East of England Talent and Leadership Plan 2009-10

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Talent and Leadership Plan 2009/10


Executive Summary
Overview Key Findings 2009/10 Priority Actions for 2009/10 Dashboard Summary 2009/10 i ii iii iv-v

Main document
Introduction Background Overview of the Talent and Leadership Framework Talent Map - The tool Comparison of Dashboard data 2008/9 and 2009/10 Review of 2008/09 Talent and Leadership Plan Priority Actions for 2009/10 Plans to close the gap - Cross Regional Structure Plans to close the gap - Developing leadership across the system Plans to close the gap - Talent and Leadership Initiatives Developing PCTs as system leaders of Leadership and Talent Management Progress to date - Pathways and investment Conclusions Appendix 1: Talent map data Appendix 2: Spoilt for choice Appendix 3: Encouraging more clinicians and doctors to become leaders Appendix 4: Encouraging everyone to spot talent Appendix 5: Reective of our communities Appendix 6: NHS Talent and Leadership Framework Appendix 7: Risk Matrix Appendix 8: Measuring Leadership Quality 1 2 3-4 5 6 7-8 9-10 11-12 13-14 15-17 18-20 21 22 23 24-25 26 27 28 29-30 31 32-33


Towards the best, together sets ambitious goals in our pursuit to deliver the best health service in England. To achieve them, we need to make the most of our talented people and produce great leaders, both clinical and nonclinical, at every level across the health system. Change requires leadership, from the top and from every part of the service; this will also need to include our Non Executive Community. Delivery of our vision and pledges relies on more than just our systems, organisations and pathways, but also on a number of enabling strategies that cut across our basic infrastructure for delivery. One of these enabling strategies is leadership and talent management. We have a good track record in the east of England. In 2007 we launched our East of England Approach to Leadership and Talent Management and this includes a bespoke board 360 tool to aid Board development and provision of three agship leadership programmes: High Potential Executive Programme, Aspiring Directors Development Programme and Senior Clinical Leaders Programme. In 2008/9 we completed our rst Talent and Leadership Plan as part of our commitment to the Operating Framework and participated in the Department of Health proof of concept to test and develop its now published guidance Inspiring Leaders; leadership for quality. The DH guidance Inspiring Leaders: leadership for quality sets out 3 key purposes for the Strategic Health Authority: 1. Facilitate regional collaboration to improve the development of leadership capacity and capability for quality 2. Tailor regional standards 3. Commission senior development programmes

In the east of England we are ahead of the game with these requirements. We have a growing talent pool of aspiring Directors and Chief Executives; 2 participants from our rst high potential executive programme have been appointed to chief executive positions within the East of England, 14 staff from our Aspiring Directors Development Programme have been appointed to director positions and 24 have received promotions to more senior roles. We are the rst SHA in England that has delivered a systematic approach to talent management and rolled it out to Primary Care Trusts with all 14 EoE PCTs producing a Talent and Leadership Plan within their World Class Commissioning OD plans. In addition we have worked with one Foundation Trust to test and adapt our tools and they are now in the nal stages of development of their rst Talent and Leadership plan. This year we have had a 100% response rate for the request of system talent data. For the rst time organisations were asked to share names in addition to numbers and 40% of Trusts supplied names. This tremendous response is indicative of successful engagement and system support to date. One of our key challenges now is to build on this excellent cooperation and ensure we have clear ways of identifying and developing our potential leaders collectively. We also need to establish arrangements that will embed system wide the behaviours and processes that are the essential prerequisites for talent management. Our vision remains to be spoilt for choice and we have continued to make excellent progress towards achieving this.

i NHS East of England - Talent and Leadership Plan 2009/10

Key Findings 2009/10

1. The adoption of the Talent Management Essentials Model has been an important catalyst for a systematic approach to talent management The Talent Management Essentials Model has been implemented across the PCT commissioning community and one Foundation Trust in 2008/09 as planned The Talent Tool kit has been modified to support provider trusts with their talent planning process

4. We are leading by example All 14 commissioning PCTs have completed a Talent and Leadership plan as part of their World Class Commissioning Organisational development plans; 11 of the 14 were RAG status Green One Foundation Trust has completed its Talent and Leadership Plan Talent and Leadership is being placed as a standing Board agenda item in 79% of the PCTs The SHA will have completed its own internal Talent and Leadership Plan by end of July 2009

2. We need to continue to improve the quality of information All Talent pool data is self reported by the individual organisations, there is no independent validation of the data 11% of Directors are perceived to be ready now to be a Chief Executive; 11% of next step directors are ready now to be directors and 15% of Non-Executive directors are ready now to be chairs 80% of Chairs and Chief Executives still believe that data integrity is not strong enough to enable effective decisions on Talent Management A common database is required across the health system to support this 5. More work is needed to make the best of individual performance management and development 38% of staff in EoE Trusts did not receive an appraisal in the past 12 months: this is below the national average 47% of staff in EoE Trusts have not received job related development in the last 12 months: this is above the national average Potential and aspiration are not a routine element of performance appraisals

6. We need to align our programme delivery with our Talent and Leadership Planning 3. We continue to make progress on the inclusion agenda 29% of our Ready now Directors and next step directors are clinicians 8% of our Ready now Directors and next step directors are from a BME background 68% of our Ready now Directors and next step directors are women 3% of our Ready now Directors and next step directors are disabled Applications to the High Potential Executive Programme and the Aspiring Directors Development Programmes this year included assessment against the EoE potential model All applicants were assessed against the Talent Map by their Chief Executive Further work needs to be undertaken to align leadership behaviours to the QIPP agenda We need to ensure staff from the Senior Clinical Leaders Programme progress to the High Potential Executive Programme Future applicants for leadership programmes will be drawn from talent pools identied through a system wide talent mapping exercise

ii NHS East of England - Talent and Leadership Plan 2009/10

Priority Actions for 2009/10

We have achieved a great deal of progress against our Talent and Leadership strategy since development of our initial plan in 2008/9. We plan to build on this success and will focus on the following actions in 2009/10.

1. Continued development of the East of England Approach in light of QIPP A review of our Leadership and Talent Management approach to ensure that we improve alignment with Towards the best, together and delivery of the QIPP agenda Continued support of the Leadership Alumni and Clinical Leaders Network

Use intelligence from the PCT Talent planning process to inform participation on current leadership programmes as well as additional programmes of development for each level of our Talent pools A system wide review of Individual performance management processes to help embed the Talent review within existing systems Clarification of funds to support leadership capacity and capability including devolvement of Regional funds and matched funds from Trusts

5. Respond to the National Leadership Council Work-streams Continue to support existing leadership programmes and ongoing development of leadership capability through the Leadership Alumni Use the Leadership Alumni as a specialist reference group to inform national initiatives from the NLC - Clinical Leaders - Top Leaders - Emerging Leaders - Board Development - Inclusion Continue to work on how we can further improve our efforts especially to make our leadership talent pools representative of our population Increase our talent pools

2. Establishing an agreed governance framework for our emerging Talent pools Adopting a new construct to support delivery of the East of England Approach to Leadership Development and Talent Management - The East of England Leadership Institute Developing a brokerage model for Talent Management across Regional and Local systems Managing aspirations of individuals and their employing organisations Implement the National Talent Management database once procured Validate our data

Resource requirements 3. Continuing engagement across the system Engage across the system to share lessons learnt from the PCTs Talent Planning experience Encourage and enable annual Talent and Leadership plans for all Trusts and support PCTs to become system leaders of Talent management Roll out the Leadership and Talent Essentials toolkit across the system We are committed to 3.5m of investment in the East of England Approach to Leadership Development and Talent Management in 2009/10. In addition to our investment in current activity we will: Devolve leadership funds to each County Workforce Group to support locally agreed leadership interventions Establish the NHS East of England Leadership Institute

Recommendations to SHA Board 4. Optimising collaboration to develop future leaders Use the data from Talent mapping exercises to recruit to our Leadership programmes Agree to identify a Non-Executive Director to contribute to the Talent and Leadership Agenda Agree to receive bi-annual reports on Talent and Leadership Planning from the system and the SHA

iii NHS East of England - Talent and Leadership Plan 2009/10

Dashboard Summary 2009/10

East of England Chief Executive Talent Pool % who are:

% of Ready Now Chief Executives who are:

East of England Director Talent Pool % who are:

5% 11% 27% 33% 30% 32% 62% 30% 32% 11% 27%

Not Likely

Emerging Talent Ready Now

RN - BME RN - Disabled

RN - Women RN - Others

Not Likely

Emerging Talent Ready Now

Developing Talent

Developing Talent

% of Ready Now Directors who are:

East of England Chair Talent Pool % who are:

% of Ready Now Chairs who are:

5% 12% 15% 36% 56% 31%

27% 27%





RN - BME RN - Disabled

RN - Women RN - Others

Not Likely

Emerging Talent Ready Now

RN - BME RN - Disabled

RN - Women RN - Others

Developing Talent

iv NHS East of England - Talent and Leadership Plan 2009/10

Dashboard Summary 2009/10


% Ready Now who are: 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Chief Exec Directors Clinicians Doctors 0% 0% Chairs 13% 13% 14% 10% 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 13%

% Developing Talent who are:



3% Chief Exec Directors Clinicians Doctors

5% 5%


v NHS East of England - Talent and Leadership Plan 2009/10


Both the NHS Operating Plan 2010/11 and the Strategic Health Authority Assurance process require SHAs to develop a shared understanding amongst leaders of the high-level framework required to deliver the three core benets from High Quality Care for All in a sustained and meaningful way:

Key Elements of NHS Leadership

Where are we going

The NHS in the East of England is a complex system of 41 organisations overseen by the Strategic Health Authority NHS East of England. The strategic vision for the system in the East of England, Towards the best, together, launched during 2008, sets out an ambitious 10 year plan through which we aim to become the best health service in England. Delivery of our vision is dependent on us identifying and making the most of our leadership talent and producing great leaders, both clinical and non-clinical, at every level across the health system. This has involved the engagement of the whole health system in developing and then implementing the processes, systems, tools, behaviours and rules of the game that we believe are the pre-conditions or essentials for successful talent management. (Fig 1) NHS East of England is the rst strategic health authority in England that has delivered a systematic approach to talent management and rolled it out to all primary care trusts across the health system.

Leadership for Quality

What we need from each other


The way that improvement will happen


Vision - what quality improvements we are trying to achieve and how they will benet patients and local communities Method - how we will make change happen and the method we will use for implementation and measuring success Behaviour - the behavioural change that will be necessary and the values that underpin it.

This document is a refresh of our rst plan developed in 2008 as part of the DH proof of concept and builds on the learning and continued engagement we have across the health system to meet our talent vision - to be spoilt for choice. Our Talent and Leadership plan is designed to ensure the development of more leaders from within our developing talent pools, that we are able to diagnose the critical skills gaps and plan for these and that we continue implementation of a structured approach to Talent Management and Succession planning.



Fig 1: Talent Management Essentials NHS East of England 2008 Depicts the eight pre-conditions or Essentials required for effective Talent Management and Leadership

1 NHS East of England - Talent and Leadership Plan 2009/10


The next stage review High Quality Care for All has led to the establishment of the National Leadership Council (NLC); a system wide body chaired by the NHS Chief Executive, responsible for overseeing all matters of leadership across healthcare, including the top 250 leaders. The NLC will drive a transformation of leadership capability and capacity throughout the system, setting the tone, standards and expectations for leadership talent and leadership development in the NHS. The NLC embraces the principles of subsidiarity and co-production with all developments being led within the system at the level where they can have the greatest impact. The National Leadership Council has the following ve priority areas: 1. Clinical leadership 2. Board Development 3. Top Leaders 4. Emerging Leaders 5. Inclusion

Vision for Talent and Leadership Our vision for Talent and Leadership is based on creating an environment where talent is actively managed and succession for key roles is planned; where an infrastructure exists to proactively manage development; where leadership programmes are designed to support the needs of the business; and where world class leadership and innovation is realised. The Department of Health has set four guiding principles to enable the NHS to achieve great Talent and Leadership across the system. These principles are:

Spoilt for choice ... where Everyone counts

... when we appoint leaders and in the opportunities available to aspiring leaders

... with the prole of leaders reecting the workforce and the communities they serve ... and more clinicians are encouraged and equipped to be leaders alongside managers

... and we are As focused on our Leadership as on our clinical outcomes and nancial management ... so that we Provide better patient outcomes and ever increasing public condence ... by demonstrating that leaders make quality the organising principle of all that they do. They work in partnership with their carers and with communities to deliver improvements in safety and effectiveness of services and in patient experience. ... with accountability for talent and leadership development resting with the PCT ... and appropriate levels of investment in time and resources

2 NHS East of England - Talent and Leadership Plan 2009/10

Overview of the Talent and Leadership Framework

The DH guidance Inspiring Leaders: Leadership for Quality sets out three key purposes for the SHA (Fig. 2) Facilitate regional collaboration to improve the development of leadership capacity and capability for quality Tailor regional standards Commission senior development programmes

Key purposes National Ensure conditions and incentives enable leadership for quality Set standards to ensure value for money Lead on creating advocacy for improvement Commission top leader programmes Facilitate regional collaboration to improve leadership capacity and capability for quality Tailor regional standards Commission senior development programmes Create and foster conditions for talent and leadership development Align career paths with patient pathways and service delivery Ensure that the profile of leaders reects the communities served Participate in regional improvement Continuously learn and develop Spot talent and support the development of others

Sample products National Leadership Council Annual Report Commission leadership development for undergraduate and postgraduate curricula and NHS top leaders Evidence gathering on capability and capacity Regional talent and leadership plan Commission development programmes (eg. for aspiring Chief Executives, Executive Directors, Senior Clinical Leaders, etc) Organisation diagnostic and improvement plans Provision of assurance where funding has been made available Commission and implement programmes (eg Trust Board Development, Leadership for Quality, etc)

the sys tem


Co-pro d


at all le

vels of


Individual Leadership for quality

Personal development plan and career portfolio Coaching, teaching and/or mentoring others

Fig 2: Inspiring leaders: Leadership for Quality DH 2009

3 NHS East of England - Talent and Leadership Plan 2009/10

Overview of the Talent and Leadership Framework


In the east of England we are ahead of the game with these requirements, we have a growing talent pool of aspiring directors and chief executives, 3 graduates from our rst High Potential Executive Programme have been appointed to chief executive positions within the east of England and 14 graduates from our Aspiring Directors Development Programme have been appointed to director positions and 24 have received promotions to more senior roles. We are the rst strategic health authority in England that has delivered a systematic approach to talent management and rolled it out to primary care trusts with all 14 EoE PCTs producing a Talent and Leadership Plan within their World Class Commissioning OD plans. In addition one Foundation Trust is in the nal stages of development of their rst Talent and Leadership plan but we need to move faster to improve the collaboration across the whole system. One of our key challenges is not only to support the system in ensuring we have a way of identifying and developing our leaders, but to determine the governance arrangements that will embed the appropriate behaviours and talent management processes across the system; in short we need engagement, collaboration, and buy-in if we are to achieve our Talent Management vision of being spoilt for choice. The key issues we face as a system are: Continuing engagement across the system Establishing an agreed governance framework for our emerging Talent pools Optimising collaboration to develop future leaders Developing a brokerage model for Talent Management across the system Managing aspirations of individuals and their employing organisations

Demand, Supply and Gap analysis Our diagnosis phase has been delivered through collaboration with the SHA board and Executive team, PCT and provider trust chief executives and chairs across 41 organisations. The key inputs are as follows: Board briefing sessions Board Readiness Health-check PCT briefings and Assurance process as part of WCC OD In addition to analysis of existing staff survey data, the Talent Map tool has been used to provide data for a dashboard of the DH guiding principles for talent and leadership. The talent map enables an assessment of the performance and potential of individuals and indicates the readiness of individuals to progress to the next level. To inform this plan, inputs were sought from chairs and chief executives as to their perception of the readiness of directors, next step directors and non executive directors respectively. We have also collected inclusion data as a subset of each Talent Map to include data for: Women Clinical Staff Medical Staff BME Disabled

We had a 100% response rate for completion of talent maps. Appendices 1-5 show a detailed breakdown of our talent pools. The data used is based on information supplied by chief executives and chairs from their organisational talent map discussions. The data is not currently validated independently.

4 NHS East of England - Talent and Leadership Plan 2009/10

Talent Map The tool

Exceeds Expectations Outstanding performance against objectives and behaviours required atlevel Performance Meets Expectations Meets the expectations for performance against objectives and behaviours required at level Partially Met Expectations Below met expectations against performance objectives and behaviours required at level












New to level

Potential Not likely to be ready (NL) Shows limited potential to develop at current level within 3-5 years or shows no motivation/ aspiration to want to progress Emerging Talent (ET) Shows potential and motivation to develop at current level in some respects. Shows future promise and expected to progress within 3-5 years Developing Talent (DT) Demonstrates the potential and motivation to develop at current levels and to progress within 3-5 years Ready Now (RN) Demonstrates the potential, motivation and experience to perform at next level. In next <12 months, should focus on developing leadership behaviours at next level

5 NHS East of England - Talent and Leadership Plan 2009/10

Comparison of Dashboard data 2008/9 and 2009/10

Dashboards for all organisations in the East of England and a subset for the Primary Care Trusts are shown in full in the appendices. Metric Spoilt for choice 2008/9 (21/41 responses) Ready now Directors to be CEO 15% Ready now next step Directors 21% Ready now Non Exec Directors 13% High Potential Exec programme 21 Aspiring Directors programme 90 Senior Clinical Leaders 96 Ready now clinician to be CE 25% Ready now Doctors to be CE 0% Ready now clinicians as directors 33% Ready now Doctors as directors 2% Ready now women to be CE 44% Ready now women as directors 64% Ready now BME as CE 6% Ready now BME as directors 11% Ready now disabled no data 2009/10 (41/41 responses) Ready now Directors to be CEO 11% Ready now next step Directors 11% Ready now Non Exec Directors 15% High Potential Exec programme 14 Aspiring Directors programme 122 Senior Clinical Leaders 94 Ready now clinician to be CE 13% Ready now Doctors to be CE 11% Ready now clinicians as directors 16% Ready now Doctors as directors 10% Ready now women to be CE 33% Ready now women as directors 35% Ready now BME as CE 0% Ready now BME as directors 5% Ready now disabled to be CE 0% Ready now disabled as director 3% Chief Executives Directors 3 (1 non NHS) 24

Spotting Talent

Encouraging clinicians

Reflective of our communities

Usage of talent pools

Chief Executives Directors

not available not available

Notes to the dashboard data The data used to populate the 2009/10 dashboard consists of responses from 41 out of 41 (100%) of the constituent organisations in the east of England health system. In 2008/09 we had a 51% response and this should be considered when comparing the dashboard summary. Being spoilt for choice for key roles and levels - Based on perceptions of our chairs and chief executives, this metric shows the current numbers of directors, next step directors and non executive directors considered ready now to become a chief executive or director respectively. The comparison demonstrates a downward trend in talent pools, a drop in ready now directors and the numbers of next step directors worsening on most metrics. There are three reasons for this: 1. The promotion of aspiring directors 2. More robust conversations have underpinned the planning as chief executives become more familiar with the tools 3. 100% of organisations completed the mapping exercise in 2009 compared with 51% in 2008

We are not complacent about the requirement to increase our talent pools, hence the detailed actions on page 9. Encouraging everyone to spot talent - this metric shows that we have 14 directors in the East of England High Potential Executive Programme for future chief executives, 122 next step directors in our Aspiring Directors Development programme and 94 clinicians in our Senior Clinical Leaders Programme. Encouraging more clinicians and doctors to become leaders - we have had a signicant increase in the number of doctors who are perceived as being ready now for both chief executive and director posts; one of our High Potential Executive Programme graduates from cohort 1 who has taken up a chief executive position in the east of England is a doctor. Being reective of our communities - this metric shows a downward trend in this years dashboard, however the next step directors who have been promoted into director roles were female and/or from a BME background.

6 NHS East of England - Talent and Leadership Plan 2009/10

Review of 2008/09 Talent and Leadership Plan

In May and June 2008 NHS East of England took part in a Proof of Concept exercise to test and help to revise Department of Health Guidance on talent and leadership planning. In July 2008 the rst East of England talent and leadership plan was completed. From July to December we rened our talent management tools and guidance, and continued our engagement strategy. In December 2008 we launched Talent and Leadership Planning with our primary care trusts following sign up from all PCT chairs and chief executives to complete a Talent and Leadership Plan as a subset of their World Class Commissioning plans. In May 2009 primary care trusts completed their rst talent and leadership plan. In March 2009 we re-launched our High Potential Executive Programme (for aspiring chief executives), our Aspiring Directors Development and Senior Clinical Leaders programmes. In our 2008/9 Talent and Leadership Plan we committed to six priority actions. We have made considerable progress with this action plan to date but accept we still have more work to do in some areas, most notably to be reective of our communities and improving the metric for the numbers of staff in our organisations to have an annual appraisal and subsequent personal development plan and opportunities.

Six priority actions from 2008/09

1. Produce 2009/10 Talent & Leadership Plans for the SHA and all PCTs Engage across the system and share lessons learned from the Proof of Concept Provide funding for resource and support to the PCTs Secure Management Board agreement Incorporate system wide development priorities (e.g. World Class Commissioning)

Achievements - we developed a Talent and Leadership Planning Tool Kit and rolled it out to all commissioning PCTs. We supported each PCT with 21k to support the development of their Talent Plans as an integrated part of their World Class Commissioning Organisational Development plans; this approach was supported by the management board. In May 2009 all 14 PCTs submitted full Talent and Leadership plans to the SHA for assurance, 11 were RAG rated as Green, 3 as Amber. The SHA completed a system wide plan and one FT has a completed plan.

2. Improve talent governance across the system Review the remit and membership of the Talent Review Forum Agree Rules of the Game in terms of Talent Management

Achievements - Following on from the lessons learned from the proof of concept, the work with the PCTs and one Foundation Trust we are proposing a new construct to support continued delivery of the EoE approach to Leadership Development and Talent Management - the creation of the east of England Leadership and Talent Institute.

7 NHS East of England - Talent and Leadership Plan 2009/10

Review of 2008/09 Talent and Leadership Plan


3. Introduce more systematic ways of identifying talent and their development needs Identify key roles across the system for which active talent management is a priority Formalise the use of talent mapping and succession planning to better identify the strength of our talent pipeline Review how to improve our use of PDPs for appraisal and development planning

5. Identify how we can further improve our inclusion efforts Engage with national programme to share and learn new ideas Consider use of targets

Achievements - in the past 12 months the EoE has hosted a regional BME conference and held 2 network events. We currently have 4 participants on the BME Top Talent Programme.

Achievements - Work with the PCTs has led to the identication of key roles and succession plans to enable delivery on their strategic plans and increase ratings against the WCC competencies. Options of Build, Buy or Share are currently being explored. Talent map data has been produced as a result of conversations with senior staff in each organisation: the next steps are to work towards embedding this approach into all appraisal processes.

6. Use the scorecard reporting tool (Talent Dashboard) to drive quality improvements in the data we need and so we can measure our successes Review usefulness of Talent Studio to meet our management information needs Refine Dashboard in the light of our experience during the Proof of Concept

4. Enhance leadership development programmes Continue supporting existing programmes (e.g. High Potential Executive Programme, Aspiring Directors Development Programme, Senior Clinical Leaders Programme) Identify additional programmes we need for each level of the talent spine Enhance our approach to whole Board development Outcome - Talent Studio is currently under national review, we have contributed to the tender specication and will implement the new system when available. In the meantime all participants on our leadership programmes are loaded onto the current system.

Achievements - all three senior leadership programmes have been relaunched this year. The High Potential Executive Programmes and Aspiring Directors programmes have enhanced selection processes, applicants were assessed against the EoE Potential model and their Talent Map status was also sought from their employing sponsor. The Board 360 tool has been updated to reect the WCC and Foundation Trust competencies; a Non Executive Director Development Strategy is currently under consultation. EoE Alumni and Clinical Leaders Networks have been established to support ongoing leadership capability. Funding has been devolved to the system to support local leadership development, capacity and capability, focused on the middle level of leaders in the system. Suffolk are leading the way with the establishment of the Suffolk Leadership Academy in partnership with an academic institution.

8 NHS East of England - Talent and Leadership Plan 2009/10

Priority Actions for 2009/10

We have achieved a great deal of progress against our Talent and Leadership strategy since development of our initial plan in 2008/9. We plan to build on this success and will focus on the following actions in 2009/10.

4. Optimising collaboration to develop future leaders Use the data from Talent mapping exercises to recruit to our Leadership programmes Use intelligence from the PCT Talent planning process to inform participation on current leadership programmes as well as additional programmes of development for each level of our Talent pools A system wide review of Individual performance management processes to help embed the Talent review within existing systems Clarification of funds to support leadership capacity and capability including devolvement of Regional funds and matched funds from Trusts

1. Continued development of the East of England Approach in light of QIPP A review of our Leadership and Talent Management approach to ensure that we improve alignment with Towards the best, together and delivery of the QIPP agenda Continued support of the Leadership Alumni and Clinical Leaders Network

2. Establishing an agreed governance framework for our emerging Talent pools Adopting a new construct to support delivery of the East of England Approach to Leadership Development and Talent Management - The East of England Leadership Institute Developing a brokerage model for Talent Management across Regional and Local systems Managing aspirations of individuals and their employing organisations Implement the National Talent Management database once procured Validate our data

5. Respond to the National Leadership Council Work-streams Continue to support existing leadership programmes and ongoing development of leadership capability through the Leadership Alumni Use the Leadership Alumni as a specialist reference group to inform national initiatives from the NLC - Clinical Leaders - Top Leaders - Emerging Leaders - Board Development - Inclusion Continue to work on how we can further improve our efforts especially to make our leadership talent pools representative of our population Increase our talent pools

3. Continuing engagement across the system Engage across the system to share lessons learnt from the PCTs Talent Planning experience Encourage and enable annual Talent and Leadership plans for all Trusts and support PCTs to become system leaders of Talent management Roll out the Leadership and Talent Essentials toolkit across the system

9 NHS East of England - Talent and Leadership Plan 2009/10

Priority Actions for 2009/10


Enablers The QIPP agenda provides enhanced focus for best leadership The talent management Tool kit System briefings through the talent leads network The east of England Potential model Leadership programmes and the Alumni World Class Commissioning framework

Barriers Agreeing system wide collaboration Governance to deliver talent and leadership capacity and capability Ineffective systems and data

Risks (See Appendix 7 for Risk Matrix) Raised expectations of individuals who have undertaken development Willingness of organisations to give to as much as they get from the talent in the system Pace of growth of talent pools will not meet demand Attractiveness of an NHS CEO role in current climate (average life expectancy 2.5 years in post) The complexity of managing talent across a health system that includes NHS and non NHS provider organisations Data on the dashboard is currently not validated independently

10 NHS East of England - Talent and Leadership Plan 2009/10

Plans to close the gap Cross Regional Structure

In 2007 we launched the East of England Approach to Leadership Development and Talent Management which was developed in response to a scoping exercise with the system and endorsed by the chairs and chief executives; the four pillars of the approach are: Talent management and succession planning Leadership and innovation Design and delivery of programmes Development of infrastructure

Each of these support the delivery of the SHA responsibilities from the national guidance Inspiring Leaders: leadership for quality

Quality Assurance

Talent Management and Succession Planning

Behaviours/Values Design & Delivery of Leadership Programmes to support Development Infrastructure Improvement in health and healthcare Commission Assessment Provision Attainment of metrics

Evaluation of outcomes

(Coaching/ Mentoring/ LQF 360)

Leadership and Innovation Networks

Fig. 3: NHS East of England Approach to Leadership Development and Talent Management

11 NHS East of England - Talent and Leadership Plan 2009/10

Plans to close the gap Cross Regional Structure


If as a system we are to uphold the four principles espoused by David Nicholson of subsidiarity, system alignment, coproduction and clinical ownership and leadership, we need to consider an innovative approach to talent and leadership development. It is proposed that the EoE Leadership Institute will deliver these to suit local context.

Composition / Membership of the East of England Leadership Institute The Institute board would be chaired by the SHA Chief Executive. Attention to geographic and organisational spread will be sought. Partnership with an academic institutIon will be sought to facilitate thought leadership and the research and evidence base for ongoing leadership developments. The SHA leadership team would support the Institute board programme. Membership will be sought from across the system and we will initially be seeking 3 lead sponsors / champions to represent the pillars of the East of England approach which will in turn facilitate delivery against the ve National Leadership Council priorities.

Role of the Institute The Institute will oversee, support and strengthen the further development of the EoE Approach to Leadership Development and Talent Management; it will also take on the following functions: 1. Steer delivery and future development of the East of England Approach to Leadership and Talent Management 2. Align the East of England Approach to Towards the best, together and QIPP 3. Work with the Alumni and Clinical Leaders Networks as a reference group to support ongoing developments 4. The responsibility for dening and enabling the conditions for talent and leadership development i.e. the rules of the game 5. To support all organisations to be systematic about talent and leadership planning 6. Targeted development interventions to increase inclusion in our talent pools 7. Talent brokerage for key roles

12 NHS East of England - Talent and Leadership Plan 2009/10

Plans to close the gap

Developing leadership across the system

Developing leadership across the system Maintaining and enhancing the current Talent & Leadership Development initiatives: 1) Programme delivery High Potential Executive Programme Aspiring Directors Development Programme Senior Clinical Leaders Programme 2) Infrastructure Coaching LQF 360 Whole Board development 3) Networks Leadership alumni Clinical Leaders Network Planned 2009 Initiative: Spine

4) Talent and leadership development Graduate scheme Gateway Scheme Tools and support for talent management

Targeting new talent and leadership development initiatives: Increased coaching pool Talent and leadership plans for all provider trusts Developing Talent Maps across Towards the best, together Clinical Programme Boards Aligning leadership development to the QIPP agenda Developing career pathways to match patient care pathways Understanding the talent pipelines in the professions

The concept of the Talent and Leadership Spine shows the progression route within an organisation and the associated development opportunities both within post and to enable progression up the spine. For this Talent & Leadership Plan, the focus has been on the three senior roles of Chief Executives, Director and Next Step Director. The focus for 2009/10 is to support the County Workforce Groups and PCTs - as system leaders of talent - and other organisations to roll out talent and leaderhip planning across middle management levels.


Development in post

Progression Development

Chief Executive

Board 360
High Potential Executive Programme Senior Clinical Leaders Programme


Board 360 SCLP Aspiring Directors Development in post

Next Step Director

13 NHS East of England - Talent and Leadership Plan 2009/10

Plans to close the gap

Developing leadership across the system Continued

In addition, a focus on the role of Chair and NEDs has commenced, and future engagement with the Appointments Commission is planned: It is the intention to develop the spine concept fully down the organisational levels across the system, and to align development programmes and initiatives against those spine levels.


Development in post

Progression Development

Chairs & Non Executive Directors

Board 360

Progression Development

Further work on development of the spine will consider the following points: Focus will be needed on defining further what best practice development in post looks like Detailing the spine below senior leadership levels to spot emerging talent Consideration will need to be given to the concept of sideways progression - no two roles within a level will be exactly the same and a sideways step may also be a significant stretch role In addition consideration should be given to the opportunity to consider experiential development within a different sector or discipline Whilst the concept majors on one spine, the reality is that for the region and the system more fully, there will be a number of different potential paths up the spine Work will need to be undertaken on where responsibilities and accountabilities for development programmes sit within organisations / across the system so as to ensure an appropriate cross-region focus on Talent and Leadership Detailing the spine for professional groups across the system, e.g. midwifery, to support delivery of the pledges within our clinical vision Towards the best, together. Appendix 6 describes activities against the Talent and Leadership Framework.

14 NHS East of England - Talent and Leadership Plan 2009/10

Plans to close the gap Talent and Leadership Initiatives

Current initiatives There are four key leadership development programmes supported by NHS East of England: 1) High Potential Executive Programme - Targeting Talent. Launched 2008 Current Cohort - 14; 2008 - 21 The Targeting Talent programme works with a small group of senior leaders, drawn from a mix of backgrounds, who have all demonstrated the potential and aspiration to be a Chief Executive. The programme is designed to stretch and challenge high-performing individuals to excel and push the boundaries of their potential. Entry to the programme starts with a diagnostic/assessment process comprising: 360 review against the EoE Potential model Talent map assessment A structured interview with an independent assessment panel A diagnosis of an individuals development needs - using their current appraisal and PDP For those who are successful at the assessment stage the programme offers: Leadership modules and masterclasses are be tailored to meet individual needs, addressing core leadership requirements and optional additional elements to provide stretch and challenge A work based change programme providing participants with the opportunity to put their learning into practice and deliver a significant improvement in service delivery and offer significant stretch of their leadership capabilities Application sets to work with other participants to test and consolidate knowledge and experience Coaching - each participant is allocated a senior professional coach to work with them during the duration of the programme

2) Senior Clinical Leaders Programme (SCLP) Current Cohort in EoE: 94: 2008 - 96 The Senior Clinical Leaders Programme (SCLP) is provided by the Office for Public Management. It is aimed at senior clinicians, operating at board level and/or providing leadership to a modernisation or improvement project. The design of the programme was based on the recommendations of detailed research involving 50 senior clinicians. The programme is for senior clinicians who are required to fulfil senior leadership roles within their organisation and to have organisational responsibility to lead system-wide service improvement work. The SCLP provides an individual with: Deeper insight into their leadership style and development needs in the context of their work Tools and approaches to service improvement which are readily applicable to their own challenges The skills an individual will need to lead effectively across professional and organisational boundaries The opportunity to develop and apply a wide range of leadership behaviours Greater confidence in handling organisational leadership responsibilities SCLP has a number of components The opportunity to identify personal Leadership Development needs using a 360 degree feedback tool Detailed feedback on development needs and support in identifying the right learning methods and opportunities to address them The opportunity to take part in 3-4 masterclasses with expert speakers on the theme of Leading for Service Improvement Up to three individual sessions with a personal coach who will help to focus on actions and changes that will make a lasting difference to an individuals leadership and outlook The chance to apply new knowledge and leadership skills to a practical service improvement project Up to four action learning set meetings on the theme of Leading in Healthcare Organisations. Facilitated by development professionals with knowledge and experience of current NHS issues Networking and learning opportunities at launch and closure events Access to a central database of development opportunities to help an inividual plan their future learning Access to a customised SCLP website to support learning exchange between participants

15 NHS East of England - Talent and Leadership Plan 2009/10

Plans to close the gap Talent and Leadership Initiatives


3) Aspiring Directors Development Programme launched 2008 Current Cohort: 122; 2008 - 90 NHS East of England is running an Aspiring Directors Programme to develop next step Directors in their current roles and prepare them for more senior positions as an integral part of the overall approach to Talent Management and succession planning. It is for staff from all professions who have a significant leadership and managerial component to their role. Participants are selected by their sponsoring organisations on the basis of their perceived potential and aspiration to both improve performance in their current role and to develop the skills and expertise to enable them to progress to more complex roles. The second cohort of 122 participants commenced this newly developed programme in April and June 2009 and the programme will complete in March 2010. The Programme has a number of components over the course of a 12 month period: Development Centre - Participants are invited to attend a 2 day Development Centre, which consists of an interactive, behaviour driven multi stage simulation exercise which reflects the dilemmas and complexities of a senior role with in the NHS. Participants receive feedback on their approach and formulate development objectives. 360 Feedback for individuals and as a cohort of Aspiring directors using the NHS Leadership Qualities Framework 6 to 8 Modules/Masterclasses i.e. theoretical inputs and facilitated debates on key topics that will be determined based on the identified priorities from overall feedback of the 360 process as a cohort Action Learning - Facilitated action learning sets to allow participants to take action to improve services whilst at the same time developing themselves Coaching - 1:1 coaching with a member of the east of England coaching network (senior staff from within the NHS who have undertaken a coaching skills training programme accredited by ILM) Mentoring by an existing director or similar role to provide support knowledge and guidance Networking opportunities with colleagues across the east of England

4) Board 360 Development Tool Launched: 2008 This evidence based, integrated 360 tool aims to provide Boards with: A view of how the Board as a whole is currently performing against a set of best practice indicators A view of how each Board member is performing against a consistent set of best practice indicators and competences. The indicators have been tailored to the specific roles of Chair, Chief Executive, Executive and Non Executive Directors The opportunity for one to one feedback and whole Board development planning informed by the self assessment The tool provides the Board with many of the key ingredients to determine their individual and collective Board development plan. The approach builds on existing good practice and evidence base including: The NHS Chair and Board Performance Review Tool The Leadership Qualities Framework (LQF) Board self-assessment tool (currently being piloted by the Audit Commission and based on the Good Governance Standards for Public Service) The Governance Effectiveness Framework developed by Foresight Partnership, based on a wide range of best practice sources including the Good Governance Standards, Monitors code of governance, and the Healthcare Commission Standards. In addition to maintaining and enhancing existing programmes and initiatives, there will also be a focus on the following in the year ahead: World Class Commissioning (WCC) - having appointed a partner with regards to WCC strategy development, further work is planned in seeking the right partner(s) to assist in the development of other WCC initiatives QIPP - alignment of leadership programmes to enable enable delivery of the QIPP agenda Board Development - Building on the success of the 360 degree tool, a complementary development programme will be designed for Boards across the region Commercial Awareness - It is proposed that a programme will be created to assist Leaders and Managers in the region in growing commercial skills

16 NHS East of England - Talent and Leadership Plan 2009/10

Plans to close the gap Talent and Leadership Initiatives


Towards the best, together - The clinical vision for the East of England sets out a significant amount of effort over the coming years. This requires further assessment from a Leadership and Talent perspective, and development of initiatives and programmes to assist in the achievement of the vision Coaching -Within the region there is already in place a small number of registered coaches but a greater pool will be developed across the region Evaluation - An ongoing process to evaluate the success of programmes and initiatives, with the intention within the medium term to track the correlation between programme participants and promotions or appointments to leadership positions. Pipeline Development - It is intended that specific key roles / jobs receive immediate focus to understand the pipeline of available resources to fill these roles

17 NHS East of England - Talent and Leadership Plan 2009/10

Developing PCTs as system leaders of Leadership and Talent Management Links with system wide initiatives

In December 2008 all PCTs were assessed against the ten World Class Commissioning competencies. As a result of their ratings each PCT was required to complete an Organisational Development Plan that clearly articulates the actions required to enable each individual PCT to move from their initial assessment to level 4 - world class. As a subset of the WCC OD plan PCT chief executives agreed to complete a Talent and Leadership Plan; the SHA facilitated development of these plans as follows: Briefings to each PCT designated lead for Talent and Leadership Planning Developed a talent management tool kit and Howto guide for use by each PCT Allocated 21k to each PCT to support the development of their plans by appointment of a dedicated resource or consultancy expertise Developed an SHA assurance framework for the Talent and Leadership Plans as a sub set of the WCC Organisational Development Plan In May 2009 14 PCT Talent and Leadership Plans underwent SHA assurance. Of the fourteen plans 11 were RAG rated as Green and 3 as Amber, so requiring some additional information before formal sign off.

Organisation level: 1. Strong desire to do talent and leadership planning well at all levels in the organisation 2. Current T&LP activity only focuses on the senior leadership level - there is a consensus that it needs to be across the business 3. No transparent and consistent processes currently exist to assess performance objectively 4. Inconsistent interpretation of performance standards is being applied

System level: 1. No local system plan of talent 2. No explicit commitment to share or develop talent across the local system 3. Opportunity through the County Workforce structure to create a system wide view - but no mandate or process to doso The dashboard on page 19 shows the PCT talent pools as a subset of the whole system data.

The key purposes of the PCT T&LP are to: Create the culture for leadership for quality Enable identification of leaders to deliver improved patient care Systematically assess talent needs and develop improvement plans Ensure that the profile of leaders reflects the communities served Provide and commission development and career paths aligned with patient pathways and service delivery Enable the delivery of the organisations strategic plan To facilitate a shift in the WCC competency ratings There were a number of common themes that emerged from the work with the PCTS; these can be divided into organisation level and system level.

18 NHS East of England - Talent and Leadership Plan 2009/10

Developing PCTs as system leaders of Leadership and Talent Management Links with system wide initiatives

Talent Distribution for PCT Chief Executive Role % who are:

% of Ready Now PCT Chief Executives who are: 5%

Talent Distribution for PCT Director Role % who are:


28% 30% 65%

18% 32%

25% 25%



Not Likely

Emerging Talent Ready Now

RN - BME RN - Disabled

RN - Women RN - Others

Not Likely

Emerging Talent Ready Now

Developing Talent

Developing Talent

% of Ready Now PCT Directors who are:

PCT Chair Talent Pool % who are:

PCT Ready Now Chair Talent Pool % who are:

7% 18% 29% 47% 40% 42% 29% 4% 24% 60%

RN - BME RN - Disabled

RN - Women RN - Others

Not Likely

Emerging Talent Ready Now

RN - BME RN - Disabled

RN - Women RN - Others

Developing Talent

19 NHS East of England - Talent and Leadership Plan 2009/10

Developing PCTs as system leaders of Leadership and Talent Management Links with system wide initiatives

% Ready Now who are: 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Chief Exec Directors Clinicians Doctors 10% 5% 0% 0% Chairs 9% 17.5% 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 9%

% Developing Talent who are:


7% 4% 0% 0%

Chief Exec

Directors Clinicians Doctors


20 NHS East of England - Talent and Leadership Plan 2009/10

Progress to date Pathways and investment

Across east of England we have continued to build on the good progress started during the 2008 Proof of Concept phase in delivery of a system wide approach to talent and leadership planning, most notably: Completion of Talent and Leadership Plans for all fourteen commissioning PCTs across the region Completion of a full Talent and Leadership Plan within a Foundation Trust Development of a Talent and Leadership Tool-kit for use by all organisations to support talent and leadership at an employer level Success from our flagship leadership programmes, two graduates from the High Potential Executive Programme taking up chief executive posts in EoE and 25% of our Aspiring Director graduates gaining director posts Enhanced and expanding development programmes for Aspirant Chief Executives, Aspiring Directors, Non Executive Directors and Senior Clinical leaders and the establishment of a Leadership Alumni to ensure continued leadership development; the development of a coaching programme Establishment of a Clinical Leaders Network to increase clinician representation in talent pools Investment of 3.5m per annum for 3 years including devolvement of 1.2m per year across the system by the SHA to build leadership capability locally, develop cohesion and collaboration and ensure the vision of leadership at every level is achieved. This investment is over and above the continued provision of leadership programmes funded by the SHA Headline presentation at the 2009 HSJ Talent and Leadership conference

21 NHS East of England - Talent and Leadership Plan 2009/10


We need to maintain the progress that we have made; however there is more to be achieved. Our plan is to build on the enablers we have identified. This plan sets out the steps we have in place to ensure ongoing implementation and momentum for talent and leadership development across the NHS in the east of England. In 2009/10 the SHA will continue with its commitment to devolve leadership funds (1.2M) to the County Workforce Groups, support ongoing leadership development at all levels through the Leadership Alumni and agree a process for talent brokerage across the system. Key findings and priority actions are set out on pages ii and iii. We plan to optimise our future work through our relationship with the National Leadership Council (NLC). In particular we will continue to develop and align our work with the five NLC work-streams, as follows:

Top leaders We have reviewed and adapted our top leadership programmes. These will be further developed to ensure they align to national programmes along key pathways A focus will be needed on defining what good looks like for incumbent top leaders We need to enhance development support further for existing chief executives We need to increase the talent pool of aspirant chief executives

Emerging leaders We will encourage organisations to consider experiential opportunities within a different discipline or sector Consideration will be given to the concept of sideways progression - no two roles within a level will be exactly the same and a sideways step may also offer a significant stretch We will continue to devolve resource to local systems to support cross-system development of middle managers

Clinical leadership We have made good progress in increasing the number of doctors in our talent pools for chief executives and directors: we must do more to sustain this increase We have established a Clinical Leaders Network to support the work of the Clinical Programme Boards and delivery against the 11 pledges of Towards the best, together We need to improve our talent data so we can track clinical talent

Inclusion This remains an area of challenge, although we have made some progress. We will need to devise further initiatives to increase inclusion so our talent pools are representative of our communities Our future work will be informed by the evidence base of what works as it emerges from the National Leadership Council.

Board development The east of England Board 360 tool has been adapted to reflect the requirements of World Class Commissioning and Foundation Trust status. We will continue to support boards with this diagnostic and to signpost them to relevant development and support. Focus on the role of chairs and non executives has commenced with the development framework and the appointment of a member of the leadership team to support this work We plan to work with the Appointments Commission to establish a programme for aspiring chairs

22 NHS East of England - Talent and Leadership Plan 2009/10

Appendix 1: Talent Map data

Future Chief Executives within Director Ranks NL1 8% (16) Performance ET1 8% (17) DT1 16% (33) RN1 9% (19) 11% of Directors are ready to be Chief Executives

NL2 15% (32)

ET2 16% (33)

DT2 14% (30)

RN2 2% (4)

NL3 4% (9)

ET3 0.4% (1)

DT3 0% (0) Potential

New to level 8% (17)

Future Chief Executives within Next Step Director Ranks NL1 6% (43) Performance ET1 6% (46) DT1 12% (92) RN1 7% (55) 11% of Next Step Directors are ready to be Directors

NL2 18% (138)

ET2 17% (128)

DT2 17% (129)

RN2 4% (32)

NL3 4% (30)

ET3 3% (25)

DT3 1% (9) Potential

New to level 6% (48)

Future Chairs within Non-Executive Ranks NL1 10% (8) Performance ET1 4% (3) DT1 10% (8) RN1 11% (9) 15% of NonExecutive Directors are ready to be Chairs

NL2 19% (15)

ET2 12% (10)

DT2 16% (13)

RN2 4% (3)

NL3 2% (2)

ET3 5% (4)

DT3 1% (1) Potential

New to level 6% (5)

23 NHS East of England - Talent and Leadership Plan 2009/10

Appendix 2: Spoilt for choice

This measures whether we have sufcient talent to step up into CEO and Director posts compared to the number of posts that become available each year. To be spoilt for choice our target is to have a minimum of 2 candidates suitable for appointment for each interview. This graph is based on the actual demand in the system during the 12 months July 08 to June 09, these numbers have been used to determine our demand and Red, Amber, Green (RAG) thresholds. The plan will be to use baseline turnover data for CEO and Director posts to predict demand for future years. Ready now means able to step up within 1-12 months.

Ready Now Chief Executive Talent Pool 3.5 3.0 25 20 15 10 5 0 Demand Desired Talent Pool Gap (+/-) 7 14 9 23 2.5 2.0 1.5 1 0.5 0

RAG Status

Actual Ready Now CEO Talent Pool

RAG Status


The RAG status is generated from the ratio of the actual Ready Now Chief Executive Talent Pool: the demand for Chief Executive posts 1:1 1.01 - 2.99:1 3:1 Red Amber Green

Continued overleaf >

24 NHS East of England - Talent and Leadership Plan 2009/10

Appendix 2: Spoilt for choice


Ready Now Director Talent Pool 3.5 3.0 100 80 65 40 20 0 Demand Desired Talent Pool Gap (+/-) 39 78 87 2.5 2.0 1.5 1 9 0.5 0

RAG Status

Actual Ready Now Director Talent Pool

RAG Status


The RAG status is generated from the ratio of the actual Ready Now Director Talent Pool: the demand for Director posts 1:1 1.01 - 2.99:1 3:1 Red Amber Green

25 NHS East of England - Talent and Leadership Plan 2009/10

Appendix 3: Encouraging more clinicians and doctors to become leaders

Of the Ready Now Talent Pool for Chief Executive and Director levels, there is some evidence of progress with our clinicians and doctors. More work needs to be done to grow the number of doctors in the Developing Talent pool and with clinicians across the board.

EOE % Ready Now Chief Executives, Directors & Chairs who are: 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Chief Executives Directors Doctors 0% 0% Chairs 13% 13% 14% 10% 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0%

EOE % Developing Talent Chief Executives, Directors & Chairs who are:


18% 13%

5% 5% 3% Chief Executives Directors Doctors Chairs



26 NHS East of England - Talent and Leadership Plan 2009/10

Appendix 4: Encouraging everyone to spot talent

Spotting Talent Baseline This measures whether our CEO and Directors are recognising and meeting their responsibility to spot talent. The information below is the baseline from which we will track improvement. The talent pool gures include ready now (1 - 12 months) and Ready later (1 - 3 years)

350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 2009 Chief Executive Community 2009 Chief Executive Talent Pool 2009 Director Community 2009 Director Talent Pool 41 86 224 308

27 NHS East of England - Talent and Leadership Plan 2009/10

Appendix 5: Reective of our communities

This is an area that needs more work; we need to understand the barriers to people from a BME and Disabled perspective in gaining access to our Talent pools for CEOs and Directors. There is strong progress in achieving the gender targets.

EOE % Ready Now Chief Executives, Directors and Chairs who are: 50% 45% 40% 36% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 5% 0% Chief Executive BME Directors Women Disabled Chairs 5% 3% 6% 12% 33% 35% 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0%

EOE % Developing Talent Chief Executives, Directors and Chairs who are:




3% Chief Executive

4% 0% Directors BME Women Chairs

28 NHS East of England - Talent and Leadership Plan 2009/10

Appendix 6: NHS Talent and Leadership Framework

Level National

Key Purpose Ensure market conditions and incentives enable leadership development for quality Set standards to accompany receipt of public funding Lead on creating advocacy for improvement Commission programmes National Leadership Council (NLC)

Sample Activities / Products Board development work stream - Board Development Platform Development, Standards Development, Quality for Improvement Programme Clinical leaders work stream - Leadership Accreditation, Cultural Change, Removal of Barriers, Clinical Fellows Inclusion work stream - Cultural Change, Understanding Barriers, Reducing Exclusion Emerging leaders work stream - Coaching Capacity, Emergent Leaders Network, Access Scheme Development, Talent Tracking Top leaders Development for top 1000 most business critical/complex posts Regional talent and leadership plan East of England Approach to Leadership and Talent Management - Board 360 diagnostic - Senior Clinical leadership programme - Non executive development programme - High Potential Executive Programme - Clinical Leaders Network - Executive coaching and mentoring - Aspiring Directors programme - Alumni Master classes - Talent Management toolkit and metrics Talent Tracking and Workforce data analysis


Create conditions to enable leadership development for quality Facilitate regional improvement Tailor regional standards Commission development programmes

29 NHS East of England - Talent and Leadership Plan 2009/10

Appendix 6: NHS Talent and Leadership Framework


Level Employer

Key Purpose Create the culture of leadership for quality Systematically assess talent needs and develop improvement plans through their board of directors Ensure that the profile of leaders reflects the communities served Provide and commission development and career paths aligned with patient pathways and service delivery

Sample Activities / Products Organisational talent and leadership plan review annually Creating a culture of talent spotting and talent management Create opportunities for quality and improvement activities Local leadership and management development programmes KSF, Personal development reviews, 360 degree, individual and team coaching and mentoring Be proactive in participating in personal development and career portfolio planning Proactively identify personal stretch opportunities Access leadership and talent management programmes Commitment to coaching, teaching and/or mentoring others


Continuously learn and be prepared to teach and coach Seek development and career opportunities Spot talent and support the development of others

30 NHS East of England - Talent and Leadership Plan 2009/10

Appendix 7: Risk Matrix



Alignment to the National Leadership council work-streams Fair and equitable access to leadership development Insufficient coaches to support behaviour change Raised expectations of what the SHA can deliver Insufficient workforce data from organisations Insufficient places on programmes to meet demand Lack of suitable providers (leadership)

Brain drain and changing workforce demographics Unable to track talent Limited organisational development and workforce plans Limited commitment and buy in to invest in leadership development Reduced leadership and talent pools Economic climate Organisations reluctance to release staff Lack of clarity about local, regional and national responsibilities for leadership and talent management Take action now Duplication of commissioning national, regional and local Conflicting strategies at local and regional level Poor preparation of leadership pool - undergraduate/pre-registration Professional entrenchment Mitigate risks

Mitigate risks Low identification and recruitment to development pathways Limited national support for regional approach


Monitor Low



31 NHS East of England - Talent and Leadership Plan 2009/10

Appendix 8: Measuring Leadership Quality Staff survey data 2008: sourced from the Healthcare Commission

Staff Survey questions that relate to Pledge 2 To provide all staff with personal development, access to appropriate training for their jobs and line management support to succeed 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 1 2 3 4 5 28 27 45 81 81

Support from immediate managers rating on a range from 1 to 5, where 5 is the highest 3.644 3.642 3.640 3.64


65 57 54

3.638 3.636 3.634

42 3.632 3.630 3.628 3.626 3.624 3.63

1 - % feeling there are good opportunities to develop their potential at work 2 - % receiving job-relevant training, learning or development in the last 12 months 3 - % appraised in last 12 months 4 - % having well-structured appraisals in the last 12 months 5 - % appraised with personal development plans in the last 12 months National average for all trusts EoE average for all trusts

National average for all trusts EoE average for all trusts

32 NHS East of England - Talent and Leadership Plan 2009/10

Appendix 8: Measuring Leadership Quality


NHS Constitution Staff Pledge 2: to provide all staff with personal development, access to appropriate training for their jobs and line management support to succeed. The Talent Management Essentials model illustrates how effective talent management and leadership development requires the right processes, systems and tools. The appraisal process is integral to this as understanding what success and progress looks like promotes a sense of achievement amongst individuals, organisations and the system. From our most recent data it is clear that we need to do more across all organisations to improve the processes, systems and tools that underpin feedback and appraisal, as well as the provision of training. Percentage of staff appraised in the last 12 months in EoE organisations is 65%, the range is 38% at worst and 90% at best. This is similar to the national average of other SHA regions and is an improvement from the 2007 data which showed an average score of 59% Percentage of staff receiving job related training, learning or development in the last 12 months in EoE organisations is 81%, the range is 66% at worst, 88% at best. This is similar to the national average of other SHA regions and is an improvement from the 2007 data which showed an average score of 76% Percentage of staff with a personal development plan in the last 12 months in EoE organisations is 54%, the range is 26% at worst and 81% at best. There is no comparable data from 2007 as this is a new question, however it is below the national average of 57% Staff receiving support, guidance and feedback from their immediate manager across a possible score range of 1 to 5, with 5 being the best; the average for organisations in East of England is 3.63 with a range of 3.08 at worst and 3.89 at best; this is similar to the national average of 3.64. It is clear from this data that we need to focus action on the processes, systems and tools as described in the Talent Management Essentials model. This work will also enable organisations to adopt and embed the staff pledges within the NHS Constitution.

33 NHS East of England - Talent and Leadership Plan 2009/10

For further information please contact: Sarah Goodson Talent and Capability Manager E: sarah.goodson@eoe.nhs.uk

NHS East of England Victoria House Capital Park Fulbourn Cambridge CB21 5XB T: 01223 597 500 www.eoeleadership.nhs.uk This document can be made available in other formats on request.

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