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State of Kuwait the Central Tenders Committee Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research Private data for the

initial in formation 1 - Each bidder should attach the original copy from primary insurance and or he will make the bid to exclusion 2 - every bidder should complete the following information in detail as shown below: Tender o: 1!-2"11#2"12 o guarantee: ------------------------------------------------------------$ssued by a bank: ------------------------------------------------------------the period of insurance: -------------------------------------------------------%tarts from the day: ------------------------- and ends on the day of: The amount of insurance: -----------------------------------------------------%eal and signature of bidder --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The &ommittee to use only 'onitor audit (ate otes

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------ote: attach this form with the primary insurance

Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research Form of bank guarantee The primary insurance Tender o): 1!-2"11#2"12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tender %ub*ect: +oat 'arine %ciences ,esearch ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'r) # Es-uire &hairman of the &entral Tenders &ommittee %tate of .uwait /onorable 0entlemen: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1ur Ensure no: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2e have the honor to inform you that we ensure you3 under this book ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1n the amount of 4-----------------.(5 ----------------------------$n order to meet the primary insurance return to the bid no3 ---------------------------- which submitted a bid for it

This warranty is valid for 4!"5 days from the date of +id 1pening and does not accept any claim from you after the ninety days mentioned 2e pledge to pay to your order at the first re-uest of you3 the full amount mentioned3 and despite any ob*ection by ' # s ------------------------------------------------------------ and without the need to take any legal proceedings 4%ignature and %eal5

Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research Form of bank guarantee The final insurance Tender o): 1!-2"11#2"12 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tender %ub*ect: +oat for 'arine %ciences ,esearches -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------' # s .uwait $nstitute for %cientific ,esearches The %tate of .uwait /onorable 0entlemen: ---------------------------------------------------------Ensure no: ----------------------------------------------------------------------2e have the honor to inform you that we tire of this book to you under: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6n amount of 4------------------.(5 --------------------------------------

$n order to meet the final revenue of the insurance for obligation to supply3 installation and operation and to ensure that all materials E-uipment contained in the Tender no------------------------------------ and private-----------------------------------------------------3 which anchored on them This is the guarantee is valid as of this day for the delivery specified in the contract plus 4785 months and the guarantee remains in place and can not cancel during the said period without your written consent 2e pledge to pay to your order at the first re-uest the full amount mentioned and despite any ob*ection by gentlemen------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2ithout the need to take any *udicial proceedings 4%ignature and %eal5

The contract form That on-----------------------------date-----------------

6greement had been reached between both:9irst3 .uwait $nstitute for %cientific ,esearch ,epresented by the 0eneral 'anager /as also referred to him later :$nstitute or the owner: %econd gentlemen 49irst Party5

6gents; gentlemen # company 6nd are represented by 6lso referred to them later the contractor Pave 6s the first party in the design and construction3 supply and operation of a boat for marine science research is identical to the classification of the <loyd;s and the global tender no-------------------------------- $n this regard) 2hereas the second party may submit his offer corresponding to the tender documents and showed his desire and his seriousness and his experience in building large ships3 in accordance with international standards for such business The first party awarding the bid on the business side of the book by anchoring o # # (ated of a total value of---------------.( only3 9ree and clear of all expenses (elivery port of %huwaikh = .uwait Rule ! Introduction The previous boot and the special conditions and general and technical specifications and accessories as well as the offer of the contractor and any other correspondence shall be agreed upon before signing the contract are an integral part of this contract Rule " ! Scope of business The second party pledges to prepare designs and all accounts and detailed shop drawings for the construction of a scientific research ship3 multi-purpose in accordance with the tender documents and then building from time to time in the construction of a basin including all navigational e-uipment3

communications e-uipment and safety e-uipment and laboratory e-uipment >nder the supervision of the English <loyd and the owner 9ollow the process of construction and commissioning and testing3 and preliminary tests by the successful transfer of the ship to .uwait 2here are the various experiments and tests of final approval and then delivered to the owner3 $t also includes maintenance of the ship business for 7 years from the date of final acceptance 9or the ship %upply the ship sub*ect of the contract according to the conditions the private and public and specifications contained in the tender papers and that the second party observed ,ule 7 - &ontract (ocuments The following documents form an integral part of this contract 1- 0eneral &onditions of tenders and contracts for the supply of materials and e-uipment to .uwait $nstitute for %cientific ,esearch 2- $nstructions to bidders 7- Tender form and its attachments and the contract form ?- %pecial conditions of this contract 4in English5 @- The document detailed information on the contractor 8- Technical %pecifications 4English5 A- 6ll documents submitted by the contractor within the tender B- the initial and final insurance and guarantees !- 6ny official correspondence took place between the owner and the contractor before signing the contract Rule # ! $uration of supply The second party pledges design3 build and supply the ship sub*ect of the contract and delivered to the representatives of the first party in the 'arina (epartment of 6griculture and 'arine 9isheries 2ithin no later than Rule % ! Stages of e&ecution of the contract this is the execution of the contract in accordance with the following stages Phase I' $esign and preparation of detailed plans

The start of this stage as soon as the signing of the contract and continue for two months 4including the review and adoption of the $nstitute5 during which the contractor to prepare models of the ship proposed and all accounts design for all parts of the ship as well as shop drawings and specifications of materials and e-uipment and the e-uipment will be installed and provided all to the owner for approval after obtaining the adoption of the classification 2orld by 4English <loyd5 Phase II' (uilding the Temple this stage start immediately after the first stage and a threemonth and end the adoption of representatives of the $nstitute to build a ship structure manufacturing site Phase III' Completed manufacturing) processing and preliminary tests This stage start immediately after the second phase and will last for five months and ends the end of the process of construction and e-uipment and the adoption of primary tests for the operation of the ship in the waters of the country of manufacture under the supervision of the international classification and representatives of the $nstitute) Phase I*' $elivery) Inspection and final delivery' This stage starts immediately after the adoption of the representatives of the $nstitute and the classification of tests3 primary of the ship in the country of manufacture and continue this stage for two months by the contractor which supplied the ship to the .uwaiti territorial waters and then make final checks delivered to the receiving committee of the $nstitute and the international rating The fifth stage of contractual warranty this stage start upon receipt of a formal $nstitute of the ship3 including all official certification from the international rating and this stage will continue 7 years

1r structure depending on the availability of the boat factories and companies within the bidding and after the period is installation of e-uipment and services re-uired and have the commitment period and to supply the re-uired tests to the official receive in .uwait Rule + ! Supervision of the stages of the contract 8-1 is overseeing all phases of the contract by the rating agency English <loyds - 1r e-uivalent and at the expense of the second party 8-2 The first party is entitled to the appointment of authoriCed representatives to do with him overseeing all phases of building the ship3 along with the classification3 and includes the price of this contract on all the travel costs of representatives and the establishment of owner 4number two5 8-7 'ust allow representatives of the first party to enter all the workshops and construction sites and other sites being the building of the vessel or parts of them or store materials for to provide them suitable 1ffice for use 8-? The %econd Party should consider and take all the necessary immediate corrective action in un*ustified complaints from representatives of the first party on the implementation of work or materials 8-@ 'ust save a copy of the full implementation of plans and documents in the workplace and give them to the representatives of the owner when re-uested 8-8 first Party is entitled to send representatives to him3 at the expense of the second party to those who would deliver the main engines and auxiliary engines and e-uipment during the manufacture of such rules by such authorities and must inform the first party the date of the tests and a suitable period to allow for his representative to be present) 8-A the %econd Party should first party to send a copy of all correspondence3 minutes of meetings with the international rating and certificates of inspection and accreditation

8-B The establishment of the first party and the rating agency overseeing the construction of the ship does not mean in any way exempt the second party of the absolute responsibility for the health and safety of building the ship in accordance with international standard specifications Rule , ! Payments the price of this contract cut and comprehensive the price of this contract cut and comprehensive for all the re-uirements of the design3 construction3 supply and operation and maintenance of the ship in .uwait3 and its final fixed price and is not affected by fluctuations in prices 1-A pays the first party within ?@ days of signing the contract3 an advance payment of 1"D of the total value of the contract for unconditional bank guarantee from a bank3 in .uwait shall remain in effect until the recovery value of the payment of interim payments mentioned later The first payment @D 4five percent5 of the contract value at the end of the first phase of the contract 4choice of first party for the ship model and the adoption of presentations made to all accounts design and outlines the components and e-uipment ship3 including catalogs and specifications of all materials and e-uipment proposed for use in building the ship - 9or a bank guarantee e-ual to the value of this payment and valid for one year The Second payment 1@D 4fifteen percent5 of the value of the contract upon completion of the structure of the ship against a bank guarantee e-ual to the value of this payment and valid for one year) The third payment 1"D 4ten percent5 of the contract value after the adoption of the $nstitute for testing the ship;s operational manufacturing site

The fourth payment 8@D 4sixty five percent5 of the value of the contract upon the successful completion of all sea trials prescribed and delivery the ship to the representatives of the first party in %tate of .uwait - (o not pay this payment only after the second party for the clearance certificate from the 'inistry of 9inance The fifth payment @D 4five percent5 of the value of the contract upon completion of the contractual warranty period of one year from the date of receive the $nstitute the ship officially Rule - ! Tests and trials B-1 to complete successfully all the tests set out in the contract documents in accordance with the tests and trials are held in the basin of the contractor as well as during test flights of art in water outside the basin construction in .uwaiti waters and in the case of the emergence of any complaints during the tests and the experimental flight must return these tests or experiments until the removal of the reasons for those complaints and the declaration of consent of the owner B-2 experiments include B = 2 -1 speed experiments 6 - 'ust ensure that the ship speed in accordance with the contract re-uirement twelve ode at full load +- Experience with full speed and stand back to back c- Experience the speed and the (epartment of recycling at high speed B)2)2 Experiments of the balance must ensure a balance of the ship

a- Empty 4free of load5 b- /alf load c- 9ull load B)2)7 Experiments e-uipment 'ust ensure that all e-uipment3 machinery3 cranes3 navigation devices and international communications and internal and generators3 pumps3 wiring and high-pressure and animated fixed fire-fighting e-uipment and other B-7 tests must be conducted and the experimental flight and repeat it if necessary at the expense of the second party and on his responsibility and must provide the technicians who will examine the ship and its engines free of charge3 as well as the implementation of all business during the tests3 and while anchoring the ship again B-? The contractor should make necessary preparations in time to provide the vessel with oil3 grease3 and enough fuel before the tests and trials and become oil3 grease3 fuel3 etc)3 which remain on the ship then the property of the owner without charge .! /nsuring speed !-1 the second party pledges to ensure speed of the ship during the conditions of the experiment and the wind does not exceed 42 +eaufort5 on the mile3 to be acceptable to the owner or his representative of 42@5 twenty-five knot full load during the sailing and maximum 42B5 Twenty-eight knot 9ull 41""D5 for engines !-2 $f it turns out that the actual speed is less than the speed limit in paragraph 4!)15 of this rule3 re-uired a second party to pay a fine of five thousand .uwaiti (inars for every knot on the spin speed limit without pre*udice to the right of the first party by reference to the contractor for impact compensation

!-7 the first party is entitled to if more decrease in speed from one node of the speed limit in paragraph 4!)15 above refuse to receive the ship and should the second party recover the ship and received all amounts paid to him and the benefits due from it for the period since the beginning of the pay even fully recovered without pre*udice to the right of the first party at its absolute discretion at any time he wants to choose between: 6 - be purchased at the expense of the second instead of the ship re*ected3 and the ways in which it deems appropriate with reference to it3 including the conse-uent increase in the price and the prices as well as the fine delay in addition to the amount of E 41"D5 of the value of the ship purchased on the account for administrative expenses without the need of being warned or to take any Fudicial proceedings +- To ask the second party that provides a new ship instead of the ship which decide to refuse in a certain period with the 9ined delay in all cases) c- (ecide to cancel the contract and the signing of all fines and claim compensation under the terms of this contract Rule 0 ! Insurance 1-1" The %econd Party should believe at his own expense and responsibility of the ship and materials3 machinery3 e-uipment3 fixtures and e-uipment used in the construction and e-uipping of the ship during the period of construction in the basin and against all risks marine and dangers of war during the transfer from the port of origin until their arrival to the port of .uwait and delivered successfully the amount e-ual to 41""D5 1f the contract value against fire3 whether in the basin or while floating against all risks3 including the dangers of war disorders3 sabotage and the dangers of the inauguration in the (ry (ock and experiences etc 3and ,egardless of any accident caused to the ship or materials or by machines or installations during

construction or prior to delivery remains of this contract in force with the necessity of the commitment of the contractor repair the part or parts affected3 as deemed owner completely and be issued the insurance on behalf of both parties and received a copy of the policy or policies are to the owner 2-1" in cases where ship or its machinery or e-uipment or any part thereof for damage or in*ury as a result of fire or other dangers3 the &ontractor shall rebuild or repair the part as soon as possible materials and workmanship similar to their account or money received from the insurance without calculating any fees or expenses additional to the owner and this is done after approval of the owner of these reforms or re-construction Rule ! Fines

11-1 if the delay in the second party in the supply and delivery of the ship and accessories during the period specified in rule ? of this contract3 the right of the first party that puts him a fine delay of half percent of the total contract price for each day of delay up to 1"D once the delay and without the need for notice or any legal process 11-2 in the case of delay in receiving the ship for more than a month party is entitled to the first party cancellation with committing the second party refund all payments paid with accrued interest recorded for the first party of the dates pushed them3 and in the event of such delays is the confiscation of the letter of guarantee of 41"D5 of the contract value 7-11 %econd Party pledges to notify the first party in writing of any delay as soon as aware of the possibility of such a delay that was responsible for it or for any reasons beyond his control ?-11 %econd Party pledges to take all possible procedures to address any delay may occur during construction of the ship 11-@ should not exceed the period of the final tests and receipt for two weeks from the date of the arrival of the ship to .uwait

and re-uires that the second party the completion of all observations of the &ommittee of receipt by the party first and deal with all defects which may appear during the final tests as soon as possible that does not exceed in any case conditions of the contract period rule " guarantee and warranty 12-1 %econd Party undertakes to build a ship in accordance with the terms of this contract in all respects and the best design3 materials and workmanship and to be free of any technical defects or manufacturing defects 12-2 %econd Party undertakes to repair all defects that appear in the ship during the warranty period 47 years5 from the date of delivery of the ship successfully on his own account and without that the first party will bear responsibility of any damage to subse-uent especially indirect damage 12-7 extended period to ensure that the part is repaired from any damage occurs for 47 years5 after the date of adoption repair that part before the first party 12-? stretch to ensure the ship during the entire period in which it can not be used due to the reforms performed in3 if exceeded that period 42" days53 and extend the period to ensure that any part of the ship %imilarly3 if you can not use that part during the period of sponsorship due to shortcomings in other parts 12-@ %econd Party undertakes to ensure that all spare parts re-uired for the vessel to a period of five years from the date of the end of the contractual warranty period and the prevailing prices 12-8 claims for repair of faults to be presented to the second party before the expiry of the contractual warranty period has

not been repaired before that period does not become null and re-uires that the second party and repaired at his expense 12-A any by comprehensive insurance rights obtained by the second party 12-B The contractor must provide any technical clarifications or correspondence during the warranty period to the first party in writing This contract3 one of four copies3 however3 the second party to act accordingly

-------------------------------------------------The first party the second party .uwait $nstitute for %cientific ,esearches

Previous experience in the sub*ect of this tender during the last five years together with the clients Pro1ects 2wner3telephone Contract $ate of 4otes number value achievement

%eal and signature of the bidder -----------------------------------6pproval of the proportion of national employment in bidder The percentage of the national Economic activity of the manpower for the bidder bidder

%eal and signature of the bidder -----------------------------------The &entral Tenders &ommittee .uwait $nstitute for %cientific ,esearch &hapter $$$ %pecial &onditions and technical specifications

Tender o): 1!-2"11#2"12 %ub*ect a boat for 'arine %cience ,esearches Please give us your rates for the following items
Item no descriptions 5uantity 6nit 6nite price Kd f Total price Kd f Country origin remark s

1ceanograp hic research boat = symmetrical hull catamaran <ength 1@ meters 3 beam 8)" meters 46s per attached specificatio n5 2 1peration manual



%ervice manual complete with electronics circuit diagrams with layout3 wiring diagrams3 and the essential spare parts list Provide maintenance training for hard ware and software 4training for program5 Provide detailed breakdown prices for all offered items


+idder stamp and signature


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