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Situation I am a friend of yours and I have a problem. Try to find out what my problem is and offer me some good advice.

Learn to give advice In my opinion, Though , I think would be better Its true that , but Given the facts, If I were you/ in your place According to public opinion I think that

Your task Look at the pictures and ask: who the person is what the problem is what the possible solutions are what the advantages and disadvantages of each solution are Follow up questions you might be asked: What is your favorite way of travel? Why?

Do you ever order products from the internet? How were they shipped? How long did it take to receive them? Do you think there should be taxes for products shipped from other countries? Why/ why not? Do you prefer Greek products or foreign products? What do you think the expression you get what you pay for means? Do you think its true? Why/ why not?



Situation I am a friend of yours and I have a problem. Try to find out what my problem is and offer me some good advice. Your task Look at the pictures and ask: who the person is what the problem is what the possible solutions are what the advantages and disadvantages of each solution are

Follow up questions you might be asked: Do you work out? Do you think Greeks exercise? Why do you think gyms have become so popular in the last five years? What do you think is the best way to meet people? Do you have lots of friends? What do you look for in a friend? Where do you like to hang out with your friends? How often during the week do you go out? Do your parents give you an allowance? How much? What ways can you think of to make some pocket money to add to your allowance?



Situation I am a friend of yours and I have a problem. Try to find out what my problem is and offer me some good advice. Your task Look at the pictures and ask: who the persons are what the problem is what the possible solutions are what the advantages and disadvantages of each solution are

Follow up questions you might be asked: Do you recycle? What? Why do you think recycling has become popular in Greece in the last few years? What can each one of us do to help our environment? If your school decides to organize a fundraiser, what do you think it should be? Have you ever given money to a charity? For what cause? Which other causes can people give money to?



Situation I am a friend of yours and I have a problem. Try to find out what my problem is and offer me some good advice. Your task Look at the pictures and ask: who the person is what the problem is what the possible solutions are what the advantages and disadvantages of each solution are

Follow up questions you might be asked: At what age do you think people should start dating? At what age should people get married? Do you think the Greek family structure is in danger? Who makes the decisions in your family, your mother or your father? Will you do the same in your family? Why/ why not? Do you want to have children? Why/ why not? How many do you want? Which things would you do different from the way your parents do them?



Situation I am a friend of yours and I have a problem. Try to find out what my problem is and offer me some good advice. Your task Look at the pictures and ask: who the person is what the problem is what the possible solutions are what the advantages and disadvantages of each solution are

Follow up questions you might be asked: Do you think the media distorts the truth? Can you give examples? What types of programs do people like to watch on tv? Why do you think reality shows are so popular? Do you watch them? Why/ why not? Would you ever take part in a reality show? Why/ why not? They say that everybody wants to see themselves on tv do you think this is true? Do we all deserve our 15 minutes of fame?



Situation I am a friend of yours and I have a problem. Try to find out what my problem is and offer me some good advice. Your task Look at the pictures and ask: who the person is what the problem is what the possible solutions are what the advantages and disadvantages of each solution are

Follow up questions you might be asked: How much time do you spend in front of a computer? Which sites do you visit? Do you like to chat? With who? Do you think computers have taken the place of close friends? Are young people becoming anti-social because of technology? Which other forms of technology do young people over-use? Do you think there is such a thing as computer addiction?



Situation I am a friend of yours and I have a problem. Try to find out what my problem is and offer me some good advice. Your task Look at the pictures and ask: who the people are what the problem is what the possible solutions are what the advantages and disadvantages of each solution are

Follow up questions you might be asked: What motivates you as a student to work harder? Which subjects do you enjoy? Why? Do you think that girls are better in some subjects and boys in others? Which ones? Does getting a good education go hand in hand with getting a good job when you graduate? Why/ why not? What do you want to study? Why? Do Greek parents pressure students when choosing a career?


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