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The Nervous system controls:

hearing, taste, smell, and feeling (sensation)


and involuntary functions, such as movement, balance, and coordination. The nervous system also regulates the actions of most other body systems, such as blood flow and blood pressure. ability to think and reason. The nervous system allows you to be conscious and have thoughts, memories, and language.


Definitions of words
Stimulus (plural stimuli): detectable change in

internal or external environment

Response: reaction of organism to stimuli Receptors: sense organs or sensory nerve endings,

that receive impulse

Effectors: muscle or gland, that responds to impulse


Table showing the Stimulus that various Receptors detect

Receptors Eye Nose Ear Tongue Stimulus they detect



Response of Plants to unilateral light

Nervous System of Humans

The nervous system can be divided into two main

1. Central Nervous system (CNS): brain and spinal cord

2. Peripheral Nervous system (PNS): branches off from CNS

Nervous system
The basic unit or cells that makes up the nervous

system are called Neuron (also Neurone)

They are: Cells of the nervous system, called nerve

cells or neurons, that are specialized to carry "messages" through an electrochemical process (electrical and chemical method of carrying message)

Neurons- Structure

Annotated diagram of a Neuron

Neurons are specialized cells that conduct nerve

impulses. There are three basic types

1. Sensory Neuron: carry impulse from receptors

(sense cells) to CNS

Diagram of a sensory neuron

2 Relay/ Intermediate Neuron: found in CNS

Types of Neurons
3. Motor Neuron: carry impulse form CNS to

effectors (muscles or gland)

Nervous system receives, interprets and respond to

stimulus Two categories :CNS, PNS Neurons are basic units ; three types
Sensory: receptor to CNS Intermediate/relay: found in CNS Motor: CNS to effectors

Reflex action
Quick, automatic and involuntary response Requires not thought or learning e.g. knee jerk, pupil

reflex or removing hand from a hot plate

Brain is not involved (unless its cranial reflex)

Reflex action

Video- Reflex arc

Reflex arc video 2

Neuron carry messages/impulse as both electrical

and chemical energy

Along axon- electrical impulse At gap (synapse), chemicals called

Neurotransmitters allows impulse to travel across the synapse

Neurotransmitter at Synapse

Brain-Structure and Function

Cerebrum/Cerebral hemisphere
Controls voluntary actions Controls memory, reasoning, judgment, intelligence, speech, and learning

Brain-Structure and Function


Coordinate body movement (walking, running) posture, and balance

Medulla Oblongata

Controls involuntary actions such as breathing rate, heart rate, and regulation of body temperature

Structure of a Human Brain

Problems of Nervous system

1. Stroke: a lack of blood to part of the brain

Problems of the Nervous System

Parkinsons disease death of neurons in a part

of the brain called the midbrain. Symptoms include shaking and problems with movement

Problems of the Nervous System

Paralysis is the loss of muscle function in part of your

body. It happens when something goes wrong with the way messages pass between your brain and muscles.

The nervous system allows us to receive stimulus,

process it, and then respond Made up of : CNS and PNS Basic cells are called Neurons Impulse (messages) are carried by electrical and chemical processes Cerebellum controls body movement, medulla oblongata controls body functions and cerebrum controls voluntary actions Reflex arc Problems of Nervous system

The part of the brain in charge of thinking and

A. cerebrum B. cerebellum C. medulla oblongata

Question 2
This is made up of the brain and spinal cord.
A. peripheral nervous system B. central nervous system C. enteric nervous system

Question 3
Nerve cell are called
A. cerebrum B. cerebellum C. neuron

Question 4
The major organ of the nervous system encased in

the skull.
A. neuron B. axon C. brain

Question 5
An axon conducts nerve impulses _________ the

cell body.
A)away from B)toward C)both toward and away from D)around, bypassing

Question 6
Which of the following is/are type(s) of neurons?
A)sensory B)motor C)interneurons D)all of the above

Question 7
Which is not the part of the brain?
A.Cerebrum B.Cerebellum C.Medulla D.Spinal Chord

Question 8
The three main parts of the neuron are the

A.dendrites, cell body and axon B.axon, dendrites and synapse. C.synapse, impulse and cleft. D.myelin sheath, dendrites and synapse.

Question 9
For a student to recall his/her integrated science

notes, action must take place in

A. a reflex arc B. the cerebrum C. the cerebellum D. the medulla oblongata

Question 10
Which of the following shows the correct path of

impulse in a reflex arc

A. motor neuron sensory neuron relay neuron

B. sensory neuron motor neuron relay neuron

C. motor neuron relay neuron sensory neuron D. sensory neuron relay neuron motor neuron

Answer to question 10


Slides prepared by: Muhamad Nabeel Uddin

Please check my profile here for more CSEC Biology and Integrated Science PowerPoint presentations.

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