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Forest Ecology and Management 293 (2013) 149–160

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Forest biomass patterns across northeast China are strongly shaped by forest height
Xiangping Wang a,b,⇑, Shuai Ouyang a, Osbert Jianxin Sun a, Jingyun Fang b
The Key Laboratory of Silviculture and Conservation of the Ministry of Education, College of Forestry, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China
Department of Ecology, College of Environmental Sciences, and Key Laboratory for Earth Surface Processes of the Ministry of Education, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The emergency of satellite-borne light detecting and ranging (LiDAR) technology in recent years have
Received 3 August 2012 provided a promising way to monitor worldwide patterns of forest biomass and carbon sources/sinks.
Received in revised form 28 December 2012 However, few studies have examined the roles of various abiotic and biotic factors in modulating the rela-
Accepted 2 January 2013
tionship between forest biomass and height at a large scale. This is important given the growing depen-
dence on LiDAR derived forest height as a predictor of forest biomass. In this analysis, we used 529 plots
across northeast China to examine this question, and to explore the method to estimate forest biomass
from height. Our results showed that, while forest height and average tree height showed close relation-
Forest biomass
Forest (tree) height
ships with stand biomass or mean biomass per stem (R2 between 0.57 and 0.78), stand biomass could not
Belowground biomass be reliably predicted with two methods based on average tree height. In contrast, when the effects of cli-
Canopy-tree life form mate and forest groups were included in the models, forest height could predict biomass patterns with a
Northeast China R2 between 0.74 (belowground) and 0.91 (total biomass), which was comparable to the widely accepted
biomass expansion factor method (R2 between 0.72 and 0.98). We also showed that the ratio of both
aboveground and belowground biomass to forest height (B/H ratio) was roughly similar at a large scale,
suggesting that forest biomass patterns are strongly shaped by forest height. However, B/H ratio showed
significant difference between deciduous and evergreen forests across northeast China. The life form of
canopy trees was the major factor modulating the relationships between stand biomass and forest height,
while climate, forest type and forest origin played a secondary role. Our results strongly support the use
of LiDAR to monitor the large-sale patterns of both above and belowground forest biomass. Our analysis
also found that the lack of forest height information in previous literatures has caused most of the bio-
mass data could not be utilized to estimate biomass patterns from height, and we advocate future anal-
yses to report forest height together with field-observed biomass.
Ó 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction (2) Many countries or regions have not conducted forest inventory
yet (Houghton, 2005; Massada et al., 2006) and thus this method
Forest ecosystems accounted for a majority of global terrestrial cannot be applied. (3) The time and spatial resolutions of forest
carbon pool (over 80% of aboveground carbon, Dixon et al., 1994), inventory data were generally coarse. For instance, forest inventory
and might become a major carbon source as a result of rapid land data were reported on the province (or county) basis every 5 years
use change and climatic warming (Houghton, 2005; IPCC, 2007). in China (Fang et al., 2001). However, forest biomass is strongly af-
Consequently, estimating the large scale biomass patterns accu- fected by disturbances (e.g. Wang et al., 2008; Simard et al., 2011).
rately is crucial for monitoring forest carbon source and sink To capture the effects of disturbance and tree growth on spatial
dynamics worldwide (e.g. Fang et al., 2001; Schimel et al., 2001). biomass patterns (for a more accurate monitoring of carbon sink/
It is widely accepted that estimating forest biomass from stock source), Houghton (2005) suggested that forest biomass are better
volume (the biomass expansion factor method) is the most accu- to be monitored at a resolution of 25–250 m. Consequently, a more
rate method for large scale biomass estimation (e.g. Fang et al., time and efforts saving method is needed to map forest biomass at
2001; Brown, 2002). However, this method also has some limita- finer time and spatial resolutions, especially when some important
tions: (1) it involves intensive investigations of large amount of forest regions in the world (e.g. tropic and temperate forests) are
widely-distributed field plots, which is time and efforts consuming. undergoing rapid deforestations (Kauppi et al., 2006; IPCC, 2007).
The progresses of light detecting and ranging (LiDAR) tech-
niques in the last two decades have provided a promising approach
⇑ Corresponding author at: College of Forestry, Beijing Forestry University, 35
for this purpose. Studies with airborne LiDAR have shown that var-
East Qinghua Road, Haidian, Beijing 100083, China. Tel.: +86 10 6233 6985; fax: +86
10 6233 6400. ious forest structure parameters (e.g. forest height, stem density,
E-mail address: (X. Wang). and average tree height), as well as stand biomass and volume,

0378-1127/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
150 X. Wang et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 293 (2013) 149–160

could be estimated with LiDAR satisfactorily (e.g. Dubayah and tree height (for both canopy trees and trees under canopy).
Drake, 2000; Lefsky et al., 2002; Drake et al., 2003; van Leeuwen This situation will greatly reduce the data available for con-
and Nieuwenhuis, 2010). Recently, satellite-borne LiDAR data are structing large scale biomass–height models. Recent studies
also available, and have promoted the mapping of forest height have shown that estimating average height for both canopy
from regional (Lefsky et al., 2005) to global scales (Lefsky, 2010; and under-canopy trees from LiDAR data is possible (Malt-
Simard et al., 2011; Los et al., 2012). These forest height maps pro- amo et al., 2004; Lee and Lucas, 2007). Consequently, we
vided an ideal opportunity for estimating large-scale forest bio- also tested the possibility to estimate stand biomass from
mass patterns based on the relationship between biomass and average tree height. If this is possible, then the abundant
forest height (e.g. Dubayah and Drake, 2000; Lefsky et al., 2005; biomass data in the literatures could also be utilized by
Fang et al., 2006). However, because most previous LiDAR studies LiDAR studies.
were based on airborne LiDAR at relative small scales, the large (4) Why stand biomass can be estimated from forest height?
scale biomass–height relationships have seldom been examined While previous studies have focused on predicting forest
in details. biomass from LiDAR retrieved forest height (Lefsky et al.,
We believe that such an examination is critical for monitoring 2005; van Leeuwen and Nieuwenhuis, 2010), the biological
the large-scale dynamics of forest biomass. If biomass–height rela- bases for estimating biomass from height remains less atten-
tionships showed great differences both across environmental gra- tions. Fang et al. (2006) showed that the ratio of above-
dients and among forest types, then it is not only necessary to ground biomass to forest height (i.e. biomass per cubic
construct biomass–height relationships for each forest type by meter of forest space) is similar in East Asia, Europe, USA
each region (e.g. Drake et al., 2003), but also required to monitor and Canada, and proposed that the differences in biomass
the distribution of each forest type (e.g. with remote sensing data). per area among continents was largely caused by difference
On the other hand, it might be that not all the factors affecting bio- in forest height. Here we tested whether this hypothesis
mass–height relationship are really important for large-scale bio- could be applied to explain the geographic forest biomass
mass estimations. For instance, if biomass–height relationship patterns within a huge region in East Asia, using forest plots
differed only between some coarsely classified forest groups (e.g. well distributed across northeast China.
conifer vs. broadleaf, or deciduous vs. evergreen forests) at a large
scale, and did not differ significantly among forest types within 2. Materials and methods
these coarse-defined forest groups (e.g. Drake et al., 2002; Chen,
2010), then the efforts in classifying forest types from remote sens- 2.1. Study area and data
ing images could be greatly reduced (which should be conducted
regularly to monitor forest distribution). As a result, identify the The northeast part of China is defined here using the same def-
major factors modulating biomass–height relationship is especially inition as our previous study (Wang et al., 2008), i.e. including Hei-
important for monitoring forest biomass with LiDAR technologies longjiang, Jilin and Liaoning provinces, eastern Inner Mongolia
at the large to global scales. Autonomous Region, and northern Hebei province, covering an
In this study, we used 529 forest plots (either measured by us or area of ca. 1,600,000 km2. The topography, climate and forest veg-
complied from literatures) across northeast China to explore the etations of the study area have been described in Wang et al.
large-scale relationship between forest biomass and height. There (2008) and thus not detailed here.
are many data on field-observed biomass and tree height in litera- We constructed a database for forest biomass, which consist of
tures (e.g. Cannell, 1982; Fang et al., 2006; Wang et al., 2008). If 641 plots across northeast China. In Wang et al. (2008) there were
these data can be utilized to develop models for estimating bio- 515 plots, and 126 plots were appended into the database since
mass patterns from height, then a great amount of efforts in the then. Our database documented the following information for each
field investigation of forest biomass can be avoided. Consequently, plot: (1) stand biomass (total, above and belowground); (2) geo-
we also tested which kind of literature data could be utilized for graphic ordinations (latitude, longitude and altitude); (3) climate
this purpose. Specifically, we examined four questions as follows. variables, including mean annual and growing season (months
with mean temperature P5 °C) temperature and precipitation,
(1) What are the major factors regulating the large-scale bio- etc.; (4) forest structure parameters, including diameter at breast
mass–height relationship (see above)? height (DBH), forest height (or maximum tree height) and average
(2) Can belowground stand biomass be well predicted from for- tree height, stem density and stand volume, etc.; (5) forest type,
est height? Belowground biomass is a major source of uncer- dominant tree species, and forest origin (primary/secondary/
tainties in large-scale biomass estimation, and has long been planted forest). Most of the plots (475) were compiled from litera-
a great challenge (Cairns et al., 1997; Brown, 2002). Previous tures and thus some of the stand structure or biomass variables
studies have shown that forest biomass belowground are might be not available. Methods for data compilation, estimation
closely related with aboveground biomass (e.g. Mokany of climate variables have been reported in Wang et al. (2008)
et al., 2005; Wang et al., 2008), while aboveground biomass and thus not described here. Another 166 plots across all the major
is closely related to forest height (e.g. Dubayah and Drake, mountain ranges (Changbai Mountains, Zhangguangcai Mountains,
2000; Lefsky et al., 2002, 2005; Fang et al., 2006). Thus we Xiaoxing’an Mountains, Daxing’an Mountains and Yanshan–Tai-
hypothesized that biomass belowground may also be closely hang Mountains) and forest types in northeast China were sampled
related to forest height. If estimating belowground biomass by us using the method described in Wang et al. (2008) (in that
from forest height is possible, then the satellite-borne LiDAR analysis 85 plots were sampled by ourselves). In a few Chinese lit-
will provide an unprecedented opportunity for monitoring eratures, the average tree height of a plot is calculated as the tree
global forest carbon belowground. height corresponding to the geometric mean of DBH (estimated
(3) Can forest biomass be well estimated from average tree with DBH–height relationship of the plot) (e.g. Meng, 2006). How-
height? Forest height and maximum tree height are the ever, for the literatures where our biomass data came from, none of
most easy parameters that could be retrieved from LiDAR them have stated that the average heights were calculated in that
data (Drake et al., 2003; Lefsky, 2010; van Leeuwen and Nie- way. Because the arithmetic mean of tree height is a far more com-
uwenhuis, 2010; Simard et al., 2011). However, most litera- monly used statistic in ecological studies (e.g. Cannell, 1982; Fang
tures on filed-observed stand biomass reported only average et al., 2006), we assumed that all these literatures documented
X. Wang et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 293 (2013) 149–160 151

arithmetic means (if a different definition for average height was

used, the literature should have clarified it). As a result, we also cal-
culated the arithmetic means of tree height for the 166 plots sam-
pled by us.
Our database documented 230, 230 and 228 data pairs for the
relationships between forest height and total, above and below-
ground stand biomass, respectively. At the same time, the database
also included 312–338 records for the relationships between aver-
age tree height and mean biomass per stem (total, above and
belowground), 330–373 records for the relationships between
average tree height and stand biomass, and 429–448 records for
relationship between stock volume and stand biomass. These re-
cords (totally 529 plots) were directly used in the data analyses
in this study. For the basic information of the plots, see Appendix A.
These plots included all the major forest types in NE China
(Zhou, 1997; Wang et al., 2006b; 2008): (1) coniferous and broad-
leaf mixed (CBM) forest; (2) mixed deciduous broadleaf forest
(dominated by Quercus and Tilia spp., and mixed with Fraxinus
mandschurica, Juglans mandshurica and Acer ssp., etc.); (3) Larix for-
est (Larix gmelini and L. olgensis); (4) Picea and Abies forest (Picea
jezoensis, Abies nephrolepis and Picea koraiensis); (5) Pinus tabulae-
formis forest; (6) Populus and Betula forest (Populus davidiana, Bet-
ula platyphylla and B. ermanii). We also grouped these forest types
into two canopy types based on the life form of dominant species:
(1) deciduous forests, including mixed deciduous broadleaf forest,
Larix forest, and Populus and Betula forest; (2) evergreen forests,
including Picea and Abies forest, P. tabulaeformis forest, and CBM
forest. Note that though CBM forests are mixed with various decid-
uous broadleaf species (Quercus and Tilia spp., etc.), evergreen
coniferous species (e.g. P. koraiensis) are the dominant species in
the top canopy layer (Zhou, 1997; Wang et al., 2006a). As a result,
CBM forests showed similar biomass–height relationship as ever-
green needle-leaf forests (see Section 3), instead of deciduous for-
ests. Consequently, in this analysis CBM forests were grouped into
evergreen forests for simplicity in data analysis.
In Wang et al. (2008), we have shown that our data covered
most of the geographic and climatic gradients in the study area
(see also Appendix A here), and were well distributed across the
forest region of northeast China. In addition, for each forest type
the geographic ranges of our dataset were similar with its distribu-
tion ranges in the study area (Fig. 1 and Table 1 in Wang et al.
(2008)). As a result, these plots were good representations for for-
ests across northeast China and were well suited for exploring the
methods to estimate forest biomass at a large scale.

2.2. Statistic analyses

We used the power function to fit the relationships between

biomass and height, which is a widely accepted function used to Fig. 1. Relationships between stand biomass and forest height (a), between mean
stem biomass and average tree height (b), and between stand biomass and average
describe allometric relationships (e.g. West et al., 1999; Niklas
height (c) for forest plots across northeast China. Total, above and below: total,
and Enquist, 2001). The exponent function was also tried but ex- aboveground and belowground biomass, respectively. For R2s and sample sizes of
cluded from final analyses because the power function performed the relationships, see Table 1.
better in describing the relationships
log ðBÞ ¼ a þ b log ðHÞ ð1Þ
where B is stand biomass, V the stock volume, a and b are coeffi-
cients. BEF (=a + b/V) is defined as the ratio of stand biomass to
log ðMBÞ ¼ a þ b log ðHaÞ ð2Þ
stock volume (Fang et al., 2001).
To test these methods to estimate forest biomass from height or
log ðBÞ ¼ a þ b log ðHaÞ ð3Þ
volume, we randomly extracted ca. 15% of plots in each forest type
where B is sand biomass, MB is mean biomass per stem, H is forest from the 227 plots that have documented all of the following infor-
height, Ha is average tree height, and a and b are coefficients. mation: total, above and below ground biomass, forest height, aver-
The relationship between stand biomass and volume was fitted age tree height, stem density and stand volume. The resulting 37
with the biomass expansion factor (BEF) method (Fang et al., 2001; plots were used for model validation while other plots in the data-
Brown, 2002): set were used to construct models for estimating forest biomass.
B¼aþb V ð4Þ We first used the simple relationships between biomass and
height to compare the ability of three methods to predict forest
152 X. Wang et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 293 (2013) 149–160

Table 1
Three types of biomass–height relationships across northeast China and their abilities to predict stand biomass. (1) log (B) = a + b  log (H), the relationship between stand
biomass (B) and forest height (H). (2) log (MB) = a + b  log (Ha), the relationship between mean stem biomass (MB) and average tree height (Ha). (3) log (B) = a + b  log (Ha), the
relationship between stand biomass (B) and average tree height (Ha). For each model, we reported the coefficients (a and b), R2 and number of plots (n). Another 37 independent
plots were used to test these models. For each test, the R2, slope and intercept between predicted and observed stand biomass were reported. CI, the 95% confidential interval of
the slope or intercept. All regressions were significant at P < 0.05 except for the regression with a R2 of 0.07 (P = 0.12).

Biomass Model Predicted vs. observed stand biomass

Component a b R2 n Slope (CI) Intercept (CI) R2
log (B) = a + b  log (H)
Total 1.69 1.10 0.73 193 0.72 (0.61–0.84) 31.26 (11.38–51.14) 0.78
Aboveground 1.48 1.09 0.73 193 0.72 (0.60–0.85) 25.37 (8.70–42.05) 0.75
Belowground 0.11 1.10 0.67 191 0.59 (0.49–0.72) 9.4 (4.93–13.87) 0.68
log (MB) = a + b  log (Ha)
Total 7.47 2.10 0.78 301 0.72 (0.53–0.98) 13.43 (27.16–54.01) 0.17
Aboveground 7.53 2.03 0.74 298 0.71 (0.52–0.96) 12.32 (18.89–43.52) 0.17
Belowground 9.06 2.11 0.70 275 0.60 (0.44–0.84) 5.75 (2.70–14.20) 0.07
log (B) = a + b  log (Ha)
Total 1.42 1.36 0.66 336 0.71 (0.58–0.88) 8.89 (17.3–35.09) 0.62
Aboveground 1.50 1.23 0.61 316 0.65 (0.52–0.80) 14.95 (4.22–34.13) 0.60
Belowground 0.05 1.27 0.57 293 0.55 (0.44–0.69) 5.94 (1.03–10.84) 0.57

biomass: (1) estimating stand biomass with forest height using Eq. 3. Results
(1); (2) estimating mean biomass per stem with Eq. (2) from aver-
age tree height, and then stand biomass was calculated as mean 3.1. Three relationships between biomass and height
biomass  stem density; (3) estimating stand biomass directly
from average tree height using Eq. (3). Biomass was closely related to height in forests across northeast
To analyze the potential factors affecting biomass–height rela- China (Fig. 1). This was true for all the three types of relationships
tionship, we used general linear model (GLM) to explain log (bio- examined in this study. Forest height explained 73%, 73% and 67%
mass) with log (height) and several factors together: (1) climate of variations in total, aboveground and belowground stand bio-
(growing season temperature and precipitation, GST and GSP mass, respectively (Table 1), and average tree height also explained
respectively), (2) canopy-tree life form (evergreen vs. deciduous 78%, 74% and 70% of variations in mean stem biomass, respectively.
forest), (3) forest type (the six major forest types in northeast china The relationship between stand biomass and average tree height,
described above), and (4) forest origin (primary/secondary/planted though less strong compared with the other two relationships, also
forest). The interaction terms between log (height) and other explained 57–66% of variations in stand biomass.
explanatory variables were also included in GLMs to examine However, the three biomass–height relationships showed great
whether the regression slopes between log (biomass) and log differences in the ability to predict stand biomass (Table 1). The
(height) were affected by climate and forest groups (canopy-tree stand biomass vs. forest height models (Eq. (1)) predicted the bio-
life form, forest type and origin). mass of the validation plots with an R2 of 0.78, 0.75 and 0.68,
Sequential (type I) sums of squares (Schmid et al., 2002) were respectively for the total, aboveground and belowground compo-
used for analysis of variances (ANOVAs). The advantage of this nents. The slopes between predicted and observed biomass (0.72,
method is that we can examine the effect of a variable when the 0.72 and 0.59, respectively) were not satisfied. However, this prob-
effects of other variables have been accounted (Schmid et al., lem can be well resolved by including other factors influencing bio-
2002; Wang et al., 2009). Climatic variables (GST and GSP) were mass–height relationship into the models (see below). Thus this
entered into GLMs the first, so that the effects of differences among method was analyzed in details in the following sections.
forest groups were evaluated under a similar climatic condition. On the other hand, the mean stem biomass vs. average height
Canopy-tree life form had to be entered into GLMs before forest models (Eq. (2)) predicted stand biomass with an R2 of only 0.17,
type, because forest type had included the explanatory power of 0.17 and 0.07, respectively. Consequently this relationship was ex-
canopy-tree life form. Forest origin could not significantly explain cluded from a potential method for estimating stand biomass. For
variations in biomass data when entering GLMs before canopy-tree the stand biomass vs. average height models (Eq. (3)), the R2s be-
life form and forest type, and thus was entered into the model after tween predicted and observed biomass (0.66, 0.61 and 0.57,
forest type (forest origin only showed significant effects within for- respectively) was lower than the forest height method (Eq. (1)),
est types). while the regression slopes were similar (0.72, 0.71 and 0.60,
After the major factors affecting biomass–height relationship respectively). However, the problem of unsatisfied slopes could
were identified, we went further to obtain models to predict stand not be well fixed by including other variables into Eq. (3) (see
biomass from height with the least variables. We used the model below).
selection approach based on Akaike Information Criterion (AIC),
to drop unnecessary variables (Johnson and Omland, 2004).
To validate the resulting models for estimating forest biomass, 3.2. Factors regulating the relationship between forest biomass and
we calculated predicted biomass for the 37 remaining plots with height
each model. Predicted values were fitted against observed biomass
to obtain the regression R2, the 95% confidential intervals (CIs) for The ratio of stand biomass to forest height (B/H ratio hereafter)
regression slope and interception. If the R2 was high enough, and was roughly similar for our plots across northeast China (Fig. 2a).
the 95% CI for slope and interception enclosed 1 and 0, respectively, This is not only true for total stand biomass, but also for biomass
then the model was judged as acceptable (e.g. Wang and Fang, above and below ground. This suggested that the biomass per unit
2012). of forest space was similar for closed-canopy forests (Fang et al.,
X. Wang et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 293 (2013) 149–160 153

Fig. 2. Ratio of stand biomass to forest height (B/H ratio) for plots across northeast China. (a) B/H ratio plotted against forest height. (b–d): comparison of B/H ratio among six
forest types, respectively for total (b), aboveground (c) and belowground biomass (d). Forest types that shared a same letter did not showed significant difference at P < 0.05.
CBM, coniferous–broadleaf mixed forest, MDB, mixed deciduous broadleaf forest, La, Larix forest, PA, Picea and Abies forest, Pt, Pinus tabulaeformis forest, PB, Populus and Betula
forest. DB, La and PB are deciduous forest while others were classified as evergreen forest (see Section 2). B/H ratio data were highly skewed and thus were log-transformed
prior to analyses.

2006) and thus supported the hypothesis that forest biomass pat- evergreen and deciduous forests (Fig. 3). Taking together, the GLMs
terns were roughly shaped by forest height at a large scale. confirmed the results of Fig. 2, and further suggested that canopy-
Fig. 2 revealed that, B/H ratios generally did not differed signif- tree life form is the major factor regulating biomass–height rela-
icantly among deciduous forests, including mixed deciduous tionships, while climate, forest type and forest origin played a weak
broadleaf forest, Larix forest and Populus and Betula forest. At the role.
same time, the ratios also did not differed among evergreen nee-
dle-leaf forests, including Picea and Abies forest, P. tabulaeformis 3.3. Models for estimation stand biomass
forest and coniferous–broadleaf mixed forest. However, B/H ratios
showed significant differences between deciduous and evergreen When the full models in Table 2 were submitted for model
forests, and suggested that canopy-tree life form (evergreen vs. selection based on AIC, the final model included forest height, cli-
deciduous forest) was an important factor affecting the relation- mate, forest type and forest origin, and some interaction terms
ships between stand biomass and forest height. (Appendix B, abbreviated as GLM1 hereafter). These models pre-
The GLMs analyses showed that (Table 2), climate (GST and dicted the total, above and belowground biomass for the validation
GSP), canopy-tree life form (CLF) and forest origin (FO) had signifi- plots with an R2 of 0.91, 0.89 and 0.78, respectively (Table 3).
cant power in explaining forest biomass in addition to forest height. Importantly, all the slopes between predicted and observed values
However, forest type could not significantly explain the variations were not significantly different from 1 (see the 95% confidential
within deciduous (or evergreen) forest for total and aboveground intervals), while the intercepts were also not significantly different
biomass (P < 0.05 level). Canopy-tree life form explained 6.3%, from 0. This suggested that the empirical data were predicted
5.8% and 8.5% (total, above and below ground, respectively) of vari- (Fig. 4).
ations in forest biomass, which was by far higher than that of cli- Canopy-tree life form was excluded from GLM1 (Appendix B) by
mate, forest type and forest origin (at most 2.6%). In all the the model selection algorithm. However, this was because the
interaction terms between forest height and other factors, the inter- explanatory power of forest type has included that of canopy-tree
action between forest height and canopy-tree life form was the only life form, and clearly did not mean that canopy-tree life form was
term that showed significant effect. This suggested that the slopes not important (see Table 2). To obtain the most parsimonious mod-
of biomass–height relationships differed significantly between els, we excluded forest type from the full model and re-run the
154 X. Wang et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 293 (2013) 149–160

Table 2
Summary of general linear models for the effects of forest height (H), climate (growing season temperature and precipitation, GST and GSP respectively), canopy-tree life form
(CLF), forest type (FT), and forest origin (FO) on forest biomass (log-transformed) across northeast China. df, degree of freedom; MS, mean square; %SS, percentage of sum of
squares explained.

df MS P %SS df MS P %SS df MS P %SS

Total biomass Aboveground biomass Belowground biomass
log (H) 1 54.52 0.000 73.30 1 54.08 0.000 73.11 1 54.43 0.000 67.36
GST 1 0.32 0.027 0.43 1 0.27 0.045 0.37 1 0.45 0.018 0.56
GSP 1 1.11 0.000 1.50 1 1.57 0.000 2.13 1 0.71 0.003 0.88
CLF 1 4.66 0.000 6.26 1 4.32 0.000 5.84 1 6.83 0.000 8.45
FT 4 0.14 0.068 0.77 4 0.14 0.076 0.78 4 0.29 0.006 1.44
FO 2 0.53 0.000 1.43 2 0.33 0.008 0.90 2 1.03 0.000 2.55
log (H):GST 1 0.03 0.476 0.04 1 0.07 0.324 0.09 1 0.02 0.630 0.02
log (H):GSP 1 0.11 0.193 0.15 1 0.04 0.437 0.05 1 0.29 0.056 0.36
log (H):CLF 1 0.78 0.001 1.04 1 0.62 0.003 0.84 1 1.10 0.000 1.36
log (H):FT 4 0.02 0.831 0.13 4 0.03 0.788 0.15 4 0.05 0.617 0.26
log (H):FO 2 0.02 0.789 0.04 2 0.04 0.533 0.11 2 0.05 0.533 0.12
Residuals 173 0.06 14.91 173 0.07 15.63 171 0.08 16.62

model selection. The final models included only forest height, cli-
mate and canopy-tree life form for total and aboveground biomass,
but forest origin was retained in the model for belowground bio-
mass (Table 4, named as GLM2 hereafter). These models predicted
total, above and belowground biomass with an R2 of 0.86, 0.84 and
0.74, respectively (Table 3), and all the slopes and intercepts be-
tween predicted and observed values were also not significantly
different from 1 and 0, respectively. Thus the forest biomass were
still well predicted by GLM2 (Fig. 4), despite the fact that GLM2 in-
volved much less model parameters compared with GLM1 (Table 4
and Appendix B).
For comparison with these two models based on forest height,
we developed the relationship between stand biomass and volume
(Eq. (4)) for each forest type (Table 5). These equations predicted
total, above and belowground biomass with an R2 of 0.98, 0.98
and 0.72, respectively (Table 3). And the slopes and intercepts be-
tween predicted and observed values also had 95% confidential
intervals that included (or nearly included) 1 and 0, respectively
(Table 3 and Fig. 4).
To show that forest biomass could not be estimated from aver-
age tree height, we also constructed the GLM models for the two
methods based on average height (Eqs. (2) and (3)). Similarly, the
variables retained in the final models were also selected based
on AIC (Appendix C). The models based on the relationship be-
tween stand biomass and average tree height (GLM3 hereafter)
was not able to predict forest biomass accurately (Table 3), despite
the fact that GLM3 explained 77–82% of variations in stand bio-
mass (Appendix C). The R2s between predicted and observed values
ranged between 0.74 and 0.79 (which was not so bad), while the
regression slopes were only 0.66–0.80. Because the 95% confiden-
tial intervals for the slopes were clearly lower than 1, which sug-
gested a significant underestimation of stand biomass, this
method was not acceptable.
As for the models based on the relationship between mean stem
biomass and average tree height (GLM4, Appendix C), none of the
R2s (0.29–0.47) and slopes (0.57–0.67) between predicted and ob-
served values showed that this method was acceptable as a meth-
od for biomass estimation (Table 3).

4. Discussion

4.1. Stand biomass cannot be estimated from average tree height

Fig. 3. Relationships between stand biomass and forest height for deciduous (D) In this analysis, we examined three types of biomass–height
and evergreen (E) forests in northeast China. Deciduous forest included deciduous relationships for forest plots across northeast China (Fig. 1). We
broadleaf forest and deciduous needle-leaf forest, while evergreen forest included showed that forest biomass could not be predicted with the two
evergreen needle-leaf forest and coniferous–broadleaf mixed forest. methods based on average tree height (Table 3). It is well known
X. Wang et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 293 (2013) 149–160 155

Table 3
Testing five methods for estimating forest biomass across northeast China, using 37 plots remained for model validation. GLM1 and GLM2, predicting biomass based on the
relationships between stand biomass and forest height (B–H) using the GLMs in Appendix B and Table 4, respectively. BEF, estimating biomass from stand volume using the
equations in Table 5. GLM3, using the GLMs based on the relationships between stand biomass and average tree height (B–Ha) (Appendix C). GLM4, using the GLMs based on the
relationships between mean stem biomass and average height (MB–Ha) (Appendix C). For each test, the R2, slope and intercept between predicted and observed values were
reported. The slopes and intercepts were boldfaced, if the 95% confidential intervals (CIs) of slope included 1 and the intercept CI also included 0.

Biomass Predicted vs. observed stand biomass Predicted vs. observed stand biomass
Component Slope (CI) Intercept (CI) R2 Slope (CI) Intercept (CI) R2
GLM1 (B–H, Appendix B) GLM2 (B–H, Table 4)
Total 1.01 (0.91–1.12) 2.41 (15.56–20.39) 0.91 0.98 (0.86–1.12) 2.94 (18.96–24.84) 0.86
Aboveground 0.96 (0.86–1.08) 6.82 (7.79–21.43) 0.89 0.94 (0.81–1.07) 7.38 (9.97–24.74) 0.84
Belowground 0.98 (0.83–1.15) 1.50 (4.67–7.67) 0.78 1.02 (0.86–1.21) 0.17 (7.15–6.82) 0.74
BEF (Table 5) GLM3 (B–Ha, Appendix C)
Total 0.97 (0.92–1.02) 7.51 (1.23–16.25) 0.98 0.80 (0.68–0.93) 17.79 (3.96–39.55) 0.79
Aboveground 0.93 (0.88–0.99) 8.53 (1.70–15.36) 0.98 0.77 (0.65–0.92) 16.19 (1.96–34.34) 0.74
Belowground 0.99 (0.83–1.18) 2.26 (4.72–9.23) 0.72 0.66 (0.55–0.77) 7.29 (3.02–11.56) 0.76
GLM4 (MB–Ha, Appendix C)
Total 0.67 (0.52–0.86) 34.74 (5.16–64.32) 0.45
Aboveground 0.63 (0.50–0.81) 30.14 (8.42–51.86) 0.47
Belowground 0.57 (0.43–0.76) 10.19 (3.5–16.89) 0.29

that the individual tree biomass and height data of forest plots are Fang et al. (2006) proposed a hypothesis that the aboveground
commonly highly skewed, and thus arithmetic mean was not an biomass per forest space (i.e. the ratio of aboveground biomass to
appropriate statistic for both of them (e.g. Chen et al., 1986; Zhu, forest height) was similar for closed-canopy forests, and thus, at a
2005; Meng, 2006). Consequently, it is not surprising that stand large scale the aboveground biomass per area could be roughly ex-
biomass could not be well estimated from average tree height (Ta- plained by differences in forest height. Our results extended this
ble 3), even when the effects of climate, forest type and forest ori- hypothesis in that:
gins were all included into the models (Appendix C).
Unfortunately, most of the previous literatures on field-ob- (1) We showed that the ratio of belowground biomass to forest
served forest biomass reported average tree height instead of for- height is also roughly similar across northeast China
est height (or maximum tree height). For instance, our database (Fig. 2a), which is not surprising because belowground bio-
included 641 plots for biomass observations, in which only 231 mass showed close allometric relationship with above-
plots have documented forest height. Further, most (1 6 6) of these ground biomass (e.g. Cairns et al., 1997; Mokany et al.,
231 plots were sampled by us and another 52 plots came from Ma 2005; Wang et al., 2008).
(1988). That is, the other 423 biomass records that were compiled (2) While climate, forest type and forest origins showed weak
from literatures documented forest height for only 13 plots. In influences on the relationship between stand biomass and
comparison, these literatures documented averaged tree height forest height (Table 2), canopy-tree life form is an important
for 150 plots and stand volume for 251 plots. The lack of forest factor modulating this relationship (Figs. 2 and 3). Conse-
height information in biomass literatures is actually a widespread quently, it is more appropriate for the hypothesis to state
phenomenon. For another example, in the famous dataset of Can- that ‘‘the ratio of stand biomass to forest height is roughly
nell (1982), which compiled field-observed biomass data for plots similar within the deciduous or evergreen forests’’. Because
across the world, most plots documented average height rather our dataset did not included evergreen broadleaf forests
than forest height. However, our results showed that average tree (which are distributed in central and south China), this
height actually had no practical use for the estimation of forest bio- hypothesis needs further tests before drawing a conclusion.
mass (Table 3). Consequently, though there are abundant data on However, Drake et al. (2003) found that canopy deciduous-
forest biomass in the literatures, most of them cannot be utilized ness is the major contributor affecting the relationship
to construct models for estimating spatial biomass patterns with between aboveground biomass and LiDAR derived metrics
forest height. As a result, we strongly suggest future studies on of height in tropical forests. These similar findings in both
field-observed biomass to report forest height (which is easy to temperate (this analysis) and tropical (Drake et al., 2003)
measure) in order to avoid unnecessary repeating investigations forests also support our hypothesis. Previous studies that
of stand biomass (which are time and efforts consuming). estimate forest parameters with LiDAR have noticed the
importance of discriminating coniferous and broadleaf for-
ests, however, in many analyses the coniferous forests were
4.2. Why can stand biomass be estimated from forest height? evergreen ones while the broadleaf forests were deciduous
ones (see van Leeuwen and Nieuwenhuis, 2010). Our results
Our results showed that stand biomass could be well predicted showed that deciduous broadleaf and deciduous coniferous
with models based on forest height (Table 3 and Fig. 4), consistent forests did not differ in B/H ratios (Fig. 2), thus it may be that
with previous studies which found that forest biomass could be the differences between coniferous and broadleaf forests
estimated with LiDAR retrieved forest height satisfactorily (e.g. found by previous studies actually reflect the effect of can-
Dubayah and Drake, 2000; Hurtt et al., 2004; Lefsky et al., 2005; opy-tree life form (see also Chen, 2010).
van Leeuwen and Nieuwenhuis, 2010). These findings raised an (3) In Fang et al. (2006), the data outside China came from Can-
interesting question: why the biomass of various forest communi- nell (1982). Because of the limited forest height data in Can-
ties (which had complicate and different structures) was so nell’s dataset, in Fang et al. (2006) we had to analyze the
strongly shaped by a simple variable (note that forest height alone relationship between stand biomass and average tree height,
explained 67–73% of variations in stand biomass, see Table 1)? and thus got a ratio of aboveground biomass to average tree
156 X. Wang et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 293 (2013) 149–160

of the world. If this is true, then this hypothesis may provide

a sound biological basis for estimating forest biomass pat-
terns from satellite LiDAR data.

However, these results clearly do not mean that forest height

alone can estimate forest biomass accurately. First, currently there
are still many uncertainties in the forest height estimates from Li-
DAR, especially in regions with steep and complicate topography
or at the large scales (e.g. Lefsky, 2010; Simard et al., 2011; Los
et al., 2012). Second, the relationships between forest biomass
and height were significantly affected by abiotic ad biotic factors
(Table 2). Consistent with biomass estimation studies using LiDAR
retrieved height (e.g. Drake et al., 2003; van Leeuwen and Nie-
uwenhuis, 2010), our results also showed that considering these
effects is necessary to increase the accuracy of biomass estimation
(comparing Tables 1 and 3).

4.3. The models for estimating forest biomass from forest height

In this analysis, we compared several methods for estimating

forest biomass (Table 3). Our results confirm previous findings that
the BEF method (predicting biomass from stock volume) (e.g. Fang
et al., 2001; Brown, 2002) is the most accurate method for the esti-
mation of plot-level biomass (Table 3 and Fig. 4). However, the R2
between predicted and observed biomass for GLM1 and GLM2
(based on forest height) was only slightly lower than the BEF meth-
od (0.74–0.91 vs. 0.72–0.98). Considering that the great efforts in
measuring stock volume for large number of field plots (required
by the BEF method) could be avoid by LiDAR technology in large-
scale biomass estimations, the slightly lower predictive accuracy
of the forest height models (e.g. GLM2) is acceptable. Further, it
should be noted that there are also many uncertainties in the re-
gional- or country-level forest inventory data on stock volume.
For instance, many uncertainties may be introduced during the
procedure of scaling up stock volume from plot to regional scales
(see e.g. The forestry administration of China, 2003). Thus it may
be that, at a large scale, forest biomass estimated based on the
BEF method is actually not better than the method based on forest
height (if the LiDAR derived forest heights are accurate enough).
Our results showed that forest biomass patterns could not be
accurately predicted with forest height alone (Table 1), and the dif-
ferences among forest groups should be considered (Table 3). This
means that monitoring forest distributions is necessary for moni-
toring biomass patterns with LiDAR. While monitoring the detailed
distributions for each forest type with remote sensing images can
be a great task at the large scale, a simple classification of ever-
Fig. 4. Predicted stand biomass plotted to observed values for three of the methods
green vs. deciduous forests is much easier. Comparing GLM1 and
examined in this study (the diagonal is the 1:1 line). Both the GLM1 and GLM2 GLM2, the predictive accuracy was only slightly lower for GLM2
methods estimated stand biomass from forest height, but the former used the (Table 3), which was natural because GLM2 included remarkably
general linear models (GLMs) based on forest types in Appendix B, while the GLM2 less model parameters (Table 4 and Appendix B). However, GLM2
method used the GLMs based on canopy-tree life form in Table 4. For comparison
would involve much less efforts during the monitoring of forest
with these two methods, we also estimated biomass from stand volume (BEF) using
the equations in Table 5. The forest plots used here were remained for model distributions. Consequently, we suggest that a more parsimonious
validations (see Section 2) and were independent of the procedure of model model (e.g. GLM2) may be more useful in the practical works of
coefficients estimation. For R2s, slopes and intercepts between predicted and forest biomass monitoring. Similar as our results, a recent analysis
observed stand biomass, see Table 3. on retrieving forest height from LiDAR also suggest that only the
differences between woodlands (deciduous) vs. conifer (evergreen)
forests need to be considered, while the differences among com-
munity types within woodlands or conifer forests could be omitted
height of ca. 1.0 kg m3 (0.93–1.05). Using the dataset in this (Chen, 2010). In another study in tropical forests, Drake et al.
study, we obtained a ratio of aboveground biomass to forest (2002) also showed that a single relationship between above-
height of 0.63 kg m3 (SD = 0.16) for deciduous forests, and ground biomass and LiDAR data could well predict the plot bio-
0.86 kg m3 (SD = 0.27) for evergreen forests. Considering mass for primary, secondary and agroforestry forests, suggesting
that forest biomass cannot be predicted from average tree that the differences among forest origins could be omitted. This
height (Table 3), we suggest that the ratios reported here is consistent with our results that forest origin was excluded from
may be more appropriate. We also advocate future studies the GLM2 for aboveground biomass (Table 4). Taking together,
to examine whether these ratios are similar in other regions these evidences support our hypothesis that biomass–height
X. Wang et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 293 (2013) 149–160 157

Table 4
General linear models for predicting stand biomass (log-transformed) with forest height (H), growing season temperature and precipitation (GST and GSP, respectively), canopy-
tree life form (CLF), and forest origin (FO). CLF included two categories: deciduous forest and evergreen needle-leaf forest (E). FO included three categories: primary (Prim),
secondary (Sec) and planted forest. Unnecessary explanatory terms were dropped based on AIC. SE, standard error.

Estimate SE P Estimate SE P Estimate SE P

Total biomass Aboveground biomass Belowground biomass
(Intercept) 2.46 0.64 0.000 (Intercept) 1.04 0.28 0.000 (Intercept) 0.83 1.25 0.508
log (H) 0.64 0.22 0.004 log (H) 1.05 0.09 0.000 log (H) 1.19 0.45 0.009
GST 0.02 0.01 0.016 GST 0.01 0.01 0.063 GST 0.20 0.07 0.004
GSP 0.00 0.00 0.094 GSP 0.00 0.00 0.015 GSP 0.00 0.00 0.017
CLF_E 0.35 0.28 0.207 CLF_E 0.14 0.28 0.615 CLF_E 0.87 0.36 0.018
log (H):GSP 0.00 0.00 0.059 log (H):CLF_E 0.16 0.10 0.095 FO_Prim 0.15 0.10 0.112
log (H):CLF_E 0.24 0.10 0.015 FO_Sec 0.02 0.07 0.791
log (H):GST 0.06 0.02 0.021
log (H):GSP 0.00 0.00 0.021
log (H):CLF_E 0.44 0.12 0.000
R2 = 0.82, adjusted R2 = 0.82 R2 = 0.82, adjusted R2 = 0.81 R2 = 0.81, adjusted R2 = 0.80

Table 5
Relationship between stand biomass and stock volume for each forest type in northeast China (B = a + bV, where B is biomass, V is stand volume, and a and b are coefficients).
Abbreviations: n, sample size, CBM, coniferous–broadleaf mixed forest, MDB, mixed deciduous broadleaf forest, La, Larix forest, PA, Picea and Abies forest, Pt, Pinus tabulaeformis
forest, PB, Populus and Betula forest.

a b R2 n a b R2 n a b R2 n
Total biomass Aboveground Belowground
CBM 13.16 0.58 0.92 79 18.70 0.41 0.82 74 6.65 0.17 0.87 73
MDB 35.55 0.62 0.82 76 21.89 0.53 0.80 77 13.07 0.09 0.72 74
La 26.81 0.55 0.93 73 16.10 0.45 0.91 75 9.66 0.10 0.58 71
PA 28.89 0.53 0.94 38 27.76 0.40 0.94 37 0.74 0.14 0.82 35
Pt 8.81 0.78 0.98 62 6.90 0.63 0.97 64 0.42 0.17 0.95 61
PB 28.54 0.64 0.84 82 20.66 0.50 0.83 84 7.56 0.14 0.52 78

relationship may be similar for various forest types within decidu- models, forest origin was retained in the GLM2 for belowground
ous (or evergreen) forests, and thus different deciduous (or ever- biomass (Table 4). This is consistent with previous findings that
green) forests can be grouped to estimate aboveground biomass natural and planted forests showed significant differences in the
from LiDAR data. above vs. below ground allocation of biomass (Mokany et al.,
In contrast to biomass aboveground, great uncertainty still ex- 2005; Wang et al., 2008). Thus the distribution map of planted for-
ists in estimating both the magnitude and spatial distribution of ests may still be needed for an accurate mapping of belowground
belowground biomass (Brown, 2002), and some studies suggested patterns.
that the worldwide belowground biomass have been markedly
underestimated by traditional root: shoot biomass ratios (R/S ratio)
(e.g. Cairns et al., 1997; Mokany et al., 2005). In a previous study,
we showed that the belowground forest biomass across northeast
This work was supported by the Special Research Program for
China could be predicted from aboveground biomass with an R2 of
Public-welfare of the State Forestry Administration of China
0.71 through improved R/S ratios (Wang et al., 2008). Interestingly, (#200804001), the Research Fund of the Beijing Municipal Com-
the GLM2 reported here actually showed better predictive accu-
mission of Education for development of Key Laboratory for Silvi-
racy (R2 = 0.74) than the improved R/S ratio method in that analysis culture and Conservation, the Research Funds for Doctoral
(and also avoid the great efforts to investigate aboveground bio-
Education in Universities (#20090014120002) of China, the Project
mass!). Consequently, our results strongly support the LiDAR tech-
for subject development and graduate student education of Beijing
nology as a promising approach to monitor global forest biomass
(for Ecology in BJFU, 2009), and CFERN&GENE Award Funds on Eco-
belowground. Different from the total and aboveground biomass
logical Paper.

Appendix A

Basic information for plots used in this study. Abbreviations: Da, average diameter at breast height; Ha, mean tree height; Hm, maxi-
mum tree height; CBM, coniferous–broadleaf mixed forest; MDB, mixed deciduous broadleaf forest; La, Larix forest; PA, Picea and Abies for-
est; Pt, Pinus tabulaeformis forest; PB, Populus and Betula forest.

Forest type Geographic location Stand characteristics

Latitude Longitude Altitude Age Density (stem/ Da Ha Hm Volume (m3/
(°N) (°E) (m) (Year) ha) (cm) (m) (m) ha)
CBM Mean 43.4 125.9 622 61 1925 16.1 12.5 22.8 255.2
Max 50.7 133.5 2550 238 7052 37.4 27.0 34.8 714.9
Min 39.9 115.0 200 10 200 2.6 2.9 11.1 8.1

(continued on next page)

158 X. Wang et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 293 (2013) 149–160

Appendix A (continued)
Forest type Geographic location Stand characteristics
Latitude Longitude Altitude Age Density (stem/ Da Ha Hm Volume (m3/
(°N) (°E) (m) (Year) ha) (cm) (m) (m) ha)

MDB Mean 42.3 122.3 587 52 1532 13.2 9.6 16.1 125.2
Max 51.7 134.0 1652 157 8326 22.2 21.0 32.0 385.0
Min 39.9 115.4 177 9 226 3.3 2.7 8.0 22.1

La Mean 48.5 123.5 853 75 2101 16.6 14.1 22.8 193.1

Max 52.7 131.8 2650 195 15,782 37.8 26.3 34.3 648.3
Min 39.9 115.0 300 5 213 4.7 5.4 13.0 53.4

PA Mean 45.2 126.7 995 56 1779 13.9 9.2 24.7 269.3

Max 52.6 131.8 2250 170 4225 23.6 15.9 34.1 609.8
Min 39.9 115.0 280 10 631 0.8 0.8 18.0 0.2

Pt Mean 41.6 120.0 644 32 2015 13.1 9.4 11.4 121.6

Max 42.7 129.5 1800 95 5137 26.9 18.8 21.3 455.8
Min 39.8 111.0 190 18 517 5.6 3.3 4.1 18.2

PB Mean 44.6 124.2 816 36 1495 13.7 11.7 19.5 161.2

Max 52.5 134.0 2350 89 7320 20.0 19.5 32.6 333.9
Min 39.8 111.0 145 8 184 6.3 5.4 9.4 38.9

Overall Mean 44.2 123.6 738 50 1797 14.4 11.2 18.0 181.1
Max 52.7 134.0 2650 238 15,782 37.8 27.0 34.8 714.9
Min 39.8 111.0 145 5 184 0.8 0.8 4.1 0.2

Appendix B

General linear models for predicting stand biomass (log transformed) with forest height (H), growing season temperature and precip-
itation (GST and GSP, respectively), forest type (FT), and forest origin (FO) in northeast China (i.e. GLM1 in main text and Table 3). FT in-
cluded six forest types: coniferous–broadleaf mixed forest, mixed deciduous broadleaf forest (MDB), Larix forest (La), Picea and Abies forest
(PA), Pinus tabulaeformis forest (Pt), and Populus and Betula forest (PB). FO included three categories: primary (Prim), secondary (Sec) and
planted forest. Unnecessary explanatory terms were dropped based on AIC. SE, standard error.

Estimate SE P Estimate SE P Estimate SE P

Total biomass Aboveground Biomass Belowground Biomass
(Intercept) 1.44 0.96 0.134 1.51 0.97 0.119 0.37 1.06 0.731
log (H) 0.94 0.35 0.008 0.82 0.35 0.020 1.09 0.39 0.006
GST 0.03 0.01 0.035 0.03 0.02 0.028 0.03 0.02 0.130
GSP 0.00 0.00 0.116 0.00 0.00 0.179 0.00 0.00 0.095
FT_MDB 1.15 0.70 0.103 0.50 0.73 0.493 2.23 0.79 0.005
FT_La 0.68 0.72 0.342 0.39 0.73 0.597 0.57 0.81 0.482
FT_PA 0.82 1.06 0.440 0.64 1.09 0.557 0.13 1.19 0.913
FT_Pt 0.40 0.61 0.509 -0.13 0.64 0.844 1.08 0.69 0.121
FT_PB 1.14 0.73 0.122 0.70 0.76 0.360 1.47 0.83 0.077
FO_Prim 0.19 0.11 0.070 0.18 0.11 0.103 0.23 0.12 0.051
FO_Sec 0.16 0.07 0.028 0.15 0.07 0.037 0.18 0.08 0.027
log (H):GSP 0.00 0.00 0.066 0.00 0.00 0.093 0.00 0.00 0.076
log (H):FT_MDB 0.49 0.24 0.043 0.28 0.25 0.254 0.84 0.27 0.002
log (H):FT_La 0.29 0.24 0.217 0.19 0.24 0.420 0.28 0.26 0.287
log (H):FT_PA 0.28 0.34 0.413 0.23 0.35 0.510 0.04 0.38 0.905
log (H):FT_Pt 0.01 0.22 0.959 0.16 0.22 0.471 0.26 0.24 0.294
log (H):FT_PB 0.47 0.25 0.059 0.32 0.26 0.215 0.65 0.28 0.022

R2 = 0.85, adjusted R2 = 0.84 R2 = 0.84, adjusted R2 = 0.83 R2 = 0.83, adjusted R2 = 0.82

X. Wang et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 293 (2013) 149–160 159

Appendix C

General linear models for explaining log-transformed stand biomass (GLM3) or mean biomass per stem (GLM4) with average tree height
(Ha), climate, forest type and forest origin. All other abbreviations were same as Appendix B.

GLM3 Estimate SE P Estimate SE P Estimate SE P

Total biomass Aboveground biomass Belowground biomass
(Intercept) 3.02 0.63 0.000 3.00 0.65 0.000 0.02 0.68 0.975
log (Ha) 0.59 0.27 0.029 0.39 0.28 0.166 0.99 0.29 0.001
GST 0.02 0.02 0.129 0.03 0.02 0.098
GSP 0.00 0.00 0.007 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.034
FT_MDB 0.96 0.44 0.032 0.99 0.48 0.039 0.14 0.51 0.787
FT_La 0.14 0.48 0.767 0.31 0.49 0.524 0.42 0.51 0.410
FT_PA 1.77 0.33 0.000 0.96 0.41 0.021 1.09 0.43 0.011
FT_Pt 0.34 0.36 0.345 0.16 0.42 0.709 0.65 0.43 0.133
FT_PB 0.37 0.52 0.486 0.35 0.61 0.567 0.30 0.65 0.645
FO_Prim 1.43 0.50 0.005 2.28 0.55 0.000 2.00 0.57 0.001
FO_Sec 1.43 0.38 0.000 1.75 0.40 0.000 2.41 0.42 0.000
log (Ha):GSP 0.00 0.00 0.002 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.026
log (Ha):FT_MDB 0.38 0.19 0.051 0.37 0.20 0.069 0.10 0.22 0.647
log (Ha):FT_La 0.10 0.19 0.603 0.01 0.19 0.959 0.28 0.20 0.175
log (Ha):FT_PA 0.83 0.15 0.000 0.50 0.18 0.006 0.61 0.18 0.001
log (Ha):FT_Pt 0.19 0.16 0.243 0.10 0.18 0.566 0.16 0.19 0.404
log (Ha):FT_PB 0.01 0.22 0.967 0.03 0.25 0.916 0.01 0.27 0.975
log (Ha):FO_Prim 0.38 0.19 0.048 0.74 0.21 0.000 0.52 0.22 0.017
log (Ha):FO_Sec 0.47 0.16 0.004 0.62 0.17 0.000292 0.82 0.18 0.000

R2 = 0.82, adjusted R2 = 0.81 R2 = 0.77, adjusted R2 = 0.75 R2 = 0.79, adjusted R2 = 0.78

GLM4 Mean total biomass Mean aboveground biomass Mean belowground biomass
(Intercept) 8.48 0.37 0.000 8.45 0.95 0.000 11.317 0.416 0.000
log (Ha) 2.19 0.07 0.000 2.09 0.41 0.000 2.429 0.097 0.000
GST 0.03 0.02 0.123 0.04 0.02 0.050 0.077 0.021 0.000
GSP 0.00 0.00 0.106 0.000 0.000 0.128
FT_MDB 0.22 0.11 0.054 0.92 0.74 0.214 0.384 0.115 0.001
FT_La 0.35 0.10 0.001 0.14 0.65 0.830 0.242 0.108 0.025
FT_PA 0.11 0.11 0.346 0.89 0.57 0.115 0.330 0.124 0.008
FT_Pt 0.25 0.10 0.012 0.77 0.57 0.179 0.466 0.102 0.000
FT_PB 0.13 0.12 0.271 1.03 0.88 0.246 0.130 0.124 0.295
FO_Prim 1.28 0.60 0.034 2.10 0.77 0.006 2.147 0.623 0.001
FO_Sec 2.09 0.35 0.000 2.09 0.66 0.002 3.127 0.377 0.000
log (Ha):GSP 0.00 0.00 0.153
log (Ha):FT_MDB 0.32 0.31 0.312
log (Ha):FT_La 0.08 0.26 0.751
log (Ha):FT_PA 0.28 0.24 0.257
log (Ha):FT_Pt 0.24 0.25 0.327
log (Ha):FT_PB 0.48 0.37 0.196
log (Ha):FO_Prim 0.18 0.22 0.419 0.55 0.29 0.059 0.416 0.229 0.071
log (Ha):FO_Sec 0.72 0.15 0.000 0.74 0.28 0.009 1.058 0.161 0.000

R2 = 0.85, adjusted R2 = 0.85 R2 = 0.82, adjusted R2 = 0.81 R2 = 0.85, adjusted R2 = 0.84

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