How To Write An Essay

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How to Write an Essay

Introduction Paragraph Guidelines 1. Begin with a hook that relates to the topic of the essay. It might be a question, shocking fact, or important statement that is very interesting. (no color *bling* !. Inclu"e !#$ sentences of backgroun" information about the topic. %ost importantly, these sentences shoul" connect the hook above with the thesis below. &hey shoul" gui"e the rea"er to be 'caught( in your point, e)actly where you want him or her. (blue *tate the thesis statement in one sentence (or use punctuation to your a"vantage to sneak two sentences into one . + thesis statement is never a question. ,eclare your position an" the "irection of your "iscussion. (green + secon" sentence is optional if you want to a"" an essay map, or a brief outline of your bo"y paragraph points. %ake sure that this "oesn-t soun" elementary. (optional 5or all essay paragraphs4 6o7 0ou, your, we, ours, I, me, mine, my 0es7 &he rea"er, the speaker, he, she Notes

Hook B.K. Thesis Statement


Body Paragraph #1 1. &his paragraph matches the or"er that you "eclare" in your thesis statement. .se what you alrea"y know about /B01101101123 structure to write this paragraph. !. Inclu"e everything you learne" from previous paragraphs4 "omain vocab, regular vocab, figurative language, logical an" emotional appeals, rhetorical "evices, present tense, an" fewer than ten state of being verbs in the entire paper (not counting quotes .

Body Paragraph #2 1. &his paragraph matches the or"er that you "eclare" in your thesis statement. .se what you alrea"y know about /B01101101123 structure to write this paragraph. !. Inclu"e everything you learne" from previous paragraphs4 "omain vocab, regular vocab, figurative language, logical an" emotional appeals, rhetorical "evices, present tense, an" fewer than ten state of being verbs in the entire paper (not counting quotes . Body Paragraph #3 1. &his paragraph matches the or"er that you "eclare" in your thesis statement. .se what you alrea"y know about /B01101101123 structure to write this paragraph. !. Inclu"e everything you learne" from previous paragraphs4 "omain vocab, regular vocab, figurative language, logical an" emotional appeals, rhetorical "evices, present tense, an" fewer than ten state of being verbs in the entire paper (not counting quotes .

5or all essay paragraphs4 6o7 ,o not write in past tense. was, were, happene", believe", "i" 0es7 8rite in present tense. states, happens, believes, says 5or all essay paragraphs4 .se %9+ format for the paper layout, quotes, an" the require" 8orks :ite" page. ;uotes4 %y wor"s, blah, blah, blah, ';uote( (*mith 1! . 31 +ccor"ing to *mith, ';uote( (1! .

Conclusion Paragraph


Begin by restating the thesis statement from the intro"uction< however, be creative an" change the sentence structure to contain the same idea in different words. (green In one sentence, review (in new wor"s the best i"ea from bo"y paragraph =1. In one sentence, review (in new wor"s the best i"ea from bo"y paragraph =!. In one sentence, review (in new wor"s the best i"ea from bo"y paragraph =$. @n" with the opposite of a hook. Instea" of pulling in the rea"er, release the rea"er to apply your essay recommen"ation to his or her own life. (1emember the hourglass an" connect to the worl". (no colorA*more bling*

Thesis idea in new words Review

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Opposite of hook release into world to apply message

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