. Do you like sweets? Does he often visit hem? Did he pass the test? 3. Wh- questions start with a question word: who, where, what, when, why, how, which, etc. Who did you go out with? Where did yous meet har? What is your name? 4 Questions about quantity / time / size / distance / height, etc. are formed with How + adjective. How much / tong / big / tar / high is it? W7 6 Yes/No Questions - Wh- Questions aN 143 You are interviewing a famous actor. Complete the interview by writing the questions. Listen and check. Reporter: Hell, Matt I's great to rally meet you. ke to ask you afew tings. What do you lke doing in your free time? Matt Pitt: | like reading books. Reporter: 1) (What) .....\\/hat: Kind of hooke?.... Matt Pitt: Science fiction. Reporter: Do you exercise? Matt Pitt. Yes, I go to the gym. Reporter: 2) (How often) . Matt Pit: usually go tothe gym fourimes a week. Reporter: What about dancing? Matt Pitt: Oh, | can dance really well Reporter: 3) (sing) . Matt Pitt. Not relly, but | play @ musical instrument. Reporter: 4) (What) ..- Matt Pitt | play the violin. Reporter: That's interesting. Thank you, Matt. Matt Pitt: No problem. | Who / Whose / Which (one of) jobs / things / animals / actions What / Which (one of place Where time = ~____ When / How long / What time / How often quantity | How much / How many manner SS~S~S CH 7 distance /length /height = Tae far / How wide / | Why @ Fill in the gaps with how, who, whose, when, how far, why, how many or where. 1 * How mary... CDs are there?” “100.” 5 “.eesseeceeesess iS it to the post office?” ate you happy?” “Because *Only 50 metres.” it's my birthday.” 6S ooceccceeeevess is that?” “That's Sarah” 9 “......4. did Ken go to the USA?” “In 2005.” 7 Nveveweeeee do you live?” “In Park Road.” 4 “.......... doyou goto school?” “By bus.” 8 *. is this?” “It’s John's.” Ach Yes/No Questions - Wh- Questions © @ Fill in the gaps with the correct question word. Then match the questions to the answers. 1 ..How. old . is Ben? On July 27th. 2 =. do you live? He's fifteen years old 3 are you so happy? By bus. 4 rmilk shall | buy? Four times a week 5 ~ is Katie's birthday? [E]_] In Madrid, Spain, 6 do you go to the gym? FT] Because | did well on my Maths test! 7 is the library from their house? G]_] Two cartons. 8 does he get to school? H | About 100 metres. 4 Fill in the gaps with the correct question word to complete the exchanges. 1 A .Wh02¢. schoolbag is that? 6A. apples are in the fridge? B: Oh, | think it's Tom's schoolbag. B: Only two. BWA. have you lived in London? 7 eee coat did Beth buy yesterday? B: For two years. B: She bought the long black coat. ah do your go shopping? i Anne - time do you go to bed? B: Three times a month. |B: At 10 0'clock. 4k. - are you from? 9A +--+ fs your birthday? B: I'm from Toronto, Canada. 8: On pg 42h. oh. BaE ek? 10 A: .....2.. did you buy atthe supermarket? RAST AOO Wee: B: Some eggs and a carton of milk. ® How well do you know your partner? Ask him/her the following questions and write his/her answers. 1... Where... are you rom? Aiea ieee see is your hobby? I'ro. from. Rame, Italy... — Pa ; old are you? |B eeeevveceene is your 4 favourite sport? Poyoullye? 9 vrnsswarens . 6 are you like? > Now, tell the class about your partner. Av © Yes/No Questions - Wh- Questions Subject / Object Questions If who, which or what are the subject of the question, we do not put the verb in | question form. If who, which or what are the object of the question, we put the verb in question form. subject object subject object Harry knows Jane | Jane knows Bob. @ Write questions for the following sentences. gare. home.late last. vigt sent John came home late last night. Fish lve in the water. Jessie telephoned Mary. Jessie telephoned Mary a week ago. All of us want to help. They sent her some flowers. Paul invited Sue. She bought the red dress Who .... Which dress @NanRons @ Write questions to which the phrases in bold are the answers. Dear Tom, Your asked me about my best friend. His name is John Page. He's from Portsmouth, England. He is a student. He's 15 years old. He's got one sister. His sisters name is Sarah. He likes rock music and heavy metal. His favourite group is Iron Maiden. ‘Write back soon and tell me about your best friend. Mike 1 Who.ia Mike's. eat triendé Yes/No Questions - Wh- Questions ® When we ask someone to decide or choose between two options we form questions with ‘or’. Do you want a ham sandwich or a cheese sandwich? Do you like football or basketball? want a cheese sandwich, please. | ike football. 8 Write questions with or. 1. you / like / swimming / sailing? 6 Katie / live in / a bia house / a small house? likeewimming or eailing?, 5s .ssessssssesseceesssseseeeeesens 2 the boys / want / pizza / boow® 7 you / usually / listen to music / watch Ww Bj eos pari books? 8 the he gis / play / the piano / the anita? 4 the chicren/ike / apples / oranges? ©. Wark /usua ly play / tennis / basketball? 5 your teacher / walk cycle / to school? 10 they / wake up / early / late / on Saturdays? ® Answer the questions about you. 1 Do you like volleyball or tennis? 5 Do you drink coffee or tea? Like.velleyball.. ae 2 Do you like summer or winter? 6 Do you like staying in or going out? 3 Do you watch cartoons or films? 7 Do you read books or newspapers? 4 Do you ite Engh or Maths? 8 Do you like sandwiches or cheeseburgers? Chain Questions Form a circle. You ask a question. The student to your right must. answer it and ask a different question. Whoever makes a mistake is ‘out of the game. ‘Student A; What's your name? Student B: Tom. How old are you? Student C: 10. When's ...? etc. Auk 6 Yes/No Questions - Wh- Questions 10) Complete the interview with Spike Sparkle. What i¢.your. re Reporter: a al Spike Sparkle: My real name is Eric Stanley Smith. Reporter: Eee eee ‘Spike Sparkle: | am twenty-five years old, Reporter: See en. <= ‘Spike Sparkle: | made my first record in 2007. Reporter: Joti eee Spike Sparkle: | live in the centre of London, IRE) geal ec ope 2 Spike Sparkle: Paris is my favourite city. | Reporter: 6) cree vace ? Spike Sparkle: I go there three times a year. Reporter: 1. a ME) | Spike Sparkie: My next live performance will be in New York. Reporter: Bhicisg te s 2 Spike Sparkle: No, I have never been to New York before. Well, good luck then. Where are you from? How old are you? Speaking Activity Imagine you are reporters and you are going to interview Mary Jones, a famous actress. In pairs, come up with ten questions to ask her. In pairs, act out an interview between the reporter and Mary Jones. ‘Write your interview. Use Ex. 10 as a model. Reporter: Whore aro you from? Reporter: How old are you? Ms Jones: I'm from New York. Ms Jones: 27, etc. 4z-h 7 aur deap Listen and repeat. Then act out. 10 can tell me when Rome was built? ga | ke ae The letter was written by Tim. fll, my dad always says Rome wasi't built in a day. Study the following examples to see how the passive is formed in the present simple and past simple: T | Active Passive Present Simple Jack waters the plats. | The plents are watered by Jack. Past Simple Tina sent the email The email was sent by Tina ~Interrogative | Negative ‘Are the plants watered every week? | The plans aren't watered every week Was the email sent by Tina? | The email wasn't sent by Tina. ‘When changing a sentence from the active to the passive: athe object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the passive sentence. h the active verb changes into a passive form. (to be + past participle) ¢ the subject of the active sentence becomes the agent and Is elther introduced with the preposition by or omitted. ‘subject verb | object Active | George fed | the dog. Passive The dog t was fed | by George. We use the passive: 4 when the agent (the person who does the action) is unknown, unimportant or obvious from the context. My wallet was stolen yesterday. (unknown agent) The house is cleaned twice a week. (unimportant agent) ‘The thief was arrested. (by the police - obvious agent) 2. when the agent is one of the following words: people, one, someone/samebady, they, he, etc. ‘They published the report last week The report was published last week A=b 7 The Passive ® Circle the correct word. 1 Coffee (S)/ are made from coffee beans. 4. This ring was / were given to me as a gift. 2 Cola is / are drunk by millions of people 5 Foreign languages is / are taught in every around the world. school. 3° Great Fypectations was / is written by Charles 6 Our car was / is washed every week. Dickens. @ Fill in the gaps with is, are, was or were. 1 Macbeth ..9.. written by Shakespeare. | 7 TheParthenon visited by thousands 2 Fiat cars made in ttaly of tourists every year 3 Tamara and José .. invited toa party > 8 Ashort story competion’ - organised last week every year. 4 Ourfiat cleaned every week. 9 The castle destroyed by a fire in 5 Thetelephone invented by Alexander the fifteenth century. Graham Bel 10 Dinner ...... served at 7 o'clock every 6 TheWorld Cup held every four years. evening. \ In teams, choose an object. Describe it to the other team and see if they can guess which one it is. © paper / write in ® metal / open doors ® plastic / measure tings ¢ rubber / erase things ® wood / write with @ leather / carry papers ae Team A, Student A: It is made of paper and it is used for writing in. Team B, Student A: Is it a notebook? Tearni A, Student A: Yes, itis. 4A i=xb The Passive 7 3 Match the words in the columns and make sentences using the past passive as in the example: Be See The film ET paint Vincent van Gogh The Golden Gate Bridge build Lewis Carroll Radium direct Steven Spielberg Alice in Wonderland discover Joseph Baermann Strauss The Starry Night write Marie and Pierre Curie I The. fils. ET wae directed by Stevan.9pi 1 2. aC 4 @ Rewrite the sentences in the passive form. 1 James Joyce wrote this book, 6 Does she cook dinner every night? thie heeky MONEE.» 2 They deliver the post every day. 7 Did Nicky wash the dishes? 4. A storm destroyed three houses in the neighbourhood. Se Put the Mtns headlines in the eee EE DestmoweD * \ QUEEN OPENS 3 \ TSUNAMI HIT ll 4: FISHERMAN SAVED TEENAGER °\ FACTORY POLLUTES RIVER _the.logal libvary.was. destroyed. by. 4 fits. . a The Passive ® Rewrite the text using the passive. Use the agent(s) where necessary. Gustave Eiffel designed the Eiffel Tower. Workers buill it between 1887 ‘and 1889. They used iron to build it. The City Mayor opened it to the public on May 6th, 1889. Many tourists visit the tower every year. They buy souvenirs, take photos of Paris and admire the view from! the top. 1 | Tower. wae.designed Py Gustave. Eifel. Speaking Activity In pairs, use the information and the notes below to ask and answer questions as in the example: | e where /locate © what/make of @ when/complete * why/build ® who / visit by Name: The Great Wall of China Location: northern China Made of: granite Reason built: to protect China from the Mongols Completed: carly sixteenth century Visited: thousands of tourists every year Student A: Where is the Great Wall of China located? Student B: It is located in northern China. | ATi m Cada Use the information about the Great Wall of China from the Speaking Activity to write a short text about it in the passive voice. Use Ex. 6 as The Infinitive / -ing form / Too - Enough 18 isten and repeat. Then act out. would like to buy a mousetrap, please. Could you be quick, please? | have to catch a bus. I'm sorry air, but | don't lke telling people lew. Thi fe the biggest trap in the shop, but it won't catch a bus. Why did you go to the baker's? To buy bread. We use fo infinitive after want and would love/like. | would like to visit Madrid We use to infinitive after verbs like know, remember, ask, etc. when they're followed by question words: who, what, where and how. | know how to make an omelette. © We use infinitive without to after modal verbs (can, must, will, etc.) He can dance but he can't sing. @ Circle the correct item. 1 |love play /(playing football. 2 The children want go / to go to the park 3 You can't have / to have any sweets now. 4. Idon't remember how to get / getting there. 5 My brother enjoys watch / watching TV 6 Please stop to make / making that noise -ing form © We use the -ing form as a noun. | ike swimming, © We use the -ing form after the verbs: enjoy, love, hate, like, dislike, look forward to, stop. He enjoys reading We use the -ing form after go for physical activities. He goes fishing every Sunday. We use the -ing form after prepositions. She's tired of working long hours. 7 You must do / doing your homework 8 We went to the supermarket to buy / buying some food 9 Patrick goes to walk / walking every day after work, 10 'dlike to order / ordering a pizza, please 4i-b @ The Infinitive / -ing form / Too - Enough ® Choose the correct item. 1 Lisahates ...... horror films. 5 Do you enjoy ...... in the park? A watch — B towatch (©) watching A walk B towalk © walking 2 Ican't...... the guitar. 6 Thank you for ..... me with my homework. A play B toplay © playing A helping = Btotelp — C help 3 We don't want ...... breakfast. 7 “Mum went to the bank ...... some A cat Btoeat C eating money. 4 Gary would like ...... tothe cinema A get B toget — C getting tonight. 8 We always go ...... in the summer. A go B togo C going A swim B toswim C swimming @ Fill in the gaps with the (to) infinitive form or the -ing form of the verbs. 1 Youmust ...fi0/9/... (finish) your dinner. 5 Nick can . (sing) very well, 2 | would like (visit) 6 Mum will . = (take) London, us to the zoo soon. 3 Please stop (talk) in ciass. 7 Dad enjoys (work) 4. My friends love . - (go) in the garden, to the beach 8 I don't like... -. (play) tennis, ® Read the telephone conversation between two friends. Put the verbs in brackets into the to infinitive form or the -ing form. Kelly: Hey, Marcella! What do you want 1) (do) this weekend? Marcella: Well, Id like 2) .. - (visit) the exhibition at the National Gallery and go 3) (shop) in Oxford Street. What about you? Kelly: Well, | don't enjoy 4) .. = (shop) as much as you do but | want 6) . s(n} etek (0 might also 6) .... «= (go) to the gym. Marcella: Oh, no. I've just remembered | must 7) -« (do) t housework. My cousins are coming over on Sunday afternoon, Kelly: You must be looking forward t0 8) .......sceeceseeee (see) them Marcella: Oh, yes! I really ike 9)... 2. .eceeeeceeees (spend) time with them. We always have lots of fun together The Infinitive / -ing form / Too - Enough 48 ® Read the email. Choose the right words and write them on the lines. — | ee a Hey Youssef, In your last email you asked me what Id like 1) .... 7.42... in 18 years’ time. Well, I don't think Ive 2) .........-+..+++ told you this but | have always wanted to become a doctor. Ever since | can remember, | have enjoyed 3) ........+.+++.++ people. When people in my family have got 4) - flu, | usually take care of them. | enjoy making tea and soup for them and |just love §) . thom their medicine. | really enjoy programmes like ER and Grey's Anatomy, which are about doctors 6) . . . hospitals. What about you? What would you like to be when you grow up? Write back soon! ‘Your friend, Alexis: 1 A todo Bdo © doing 4 A the Ba C some 2Anever Beever C just 5 Agxe Btogve C giving 3 Ahelp B tohelp C helping 6 A but Band Co @ Complete the sentences about yourself. Use the (to) infinitive or the -ing form. 1 Hove meeting my. friends..... 4 [Would ko .....e2eee 2 Ihate 5 llike . 3 lenjoy . 6 want Choose six of the activities and circle them. Listen to your teacher. If you hear a box number you have circled, raise your hand and make a sentence using like, love, hate, don’t like or enjoy. If you make a correct, ‘sentence, put a cross (X) in that box. When you have crosses (X) in all the boxes you have circled, raise your hand and say ‘Bingo!’ Teacher: 2A Student: Ihave 2A! I ike going to the cinema. | Teacher: Correct! 3B ..., etc. awh 18 The Infinitive / -ing form / Too - Enough & Listen and repeat. Then act out. Too - Enough Too + adjective / adverb = more than is wanted Itis always negative. He's too youngto travel alone. (He can't travel alone) He drove too slowly to win the race, (He didn't win the race) I'm sorry, but it's too cold to go swimming today. Adjective / adverb + enough = as much as is wanted Itis usually positive. She's old enough to drive a car. (She can drive a car) , He left early enough to caich the train. (He was able to catch the train.) | | =< Mum This ie the South Pole! Do you think it will be warm enough to go swimming TOMORROW? Enough + noun He's got enough money to buy a car. @® circte the correct item. 1 It's'too/ enough cold to go to the beach 4. That CD is cheap too / enough to buy. 2 The food is too / enough hot to eat. 5 I'm too / enough ill to go to schoo! today. 3 Mum has got enough / too sugar and flour. 6 Ben is too / enough tired to go to the parly to make the cake. ® Complete the sentences using too or enough. i Q a rT mm (6 1 *Canhe pay for hie dinner?” | 2 “Can he lift the table?" 3 “Can Sally go to the party?" “No, he can't. (money) “Yes, he can. (strong) No, she can't. (il) He hasn't got . .er1augh. . He is BSCS veo see IIQNEY....” rs 4 “Canhe climb the tree?” | 5 “Canshe drink the tea?” | 6 “Can she wear the dress?” *No, he can't. (old) *No, she can't. (hot) “Yes, she can. (big) Piers Seles sees - Per awrite ” iv errTr see 3 The Infinitive / -ing form / Too - Enough @ © Match the sentences. TA] Helen can't drive a car. a She isn't old enough. 21_] You mustn't go to work today b He's tall enough. 3|_] She can buy this dress ¢ It's too cold today. 4T_] | don't want to swim in the sea. d It’s cheap enough, S]_] Ben can reach the top shelf. e You're too ill. In pairs, make up a story with the title ‘My Scariest Experience.” Student A starts the story by saying the first sentence. Student B must then add another sentence to continue the story. Use the infinitive or -ing form of the verbs below. wear © walk ® go ®run ®stay * scream © cry * laugh * mest ® foc! © surprise | Student A; One day, my friend and | were bored. We decided to wear our trainers and go walking in the park near my house. Student B: First, we called our friend, Tom, and invited him to go to the park with us, etc. Pou PCa You have decided to take part in a Creative Writing Contest at your school. Write the story you made up In the Speaking Activity. Be creative! _ My Scariest Experience b A= bh @ Circle the correct item. 1 “Where)/ When do you usually go on holiday?” "To the beach.” “How much / How many is this comic?” “Its a” “What / Who is this?” “I's a hat.” “How old / How many is Elie?” “She's twelve.” “What / What ime do you rave lunch?” “At ‘one o'clock." “What / How does your dad go to work?" "By car.” “What / Who is that?” “That's my aunt.” “How far / How long is it to the bank?” “About 100 metres. “Whose / Who house is that?” “It's Ann's house.” “How much / How many sisters have you got?" “Two.” “What / Why are you sad?" “Because I'm ill” *When / Where is your mum's birthday?” “Next week.” @ Write questions to which the words in bold are the answers. 1 The Smiths have bought a new house. Whe.hae bought. a. new house?, 2 Mary has sold her old car. 3. Harriet is wnting an email. 4 Joseph likes this book. @ Complete the sentences using too or enough. ~— | 1 “Can he buy the car?” “No, he can't. The car is teo.expensive,.” (expensive) ' 2 “Can she reach the cake?" | 3 “Does the skirt fit?” “No, she can't. She is “Yes, it does. itis Progress Check6 4 Put the verbs into the to infinitive form or the -ing form. et Benjamin and his family love 1) .. 90/94... (go) to the zoo. in s+et oes! «+» (watch) the monkeys. =» (look) at the (go) | crocodiles. She doesn't want 4) . . near them. Benjamin and his sister like 5) } (watch) the lions. When Benjamin grows up, peas (be) a lion tamer. Benjamin's father likes 7) « «+ listen) to the exotic birds and 8) .......... 02+ (see) them fly. He would like 9) .. ... (have) one at home but he can’t because thesé birds can't 10) (lve) i nee 3 Fill in the gaps with is, are, was or were. 1 Romeo and Juliet ....WA&... written by | 6 Adance competition «+ organised in Shakespeare. our school every year. 2 BMWcars ...... made in Germany, 7 The Empire State Building 3. The at gallery «visited by mary completed in 1830. people every day. 8 TheWord Cup heldevery fouryears. | 4 Maria Callas . born in New York. 9 Pericilin ........ discovered by A. Fleming 5 The house - destroyed in the | 10 Thousands of emails ....... sent every day. earthquake last year. @ Write the sentences in the passive. 1 David fixed the computer. 6 They sent Paul a letter from Italy. The .computer.wag.tixed by.DAVIA, $e. eececececenccecncecseeees 2 Does Latisha clean the house everyday? 7 Tom takes the children to school. 3 Sally decorated the living room. 8 Alex cooked dinner last gt Avan hit John's car. ® WEIN ‘p Listen and tick (7) the correct box. Whose birthday was it on Saturday? = | 1 How oldis Claire now? A 2 How do you get to Jack's house? [A 3 What did A 4 Who gave Beth a present? [A ‘© Who dances well? ae | t= LV cite) oa Listen and repeat. Then act out. ‘ery good. And Nick> ‘Josh, show me the tell me the name of the country which i above person who discovered A The relative pronouns (who, which, whose, that) tell us more about nouns (a specific person or thing) and introduce relative clauses. ‘The boy who is wearing the red T-shirt is my brother. (Which boy?) The bag which is on the desk is Mary's. (Which bag?) * We use who / that to refer to people. The girl — she is talking on the phone — is Mary. The girl who is talking on the phone is Mary. © We use which / that to refer to things or animals. The car — itis parked outside - is Jack's ‘The dog ~ itis under the table ~ is Lucy's. ‘The car which is parked outside is Jack's. | Ihe dog whieh Is under the table is Lucy's. © We use whose with people, animals and things to show that something belongs to somebody. That's the man — his daughter is a nurse. That's the man whose daughter is a nurse. © who / which / that cannot be omitted ¢ who / which / that can be omitted when they are the subject of the when they are the object of the relative clause, that is when there relative clause, that is when there is @ isn'ta noun or a subject pronoun noun or a subject pronoun between between them and the verb. them and the verb. I sawa film. It was relly exciting ‘Thals the man. Ann met him last week | saw a film which / that was really exciting ‘That's the man (who\that) Ann met last week 19 Relative Pronouns @ Match the phrases to make sentences. TTA] is this the car who won the lottery? ZI the bracelet b which you wrote was very interesting, 3ST] t met a gin © who is playing football is my best friend 41] The article d which serves Japanese food. STs he the man e that my mum gave me is beautiful 1] That is the restaurant 1 who speaks five languages. [7 The toy 9 which your parents bought you? @ Match the two columns using the correct relative pronoun. A: pe eaesiverrey Bi 1 Aprinteris a machine a_ has sung many hit songs. 2 Shakira is a singer Fer who b you sit on. 3 An armchair is a piece of furniture which / that © mother is a famous actress, 4. This is Amanda whose d teaches children. 5 Alteacher is a person © prints out document Note: Who's = short form of who is Whose = used with people, animals and things to show possession. @ Underline the correct item. 1. She is the girl who's / whose the best student in class, 2 That's the man who's / whose wife is a doctor 3 Is that the boy who's / whose family ives next to you? 4 Did you meet the man who's / whose our new Maths teacher? 5. That's the girl who's / whose dog chased my cat. ® choose the correct item. 1 Thisis the dress ...... I bought last week! 4 The git samen parents are doctors lives A who @®wnicn —_C whose next door to us. 2 The kangaroo is an animal ...... lives in A who B whose € that Australia, 5. Katrina is the hurricane hit New Orleans, A who B whose —€ that A which BB whose © who 3 Meryl Streep is the actress ...... playedin ' 6 Matiaisthe one ..... is always late for class Mamma Mia. A whose B which © who ‘A whose = B who © which 4a~h Relative Pronouns 19) (5) Read the letter and write the missing words. Write one word on each line. Dear Annie, Im so glad you're coming to Berlin next week! 1) ./V@.’re going to have the time of 2) lives! Hey, listen! | know you're crazy about musicals, so 1 3) tickets for the Wizard of Oz. Isn't that great? It's a musical 4) everyone loves. It tells the story of a girl named Dorothy 5) life changes when a storm takes her toa magical land which is called Oz. There she meets three characters 6) take her to the Wizard of Oz. The Wizard of Oz is a strange creature who promises to make all their wishes come true if they bring 7) the broomstick of the Wicked Witch. Dorothy's wish is to return home to Kansas. I'm sure you'll love 8) ' I can't wait to'see you! Love, Carrie In teams, look at your set of words. Make as many sentences as you can about each word in your sot using relative pronouns. Each correct sentence gets one point. The team with the most points at the end wins the game. cat artist bear coat fork pizza Le p farmer singer. car doctor mechanic Plane Team A # Acat is an animal which / that sleeps a lot during the day © A cats an animal which / that can jump very high Teacher: Correct! You get 2 points. & Complete the sentences about yourself using who or which/that. 1 Ireally like reading books .... which.are. a 2 My best friend is someone 3. enjoy doing sports 4 like people 5. Ilove buying clothes 197 @ Relative Pronouns @ Fill in the gaps with the correct relative pronoun. Write S for subject or 0 for object. Then write if the relative pronouns can be omitted or not. 1 That's the blouse Wwhich./ chat: | bought last week. 2 My best friend is a person .............. loves reading 3 Thedog... . bit me lives next door. 4 Isthis the dress .............. you borrowed from your sister? 5 Doyou know the name of the person .........+.... discovered America? 6 Thodocumentary ..........2.+5 | caw last night was about nature. Speaking Activity Look at the student's project. Use the prompts below and, in pairs, ask and answer questions as in the example. Use who, whose or which/that. Scrabble / be /| Charlie Chaplin /|| firefighter / be || the Great Sphirx/ | Neil Armstrong / actor / play / the |someone / job / |be / statue / Egyptans|| be / astronaut /| | board game / | part of / Tramp very / / build / thousands / of] ] become / first || Alfred Butts / character dangerous || yearsago__|iman/in/ space | _ invented Student A: Who was Charlie Chaplin? Student B: He was the actor who played the part of the Tramp character, etc. Writing Activity Using the ideas in the Speaking Activity as a model, do a project ~/ about famous actors, occupations, animals and objects. Use which / that, who and whose. ie A giraffe is an animal whose neck is very long, etc. | Adjectives - Adverbs - Comparisons 20 ON ti {asp Listen and repeat. Then act out. What have you got ve got a hot apple pie, Im your bag? a fantastic cherry pie a and a fresh peach ple. NO They sound delicious They are. But guess what's the best thing to put in a pie? Come on, think quickly, << Pi P< i Se J, Adjectives describe nouns. They say what something is like. Adjectives come before | nouns or after the verb ‘to be.’ They have the same form in the singular and plural. This is a nice dress. Inis train is slow. These trains are stow. (What's the dress like? Nice.) (What's the train like? Slow.) (NOT slow) ‘Adverbs describe verbs. They say how, where, when, how often someone does something. He lett the room quickly. (How dic he leave the room? Quickly.) She telephoned Jim yesterday. (When did she telephone Jirn? Yesterday.) Formation of Adverbs We usually form an adverb by adding -ly to an adjective. bad > bacly Adjective Adverb Adjectives ending in -le drop -e simple simply and take -y. terrible terribly | Adjectives ending in consonant + happy happily y dtop -y and take -ily. angry angrily These adverbs are irregular: Adjective Adverb well fast hard | He's ahard worker. He works hard. | good fast BUT The children were so excited they could hardly speak. (hardly = almost not) 20 Adjectives - Adverbs - Comparisons ON @ (sop Write the correct adverb for each adjective. Listen and repeat. BOM ene ceadessvevade 9 fresh 6 easy 10 fine 7 quick... 11 first 8 comfortable . 12 lucky ® Label each picture with the correct adjective from the list. beautiful / ugly old / young hoavy Hight ~ interesting / boring thin / fat old / new i. 2 ..light.. 8 ede erect iC ae ® Write what the underlined word ts: adjective or adverb. Fast runners win races. . adjective, Mathematics is difficult. You've done well on your test. ‘The clowns are very funny. He runs fast. ‘She plays the piano beautifully. Dad is very busy in his office. The doctor arrived immediately. OyYonnene A~ hm Adjectives - Adverbs - Comparisons @® Underline the correct item. 1 He left the room quiet / quietly. 2 Jane works hard / hardly. 3 He's a very nice / nicely man. 4 The sunis shining bright / brightly. A; Did you enjoy your trip? B: Oh, ves! | hada ateab. @ Fill in the gaps with the correct adjectives and adverbs. A: That's great. | wish | could say the same but | had a very 5. She behaves very good / well. 6 He always dresses smart / smartly. 7 He shouted angry / angrily al me. 8 You drive very slow / slowly. .. had time to sleep! holiday. @ Underline the correct item. Then match the beginnings to the endings. [1 |e) Jackie was 1) slow / slowly walking home after a long day at work when 2) sudden / ‘suddenly a poster caught her attention. It was a very 3) beautiful / beautifully gir! She looked at the poster 4) careful / carefully one more time. That was Amy! ° 2 |_| Mark loves driving his 1) expensive / ‘expensively new spor's car. 2) Unfortunate / Unfortunately, he also loves driving fast. On ‘that cold winter night, the weather was really 93) bad / badly but Mark didn’t care And then he saw the big van in front of him. 3 Jennifer was smiling 1) proud / proudly. as she arrived at the church. She looked perfect in her 2) simple / eimply white dress as sho low / slowly towards John. ‘Later that night, Mark was in hospital but he felt 1) lucky / luckily he was alive He | decided never to drive so 2) careless / carelessly again. |b When the service finishea, tne 1) pretty / prettily couple ran 2) quick / quickly | into the car waiting for them outside. A __ new life was in front of them! ¢ Jackie looked at Amy and smiled 1) happy / happily. She then said to her 2) soft / softly: “Congratulations, ie | Avk 20 Adjectives - Adverbs - Comparisons (ry Listen and repeat. Then act out. What is lighter than a feather but you can't hold it for more Comparison of Adjectives ‘ene : s : Adjective of: Positive | Comparative Superlative one syllable | long longer than the longest of /in x | | : two syllables ending 4 c ee. happy happier than | the happiest of / in modern more modem than | the most modern of / in | two or more syllables | peautiut | more beautiful than | the most beautiful of /in | 4 We use the comparative to compare two people or things and the superlative to compare three or more people or things. Jenny is younger than Mary. Jenny is the youngest of all her friend. 2 We use than with the comparative and the ... of / in with the superlative. We use in with the superlative, usually when we refer to places. London is bigger than Leeds. Its the biggest city in England, 3. Some adjectives form their comparatives either by adding -er / -est or with more / most. ‘Some of these are: clever, stupid, narrow, gentle. | clever - cleverer - the cleverest OR clever ~ more clever ~ the most clever 142 Adjectives - Adverbs - Comparisons 20 Spelling Adjectives ending in: | ‘one stressed vowel between two -e —> -r/-st consonants ~ double the consonant large ~ larger — largest | heavy — heavier ~ heaviest big - bigger ~ biggest Irregular Adjectives Comparative Superlative , eee best worst furthest / farthest better worse furtherifarther further / farther = longer (in distance) | further = more I can’t run any further / farther. ‘There is no further news at the moment. in the gaps with the correct comparative and superlative forms. Listen and check. Listen and repeat. Oi 1 tall ..talles: 5 modern 2 careful 6 nice 3. cheap 7 fast M fat nnesneecceee 8 thin ® Read and underline. 1 Mary is thinner than / 3. Emeka is better / the from from Ann, best athlete of al. 2 This bike is cheaper / 4 Alion is more / most cheapest than this car. dangerous than an elephant. 4h 20 Adjectives - Adverbs - Comparisons oO Complete the sentences and answer the quiz. Check your answers to find ama Gefgraphy Quiz 1 Which isthe lorige2¢ (long) rverinthe word? 4 Which ocean is (mall) than ® The Nile B The Amazon the Atlantic? 2 Which desert is .........2+2++ (large) than A The Arctic Ocean B The Pacific Ocean the Kalahari Desert? 5 Which is the ......-....-.5 (cold) country A The Sahara Desert B The Syrian Desert in the world? 3 Which ig the .........005 (high) mountain A the Russian Federation in the world? B Norway A Kilimanjaro B Mount Everest 10) Write sentences about places you know as in the example: 1 (beautifu) The. most beautiful 2 (expensive) 3. (cheap) 4 (cold) 5 (hot) 6 (ancient) 4s ... as is used to compare two people or things which are the same. He's as tall as Peter. Not as / so ... as is used in negative sentences. He isn't as / so rich as John : @ Compare the pictures. 1 safe dangerous fast slow 1 Cars are .....94fPN....| 2 Planes are 3 Trains are . than motorbikes. Motorbikes are . Mare dangerous, Ships are Buses are than cars. Motorbikes are 7. 2s not as .... 941.29, Ships are not Buses are not .. . cars. 4 +b Adjectives - Adverbs - Comparisons 20 2 Look and read. Write yes or no. 1 There are six of them in Mary's family... YES... 2 Her two brothers are older than her... .!0...+ 3. Tony is shorter than Peter. 4 Tinais as tall as Mary. 5 Mary's hair is longer than Tina's. 6 Tina is heavier than Mary. ® Choose the correct item. 1 They were dancing ...... all night. 5 Ican'twalk any ...... .'m exhausted A happy B happier ©) happily A far B furthest C further 2 Helenisa....-. student 6 Kimis older ....-+ Martin A good B well C best A so Bas C than 3 Joannais the ...... of the three sisters. 7. My flat is not as modem ...... VOUS. A young B younger C youngest A so Bas © than 4 Suc has got as ...... CDs as Ann 8 Lisa is ...... gitlin the neighbourhood. A many Bmore © most A friendly B friendlier the friendliest West ae ered) in teams, make comparisons about different things as in the example. Use the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives below. © exciting © boring * beautiful * big © small ® clean © dimly © modern historic * busy © quiet * cheep * expensive # old #new © good * bad young ® interesting * many ¢ tall # short Team A: Madonna Team B: New York Team B: Madonnais the best singer in Team A: New York is a historic city. the world! Toam B: That’s true butt Landon is Team A: No, she isn't Beyoncé is a more historic than New York better singer than Madonna. — = 2 awh 20 Adjectives - Adverbs - Comparisons 4 Look at the picture below. Using the prompts, write sentences comparing the three girls. 1 Jenny / old / Emma 2 Mary / short heir / ll 3° Jenny / thin / Emma 4 Mary / tall / Jenny 5 Mary /old /all Mary | Meee cc eeeceecceeseeseeeeeeeee 20 years of Jenny ee | Emme 6 Emma / short / Jenny 16 years 16 years old Comparison of Adverbs "Positive Comparative Superlative adverbs with the same | hard | harder than the hardest of / in forms as adjectives | two syllable adverbs | early ‘earlier than the earliest of /in | slowty more slowly than | the most siowly of / in worst most many /alotof | more most | lite lace least far further / farther | furthest / farthest further / farther = longer (in distance) | _ further = more | can't run any further / farther. | There is no further news at the moment. Adjectives - Adverbs - Comparisons Fill in the gaps with the correct comparative and superlative forms, Listen and check. Listen and repeat. 1 cheaply more. cheaply 2 fast 3 quickly 4 early most ct 5 late 6 loudly 7 hard 8 politely 6 Complete the sentences as in the example: 1 It rained y yesterday. (heavily) 2 Anne talks ... (loudly) 3. Broccoli is my food. (little) : today than | 4 She earns money than her friend. (much) than Lisa. | 5 The girls are all good singers but Emma sings (beautifully) favourite | 6 Weleftthe party than you. (late) | a Look at the advert below. Then fill in the gaps with the correct form of the adjectives in brackets. N £170. ick Stores: 325 photos * Soreen size: 7.62 cm @ Weight: 116.2. ‘Smile 100 Stores: 200 photos + Screen size: 6.36 om Weight: 116.2 ea £245 Flash 350 Stores: 450 photos » Screen size: 8.89 Camera World Pre and Check out this week's special offers and don't miss the chance to buy your new camera now! © The Turbox can store 1)... /Fi@re... (many) photos than the Smile100, ithas got a2) (big) screen than the Smile 100 and itis as 3) ........ - (light) as the Smile 100, © The Smile100 can store the 4) .............. (few) photos of all but it is one of our best-sellers because it is the 5) ccccccsseee (Cheap) of all. © The Flash 350 is the 6) three models but it can store the 7) photos. While it io 8) .. ‘two models, it has got the 9) all, o itis great quality. Check out our special offers and find the digital camera that is perfect for you! (expensive) of the ... (many) (heavy) than the other (big) screen of 147 | 20 Adjectives - Adverbs - Comparisons Speaking Activity Look at the three MP3 players below, and in pairs, compare them. Use the comparative/superlative form of the adjectives below. eg CNY Music 200 few * light Stores: 4,000 songs © expensive * big Soreen size: 3 cm x6 cm cheap © small Weight: 25 g Student A: The XS 100 is the cheapest MP3 XS 100 player of all. Stores: 500 songs —x¢\ | Screen size: 4 m x 1 cm Student B: That's true, but it £35) | weight: 22g can't store many songs. The JAMS 300 can store more songs than the XS 100. ete. JAMS 300 Stores: 1,000 songs Screen size: 5 cm x 1,5 cm Aidt Caria ) Write an advert for the three MP3 players from the Speaking 7 Activity. Use Ex. 19 as a model. Dienie-ne ica (Name of Shop) Special offers this week! Don't miss this week's special offers. We've got three new models at very special prices: the XS 100, the Music 200 and the JAMS 300. ‘© The XS 100 is the cheapest MP3 player of all. @ Fill in the gaps with who, which or whose. 1 She is the girl .. . .wt109¢. ... brother is a Hollywood actor. 2 Marianne is the git «father is a dentist. 3 The new house .. my parents bought is very big. 4 Aspoonis something _...... - we use to eat with. 5 Robbie Williams is a singer . «has sung in many concerts. 6 Acdoctor is a person .. . . treats ill people. 7 This is the sola -. we bought in May. 8 like people ....... are happy and kind. 9 Radiohead is the band +++» [like best. 10 Kevin is the boy lives next door. @ Join the sentences using who, which or whose. who works in a hospital. who are twins. ‘whose family owns a bakery. which Petra bought is beautiful ‘A nurs is a person which I want to buy. I met two girls which have interesting pictures « The.dege.which Febra. bought. a beautiful. e Change the sentences as in the example: 1 She's a fantastic cook. ‘She cooks 2 He's a careful driver. He drives . 3 He's wonderful painter. He paints « 4 She is a slow driver. ‘She drives 5 Sheisa quick typist. Shetypes ... @ Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the adjectives in brackets. In last year's Olympics, the Russians were 1) .. .2¢.04r. .. (good) than all the other counties. The ‘Americans won 2) « . = (many) silver medals than the British but not as 3) . d + +++» (many) gold medals as the Russians. The Americans ran 4) (fast) than the British but they did not jump as 5) (high) as the French. The Italians were the 6) « (quick) cyclists of all but they were the 7) . . . F (slow) swimmers. ® Compare picture A to picture B as in the example: Picture A Picture B q Progress Check 7 3) Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Tony 1) worked .. (work) in a bank two years ago. Now he 2)... (not/work) there because he 3) = tw alot of money one year ago. He 4) (travel) to many countries since then but he Bae (notibe) to America yet. He 8) ... (already/decide) 10 fly to America where he thinks he 7) (stay) for three weeks. 26, worked... (work) in a shop since 4989, She 2) ..... < coe (notfike) her job because she 3) (not/eam) enough money. Yesterday, she 4) (eave aa ensauor notier ja ‘The Es Interview 5)... {go) well and she 6) (wait) for their answer atthe moment. she hopes she 7) : (get) the job. Gash Usten and araw tines. disa) (Sam Tom Mark ay Revision 1 (Units 1-3) @ Write the plurals. one bus — two ....2U9%.... . 5 somemeat 1 one fly — two . 6 one brush 2 some chocolate — two . 7 some cheese 3 one mouse — two . 8 one foot 4 one fox WO Tats s se eneeeee + | 9 one day @ Write a, an or some. ++ BOING... tea eee tee milk 6... banana 4. - orange 7 wns umbrella ates ® Fill in the gaps. Then complete the questions and answers. th Look at . a le 2he.. apoliceman? ne. --GhE'S .. a doctor. 2 Lookat ..... nl @ Fitin the caps with nave got, has got, is, are, am or can. Martin and | A... friends. We 1) .. new. He 3) . computer 5) . +. Computers. Martin's Computer 2) .......0. - play games on his computer but | 4) .......-.. happy because my - awebcam. ( Points: —) \s2° 10 / Answer the questions. A: Has she got a CD player? . 1 A: Hasiit got a fish? 2. A: Have they got blue B: ...Na.che.haanh, .. Beate - T-shirts? 3 A:Hashegotaplane? | 4 A: Havetheygotballs? 5A: Has it got a short tail? (dance) 1 (ride a horse) A. CanLhe.danice...2 B: ..9, he can. 3 Gum) Points: x2 e / Revision 1 See @ Fill in the gaps with This, That, These or Those. This. 4 isa butterfly. FF the river and there are some people 2) s the bridge. There's a van 3) Z the bridge and there is a boy 4) . ... it. He has got an ice cream in his hand. (aes) 10) Fill in the gaps with on, in or at. AT... weekends, my family and | do many things together. 1) Saturdays, we usually go shopping. I's really fun. 2) ........ the evenings, we have dinner at a nice restaurant or we watch a film at the cinema. 3) ........ Sundays, we usually get up 4) ........ around 10 o'clock and spend the day with our friends and relatives. |love weekends, con 2 8 Au-hm @ Write the plurals. man ......Me¢ 1 watch 2 knife . her = my = shim_=—your sus 'm Sam and this is .. 17... dad., 1. Ben is in the garden. Look at ......... ] 2 We can jump! Look st ........1 7 Emma has got a cat. That cat is ....... | 3 Thats David and that's. «bike 8 This bookis ........ .Ithas my name on it _ | 4 Thechildren are with . . mum today, _ 9 Lookat........ . She dances so beautifully © | 5 Hollo, James. Where is ..... coat? (Points: — a 9) @ Ain the gaps with a, an, the or — . Paulis from .. =. 3 Canthave...... apple? | 6 ...... Japanese eat ; London. 4 oc John is eight years sushi _ | 1 Weve got......newear old. TORE Madrid is the _ | 2 Is...... Acropolis in Be, ‘Smiths live in New capital of Spain. ‘Athens? 8 Mymumis...... artist. (Ports: —) Ver a) ® Circle the correct item. There are’a lot of much apples in the basket. 1 Are | Have you got a pen? 2 This is Amy's book. t's her / hers. 3. There isn't much / many cheese in my sandwich. 4 Those / That is my bag ion 4 (Units 1-12) @ Complete the sentences with the words in the list. \ @ 6 child .... 7 radio . 8 baby ... his them = hers_—their_~—s mine 6 The dogs are in the park. Can you see 5 Can | have some / any oranges, please? 6 haven't / can’t come to the party 7 Miriam is / has twelve years old 8 Thero ic eomeone / anyone in the house. 9 Someone / Some is in the garage. Points: —\ (oa 9 } aou Revision 4 in the gaps with in, on, in front of, next to, above, beside, into or by. Annis.....iM.... bed 1) .........+.. hospital. 2). the bed there's a small table and 8) ..... eee . the table there's a vase of flowers. 4) ............-.. the vase there's a glass of water. There's aTV5)....... the bed. 6) .---++++++++ the bed there's 2 lovoly picture. A nurse is 7) : the bed. A doctor is coming 8) the room. She has got some papers 9) seceees her hands. Points: — mt 9 6 Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple, the present continuous or the past simple. Every weekend, we do something different. Last weekend, we... /@(7" ... (go) to the beach. We (play) beach volley and 2) .........es0.5 (swim) in the sea. This weekend, we (go) to the country to visit my arandparents. The sun 4) .......--.-++ (shine). We usually §) ...2.0.eccseee (travel) by train but today my father 6) .. (drive) us there. We 7) ............++ (be) all so happy. cass To te @ Complete the text by putting the verbs from the list into the past simple. be watch —not/enjoy —leave decide take —_ot/have fall Last night. we . didn’t: Have. anythina special to do, sowe 1) . 4 towatch TV. The first programme 2) ......... terrible — we Sense it at all. The next programme we 4). .osccceees. Was much better. It was about a girl oi 8). from a plane into the jungle. Some people found ner and 6) a tO A her to their village. After several weeks, some English people found her. When she oo , the villagers were very sorry to see her go. Points: — ne “Ty A-b Revision 4 a Fill in the gaps by putting the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the present perfect. Policeman: MrLaton, when . diecever. .. (you/discover) the painting was mi Mr Laton: When | 1) . » (arrive) here at 8 o'clock in the morning. It Die {be) there when 13) cesses (leave) last night at 9 o'clock. | think someone 4) .. . -(steal) it during the night. Policeman: How long 5) MrLaton: 16)... «» (start) last month. Policeman: Where 7) ...... <- +++ (yoube) last night? MrLaton: 18).....-. One (go) to the Rex cinema with my wife. Policeman: That is very strange Mr Laton. That cinema 9) «+ (be) closed last night. In fact, it 10) ee (not/open) for more nerves MrLaton: Oh yes,1 11) cesees (make) a mistake. It12) ....600.222 cseeeee (be) last week, Last night, | ... umm umm... Policeman: 13) ..... « (you/forget)? Well, | think you have to come to the police station vith m me, 2 Mr Lton! 9? - (you/work) in this gallery, Mr Laton? Points: —\ txt 13 go Fill in the gaps by putting the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the past continuous. Last Sunday, we .....W2!F.... (go) to the beach. The weather 1) Ine sun 2) ... (shine) all day. Karen 3) « ook, while 14)... oceeeeeeee (swim). We 5) 8:30 pm. The sun 6) . ... (set) below the horizon when we 7) (leave). It 8) ... (be) so beautiful = (be) very nice. (read) hor favourite (leave) the beach at Points: —) ez 16 =A Revision 5 (Units 1-15) an -.8Q1N@... money A - orange 8. cherries «+» children poe -canotcola 9. « bread +. bag offlour : 6 . - carton of milk wll +. soap ae - hour (ox © re ne correct ta. The children ...... hungry. pati... ride a horse. A am Bis ©are A can Bam Chave 1 Jenny ...... my sister. 5 Thisis Katie. ...... is a student A isnt B aren't C amnot A He B She cr 2 Benandare in the park. ...... arehappy. 6 We-can dance. Look at ......! A They B We You Aus B them C you 3 Emma ...... gota cat. 7.2... 1 go out tonight? A haven't B isn't C has A llave B Can Cc Am (oes: —) m7) @ Circle the correct item. These books are your (yours) 5 There isn't much / many cola in the bottle. 1 There isa / the cat in the garden. 6 Those / That is a snake. 2 These / This are Jack's toys. 7 There are a lot of / much cakes on the table 3. Sarah is in a / the living room. 8 My friend's / friends’ name is Akim. 4 This is our / ours new car. Points: | ext 8 ) a Fill in the gaps with some, any, no or their derivatives. Chris was on his way home last night when .. something He looked at the engine but he couldn't see 1) =. wrong, He tried to start the car BOANEUL) gaanse.uesvvees happened. Then he realised that there was 3) -- petrol left. Chris didn't know what to do. There was 4) .. «+++ else on the road. Suddenly, a - came past on a bicycle. Luckily, the man lived nearby and ten minutes later he returned with 6) «+ petrol. Chris thanked the man and went on his way. ( Points: —' Yea } happened to his car and it stopped. (be) in the playground. We ~ (have) a break at the moment. | (sit) on a bench. | usually . (eat) a sandwich but today | . (drink) some juice. Our teacher «+ (Walk) around the playground. She <.. (play) with us. We all love her a lot. in the gaps with in, at or on. . lf... summer, we usually go to the beach every day. We wake up early 1) morning and have breakfast 2) around 8 o'clock. Then we leave for the beach. We swim for many hours and always have lunch late 3) .........0. the afternoon. After a short rest, we go out 4)... night. Sometimes we go to the cinema or to a restaurant. 5) ..........+ Saturdays, we usually go to the market to buy fresh fruit and vegetables and then we go to the beach. Bier... Sundays. we always wake up late. We usually get up 7) ........... around 10 o'clock and enjoy a long breakfast before heading off for the beach. | just love summers! (Points: m7 | @ Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. At o'clock last night, Marion .was.watching. (wateh) her favourite DVD, while her sister, (read) a book. Suddenly, the phone 2) {ring) - (pick) up the phone and 4) .... (say) hello but (be) no answer. Then the phone 6) . Eade eeee fae (fing) again. This time there was a strange voice on the line. “I 7) {ustarrive),” the voice 8) pat "19). ) so scared they “(start screaming. Then the phone (reg agin It's your brother, Peter,” the voice said, “I (only'tease) you! Let me in!” The (start) laughing and they (open) the door for him. (Points: 15115, _/ Revision 5 eae 8B Complete the conversation using shall, will or the correct form of be going to. Your garden needs tidying. I know. |... ging 2... do it this afternoon. Tew : end you my gardening tools? Thank you. 12) . -- come round to collect them later. 1S) gee 2a -++++++- visit my brother this afternoon, so | 4) bring them to you now, if you like. Parone (5) ® Complete the sentences with one of the modal verbs from the list. must mustn't don't have to can should coulda? = may can't She ... couldn't. ... dance at the party because she had a broken leg. Your father is sleeping, You..........6....+ be noisy. Birds .. fy. He is late; he . -.. fun to school . . book @ table in the restaurant. John has already booked one for us. Nooroans Ifyou are not feeling well, you «. See a doctor. She .. -...-. ome to the party but she isn't sure yet He +» drive a car, He is too young (Points: ——) (re 14) 10) in the gape with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Ishe .... A00Ve2.... (arrive) early, we (get) to the theatre on time. ~- (heat) ice. it... (melt) -» (have) a computer, he... + (notiput) on sun cream, you = (go) to Spain, |... .. freeze) water, it .. - (be) younger, he (Be) You, 1... «+ (use) the internet. (get) a sunburn. (watch) a flamenco performance. -- (become) ice. . (exercise) more. (see) a doctor immediately. (Points: — na 14) I ex cmsssnosccrett nor Hany's birthday is ...... 18th February. Aat Bon Cin 11... my bike when I fell and hurt my knee. A was riding B ride C rode She is eating . Aa = orange. Ban c- We haven't got ..... omelette. A any This is my sister's dog. Itis .. A her B hers There's ...... in the garden! A somebody B anybody no Tom usually ...... golf on Saturdays. A has played B isplaying C plays ' that fim yet. A didn't see B don't see C haven't seen They ...... to the 200 yesterday. ‘A have gone B go C went eggs to make an B some none C she {will meet you ...... 10 o'clock. A at Cin wees ob, Let's go out instead. i: That's a good idea. | 1) Don't bother. He's got other plans. He 2) grandparents. Oh! OK, then. 13)... 4)... That would be great. Thanks! Revision 6 (Units 1-18) 10 W Fill in the gaps with shall, will or the correct form of be going to. |.cook something for dinner? call the restaurant and book a table. + I get the number for you? Arkh ‘She met him . A at . Tuesday. Bon Cin Mr Morgan is my teacher. Do you know 7 A his B him C he Idon't know ...... at this party. ‘A anybody B somebody C nobody stews he like cats? A Does B Do © Don't They ...... an expensive car last year. A buy B bought have bought |... to Paris twice last year. A went B go C was Could you lend me ...... money, please? Aieny = B some — G much Mum ...... the washing-up at the moment. A isdoing B does C did Look at cake! It's so nice. A this B these C those Martin ...... 4 good singer. A has Bis C aren't (Poin: —) wa 19) phone Chris and ask him to come, too have dinner with his Points: Vat a iy Revision 6 @ Circle the correct item. (Couldy/ Need | borrow your pen, please? 6 I must / could finish the job today, otherwise 1 'mafraid you can't / shouldn't park here | willbe in trouble. 2 Peter must / can study hard for the exams. 7 You should / mustn't toucti thal tot pan. 3 You don't have to / mustn't wash the dishes. You'll burn yourself. Vil do it 8 We mustn't / don't have to wear uniforms at 4 He may / must come with us but he isn't my school. sure yet. 9 You shouldn't / can have so much sugar. 5 You can/ must always pay your bills on time. It's bad for you. Points: — ot 8 4 Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Patrick ..decen’t. atudy.. (netistudy) 5 Callus if you (be) hard, he will fail his exams. in town, 1 Ifyou need any help. ie 6 You'll be late if you (let) me know, (notileave) now. 2 you mix red and yellow. you... 2} Polfyou. es 2. (enix) ret Aan (get) orange and white, you get pink SAID ate ea cls 23 (be) you, |would 8 Il... <-» (gee) Mark, stop eating junk food. Vl tell him about the te 4 If had lots of money, | .... . Rees css ere ose: sapgerag (travel) all over the world. (call) her. (oa @ Put the verbs in brackets into the infinitive form or the -ing form. pee as (be) a model when she grows up. She loves : (buy) (watch) fashion programmes + (listen) to music and she wants (start) music a this year. However, her mother says that she must {work) harder at school if she Wants 7) .....20ceeecseeeneeee (have) (get) good marks and then she will Sarah is very pretty. She wants . a {g0) to fashion shows and 2) fashion magazines. She always enjoys 3) . on TV. Sarah also likes 4) oye 6).. these lessons. She wants Sarah 8) .... 9. (take) hor to 2 music schoo! hersolt Points: x2 6 Auk 6 Fill in the gaps with too or enough. “Can he wear the shirt?" 1 "Can the cat catch the | 2 “Can she jump across the “No, he can’t. tis mouse?” / river?” “No, itcan't. The cat isn't | "No, she can't. The river is di ee ~~ tee @ Write questions using the words in brackets. dim is going to eat a pizza. (What) ..... What.ia Jim going | saw an old friend last week. (Who) Tom has got a radio. (What) . Jane cleans her room once a week (How often) He works in a bank. (Where) .. J left school ten years ago. (When) . ill 90s to the cinema onoa a month. (How otter) | have been a teacher for ten years. (How long) Mike is going to cut the grass. (What) ...... lam happy because | am going to Disneyland. (Why) Carnnseans a Turn the sentences from active to passive. They burgled a house last week. 6 They filed the bag with sweets. . A.tquae. waa leurgled lagt. week... | 1 They clean the living room every Saturday. 7 Tokio Groovie released anew album lact week. 1x1 10 Revision 7 (Units 1-20) @ Choose the correct item. He always ...... at 7 o'clock. 10. ...+.. is Ted? In his bedroom. A isgetting up B has got up A Whee — B What © Who gets up 11 Mum ..... while dad was digging in the garden. 1 Ann ...... to Paris in 1991. A cooks Bis cooking ‘A has moved B moved © moves © was cooking 2 Wohaven'theard from him ......monthe. | 12 ...... you lend me £10, please? A since B yet Cfo =| A Shall B Could — C Must 3. He goes to work ...... taxi 13 Lookat him! He ...... across the street. Aon B by Cin A isrunning Bruns Cran 4... we go out tonight? 14 Thisis...... umbrella, A Shall B will C Have A Mary B Mary's C Marys 5 You .... clossthe street without looking first. 15. There aren't... flowers in the vase, A mustn't B don't have to A some B no C any © couldn't 16“... leftist?” “Peter.” 6 He's wearing ...... uniform. A What B Who © Which AS Ban Ca 17 Ihaven't got ...... bread. 7 There are two ..... of bread on the table. A many B much C lot of A packets B bars loaves. | 18 He... towork since Monday, 8 He...... his cara month ago A wonlt come B didn't come A bought —B buys © hasn't come has bought 19 Ipromise!...... you a new sweater. 9 Ifl....... you, 'd eat less sweets, A amgoingtobuy —_B bought Aam B hasbeen C were C will buy Points: — 1x1 19 @ Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Sally ~ (live) in a flat on the third floor. At the moment, she 1) -.. (decorate) it for the party tonight. All morning, Sally 2) .........20.2s+es++ (Clean) the flat, while her sister, Karen, 3) (cook) dinner. Sally hopes that a lot of people 4). SA COMPFISUE Nb «sats nape ahah ns (already/buy) lots of food. Last year, forty people 6) . ©. (Come) io her bithday party and they al 1). (have) a eat ime, Let's hope the party 8) - (be) «+ (be) last year. Points: — m8 Amm

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