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The Perfect Present


The Perfect Present

THE AUTHOR Marcia Vaughn was born on 1951, in Tacoma. Her Hobbies and other interests are Beachcombing, traveling, baking, swimming, reading and Writing. She is a member of the Pacific Northwest Writers Conference and The Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators. She was honored with the American Library Association Notable Children's Book designation, 1996, for Whistling Dixie and Washington State Children's Choice Picture Book award nominee, for Snap!.Marcia Vaughan has been telling stories ever since she was a young child. She began her career as a librarian in 1975 because she wanted to tell stories to children, work in children's theater, and read books and within a few years, she was writing books herself. "Writing children's books was a natural spin-off of being a librarian, Vaughan once told Something about the Author (SATA). "I learned how to write books for children by reading books to my students. Every time I read a story aloud, I learned a little bit more about how a story goes together. Vaughan has collaborated with her husband, Richard Vaughan, on a number of books.Vaughan once explained to SATA that, for her, "writing is not work, it is fun. Even when my stories don't come out right to begin with, I keep playing with them until I'm satisfied." She also described her writing process: "When I sit down to write a story, I listen to the characters talking in my imagination. I write down their conversations and fill in the descriptive parts later. I sometimes start right in the middle of the story and work my way back to the beginning, then to the end. Other times I begin with the problem the characters must overcome. I make the problem really big so the character must work very hard, or be very clever to solve it."Some stories, like Wombat Stew, jump right out of my pencil, while others take many drafts to get just right. One trick I always use is reading the story onto a cassette tape. Then I listen back to it. If it sounds good, I know it is finished. If not, I know I need to keep playing with different ideas." Vaughan advises young writers: "Have fun with your writing. Be wild and adventurous and feel free to make lots of changes. Sometimes a story will just take off on its own. When it does, go ahead and let it will lead you. You may be surprised where that story goes!" SYNOPSIS This graphic story is about a little boy called Sam, who really good at art and a gifted painter, who usually knows what to give to his dad for his birthday. But this year, he is finding it very hard to come up with the perfect present. He wants to paint his fathers portrait and think that it will be a perfect present for his birthday. However, his sister Molly, who always makes fun of his paintings, thinks that a portrait is not a good enough and she suggests that Sam should try to find something more original, a real present instead of a painting and she even tells Sam that their father chucks all his previous paintings. Sam feels so sad because he always give his dad a painting for any occasions. Sam spots his friends Gina, PJ and Kim and asks them what they give their father as a birthday present, and he finds that their answers are very interesting. He wishes that he had saved his pocket money so that he can also buy his dad a proper present. He goes back home and his mother encourages him to finish his painting. Sam finishes the portrait and frames it. He gives his father the portrait, and wishes his father likes it. To his surprises, his father loves it very much. Sam asks his father whether his going to throw it away just like the others. Sams father brings Sam to his office and finally Sam cannot believe what he sees inside .The walls is full with Sams own paintings. He is so happy with it and his father tells Sam how much he love him and his paintings are so meaningful to him. Finally, Sam and his father hang the portrait and Sams father says that it is indeed a perfect present for his birthday .

The Perfect Present


PLOT SUMMARY Chapter 1 Sam and his family live in a city. Everyone in the family is planning something for Dads birthday. Sam is planning to give his father a painting. He is about to finish a painting- a portrait of his father using the new techniques taught by his teacher in school. His mother thinks that it will be a wonderful gift. However, Sam is upset when his sister, Molly belittles his gift for his father. Chapter 2 Sam goes around the park asking his friends about their gifts to their fathers .Gina gave her father a necktie, PJ gave her father a model spaceship and Kim gave her father chemistry set .Sam thinks that their gifts are better than his. Sam wishes he had saved his pocket money so that he can buy his dad a proper present. His mother encourages him to finish his painting. Sam finishes his painting had applies the techniques that had been taught in school to make the painting look even more realistic. Chapter 3 On his fathers birthday, Sam is reluctant to give his present but he is so happy when he sees the smile on his Dads face. To show his appreciation, his Dad shows him all the previous paintings that Sam had given him. They are all hung in his office. SETTINGS Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 At Sams house At the park At Dads office

Time Location

: :

Autumn City

: : :

Sam Molly Mum Dad Gina PJ Kim

: : : : : : :

CHARACTERS A sensitive and artistic little boy Sams sister, whos envious and mischievous. Sams mother-a motivator, loving, caring & motherly. Sams father with serious yet appreciative character Sams friend-A fun, explorer and active girl. Sams friend-A playful and active little boy. Sams friend-an active young boy.

THEMES 1. Seeking Idea - Seek idea for a perfect present for somebody we care & love. 2. Love & care - To love & care for our parents and siblings 3. Courage & Believe -Give courage to others to do something good. Believe in our oneself. 4. Gratitude & appreciate - Learn to show and give appreciation for others and be gratitude VALUES Lessons learnt: Do not give up easily. We must have confidence in ourselves and in our talents. Complimenting others is a good way to increase a persons self esteem attitude to life. Do not listen to one side of the story. We must never criticize others effort to please their beloved ones. Appreciate other peoples work and effort Do not belittle other peoples work. It is important to encourage others especially when they are down. Be expressive.

The Perfect Present

LESSON PLAN 1-BOOK COVER Activity 1 L/O : 2.3: Give relevant information politely in response to enquiries made 3.6.2: Scan for specific information in texts 4.2.2: Complete text with the missing words By the end of the lesson pupils should be able to: (i) Get started and assemble early information about the story. (ii) Talk about the settings and give little information about the story. Story book: The perfect Present & Worksheets 30 Minutes



1. Teacher asks pupils about the best presents/gifts they ever had for their birthday. 2. Teacher shows the story book The perfect present and asks pupils to read aloud the title of the story. 3. Teacher asks pupils to take a look at the story book and try to seek information about the writer, the publisher, the illustrator, and other basic information about the story book. 4. Teacher asks pupils to sit in pair and asks them to describe the cover and asks them to give their own idea on what does the illustration on the cover suggest. 5. Teacher asks pupils in pairs, how they would select a gift for someone and teacher gives advice on the importance of being sincere to others (moral value) 6. Teacher gives an exercise-fill in the blanks with the correct information gathered from the book itself. 7. Take home task; teacher asks pupils to read the story book at home. 8. Teacher gives homework Activity 2 & 3

The Perfect Present

Activity 1 Look at the front and back cover of the textbook. Then answer the following questions: 1) The title of the book is ___________________________________________

2) The writer of the book is _________________________________________

3) Kim Harley is the ________________________________________________

4) The publisher of the book is_______________________________________

5) Its International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is ______________________ ______________________________________________________________

6) This book was first published in ____________________________________ 7) This story is dedicated to the writers godson, ______________ who inspired the story.

8) The storybook is part of the ________________ Series.

9) This story can be classified as a _______________story.

10) Name three presents that you would give to tour father as a birthday present: __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________

Answer Key - Activity1 1. The perfect present 2. Marcia Vaughan 3. Illustrater 4. Ginn and Company 5. 0-602-31272-8 6. 2004 7. Morgan Berry 8. Lighthouse 9. Modern,realistic 10. Any answers 5

The Perfect Present

LESSON PLAN 1 Activity 2 Take home task Label the front and back cover of the book


2) 3)



6) Answer Keys-Activity 2-(Lesson Plan 1) 1. Topic/ title 2. Illustrator 3. Writer 4. Summary 5. ISBN 6. Publisher

The Perfect Present

LESSON PLAN 2-SETTINGS L/O : 1.3.1. Listen to key words and phrases in stories. 4.2.2: Complete text with the missing words By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: (i) Acquire more vocabularies and learn the meanings (ii) Obtain more information about the story Elements of the story (Theme, settings & values) (iii) Read and respond to a story Story book: The perfect Present, Sample of portrait, manila cards & Worksheets 30 Minutes




1. Teacher asks pupils, what if they have the talent in painting, what kind of picture they want to paint; examples; portrait, scenery, beautiful buildings, animals etc.. 2. Teacher asks pupils what are the tools needed in painting. 3. Teacher shows a sample of real portrait and talk about it, and tells pupils to value and appreciate other people talents. 4. Teacher asks pupils to form into 3 different groups and do the reading activity together. Teacher reads aloud with the correct pronunciation and intonation, pupils repeat after the teacher. 5. Discuss with the class of the elements in the story, such as the places, and the themes in the story. 6. Teacher gives out manila cards and a marker pen to each group, teacher gives a list of keywords, and pupils take their turn to write down each keyword. Teacher explains the meanings. (Activity 2) 7. Drills the students of the words and discuss the meanings of the keywords. 8. Distributes worksheets.

The Perfect Present

LESSON PLAN 2 Activity 1 (Level 1) A) Look at the picture below. Label them correctly with the correct answer. Palette Drawing paper 1) Paintbrush Paint




The Perfect Present

LESSON PLAN 2 Activity 2 (Level 2) Part A - Look at the meanings of the words in column A. Next , unscramble the word in column B. Write out the correct spelling of the word in column C.

Column A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Deeply interested in something A painted photograph A small point of light Expressed contempt of Upset Be painful Hard relics of prehistoric animal/plant found inside a rock Took or pulled out from somewhere Slightly creased or folded

Column B Eobbasdr Aottpirr Eksrlap Edersen Ucdrehs Isgtn Siflsos Esfdih Ikcdnrle Orcdrroi

Column C

10 A long passage in a building


Answer Keys-Activity 1(Lesson Plan 2) A) Look at the picture below. Label them correctly with the correct answer. 1) drawing paper Answer keys-Activity 2 (Level 2) A) Look at the meanings of the words in column A. Next unscrambled the word in column B. Write out the correct spelling of the word in column C.
Column A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Deeply interested in something A painted photograph A small point of light Expressed contempt of Upset Be painful Hard relics of prehistoric animal/plant found inside a rock Took or pulled out from somewhere Slightly creased or folded A long passage in a building Column B Eobbasdr Aottpirr Eksrlap Edersen Ucdrehs Isgtn Siflsos Esfdih Ikcdnrle Orcdrroi Column C Absorb Portrait Sparkle Sneered crushed Sting Fossils Fished Crinkled corridor

2) paint

3) palette

4) paintbrush

The Perfect Present


- CHARACTERS 2.7.1: Name the good and bad characters and tell why they are good or bad By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: (i) Identify the characters in the story (ii) Discuss the characteristics in detail Story book: The perfect Present, flash cards & worksheets 60 Minutes



1) Teacher introduces the characters in the story by showing the pupils a series of flash cards , (pictures of Sam,Dad, Mom,Molly and Sams Friends) 2) Pupils are divided into four groups. Pupils discuss the characters. 3) Teacher asks each group to describe different characters-Sam,Dad,Mum and Molly 4) Teacher asks each representative of the groups to present what they know about the characters in the story. 5) Teacher describes the characters and pupils guess the characters. 6) Pupils state their favorite characters 7) Teacher says aloud a dialogue of certain characteristics and pupils guess the answer. 8) Teacher distributes worksheets.


The Perfect Present

LESSON PLAN 3 Activity 1

A) Match the phrases correctly and write out the sentences

Molly was made fun of Sams paintings Molly always Sams sister into the bin

Molly snatched

Molly said

the painting from its stand

Sam threw his painting

Dad threw away all Sams painting

B) Write out the sentences 1) Molly was Sams sister 2) Molly always _________________________________________________ 3) ____________________________________________________________ 4) ____________________________________________________________ 5) ____________________________________________________________


The Perfect Present

C) Identify the characters who said the following words. The first one has been done for you.

Dad will love this. Itll make a perfect birthday present

Come with me, Sam. Id like to show you a very special art gallery I know


I got my dad a chemistry set. He got a real blast out of it


Its wonderful! How do you get it to look like him


He chucks them away.


The Perfect Present

D)How would you describe Molly,Dad,Mum and Sam? (Level 2 & 3) Choose your answers from the box Encouraging talented jealous hard-working a bully loving insensitive observant Quick learner a good parent encouraging good-humoured

Molly Molly





The Perfect Present

Answer Keys-Activity 1(Lesson Plan 3)

A) 1) Molly was Sams sister 2) Molly always made fun of Sams painting 3) Molly snatched the painting from is stand 4) Molly said dad threw away all Sams painting 5) Sam threw his painting into the bin.

B) 1) Mum 2) Dad 3) Kim 4) Mum 5) Molly

C) 1) Molly-jealous, a bully, insensitive 2) Dad-A good parent, encouraging, and good humored 3) Mum-Encouraging, observant and loving 4) Sam-talented, quick learner and hardworking


The Perfect Present

LESSON PLAN 4 - PLOT L/O : 2.7.2: Talk about the events in the story 3.6.5: Combine words to form compound words 3.6: Read and understand simple factual text for main ideas, supporting details, sequence, and cause & effect relationships 4.3.2 Construct simple sentences and compound sentences By the end of the lesson pupils should be able to: (i) Talk, read and write about the events of people in the story (ii) Answer comprehension questions related to the story (iii) Construct simple sentences (iv) Write a descriptions of an activity Story book: The perfect Present, Flash cards & worksheets 60 Minutes



1) Teacher shows flash cards (events-in the story-in sequence) and asks pupils what kind of activity is shown. 2) Pupils respond to teachers questions. 3) Teacher asks pupils to work in pairs- tell their partners what are the activity they would like to choose 4) Teacher asks pupils in pairs to talk about the activity they like and give their own reason(s). 5) Teacher discusses the story and says aloud a sentence related to the story and pupils have to state whether it is true or false. 6) Teacher distributes worksheets.


The Perfect Present

ESSON PLAN 4 Activity 1 (Level 2) A) Write (T) for true or (F) for false. 1. Sam was painting a portrait. 2. Sam was smiling because he had finished painting. 3. Sams mum was angry with him. 4. Sam sketched before he painted. 5. Sam learned to paint from his teacher.

( ( ( ( (

) ) ) ) )

B)Answer the questions. 1)What was Sam doing? A. Sam was painting a portrait. B. Sam was painting a picture . 2) When did he do his painting? A. He painted in the afternoon. B. He painted in the morning. 4. Did Sams mum like his painting? A. Yes, she did. B. No, she didnt. 5. What did Sam do before he started painting? A. He had to sketch the object. B. He asked his teacher to help him.

3) Why was he smiling? A. His father liked his painting. B. His painting had the lifelike look of his father.

C) Choose the correct answer to fill in the blanks. Sam and his family live in the city. Sam likes ______(1)_______ . He paints a _______(2)_______ of his father. His sister, Molly always makes fun of ____(3)___ paintings. Sam feels _____(4)_____ and throws it _____(5)______ the bin.

1) A. painting 2) A. scenery 3) A. his 4) A. happy 5) A. on

B. gardening B. photograph B. her B. worry B. in

C. fishing C. portrait C. him C. sad C. into


The Perfect Present

LESSON PLAN 4 Activity 2 (Level 1)

A) Choose the most suitable word to describe the picture.


The Perfect Present

B) Write sentences to describe the pictures.(Level 2)

Sam likes painting. He usually paints in the morning. He paints in his room.


The Perfect Present

C) Which of these activities would you choose? Give your reasons.

I would choose ______________________________ because _____________________

Answers key-Lesson plan 4 Activity 1 Part A. 1) T 2) T 3) F 4) T 5) T Part B. 1) A 2) B 3) B 4) A 5) A Part C 1) A 2) C 3) A 4) C 5) C

Activity 2 A 1) Painting 2) Digging 3) Swinging 4) Flying 5) Playing Activity B & C Any reasonable answers are acceptable.


The Perfect Present

LESSON PLAN 5-VALUES L/O : 2.6.4 3.3.3 3.3.9 4.8.3 OBJ : Give suitable endings to a story Read & understand simple paragraphs by answering comprehension questions Read simple texts and predict outcomes Create greeting cards

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: (i) Construct their own sentences (ii) Predict the outcomes of the story (iii) Rearrange the story in a sequence (iv) Have fun through learning-wrapping a present and designing their birthday card. Story book: The perfect Present, Present paper, Manila cards, empty Medium boxes & worksheets 60 Minutes



Teacher shows examples of birthday cards and tells the pupils they can make their own as take home task. Teacher shows a picture of Sam and his father in the office-and asks pupils several questions. Pupils respond to the questions Teacher asks pupils to form 3 groups to discuss on the prediction-what happen next. Teacher discusses the events in sequence Teacher asks one representatives from each group to present their answer to the class, to talk on their prediction of what happen next. Teacher then shows pupils how to wrap a present and asks pupils to watch carefully and asks each group to wrap their empty box as a present Teacher gives manila card to the pupils and asks them to design their own birthday card. Teacher distributes worksheets-Take home task (homework)



(iv) (v)




*Notes: Previous lessonTeacher asked pupils to bring a medium sized-empty box and a present paper. (One group-1 box and wrapping paper)


The Perfect Present

LESSON PLAN 5 (LEVEL 2) Activity 1 A) Answer the following questions using the words in brackets.

1. Where are Sam and his dad? ( in the office) ________________________________________________ 2. What are they doing? ( hanging portrait, on the wall) ________________________________________________ 3. Whose portrait are they hanging? ( Dads portrait) ________________________________________________ 4. Who paints the portrait? (Sam) ________________________________________________ Does Sams Dad love the painting? ________________________________________________ 6. Dad took Sam to his office and showed what happened to Sams paintings. Later, they hung the latest birthday present. What do you think happened to Sam after that? What are the moral values learnt from the story? _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________



The Perfect Present

LESSON PLAN 5 Activity 2 (Level 2) A) Arrange the sentences in the correct order. From 1 to 9- Fill in your answers in the stars.

A) Mum did not want him to throw the painting away.

B)Dad was happy with the painting Sam gave him. C)Sam asked Gina, PJ and Kim the presents they gave for their fathers birthday.

D)Sam got it to look so like his Dad because he sketched him the night before.

E)Sam was satisfied with his painting and his mother praised his works.

F)He took Sam to his office and showed Sam what he had done to all Sams paintings.

G)Mum and Molly gave Dad their presents.

H)Molly came and snatched the painting.

I)Mum said that it would make a perfect present.

J)Sam took back the crumpled painting, finished it and made a frame for it.

K)Sam was upset when Molly told him what Dad did to his paintings.

Answer Keys-Activity 1(Lesson Plan 5) A) 1) Sam and his father are in the office. 2) They are hanging the portrait on the wall 3) They are hanging Dads portrait Activity 2(Lesson Plan 5) 1) E 7) 2) I 8) 3) D 9) 4) H 10) 5) K 11) 6) A

4. Sam paints the portrait. 5. Yes, he did. 6. Any reasonable answers are acceptable.



The Perfect Present

LESSON PLAN 5 Activity 3 ( 30 minutes ) Wrapping a present Create a greeting card Sketch a portrait of their father or mother

REFERENCES: Internet Veronica Marie Loo-Contemporary literature in the language Cerdik bersama cerdik publications Sdn.Bhd


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