Melissa Montoya's Resume

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375 Media Luna road apt. 2907 Brownsville, Texas 7852178 ! 83! "8 #.#onto$a08%&#ail.'o#%MelissaMonto$a( EXPERIENCE November '12-present )i&*er +du'ation ,eporter -over t*e lo'al universit$ and 'o##unit$ 'olle&e as t*e$ under&o a separation o. a 20!$ear lon& partners*ip. ,eported on propert$ deals, spe'i.i' 'ourse pro&ra#s and *ow students *ave /een a..e'ted 0ritten extensive pro.iles and .eatures on pro&ra#s on 'a#pus ,eport on state le&islation t*at a..e'ts students1&uns on 'a#pus, tuition revenue /onds, t*e 'reation o. t*e new s'*ool 2niversit$ o. Texas ,io 3rande 4alle$ 3eneral assi&n#ent reportin&1/rea5in& news, .eature stories, i##i&ration, 'ri#e So)th -"or!%$ S)n-Sent!ne" -ort L$)%er%$"e& -"$. The Bro nsv!""e #er$"% Bro nsv!""e& Te'$s

()ne *12-A)+ ,12 Metro 6ntern 6ntern

7ews reports, .eature arti'les and 'it$ &overn#ent stories on deadline .or t*e Metro se'tion o. t*e paper Brea5in& news, enterprise arti'les, produ'ed .eeds and assisted reporters wit* .ront pa&e stories 0here So)th -"or!%$ M$+$1!ne M!$m!& -"$.

($n)$r/ *12-M$/ *12

0rote /lur/s and stories on events and pla'es in 8out* 9lorida .or travel #a&a:ine -oordinated 9a'e/oo5 and Twitter a''ounts .or t*e #a&a:ine AOL2P$t3h.3om North Shore $n% Merr!m$34 5$""e/& M$ss.

()ne ,11-A)+)st *11 +ditorial 6ntern

4ideo&rap*er, p*oto&rap*er and reporter .or ever$ assi&n#ent su/#itted, as well as &uest!edited we/sites Maintained Twitter and 9a'e/oo5 pa&e .or various sites The M!$m! #er$"% M!$m!& -"$.

M$/ ,16-A)+)st ,16 ,eportin& 6ntern

0ritin& and reportin& lo'al news ever$da$ on deadline .or t*e lo'al 7ei&*/ors se'tion 9eature pie'es a/out 'o##unit$ pro;e'ts and &roups Metropo"!s M!$m!& -"$.

September ,67-M$/ ,68 7ews ,eporter

Mia#i <ade -olle&e=s student run newspaper, wrote a/out issues a..e'tin& M<- students, news and op!ed pie'es 9-->> ?u/li'ations <ivision@ 7ewspaper -o#petition 2008@ T*ird ?la'e, 3eneral -olu#n Emerson Co""e+e M!$m! 9$%e Co""e+e Boston& M$ss. M!$m!& -"$.

E9:CATION September ,68-M$/ *11 September ,67-M$/ ,68 S;ILLS 0e/B8o'ial Media savv$@ Twitter, 9a'e/oo5, Lin5ed6n, Blo&s@ 0ord?ress, Tu#/lr, Blo&&er, Mova/le T$pe 8o.tware@ 8oundslides, 0indows MovieMa5er, >uda'it$, iMovie, Mi'roso.t (..i'e,et'. Bilin&ual@ +n&lis* and 8panis* Ba'*elor o. 8'ien'e in ?rint and Multi#edia Aournalis#, <ou/le Minor in ?oliti'al 8'ien'e and 8o'iolo&$, 3.3 3?> >sso'iate o. >rts in Mass -o##uni'ationsBAournalis#, )onors -olle&e &raduate, 3.72 3?>

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